I'm no genius, but I'm guessing each of the three roommates needed a pair of tickets. Meaning six tickets altogether.
So my questions: My wife and I both placed an order, each for a pair. Two separate names, two separate email accounts, one common mailing address. We requested print at home tickets.
Will one order be cancelled? Will both orders be cancelled? If only one order is cancelled, will it be the one tied to my name, or the one attached to my wife's name? If one or both orders are cancelled, when will we be notified? Or will their be no notification, and one or both of us simply won't receive our order? Of course, not knowing the answer to any of these questions makes it difficult to plan anything.
One can see that all these questions could have been avoided if there was some sort of controller that blocked a person from using a name/email/address that had already been used. Or if a cancellation notification were sent in a timely manner.
It also seems that requiring the name of the person placing the order be the same as the physical ticketholder at the gate would be sufficient in stopping mass scalping, and would avoid this whole one pair of tickets per household issue.
And please don't call me a whiner because I have issues with the system. If someone has issues and can't air them on a public forum, then what's the point of having a public forum?
And once again, I'm accused of boning your roommates.
Did all of you try to get tickets? Did you place the multiple orders under different names and Ticketfly accounts but just the same address? Or is this a hypothetical situation?
I understand. Those are the breaks.
The next time we have a massively popular and completely free charity event in a large venue, we're open to suggestions as to how you think this would work better and still ensure that fans get to go for free. Feedback welcomed!
Maybe require a credit card? It's really not fair to allow 2 tickets per household when there are 5 people living in a house and EVERYONE wants to go, now you're boning them and almost forcing them to buy tickets from the people who you are trying to keep tickets away from - scalpers.
No hypothetical situation here, this is as real as it gets. 3 roommates, 3 seperate accounts, 3 pairs of tickets 1 address.
So, there will only be 1 pair for all these people? Sort of first come first serve then SOL?
Well 2 out of the 3 would have tickets. I would suggest just showing up the day of the show. Someone will probably give you a ticket.