do we really feel that Biden is going to be unblemished by this Ukraine stuff...and I'm no way implying he did anything wrong
Just seems like even a bigger effort will be afoot to show that Biden did similar stuff with his power as VP
and honestly, if you have that kind of power, it is probably going to be easy to show other examples that look 'shady'
Edit...just saw this..confirming my theory
One reason I'd be concerned if I were Biden is that Trump & GOP allies have such terrible arguments in defense of his Ukraine conduct that his least-worst strategy might be to gin up a whole bunch of crazy Biden scandals.
Not that Trump doesn't have a long list already, but been shown not to matter to his base (but lost cause anyway)
I am thinking this time around that the independent voter will now have a record of Trump's actions in government to vote on, where before it was "let's give this outsider a chance"
He's swamp monster #1 and really can't hide that
I do think this unemployment/great economy is somewhat of a ruse to the middle/lower middle class. As most haven't seen a payraise in a decade and are probably working two jobs with their health care costs doubling in the last decade too
So regardless of the 'great economy' news...most Americans are not having a great one in their home
but we can't use facts is the problem, it's all about emotion
Also, love for Obama is really getting weak...kinda shocking IMO
Warren is going to get the Nom
not really sure on the running mate, but definitely not Biden or Sanders
and she beats trump by a my 9/30/19 proclamation