Author Topic: Get rid of Ticketfly  (Read 77077 times)


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #90 on: September 13, 2010, 03:34:57 pm »
Ha! Thanks for following up!


Does anyone have problems with TicketFly's website?  Over the last month or so it kills my Xserver every time I access it via Firefox/Linux.  It works fine on my other platforms and browsers.   TicketFly is the only site that does this and it's very consistent about it.  Flash issue maybe?

Actually, I take that back.  It's TIcketAlternative that crashes - not TicketFly.      Sorry about that.  :(

TicketFly rules!!!


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #91 on: September 14, 2010, 10:57:55 am »
I recently joined the forum group, noticed this thread, and figured I'd put in my $0.02, howver belatedly.  I'll keep it clean.

On whatever day in July it was, I attempted to get Virgin Mobilefest tickets.  I got onto the site before 10:00 a.m. and refreshed the screen every few minutes until it was after 10 and the reservation process was open.  I entered the security word, only to be told that it was a mismatch and that I had to request a new one.  This happened 4 or 5 times.  I can believe that I entered the word incorrectly maybe once, but I do not believe that I entered the word incorrectly 4 or 5 times.  After being told 4 or 5 times that the security word was wrong, and waiting a few minutes each time for a new one (a new one was not automatically generated), I was told that I had been timed out and to close the window.  The tab?  The browser?  Maybe reboot the PC?  Who knows.  Anyway, I closed the tab, opened a new tab, and tried again.  The system immediately accepted the security word and told me that all the free tickets were gone.  That was at 10:17 a.m.  Just for the heck of it, I got onto the site again 10-15 minutes later, and the same thing happened.  No tickets left, I was told. 

The following week, I read on the WaPo blog that there were technical problems and that thousands of tickets, maybe the majority of them (I don't remember exactly) were given away between 11 and 11:15.  This was about 45 minutes after I was first told by Ticketfly software that they were all gone.

I fully realized going in that there would be more requests for tickets than there were tickets to be given away, and I fully realized that there was no guarantee that I would be one of the lucky few.  After being told not once but twice that all the tickets were gone, I accepted the fact that I was not among the lucky few.  What infuriates me is that what I was told by Ticketfly was flat-out FALSE.  It was obvious that the demand would be high - WaPo reported beforehand that last year, 35,000 tickets were given away in 1/2 hour.  Ticketfly can not say that they did not know there would be a great demand, only that they were not prepared for what they knew would happen.  Also, if there are system problems, satisfactory software would tell the user something like "We are experiencing system problem; please try again later".  Satisfactory software would not reject valid security word entries, nor would it say that all the tickets were gone when that was not true.  Even minimally satisfactory software would not LIE.

If the 9:30 club chooses to use garbageware from a garbage company to conduct its business, that is a choice it is free to make, and it seems to be the choice that the 9:30 club has made.  If I choose not to give my money to ticketfly, and if I choose not to put my credit card information into software from ticketfly because I know that ticketfly software is lying garbageware, those are choice which I am free to make.  I will continue to go to the 9:30 club for shows as long as I can buy tickets at the club, because it it a great venue and has great bands.  But I will never trust ticketfly with  my credit card information.  The fact that the 9:30 chooses to use garbageware to conduct business leaves a really sour taste in my mouth when it comes to the owners and management of the club, and I am unlikely to be particularly sympathetic to them in other areas, such as the issue of the Fillmore in Silver Spring.  On the one hand, it looks like what is going on is wrong, but on the other hand, it seems to just be a case of Mr. Ticketfly being hard-nosed about conducting business.  That is his right, but he'll get little sympathy from me.


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #92 on: September 14, 2010, 11:17:24 am »
sorry to tell you this kid, but most on here think seth (the owner) is a god and can do no wrong.  if he told them to buy tickets from a troll under the 14th street bridge using paypal only . . . they'd already be in line.  so in other words . . . you're preaching to the choir here.  sorry.  but hey, i found what you had to say to be interesting and actually probably spot on.


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #93 on: September 14, 2010, 02:20:34 pm »
It was not my intention to pick on Seth - not that he's a god, but he has run a great operation for a long time (and I've only been going to the new club for about 18 months, and I've been a lot fewer times than I went to the old one at 9:30 F Street).  As a Montgomery County resident and taxpayer, I think the lack of tranparency in the whole Silver Spring/Live Nation deal stinks, and it should have been open to others, including Seth, to submit proposals, and may the best proposal win.  It is tickeyfly that I think is an abomination, based on my limited experience, and I'm not sure why an apparently capable and intelligent business owner would use it.  Unfortunately, that fact colors my perception of a club owner who would use it.  In fact, as long as PayPal exists, I am not sure why any club owner would subject their customers to online ticket taxes and markups.


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #94 on: September 14, 2010, 02:31:01 pm »
Hey Chris! Oh no, an abomination! That's rough. But we do appreciate your feedback. I'm not sure if you were following us that day on the forum, or on Twitter or Facebook, but we were steadily communicating the issues with our system throughout the process. We are 100% aware that this was not just an issue of ticket availability but that our system was a serious bummer. And we have worked hard to fix those bummers.

I am glad to hear that you will still go to the 9:30 Club, as they are a fantastic venue and it would be a shame to miss out on it because of any issues you've encountered with Ticketfly!

Send me a DM with your email address and I have a couple of FreeFest tix for you. Don't worry, we DON'T need your credit card unless you want to make a donation. ;-)

Either way the tix are yours, as long as you get back to me before 6pm EST on Weds 9/14.



It was not my intention to pick on Seth - not that he's a god, but he has run a great operation for a long time (and I've only been going to the new club for about 18 months, and I've been a lot fewer times than I went to the old one at 9:30 F Street).  As a Montgomery County resident and taxpayer, I think the lack of tranparency in the whole Silver Spring/Live Nation deal stinks, and it should have been open to others, including Seth, to submit proposals, and may the best proposal win.  It is tickeyfly that I think is an abomination, based on my limited experience, and I'm not sure why an apparently capable and intelligent business owner would use it.  Unfortunately, that fact colors my perception of a club owner who would use it.  In fact, as long as PayPal exists, I am not sure why any club owner would subject their customers to online ticket taxes and markups.


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #95 on: September 14, 2010, 02:40:10 pm »
sorry to tell you this kid, but most on here think seth (the owner) is a god and can do no wrong. 

i sincerely hope you really believe this.  much entertainment will ensue.

Joke Insurance

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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #96 on: September 14, 2010, 05:59:05 pm »
Sorry for bringing up an old thread but really surprises me here is that people still care about Phish. One-hit wonders usually fade away to obscurity, you know?

Phish had a hit??



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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #97 on: September 14, 2010, 06:47:49 pm »
you know . . . i don't why i grew so hostile about your phish comment from before.  i've kinda fallen out of them after so long being one of their troopers.  i do that with bands.  dinosaur jr. is my largest casuality.  i actually originally thought you were a old "booted" member inserting themselves back within the forum, one in particular i was hoping for.  i know 'ole richmond can't hold him in forever.  so think what and say what you want here; i know do.  sorry i attacked you, and i hope you don't hold against me too long.  but beware how far you push the boundaries of mental entertainment with the bigwigs.  they sometimes can be lost within the humour.  how seth hasn't booted me by now is amazing.  but i love the ole softy, so that's different. 


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #98 on: September 14, 2010, 09:18:07 pm »
TFlyAmy -

     Trying to send a personal message via this forum has proven to be about as much fun as what I described above.  I sent a message to with a subject along the lines of "Attn: TFlyAmy".  Hopefully, you can get at it.



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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #99 on: September 15, 2010, 09:56:41 am »
Trying to send a personal message via this forum has proven to be about as much fun as what I described above. 

you couldn't figure out how to send a personal message?  seriously?  i'm starting to suspect that the reason you didn't get tickets during the onsale/freesale had little to do with the website...


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #100 on: September 15, 2010, 12:37:09 pm »
Sweetcell -

     Your suspicion is understandable, but wrong.  I won't bore you with all the details except to say that 1) a verification word should be something that a person of average vision can read, and 2) if an alternative is to listen to the verification word (which causes another instance of the browser to open up), the url should not be to busy to respond 100% of the time.


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #101 on: September 15, 2010, 12:46:15 pm »
Interesting.  I don't have to enter a captcha when I send PMs.


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #102 on: September 15, 2010, 12:54:40 pm »
I do not claim to know what the difference between your user account and mine might be, but I was prompted for a "verification word".  The image presented was similar to one of those images used to test color-blindness, except it appeared to be designed to ensure failure on the part of the user.  If I were blind, I could understand.  However, I am not blind.  The ticketfly "security words" that kept getting rejected (presumably due to system problems) were perfectly easy to read.


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #103 on: September 15, 2010, 12:55:36 pm »
This ChrisO guy is insufferable.


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Re: Get rid of Ticketfly
« Reply #104 on: September 15, 2010, 01:33:01 pm »
i find him mildly entertaining, although i do find it confusing that he got free tickets by bitching and insulting :)

chrisO: i was implying that because it is easy to send a personal message (really, it is) and you had trouble with that; it's no wonder you couldn't figure out the ticket ordering process on TF. 

t'was joke, which is now less funny 'cause i had to explain it.  *sigh*.