Ok here is a better response than LOL.
Nothing happened in my personal life to change how I post. Not that my personal life is ANY of your business. How I post is my concern. It keeps me entertained enough to keep coming here.
Do you think of yourself as a nice guy on here? With a friendly posting style? Or do you have a "better than you" attitude in regards to everything, and you are QUITE dismissive for things you do not know about?
Which is what you did the other day, were completely dismissive (and really came off like an asshole to be honest) of something you didn't know about. You asked if any local labels were SUBSTANTIAL. You didnt specify any kind of monetary value, you said substantial. So I listed some of my favorites that are doing substantial things artistically, and for the local area/art community.
But did you do ANY research into these? No, you just called them a joke.
You also say:
Local labels of note I can remember are
and listed a few labels. If you knew anything about Friends Records, or Fan Death, you could say they are "of note". Like atomic said, Friends releases music by some of the biggest bands in the Baltimore area. They usually do 500 to 100 runs on vinyl (not sure about cassettes). They also do ok in the digital realm. They also throw shows in the area. They also do a music festival in Baltimore every year. Noteworthy to me. But not to you. Because you dont know anything about them.
You asked for local labels, and I listed them. I did preface my post with "They might not be substantial to you, but I personally dig the music that a few local record labels release." Accidental Guest releases get Pitchfork and Rolling Stone write ups. Fan Death has put out everything from Purling Hiss to Roomrunner. Who knows if they are the next Sub Pop? These are NEWER labels. They didnt exist in the 1980s, or 90s, to have time to get to be on the level or Merge, or 4AD.