Author Topic: once again the jokes write themselves...  (Read 193874 times)


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #975 on: October 24, 2008, 01:35:00 am »
i'm with you on that one - the christian tradition is part of what this country is.  people who object to a person's right to display a manger are barking up the wrong tree.
 but a christmas tree, and other symbols, doesn't oppress me.  same can't be said for limiting my access to potentially life-saving technologies, birth control, the subjugation of science in the name of belief, etc.  that's the shit i object to - and falls under the realm of public policy.  let's not mix respect of religion  and its authority to dictate my well-being and freedom.  logically, IMO, one cannot demand that government stay out of the private sphere and then grant the church that right.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #976 on: October 24, 2008, 08:03:00 am »
When I refer to superstition, I am specifically referring to religious fundamentalism, and the religious right, not religion in general.
 And the US is NOT a "Christian country."  It is a country with a large Christian majority and a mainstream Christianity-influenced culture.  But there is no official faith.   There is a huge difference.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #977 on: October 24, 2008, 08:05:00 am »
I agree with Doom.
  theres no "for all intents and purposes" about it.
  this is why i would vote democrat.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #978 on: October 24, 2008, 08:21:00 am »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
i don't have a problem with the "pervasiveness" of religion. . .the u.s., for all intents and purposes, is NOT a secular country, it is a Christian country.  i disagree with the attempts by secularists to rid this country of any and all of its religious identities.  i don't see why there can't be a christmas tree on city owned property. . .these are not only symbols of christianity, they are also symbols of our history as a people. [/b]
its very simple.  separate church and state.  you are free to practice religion in any way you want, and display all the mangers you want.  and the government is separate.   that's america.

Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #979 on: October 24, 2008, 08:21:00 am »
This is why the U.S. is falling apart. Because we have turned our back on God.
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
  When I refer to superstition, I am specifically referring to religious fundamentalism, and the religious right, not religion in general.
 And the US is NOT a "Christian country."  It is a country with a large Christian majority and a mainstream Christianity-influenced culture.  But there is no official faith.   There is a huge difference.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #980 on: October 24, 2008, 10:08:00 am »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
 sometimes, and i came to this conclusion shortly after my previous post, i feel like ed rooney trying to catch ferris. . .and nov. 4 will be whether the public is jennifer grey and covers for him.
i like how you cast yourself as the villain in this analogy

Sage 703

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #981 on: October 24, 2008, 10:50:00 am »
 Joe McCain calls 911 while stuck in traffic in Alexandria.  Not really news, but hilarious all the same:
 Alexandria (web|news) - A 911 tape, reportedly of Sen. John McCain (web|news|bio) 's brother Joe, could prove controversial for the McCain camp since the call was not for an emergency, but rather to complain about being stuck in traffic.
 The call came into Alexandria's 911 system on October 21.
 Operator: 911 state your emergency
 Caller: It's not an emergency, but do you know why on one side at the damn drawbridge of 95 traffic is stopped for 15 minutes and yet traffic's coming the other way?
 Operator: Sir, are you calling 911 to complain about traffic? (pause)
 Caller: "(Expletive) you." (caller hangs up)
 The complaint call about traffic on the Wilson Bridge forced the 911 dispatcher to call back. The voice mail on the other end, appears to belong to Joe McCain, brother of presidential candidate, John McCain.
 "Hi this is Joe McCain. I can't take this message now because I'm involved in a very (inaudible) important political project. I hope on November 4th we have elected John."

ratioci nation

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #982 on: October 24, 2008, 12:49:00 pm »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
 btw, please let me know when this happens to an obama supporter:
 A knife-wielding man robbed a Texas woman and etched a "B" into her face after he saw a John McCain bumper sticker on the woman's car, Pittsburgh police said.
they should be out asking all big black men to write a "B", if it is backwards they have their man
 maybe its true, but its awesome that you jumped at the chance to use the story


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #983 on: October 24, 2008, 12:58:00 pm »
those arent very good friends to let her go to an atm by herself in that neighborhood


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #984 on: October 24, 2008, 01:04:00 pm »
it would be super funny if perhaps it was found that the wound was self inflicted.  the "B" looked right as i drew it in the mirror!


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #985 on: October 24, 2008, 01:12:00 pm »
i dont know if funny is the word id use


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #986 on: October 24, 2008, 01:12:00 pm »
how are those polls lookin, manimtired?

Venerable Bede

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #987 on: October 24, 2008, 01:27:00 pm »
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  i'm with you on that one - the christian tradition is part of what this country is.  people who object to a person's right to display a manger are barking up the wrong tree.
 but a christmas tree, and other symbols, doesn't oppress me.  same can't be said for limiting my access to potentially life-saving technologies, birth control, the subjugation of science in the name of belief, etc.  that's the shit i object to - and falls under the realm of public policy.  let's not mix respect of religion  and its authority to dictate my well-being and freedom.  logically, IMO, one cannot demand that government stay out of the private sphere and then grant the church that right.
ok, that's what i thought. . and i should have made that clearer in my responses. . .i would agree that religion should not play a role in setting policy- i waver, however, in the role morals and ethics play in those determinations. . .and i would agree that morals and ethics are too often voiced and grounded in overtly religious tones.
 as for doom, i completely disagree, the u.s. is most definately a christian country, in fact, the most christian in the history of the world; look at the money, look at our founding documents, look at our pledge, look at almost every single federal building. . .our country was founded by "christians," (i know, the founding fathers were deists, but i'm also including the pilgrims in that statement), using christian ideals, remember the declaration of independence?  it references a creator-god for giving humans our "inalienable" rights. . .how is that anything but christian?
 there is no separation of church and state in the constitution. . .it's very simple.  the constitution means that the government shall not create a state religion, ala the church of england and the english government, which is very different than keeping religion out of government, which is, in essence what secularists have been striving for...
 i'll give you an example- the first europeans to come to california were franciscan missionaries who founded 21 missions, up and down the state, from san diego to sonoma in the late 1700s and early 1800s (other than for military reasons, such as the founding of san diego, monterey and san francisco, missions are often the foundation those cities, such as santa clara and sonoma).  today, many of these missions are in terrible shape due to a number of circumstances such as age, erosion and earthquakes.  several years ago, sen. boxer was able to appropriate money to go to the upkeep of these missions, including some for seismic retrofitting.  the americans united for separation of church and state threatened to sue the government over those funds simply because they were going to help these missions.  many of these missions no longer function as houses of worship, and more than that, these are historical buildings of great importance to the creation of the state of california. . .it's this extreme devotion to secularism that annoys me to no end. . .


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #988 on: October 24, 2008, 01:38:00 pm »
Originally posted by pdx pollard:
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
 btw, please let me know when this happens to an obama supporter:
 A knife-wielding man robbed a Texas woman and etched a "B" into her face after he saw a John McCain bumper sticker on the woman's car, Pittsburgh police said.
they should be out asking all big black men to write a "B", if it is backwards they have their man
 maybe its true, but its awesome that you jumped at the chance to use the story [/b]
At the risk of sounding crass I didn't want to say so at the time, but this story sounded fishy and just a bit too sensational to me from the start....


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #989 on: October 24, 2008, 01:43:00 pm »
Hah!!  she didn't even have the sense to not make the "B" backwards.....damn mirrors turning everything around....hardly looks like it was done with a knife either, looks more like a nail file!
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