I would rather eat the lint from my dryer then ever have to sit through this poor excuse of a show ever again. And boy, did it bring out the idiots! Who the fuck would want to get on stage and either; a) Have your nuts kicked up to the back of your throat -or- b)Beat the living shit out of your own self. Could you imagine going into work the next day looking like that one guy? My god. And then his rock star antics; bitching about his contract ryders and the lighting. There was nothing to see on stage at all. You could get better entertainment from watching the bums at freedom plaza. Anyway, here's the rundown of what I remembered from the show.<BR>--break beer can on head<BR>--break another beer can on head<BR>--Rock out with metal music, making devil horns with fingers.<BR>--snort some salt and throw up<BR>--break a light bulb on head<BR>--rock out to some more metal and stand around<BR>--bitch about contract ryder for 10 min.<BR>--bitch at people at club, and have people kicked out because he's pissed<BR>--Ryan Dunn jumps off Balcony<BR>--Preston Lacy stands in back being fat.<BR>--Um, I stopped watching here, I think<BR>--Lights himself on fire, backflip<BR>--Lights himself on fire, frontflip(but makes the lights go all the way down, because he can't actually do a front flip<BR>--Lights head on fire, after 2 tries.<P>As for that broad who wants to lick his face or whatever, you're an idiot. See what kind of trash this brought out to the club? I'm embarassed to say I was there.<P>I'm not going to bother posting the DJ setlist, because I'm lazy, unless anyone really needs to know what was played(it's wasn't all that special, really).