Sweetcell, it all come down to how you look at it.
When a software company releases a bug patch, or adds an obvious feature that should have been there in the first place, are you overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration that they did something about it, or are you glad but still slightly annoyed that they sold you an incomplete piece of software in the first place?
If it's the former, you too may be a fanboi.
i doubt i qualify as a fanboi - wouldn't i have to own one?
who here is overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration? i think my post was clearly in the "glad but still slightly annoyed" category, not that i have a horse in this race. i'm sure the apple message boards are full of "praise be to Jobs for copy and paste" adirations, but that's the fanboi community. apple can't take responsibility for them.
you still haven't explained how that image conveys the "amazing chutzpah of showing off "Cut, copy, and paste" as if it's a brilliant, cutting edge idea that they just came up with"? i didn't watch the presentation so maybe the speaker did flaunt it like something new, but in
that image i see someone pointing out a new few feature on their hardware - nothing more. there is no "we invented this" banner or other messianic proclamation. should they have ignored this new feature and not talked about it at all? that extreme seems to be the only one that would make you happy... and i think that's unrealistic. that's all.
that the iphone didn't have this capability from the outset is lame, but let's not mix topics.