After shelling out $20-ishK for foundation reinforcement, I'm debating supplementing the under-powered electric heating part of our HVAC system (a heat-pump system with an electric aux heat that from what the latest in my string of HVAC guys has classified as undersized). Leaning towards a 95% efficient unit (a subsidiary model from Trane). He wants almost $11k for labor and materials, including running some exhaust and ducting to connect it to the existing system. It's just hard with such a specific trade, to comparison shop without making the time to actually comparison shop. Wondering if anyone else has had comparable work done recently.
We've been paying upwards of $400-$500 for electricity during the winter months since we've been currently supplementing the system with electric space heaters. It's huge secondary home "repair" in a year when I was hoping to spend around $10,000.00 originally for the foundation work, but we're also punishing our system. Just not sure if it's 1.) fairly prices (I think so, based on my administrative knowledge of the type of work). 2.) actually going to offset our heating costs. and 3.) actually going to add comfort for the price (currently with all that we do, we are never actually comfortable climate-wise for all the money spent).