Author Topic: Since the gun ban has been reversed...  (Read 123958 times)

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #75 on: June 28, 2008, 08:19:00 am »
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
  i'm just surprised that a pro-gunner is even computer literate enough to converse in one of these here high tech chat rooms!
Actually, pro-gunners tend to be frightened, insecure people, which is why you find so many of them on the internet, where they feel anonymous.  It must be a sad feeling to feel unsafe without a gun.
 I think of the typical urban/suburban pro-gunner as a Bernard Goetz type, a pencil-neck geek carrying around a lifetime of supressed rage, who reacted to a mugging on the NYC subway by opening fire and emptying his gun into his would-be attackers on a fully loaded subway while they were sitting down, risking the lives of innocents.  He approached one of them, already lying down and wounded, and said "You don't look too bad; here's another," before shooting him again.  In short, Goetz was trying to kill solely to fulfill his own macho fantasies built on extreme lack of self-esteem.
 The one person I've ever known to own an assault rifle was a guy filled with anger at the world who still lived with his mom despite being 35.  I was sure we'd someday read about him going berzerk at someone's school.
 Anyone who actually pays attention to gun crime in the District, rather than cowering in their bedroom in fear of fictional home invasions, knows that the overwhelming majority of gun crimes here are related to the drug trade.  If you are not involved in the drug trade, your biggest risk of getting shot is a stray bullet -- a risk that adding Bernard Goetz types to the mix will only increase.   We're all better off if such people stay at home with their moms in their gated communities, cradling their weapons in fear.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #76 on: June 28, 2008, 09:12:00 am »
Originally posted by RatBastard:
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers. I can understand killing another human because they're threatening you and your loved ones lives, but to sit in a tree in the pissing rain for hours on end to wait for a harmless deer to walk by then blow it's fucking brains out....that my friends, takes a real moron. [/b]
I am NOT into hunting at all.  tried it one time and nada.  I just don't get it.  HOWEVER, in the case of deer hunting it is beneficial to the population to allow hunting.  We all know the details.  No need for me to go into that.
 Another point though, I am not at all supportive of folks who go out hunting just to kill a (fill in animal of choice here) and bring its head home to hang on the wall.  Hunting to feed your family is quite another thing though. [/b]
It's not over-population it's under habitated!! ?? (I think I just made up a new word)
 I hear NY city is getting pretty full so why not pop a few New Yorkers off too to ease that crisis. I don't buy into lets kill em for their own good bullshit, nature takes care of itself. Florida construction has now started to have an effect on the alligator population so they're getting more and more aggressive and territorial so guess what?? They've started to kill them...for their own good. I have an idea..stop building on their land, they were here a long time before we were.
 I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #77 on: June 28, 2008, 10:24:00 am »
I know it's a hallowed tradition in our country, but people who get off on killing an innocent animal are sick.   If you want to hang out in close company of men all night comparing your rods, go to a gay bar and leave the animals out of it.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #78 on: June 28, 2008, 10:30:00 am »
its interesting how the defense of the second amendment reflects our society.  a simple reading of the amendment suggests its intent is to allow Americans to protect themselves in the context of organizing (presumably) against some kind of oppressive force.  Of course its vague enough to be interpretted far more broadly.  but what's interesting is how the second amendment is defended as SELF protection against fellow Americans - my right to fucking kill you if you fuck with me.  There's an inherent paranoia and hate in that argument.  Perhaps its justified - but its interesting to see the paranoia and hate that is ingrained the fabric of our society and defended so vigorously.
 its too bad the British hadn't pissed off the Framers by banning thier hemp . . . .


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #79 on: June 28, 2008, 02:03:00 pm »
my take on the whole gun control thing:  when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #80 on: June 28, 2008, 02:13:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
  my take on the whole gun control thing:  when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.
How can you kill a zombie by shooting it when it's already dead? Your gun would be deemed nothing more than a fashion accessory when the zombie apocalypse happens.
 That's why I have my racing bike and cycling gear at the ready. A zombie couldn't catch me on my bike because it's decomposing limbs would fall off if it attempted to chase me!!


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #81 on: June 28, 2008, 02:13:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
  my take on the whole gun control thing:  when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.
Yeah but everybody knows a handgun is of little use when we're talking 5+ zombies, and I imagine we are talking about just that. The shotgun is where it's at when you're talking total zombie war.
 Remember: organize before they rise.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #82 on: June 28, 2008, 02:17:00 pm »
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by thatguy:
  my take on the whole gun control thing:  when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.
How can you kill a zombie by shooting it when it's already dead? Your gun would be deemed nothing more than a fashion accessory when the zombie apocalypse happens.
Destroy the brain and you destroy the ghoul.
 I've spent a tremendous amount of time planning and thinking about what I'll do when the dead rise to feast on the living. It's just common sense.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #83 on: June 28, 2008, 03:23:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
  my take on the whole gun control thing:  when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.
thatguy owns a gun?!?
 i may never sleep again.
Originally posted by Relaxer:
 I've spent a tremendous amount of time planning and thinking about what I'll do when the dead rise to feast on the living. It's just common sense.
yup - about as much common sense as preparing for the "home invasion" scenario.  no such thing as being too prepared.  don't forget your tinfoil hat.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #84 on: June 28, 2008, 04:29:00 pm »
I'm going to use all this talk of zombies as an opportunity to link
 Enjoy!  :D


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #85 on: June 28, 2008, 07:54:00 pm »
Originally posted by Relaxer:
  I've spent a tremendous amount of time planning and thinking about what I'll do when the dead rise to feast on the living. It's just common sense.
me too, i was just talking about this last night
 did you ever listen to the world war z audiobook?
 and i sure as shit wouldn't want a handgun as my primary weapon in a real zombie invasion, carrying loads of ammo on the run would not be fun ... monk's spade or a lobo for me


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #86 on: June 28, 2008, 09:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by Relaxer:
  I've spent a tremendous amount of time planning and thinking about what I'll do when the dead rise to feast on the living. It's just common sense.
me too, i was just talking about this last night
 did you ever listen to the world war z audiobook?
I've listened to the 5-CD set twice, read the (superior) WWZ book twice, and have read the Zombie Survival Guide three times. If... I mean, *when* the undead walk the Earth, I'll be as ready as anybody. I can't tell you how many times I've thanked Christ I have an attic with a pull-up staircase.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #87 on: June 28, 2008, 10:17:00 pm »
you gotta have your options covered, since you never know when a zombie might strike.  a sniper rifle works from a distance and good cover, a shotgun can create space to get away, headshots with a handgun put them down if you let them get too close, and a good solid baseball bat or 8lb wood splitting maul will do for close quarters combat.  with all of these except for the melee weapons, ample ammo and quick reloads are key.  if the boy scouts taught me anything, it's that you gotta be prepared.


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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #88 on: June 29, 2008, 01:28:00 am »
Originally posted by Relaxer:
 I've listened to the 5-CD set twice, read the (superior) WWZ book twice, and have read the Zombie Survival Guide three times. If... I mean, *when* the undead walk the Earth, I'll be as ready as anybody. I can't tell you how many times I've thanked Christ I have an attic with a pull-up staircase.
fuckin a man ... if you could pick anywhere in the world to set up a fort, where would it be?  has to be somewhat realistic, like you'd have to be able to get there both to set up shop now, and also be able to get there when the shit hits the fan
 my first guess is the canadian rockies ... being above the frost line would be key

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Since the gun ban has been reversed...
« Reply #89 on: June 29, 2008, 03:19:00 am »
Isn't the problem with zombies that if you only partially succeed in killing them, they'll replicate?   You at least need an RPG...