If most of us are going to get the virus, wouldn't it be better to get it earlier than later, especially if you only get it once?
I mean, the younger you are, the better. No better time than now.
And might as well get it now, before the hospitals are overrun.
haven't you heard about "flattening the curve"? the idea is that if everyone gets sick all at once, it'll overwhelm the healthcare system and healthcare workers will be forced to make who-will-live-and-who-will-die decisions, as is currently the case in italy. the goal is to space (!) out the rate of infection, so the same total number of people pass through hospitals but not all at the same time. rushing to the hospital is risky both for yourself and for society in general.
and being a month younger or a month older isn't going to affect your outcome.
if only to pander to Jules, here is a
U of MI article about flattening the curve.