Author Topic: Coachella 2009  (Read 109964 times)


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #195 on: May 03, 2009, 03:36:50 am »

A taser is not excessive force for this scenario.

Tasers have already killed on several occassions. They aren't as safe as the manufacturer would have one believe. That's quite evident with several somewhat recent tassering deaths. This is a serious issue outside of this incident that needs to be addressed regarding law enforcement. Add to that; and the scariest part of this whole thing; was that the taser wasn't just used but used over and over again. The shot to the heart was the worst part of the whole thing. All to a naked fool who broke a few laws though while not harming even a fly. Okay, so the whole world can see that there's nothing left to his manhood but that's not a crime.

Believe me, I am not at all anti-police force but I am very concerned about levels of police force.

Firebutt McGee

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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #196 on: May 03, 2009, 05:35:10 am »
But what about his PENIS!?!?


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #197 on: May 03, 2009, 05:38:46 am »
His myspace was posted to another board but has since then been made private. :(

But you can still see that his last name is Felch!


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #198 on: May 03, 2009, 12:04:26 pm »
I stand by this guy deserving everything he got.  He was clearly trying to be "that guy" who makes a stand against the police, ideally leading to a video just like this one, but he's just a dumbass. 

Laws exist, and whether you support them or not, they need to be obeyed, or else you'll have to deal with potential police action.  It's really simple.  Not believing in a law does not negate it, nor does it give you a free pass.  Straight up breaking it does nothing except get you in trouble.  So when a dumbshit like that wizard comes along, I have no argument whatsoever that he deserved to be taken down.  Especially when he's given that many chances to willfully comply.  Good riddance.


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #199 on: May 03, 2009, 01:47:24 pm »
"Dumbass", agreed. For the most part, the rest, we must agree to disagree.

Guess you believe that a death charge was deserved for a simple "Don't tase me, bro." plea.

By your standards, it would appear that you also would believe "Good riddance" for the 6 million Jews (among millions of others from other sub groups never recognized) who technically broke the laws of the land in Nazi Germany. Laws regarding things like being Jewish, homosexual, an abstract artist, daring to (or simply suspected of) speak out against the government, etc..

It was only a few decades ago in America that my friends and I would, by your standards, "deserve to be taken down" as a mixed group of Blacks and Whites for having the audacity to enter together a diner, club, swimming pool, or hotel. I don't think so, bro! Hey, after all, it was against the law. Guess the tased kill shot would have been warrented.

These kind of cavelier attitudes and actions are why 'some' police officers are looked down on by many otherwise very respectful and law abiding citizens.


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #200 on: May 03, 2009, 02:07:05 pm »
Why do you keep referencing the Holocaust?  A druggie got naked at a festival, and refused to put clothes on.  That's far different from laws about Jews in Nazi Germany.  Of course those laws are unjust, and shouldn't have to be obeyed, but a law against public nudity?  That's a pretty damn simple one to follow.  I'm not saying laws should never be protested, but if you're gonna protest one that's very reasonable and easy to follow, don't expect sympathy when the police take you down.

As far as I see it, telling people they're not allowed to get naked in public is not a civil rights violation.  So it's an entirely different situation from these obviously racist cases you seem to love bringing up.

And no, I'm not advocating a death charge for this guy.  Where the hell did you get this idea?  He deserved to be arrested, and he wasn't something had to be done. 


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #201 on: May 03, 2009, 02:15:55 pm »
just imagine if they tazed his penis.


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #202 on: May 03, 2009, 02:18:28 pm »
just imagine if they tazed his penis.
That'd be very difficult to do, seeing as how they'd have to navigate around the fat rolls, and hit a very small target on a very large moving man.


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #203 on: May 03, 2009, 02:28:55 pm »
Tassering a non-violent offender went a step too far. Period.

I repeat:

Tasers have already killed on several occassions. They aren't as safe as the manufacturer would have one believe. That's quite evident with several somewhat recent tassering deaths. This is a serious issue outside of this incident that needs to be addressed regarding law enforcement. Add to that; and the scariest part of this whole thing; was that the taser wasn't just used but used over and over again. The shot to the heart was the worst part of the whole thing. All to a naked fool who broke a few laws though while not harming even a fly. Okay, so the whole world can see that there's nothing left to his manhood but that's not a crime.

Believe me, I am not at all anti-police force but I am very concerned about levels of police force.


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #204 on: May 03, 2009, 04:09:57 pm »
Tassering a non-violent offender went a step too far. Period.

I repeat:

Tasers have already killed on several occassions. They aren't as safe as the manufacturer would have one believe. That's quite evident with several somewhat recent tassering deaths. This is a serious issue outside of this incident that needs to be addressed regarding law enforcement. Add to that; and the scariest part of this whole thing; was that the taser wasn't just used but used over and over again. The shot to the heart was the worst part of the whole thing. All to a naked fool who broke a few laws though while not harming even a fly. Okay, so the whole world can see that there's nothing left to his manhood but that's not a crime.

Believe me, I am not at all anti-police force but I am very concerned about levels of police force.

They tased him while he was escaping. Running away. When a suspect who has already disobeyed kind gestures by the police makes a run for it, tasing is justified. What were they supposed to do? Chase him through a festival of thousands of people? That'd be a total mess. And there were other people around, too, and the officers have to consider their safety as well. Now whether or not he was considered "harmful" or not is a matter of opinion in this scenario. But when a suspect flees from the police, he pretty much becomes a threat, whether we think so or not. That's the way it is (and should be). Bottom line is he tried to make a run for it and he got tasered. Had they done it simply to get him on the ground, it'd be a different story. But he tried making a run for it - that's all it should take right there.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #205 on: May 03, 2009, 04:12:58 pm »
Does no one seem to notice the guy reach for the cops belt (and therefore, possibly his gun) when they try to detain him? Totally justified.


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #206 on: May 03, 2009, 04:25:03 pm »
Exactly.  The dumbass tried to escape.  He needed to be taken out, and he wasn't complying the easy way.  The cops were totally justified.  I don't even see how you can argue that the cops did anything wrong.  They gave the guy chances, and he kept on making an ass out of himself.  You're the only person I've seen/heard saying the cops used excessive force. 

Imagine the scene if that guy ran away, and several cops begin chasing him around a festival.  Seems chaotic to me.  And that's where he does become harmful to himself and others.


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #207 on: May 03, 2009, 05:02:19 pm »
Wow. Make a run for it through the crowd. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I suspect there were a lot more cops at that festival than just those 3 and I doubt he'd been lost in the crowd since he'd stand out due to his blatant nakedness. Seems they could have radioed to the others if the guy did get away.

About me being the only one thinking it's excessive, other than Julian, there are only 3 of us who have bothered to comment. Gesh. Way to stretch a point. I will note that Julian did make a valid point that I did miss. Not sure where that came along with the tasering. Don't know if he went for the gun or just a grab to pull the guy down or maybe try to bring himself back up. Regardless, you guys also missed it. You both scare me since it's obvious that even without that potential, you still think it's okay to jump the gun all too soon.

All in all, it looked like lazy policing to me when 3 grown men can't hold down one out of shape naked guy.

I would bet a dozen donuts that ThatGuy could teach these guys a thing or two about how to deal with such a dangerous criminal without resorting to the use of weapons. Add to that, he and his staph would get the job done in a flash with barely a notice by others.


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #208 on: May 03, 2009, 05:28:08 pm »
I should have clarified when I said you were the only one arguing that they went too far.  I've discussed this with numerous friends, and seen several other online discussions, and everyone seems to agree that the cops were plenty reasonable.

I don't think it's ok to jump the gun too soon, but I also don't think that that situation saw them jump the gun too soon.

I can agree that it was probably lazy policing, but the point is they tried to take him down, and he got up and tried to get away.  They didn't instantly whip out the tazers and zap him.


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Re: Coachella 2009
« Reply #209 on: May 03, 2009, 05:31:32 pm »
and here i thought the cure went long after the show.   ;D