Author Topic: META: User-curated Hall of Fame  (Read 59976 times)


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #75 on: December 20, 2013, 12:39:00 pm »
Smacky is pro or anti-abortion? Not that it matters, I guess. I have recently become anti-abortion after realizing that we need more people to support me when I reach social security age. 

Nobody is pro-abortion and using that nomenclature depicts where you stand on the argument.

Smackie is in favor of a woman's right to choose, but that wasn't the point of the thread.


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #76 on: December 20, 2013, 12:44:20 pm »
I nominate chauncey gardener or whatever his name is... he hasn't had a bad post yet.... he doesn't post often but when he does look out


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #77 on: December 20, 2013, 12:50:09 pm »
The exact details are a bit fuzzy, not exactly sure what sparked it but it was over abortion.  And that smackie ended up finding some pretty specific poster info.

Yeah, I don't remember what started it either, but somebody came to the forum, shockingly a tangent broke out, and a discussion on abortion started.  Generally speaking, I sit out most online political debates as I have find them pointless to everyone's true aim, which is to convince the other person to change their mind.  I do however, correct factual inaccuracies from time to time, so I follow along.

Originally, I assumed this was another Rhett and Celeste troll exercise to cure boredom, but within a half hour a number of other new folks joined in the fray and Smackie's spider senses sensed a conspiracy.  Through the old board technology, I discovered that they were all probably sitting in some dorm room or computer lab at CUA and did some cyber sleuthing.  I kept that quiet until they pretended as though they weren't in cahoots, but instead were doing us all a favor and saving our souls. I posted the first name and major of the OP and threatened I would out the rest of them if they didn't find some other sandbox to play in.

They left.


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #78 on: December 20, 2013, 12:56:34 pm »
He has a different name now and he's still posting.

No, he's still on the board, but Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer is a dead account.

And truthfully, if you add up all of the accounts Rhett/Charlie/insert name of other account here, his total post number would be a number none of you would believe.


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2013, 12:57:23 pm »
The wayback machine -*/*

i am gay and i like cats

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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #80 on: December 20, 2013, 12:58:15 pm »
i enjoy the fact that i am in love with the name walkonby.  so much so, that i would never disgrace it with another.


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #81 on: December 20, 2013, 01:01:55 pm »
There was a little while there when everyone was changing their names every 5 minutes.  It got confusing, but that trend died.

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #82 on: December 20, 2013, 01:02:01 pm »
Gothictarzan was pretty legendary. Do we need a Troll Wing of the HoF?


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #83 on: December 20, 2013, 01:04:00 pm »
He has a different name now and he's still posting.

No, he's still on the board, but Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer is a dead account.


Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #84 on: December 20, 2013, 01:04:39 pm »
There was a little while there when everyone was changing their names every 5 minutes.  It got confusing, but that trend died.
I, personally, loved that and give credit to Rhett/James Ford for making it en vogue.

Julian, Good Manner Aficionado
Julian, Faux Celeb-Porn Connoisseur
Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface
Julian, Respect Paying Aficionado

There may have been one more.


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #85 on: December 20, 2013, 01:07:00 pm »
Other Epic Threads

The week long feud between the now defuct HFStival board and the 930 club over stealing "tips" of who was rumored to be playing.

The original Justin Timberlake thread and the 21+ Justin Timberlake thread.

The Beastie Boys snow/train/pizza saga.

Though it should be discussed no further, the porky midget thread and it's sister Julian is a bitch thread.



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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #86 on: December 20, 2013, 01:09:48 pm »
There was a little while there when everyone was changing their names every 5 minutes.  It got confusing, but that trend died.

Or even before that, when the old board used a particular font where letters like a capital "i" and a lowercase "L" were interchangable, so board names like poorlulu and poorIuIu looked identical.

That was impossible to keep up with.


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #87 on: December 20, 2013, 01:12:52 pm »
I feel like a young man at an old folks home.....


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #88 on: December 20, 2013, 01:13:31 pm »
The wayback machine -*/*

Wow.  The Instigator.  Kurosawa. Jadetree. imrotten. Adams-Morgan.

You're going to spark a number of crazy memories...


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Re: META: User-curated Hall of Fame
« Reply #89 on: December 20, 2013, 01:26:27 pm »
Gothictarzan was pretty legendary. Do we need a Troll Wing of the HoF?

Hah.  Forgot about that guy.  Just did a search for Gothic Zartan (his real screen name) and first result is his flickr.

He still loves toys.