930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: ggw on November 21, 2017, 11:52:26 am
John Conyers:
Oliver Stone:
John Conyers:
on a side note, who the hell votes for an 88 year old?
The co-founder of Pixar.
nytimes is keeping this up to date
Ron Jeremy
Ron Jeremy
almost seems like it should go in the Onion thread
Nick Carter
Two More Women Accuse Sen. Al Franken Of Inappropriate Touching (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/two-more-women-accuse-sen-al-franken-of-inappropriate-touching/ar-BBFvYfm?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)
The one on the right (https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/richard-branson-accused-of-sexual-assault-by-joss-stone’s-backup-singer/ar-BBFCtai?li=AA2qN5v&ocid=spartandhp)
I xperience similar sucky emotions on this thread to dropping like flies
Now that one would not surprise me.
Similar to Louis CK, not surprised at all. Maybe my creep radar is just more finely attuned than most.
Wow, Matt Lauer was just fired from NBC for “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.” But when will the top executives at NBC & Comcast be fired for putting out so much Fake News. Check out Andy Lack’s past!
Maybe my creep radar is just more finely attuned than most.
So you have groper-radar? Shame on you for not exposing these creeps sooner! Who else is on your secret list?
Count me in the "previously thought Lauer was a creep" category. I guess he's not really a star.
Maybe my creep radar is just more finely attuned than most.
So you have groper-radar? Shame on you for not exposing these creeps sooner! Who else is on your secret list?
Robert Downey Jr, Charie Sheen, Richard Branson, Steven Spielberg, Brian Kelly, Jay-Z, Drew Carey, Malcolm Gladwell, Prince Harry, Gene Wilder, Conor Oberst, Joel Olsteen, Ray LaMontagne et al.
Robert Downey Jr, Charie Sheen,
Really going out on a limb there....
Maybe my creep radar is just more finely attuned than most.
So you have groper-radar? Shame on you for not exposing these creeps sooner! Who else is on your secret list?
Robert Downey Jr, Charie Sheen, Richard Branson, Steven Spielberg, Brian Kelly, Jay-Z, Drew Carey, Malcolm Gladwell, Prince Harry, Gene Wilder, Conor Oberst, Joel Olsteen, Ray LaMontagne et al.
Pretty sure you missed the ball on Gene Wilder.
Maybe my creep radar is just more finely attuned than most.
So you have groper-radar? Shame on you for not exposing these creeps sooner! Who else is on your secret list?
Robert Downey Jr, Charie Sheen, Richard Branson, Steven Spielberg, Brian Kelly, Jay-Z, Drew Carey, Malcolm Gladwell, Prince Harry, Gene Wilder, Conor Oberst, Joel Olsteen, Ray LaMontagne et al.
Pretty sure you missed the ball on Gene Wilder.
A grope is a grope, bro.
curious about what happened to innocence until proven guilty?
curious about what happened to innocence until proven guilty?
I know, that is the biggest issue right now
I think that a lot of these current ones are probably are guilty, but what's to stop people from just contacting news outlets and saying "Obama groped me" and then they run with the story
I really think people should be filing police reports and not posting on twitter
curious about what happened to innocence until proven guilty?
No one is being incarcerated without a trial over these allegations, so innocent until proven guilty is still in play.
curious about what happened to innocence until proven guilty?
No one is being incarcerated without a trial over these allegations, so innocent until proven guilty is still in play.
Well yeah, except in the eyes of their employer.
I'm shocked Julian didn't have Garrison Keilor on his list.
curious about what happened to innocence until proven guilty?
Somebody sounds a little defensive...
I'm shocked Julian didn't have Garrison Keilor on his list.
Great call. Definitely a diddler. Total oversight on my part.
Well yeah, except in the eyes of their employer.
Generally, the only limitations for a private employer firing someone (non-union) is if the termination is based on the employee's race, gender, national origin, disability, religion or age (so long as the employee is at least 40 years old).
Just about everything else is fair game, so long as it's not retaliatory for whistle blowing, but even then, good luck getting your job back.
And most of these have gone through a human resources review, which is just about all the employer needs.
isn't that a grouper?
Adrock's dad
Maybe my creep radar is just more finely attuned than most.
So you have groper-radar? Shame on you for not exposing these creeps sooner! Who else is on your secret list?
Robert Downey Jr, Charie Sheen, Richard Branson, Steven Spielberg, Brian Kelly, Jay-Z, Drew Carey, Malcolm Gladwell, Prince Harry, Gene Wilder, Conor Oberst, Joel Olsteen, Ray LaMontagne et al.
Pretty sure you missed the ball on Gene Wilder.
A grope is a grope, bro.
Theres a "cold, dead hand" joke somewhere in there.
Does sexual harassment happen as much among non-celebrities as it seems to happen among celebrities? Honestly, I'm kind of shocked by all if this. I thought only rude, coarse, low-life construction worker type men acted like this. How naive I was.
Its not about men but power.....people with power use it to get what they want no matter how inappropriate and illegal...
Also America's obsession with money does not help. It is all about making $....People exploit and take advantage of this sad reality...
isn't that a grouper?
Yes, that's the joke.
I would also like to add both Manning brothers, Bill Simmons, Paul Ryan, and Jim jefferies to the list of people who set off my groper radar.
I would also like to add both Manning brothers, Bill Simmons, Paul Ryan, and Jim jefferies to the list of people who set off my groper radar.
unfortunately you get no points for calling out jim jeffries. he admits to being a sleaze and a horrible person.
I would also like to add both Manning brothers, Bill Simmons, Paul Ryan, and Jim jefferies to the list of people who set off my groper radar.
unfortunately you get no points for calling out jim jeffries. he admits to being a sleaze and a horrible person.
This is not about points. This is about awareness. If you sense something, say something.
The Metropolitan Opera suspended James Levine, its revered conductor and former music director, on Sunday after three men came forward with accusations that Mr. Levine sexually abused them decades ago, when the men were teenagers.
I have no idea who that is, but just by looking at him, I could tell you he is a pervy weirdo.
Robert Downey Jr, Charie Sheen, Richard Branson, Steven Spielberg, Brian Kelly, Jay-Z, Drew Carey, Malcolm Gladwell, Prince Harry, Gene Wilder, Conor Oberst, Joel Olsteen, Ray LaMontagne et al.
Just saw an ad on FB that Bob Saget is performing in Berkeley this weekend, but before I knew it was an ad, I thought he was the next to go down. Upon seeing it was just an ad, I though, "how is he not on Julian's list? Or Uncle Joey for that matter?"
Upcoming predictions unless this 15 minutes of news cycle has already moved on from sexual harassment.
Ryan Seacrest
Simon Cowell
Randy Jackson
Jeff Probst
Upcoming predictions unless this 15 minutes of news cycle has already moved on from sexual harassment.
Ryan Seacrest
Simon Cowell
Randy Jackson
Jeff Probst
For Seacrest, would it be groping other men, or groping women?
Upcoming predictions unless this 15 minutes of news cycle has already moved on from sexual harassment.
Ryan Seacrest
Simon Cowell
Randy Jackson
Jeff Probst
For Seacrest, would it be groping other men, or groping women?
People sub-5'2", regardless of gender.
Some dude from a Netflix series and the Church of Scientology (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/05/business/media/danny-masterson-fired-netflix.html)
Robert Knepper
Prison Break, etc dude
Some chick that was on the Voice.
20-30 more members of Congress?
I wish Americans could draw a distinction between pedophiles and rapists and people who cop a feel but apparently its all the same now...arguably copping a feel, or taking an inappropriate picture is a worse offense judging by the consequences...
Feeling sad and bitter...
I wish Americans could draw a distinction between pedophiles and rapists and people who cop a feel but apparently its all the same now...arguably copping a feel, or taking an inappropriate picture is a worse offense judging by the consequences...
Feeling sad and bitter...
I wish Americans could draw a distinction between pedophiles and rapists and people who cop a feel but apparently its all the same now...arguably copping a feel, or taking an inappropriate picture is a worse offense judging by the consequences...
Feeling sad and bitter...
Which of these is ok?
^Exhibit A of the American who cannot draw distinctions
No, tell me. Which should we be ok with?
Do you feel persecuted for doing some of these things without consent?
I think he's defending the serial gropers. Apparently groping women is de rigeur in his native Latin America.
"For women it’s particularly important to keep your wits as much as possible. In the huge clubs and notorious pick-up joints of Buenos Aires — some of the Irish bars of the Retiro neighborhood jump to mind — women may receive unwanted random groping from young men who can’t handle their alcohol. "
Ive heard the tokyo subway is a creeperfest too.
Director of the X-Men series (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/07/movies/bryan-singer-sexual-assault.html)
And another Congressperson (https://www.politico.com/story/2017/12/04/blake-farenthold-sexual-harass-greene-278869)
No not defending it...sorry you could not grasp the point...again proving my point..
No not defending it...sorry you could not grasp the point...again proving my point..
Your point being that Franken is less bad than Weinstein because groping at least eight women during photo ops is less bad than using your position of power to coerce more than 40 women to have sex with you (and possibly raping a couple who refused the coercion). Yes, we simple-minded Americans get the distinction. But that distinction matters little because a sexual predator is still a sexual predator.
Actually, the distinction does matter when we as a society mete out punishment for the guilty parties. Only a simpleton would think Moore should be in a better position at this point than Franken.
Actually, the distinction does matter when we as a society mete out punishment for the guilty parties. Only a simpleton would think Moore should be in a better position at this point than Franken.
Nothing worse than agreeing with Space, but I do.
Actually, the distinction does matter when we as a society mete out punishment for the guilty parties. Only a simpleton would think Moore should be in a better position at this point than Franken.
Nothing worse than agreeing with Space, but I do.
That's why there are different levels of felonies and misdemeanors.
Actually, the distinction does matter when we as a society mete out punishment for the guilty parties. Only a simpleton would think Moore should be in a better position at this point than Franken.
Nothing worse than agreeing with Space, but I do.
That's why there are different levels of felonies and misdemeanors.
I'm not saying it's not disgusting and not a crime, but when lumping in someone who takes racy photos or grabs an ass/breast vs. pedophile and rape, yeah, it's a pretty big difference.
I'm agreeing with you. First degree murder is not the same as involuntary manslaughter. I wish people would distinguish, because Roy Moore is by far a way bigger piece of shit than Al Franken. That being said, both are pieces of shit nonetheless.
Ha ha Al Franken is a sexual predator???
When you equate him with Moore or Weinstein you really show you do not know what you are talking about.
Neither one should take a leadership role in this country, and neither should be in a position of power. One of them more neither than the other.
Ha ha Al Franken is a sexual predator???
When you equate him with Moore or Weinstein you really show you do not know what you are talking about.
Franken's not a sexual predator? The number of women who have claimed he groped them or more is currently at eight and has been growing in recent days.
So what is your threshold for what qualifies as sexual predation?
I felt about a week ago that he needed to and should resign but part of the reason is the sheer idiocy of the American people - as we see on this thread- with people calling someone who one could better classify as somewhat lecherous as a sexual predator...
Grabbing an ass cheek is tantamount to rape? Wow
I fucking hate to think of all the men out there who have asked for a blow job using every reason they could think of to get one from an unwilling partner
And calling Al Franken a "piece of shit"? Wow. He definitely exhibited inappropriate behavior assuming the accounts are true as I have to think they are..but that is about it and you have to take a life in totality..
Out on this thread..total waste of time..you have your scalp..feel superior now as you call him a sexual predator and piece of shit.
Nobody is equating grabbing an ass cheek with rape, so lose the strawman.
That being said, one ass grabbing is a lapse of judgment. Eight instances over a decade is a pattern. Is this less bad than rape? Sure. Manslaughter is less bad than first degree murder, but both are homicides. Sorry you foreigners can't grasp the nuances.
Just want to remind people that while we do not have a living breathing moderator body that has the testicular fortitude to ban the scourge on our community that is Hutch, we do have the block feature. Be the change you want to see in the world. I’ve been hutch free for months and it’s wonderful.
It sounds like Hutch's wife won't give him a blow job.
Offer her a nice massage or scratch her back while you're having a Netflix night.
Actually, the distinction does matter when we as a society mete out punishment for the guilty parties. Only a simpleton would think Moore should be in a better position at this point than Franken.
Nothing worse than agreeing with Space, but I do.
That's why there are different levels of felonies and misdemeanors.
I'm not saying it's not disgusting and not a crime, but when lumping in someone who takes racy photos or grabs an ass/breast vs. pedophile and rape, yeah, it's a pretty big difference.
Since we're drawing distinctions, technically, Moore is possibly a rapist, but not a pedophile. Still, far, far worse than what Franken did, imo. Not that I'm excusing Franken for his atrocious behavior.
Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
only in Michigan... (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dana-nessel-campaign-ad_us_5a1f1116e4b0d52b8dc25af9)
but gotta say it's a hard case to argue
news is going so fast stuff like this just doesn't get noticed
Mario Batali
Ryan Lizza
Ryan Lizza
Never heard of him. Is this someone famous or just one of your friends?
NPR host Tom Ashbrook
Ryan Lizza
Never heard of him. Is this someone famous or just one of your friends?
He is a pretty well known reporter.
Are you trying to say I am a groper and by extension so are my friends because I think that while what Al Franken did is wrong and he should have resigned he should not be lumped in with Moore and Weinstein?
Ryan Lizza
Never heard of him. Is this someone famous or just one of your friends?
He is a pretty well known reporter.
Are you trying to say I am a groper and by extension so are my friends because I think that while what Al Franken did is wrong and he should have resigned he should not be lumped in with Moore and Weinstein?
Nope, not at all.
And I'm pretty sure i was someone who actually (somewhat) agreed with you in terms of the Franken vs. Moore/Weinstein distinction.
It would jsut be helpful to say "Reporter Ryan Lizza." I didn't know who Tom Ashbrook was, either. But I know he's an NPR guy thanks to GGW prefacing the name with the job title. I wonder if he's a friend of Relaxer?
Larry King
A bunch of NFL Network employees and former players (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/12/sports/marshall-faulk-nfl-network-sexual-harassment.html)
Celebrity NYC Restaurateur Ken Friedman (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/12/dining/ken-friedman-sexual-harassment.html)
Head of the NYC Ballet (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/12/arts/dance/peter-martins-ballet-new-york-city-physical-abuse.html)
Netflix Exec Who Defended Netflix Star (https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/netflix-exec-who-told-alleged-danny-masterson-victim-company-didnt-believe-claims-no-longer-employed/ar-BBGFnuP?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)
Tavis Smiley
the American dude judge on Great American Baking show.
the super size me dude
Yesterday: GOP lawmaker accused of rape sings about baby Jesus at press conference before calling victim a liar (https://www.rawstory.com/2017/12/gop-lawmaker-accused-of-rape-sings-about-baby-jesus-at-press-conference-before-calling-victim-a-liar/)
Today: Kentucky lawmaker who was accused of molesting a teenage girl likely killed himself, coroner says (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2017/12/13/kentucky-lawmaker-who-was-accused-of-molesting-a-teenage-girl-likely-killed-himself-coroner-says/)
turning out pastry chef dude is a real creep
Those cinnamon rolls, tho.
The owner of the Charlotte Panthers.
The reality is that probably a sizeable* of the world's heterosexual have done something untoward a woman (straight, bi, trans, etc.)
At least 3 times a week, sometimes every workday, I have some asshole(s) beeping at me, hanging out of their vehicle yelling something obscene or flat out driving along the side of me trying to get my attention as I walk the 10 minutes from the metro to the office (I work in the suburbs and commute out from DC.)
The best this year? Some creepy fuck stranger pulled into the parking lot and go out of the car and walked in with me to the building, got on the elevator (open building unfortunately), tried to make small talk regarding Tom Petty's passing, and then decided to attempt to ask me out. All in the span of about 4 minutes. At 8.24 am on a Tuesday.
Now, my experiences do not compare at all with men or women who were victims of any sort of unwanted/unconsented physical/sexual activity. But it is a good example of every day harassment. And if these assholes are doing this, who knows what else they are doing.
*edited because the value I provided prior is arbitrary with no data to back it up.
Men are pigs, yes . . . but what I find fascinating, is that, in the gay world, these types of overly sexual advances and acting like aggressive testosterone assholes, are the qualities from men they want.
The reality is that probably at least 3/4 of the world's heterosexual have done something untoward a woman (straight, bi, trans, etc.)
At least 3 times a week, sometimes every workday, I have some asshole(s) beeping at me, hanging out of their vehicle yelling something obscene or flat out driving along the side of me trying to get my attention as I walk the 10 minutes from the metro to the office (I work in the suburbs and commute out from DC.)
The best this year? Some creepy fuck stranger pulled into the parking lot and go out of the car and walked in with me to the building, got on the elevator (open building unfortunately), tried to make small talk regarding Tom Petty's passing, and then decided to attempt to ask me out. All in the span of about 4 minutes. At 8.24 am on a Tuesday.
Now, my experiences do not compare at all with men or women who were victims of any sort of unwanted/unconsented physical/sexual activity. But it is a good example of every day harassment. And if these assholes are doing this, who knows what else they are doing.
As someone who is basically quiet and shy, I personally would never have been that bold in my single days, but what exactly is so egregious and "creepy" about the behavior I bolded? It's certainly not sexual harassment. Is it possible the guy worked in the building and just happened to be pulling into his work parking lot and was taking the elevator to his workplace at 8:24am and was making small talk with a pretty woman he saw on the elevator? Are we going to make it a crime to ask someone you find attractive out?
The reality is that probably at least 3/4 of the world's heterosexual have done something untoward a woman (straight, bi, trans, etc.)
Depends how you define "untoward" I guess.
The reality is that probably at least 3/4 of the world's heterosexual have done something untoward a woman (straight, bi, trans, etc.)
At least 3 times a week, sometimes every workday, I have some asshole(s) beeping at me, hanging out of their vehicle yelling something obscene or flat out driving along the side of me trying to get my attention as I walk the 10 minutes from the metro to the office (I work in the suburbs and commute out from DC.)
The best this year? Some creepy fuck stranger pulled into the parking lot and go out of the car and walked in with me to the building, got on the elevator (open building unfortunately), tried to make small talk regarding Tom Petty's passing, and then decided to attempt to ask me out. All in the span of about 4 minutes. At 8.24 am on a Tuesday.
Now, my experiences do not compare at all with men or women who were victims of any sort of unwanted/unconsented physical/sexual activity. But it is a good example of every day harassment. And if these assholes are doing this, who knows what else they are doing.
As someone who is basically quiet and shy, I personally would never have been that bold in my single days, but what exactly is so egregious and "creepy" about the behavior I bolded? It's certainly not sexual harassment. Is it possible the guy worked in the building and just happened to be pulling into his work parking lot and was taking the elevator to his workplace at 8:24am and was making small talk with a pretty woman he saw on the elevator? Are we going to make it a crime to ask someone you find attractive out?
"Some creepy fuck stranger"
That's a fair question and one that I actually got when I was relaying this event to a male colleague.
This individual did not work in my building and had no business in the building. I was able to ascertain that very quickly when I sussed him out with a quick question to confirm this. In fact he told me he had seen me prior, presumably as he was driving down the street, and this time decided to quickly pull into the lot, park and jump out of his car to follow me when I was on the approach into the building and then hop the elevator with me.
I will add that he told me that he was riding with me to my floor to try to talk to me after the doors closed and I had no way to escape as the other floor was secured for another client and thus I could not exit until it hit my floor to which I hauled ass to my office and it's camera and locked door.
That creeped me out.
Does that help give more context?
The reality is that probably at least 3/4 of the world's heterosexual have done something untoward a woman (straight, bi, trans, etc.)
At least 3 times a week, sometimes every workday, I have some asshole(s) beeping at me, hanging out of their vehicle yelling something obscene or flat out driving along the side of me trying to get my attention as I walk the 10 minutes from the metro to the office (I work in the suburbs and commute out from DC.)
The best this year? Some creepy fuck stranger pulled into the parking lot and go out of the car and walked in with me to the building, got on the elevator (open building unfortunately), tried to make small talk regarding Tom Petty's passing, and then decided to attempt to ask me out. All in the span of about 4 minutes. At 8.24 am on a Tuesday.
Now, my experiences do not compare at all with men or women who were victims of any sort of unwanted/unconsented physical/sexual activity. But it is a good example of every day harassment. And if these assholes are doing this, who knows what else they are doing.
As someone who is basically quiet and shy, I personally would never have been that bold in my single days, but what exactly is so egregious and "creepy" about the behavior I bolded? It's certainly not sexual harassment. Is it possible the guy worked in the building and just happened to be pulling into his work parking lot and was taking the elevator to his workplace at 8:24am and was making small talk with a pretty woman he saw on the elevator? Are we going to make it a crime to ask someone you find attractive out?
It was improper of me to throw out that unsubstantiated 3/4 figure. I'll own that and correct that.
That said, you are correct, "untoward" has many meanings and can vary depending on the setting. And further to that, one person may consider the action harassment and another does not.
I'd just like to have an entire week where I walk to the office and it's entirely uneventful. That's my request to Santa this year.
The reality is that probably at least 3/4 of the world's heterosexual have done something untoward a woman (straight, bi, trans, etc.)
Depends how you define "untoward" I guess.
That's a fair question and one that I actually got when I was relaying this event to a male colleague.
This individual did not work in my building and had no business in the building. I was able to ascertain that very quickly when I sussed him out with a quick question to confirm this. In fact he told me he had seen me prior, presumably as he was driving down the street, and this time decided to quickly pull into the lot, park and jump out of his car to follow me when I was on the approach into the building and then hop the elevator with me.
I will add that he told me that he was riding with me to my floor to try to talk to me after the doors closed and I had no way to escape as the other floor was secured for another client and thus I could not exit until it hit my floor to which I hauled ass to my office and it's camera and locked door.
That creeped me out.
Does that help give more context?
The reality is that probably at least 3/4 of the world's heterosexual have done something untoward a woman (straight, bi, trans, etc.)
At least 3 times a week, sometimes every workday, I have some asshole(s) beeping at me, hanging out of their vehicle yelling something obscene or flat out driving along the side of me trying to get my attention as I walk the 10 minutes from the metro to the office (I work in the suburbs and commute out from DC.)
The best this year? Some creepy fuck stranger pulled into the parking lot and go out of the car and walked in with me to the building, got on the elevator (open building unfortunately), tried to make small talk regarding Tom Petty's passing, and then decided to attempt to ask me out. All in the span of about 4 minutes. At 8.24 am on a Tuesday.
Now, my experiences do not compare at all with men or women who were victims of any sort of unwanted/unconsented physical/sexual activity. But it is a good example of every day harassment. And if these assholes are doing this, who knows what else they are doing.
As someone who is basically quiet and shy, I personally would never have been that bold in my single days, but what exactly is so egregious and "creepy" about the behavior I bolded? It's certainly not sexual harassment. Is it possible the guy worked in the building and just happened to be pulling into his work parking lot and was taking the elevator to his workplace at 8:24am and was making small talk with a pretty woman he saw on the elevator? Are we going to make it a crime to ask someone you find attractive out?
Wow, that *is*I creepy. Sorry that happened to you, and glad nothing more did.
ben Vereen (https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/celebrity/broadway-big-ben-vereen-accused-of-sexual-assault-during-hair/ar-BBHTEii?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)
Michael Douglas
James Franco
Michael Douglas
James Franco
My wife said, "I think he's gay anyway, but if James Franco hit on me, I'd be fine with it."
Does your wife, have to be wearing a black dress, as she allows, and enjoys a man to sexually harass her?
Post reporter Joel Achenbach suspended for 90 days for ‘inappropriate workplace conduct’ (https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/post-reporter-joel-achenbach-suspended-for-90-days-for-inappropriate-workplace-conduct/2018/01/10/5fae0f4a-f645-11e7-a9e3-ab18ce41436a_story.html?utm_term=.88afad48dfd4)
Michael Douglas
James Franco
My wife said, "I think he's gay anyway, but if James Franco hit on me, I'd be fine with it."
i'm assuming that it takes more than hitting on someone to make the headlines, so the question becomes: would she be ok if franco stuck his hand down her pants, uninvited? what if he told her that she needed to sleep with him to keep her job? what if he did some other inappropriate act then threatened her if she ever told anyone? inquiring minds want to know...
Michael Douglas
James Franco
My wife said, "I think he's gay anyway, but if James Franco hit on me, I'd be fine with it."
i'm assuming that it takes more than hitting on someone to make the headlines, so the question becomes: would she be ok if franco stuck his hand down her pants, uninvited? what if he told her that she needed to sleep with him to keep her job? what if he did some other inappropriate act then threatened her if she ever told anyone? inquiring minds want to know...
I can't answer those questions but she did say she's "with Catherine Deneuve" and that women to some degree need to let "men be men as long as they're not doing any raping and if not James Franco, at least maybe my (sick as a dog for the past week) husband would hit on me."
Which I guess means if I don't get killed at the Cracker show tonight, I guess I should be a little flirty even if I feel like shit.
Sorry if that's TMI. Teleworking and barrel aged stout intermingling this afternoon.
Just be careful of flying bottles, man.
For some reason, every time I think of James, I think of him getting blow jobs. And, it disturbs me.
Aziz Ansari
Aziz Ansari
This one, is going to backfire big time, and kill the movement that is known as me too. It already, has.
As long as men are thinking with their dicks and not brains this will continue...maybe under changing names...the overreach is unfortunate but so was the underreach for the entirety of humankind
For some reason, every time I think of James, I think of him getting blow jobs. And, it disturbs me.
But isn't giving even more fun than receiving?
For some reason, every time I think of James, I think of him getting blow jobs. And, it disturbs me.
But isn't giving even more fun than receiving?
no, comment.
h/t @PulpLibrarian
David Cop-A-Feel:
Chachi (https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/scott-baio-denies-he-molested-nicole-eggert-when-she-was-14/ar-BBIjSbQ?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)
Aziz Ansari
This one, is going to backfire big time, and kill the movement that is known as me too. It already, has.
I posted this, but I still don't understand what happened with this one. Can someone please explain what happened with Aziz Ansari to this rather dull married guy who was too timid to ever harass anybody?
Can someone please explain what happened with Aziz Ansari to this rather dull married guy who was too timid to ever harass anybody?
You'd have to read her account to fully understand the nebulous and controversial nature of this allegation fully.
Her account has (1) Aziz stopping when she says stop, (2) Aziz offering and getting her transportation when she requested to leave, and (3) no mention of her ever saying she did not want to engage in oral sex. Her account also features her texting Aziz the next day and saying (paraphrase) "after thinking about it, I did not want to have oral sex and despite me not saying that and going along you should've intuited that from my body language" after which Aziz expressed shock and regret over this. Her account also spends an inordinate amount of time on Aziz pouring her a glass of red wine without first asking her if she'd prefer white wine.
For the record, I think Aziz Ansari is a totally talentless individual who is annoying and would work at a Burger King if he were Caucasian. I also think he is probably a sleezeball sexually.
Can someone please explain what happened with Aziz Ansari to this rather dull married guy who was too timid to ever harass anybody?
You'd have to read her account to fully understand the nebulous and controversial nature of this allegation fully.
Her account has (1) Aziz stopping when she says stop, (2) Aziz offering and getting her transportation when she requested to leave, and (3) no mention of her ever saying she did not want to engage in oral sex. Her account also features her texting Aziz the next day and saying (paraphrase) "after thinking about it, I did not want to have oral sex and despite me not saying that and going along you should've intuited that from my body language" after which Aziz expressed shock and regret over this. Her account also spends an inordinate amount of time on Aziz pouring her a glass of red wine without first asking her if she'd prefer white wine.
For the record, I think Aziz Ansari is a totally talentless individual who is annoying and would work at a Burger King if he were Caucasian. I also think he is probably a sleezeball sexually.
I agree that he is pretty talentless. I disagree and say that he would be working in IT somewhere if he were Caucasian. Though maybe he is not that smart. I have no idea how he is sexually though I would not want to have sex with him. Not that all Indian or Pakistani guys are unfunny or unsexy. I think Kal Penn is funny, Naveen Andrews is sexy, and the guy from the Big Sick is the perfect combination of both.
But anyway, enough of what I think. The one question that for me remains unanswered is who gave oral sex to who? Did he give it to her? Did she give it to him? Did they give it to each other? If he was the receiver, why didn't he offer to reciprocate? If that is the case, if I were a woman and a guy did that to me, I'd be pretty pissed too.
My o
The one question that for me remains unanswered is who gave oral sex to who? Did he give it to her? Did she give it to him? Did they give it to each other? If he was the receiver, why didn't he offer to reciprocate? If that is the case, if I were a woman and a guy did that to me, I'd be pretty pissed too.
He performed oral sex on her and then asked her to reciprocate which she did "but not for long" before she said she didn't want to and he said "cool, its only fun if its fun for both of us."
Then he did a lot of super-pervy, not romantic, horny 18 year old stuff like asking "where do you want me to fuck you" and making a V with his fingers and licking them until she asked to leave at which point he called her a car.
The one question that for me remains unanswered is who gave oral sex to who? Did he give it to her? Did she give it to him? Did they give it to each other? If he was the receiver, why didn't he offer to reciprocate? If that is the case, if I were a woman and a guy did that to me, I'd be pretty pissed too.
He performed oral sex on her and then asked her to reciprocate which she did "but not for long" before she said she didn't want to and he said "cool, its only fun if its fun for both of us."
Then he did a lot of super-pervy, not romantic, horny 18 year old stuff like asking "where do you want me to fuck you" and making a V with his fingers and licking them until she asked to leave at which point he called her a car.
Did she have an orgasm from the oral sex that he gave her?
Aziz Ansari
This one, is going to backfire big time, and kill the movement that is known as me too. It already, has.
I posted this, but I still don't understand what happened with this one. Can someone please explain what happened with Aziz Ansari to this rather dull married guy who was too timid to ever harass anybody?
Aziz Ansari is Guilty. Of Not Being a Mind Reader (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/15/opinion/aziz-ansari-babe-sexual-harassment.html)
Best line in this NY Times Op-Ed:
"If you are hanging out naked with a man, it's safe to assume he is going to try to have sex with you"
Aziz Ansari
This one, is going to backfire big time, and kill the movement that is known as me too. It already, has.
I posted this, but I still don't understand what happened with this one. Can someone please explain what happened with Aziz Ansari to this rather dull married guy who was too timid to ever harass anybody?
Aziz Ansari is Guilty. Of Not Being a Mind Reader (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/15/opinion/aziz-ansari-babe-sexual-harassment.html)
Best line in this NY Times Op-Ed:
"If you are hanging out naked with a man, it's safe to assume he is going to try to have sex with you"
Am I missing something or did that rather long Times article not mention that they had mutual oral sex?
The one question that for me remains unanswered is who gave oral sex to who? Did he give it to her? Did she give it to him? Did they give it to each other? If he was the receiver, why didn't he offer to reciprocate? If that is the case, if I were a woman and a guy did that to me, I'd be pretty pissed too.
He performed oral sex on her and then asked her to reciprocate which she did "but not for long" before she said she didn't want to and he said "cool, its only fun if its fun for both of us."
Then he did a lot of super-pervy, not romantic, horny 18 year old stuff like asking "where do you want me to fuck you" and making a V with his fingers and licking them until she asked to leave at which point he called her a car.
Did she have an orgasm from the oral sex that he gave her?
You know, she did not make that real clear. I'll ask.
The one question that for me remains unanswered is who gave oral sex to who? Did he give it to her? Did she give it to him? Did they give it to each other? If he was the receiver, why didn't he offer to reciprocate? If that is the case, if I were a woman and a guy did that to me, I'd be pretty pissed too.
He performed oral sex on her and then asked her to reciprocate which she did "but not for long" before she said she didn't want to and he said "cool, its only fun if its fun for both of us."
Then he did a lot of super-pervy, not romantic, horny 18 year old stuff like asking "where do you want me to fuck you" and making a V with his fingers and licking them until she asked to leave at which point he called her a car.
Did she have an orgasm from the oral sex that he gave her?
You know, she did not make that real clear. I'll ask.
I mean, if she consented to receiving oral, and was into it to the point of getting an orgasm, and he didn't force her to do anything else, what is she complaining about? How old is this woman?
I just went back and read the original article.
He's a douche.
I mean, if she consented to receiving oral, and was into it to the point of getting an orgasm, and he didn't force her to do anything else, what is she complaining about?
She is complaining about his extremely boorish behavior including getting a mirror out of the bedroom and positioning it so she could see him pantomine rear-entry sex while asking "where do you want me to fuck you" and kissing her "aggressively."
How old is this woman?
23 or 24.
He's a douche.
Agreed. The kerfuffle seems to be many people think his behavior rises to the level of rape/sexual assault and others think its just terrible, boorish, douchey (non-criminal) sex.
He's a douche.
Agreed. The kerfuffle seems to be many people think his behavior rises to the level of rape/sexual assault and others think its just terrible, boorish, douchey (non-criminal) sex.
For such an ugly guy, he sure is a cocky, confident SOB. Not that such boorish behavior is acceptable from handsome dudes either.
He's a douche.
Agreed. The kerfuffle seems to be many people think his behavior rises to the level of rape/sexual assault and others think its just terrible, boorish, douchey (non-criminal) sex.
based on my understanding of the kerfuffle, you seem to have missed the point. to be fair, the point here is that women and men view things very differently, in large part due to cultural norms and expectations (aka upbringing). so men saying "i don't get what these women are complaining about" is almost to be expected, since they're men and not women.
the #metoo movement pointed out how women, even powerful hollywood leading women, can be subjected to sexual harassment and assault; and society has covered for these men.
a step below this, but still on the spectrum of inequality of the sexes, is how women are treated in new sexual relationships - again, due to cultural norms and expectations (aka upbringing). the message in the ansari case isn't that he committed a crime. he didn't. the message is that women don't have the same leeway in skipping out of an awkward sexual situation (for men to simple-mindedly say "well why didn't she leave?" is showing your privilege and lack of empathy). hell, even what constitutes "bad sex" isn't nearly the same (http://theweek.com/articles/749978/female-price-male-pleasure) for men and women. here's another good read (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/aziz-ansari-sex-violating-but-not-criminal_us_5a5e445de4b0106b7f65b346?z) on the subject. please read through those two links for a better explanation.
I generally like Andrew Sullivan, but how is he in any position to comment on male/female sexual relations?
the message in the ansari case isn't that he committed a crime. he didn't.
The message in the initial expose is very much that he committed a crime.
the message is that women don't have the same leeway in skipping out of an awkward sexual situation (for men to simple-mindedly say "well why didn't she leave?" is showing your privilege and lack of empathy).
Agreed. But this specific woman in her specific accounting of events had absolute leeway to skip out of this awkward sexual situation. She is not without agency.
Tarantino says Polanski is innocent. Drugged 13-year old girl was, "down with it." (https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/celebrity/quentin-tarantino’s-2003-defense-of-roman-polanski-rediscovered/ar-BBIKKgo?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)
13-year old girl was, "down with it." (https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/celebrity/quentin-tarantino’s-2003-defense-of-roman-polanski-rediscovered/ar-BBIKKgo?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp)
But was she "hip"?
It became apparent a long time ago that Tarantino is an idiot who got lucky....put it this way: he is no woody allen
The Flying Tomato (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2018/02/14/after-winning-gold-medal-shaun-white-dodges-questions-about-2016-sexual-harassment-suit/?utm_term=.25a1bd57f6d4)
Mike Isabella
Steven Seagall.
Hey Julian, was he on your list? Seems like he should have been.
Steven Seagall.
Hey Julian, was he on your list? Seems like he should have been.
No, but I had Steven the Sea Gull the mascot of the local Captain D's knockoff from my hometown when I was a young boy. . .
Mike Isabella
Surprise, that guy is a fat f'n tool.
Upcoming predictions unless this 15 minutes of news cycle has already moved on from sexual harassment.
Ryan Seacrest
Simon Cowell
Randy Jackson
Jeff Probst
One down.
Fred Savage
^ winnie has been holding on to that secret for a long time
Mork from Ork
Read Molly Ringwald's essay (https://www.newyorker.com/culture/personal-history/what-about-the-breakfast-club-molly-ringwald-metoo-john-hughes-pretty-in-pink)about her work with John Hughes. Sharp as a tack.
Asia Argento (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/19/us/asia-argento-assault-jimmy-bennett.html)
Asia Argento (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/19/us/asia-argento-assault-jimmy-bennett.html)
I wonder if Bourdain would still be alive if he had never met that woman.
I try not to use the term “that woman”...I find so many sexist people do
Like think about how many people referred and refer to Hillary as “that woman” and compare it to how many people refer to any male politician as “that man”....no, it’s always “that woman”
I try not to use the term “that woman”...I find so many sexist people do
Like think about how many people referred and refer to Hillary as “that woman” and compare it to how many people refer to any male politician as “that man”....no, it’s always “that woman”
Thanks for the lecture, Hoss.
Not a lecture but take it the way you want....
Asia Argento (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/19/us/asia-argento-assault-jimmy-bennett.html)
I wonder if Bourdain would still be alive if he had never met that woman.
you, post to poke some invisible bear, to the universe. I . . . love that.
been a wild year...I'm not outing anyone in this...but the start of #metoo appeared in a tweet by Ms Teen Steam on 10/15/18
this is interesting
252 celebrities, politicians, CEOs, and others who have been accused of sexual misconduct since April 2017
Been a while since any major allegations
I'm convinced this is connected to the GOPs war on science
Fox, Cosmos producers both say they're investigating sexual misconduct allegations against Neil deGrasse Tyson.
I was a little skeptical when the source was the onion, but the story is being carried by others
x-mas songs in the #metoo era (https://youtu.be/CJB9GP5gyAw)
x-mas songs in the #metoo era (https://youtu.be/CJB9GP5gyAw)
This Woman Explains The Lyrics Of “Baby It’s Cold Outside” And It’s Not What You Think (https://www.fempositive.com/this-woman-explains-the-lyrics-of-baby-its-cold-outside-and-its-not-what-you-think/)
also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGWsNPfZWx4 (really funny)
bonus: William Shatner battles with fans over defense of 'Baby It's Cold Outside' (https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/william-shatner-battles-with-fans-over-defense-of-baby-its-cold-outside)
Lots of good. Just also one crappy thing.
Ah yes, the Harvey Weinstein defense team will be using this for sure, you know, because it worked so well for Bill Cosby.
Man...looking like this is getting thrown out
Weinstein Seeks Dismissal Of Sexual Assault Case In Possible #MeToo Setback (https://www.npr.org/2018/12/17/676803400/weinstein-seeks-dismissal-of-sexual-assault-case-in-possible-metoo-setback)
I thought this was a creative headline:
Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, and the No Apology Tour
and in good new...the Weinstein moves forward and the case will now proceed to a pre-trial hearing, March 7. (https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/12/harvey-weinstein-trial-me-too-sexual-misconduct-rape)
I thought this was a creative headline:
Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, and the No Apology Tour
linked: Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, and the No Apology Tour (https://consequenceofsound.net/2018/12/louis-ck-kevin-spacey-trump-no-apology/)
I thought this was a creative headline:
Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, and the No Apology Tour
linked: Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, and the No Apology Tour (https://consequenceofsound.net/2018/12/louis-ck-kevin-spacey-trump-no-apology/)
totally unrelated but a hysterical timely homonym of sorts....(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51X-gSQs0%2BL.jpg)
I thought this was a creative headline:
Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, and the No Apology Tour
linked: Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, and the No Apology Tour (https://consequenceofsound.net/2018/12/louis-ck-kevin-spacey-trump-no-apology/)
Brutal watch:
Backstory (https://news.avclub.com/well-this-is-brutal-father-of-a-murdered-child-has-hi-1832278043?utm_source=jalopnik_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2019-02-02)
Justin Fairfax
Oh boy...
Óscar Arias Sánchez
Groper? Not clear.
Sexual harassment? Probably....
Ryan Adams (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/13/arts/music/ryan-adams-women-sex.html?)
Groper? Not clear.
Sexual harassment? Probably....
Ryan Adams (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/13/arts/music/ryan-adams-women-sex.html?)
Wow... I'm not surprised. I've grown to loathe that dude over the years, but maybe he should finally just off himself, too harsh?
The guy has serious issues
have never understood why so many of my friends are into his music...,he has but a handful of songs I like
I guess he pulled that on Jenny Lewis and even Liz Phair!
The guy has serious issues
have never understood why so many of my friends are into his music...,he has but a handful of songs I like
I guess he pulled that on Jenny Lewis and even Liz Phair!
I'd say Mandy Moore takes the cake.
Did it to Natalie Prass as well. Dude is a fuckin psycho basket case.
I'm sure he'll have another online melt down due to this.
Here I am at 34000 ft and I hear this news
Haven't even read the story, but based on the commentary, not good
His whole stichk was to be an asshole from day one.
But This is the first time I had heard any of this
I think he always had a quantity over quality problem
But he has some sweet tracks in the midst of that pile
Am I supposed to publicly shame him now
I can only imagine the hilarious voicemail he’s going to leave on that reporter’s phone.
Absolutely not Sidehatch...
Are you heading to Hawaii?
Damnit, you guys always beat me to the scoop.
He always seemed like a total asshole. This is not surprising news.
It's safe to say his career is over.
dig (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dig_(command))
It's safe to say his career is over.
He may be going jail over ava
He's toast
Sounded like f'n Weinstein with the ' come on by my hotel room' and he was already naked
And now the corporate sponsors start to run for the doors
"Benson, an amplifier company, has also discontinued its relationship with Adams"
JHS Pedals, a guitar pedal company, has also cut ties with Adams. The company released “the VCR,” a pedal in collaboration with Adams and his label Pax-Am.
dig (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dig_(command))
Who did they touch?
My two mildly interesting tangential stories...
When I was living in NC in my late 20's, a female friend set me up on a blind date with her sister's roommate. I think maybe the connection was that we were both into alt-country. And maybe she thought we were a match physically. Anyway, at some point we made it to her place, and she asked me if I had ever her of Whiskeytown, her ex-boyfriend was the lead singer. I said no, and she played part of Faithless Street for me. Anyway, we didn't hit it off (playing your ex-boyfriend's band's album for your date is probably a sign), we both saw each other out once more but then both moved out of state and never saw each other again (I heard she married and had a couple of kids and is actually friends with another musician that I'm as long time fan of.) Anyway, first time I heard Ryan Adams.
The other story took place when I was in my early 20's. I briefly dated an aspiring musician who told me the tale of when she was 14, she met a rocker who was quite famous at the time and ended up having what seems like a Ryan-Ava type relationship (she even had pictures of them together so totally believable.) Anyway, I guess the moral of the store is Ryan is not the first creeper in the rock world.
No doy
Groper? Not clear.
Sexual harassment? Probably....
Ryan Adams (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/13/arts/music/ryan-adams-women-sex.html?)
PSA: Bryan Adams is not Ryan Adams (https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/15/entertainment/bryan-adams-ryan-adams/index.html)
dig (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dig_(command))
Who did they touch?
mostly Apache, but its 24 years old and frankly is asking for it, constantly. leaving your ports open like that...
PSA: Bryan Adams is not Ryan Adams (https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/15/entertainment/bryan-adams-ryan-adams/index.html)
Stupid self centered Canadians. There is definitely a summer of 69 joke in here but I'm not going to make it....
PSA: Bryan Adams is not Ryan Adams (https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/15/entertainment/bryan-adams-ryan-adams/index.html)
Stupid self centered Canadians. There is definitely a summer of 69 joke in here but I'm not going to make it....
To be fair, Bryan Adams is superior to Ryan Adams in every way.
Ryan Adams finally cancels UK tour
I don’t know if his career will withstand this scandal
Ryan Adams finally cancels UK tour
I don’t know if his career will withstand this scandal
I predict death within a year, if not, career definitely over.
I think he is going to rename some of the song titles
Fuck The Rain -> Fuck The News
Lucky Now -> Lucky Then
Call me on your way back home -> Call my lawyer if you want a statement
When The Stars Go Blue -> When the stars cry #metoo
Do You Still Love Me? -> Do You Still Love Me?
I think he will eventually try to make a comeback...,I mean I don’t see him having any other career option and he can’t live off of royalties....or streaming revenues
I just never found his music any good....I don’t understand what people like about him...terrible live...and all over the map musically...he is in my mind a fake...one year doing the Smiths...the next Grateful Dead...etc.... but there must be something as many of my friends with otherwise unimpeachable taste love him
quantity was always a problem with him
and I agree close to 75% of the times I saw him live sucked
but those other shows were awesome
he is a whiny ass bitch and that grew tiresome
His early output with Whiskeytown and Heartbreaker IMO are fantastic
I think Gold has some pretty standout moments too
but after that...never really peaked again
I did like cold roses and that tour tho
not that this is indicator of talent or good product
but I'm a little surprised he got nominated for two grammys in 2015
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-biden/second-woman-says-ex-vp-biden-touched-her-inappropriately-idUSKCN1RD3CT (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-biden/second-woman-says-ex-vp-biden-touched-her-inappropriately-idUSKCN1RD3CT)
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-biden/second-woman-says-ex-vp-biden-touched-her-inappropriately-idUSKCN1RD3CT (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-biden/second-woman-says-ex-vp-biden-touched-her-inappropriately-idUSKCN1RD3CT)
I’m not team Biden — Julian For The Future For Life — but neither this, nor the first allegation really constitutes groping in the way anyone uses that term. Rubbing noses and kissing someone on the back of the head, while weird and patriarchal and inappropriate, needs to be delineated from . . . well, virtually every other entry in this thread.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-biden/second-woman-says-ex-vp-biden-touched-her-inappropriately-idUSKCN1RD3CT (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-biden/second-woman-says-ex-vp-biden-touched-her-inappropriately-idUSKCN1RD3CT)
I’m not team Biden — Julian For The Future For Life — but neither this, nor the first allegation really constitutes groping in the way anyone uses that term. Rubbing noses and kissing someone on the back of the head, while weird and patriarchal and inappropriate, needs to be delineated from . . . well, virtually every other entry in this thread.
“It wasn’t sexual, but he did grab me by the head,” Amy Lappos, 43, told the Hartford Courant on Monday of her encounter with Biden at a Greenwich, Connecticut, event. “He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth.”
What are we constituting as "groping" these days?
What are we constituting as "groping" these days?
Something that specifically doesn't start with the accuser/victim feeling the need to state for the record as the first thing out of their mouth, "it wasn't sexual," but that's just me.
Is she saying it ultimately wasn't sexual, but only after he didn't kiss her on the mouth? Or that even if she thought the kiss was coming, it wasn't sexual?
What are we constituting as "groping" these days?
Something that specifically doesn't start with "it wasn't sexual," but that's just me.
Is she saying it ultimately wasn't sexual, but only after he didn't kiss her on the mouth? Or that even if she thought the kiss was coming, it wasn't sexual?
I could only guess.
I hate to agree with julian on anything other than Ratbastard...well is a ratbastard
and needs to be delineated from . . . well, virtually every other entry in this thread.
I'm not sure how the Left is going to deal with this problem of throwing the baby out with the bathwater
but we need to be able to draw a line between weinstein and biden...it's insanity to think they are almost the same thing
look at what else this woman said
“If Biden truly supports women and gender equality he would step aside and support one of the many talented and qualified women running,” she added. “The same goes for the other men who have thrown their hat in the ring. Women are 52 percent of the population. We are not a minority, we are the majority. It is time we are represented as such. After 45 male presidents it is time we elect a woman.”
So she says it's not sexual ...but really just wants to take out the white men
little disingenious
I also think this narative is being pushed hard by operatives on the Right and the media is just eating it up
how are we going to stop eating our own on the way to 2020
What are we constituting as "groping" these days?
I'm curious on YOUR opinion on this...you posted here like it was a legitimate accusation of groping...fanning the flames
“If Biden truly supports women and gender equality he would step aside and support one of the many talented and qualified women running,” she added. “The same goes for the other men who have thrown their hat in the ring. Women are 52 percent of the population. We are not a minority, we are the majority. It is time we are represented as such. After 45 male presidents it is time we elect a woman.”
To be fair, I agree with absolutely all of that with the exception of the premise that any man who runs for the Presidency isn't a TRUE SUPPORTER of gender equality. That's cuckoo bananas.
I mean, is William London from Doubt a groper?
Sister Aloysius is looking through the window, down on the student populace. Her eyes narrow.
William takes a step towards her.
WILLIAM Sister, are we having the test today?
SISTER JAMES Tomorrow, William.
WILLIAM Is it long division?
SISTER JAMES Among other things.
Sister James turns away to greet another nun and William grabs her arm to ask her another question.
SISTER JAMES Good morning, Sister.
William touches her sleeve.
WILLIAM How much of it will be long division?
Sister Aloysius looks down on the courtyard from the balcony outside her office.
SISTER ALOYSIUS William London. Come up here! Come smartly now.
Pale and alone, William walks up the stairs.
SISTER ALOYSIUS Don’t make me wait.
ALICE (O.S.) What did he do?
SARAH (O.S.) He touched Sister James.
Flynn confides to Sister James.
FLYNN The dragon is hungry!
Sister James blushes with pleasure at the attention, stifles a giggle. The noise resumes.
SARAH (O.S.) You don’t touch a nun.
There has to be some difference between inappropriately touching someone for sexual reasons and incidental (for lack of a better word) inappropriate touching of someone. If I pat Sidehatch on the shoulder out of friendship without getting his consent first, should I be disqualified from holding public office? There is a giant chasm between incidental, non-sexual contact -- which can still be quite inappropriate and "problematic," for sure -- and the actual criminal sexual assaults that make up this thread.
Democrats going to sink Biden....great
He breathed on a woman’s neck!!!!
This is the weirdest mindset to me. It's a primary...shouldn't we weed out the bad stuff now? I mean, every knew Biden was a creep...shouldn't we deal with that kind of shit now rather than sweeping it under a rug for later? Make these folks answer for bad votes and explain why they did it, and if they've changed since then, make them show the work.
Also, LOL at Biden stans.
Democrats going to sink Biden....great
He breathed on a woman’s neck!!!!
Democrats going to sink Biden....great
He breathed on a woman’s neck!!!!
I'm not sure how Republicans could make this an issue given who their candidate is.
I mean, every knew Biden was a creep...
Wait, we did?
I think they probably will. I mean, even Steve "David Duke without the Baggage" Scalise jumped on the Omar dogpile. These fucking scumbags are shameless.
But I agree it won't do damage...not a single person that would be offended by Biden's groping would suddenly think to back an actual accused rapist.
Democrats going to sink Biden....great
He breathed on a woman’s neck!!!!
I'm not sure how Republicans could make this an issue given who their candidate is.
Democrats going to sink Biden....great
He breathed on a woman’s neck!!!!
I'm not sure how Republicans could make this an issue given who their candidate is.
from: nkotb on Today at 14:13:58
I mean, every knew Biden was a creep...
This is the problem...and we are falling into the Right's game here...they don't hold their accountable, but they know if they stoke the fire...the libs will turn it into an inferno
I do think we should weed people out for sure...that is what the primary is for
but this is not an issue that he should drop out for
everyone knew he was famous for gaffs....creep ...come on man.
worst offense is he's a huger ...how is that offensive really
Wasn't that part of his meme persona? Just being a creepy old guy that was overly handsy with women? The Onion even had some articles on the topic.
I mean, every knew Biden was a creep...
Wait, we did?
And Hillary was a liar
Look what we got
Democrats refuse to grow up and learn
I don’t think this would affect Biden in general but it kind of dooms him in primaries if he even decided to run at this point
Wasn't that part of his meme persona? Just being a creepy old guy that was overly handsy with women?
I guess I never picked up on the handsy part and thought it was moreso your crazy uncle who still wants to do kegstands at 65.
I agree with "Democrats refuse to grow up and learn" part.
And Hillary was a liar
Look what we got
Democrats refuse to grow up and learn
I don’t think this would affect Biden in general but it kind of dooms him in primaries if he even decided to run at this point
If Kamala Harris was the handsy type, would we even be having this discussion?
Oh wait, she did sleep her way to the top.
Yeah, I think it was an outreach of that:
I don't think he's not a sex creep in the way Trump obviously is; probably just a guy that has outdated ideas on what's acceptable. I think his response has been pretty shitty (like, just say sorry! it's ok!) for sure. But I don't have a lot of stake in Biden from a policy standpoint, so I kind of don't give a shit either way.
That said, if I found out that someone his age did that to my wife and it made her uncomfortable in the way described, I'd be pretty fucking pissed.
Wasn't that part of his meme persona? Just being a creepy old guy that was overly handsy with women?
I guess I never picked up on the handsy part and thought it was moreso your crazy uncle who still wants to do kegstands at 65.
Every poll we have seen - and common sense- tells us Biden is the one Democrat with clearly the best chance to unseat Trump
But let’s tear him down with Onion memes before he even starts running...let’s make it a real big deal...like the Hillary emails
I would not be surprised if this was a political hit job..frankly
Anyways we are pretty much toast next year Biden or not....
this means only . . . one, thing
LOL those articles are from 2013, 15 and 16. Should we yell at the Onion?
Every poll we have seen - and common sense- tells us Biden is the one Democrat with clearly the best chance to unseat Trump
But let’s tear him down with Onion memes before he even starts running...let’s make it a real big deal...like the Hillary emails
I would not be surprised if this was a political hit job..frankly
Anyways we are pretty much toast next year Biden or not....
Every poll we have seen - and common sense- tells us Biden is the one Democrat with clearly the best chance to unseat Trump
But let’s tear him down with Onion memes before he even starts running...let’s make it a real big deal...like the Hillary emails
I would not be surprised if this was a political hit job..frankly
Anyways we are pretty much toast next year Biden or not....
I don't know man, it sounds like you're blaming the wrong people here.
Biden has a very long history of touching women inappropriately. Has he bragged about sexual assault or rape like Trump? No. But he uses his power and position to gratify himself by constantly getting handsy with women. Yes, there's a meme out now of him giving a big hug to another man, as if this exonerates him. But he's not nuzzling and kissing a man's neck. He's not pulling men and rubbing noses with them. The guy is a fucking creep and I don't want him representing the Democratic party even if he could maybe beat Trump. And let's not forget, dude's record of presidential campaigns is dismal. He is not the future of the party, and he shouldn't be. He needs to go away.
LOL those articles are from 2013, 15 and 16. Should we yell at the Onion?
Every poll we have seen - and common sense- tells us Biden is the one Democrat with clearly the best chance to unseat Trump
But let’s tear him down with Onion memes before he even starts running...let’s make it a real big deal...like the Hillary emails
I would not be surprised if this was a political hit job..frankly
Anyways we are pretty much toast next year Biden or not....
No we should yell at YOU
Biden was the best chance of beating Trump....a few women saying he is touchy feely coordinated to come out the week or two before he was to announce is just not credible
But I don’t see him winning the primaries...just don’t spend the next four year term blaming Trump: look yourselves in the mirror
It’s funny when Hillary was running all I heard from other democrats and young people was negative shit about Hillary...I canvassed for her...doubt any of these did...but now they are up in arms about everything Trump does...these same people were convinced Trump would quit, be impeached or whatever...
Sometimes in politics you have to be practical and realistic..
For sure, man!
LOL those articles are from 2013, 15 and 16. Should we yell at the Onion?
Every poll we have seen - and common sense- tells us Biden is the one Democrat with clearly the best chance to unseat Trump
But let’s tear him down with Onion memes before he even starts running...let’s make it a real big deal...like the Hillary emails
I would not be surprised if this was a political hit job..frankly
Anyways we are pretty much toast next year Biden or not....
No we should yell at YOU
Biden was the best chance of beating Trump....a few women saying he is touchy feely coordinated to come out the week or two before he was to announce is just not credible
But I don’t see him winning the primaries...just don’t spend the next four year term blaming Trump: look yourselves in the mirror
It’s funny when Hillary was running all I heard from other democrats and young people was negative shit about Hillary...I canvassed for her...doubt any of these did...but now they are up in arms about everything Trump does...these same people were convinced Trump would quit, be impeached or whatever...
Sometimes in politics you have to be practical and realistic..
I would not be surprised if this was a political hit job..frankly
IMO...it is
and the libs are the ones bringing the pitchforks
and team trump is laughing all the way to 2020 inauguration
And let's not forget, dude's record of presidential campaigns is dismal. He is not the future of the party, and he shouldn't be.
This I do agree on...but not based on his creepyness, just that we need NEW...plain and simple
For sure man! Biden is the only one they fear... he would have a great chance of taking PA, WI and MI...and that is what we need...we ain’t winning OH or FL even if we put up Jesus
I love Mayor Pete and Beto....Warren has a ton of serious policy proposals... Sanders would try to do things I love
But they have less than zero chance to beat Trump
Someone once said people get the government they deserve
If I can ask...what do you "love" about Buttigieg and Beto? Like, what specific policies or stances do those guys have that you love? My gut is that people generally just like how those guys make them feel inside, but maybe I'm wrong? I don't really know about Buttigieg Boys or Beto Brahs to ask, but that's the vibe i get from Facebook.
It just seems weird to me to put Warren ("a ton of serious policy proposals") and Sanders ("would try to do things I love") in the same sentence if that's the case. Maybe it's not and those guys have really good policies that people love that I don't know about. I'm dumb!
I love Mayor Pete and Beto....Warren has a ton of serious policy proposals... Sanders would try to do things I love
guys...there is a thread for this 2020
this is where we talk about #metoo related allegations and exasperations
guys...there is a thread for this 2020
this is where we talk about #metoo related allegations and exasperations
Nerf Hearder
If I can ask...what do you "love" about Buttigieg and Beto? Like, what specific policies or stances do those guys have that you love? My gut is that people generally just like how those guys make them feel inside, but maybe I'm wrong? I don't really know about Buttigieg Boys or Beto Brahs to ask, but that's the vibe i get from Facebook.
It just seems weird to me to put Warren ("a ton of serious policy proposals") and Sanders ("would try to do things I love") in the same sentence if that's the case. Maybe it's not and those guys have really good policies that people love that I don't know about. I'm dumb!
I love Mayor Pete and Beto....Warren has a ton of serious policy proposals... Sanders would try to do things I love
Beto was in a punk band and Buttplug is gay and what card carrying liberal doesn't love the gays?
Buttplug is gay and what card carrying liberal doesn't love the gays?
Had to go there...I guess appropriate for the groper thread
Mayor Pete was on Real Time and was great
and Bill didn't even bring up his Husband...even a year ago I don't think that would have happened
37 seems a tad bit young to me, but IMO we'll be hearing a lot more from him for the next 30 years
very sharp and well spoken and a glint in his eyes that makes liberals wet
If I can ask...what do you "love" about Buttigieg and Beto? Like, what specific policies or stances do those guys have that you love? My gut is that people generally just like how those guys make them feel inside, but maybe I'm wrong? I don't really know about Buttigieg Boys or Beto Brahs to ask, but that's the vibe i get from Facebook.
It just seems weird to me to put Warren ("a ton of serious policy proposals") and Sanders ("would try to do things I love") in the same sentence if that's the case. Maybe it's not and those guys have really good policies that people love that I don't know about. I'm dumb!
you still think policy positions win presidential elections? how quaint.
Butt, is not from the coast states, or texas. He comes from an area where the median income is basically lower middle class people, who need someone in dc to finally listen to them. He, was in the military. That right there, will be his shield against so much b.s slinging. He's a minority . . . who is white. He's not grandpa.
But, his biggest weakness will be women who want to see a woman in the White House. Women who are tired of voting for men, no matter who they are or what they represent.
Life finds a way...
Democrats going to sink Biden....great
He breathed on a woman’s neck!!!!
I'm not sure how Republicans could make this an issue given who their candidate is.
^ from the above tweet thread:
Gen. John Hyten, President Trump's nominee to be the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff accused of sexual assault (https://thehill.com/policy/defense/454937-army-colonel-comes-forward-as-woman-accusing-no-2-general-nominee-sexual)
this line did make me do a double take
"According to Air Force officials, there was insufficient evidence to support any finding of misconduct on the part of Gen Hyten," Cmdr. Bill Clinton said in a statement to The Hill.
Danny Masterson
los Angeles prosecutors say "That '70s Show" actor Danny Masterson has been charged with rapes of three women.
Danny Masterson
los Angeles prosecutors say "That '70s Show" actor Danny Masterson has been charged with rapes of three women.
Yep. Sounds right.
Why does it “ sound right”?
I see
It rings vaguely familiar
He is finished.
Why does it “ sound right”?
This is my long-standing belief that dudes who are sacks of shit “sexually” you can see a mile away. Who thought this dude was a feminist? No one.
It’s a long road from not being a feminist to being a rapist...
I only knew him from That 70s Show so I guess I had no opinion on him as a person
It’s a long road from not being a feminist to being a rapist...
Fair enough.
so...do you #believeBeebs ?
Good to see this creep go down
It seems like every man at Fox “News” does this stuff
I guess Epstein technically isn't a groper...more of a pedophile
I can't believe this woman had not been arrested before this
it seemed pretty clear that she was a key player in the scheme and knows all the details
plus, I'm sure there is dirt on donnie
She does seem evil but put away your pitchforks and let the justice system dispense
Dirt on Trump? Like a grain of sand on a beach
She does seem evil but put away your pitchforks and let the justice system dispense
Dirt on Trump? Like a grain of sand on a beach
I love my Pitchfork...even put an Antifa sticker and flames shoot out of the tines!
I'd like to think if she said under oath that she set Trump up with underage girls at a bunga-bunga party and has pics and evidence to corroborate...that might not be a good look
but the MAGA's won't change their mind
I can't believe this woman had not been arrested before this
she's been on the run for over a year. they've wanted to arrest, or at least have a serious talk with, her for a while now. looks like they finally tracked her down.
I guess Epstein technically isn't a groper...more of a pedophile
Im sure there was some light groping involved.
Not Pluto too!
i'll leave this here since i don't want to start a "groomer" thread...
Bassnectar Quits Music Industry Following Sexual Misconduct Allegations (https://www.complex.com/music/2020/07/bassnectar-quits-music-industry-following-sexual-misconduct-allegations)
Geezus what a creep
I know people that really like Bassnectar
I don’t believe he is genuine...if he was he would start by apologizing directly to his victims.
I also think “grooming” is a serious crime. It’s not just being a dick.
I know he wants to turn the page...
I know he wants to turn the page...
Like Bob Seger?
God that Metallica vid is awful
I must have missed this story
Mayor of Seoul
Mayor of Seoul
James Brown?
Park Won Soon
Park Won Soon
Dan Snyder...or was he already in here.
Dan Snyder...or was he already in here.
Just his minions. So far. I assume the name Rhiannon will be searched a ton tonight.
Lawsuit Accuses Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Other Network Talent of Sexual Harassment (https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/lawsuit-accuses-fox-news-tucker-carlson-sean-hannity-and-other-network-talent-of-sexual-harassment/)
alleges no actual groping...but this seemed like the best place for it
Fox News
Burger Records
Martin Di Caro - former transportation reporter and total creeper
Repeatedly telling a spokesperson for a D.C. councilmember how he thought she looked in a dress. Sending suggestive, late-night messages to young colleagues. Inviting a news assistant to a networking event, only to bring her to one-on-one drinks and ask her to come home with him. Looking women up and down “like a cartoon wolf” in the workplace. Telling a transportation expert at professional drinks that “I want to f*ck you, no strings attached.”
Martin Di Caro - former transportation reporter and total creeper
I always hated that guy for some reason...maybe it was a good reason ;)
Pitchfork out there doing some investigatory journalism and exposing Mark Kozelek (https://pitchfork.com/news/mark-kozelek-of-sun-kil-moon-accused-of-sexual-misconduct-by-three-women/?mbid=social_facebook&utm_brand=p4k&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_social-type=owned&fbclid=IwAR3NRCFZozFMjgsymqCss_vJMBXhbUsQCblsvVfkUisNYmIZaeio6Bgyp7o)
Pitchfork out there doing some investigatory journalism and exposing Mark Kozelek (https://pitchfork.com/news/mark-kozelek-of-sun-kil-moon-accused-of-sexual-misconduct-by-three-women/?mbid=social_facebook&utm_brand=p4k&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_social-type=owned&fbclid=IwAR3NRCFZozFMjgsymqCss_vJMBXhbUsQCblsvVfkUisNYmIZaeio6Bgyp7o)
Color me shocked that the guy that called a reporter a "bitch that totally wants to fuck me" on stage is now being accused of sexual harassment. Shocked, I say.
Azaghal must be crushed
when a name, haunts a place . . . it's azag.
Azaghal must be crushed
He's too busy getting pissed off that people are telling him to vote
FKA twigs accuses Shia LaBeouf, the second girlfriend of his to come forward :(
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/11/arts/music/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-abuse.html (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/11/arts/music/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-abuse.html)
https://www.npr.org/2020/12/11/945549607/fka-twigs-sues-shia-labeouf-accusing-him-of-domestic-abuse (https://www.npr.org/2020/12/11/945549607/fka-twigs-sues-shia-labeouf-accusing-him-of-domestic-abuse)
since this is our "me too" thread:
After years of silence, Justin Timberlake apologizes to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson: ‘I know I failed’ (https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2021/02/12/justin-timberlake-apologizes-britney-spears-janet-jackson/)
Color me shocked!!
Would never expect such a thing from this huckster!
I got to add the day of the week but you can’t tell me who these fuckers are?
Come on now.
i have no idea who those random fuckers are. just an image that i found on a listicle site and thought i'd share it here given its mild music-related nature. mea culpa.
Ugh ok it does look like the tongue is harassing
oh, now i understand - you thought i was posting that pic because the dude (or maybe the dudette) was being accused of groping/harassing/etc... sorry, nope, just a guy with a stones' tongue t-shirt that looks like it's a candidate for being cancelled. nothing more.
Therein lies the humor.
Bob Dylan?!
I saw that!
Good thing he sold his catalog before this came out!
I am reading a two volume biography of Sinatra and about 1954 Sinatra seems to have had an affair with Natalie Wood who was 15. She was just getting started in Hollywood, Sinatra had recently won the Oscar, and Natalie’s mother thought it would be good for her daughter’s career to hang out with Frank who would have been 38.
According to the book Sinatra and Wood were occasionally together until her death. Of course Natalie’s husband, Robert Wagner, and believed by many to have killed Natalie, was a Sinatra friend.
My mom was always agog about Rita Hayworth, Grace Kelly and Natalie Wood.
Bob Dylan?!
Yeah I am skeptical but didn’t want to say anything
Heylin has written a book something like Day by Day which tracks where he was and what he was doing…I read it many years ago when I was pretty obsessed but not sure I kept my copy… so he does know this stuff even if he is a crashing bore
1965 was Bob Dylan’s busiest year. He released multiple albums, cut a ton of songs at sessions (there’s like a 20 cd box set of these), toured a lot including internationally, made a movie and was dating, and about to marry his future wife and together have their first child. All this happened in 1965. He was burning the candle at both ends.
this could have gone in the "let's impeach trump" thread, or the Schadenfreude thread...
Trump super PAC cuts ties with Lewandowski after donor alleged unwanted sexual advances (https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/30/politics/corey-lewandowski-trump-super-pac/index.html)
Donald Trump's super PAC has severed ties with Republican operative Corey Lewandowski following reports that a donor accused the former Trump campaign manager of making unwanted sexual advances toward her last weekend.
"He will no longer be associated with Trump World"
(since when has trumpworld been anti-groper?!?!? kinda late to the party... i guess it kicks in when something even more valuable and central to their values is at stake: money)
this could have gone in the "let's impeach trump" thread, or the Schadenfreude thread...
Trump super PAC cuts ties with Lewandowski after donor alleged unwanted sexual advances (https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/30/politics/corey-lewandowski-trump-super-pac/index.html)
Donald Trump's super PAC has severed ties with Republican operative Corey Lewandowski following reports that a donor accused the former Trump campaign manager of making unwanted sexual advances toward her last weekend.
"He will no longer be associated with Trump World"
(since when has trumpworld been anti-groper?!?!? kinda late to the party... i guess it kicks in when something even more valuable and central to their values is at stake: money)
Come on dude this is different
Groping a major Trump donor!
He can’t work for the PAC if he is sexually harassing the big donors
He obviously had to go
Now if he had groped a pizza delivery driver pretty sure he would not have had to go…just would have denied it etc
Pretty sure all of Lewandowski's sexual advances are unwanted, so how to differentiate....
Ugh I think the people running the PAC know exactly how to differentiate: do they write us big checks?
National Women’s Soccer League calls off upcoming games amid allegations of abuse
https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/10/01/nwsl-abuse-allegations-call-off-games/ (https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/10/01/nwsl-abuse-allegations-call-off-games/)
If a tree falls in the woods . . .
seems to be they were looking for an excuse to get rid of Lewandowsk, because conservatives rarely cancel their own over that type of behavior.. witness no one distancing themselves from matt g. yet... the only thing that seems to take down conservatives is wife abuse and occasionally pedos..
the only thing that seems to take down conservatives is wife abuse and occasionally pedos..
also: anything that affects their CA$H (RE: Lewandowski)
the only thing that seems to take down conservatives is wife abuse and occasionally pedos..
also: anything that affects their CA$H (RE: Lewandowski)
i can see that, had he groped an intern all would be copacetic... and you know matt g. and the wackettes are bringing in all the CA$H, so all that bad behavior is overlooked.
If a tree falls in the woods . . .
ouch. attendance at NWSL has been steadily increasing. i believe half of the teams were even turning a profit, pre-panda... so, not nobody, but...
National Women’s Soccer League calls off upcoming games amid allegations of abuse
https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/10/01/nwsl-abuse-allegations-call-off-games/ (https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/10/01/nwsl-abuse-allegations-call-off-games/)
to be clear the washington spirt coach doesn't appear to be the groper
but that courage coach...burn at the stake
Washington Spirit coach Richie Burke was fired Tuesday following a league investigation into allegations of verbal and emotional abuse that were first reported in The Washington Post. On Thursday, Courage coach Paul Riley was fired following a harrowing account of multiple allegations of sexual coercion published in the Athletic.
Pretty sure all of Lewandowski's sexual advances are unwanted, so how to differentiate....
well, i hate to contradict your put-down of someone as vile as Lewandowski, buuuuut...
"Then, even as Noem was trying to get out from under that cloud, came a report Wednesday from American Greatness, a conservative website, that Noem has been having an affair with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski."
(from: 2024 came early for Kristi Noem. And not in a good way. (https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/30/politics/corey-lewandowski-kristi-noem-2024/index.html))
i mean, i know she's equally vile and is willing to do anything to get power, but sounds like it was consensual.
julian is going to be shocked - SHOCKED - at this one...
Several young women allege 'aggressive' and violative sexual encounters with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy, Business Insider reports (https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Dave%20Portnoy%22&src=trend_click&pt=1456274051127672845&vertical=trends)
(unfortunately the main article on businessinsider.com is behind a paywall... then again, based on the twitter clips, maybe we're better off not reading the gory details)
julian is going to be shocked - SHOCKED - at this one...
Several young women allege 'aggressive' and violative sexual encounters with Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy, Business Insider reports (https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Dave%20Portnoy%22&src=trend_click&pt=1456274051127672845&vertical=trends)
(unfortunately the main article on businessinsider.com is behind a paywall... then again, based on the twitter clips, maybe we're better off not reading the gory details)
Buy PENN on the dip!
I don’t even know what barstool sports is…. Is it gambling? Buffalo wings?
I don’t even know what barstool sports is…. Is it gambling? Buffalo wings?
on the surface, it's a digital media company that centers its content on sports, gambling, and toxic masculinity. they run a bzillion blogs and produce videos about either sports or T&A (often both). it's where misogynistic meatheads get their content.
the article has a good analysis of its place in society: "Perpetually tan and bearded, Portnoy has built a half-a-billion-dollar digital-media empire off of sports gambling, crude humor, and barely clothed women. Barstool Sports — whose slogan is "By The Common Man, For The Common Man" — does for digital media what Donald Trump did for politics. It speaks to the masses: no pretension, no highfalutin language, and, notably, no apologies. The company says it reaches an estimated 54 million monthly unique visitors. In 2020, Barstool was valued at $450 million; Portnoy has an estimated net worth of $100 million."
I had no idea.
Sounds like my worst nightmare.
I mean, he's basically king douche bro of the douche clowns, but to be honest, sounds like a witch hunt.
any surprise surprise...best buds with TFG
also, he's got a response up on twitter already
so the non-apology apology next? because if the past tells us anything it's probably just the tip of the iceberg
I'm sure the wokemob will crucify me for this, but you get what you sign up for dealing with the guy... Do you expect this guy to be a fucking gentelman? THese are 20somethign clout chasers that post semi nudes on IG all day and then expect to be treated properly by the douche king?
Rape... yeah, fuck him and he should be tried and brought to justice. Did he hurt some girls' feelings, well too bad!
julian is going to be shocked - SHOCKED - at this one...
As I've long said: fuck Dave Portnoy and Barstool. Worst UM grad of all-time and we famously have like 10 serial killers who went there.
I'm sure the wokemob will crucify me for this, but you get what you sign up for dealing with the guy... Do you expect this guy to be a fucking gentelman? THese are 20somethign clout chasers that post semi nudes on IG all day and then expect to be treated properly by the douche king?
Rape... yeah, fuck him and he should be tried and brought to justice. Did he hurt some girls' feelings, well too bad!
the man is a predator. he uses his wealth and status to intimidate and silence the ladies. being a douche king does not give you an excuse to abuse women. taping the girls during sex, knowing that they won't/can't object, is absolutely reprehensible if not criminal. the man is slime. there is a hell of a lot more than "hurt feelings" going there.
(i had collected a bunch of quotes from the article about how this monster hurt and abused the women, but i don't want to foist that violence on unsuspecting readers so i deleted it)
I'm sure the wokemob will crucify me for this, but you get what you sign up for dealing with the guy... Do you expect this guy to be a fucking gentelman? THese are 20somethign clout chasers that post semi nudes on IG all day and then expect to be treated properly by the douche king?
Rape... yeah, fuck him and he should be tried and brought to justice. Did he hurt some girls' feelings, well too bad!
the man is a predator. he uses his wealth and status to intimidate and silence the ladies. being a douche king does not give you an excuse to abuse women. taping the girls during sex, knowing that they won't/can't object, is absolutely reprehensible if not criminal. the man is slime. there is a hell of a lot more than "hurt feelings" going there.
(i had collected a bunch of quotes from the article about how this monster hurt and abused the women, but i don't want to foist that violence on unsuspecting readers so i deleted it)
Not my hill to die on and as I've said, the guy's a fuckin' tool... BUT... the new normal of an accusation and guilty until proven innocent is a bunch of shit. Portnoy didn't force some IG sloooot to get on a flight, go accross the country, and stay at his home.
Buy PENN on the dip!
Up over 9%!
the man is a predator.
Not my hill to die on and as I've said, the guy's a fuckin' tool... BUT... the new normal of an accusation and guilty until proven innocent is a bunch of shit.
i hear ya. if this was one accuser, then i'm with ya. but when a bunch of women come forth (not an easy thing to do, especially with this douche who has an online army), AND it fits a pattern, i'm admittedly pretty quick to believe the accusers.
Portnoy didn't force some IG sloooot to get on a flight, go accross the country, and stay at his home.
that still didn't give him permission to abuse these women. what's next - the way in which she was dressed was just asking for it?
per the stories, there was a (criminal?) lack of consent. he taped sex acts without asking. he did extreme kinky shit (choking, spitting, etc.) with a first time partner (essentially a stranger) without talking about it first. ladies said stop, he didn't (aka rape).
agreed that he has not yet been convicted in a court of law. considering the likelihood of abusers getting jail time for their actions, i think that sometimes we need to get ahead of this type of behavior. if dude gets a bad reputation as his likely only punishment... well, let's hit him with something.
if dude gets a bad reputation as his likely only punishment... well, let's hit him with something.
In the world of the troglodytes who read Barstool, a bad reputation only makes him "more awesome." This is like "cancelling" Dave Chapelle -- guys, it only makes him more money.
Definition of Human Butt Debated During Cuomo Deposition (https://loweringthebar.net/2021/11/definition-of-human-butt-debated-during-cuomo-deposition.html)
From another link contained in the story linked above (bigger font for easier reading, more line breaks):
Buttocks: The area at the rear of the human body (sometimes referred to as the gluteus maximus) which lies between two imaginary straight lines running parallel to the ground when a Person is standing, the first or top such line being one-half inch below the top of the vertical cleavage of the nates (i.e., the prominence formed by the muscles running from the back of the hip to the back of the leg) and the second or bottom such line being one-half inch above the lowest point of the curvature of the fleshly protuberance (sometimes referred to as the gluteal fold), and between two imaginary straight lines, one on each side of the body (the “outside lines”), which outside lines are perpendicular to the ground and to the horizontal lines described above and which perpendicular outside lines pass through the outermost point(s) at which each nate meets the outer side of each leg. Notwithstanding the above, buttocks shall not include the leg, the hamstring muscle below the gluteal fold, the tensor fasciae latae muscle or any of the above-described portion of the human body that is between either (i) the left outside perpendicular line and the left outside perpendicular line or (ii) the right inside perpendicular line and the right outside perpendicular line. For the purpose of the previous sentence the left inside perpendicular line shall be an imaginary straight line on the left side of the anus (i) that is perpendicular to the ground and to the horizontal lines described above and (ii) that is one third of the distance from the anus to the right outside line.
Definition of Human Butt Debated During Cuomo Deposition (https://loweringthebar.net/2021/11/definition-of-human-butt-debated-during-cuomo-deposition.html)
From another link contained in the story linked above (bigger font for easier reading, more line breaks):
Buttocks: The area at the rear of the human body (sometimes referred to as the gluteus maximus) which lies between two imaginary straight lines running parallel to the ground when a Person is standing, the first or top such line being one-half inch below the top of the vertical cleavage of the nates (i.e., the prominence formed by the muscles running from the back of the hip to the back of the leg) and the second or bottom such line being one-half inch above the lowest point of the curvature of the fleshly protuberance (sometimes referred to as the gluteal fold), and between two imaginary straight lines, one on each side of the body (the “outside lines”), which outside lines are perpendicular to the ground and to the horizontal lines described above and which perpendicular outside lines pass through the outermost point(s) at which each nate meets the outer side of each leg. Notwithstanding the above, buttocks shall not include the leg, the hamstring muscle below the gluteal fold, the tensor fasciae latae muscle or any of the above-described portion of the human body that is between either (i) the left outside perpendicular line and the left outside perpendicular line or (ii) the right inside perpendicular line and the right outside perpendicular line. For the purpose of the previous sentence the left inside perpendicular line shall be an imaginary straight line on the left side of the anus (i) that is perpendicular to the ground and to the horizontal lines described above and (ii) that is one third of the distance from the anus to the right outside line.
Leading contender for POTY.
If this doesn’t lure Walkie back we’re done for…..
If this doesn’t lure Walkie back we’re done for…..
Almost put it in his thread, butt here's where it belongs.
fred savage?!? (https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/07/entertainment/fred-savage-fired-the-wonder-years-reboot/)
Man that’s old news….I was sure you were going to post about Elon Musk
Maybe early June?
Plácido Domingo Linked to Alleged Sex Trafficking Ring in Argentina
Not the Yoga people!
Plácido Domingo Linked to Alleged Sex Trafficking Ring in Argentina
Can't they leave the dead alone?
It is the “yoga” group/cult
The greasy looking Arcade Fire dude
Rex Orange
Rex Orange
Sir, the Rolling Compendium of Pantone Colors thread is over there.
Steven Tyler... color me shocked!
Steven Tyler... color me shocked!
yeah, under the 'duh files'
kinda crazy he went to the parents of a 16 year old (after only seeing her two times) to say 'I'm going to be her guardian' and they said yes?!
they were fairly big in 1975, so I guess they were like...well she'll be rich?
almost 50 years ago, but I think there was some law in CA that allowed victims to file before the end of the year no matter how long ago it was
Surprised Tyler didn't just throw a pile of money at this to keep it quiet
Tyler so strongly believes that it was consensual that he wrote about it in his 2004 memoir.
Herschel Walker Staffer: Matt Schlapp ‘Groped’ My Crotch
All Gas no Brakes dude
All Gas no Brakes dude
it's just amazing how off the radar I am on some things
The channel has 1.7 million subscribers and over 71 million views as of March 2021.
Justin Roiland, lead actor and co-creator of Rick and Morty and Solar Opposites, has been charged with felony domestic violence and false imprisonment related to a 2020 incident
Placido Domingo...a new accusation
Sidehatch - for offering a young female lead of a band a beer at a house party
Damn…I guess I have to shun you now?
Sidehatch - for offering a young female lead of a band a beer at a house party
the Weinstein of the DMV, they call him...
George Santos
Nationwide manhunt underway for former MTV star who allegedly tried to have sexual encounter with a teenager (https://news.yahoo.com/nationwide-manhunt-underway-former-mtv-194950440.html)
A warrant for Connor N. Smith, a former cast member of MTV's dating show "Are You The One?" has been issued in Lake County, Illinois.
The 32-year-old man is wanted on three felony charges, including grooming, disseminating harmful material and traveling to meet a minor.
This is not the first time Smith has been accused of inappropriate behavior with a minor. He was arrested in 2021 and charged with rape, sexual battery and two counts of criminal confinement, according to court documents obtained by Us Weekly. According to The Times of Northwest Indiana, the charges were dropped in Sept. 2022.
apparently this "star" now works - or worked - at a roofing company...
Sexual harassment complaint filed against DC mayor’s former chief of staff (https://wtop.com/dc/2023/03/sexual-harassment-complaint-filed-against-dc-mayors-former-chief-of-staff/)
Gawd, that guy's picture is probably pre-populated on the complaint form.
uh oh... early on in this thread, a lot of bold predictions were made of the next person to be called out for sexual assault (very poor predictions, may i add). however, no one called out:
What did Robert Smith do? Grooming allegations explored as disbelief erupts among The Cure fans (https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/what-robert-smith-do-grooming-allegations-explored-disbelief-erupts-among-the-cure-fans)
Sex offender Larry Nassar stabbed multiple times in prison (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66154758)
Man acquitted of assault as grope lasted less than 10 seconds, sparking outrage
Lizzo accused of sexual harassment and fat-shaming (https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-66379169)
yes, seriously.
You were the one that posted that ridiculous stuff about Robert Smith…all false
You were the one that posted that ridiculous stuff about Robert Smith…all false
Surely you do not judge the viability of allegations by which Boardie retweets — Elon gave up the branding, we are RIPE to steal it — it first on here?
Posting non credible allegations is poor form
Lizzo accused of sexual harassment and fat-shaming (https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-66379169)
yes, seriously.
She cancelled.
Posting non credible allegations is poor form
Isnt that obligation moreso on the media reporting them than random-ass Boardie?
Wait, is Hutch believing women (the accusers)? Or believing women (the accused)?
Wait, is Hutch believing women (the accusers)? Or believing women (the accused)?
Don’t stop believing
BAPTISTS Breaks Up Due To Allegations Against Their Vocalist (https://metalinjection.net/news/baptists-breaks-up-due-to-allegations-against-their-vocalist)
Were they Southern?
Musician Sues Former Grammys Head, Accusing Him of Rape (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/08/arts/music/neil-portow-grammys-rape-lawsuit.html)
The woman, who is not named in the lawsuit, said that she was drugged by Neil Portnow, and that the Recording Academy was negligent in investigating her complaint.
Sean 'Diddy' Combs
Vince McMahon... not sure he even belongs in this thread based on the accusations. WOw.
Really flagrant violations of Covid protocols no less
83 million reasons for one man to be here
83 million reasons for one man to be here
You'd think that would be big news but nothing about it on the Fox website, where this is one of the biggest news stories:
83 million reasons for one man to be here
You'd think that would be big news but nothing about it on the Fox website, where this is one of the biggest news stories:
Join Fox News for access to this content
Insane read.
Kanye West Sued By Former Assistant For Allegedly Raping, Drugging Her At Diddy Party
Oct surprise…….
Trump groped a minor at one of his donor dinners — and there is video.
Although, the internet….I have yet to see
It would be a surprise if these things didn’t come out now….
i want to see that video come out as much as the next trump-hater, but i fear it isn't going to change a damn thing. anyone who is going to vote for trump is comfortable with trump's sexism, misogyny, and assaults. it's been baked in since "i just grab 'em by the pussy" failed to move the needle.
truly pathetic: trump apologists, Elmo included, got #KamalaGropedMe trending yesterday in xitter in retaliation for anyone daring to accuse their orange jeebus of... anything (damn the evidence). talk about cope.
I actually think all this stuff hurts Kamala more than Trump. She needs to focus on making the argument why people should vote for her and not why people should vote against Trump. She has left it far too late though with 30 million people already voting (almost 20%). She needs media focus on her and what she intends to do not on Trump.
i want to see that video come out as much as the next trump-hater, but i fear it isn't going to change a damn thing. anyone who is going to vote for trump is comfortable with trump's sexism, misogyny, and assaults. it's been baked in since "i just grab 'em by the pussy" failed to move the needle.
truly pathetic: trump apologists, Elmo included, got #KamalaGropedMe trending yesterday in xitter in retaliation for anyone daring to accuse their orange jeebus of... anything (damn the evidence). talk about cope.
I just wish it would affect a measly 2% of MAGA, because that would be more than enough to put Harris over the top.
i want to see that video come out as much as the next trump-hater, but i fear it isn't going to change a damn thing. anyone who is going to vote for trump is comfortable with trump's sexism, misogyny, and assaults. it's been baked in since "i just grab 'em by the pussy" failed to move the needle.
truly pathetic: trump apologists, Elmo included, got #KamalaGropedMe trending yesterday in xitter in retaliation for anyone daring to accuse their orange jeebus of... anything (damn the evidence). talk about cope.
I just wish it would affect a measly 2% of MAGA, because that would be more than enough to put Harris over the top.
Would it?
i want to see that video come out as much as the next trump-hater, but i fear it isn't going to change a damn thing. anyone who is going to vote for trump is comfortable with trump's sexism, misogyny, and assaults. it's been baked in since "i just grab 'em by the pussy" failed to move the needle.
truly pathetic: trump apologists, Elmo included, got #KamalaGropedMe trending yesterday in xitter in retaliation for anyone daring to accuse their orange jeebus of... anything (damn the evidence). talk about cope.
I just wish it would affect a measly 2% of MAGA, because that would be more than enough to put Harris over the top.
Would it?
In the right swing state districts… it sure would
In Texas… she’d still lose by 6points
i want to see that video come out as much as the next trump-hater, but i fear it isn't going to change a damn thing. anyone who is going to vote for trump is comfortable with trump's sexism, misogyny, and assaults. it's been baked in since "i just grab 'em by the pussy" failed to move the needle.
truly pathetic: trump apologists, Elmo included, got #KamalaGropedMe trending yesterday in xitter in retaliation for anyone daring to accuse their orange jeebus of... anything (damn the evidence). talk about cope.
I just wish it would affect a measly 2% of MAGA, because that would be more than enough to put Harris over the top.
Would it?
In the right swing state districts… it sure would
In Texas… she’d still lose by 6points
How do you know?
Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman Allegations: Multiple Women Accuse ‘Sandman’ Author of Sexual Assault (https://variety.com/2025/tv/global/neil-gaiman-allegations-sexual-assault-1236272893/) (short but free article)
There Is No Safe Word How the best-selling fantasy author Neil Gaiman hid the darkest parts of himself for decades. (https://www.vulture.com/article/neil-gaiman-allegations-controversy-amanda-palmer-sandman-madoc.html) (full article, try opening in Incognito Tab if blocked by pay-wall)
The real assault was his terrible writing!
The real assault was his terrible writing!
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate