Saturday was fun at the Jesse Malin house show. Full band took up much of the living room so it was more tightly packed than usual, but he's got fun songs and stories about them.
Sunday was a rousing show at 930 for Idles. When I first drove by at around 8, the line to get in was around the corner, so I parked at the Howard lot, and then had dinner at Whole Foods. I am liking the PLNT burger over there. Returned to the club and the line was still long, all the way to the corner. So when I got in I only saw maybe 10 minutes of Gustaf, but was weird and interesting. Idles was great. Loud aggressive songs about being kinder, and not toxic. Stayed out of the mosh, and got a good spot over by stage right. I wish I had seen them at Metro Gallery or RNRH.
Goats tonight.