Want a free ticket to a 9:30 show...donate 7 hours of your time to a local charity!
Lend a helping hand.
Get some points in that hand.
It?s the right thing to do!
Spend some of your time volunteering for one of our partner charities and you?ll be even further on your way to concert tickets, merchandise and gift card rewards.
Earn 75 points for each hour you spend helping out at one of the following organizations:
http://www.wearefamilydc.org/ http://www.dccentralkitchen.org/ http://marthastable.org/It?s easy. Just sign up to volunteer. Print out the this form and bring it with you to have signed by the organization.
Once you?re home, scan it to us at
friends@930.com. Your points will show up within 7 business days.
Can I get points for volunteering with other organizations, aside from your partner charities? Currently, we?re partnering with these three initial organizations. We would look to expand our program as it grows, including more organizations and more opportunities to volunteer.
Can I get points for hours I volunteered prior to the launch of this?
Points are only available for volunteering that takes place beginning December 1, 2015.
Do I have to volunteer a minimum number of hours in order to get points?
Not at all! If you only have a few hours to spare, that?s ok too. You?ll receive points based on number of hours.
Will the program only run during the holidays?
Good question! While the needs or organizations increase during the holidays, volunteers are something they need all of the time so we plan to have this program continue year round.
I have more questions. Email us at
friends@930.com. We?ll do our best to help you out.