Moreover, you have no idea how many acts anybody else bans per year.
oh really? you need to catch up on the conversation before you join in. from the same thread i linked before:
Damn. I've been booking all ages shows in Washington DC for 22 years, including 6 or 7 concurrent years in Baltimore, and while I've certainly had issues with bands and even banned a few, I'd be hard-pressed to come up with even 15 bands I've banned during my entire career.
TA-DAH! (in case you're new around here, tawngirl is the main booker at the 930). that's less than one a year, vs 25 a year.
Really you guys are just trying to stir the pot with respect to RNRH.. If they want to "ban"- and I think its a silly word to latch on to even if the RNRH dude used it (probably thinking he was cool..)- or refuse to rebook bands because they are not meeting their expectations then there is nothing wrong with that.. At least they gave them a chance in the first place.
again, back to the point you've avoided: not doing business with some acts makes sense. 25 in one year, however, is RIDICULOUSLY HIGH.
Also, you really have to THINK about this:
the bands the RNH dude is booking- many of them are young semi-professionals bands..its a different type of band from the 930... some of the bands playing the DC9/Red and Blac are really just young kids.... These types of bands will more often do things that mean you don't get invited back than say the established professional bands that make their living on touring: the types of bands that play the 930.
very valid point, but doesn't cover the story IMO. i doubt that twangirl has been booking big acts her entire career (see above quote), and snailhook deals with similar acts, yet:
i have been booking here since 2003 and have banned two bands, and only because of violence and destruction of venue equipment.