Look at at Tim Kaine? In retrospect did he add anything to Hillary?
zero, I don't even think he delivered VA to Hill
she would have gotten almost exactly the same with out him on the bill
Basically we need a Trump on the left
No such animal exists or ever could
Dems use their full brain, not just their medulla oblongata to make choices in the voting both
which is a shame as it would be so much easier to win if we could just stick to bumper sticker politics
I think the congress should come up with a sweet package
that give trump all the money for the wall, but massively increases funding for courts, facilities and agents at the border
but ALSO includes Democracy day or DACA finality
This is the leverage we need...Trump is desperate for this wall
So give it to him with stuff that will really help the dems long term, then he'll have a harder time Vetoing it...because...the wall