Author Topic: 2022 - dems in disarray thread  (Read 151191 times)

Space Freely

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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2022, 09:18:09 am »
It's funny to think that the town I associate with Billy Graham (Black Mountain) leans liberal.


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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2022, 09:24:15 am »
Oh yeah I get that…read all about it trying to understand the district

But ultimately the point is the American people have lost their darn minds. Biden approval rating in the 30s?

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2022, 09:26:33 am »
It's funny to think that the town I associate with Billy Graham (Black Mountain) leans liberal.
Montreat (about 3 miles from Black Mountain) is where he lived and that's the weird Bible community out there. Black Mountain (while still with some older residents) has become an artist community. Lots of under 40 liberals out there living in the woods.


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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2022, 09:33:40 am »
US economy grew at annualized rate of 6.9% in the fourth quarter of 2021 and jobs are everywhere yet people act like we are in a Great Depression or something.

Ok nobody likes inflation but what did you think would happen when you got those stimulus checks?

Space Freely

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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2022, 09:35:05 am »
It's funny to think that the town I associate with Billy Graham (Black Mountain) leans liberal.
Montreat (about 3 miles from Black Mountain) is where he lived and that's the weird Bible community out there. Black Mountain (while still with some older residents) has become an artist community. Lots of under 40 liberals out there living in the woods.

This indicated that Montreat still leans Blue in spite of they biblialness.

Anyway, I drove to upstate NY this past weekend.

Some things I saw:

Someone flying a Confederate flag alongside a US flag. How does that even make sense?
Someone else with a Trump 2024 "Take American Back" sign on their lawn.
A billboard in PA that said "Thank you Joe Manchin and Kysten Sinema, for Keeping America Great."

Space Freely

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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2022, 09:39:39 am »
US economy grew at annualized rate of 6.9% in the fourth quarter of 2021 and jobs are everywhere yet people act like we are in a Great Depression or something.

Ok nobody likes inflation but what did you think would happen when you got those stimulus checks?

57% of American household don't make enough to pay any taxes. They're probably the ones most unhappy with the little inflation thing.

Meanwhile, the Freely's owe a ghasly amount of taxes. I'm not sure why. My wife keeps saying "It's better to owe that to get a refund." But i'm not sure I'm with her on that one. I'd rather cut back on spending during the year because our paychecks are less than have the money available to spend and get hit with a huge debt every April. Sorry to digress.

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2022, 09:43:36 am »
This indicated that Montreat still leans Blue in spite of they biblialness.
That is surprising.

Julian, Bespoke SEXPERT

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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2022, 09:44:50 am »
My wife keeps saying "It's better to owe that to get a refund." But i'm not sure I'm with her on that one.
If you're doing it intentionally and receiving an interest-free loan from the government and treating it as such, its better to owe. If you owe through no intentionality on your withholding and its surprise to you, then you're probably correct.

Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2022, 09:56:54 am »
Asheville is super gerrymandered if you look at a map. Asheville/Black Mountain/Arden are wildly progressive (only the Raleigh-Durham triangle is moreso in NC), they're just tossed into a map with a bunch of WNC that waters down the city so much that GOP have the district on lock. A major point of contention.
they did the exact same thing in Austin TX
super blue, but they made it 4 congressional districts that fan way out in to the sticks

Gerrymandering is just criminal IMO and I wish that we could find a solution
can't we just use a computer to divide the state evenly by population and just be done with it

Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2022, 10:00:49 am »
My wife keeps saying "It's better to owe that to get a refund." But i'm not sure I'm with her on that one. I'd rather cut back on spending during the year because our paychecks are less than have the money available to spend and get hit with a huge debt every April. Sorry to digress.
I despise this take
would be different if you could get like say some ungodly high return in the bank like 3% (which you can't...lucky if you get 1%)
so are giving the gov't a free loan on money, but in the end we are talking a few dollars difference
So much better to get one lump sum in ya know, you can pay off bills or go on a vacation


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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2022, 10:34:01 am »
Drove down to a show in Jeffersonton VA, over the weekend and a saw Prius flying a full-sized Fuck Joe Biden (with middle finger for the I in Biden) flag, he also had a faux let's go Brandon license plate and as such had a separate license plate mount for his govt plate.
All that is to say, who is he trolling? Between owning the one-time most liberal car, his reduced mpg with that flag, cost of flag, flag mount and license plate mount, I guess in the end it makes him feel good as he aggressively tried to pass people by driving in-between the two lanes on a two-lane highway. Anyhow, Saturday was a great day for a drive.

Justin Tonation

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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2022, 02:30:50 pm »
But ultimately the point is the American people have lost their darn minds. Biden approval rating in the 30s?

BEcAusE TH' pREsIDENt cOnTRolS tH' PRiCe OF mY GAs....
😐 🎶


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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2022, 02:40:38 pm »

Meanwhile, the Freely's owe a ghasly amount of taxes. I'm not sure why.

I would likely guess that you haven't adjusted your withholdings since Trump limited your SALT deductions.

The Smackies could buy a car with amount they owe this year and this is despite buying a new EV to lower the amount they owe by $7500.  We will be paying quarterly this year most likely.

Space Freely

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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2022, 02:54:19 pm »
Drove down to a show in Jeffersonton VA, over the weekend and a saw Prius flying a full-sized Fuck Joe Biden (with middle finger for the I in Biden) flag, he also had a faux let's go Brandon license plate and as such had a separate license plate mount for his govt plate.
All that is to say, who is he trolling? Between owning the one-time most liberal car, his reduced mpg with that flag, cost of flag, flag mount and license plate mount, I guess in the end it makes him feel good as he aggressively tried to pass people by driving in-between the two lanes on a two-lane highway. Anyhow, Saturday was a great day for a drive.

I was in Corning, NY on Saturday, where it was 39 and pouring rain. I saw that it was 78 here and wondered why i left home. They do have a nice Museum of Glass, and i found a cozy little restuarant with a great taplist and some good hip hop playing, so not all was lost (though i did lose my umbrella at the museum.)

I wonder how my co-worker Brandon feels about all this Brandon crap?

Space Freely

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Re: 2022 - dems in disarray thread
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2022, 02:55:44 pm »
My wife keeps saying "It's better to owe that to get a refund." But i'm not sure I'm with her on that one. I'd rather cut back on spending during the year because our paychecks are less than have the money available to spend and get hit with a huge debt every April. Sorry to digress.
I despise this take
would be different if you could get like say some ungodly high return in the bank like 3% (which you can't...lucky if you get 1%)
so are giving the gov't a free loan on money, but in the end we are talking a few dollars difference
So much better to get one lump sum in ya know, you can pay off bills or go on a vacation

Whereas my wife  takes a "if I've got it I'll spend it" approach. Hmmph.