how do we combat that misconception
Why bother? Are you ever going to change the mind of his base? Do you even need to in order to win this election?
I come to this board sometimes for Political Therapy.
I like the variety of inputs and perspectives (although without ratbastard, all are just slight left to antifa) crafting arguments and reasoning with sentences and not bumper sticker slogans (could probably have slightly less insults tho)
But, this is sound advice
Why bother?
I need to keep reminding my self, no matter how many times I tell his base that he wears no clothes, they will NEVER believe it...especially if I'm the messenger
It's like raising a toddler, you really can't use logic. It's pointless and will only frustrate yourself
My only caveat on that is, some of this shit is SOOO freaking far from the norm I've known all my life.
I feel like I could say about 100 things off the top of my head that are absolutely insane in the last 2 yrs
my concern is its all about shock and awe and I'm going to miss 1 or 2 supremely important issues
But Why bother?
At least with the bitching and complaining and trying to change peoples minds
It will do no good and only frustrate me.
There is a huge list of watchdogs that are let them get the ulcers
Start focusing on sensible economic policies that will change the minds of ~700,000 voters in 6 key states instead of seeing who can jerk whom off furthest to the left.
I'm pretty certain that I'll have little impact
but I think what your trying to say (knows no fury greater than when he tries to speak FOR Smakie)
Is I need to find the candidate who has a sensible economic policies
and make sure they are laser focused on those people and support them in voice and money (optional)
And, please, ignore the distractions.
did you say something?