Author Topic: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45  (Read 105059 times)


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #225 on: April 04, 2016, 10:54:18 pm »
the problem is my idea of fun tonight would probably be getting plowed eating buffalo wings watching NCAA final...

Well I like the "getting plowed" part.

Thanks guys, these are all solid gold ideas.

Somewhere, I am smiling, and thinking about that.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #226 on: April 05, 2016, 09:38:08 am »
Jesus I gotta stop dating these women who don't have to be at work until 2:00 pm


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #227 on: April 05, 2016, 11:08:39 am »
Jesus I gotta stop dating these women who don't have to be at work until 2:00 pm

Well sounds like you had an interesting night!!! Please do tell. I could use the amusement because I'm sick, waiting for this nurse practitioner to see me. Basically, I sound like I either have consumption or bronchitis. (Oh the looks I've gotten for this painful, hideous cough!) I'm sick enough that I've already cancelled my plans to go see Duran Duran & Chic on Friday.

the problem is my idea of fun tonight would probably be getting plowed eating buffalo wings watching NCAA final...

I'm a 30 year old straight female and that sounds like fun! Then again, my dad raised me on college hoops. I was hoping to watch the game last night, but felt too bad to stay up.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #228 on: April 05, 2016, 11:32:47 am »
I wanted to say something . . . then I decided to not say, it.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #229 on: April 05, 2016, 11:39:45 am »
It was a good but challenging night. I picked her up at 8:00 at her house out in Rosslyn. I was thinking Hutch's Madams Organ idea from the previous page was a solid go-to but instead she directed me to this Thai restaurant in Arlington, where we had dinner and a couple cocktails. Thing is, I was STARVING and she immediately started speaking in Thai to the waitress and ordered all this food, almost none of it I liked because it had slimy, possibly still-living animals in it. So I didn't eat much, but I did drink a lot!

Then, as we were contemplating our next step, hey look, Carpool is right across the street! I kept calling it Carbarn though because that's the name of a condo development on the Hill. She thought that was cute at first but later she told me to stop saying Carbarn, to which I immediately coughed CARBARN. Pretty sure I repeated this a few more times. So we played some pool and she said that playing pool is really sexy. We were in a room off of the main area of Carbarn so it was just us and then two guys and a girl at the table next to ours. At some point, T got it in her head that the girl at the other table had the hots for me, and she got... not belligerent but snarky-competitive. Not to the girl directly, but in a voice that got exceedingly louder and louder. For my part, I couldn't tell if this was made up or not.

Anyway, soon the subject of "whose house are we going to?" came up. She said she'd recently moved into her place, so she was sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I stupidly bragged that I slept on a $4,000 bed, so instead of driving 5 minutes back to her place, we drove 35 minutes back to my place. Lovin' commenced and all was seemingly fine as I was preparing to fall asleep at around midnight.

Except that this didn't happen because she started babbling about the spirit of my son pervading the room. I mean, she just went on and on and on and on and on about it. She said I needed to burn sage in the room, I needed to get a healer to come into the house to cleanse it, and that there was unrest in the house. Basically she turned into

This went on for more than an hour. And then, when it seemed like she was winding down, she burst into tears and said she was unbalanced because she'd had a massive concussion a few weeks earlier. Wait, what? You're just mentioning this now? She sobbed for a solid hour, with me trying to comfort her but starting to feel nauseous from fatigue. She said the pain was even more acute because of my son's negative energy swirling about the room, and she asked if we could go sleep in a different room. Well, the only other rooms in the house are my sons' and I'm not ready to go there, so we tried to just make the best of it in the bedroom.

Then she wanted to go another round but I was just not feeling it and I told her unfortunately I was going to be a one hit wonder tonight, so she said she wanted to go back to her place. Seeing an opportunity, I agreed and at 3:30 am, we got dressed and drove back to her house. While we were en route, she was talking about what we'd do when we got there, and I made the executive decision to declare "I've made an executive decision. I'm dropping you off and I'm going back to my house because I have to get some rest before going to work tomorrow." She complained a little but I nicely but firmly told her that she didn't have to get up in 3 hours to go to work and I did, and she was nice about it. So I dropped her off, I went home, I discovered that she'd left all sorts of her stuff lying around the house, and I went to bed at around 4:15.

So, not a hugely dramatic story but I'm dragging ASS today. And tonight I'm meeting B, a very nice lady who apparently is extremely good at pool. Meeting at a pool place obviously. Let's see if this "playing pool looks sexy" mojo works twice. Kinda worried that I'm going to pass out at my lunchtime gym crossfit class. Plus I'm doing a spin class after work right before I have to bike across town to meet B, so there's a strong possibility I will pass out on a pool table tonight.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 11:43:04 am by Relaxer »

Space Freely

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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #230 on: April 05, 2016, 11:47:09 am »
Your story sort of reminds me of the time I met a deaf Asian tranny via a personal ad. Though she never actually told me about the tranny part.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #231 on: April 05, 2016, 11:49:04 am »
jesus . . . this thread has just hit, the magical moment of incredibleness.  its, like having our own Jackie Collins telling all her juicy fuck stories.  go on, guuurl.

Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #232 on: April 05, 2016, 01:25:43 pm »
I really shouldn't have tried to read this trying to eat my sad desk salad and water...nearly had goatcheese and broccoli shooting out of my nose at least twice

I think I would have hailed an Uber and gotten her home that way.

this was one of my favorite lines
because it had slimy, possibly still-living animals in it

also tell me more about this $4k bed


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #233 on: April 05, 2016, 01:36:22 pm »
I wanted to say something . . . then I decided to not say, it.

Thank you! I appreciate it. Wasn't hitting on anyone. Looking back now, I realize how that sounded like I was. Ugh. Just giving a female perspective.

So in case anyone cares, nurse practitioner told me that I have a pretty bad case of bronchitis. She's afraid it might be severe. Basically, I'm to call her if I don't get any better by Thursday. Having asthma, I'm well aware of the risks; but bloody hell, it's been ages since I've been this sick.

Okay now onto what Relaxer shared... Holy shit! I'm not sure which was weirder - the concussion crying thing or her complaining about your son's supposed negative energy. Did you have a moment in which you thought "Why did I think it would be fun to tap that?" I hope it was worth being sleep deprived. Not to mention, you'll have to see her again considering you have to give her the stuff back that she left at your place. Anyhow, Tonight's date sounds far more interesting and cooler, but who knows if you'll be able to stay awake. Best of luck! Also, I'm with SideBernt. $4,000 bed?! Do tell!!!

Your story sort of reminds me of the time I met a deaf Asian tranny via a personal ad. Though she never actually told me about the tranny part.

Holy shit! A+

Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #234 on: April 05, 2016, 01:46:54 pm »
Your story sort of reminds me of the time I met a deaf Asian tranny via a personal ad. Though she never actually told me about the tranny part.

Holy shit! A+
I agree...


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #235 on: April 05, 2016, 02:29:55 pm »
good matresses cost $2000 easy these days.... just sayin'

Cock Van Der Palm

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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #236 on: April 05, 2016, 02:32:57 pm »
I wanted to say something . . . then I decided to not say, it.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #237 on: April 05, 2016, 03:14:45 pm »
My wonderful bed is a top of the line Tempurpedic, with a very sexy frame and exciting sheets and pillows, which themselves cost $200 a pop. It was a luxury that my exwife and I decided to indulge in a few years ago because why skimp on something you spend hours on every day?

Interestingly ironic, for all my crowing about how great it is to ride this bed to Pound Town, it's actually a little hard to get funky on it because the participant on the bottom tends to sink into the mattress, limiting her or his movements, while the participant on the top can find him/herself struggling to maintain a solid base of operations.


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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #238 on: April 05, 2016, 03:21:20 pm »
good matresses cost $2000 easy these days.... just sayin'

Dat casper mattress doh... best purchase I've made in a long time.

King was around $900ish for the mattress and came delivered in a small box.

Space Freely

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Re: My Journey into Becoming Single Again at Age 45
« Reply #239 on: April 05, 2016, 03:52:28 pm »
My wonderful bed is a top of the line Tempurpedic, with a very sexy frame and exciting sheets and pillows, which themselves cost $200 a pop. It was a luxury that my exwife and I decided to indulge in a few years ago because why skimp on something you spend hours on every day?

Interestingly ironic, for all my crowing about how great it is to ride this bed to Pound Town, it's actually a little hard to get funky on it because the participant on the bottom tends to sink into the mattress, limiting her or his movements, while the participant on the top can find him/herself struggling to maintain a solid base of operations.

I'm just wondering how you and not your wife gets to live in the house and sleep in the bed that you presumably bought together.