But personally, I'd prefer the DNC learn a lesson from 2016, but so far, it doesn't seem to be the case. I mean, hell...a lot of these folks have bad ideas IMO, but at least they don't have the baggage or sexist/racist gaffes Joe does. That's a recipe for disaster.
Yes! Fuck the DNC! The real enemy!
Definitely not that guy in the White House!
seriously this is my point
Joe has baggage, but why do the dem's have to point it out and make it look like a cat fight
the media and Team trump will do enough it to fill everyone's mind
I will say that I though the DNA test thing warren did would have been her undoing
but she seems to be holding strong and getting lots of support
I know NKOTB is going to whine, but I don't think the primary voters are going to fall in love with Bernie
I think he has a strong base, but it has a ceiling and it's not very high IMO
I really like a lot of his ideas, but don't think he's going to cross the finish line
Pete too, he's getting a lot of attention now, but this won't last. He really is perfect for the democratic party and I look forward to him as a future leader. He also seems like the kind of guy who will be scandal free
Yikes...just read this
The president said he was thinking about live-tweeting the upcoming Democratic presidential debates going to be like shooting fish in a barrel