Author Topic: Thievery Corporation closes label  (Read 27944 times)


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #75 on: April 28, 2014, 04:02:15 pm »
I stick by my words.

If you cant handle being called a joke, then don't call labels you know nothing about, a joke. 

And personal attack?

Says the guy who uses HIPSTER like its a slur...


Using the word hipster to refer to other people is now a "slur"?

My gosh the word slur just don't mean what it used to..

As far as the labels being a joke: I'm all for DIY... what I obviously meant was a joke in the commercial sense... and that is true... they don't sell any records are are largely unknown except by a few hipsters on this board.... I admire anyone who sets up a label but I'm not going to compare them to Dischord or Merge or Matador or something... they're just not in the same league.. in fact they are not in any league.. in terms of sales I'm guessing they are completely insignificant which is why I asked for an example of one record released on those labels that had sold more than 100 copies.

Doesn't make these micro-labels or mini-labels bad... actually they're good.... I ocassionally give thought to starting my own label to promote and release- on vinyl- one of my favorite local bands but then decide against it.. its definitely a tough thing to do...a labor of love

but ESL didn't just put out stuff that sold insignificantly..whether you like them or not many people around the world interested in modern-ish music when they think of a DC band its going to be Thievery Corporation and if they visit DC taking a look at 18th St Lounge etc... Thievery has a lot of action with different musicians from around the world...participated in some important remix projects (Verve Remix series for example, etc.)

Having said all this its obvious to anyone that the downtempo chillout scene is pretty dead.

As for calling someone a "joke" because you disagree with them on something on an internet board.. I would say that qualifies you as a first rate asshole... how do you like them apples? And its hard for me to write that because you seemed like a nice guy Killsally.. I remember when you left the board being bummed out and saying as much but I'm not sure if you're going through something in your life that is leading you to be angry or something... maybe you are.... just be aware that insulting people on a board isn't exactly copacetic...and I'm hoping you have better things to do with your time..


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #76 on: April 28, 2014, 04:13:57 pm »


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #77 on: April 28, 2014, 04:18:48 pm »

 insults and LOL's got zilcho and are starting to evince a serious case of trollitis... ;D


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #78 on: April 28, 2014, 04:25:40 pm »
Ha ha


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #79 on: April 28, 2014, 04:26:36 pm »
I will type a proper response to you when I get home.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #80 on: April 28, 2014, 04:36:21 pm »
I'm not saying they do say it about me...but I'd consider it a positive if my Miller Lite drinking, minivan driving, Dave Matthews listening, military loving, churchgoing suburban neighbors referred to me as a "hipster".

hipster is a slur.  a meaningless, defineless, slur.  but a slur, nonetheless.

case in point: when have you ever heard someone use it as a positive?

with a list of credentials like that, they full on believe you to be one of them terrorists.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #81 on: April 28, 2014, 04:42:55 pm »

sorry but not every term with a negative connotation rises to the level of slur...

and I would argue that many hipsters would have no problem being called one.... they'd be like "well, yeah, i'm pretty hip.. i'm plugged in..connected.. i know what the new albums that are "in" are....I value my craft beers... and I prefer being called a hipster to being that guy going on about his old Willie Nelson records drinking his shit beer.. now that dude is way unhip... "



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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #82 on: April 28, 2014, 05:03:25 pm »
how about this: some people use it as if it was a slur.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #83 on: April 28, 2014, 05:08:59 pm »
I stick by my words.

If you cant handle being called a joke, then don't call labels you know nothing about, a joke. 

And personal attack?

Says the guy who uses HIPSTER like its a slur...


Using the word hipster to refer to other people is now a "slur"?

My gosh the word slur just don't mean what it used to..

As far as the labels being a joke: I'm all for DIY... what I obviously meant was a joke in the commercial sense... and that is true... they don't sell any records are are largely unknown except by a few hipsters on this board.... I admire anyone who sets up a label but I'm not going to compare them to Dischord or Merge or Matador or something... they're just not in the same league.. in fact they are not in any league.. in terms of sales I'm guessing they are completely insignificant which is why I asked for an example of one record released on those labels that had sold more than 100 copies.

Doesn't make these micro-labels or mini-labels bad... actually they're good.... I ocassionally give thought to starting my own label to promote and release- on vinyl- one of my favorite local bands but then decide against it.. its definitely a tough thing to do...a labor of love

but ESL didn't just put out stuff that sold insignificantly..whether you like them or not many people around the world interested in modern-ish music when they think of a DC band its going to be Thievery Corporation and if they visit DC taking a look at 18th St Lounge etc... Thievery has a lot of action with different musicians from around the world...participated in some important remix projects (Verve Remix series for example, etc.)

Having said all this its obvious to anyone that the downtempo chillout scene is pretty dead.

As for calling someone a "joke" because you disagree with them on something on an internet board.. I would say that qualifies you as a first rate asshole... how do you like them apples? And its hard for me to write that because you seemed like a nice guy Killsally.. I remember when you left the board being bummed out and saying as much but I'm not sure if you're going through something in your life that is leading you to be angry or something... maybe you are.... just be aware that insulting people on a board isn't exactly copacetic...and I'm hoping you have better things to do with your time..

I would state that Friends Record is on a higher level than Dischord. I guess Dischord had some good releases back in the day Minor Threat, Grey Matter, Rites of Spring but I have no idead what they do now.  And I would say even back in the day I liked Fountain of Youth better: Crippled Pilgrims, Velvet Monkeys, 9353, Government Issue, and Madhouse is as good as it gets.

But yes Friends Records have had releases of 1000 Vinyl Copies.  Future Islands, Celebration and Art Lord.  I don't know how many vinyl copies ESL sells as they say between CD, Vinyl, and MP3 they aren't selling 5000 copies.  I know this because this is why they are whinning and  shutting down.  Besides Celebration I have Height with Friends album which is amazing.  Also Violet Hour and the chick from Wye Oak's solo album.

Celebration used to be on 4AD and Future Islands is now on 4AD which is a major independent label.  

Geez Hutch get a life.  I know you are in pain and stuff but not everyone stopped listening to new bands in 1992.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #84 on: April 28, 2014, 05:11:10 pm »
how about this: some people use it as if it was a slur.

That tells you more about them than the person they are thinking they are slurring. . 


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #85 on: April 28, 2014, 05:18:58 pm »
how about this: some people use it as if it was a slur.

That tells you more about them than the person they are thinking they are slurring. . 

i agree with that.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #86 on: April 28, 2014, 05:20:44 pm »
Hipsters are passe.  It's all about normcore now.  Or rustic artisanal twee.


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #87 on: April 28, 2014, 05:34:12 pm »
Ok here is a better response than LOL.

Nothing happened in my personal life to change how I post.  Not that my personal life is ANY of your business.  How I post is my concern.  It keeps me entertained enough to keep coming here.  

Do you think of yourself as a nice guy on here?  With a friendly posting style?  Or do you have a "better than you" attitude in regards to everything, and you are QUITE dismissive for things you do not know about?

Which is what you did the other day, were completely dismissive (and really came off like an asshole to be honest) of something you didn't know about.  You asked if any local labels were SUBSTANTIAL.  You didnt specify any kind of monetary value, you said substantial.  So I listed some of my favorites that are doing substantial things artistically, and for the local area/art community.  

But did you do ANY research into these?  No, you just called them a joke.  

You also say:
Local labels of note I can remember are
and listed a few labels.  If you knew anything about Friends Records, or Fan Death, you could say they are "of note".  Like atomic said, Friends releases music by some of the biggest bands in the Baltimore area.  They usually do 500 to 100 runs on vinyl (not sure about cassettes).  They also do ok in the digital realm.  They also throw shows in the area.  They also do a music festival in Baltimore every year.  Noteworthy to me.  But not to you.  Because you dont know anything about them.

You asked for local labels, and I listed them.  I did preface my post with "They might not be substantial to you, but I personally dig the music that a few local record labels release." Accidental Guest releases get Pitchfork and Rolling Stone write ups.  Fan Death has put out everything from Purling Hiss to Roomrunner.  Who knows if they are the next Sub Pop?  These are NEWER labels.  They didnt exist in the 1980s, or 90s, to have time to get to be on the level or Merge, or 4AD.  


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #88 on: April 28, 2014, 05:46:59 pm »
When are all other content producers going to realize the porn industry model?  They continue to make money hand over fist by embracing new technologies and delivery models and being early adopters. 

that was true up until 2008 or 2009.  since then, the porn industry has been in steady decline.  very little money is being made thanks to piracy.  


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Re: Thievery Corporation closes label
« Reply #89 on: April 28, 2014, 06:05:52 pm »
When are all other content producers going to realize the porn industry model?  They continue to make money hand over fist by embracing new technologies and delivery models and being early adopters. 

that was true up until 2008 or 2009.  since then, the porn industry has been in steady decline.  very little money is being made thanks to piracy.  

i always wondered what you did for a living.