Author Topic: once again the jokes write themselves...  (Read 193837 times)


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #705 on: October 02, 2008, 01:38:00 pm »
Originally posted by manimtired:
  i read the internet and watch the news on tv to stay informed and understand the world.  very few actual "publications"
Have you seen this actual clip?  It's painful to watch, like an episode of The Office or Curb Your Enthusiasm.  How can you be an apologist for this candidate that is so very clearly WAY out of her depth?
 I'd be pissed at my party for allowing such an unqualified person get the nod for VP, not blindly supporting her despite overwhelming evidence that the GOP screwed the pooch big time putting her in this position.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #706 on: October 02, 2008, 01:42:00 pm »
how was her not saying what papers she reads "out of her depth"?


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #707 on: October 02, 2008, 01:45:00 pm »
Originally posted by manimtired:
  i think the fact that hes black could cause him to lose the election.
if obama does lose, you'd be right.  
 the missus is from kentucky, and she assured me the reason why clinton won the primary there - despite the fact that her campaign was sinking at the time and that locals despised her east-coast elitism - was because so people simply refused to vote for an african-american, no matter how unpalatable the alternative is.  
 it's still shocking to me that in this day, folks still fall back on such knee-jerk reactions.  sad that we're still so far from MLK's dream.
Originally posted by manimtired:
  i read the internet and watch the news on tv to stay informed and understand the world.  very few actual "publications"
fine, then she could have said "i get my information online", and rattled off a few websites.  and even you, an obviously techno-savvy individual, say "very few" - not "none".  if pressed, i'll bet that you could some up with a newspaper or a mag that you flip through.  it just points to either her lack of intellectual curiosity, or need to hide her true self.  neither make for a good political leader, IMO.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #708 on: October 02, 2008, 01:48:00 pm »
so are the whites not voting for obama b/c he's black make this country racist or the blacks voting for obama b/c he is black make us racist? or both?


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #709 on: October 02, 2008, 01:50:00 pm »
Originally posted by manimtired:
  how was her not saying what papers she reads "out of her depth"?
she should be able to answer softball questions


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #710 on: October 02, 2008, 01:51:00 pm »
Originally posted by manimtired:
  how was her not saying what papers she reads "out of her depth"?
Have you not been paying attention?  
 OK, forget the newpaper issue, and answer this one question.  Do you honestly think this woman is qualified to be VP, or President?

Vas Deferens

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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #711 on: October 02, 2008, 01:53:00 pm »
i know a lot of white people voting for obama. Does that make them a traitor to their own race?
Originally posted by manimtired:
  so are the whites not voting for obama b/c he's black make this country racist or the blacks voting for obama b/c he is black make us racist? or both?


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #712 on: October 02, 2008, 01:53:00 pm »
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by manimtired:
  how was her not saying what papers she reads "out of her depth"?
Have you not been paying attention?  
 OK, forget the newpaper issue, and answer this one question.  Do you honestly think this woman is qualified to be VP, or President? [/b]
just as much so as obama the failed "community organizer" and short term senator.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #713 on: October 02, 2008, 01:54:00 pm »
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
  i know a lot of white people voting for obama. Does that make them a traitor to their own race?
Originally posted by manimtired:
  so are the whites not voting for obama b/c he's black make this country racist or the blacks voting for obama b/c he is black make us racist? or both?


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #714 on: October 02, 2008, 01:56:00 pm »
Originally posted by manimtired:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by manimtired:
  how was her not saying what papers she reads "out of her depth"?
Have you not been paying attention?  
 OK, forget the newpaper issue, and answer this one question.  Do you honestly think this woman is qualified to be VP, or President? [/b]
just as much so as obama the failed "community organizer" and short term senator. [/b]
It's a yes or no question.  Please answer it.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #715 on: October 02, 2008, 01:57:00 pm »


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #716 on: October 02, 2008, 01:59:00 pm »
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
Originally posted by manimtired:
  how was her not saying what papers she reads "out of her depth"?
she should be able to answer softball questions [/b]
especially one that's factual -   either you read publications or you don't.  if you do, name them.  if you don't, say so.
 best palin analogy i've heard recently: her answers were like "a high-schooler trying to BS her way through a book report for a book she didn't read".


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #717 on: October 02, 2008, 02:01:00 pm »
Originally posted by manimtired:
Well then god help us if your candidate wins.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #718 on: October 02, 2008, 02:03:00 pm »
i think palin has been advised to not give specifics .  her advisors have handled her very poorly and i think she is just so afraid of that "gotcha" question at this point.  do you honestly believe that the governor of alaska, and a former sports journalist, does not read any sort of news?  i think the debate tonight will tell a lot if she strays away from the defensive stance shes been in and lets "loose" per say.


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Re: once again the jokes write themselves...
« Reply #719 on: October 02, 2008, 02:05:00 pm »
thank you chaz..i feel the same way about you.