Author Topic: Indians 22, Yankees 0  (Read 33555 times)


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #75 on: September 02, 2004, 09:59:00 am »
Originally posted by hitman:
 Don't forget, Boston spent a hell of a lot more money this past offseason than NY.  Let alone the fact that if it wasn't for the Yankees and luxury taxes/revenue sharing, how in the hell would San Diego, Minnesota, Oakland, Milwaukee (and the host of other small markets) even field a damn team.  
wait.  where do you get that number?  Boston spent more money than NY? I'd like to see that figure, cause all we got was Schilling and Foulke and i didnt think they were more than A-Rod, Sheffield, Lofton and whoever else plays on the team now.
   and wasnt the luxury tax just started like 2 years ago?  hardly enough time to be funding half of the league.


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #76 on: September 02, 2004, 10:01:00 am »
Originally posted by Rob_Gee:
  You know whats funny? The Yankees scored five runs last night and still got the same amount of wins as the Indians did when they scored twenty two runs. I guess A-Rod was right when he said it's ONLY one loss.......What a concept.
the Indians were tired from running around the bases all Tuesday night!


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #77 on: September 02, 2004, 10:11:00 am »
Well look who finally woke up   :p


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #78 on: September 02, 2004, 10:12:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
 , cause all we got was Schilling and Foulke and i didnt think they were more than A-Rod, Sheffield, Lofton.
 and wasnt the luxury tax just started like 2 years ago?  hardly enough time to be funding half of the league. [/QB]
Ok, can we just take Lofton off the list, he's about the same as signing Pokey Reese.


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #79 on: September 02, 2004, 10:34:00 am »
Originally posted by keithstg:
 Yankees Suck. Jeter Swallows.
 Yankees Suck A-Rod.
I agree, those are offensive.  For some reason I love the plain old "Yankees Suck" t-shirt, *on* adults.


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #80 on: September 02, 2004, 10:39:00 am »
Originally posted by hitman:
 That must be a new rule or something.  I've seen those shirts plenty of times at Camden Yards, including this season, at O's v. Yanks games, and others.
Must be the flip, they must have finally relented and are now allowing the t-shirts in.  It was last August (2003), and they absolutely WOULD not let my friend into the ballpark with that shirt.  He had a manager come over and the whole bit.  He had to turn it inside out.  [He then went on to 'report' several offensive comments yelled out in our section.  If you're doing to disallow profanity or inciteful sayings, DO it.]
 My friend wrote a letter to the team and yards management about it all.  Maybe there were finally too many t-shrits showing up to stop from entering the park...


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #81 on: September 02, 2004, 10:42:00 am »
I'm neither a sox fan or yankees fan, but I do enjoy following the whole drama that surrounds these two teams.  What I always wonder is, what happens to the Red Sox fans if they do win a world series?  I always imagine some sort or existential crisis.  I mean, they'll have to adopt a whole new identity once they become winners.  Especially since they seem to derive some sort of masochistic pleasure from being "cursed" and victims of the cosmos etc.


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #82 on: September 02, 2004, 10:48:00 am »
Originally posted by Bags:
Originally posted by keithstg:
 Yankees Suck. Jeter Swallows.
 Yankees Suck A-Rod.
I agree, those are offensive.  For some reason I love the plain old "Yankees Suck" t-shirt, *on* adults. [/b]
Why not
 They hardly suck, but I can't speak for Jeter or A-Rod... they do both look like extras from Will and Grace though so who knows?
 Oooooh...just thought of another.
 "Yankees Suck, Red Socks Choke"


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #83 on: September 02, 2004, 11:00:00 am »
i hate A-Rod.  i didnt like him in Texas.  Besides, we already have an overpaid player on the team (Ramirez). [/QB][/QUOTE]
 It's good to know that you can be objective.  Ramirez is an ass, as is Pedro.  And the Yankees have their own asses to contend with as well.


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #84 on: September 02, 2004, 11:06:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
Originally posted by hitman:
 Don't forget, Boston spent a hell of a lot more money this past offseason than NY.  Let alone the fact that if it wasn't for the Yankees and luxury taxes/revenue sharing, how in the hell would San Diego, Minnesota, Oakland, Milwaukee (and the host of other small markets) even field a damn team.  
wait.  where do you get that number?  Boston spent more money than NY? I'd like to see that figure, cause all we got was Schilling and Foulke and i didnt think they were more than A-Rod, Sheffield, Lofton and whoever else plays on the team now.
   and wasnt the luxury tax just started like 2 years ago?  hardly enough time to be funding half of the league. [/b]
If you look at what NY lost in the offseason with Clemens, Pettite, Boone, and others, they didn't have to spend anymore than what was paid before to get replacements.  Most came via trade, or cheap free agent pickup (Lofton, Clark, etc.)  With what Texas put up in the way of money, the reconfiguring of A-Rod's contract, and with what Soriano was going to cost, the trade was basically a wash.  The last I heard, the Yankees didn't really have to put up much money at all.


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #85 on: September 02, 2004, 11:06:00 am »
Originally posted by hitman:
  i hate A-Rod.  i didnt like him in Texas.  Besides, we already have an overpaid player on the team (Ramirez).
It's good to know that you can be objective.  Ramirez is an ass, as is Pedro.  And the Yankees have their own asses to contend with as well. [/QB][/QUOTE]
   what makes Pedro an ass? cause he throws bean balls?  
    this coming from a hockey fan at heart, but i think there should be MORE bean balls in baseball, mix it up a little!


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #86 on: September 02, 2004, 11:09:00 am »
Originally posted by hitman:
  If you look at what NY lost in the offseason with Clemens, Pettite, Boone, and others, they didn't have to spend anymore than what was paid before to get replacements.  Most came via trade, or cheap free agent pickup (Lofton, Clark, etc.)  With what Texas put up in the way of money, the reconfiguring of A-Rod's contract, and with what Soriano was going to cost, the trade was basically a wash.  The last I heard, the Yankees didn't really have to put up much money at all.
is this what you're trying for?
   <img src="" alt=" - " />

ratioci nation

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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #87 on: September 02, 2004, 11:18:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
   what makes Pedro an ass? cause he throws bean balls?  
    this coming from a hockey fan at heart, but i think there should be MORE bean balls in baseball, mix it up a little!
you should be a Cubs fan, all they do this year is bean people


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #88 on: September 02, 2004, 11:23:00 am »
Originally posted by pollard:
  you should be a Cubs fan, all they do this year is bean people
a Cubs fan?  no way, they havent won the World Series in forever!!!


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Re: Indians 22, Yankees 0
« Reply #89 on: September 02, 2004, 11:29:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
 3a. I dont even want the world series if we dont beat the Yankees in the playoffs to do so. (i dont want lame NY excuses!) [/QB]
I don't believe this for a second.  a sox fan wouldn't want to finally win the series if they couldn't beat the yankees in the playoffs?!?  come on!  if sox fans are actually putting conditions on how they want to win the series, then they don't deserve it.  believe me, the sox fans would take a series victory any way they could.
 and the yankees can be taken this year, but sox fans should know better than to get giddy on 9/1. the obsession with the yankees puts more pressure on them.
 and Bags is right, they made our friend turn around his Yankees Suck shirt at Camden Yards last year.  as a Yankees fan, i was actually annoyed they made him do so.  it's more fun when everyone's wearing them!