Author Topic: A rolling compendium of everything Julian eats: a guide to healthy living  (Read 116488 times)

as someone who has met Relaxer IRL, i assure that is him.  those pix are legit.

Ok I stand corrected and am also impressed

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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And now I will stop posting pictures of my anatomy.
I feel like this entire thread just became justified because it lead to this moment.

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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That pic of julian on social media looked as though he could spare a few pounds.

I've had two hot dogs, French fries, and a soda pop today. Let memorial day weekend begin, my friends.


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And now I will stop posting pictures of my anatomy.

that's fine.  you weren't posting pix of the part of your anatomy that most people here were interested in anyways.


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Whoa.  That's poison in a bag.  Thirteen, extruded, deep fried Oven Baked(!), and vacuum sealed ingredients.  In every 28 grams, roughly equivalent to 15 "curls" or 1/8th of the bag you get:

10 grams of fat (36 percent of each bite)
15 grams of carbs (54 percent of each bite)
2 grams of non-nutritive substance (7 percent of each bite)
1 gram of protein (4 percent of each bite)

And that's only if you eat 1/12th of the bag.  More likely you're eating 1/2 of the bag at a time, so 40 grams of fat, 60 grams of sugar, 4 grams of protein and 8 grams of undigestible, yet somehow edible foodstuff.

Plus they're not even curls.  They're straight.  But they're damn good.

Yes. they. are.  damn. good. I ate a little and brought the rest to work so all could share in trying to digest the indigestible.


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Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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  • salad with onions and homemade sun dried tomato and basil dressing
  • cup of minestrone soup

i am gay and i like cats

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from now on, you will forever be known, as, black relaxer.

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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  • pita bread with sundried tomatoes and artichoke
  • tomato bisque

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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  • vodka soda
  • hummus plate with veggies, told them to hold the garlic bread
  • steamed broccoli

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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  • rum and diet coke
  • vegan hot dog


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    • Wait, the entire rest of the internet exists and you CHOOSE to post here? Who hurt you?
Vegan hot dog is not food.

Julian, White Poet WARLORD

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