Author Topic: it's my party  (Read 36715 times)


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #165 on: March 10, 2002, 02:49:00 pm »
Hey Seth I preferred your original reply. <P>I am more thn happy to read the radiohead stories.<P>Oh and as for sellouts, isnt that an Americam phenom. I cant think of too many big Brit sell outs... Infact the people who come to mind are people who became succesful, but then made thier music unpalletable on purpose. <P>You might wnat to put Radiohead in that category, along with pulp and The prodigy


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #166 on: March 10, 2002, 04:14:00 pm »
can i ask what the hell this post is about? haha i was trying to follow..but alas i am lost  


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #167 on: March 10, 2002, 04:31:00 pm »
Hi paige where did you get lost? It makes sense to me, but then I am not put together right....


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #168 on: March 10, 2002, 04:49:00 pm »
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial, Veranda">quote:</font><HR>Originally Posted by Paige:<BR><B>can i ask what the hell this post is about? haha i was trying to follow..but alas i am lost</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>It's really quite simple:<P>The owner of the 930, Seth Hurwitz, posted here as a follow up to an interview he did with the Post.<P>People asked him some questions, one of which was about Radiohead and the surprise show they did at the 930 in 98.<P>Seth has been posting this story in installments; sort of a cyber mini-series, complete with sporadic commentary from others.<P>Dupek didn't like the fact that the hired help might have something to say.<P>Markie, Jaguar and Poorlulu took a couple of minor detours as they are apt to do, which pissed of DJeepChick, as they are apt to do.<P>Rhett got pissed off because he is generally humorless and can't quite fathom how other people might get excited about something that doesn't excite him.<P>We've also learned that the 930 owner also works for Enron, Ozzy Osbourne is in the British army, and G Love was involved in some kinky sex thing with David Bowie's wife, Mick Jagger, Joan Rivers and a Quizno sub.<P>I don't see how you could have gotten lost.


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #169 on: March 10, 2002, 05:10:00 pm »
thanks ggw,<P>I went to Quiznos yesterday btw. It was pretty good, definately better than subway...<P>I love subverting these threads....

Re: it's my party
« Reply #170 on: March 10, 2002, 09:53:00 pm »
Rhett got pissed off because he is generally humorless and can't quite fathom how other people might get excited about something that doesn't excite him.<P>   Actually GGW, I wasn't pissed off. I was actually making a know, making fun of Radiohead fans, who like the band itself, make them out to be a bit more important than they are. So I was the one exhibiting a sense of humour, you were the one lacking it in not getting the joke. You seem to be able to crack a good joke yourself, but maybe you don't appreciate my humour?<BR>   I actually think Radiohead is pretty decent, though a bit too self-important and a bit critically overrated. But will they be revered thirty years from now? Nah. But hey, I'd rather listen to them than Sting...


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #171 on: March 11, 2002, 12:47:00 am »
dupek,<P>you were the one talking about drinking piss.........then you talk about drinking kaliber.......boom boom.<P>its a joke dont make me explain that its a joke like rhett has to do..... cos mine are funny.

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: it's my party
« Reply #172 on: March 11, 2002, 08:28:00 am »
Twas The Night O'Radiohead<P>alright let's get this over with because I'm starting to worry that I made all this effort for just a couple of people and everybody else thinks I'm a pompous windbag for thinking that my life's adventures are this important (guess that comes under the heading of "feeling vulnerable today")...<P>so, the doors open, people dash in like kids coming downstairs on Xmas morning and this band starts to play. now, me being a fairly new Radiohead convert - I always liked them but didn't study them - actually thought this was indeed Radiohead (Thom Yorke looks like what? him, right? the guy on stage is Thom Yorke isn't it?) for a sec and then, before completely embarrassing myself, asked somebody quietly who that was. Pulp, I was told. wow - another band that just wanted to play. getting even cooler.<P>it was fairly late and I was fairly inebriated when Radiohead finally came on so it gets rather fuzzy at this point. I have since amended my wayward misbehaviors so this will never happen again but I was young then. I can now remember with crystal clarity just how horribly tacky Nelly Furtado turned out to be, for example.<P>but there they were - Radiohead on stage at 2(?)AM. Ed from Live standing next to Michael Stipe looking like they were waiting to shoot their next scene in The Coneheads. Brad & Jenifer in that surreal image that got plastered over every tabloid in the world (I have a French newsstand poster of that one). Stipe getting up and singing my favorite song with the band. people in my little balcony saying over & over "can you believe this".<P>and then they were done and the lights are up and all of a sudden this is no longer all real but something that happened.<P>and that is really the event of it all for me: the process, the excitement, the memories. the actual perfformance was good, of course, but that's not the point. at least, for me. the fact that it is just the point for so many others is what I get off on. when we are a part of people's favorite memories in life - that's what it's all about. sounds sappy, but it's the truth.<P>and that's my Radiohead story.<P>now PLEASE nobody ask about Bull Run. I don't know that we're all ready to laugh about that one yet.<BR>


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #173 on: March 11, 2002, 10:47:00 am »
cool thanks seth.......<BR>i never figured a guy such as yourself would ever feel vunerable.......remember the most important thing when it comes to other people.........F@ck em all.<P>i think i was incredibly slow thought i didnt realise brad and jennifer on balcony was 930 balcony.......coooooeeelll although in my humble opinion madness made the best use of the balcony ive ever seen there. <P>so nelly fritata was a bit tacky eh good to know. i figured it was a bit weird that noone posted about her concert.  im looking forward to tonight though should be a good one.<BR>so cheers again seth we do wanna know about the stories were just very difficult to focus dont blame us........i think its the music.<BR>

Re: it's my party
« Reply #174 on: March 11, 2002, 10:52:00 am »
Seth, I'd love to hear just how tacky Nelly was. Give us some of that sarcasm.<P>   Or, if you have any stories of when Johnny Cash appeared at the 9:30, please share. That still ranks as my #1 concert highlight. Of course, if anyone wants to make fun of me for being a Johnny Cash fan, bring it on...<p>[This message has been edited by Rhett Miller (edited 03-11-2002).]


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #175 on: March 11, 2002, 11:01:00 am »
in rhetts case its definatly the music....<BR>johnny cash is satans megaphone...<P>ha  ha just kidding rhett you know i love ya really ;p


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #176 on: March 11, 2002, 12:09:00 pm »
HI Seth,<P>Thanks for the story....<P>Do you have anymore? Do you have any stories about bands that were a pain in the neck or had outrageous requests?<P>It must of been a laugh filling in as Robbie Williams drummer?<P>And I cant believe you feel vulnerable, whats next Stone cold Steve Austin takes up flower arranging. I am pretty sure your ego can take it, just think of Brad and Jennifer....

Re: it's my party
« Reply #177 on: March 11, 2002, 12:09:00 pm »
If Johnny Cash is Satan's megaphone, then I can't wait to get to Hell. They'll probably be playing Creed or Amy Grant in Heaven.


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Re: it's my party
« Reply #178 on: March 11, 2002, 12:13:00 pm »
Hey Rhett who did that song you know:<P>If god had a name what would it be, and would you say it to his face, What if god were one of us.....<P>That Damn thing, I bet they have that on a loop in heaven.<P>Personally I think "the ring of fire" would be excellent Hell music, hopefully I will be joining you there, just not yet....

Re: it's my party
« Reply #179 on: March 11, 2002, 12:19:00 pm »
Yes, still some more sinning to be done on Earth first.