Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
You are just teasing now...... I think I could hold my own with Anton in a slagging match. I have had plenty of practice..... I have never been to his forum. It sounds like a fun place to go....... [/QB]
The BJM forum is definitely a prety cool slice fo cyberspace.People love to antagonize Anton and he definitely never lets it pass by.As for holding your own,whatever you say..who am I to say otherwise.The man is witty as all get out,haven't seen ANYBODY get the best of him yet,including TVT.Did you see what he did in Canada last week>I posted it elsewhere under can't keep a good man down..Only downside to that forum is its mostly LA based chatter,not that it's a bad thing mind you,but they have so many cool happenings out there,it gets depressing,being 3000 mile away.Made friends with alot of good folk on there.