Some people disagree but I don’t think there should be one monument or statue to anything having to do with the confederacy...traitors
umm I don't know too many non-maga types who think that
surprises me about B, but then again...
I think Germany should be a model for how it's done
There was soo much racism in the south and it was all power-related
So generation after generation being told this is OK and they really like to show their power over blacks in the south by naming things and putting statues at courthouses. I was a clear message, has very little to do with remembering was about the present
I think there are a lot of great things and people in the South and I wish there was a unifying symbol they could show to show their southern pride...but the battle flag of an army that killed more Americans than all other wars and were OK with enslaving fn' way
Honestly, I'm shocked that 60 years after the civil rights movement that they were all still standing
And Trump holding up a 3/4 trillion bill 'names of bases are like the most important things to the families of soldiers who died fighting for our country"
WTAF... I can only imagine that most of them hate those bases because they did boot camp and it was miserable and have no connection to the wars they fought in. such f'd up logic
Kind of not going to end systemic racism either
It’s kind of weak sauce...but hey if it makes white peoples feel good
I agree. I do think it sends a message through. I do think it's an important first step
But just A STEP in a marathon that needs to be run
I think the property tax=school thing is SUCH BULLSHIT
that is racist 100%
They are PUBLIC schools...the pubic should fund them
If you are rich, go to a private school if you don't like the public school....but goddamm you are going to pay some taxes to support all the schools in your state