Curiously enough the US - ...- stood largely silent while Hitler carried out the Final Solution. It’s an uncomfortable truth and most Americans no doubt think we stepped into World War II to save the Jews but that is just not corroborated by the evidence. Hell, when a ship full of Jews fled Europe and was off the US coast it was denied entry and the ship was sent back to Europe. A real low point in American history.
So I'm not history expert, but I don't think that most outside of Germany actually knew what was going on in the concentration camps early on and even when we joined on the offensive in 1941
Maybe I'm just being naive here but the extent of the killings and tortures wasn't known until we entered the camps years later and the germans and their attention to details...wrote everything down, so it was even more shocking
But I do agree, there are few to compare to Hitler and will go down as one of the most henious in modern history
Although Pol Pot and Stalin are really not that far behind
and mao, that his Culture thing was responsible for millions too
but don't forget the Leopold II, King of Belgium, that was one nasty dude responsible for about 10 million congo residents...all in the name of rubber
an the US with it's genocide of the native americans...
But you are right, there is only one Hitler, but there are many atrocities done by men in modern times