Author Topic: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.  (Read 31651 times)


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #75 on: October 06, 2005, 10:44:00 am »
yeah that box is gone

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #76 on: October 06, 2005, 10:49:00 am »
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  yeah that box is gone
Which I didn't realize until I went to check the exact words when you asked. Perhaps they've changed their review scale?

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #77 on: October 06, 2005, 10:52:00 am »
point taken... but the music reviews aren't broken out like the movie reviews are...  
 maybe what we need is a site, so that go through the scores and toss out anomolies.
 i.e. there are only two reviews above 90 forDCFC, toss them and the score dips below 60.
 also a weighting system could be assigned to each review, based on whether on not publication has reviewed that artist before.


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #78 on: October 06, 2005, 10:57:00 am »
Originally posted by [username edited by p.c. moderator]:
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  yeah that box is gone
Which I didn't realize until I went to check the exact words when you asked. Perhaps they've changed their review scale? [/b]
i don't know. i don't really pay attention to the little scale thing (if its like a 10 or a 0 or something maybe), but i went to check too. was always kind of an assumption on my part


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #79 on: October 06, 2005, 11:01:00 am »
Originally posted by [username edited by p.c. moderator]:
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  yeah that box is gone
Which I didn't realize until I went to check the exact words when you asked. Perhaps they've changed their review scale? [/b]
ratings key
 10.0: A reissue from the late '70s / early '80s that no one could get away with dissing you for owning (even if they WERE sick of it 4 years ago)
 9.5-9.9: Flaming Lips, White Stripes and Radiohead -- ALL JAMMING TOGETHER!
 9.0-9.4: You must post your love for this record on EVERY message board on earth
 8.5-8.9: Inspirational, maybe even to the point of motivating you to move out of your parents' basement
 8.0-8.4: Worth leaving your dorm room to buy (remember to bring sunglasses, natural feels way different than fluorescent)
 7.5-7.9: Try to review a record of this caliber without saying 'hipster' or 'tousled hair', I dare you
 7.0-7.4: Worth downloading (Reminder: finish term paper on the effects of file sharing on the music industry)
 6.0-6.9: Maybe we should put together a book of all our reviews because they're way too hard to find on our website. Paper is the new internet!
 5.0-5.9: Burn a copy from the radio station where your lab partner works
 4.0-4.9: Something we liked last year, but SO isn't this year
 3.0-3.9: A Sub Pop release from the mid to late '90s (BURNED!)
 2.0-2.9: Tribute album
 1.0-1.9: I got kicked out of a band that sounded like this
 0.0-0.9: Breaks new ground for terrible but for some reason we're still reviewing it


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #80 on: October 06, 2005, 11:03:00 am »
Originally posted by [username edited by p.c. moderator]:
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  yeah that box is gone
Which I didn't realize until I went to check the exact words when you asked. Perhaps they've changed their review scale? [/b]
ratings key
 10.0: Must be Radiohead
 9.5-9.9: Great enough to play on your college radio set
 9.0-9.4: Try playing this one on your guitar all night in your dorm room
 8.5-8.9: The CD is pretty good but runs the risk of becoming mainstream
 8.0-8.4: You should buy any green washed out retro t-shirts by this band
 7.5-7.9: Good enough for maybe a sticker on your guitar case
 7.0-7.4: Decent enough to talk about in the coffee shop
 6.0-6.9: Needs more white guitarists with black-rimmed glasses
 5.0-5.9: Might be good for a fratboy band, those neanderthals
 4.0-4.9: Reviewer couldn't find any Cloves before writing and was angry
 3.0-3.9: Too many unintelligent people might understand it
 2.0-2.9: Curls up the ends of our bowl haircuts with shame
 1.0-1.9: Did not cause a single tear to flow from our weepy eyes
 0.0-0.9: That ain't Radiohead


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #81 on: October 06, 2005, 11:22:00 am »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
 Sure, but Metacritic has some minimum number (6?) of reviews that an album must get from a list of recognized publications, so its not just random favorites of particular writers.
 There are over 100 albums listed on the site, meaning that out of 100 albums reviewed by six or more publications, less than 1% of them are rated "below average."  That just doesn't jive with reality.
why not think about it as an A-F school-type grading system where an A is 90-100, F is 0-60 ... that seems more like where most reviewers are coming from
 plus, they're generally reviewing well-made albums which probably appeal to some section of fans somewhere, so that alone should lift it above a 5 on a 10 scale .... there are dozens of albums released every week that could be rated 1-5 on a 10 scale because they're just horribly recorded, written, and performed ... the ones actually reviewed by major media have largely passed those hurdles


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #82 on: October 06, 2005, 11:25:00 am »
Originally posted by [username edited by p.c. moderator]:
  Coming from the south, getting to Nissan is never that bad, no matter how late I try and get there. I go up 234 (I think) and take a left on wellington, and there's never, ever any traffic until that point, and from there it's only 20 minutes even if packed.
 I always seem to luck out leaving as well. I think it only took me 20-30 minutes to get out of the parking lot to leave after Coldplay, and I didn't run out afterwards or anything (and again, going down 234 instead of 66 means there's virtually no one else around).
i would assume this is very different for, say, a big and rich show, than it would be for a coldplay show
 i'm guessing for any of their big country shows that more people come from the west east and south than from the north

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #83 on: October 06, 2005, 11:27:00 am »
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
  i would assume this is very different for, say, a big and rich show, than it would be for a coldplay show
 i'm guessing for any of their big country shows that more people come from the west east and south than from the north
That maybe so, but since I do not listen to country music, we have no way to test that hypothesis.
 I was simply offering this observation in thoughts that, if it takes the average DC-area chap 2.5-3 hours to get to/leave Nissan, perhaps they should consider going down 95 and coming my way. Sure, you back track 15 miles or so, but better 15 minutes then 3 hours, no?


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #84 on: October 06, 2005, 11:28:00 am »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  Q: Which critics and publications are included in your calculations?  
 A: Magnet*
how the hell could they ever translate magnet's reviews into a point system ... those things are by far the most ambiguous reviews i read, and i often like them more than other reviews

you be betty

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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #85 on: October 06, 2005, 03:52:00 pm »
Originally posted by bearman:
  I'm kind of surprised that a band like Travis never made it to where Coldplay is. If Coldplay can do this well in the States, then it's a bit of a puzzlement to me that Travis (who write better songs, are way more fun and funny, and cuter too) never found that audience that would take them to bigger venues and more album sales. They have more charisma and aren't as much of a downer. Of course, that last record of theirs was utter crap, but they had some decent songs early on, especially "Good Feeling" which is a great record.
agreed; but i also think Travis and Coldplay kind of hit around the same time.  it's good ole' Nirvana and Soundgarden fun and games...


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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #86 on: October 06, 2005, 05:10:00 pm »
Originally posted by you be betty:
Originally posted by bearman:
  I'm kind of surprised that a band like Travis never made it to where Coldplay is. If Coldplay can do this well in the States, then it's a bit of a puzzlement to me that Travis (who write better songs, are way more fun and funny, and cuter too) never found that audience that would take them to bigger venues and more album sales. They have more charisma and aren't as much of a downer. Of course, that last record of theirs was utter crap, but they had some decent songs early on, especially "Good Feeling" which is a great record.
agreed; but i also think Travis and Coldplay kind of hit around the same time.  it's good ole' Nirvana and Soundgarden fun and games... [/b]
travis has been around since 96. coldplay had an early EP out in 98. travis has been around for a bit longer. they just never hit it big (or as big) as coldplay in the states, but it seems they are plenty popular in the UK  :)

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #87 on: October 07, 2005, 04:58:00 am »
If Pumpkins and Coldplay were playing a double header...that would be the perfect time to demolish Nissan Pavillion.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #88 on: October 07, 2005, 06:11:00 am »
Add Travis to the bill, and I'll push down the plunger...

you be betty

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Re: Demolish Nissan Pavilion...the Coldplay thread.
« Reply #89 on: October 07, 2005, 06:16:00 am »
just out of curiosity; does it cost the band more/do they make less if they were to play something like, 3-4 sold out nights at 9:30?