But he's still a better pick than Mitt, right?
I don't see what is wrong with having a prior working relationship with Russia as the head of a business corporation to benefit the corporation he was entrusted to run by the shareholders.
Now if you can prove that he is Putin's stooge or something that is different.. but nation's give CEO's of important businesses medals, badges etc all the time... they also meet business leaders and take pictures with them...
To me the fact he understands the world of international business is a plus...
I would not have picked him myself... but Trump could have done way worse.. think John Bolton! OMG! Or Rudy Giuliani!
Mitt Romney's problem is he has no backbone on anything.. now that may be fine if you're giving a speech saying Trump represents a threat to the world one day and dining out with him the next as you lobby for a job.. but I don't see that as being a good trait in a Secretary of State....he is beyond wishy washy and frankly is icky and gross by this point... After all the things he said about Trump he lobbies him for a job??? I'd be happy not to see him ever again.. he embarrassed himself badly and needs to go away.