Author Topic: once again the jokes write themselves...  (Read 193823 times)

Venerable Bede

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #570 on: September 16, 2008, 03:58:00 pm »
Originally posted by brennser:
  your logic is getting more and more tortured as this thread progresses - what is your point here?
 are you implying that McCain has postponed fundraising out of respect for the bad economy? I don't think McCain is being portrayed as out of touch by the media, maybe by the Obama campaign but not the media. Everyone knows he's had the media in his pocket for years until this recent barrage of lies and distortions caused some of them to wake up and take notice.
 High dollar fundraising is part and parcel of this noxious political process.
i'm implying that if a republican was doing what obama was doing. . .saying the economy is in the dumps then jetting off to, let's say, texas to hob-nob with, how about, oil executives, people would be up in arms.  as it is, obama says the economy is in terrible shape, then jet's off to california to hob-nob with hollywood, and no one says a thing.
 and thank you for saying this is an absolutely normal part of the election process. . .change you can believe in indeed.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #571 on: September 16, 2008, 04:03:00 pm »
which republican is saying or has said the economy is bad

Venerable Bede

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #572 on: September 16, 2008, 04:04:00 pm »
since it's getting late in the day out there in d.c., and no one has guessed, i'd figure i'd give you the answers.
 senator a is obama
 senator b is biden
 senator c is mccain
 why. . .lookie there. . mccain's female staffers make more than his male staffers, on average.  also, why does obama have more staff than either biden or mccain. . .i have no idea, just asking.
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
  Anyone wanna match the politician to the salaries?  Can choose between Biden, McCain and Obama.
 Senator A pays his 27 male staffers an average salary of $56K a year, but pays his 30 female staffers an average salary of $45K a year.
 Senator B pays his 15 male staffers an average salary of $85K a year, but pays his 25 female staffers an average salary of $56K a year.
 Senator C pays his 17 male staffers an average of $53K a year, but pays his 25 female staffers an average salary of $56K a year.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #573 on: September 16, 2008, 04:04:00 pm »
so its ok for mccain to say things are fine before jetting off to his multi million dollar fundraisers?


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #574 on: September 16, 2008, 04:09:00 pm »
I don't think Obama's (or McCain's) fundraising is in anyway hypocrital.  Its a voluntary payment/investment.  How does the donation hurt any individuals?  You can't claim price gauging on a voluntary payment.
 However, McCain/Palin have (past tense?) scored points with more retarded arguments lately ("I put the thing on ebay") so I could see them saying with a straightface "How can Obama accept $66 million in one month while American families are hurting" and then demand he use the money to send each American a 25 cent stimulus check.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #575 on: September 16, 2008, 04:10:00 pm »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
 as for banking deregulation. . .would someone let me know when the gramm-leach-bliley act was passed?  thanks.
Sure.  1999.
 It was 54-44 in the Senate (53 Republicans and 1 Dem voting yes, 44 Democrats and no Republicans voting no, and 1 Rep voting "Present" and 1 repub not voting.)
 In the House it was:
  Yeas Nays NV
 Republican 207(Y) 5(N)   10 (NV)
 Democratic 155 (Y) 51(N)   5(NV)
 Independent   1(Y)    
 TOTALS 362 57   15
 And signed into law by President Clinton.
 The Bills Author, Senator Phil Graham, left Congress and is now a VP at UBS Investment Bank, the world's biggest manager of other people's money, and was Presidential Co-Chair of John McCains campaign and his most senior economic advisor until July.  While advising the McCain campaign, Gramm was being paid by UBS to lobby Congress about the U.S. mortgage crisis.
 Since then he has been seen with McCain during the campaign, and continues to be an unofficial adviser on economic and financial matters.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #576 on: September 16, 2008, 04:15:00 pm »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
  senator a is obama
 senator b is biden
 senator c is mccain  
I don't see sex.  I only see competence.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #577 on: September 16, 2008, 04:17:00 pm »
thats sexist, charlie


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #578 on: September 16, 2008, 04:18:00 pm »
also, it sure doesnt pay to work on the hill. damn

Venerable Bede

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #579 on: September 16, 2008, 04:21:00 pm »
Originally posted by brennser:
  so its ok for mccain to say things are fine before jetting off to his multi million dollar fundraisers?
that would be more honest than what obama said.  if mccain believes, rightly or wrongly, that the "fundamentals" are strong, then goes out an fundraises, at least he's being consistent.  and the democrats can ridicule his statement on the economy. . .it's the exact opposite scene with obama. . .says the economy is in the dumps and then goes high stakes fundraising.  yes, he has to do it, since he said no to public funding.  if all these rich democrats want their taxes raised, fine, but there's nothing keeping them from paying more to the government right now.  the government takes checks, money orders and credit cards.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #580 on: September 16, 2008, 04:24:00 pm »
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  also, it sure doesnt pay to work on the hill. damn
for real, exactly what i was thinking....


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #581 on: September 16, 2008, 04:26:00 pm »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
  [if all these rich democrats want their taxes raised, fine, but there's nothing keeping them from paying more to the government right now.  the government takes checks, money orders and credit cards.
I'm far from rich, but you know that I willingly let the Government withhold more than the proper amount from my wages and give it back to me in the Spring interest free as a tax rebate, and I'm not opposed to a tax increase on the next tax level, which I may be at someday when Smackette earns a real pay check.  I'm happy to give my fair share and some to this country.
 I'm also a volunteer of my time to government sponsored events, but you folks have made that a punchline now...


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #582 on: September 16, 2008, 04:27:00 pm »
If Obama thinks there is a problem with the economy, and he thinks he can do a better job than his opponent, he would be extremely irresponsible not to do everything in his power to win the election - including maximizing his fundraising efforts.
 His responsibility is to use the money to put himself in the best position to win the election.  Period.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #583 on: September 16, 2008, 04:30:00 pm »
Serious question: if I were to go to Michigan and get my driver's license up there and list a family member's house as my residence, would I be allowed to vote in Michigan in November, or am I stuck voting in Virginia?

Venerable Bede

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #584 on: September 16, 2008, 04:33:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
 as for banking deregulation. . .would someone let me know when the gramm-leach-bliley act was passed?  thanks.
Sure.  1999.
 And signed into law by President Clinton.
thanks, that's all i needed. . .
 as for phil gramm and ubs. . .
 opensecrets says obama has received $405,000 from UBS this cycle and mccain has received $140,000 this cycle.
 btw, only of interest to vansmack and me. . .the university of california is his number 2 contributor at $611,000?!?!  only goldman sachs has given more.