930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: freakoretardo on June 26, 2008, 12:11:00 pm
Does that mean we get to go back to...
<img src="http://i.cdn.turner.com/sivault/si_online/covers/images/1978/0508_large.jpg" alt=" - " />
<img src="http://www.sportslogos.net/images/logos/6/587/full/5422.gif" alt=" - " />
since when does the right to bear arms mean both rifles AND handguns, i guess since yesterday, god forbid you only be able to have a rifle
militias need to be able to overthrow the government at the drop of a hat. sometimes you don't have time to go to your car or house to retrieve your rifle, you need that handgun NOW :roll:
It is just too cumbersome to transport long rifles and/or shotguns while riding in our fancy new bike lanes.
I haven't read the dissent yet, but does anybody know if they used my dissent:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
I've been many places in this world, some developed, some developing, some not developed at all. And in only one place have I ever had a hand gun drawn on me: Washington, DC.
Coincidentally, it happened no more than 5 minutes after I decided to move to San Francisco with Smackette, not before. It simply reaffirmed my decision. Best $100 I ever "gave" away.
i love this picture:
<img src="http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2008/US/06/26/scotus.guns/t1home.02.guns.gi.jpg" alt=" - " />
the "pen misspelling words" sign is priceless and awesome beyond anything else.
i post this here too, because i'm in love with it.
http://www.slate.com/id/2193813/entry/2194311/ (http://www.slate.com/id/2193813/entry/2194311/)
But I must first pass along this rather brilliant observation from professor Stephen Wermiel from American University, who wonders why none of the dissenters cautioned the majority that today's decision "will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed."
Originally posted by pdx pollard:
http://www.slate.com/id/2193813/entry/2194311/ (http://www.slate.com/id/2193813/entry/2194311/)
Hey! Excellent, but don't forget the best part of that quote:
But I must first pass along this rather brilliant observation from professor Stephen Wermiel from American University, who wonders why none of the dissenters cautioned the majority that today's decision "will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed."
(Boumediene, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boumediene_v._Bush) Scalia, J. dissenting.)
Pollard, I still haven't stopped laughing at that. Brilliant.
i found that in a post on daily kos, to give credit where its due
Is it worth having a discussion when people don't seem to know the difference between concealed carry and being able to possess a handgun IN YOUR OWN HOME without fear of prosecution?
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Is it worth having a discussion when people don't seem to know the difference between concealed carry and being able to possess a handgun IN YOUR OWN HOME without fear of prosecution?
what makes you think people dont know the difference, I am against both, i repeat, where in the right to bear arms do you find the right to possess a handgun in your own home without fear of prosecution
Originally posted by pdx pollard:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Is it worth having a discussion when people don't seem to know the difference between concealed carry and being able to possess a handgun IN YOUR OWN HOME without fear of prosecution?
what makes you think people dont know the difference, I am against both, i repeat, where in the right to bear arms do you find the right to possess a handgun in your own home without fear of prosecution [/b]
Let me know how that golf club and your threatening voice works if you ever are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a home invasion.
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Let me know how that golf club and your threatening voice works if you ever are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a home invasion.
tell me, how often have you been invaded? and if you were invaded, how many people did you kill?
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Let me know how that golf club and your threatening voice works if you ever are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a home invasion.
its amazing how many people die with golf clubs in their hands in all those countries that have gun control
this reminds me of my favourite Chris Rock quote:
"Don't go to parties with metal detectors. Sure, it feels safe inside. But what about all those nig&*#s waiting outside with guns? They know you ain't got one."
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Let me know how that golf club and your threatening voice works if you ever are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a home invasion.
tell me, how often have you been invaded? and if you were invaded, how many people did you kill? [/b]
Your scenario is irrelevant, it's called being prepared. Feel free to give up your right to properly defend yourself but I have no respect for those who would legally impose it on others.
maybe we should outlaw golf clubs
linky link (http://www.candgnews.com/Homepage-Articles/2007/8-15-07/JC-GOLFMURDER.asp)
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Let me know how that golf club and your threatening voice works if you ever are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a home invasion.
tell me, how often have you been invaded? and if you were invaded, how many people did you kill? [/b]
Your scenario is irrelevant, it's called being prepared. Feel free to give up your right to properly defend yourself but I have no respect for those who would legally impose it on others. [/b]
that was YOUR scenario, actually, since we seem to be keeping score now.
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Let me know how that golf club and your threatening voice works if you ever are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a home invasion.
tell me, how often have you been invaded? and if you were invaded, how many people did you kill? [/b]
Your scenario is irrelevant, it's called being prepared. Feel free to give up your right to properly defend yourself but I have no respect for those who would legally impose it on others. [/b]
that was YOUR scenario, actually, since we seem to be keeping score now. [/b]
Well...someone who shouldn't be in your home may warrant self-defense I know that's a toughie to grasp HAHA
I don't defend the "need" for citizens to own guns, but I do defend their "right" to do so under the constitution. I also feel that the laws regulating the sale and ownership of guns should be ridiculously strict and enforced with outrageous penalties for the use of a gun while committing a crime.
Let me know how that golf club and your threatening voice works if you ever are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a home invasion.
Isn't "home invasion" one of those trick fear phrases like "partial birth abortion"? What really happens is that a robber breaks into your place when you're not there, takes the handgun you bought for the home invasion scenario, and sells it to a criminal on the black market. This is how most of the guns in the hands of criminals got there
Originally posted by edbert:
Let me know how that golf club and your threatening voice works if you ever are unfortunate enough to be the victim of a home invasion.
Isn't "home invasion" one of those trick fear phrases like "partial birth abortion"? What really happens is that a robber breaks into your place when you're not there, takes the handgun you bought for the home invasion scenario, and sells it to a criminal on the black market. This is how most of the guns in the hands of criminals got there [/b]
Explain it away all you want, I'm just glad anti-gun folks, like anti-choicers are in the minority.
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Explain it away all you want, I'm just glad anti-gun folks, like anti-choicers are in the minority.
you mean ant-gun supreme court justices.
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
anti-gun folks (..) are in the minority.
i'm curious - anyone got any numbers to back up this statement?
There's a huge difference between being anit-gun and being anti-handgun.
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by pdx pollard:
http://www.slate.com/id/2193813/entry/2194311/ (http://www.slate.com/id/2193813/entry/2194311/)
Hey! Excellent, but don't forget the best part of that quote:
But I must first pass along this rather brilliant observation from professor Stephen Wermiel from American University, who wonders why none of the dissenters cautioned the majority that today's decision "will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed."
(Boumediene, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boumediene_v._Bush) Scalia, J. dissenting.)
wermiel was my con-law professor, really brilliant and witty guy
i worked on gun control issues throughout college and i dreaded this decision ever since the DC circuit took this case and it was assigned to a panel with Silberman ... if gore or kerry had been elected this never would have happened
that said, the majority opinion is incredibly well-written ... it's undoubtedly scalia's chef-d'oeuvre and the opinion he's waited his whole career to write: a compelling originalist take on a little-examined (at least in federal courts) constitutional amendment .... he (a little too) conveniently sweeps aside past precedent like Miller, and has the opportunity to press reset, wipe the slate clean, and start building an entire jurisprudential structure in a way he could never do with more frequently litigated constitutional issues ... this is the first of many cases that will build on his foundation
<img src="http://re3.yt-thm-a01.yimg.com/image/25/m7/3883716801" alt=" - " />
You're gonna have to pry this out of my cold dead fingers
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
anti-gun folks (..) are in the minority.
i'm curious - anyone got any numbers to back up this statement? [/b]
"anti-gun" is such a red herring ... "anti-gun" opinion ranges from people who want all guns outlawed (a tiny minority) to those who want handguns outlawed (a larger minority), to those who want licensing and registration requirements (like cars), to those who just want guns to have common-sense safety mechanisms like trigger locks, magazine disconnect safeties, and loaded-chamber indicators (every consumer product other than guns and ammunition is regulated by the CPSC and has to be "safe")
the only public opinion statistics that i know off the top of my head is that opinion polls consistently place support for common sense safety measures like the ones i mentioned at over 70-80% of the american public
Originally posted by Relaxer:
<img src="http://re3.yt-thm-a01.yimg.com/image/25/m7/3883716801" alt=" - " />
You're gonna have to pry this out of my cold dead fingers
think of how many safety mechanisms (mandated by the government) are built into that little bastard
the dc gun ban went into effect in 1976. dc was the 'murder capital' in the late 80's and early 90's. . . mostly due to gun violence. i don't think the gun ban was really strongly linked to rates of gun violence in dc.
i like "banning" stuff just as much as the next guy, but can't we have a "war on guns" like the "war on drugs" and the "war on terror"
its so cool to have a "War" on something. how awesome and effective!
I've just decided to declare War on Douchebaggery.
It's on.
Originally posted by vansmack:
I've just decided to declare War on Douchebaggery.
It's on.
<img src="http://www.hotchickswithdouchebags.com/uploaded_images/DB6126-755366.jpg" alt=" - " />
http://hotchickswithdouchebags.com/ (http://hotchickswithdouchebags.com/)
You know, I was thinking about this earlier when this came up on MSNBC -- if Obama wants my vote you know what he can do? Promise to put the full force of an Obama Administration behind repealing the Second Amendment.
I'd not only vote for him; I'd donate the max, wear the shirts, march in the streets, and substitute Jesus Christ with him as my personal Lord and Savior. He'd lose for sure, but we'd both go down together. In the homosexuality of Obamaphilia, I'd be the most flaming, flamboyant Obamasexual of all the Obamasexuals.
i think you owe us all a giant Obamapology for that insane posting.
with all the funny Obama-isms, has anyone thought to call the opposing supports McCainiacs?
i just did.
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
with all the funny Obama-isms, has anyone thought to call the opposing supports McCainiacs?
i just did.
I think McCain beat you to it that terrible week all the big 3 candidates appeared on WWE Raw.
I'm dead serious though. If a major candidate simply came out and made their campaign platform "All guns are bad, mmk?" I'd go nuts. I'd follow them around the country and jump up and down and scream like European soccer fans.
I think I heard Keith Olberman say it a couple days ago. If it wasn't him, it was definitely someone else on MSNBC.
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
i think you owe us all a giant Obamapology for that insane posting.
with all the funny Obama-isms, has anyone thought to call the opposing supports McCainiacs?
i just did.
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
with all the funny Obama-isms, has anyone thought to call the opposing supports McCainiacs?
I like calling them the McSame's.
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
You know, I was thinking about this earlier when this came up on MSNBC -- if Obama wants my vote you know what he can do? Promise to put the full force of an Obama Administration behind repealing the Second Amendment.
Go back to France, hippie
Originally posted by Mobius:
Go back to France, hippie
I absolutely would if I could. No joke, ask Sweetcell: I told him last October in Philly that my long-term life goal was to become an ex-patriot and move to France.
Um mona git me a rocket launcher!
Originally posted by OscarTheWilde:
Um mona git me a rocket launcher!
They're still fairly expensive at this point, if you can get your hands on one. Kinda like when the cassette player 1st came out. Dime a dozen where my brother in law is though. Wish he'd get his ass home. Go McCain. Not!
So.... back to the original point of my awesome thread:
Can we be the Washington Bullets again now that we all embrace handguns and their awesomeness?
Originally posted by freakoretardo:
So.... back to the original point of my awesome thread:
Can we be the Washington Bullets again now that we all embrace handguns and their awesomeness?
I love how the Bullet behind Elvin is wearing the wrong jersey.
Originally posted by freakoretardo:
So.... back to the original point of my awesome thread:
Can we be the Washington Bullets again
I'd be behind it 100%
Originally posted by freakoretardo:
Does that mean we get to go back to...
<img src="http://i.cdn.turner.com/sivault/si_online/covers/images/1978/0508_large.jpg" alt=" - " />
<img src="http://www.sportslogos.net/images/logos/6/587/full/5422.gif" alt=" - " />
I always thought that name change was a tad odd. They go from a team name of 'bullets' to 'wizards' for a team where the sport has a vast majority of black players. To me 'wizard' has a whole lot more negative connotations than 'bullet' does. I mean isn't (wasn't) the HMFIC of a certain anti-black organization called a 'wizard', 'imperial wizard', or 'grand wizard'? I am shocked that Al Sharpton hasn't jumped on this bandwagon long ago.
Originally posted by Mobius:
I love how the Bullet behind Elvin is wearing the wrong jersey. [/QB]
Oh my god, I just noticed that. He has different color shorts on too.
Originally posted by RatBastard:
Originally posted by freakoretardo:
[qb] Does that mean we get to go back to...
I am shocked that Al Sharpton hasn't jumped on this bandwagon long ago. [/b]
Naaawwww, he wouldn't be interested because there's no cash to be made out of it.
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers. I can understand killing another human because they're threatening you and your loved ones lives, but to sit in a tree in the pissing rain for hours on end to wait for a harmless deer to walk by then blow it's fucking brains out....that my friends, takes a real moron.
Originally posted by Shadrach:
I don't defend the "need" for citizens to own guns, but I do defend their "right" to do so under the constitution. I also feel that the laws regulating the sale and ownership of guns should be ridiculously strict and enforced with outrageous penalties for the use of a gun while committing a crime.
agreed, but look at the shitstorm the brady bill brought about (alliteration, anyone?). "what, i can't buy an AK-47 at my local drive-thru?!?". i still don't understand why gun owners, or the orgs representing them (namely the NRA) won't sign up for gun owners having to register a round with the authorities - aka buy a gun and you have to give a spent bullet. boggles my mind.
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers.
really? you think handguns are made to shoot deer?
handguns/pistols have one purpose: to shoot humans in close quarters
Originally posted by Mobius:
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
You know, I was thinking about this earlier when this came up on MSNBC -- if Obama wants my vote you know what he can do? Promise to put the full force of an Obama Administration behind repealing the Second Amendment.
Go back to France, hippie [/b]
<img src="http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44778000/jpg/_44778165_hippies226.jpg" alt=" - " />
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers.
really? you think handguns are made to shoot deer?
handguns/pistols have one purpose: to shoot humans in close quarters [/b]
I think any type of firearm is made with the intention of putting a hole in something fleshy....it's what it gets pointed at by the prick on the other end that justifies the need for gun control.
Unfortunately, in America, taking guns off the streets and out of the hands of the criminals is impossible, and the police cannot be expected to be everywhere so it's up to the law abiding citizens to protect themselves in this country. I have been all for gun control but now I'm considering getting my concealed weapons permit...actually I am getting my concealed weapons permit...and considering buying a gun for the protection of myself and my family because I can't rely on the police department to do it.
It's just a sad reality of American life.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by Shadrach:
I don't defend the "need" for citizens to own guns, but I do defend their "right" to do so under the constitution. I also feel that the laws regulating the sale and ownership of guns should be ridiculously strict and enforced with outrageous penalties for the use of a gun while committing a crime.
agreed, but look at the shitstorm the brady bill brought about (alliteration, anyone?). "what, i can't buy an AK-47 at my local drive-thru?!?". i still don't understand why gun owners, or the orgs representing them (namely the NRA) won't sign up for gun owners having to register a round with the authorities - aka buy a gun and you have to give a spent bullet. boggles my mind. [/b]
It boggles my mind why people appear so ready and willing to bend over for the authorities.
Why does no one shit their pants over having to license and register a car? Honestly, that seems a lot more "Big Brother" to me than having to license a device made for killing.
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
It boggles my mind why people appear so ready and willing to bend over for the authorities.
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by Shadrach:
I don't defend the "need" for citizens to own guns, but I do defend their "right" to do so under the constitution. I also feel that the laws regulating the sale and ownership of guns should be ridiculously strict and enforced with outrageous penalties for the use of a gun while committing a crime.
agreed, but look at the shitstorm the brady bill brought about (alliteration, anyone?). "what, i can't buy an AK-47 at my local drive-thru?!?". i still don't understand why gun owners, or the orgs representing them (namely the NRA) won't sign up for gun owners having to register a round with the authorities - aka buy a gun and you have to give a spent bullet. boggles my mind. [/b]
It boggles my mind why people appear so ready and willing to bend over for the authorities. [/b]
its funny that that same people that feel that Americans should be able to carry weapons have no problem with not being able to have toothpaste on an airplane!
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by Shadrach:
I don't defend the "need" for citizens to own guns, but I do defend their "right" to do so under the constitution. I also feel that the laws regulating the sale and ownership of guns should be ridiculously strict and enforced with outrageous penalties for the use of a gun while committing a crime.
agreed, but look at the shitstorm the brady bill brought about (alliteration, anyone?). "what, i can't buy an AK-47 at my local drive-thru?!?". i still don't understand why gun owners, or the orgs representing them (namely the NRA) won't sign up for gun owners having to register a round with the authorities - aka buy a gun and you have to give a spent bullet. boggles my mind. [/b]
It boggles my mind why people appear so ready and willing to bend over for the authorities. [/b]
its funny that that same people that feel that Americans should be able to carry weapons have no problem with not being able to have toothpaste on an airplane! [/b]
I don't know if that's particularly true, there are plenty of gun owners who have a problem with the post-9/11 overreactions by various government agencies such as the TSA.
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
I think any type of firearm is made with the intention of putting a hole in something fleshy....it's what it gets pointed at by the prick on the other end that justifies the need for gun control.
pistols/handguns are specifically made for maneuverability in close-quarter combat against other humans ... you might use them to shoot squirrel or something, but that's definitely not what they're made for
people will just have to face the facts that more people will die from handguns if they are made legal.
I really dont care one way or the other considering criminals are still going to get guns and use them and i am not going to ever own one either way. I just think the "home invasion" scenario is highly laughable and probably accounts for .004% of all gun related crimes, injuries and deaths.
if you really think a gun is what you need, you can get one on the black market pretty freakin easily and if the time comes when you are actually put in that situation where someone is pointing a gun at you and you happen to have yours handy and have the willingness to use it and think you can draw, aim and shoot faster than the guy who already has a gun pulled on you...are you really gonna care whether the handgun you have is legal or not?
my beef with gun fetishists is their general hypocrisy towards the gun issue and (1) related law-and-order issues and (2) other individual right issues
gun nuts are generally those who push for "law-and-order" types of policies, granting law enforcement agencies more leeway to violate the 4th and 5th Amendment rights of citizens (search/seizure, right to an attorney during interrogation, etc) ... but once the 2nd Amendment is implicated, they suddenly think that the government should back off
sure, some libertarians have some kind of intellectual integrity by saying the government should protect all of our rights, but your typical wingnut wants to see the government (a) fry criminals (who cares if the cops weren't allowed to search the scum-sucker) and (b) restrict 1st amendment rights, while protecting their precious "right" to keep and bear arms
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
if you really think a gun is what you need, you can get one on the black market pretty freakin easily and if the time comes when you are actually put in that situation where someone is pointing a gun at you and you happen to have yours handy and have the willingness to use it and think you can draw, aim and shoot faster than the guy who already has a gun pulled on you...are you really gonna care whether the handgun you have is legal or not?
Uh...how about I just buy one legally unencumbered by unnecessary laws?
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
my beef with gun fetishists is their general hypocrisy towards the gun issue and (1) related law-and-order issues and (2) other individual right issues
gun nuts are generally those who push for "law-and-order" types of policies, granting law enforcement agencies more leeway to violate the 4th and 5th Amendment rights of citizens (search/seizure, right to an attorney during interrogation, etc) ... but once the 2nd Amendment is implicated, they suddenly think that the government should back off
sure, some libertarians have some kind of intellectual integrity by saying the government should protect all of our rights, but your typical wingnut wants to see the government (a) fry criminals (who cares if the cops weren't allowed to search the scum-sucker) and (b) restrict 1st amendment rights, while protecting their precious "right" to keep and bear arms
Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.
two keys to republican success in the last 20 years or so has been hammering democrats on being "soft on crime" and "wanting to take your guns away"
you don't see those as contradictory?
you really think the average person who is swayed by a willie horton ad isn't someone sympathetic to the NRA's position on gun rights?
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.
i agree, the one time i was at a gun range i wasn't exactly doing ideological field research, but i'm sure there were plenty of libertarian types ... i should have reframed my argument as a macro-political look:
politicians seem to think that the bubbas who get mad at politicians for being "soft on crime" also want them to "keep their hands of my guns"
is that justified? i'm sure there's plenty of outliers, but i'm guessing the constituencies are pretty similar
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.
You'd probably get shot actually.
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.
You'd probably get shot actually. [/b]
Only if I attempted to feel them up while asking :p
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Go to a gun range and take an informal poll of whether the people there think it's OK for the authorities to barge into someone's home because of the "war on drugs" or some similar bullshit where people have given up their rights and taken it in the ass because the government has asked them to and promised that it would help fix things, I think you'd be surprised how your theory may be debunked.
i agree, the one time i was at a gun range i wasn't exactly doing ideological field research, but i'm sure there were plenty of libertarian types ... i should have reframed my argument as a macro-political look:
politicians seem to think that the bubbas who get mad at politicians for being "soft on crime" also want them to "keep their hands of my guns"
is that justified? i'm sure there's plenty of outliers, but i'm guessing the constituencies are pretty similar [/b]
What would you call the lack of any significant punishment for carrying an illegal firearm in DC? All bullshit political feelgood rhetoric aside I'd personally call it being soft.
I found this article interesting (http://www.washingtonian.com/articles/people/8002.html)
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Go to a gun range and take an informal poll
Um, going to a gun range is not really the best place to solicit intelligent thought.
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Go to a gun range and take an informal poll
Um, going to a gun range is not really the best place to solicit intelligent thought. [/b]
You slay me with your oh so spot on stereotyping.
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
Go to a gun range and take an informal poll
Um, going to a gun range is not really the best place to solicit intelligent thought. [/b]
You slay me with your oh so spot on stereotyping. [/b]
i'm just surprised that a pro-gunner is even computer literate enough to converse in one of these here high tech chat rooms!
I hate that they've repealed it. Handguns suck.
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers. I can understand killing another human because they're threatening you and your loved ones lives, but to sit in a tree in the pissing rain for hours on end to wait for a harmless deer to walk by then blow it's fucking brains out....that my friends, takes a real moron. [/b]
I am NOT into hunting at all. tried it one time and nada. I just don't get it. HOWEVER, in the case of deer hunting it is beneficial to the population to allow hunting. We all know the details. No need for me to go into that.
Another point though, I am not at all supportive of folks who go out hunting just to kill a (fill in animal of choice here) and bring its head home to hang on the wall. Hunting to feed your family is quite another thing though.
Originally posted by nkotb:
Why does no one shit their pants over having to license and register a car? Honestly, that seems a lot more "Big Brother" to me than having to license a device made for killing.
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
It boggles my mind why people appear so ready and willing to bend over for the authorities.
Driving a car is a privilege.
Owning a firearm is a right.
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
i'm just surprised that a pro-gunner is even computer literate enough to converse in one of these here high tech chat rooms!
Actually, pro-gunners tend to be frightened, insecure people, which is why you find so many of them on the internet, where they feel anonymous. It must be a sad feeling to feel unsafe without a gun.
I think of the typical urban/suburban pro-gunner as a Bernard Goetz type, a pencil-neck geek carrying around a lifetime of supressed rage, who reacted to a mugging on the NYC subway by opening fire and emptying his gun into his would-be attackers on a fully loaded subway while they were sitting down, risking the lives of innocents. He approached one of them, already lying down and wounded, and said "You don't look too bad; here's another," before shooting him again. In short, Goetz was trying to kill solely to fulfill his own macho fantasies built on extreme lack of self-esteem.
The one person I've ever known to own an assault rifle was a guy filled with anger at the world who still lived with his mom despite being 35. I was sure we'd someday read about him going berzerk at someone's school.
Anyone who actually pays attention to gun crime in the District, rather than cowering in their bedroom in fear of fictional home invasions, knows that the overwhelming majority of gun crimes here are related to the drug trade. If you are not involved in the drug trade, your biggest risk of getting shot is a stray bullet -- a risk that adding Bernard Goetz types to the mix will only increase. We're all better off if such people stay at home with their moms in their gated communities, cradling their weapons in fear.
Originally posted by RatBastard:
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers. I can understand killing another human because they're threatening you and your loved ones lives, but to sit in a tree in the pissing rain for hours on end to wait for a harmless deer to walk by then blow it's fucking brains out....that my friends, takes a real moron. [/b]
I am NOT into hunting at all. tried it one time and nada. I just don't get it. HOWEVER, in the case of deer hunting it is beneficial to the population to allow hunting. We all know the details. No need for me to go into that.
Another point though, I am not at all supportive of folks who go out hunting just to kill a (fill in animal of choice here) and bring its head home to hang on the wall. Hunting to feed your family is quite another thing though. [/b]
It's not over-population it's under habitated!! ?? (I think I just made up a new word)
I hear NY city is getting pretty full so why not pop a few New Yorkers off too to ease that crisis. I don't buy into lets kill em for their own good bullshit, nature takes care of itself. Florida construction has now started to have an effect on the alligator population so they're getting more and more aggressive and territorial so guess what?? They've started to kill them...for their own good. I have an idea..stop building on their land, they were here a long time before we were.
I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions
I know it's a hallowed tradition in our country, but people who get off on killing an innocent animal are sick. If you want to hang out in close company of men all night comparing your rods, go to a gay bar and leave the animals out of it.
its interesting how the defense of the second amendment reflects our society. a simple reading of the amendment suggests its intent is to allow Americans to protect themselves in the context of organizing (presumably) against some kind of oppressive force. Of course its vague enough to be interpretted far more broadly. but what's interesting is how the second amendment is defended as SELF protection against fellow Americans - my right to fucking kill you if you fuck with me. There's an inherent paranoia and hate in that argument. Perhaps its justified - but its interesting to see the paranoia and hate that is ingrained the fabric of our society and defended so vigorously.
its too bad the British hadn't pissed off the Framers by banning thier hemp . . . .
my take on the whole gun control thing: when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.
Originally posted by thatguy:
my take on the whole gun control thing: when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.
How can you kill a zombie by shooting it when it's already dead? Your gun would be deemed nothing more than a fashion accessory when the zombie apocalypse happens.
That's why I have my racing bike and cycling gear at the ready. A zombie couldn't catch me on my bike because it's decomposing limbs would fall off if it attempted to chase me!!
Originally posted by thatguy:
my take on the whole gun control thing: when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.
Yeah but everybody knows a handgun is of little use when we're talking 5+ zombies, and I imagine we are talking about just that. The shotgun is where it's at when you're talking total zombie war.
Remember: organize before they rise.
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by thatguy:
my take on the whole gun control thing: when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.
How can you kill a zombie by shooting it when it's already dead? Your gun would be deemed nothing more than a fashion accessory when the zombie apocalypse happens.
Destroy the brain and you destroy the ghoul.
I've spent a tremendous amount of time planning and thinking about what I'll do when the dead rise to feast on the living. It's just common sense.
Originally posted by thatguy:
my take on the whole gun control thing: when the impending zombie apocalypse happens i'm gonna be prepared, and y'all are on your own.
thatguy owns a gun?!?
i may never sleep again.
Originally posted by Relaxer:
I've spent a tremendous amount of time planning and thinking about what I'll do when the dead rise to feast on the living. It's just common sense.
yup - about as much common sense as preparing for the "home invasion" scenario. no such thing as being too prepared. don't forget your tinfoil hat.
I'm going to use all this talk of zombies as an opportunity to link
this. (http://www.archive.org/details/night_of_the_living_dead_dvd)
Enjoy! :D
Originally posted by Relaxer:
I've spent a tremendous amount of time planning and thinking about what I'll do when the dead rise to feast on the living. It's just common sense.
me too, i was just talking about this last night
did you ever listen to the world war z audiobook?
and i sure as shit wouldn't want a handgun as my primary weapon in a real zombie invasion, carrying loads of ammo on the run would not be fun ... monk's spade or a lobo for me
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by Relaxer:
I've spent a tremendous amount of time planning and thinking about what I'll do when the dead rise to feast on the living. It's just common sense.
me too, i was just talking about this last night
did you ever listen to the world war z audiobook?
I've listened to the 5-CD set twice, read the (superior) WWZ book twice, and have read the Zombie Survival Guide three times. If... I mean, *when* the undead walk the Earth, I'll be as ready as anybody. I can't tell you how many times I've thanked Christ I have an attic with a pull-up staircase.
you gotta have your options covered, since you never know when a zombie might strike. a sniper rifle works from a distance and good cover, a shotgun can create space to get away, headshots with a handgun put them down if you let them get too close, and a good solid baseball bat or 8lb wood splitting maul will do for close quarters combat. with all of these except for the melee weapons, ample ammo and quick reloads are key. if the boy scouts taught me anything, it's that you gotta be prepared.
Originally posted by Relaxer:
I've listened to the 5-CD set twice, read the (superior) WWZ book twice, and have read the Zombie Survival Guide three times. If... I mean, *when* the undead walk the Earth, I'll be as ready as anybody. I can't tell you how many times I've thanked Christ I have an attic with a pull-up staircase.
fuckin a man ... if you could pick anywhere in the world to set up a fort, where would it be? has to be somewhat realistic, like you'd have to be able to get there both to set up shop now, and also be able to get there when the shit hits the fan
my first guess is the canadian rockies ... being above the frost line would be key
Isn't the problem with zombies that if you only partially succeed in killing them, they'll replicate? You at least need an RPG...
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by RatBastard:
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers. I can understand killing another human because they're threatening you and your loved ones lives, but to sit in a tree in the pissing rain for hours on end to wait for a harmless deer to walk by then blow it's fucking brains out....that my friends, takes a real moron. [/b]
I am NOT into hunting at all. tried it one time and nada. I just don't get it. HOWEVER, in the case of deer hunting it is beneficial to the population to allow hunting. We all know the details. No need for me to go into that.
Another point though, I am not at all supportive of folks who go out hunting just to kill a (fill in animal of choice here) and bring its head home to hang on the wall. Hunting to feed your family is quite another thing though. [/b]
It's not over-population it's under habitated!! ?? (I think I just made up a new word)
I hear NY city is getting pretty full so why not pop a few New Yorkers off too to ease that crisis. I don't buy into lets kill em for their own good bullshit, nature takes care of itself. Florida construction has now started to have an effect on the alligator population so they're getting more and more aggressive and territorial so guess what?? They've started to kill them...for their own good. I have an idea..stop building on their land, they were here a long time before we were.
I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions [/b]
So let the deer starve to death and rot providing a great place for disease etc instead of allowing them to be hunted and be used to feed people. Hmmm...
As far as the 'stop building on their land' concept, as soon as you raise your house to convert it to animal habitat then there will be at least an iota of credibility your point.
My zombie defense system is several crates of disposable 12" records strategically placed through the house. Don't want to find myself having to choose between the gold vinyl Stones Roses or white vinyl Simple Minds during a zombie attack.
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
Isn't the problem with zombies that if you only partially succeed in killing them, they'll replicate? You at least need an RPG...
all you need to do is kill their brains ... RPGs would blow their bodies apart, leaving mutilated (and alive) zombies all over the place ... you'd also need absurd amounts of bulky ammo for RPGs
a simply machete would work much better ... a monk's spade is ideal:
<img src="http://www.shaolinchimantis.com/Images-M/Products-M/SCM-150/ShaolinMonkSpade-101a-72-s.jpg" alt=" - " />
I honestly had no clue so many people planned for a mass zombie attack. No wonder I like this board so much :D
For what it's worth, I agree with thatguy. Any weapon could potentially prove useless in the wrong situation, though I think a blunt/bladed object, handgun and shotgun combination would serve you pretty well.
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
fuckin a man ... if you could pick anywhere in the world to set up a fort, where would it be? has to be somewhat realistic, like you'd have to be able to get there both to set up shop now, and also be able to get there when the shit hits the fan
That is the question, isn't it? Where to go. The north offers a short-term solution, in that the impending winter will also freeze the ghouls in their tracks. But then you have your own survival to worry about, to keep you alive until spring. And even if you make it that long, the milder temperatures will also thaw out the zombies and you're right back in the middle of it again.
If you have access to a boat, or someone you trust (or is a wuss) has a boat, that's a solid option. You can pack and supply the vessel at your leisure pre-assault, and once at sea, you're much safer than on land. HOWEVER, a common mistake is thinking that the danger is gone. Zombies continue to roam the ocean's floor, so if you drift into shallow waters, watch out for grasping hands!
There are actually some good options in the Shenandoahs. The fact that the terrain is mountainous will filter out some of the advancing forces, plus it's woodsy (zombies can't climb trees) and rocky (zombies struggle to climb rocks) so you'll have a couple passive waves of defense.
There's one place in particular, where a large clump of climbable trees are all in a group, up on a ledge that requires climbing. It doesn't solve the supply problem, but there's no way the shuffling undead could sneak up on you.
Originally posted by RatBastard:
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by RatBastard:
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Let me write the dissenting opinion for you:
There's only one purpose for a handgun - to kill another human being.
That's all I would say. [/b]
And animals, what about all the bambi murderers. I can understand killing another human because they're threatening you and your loved ones lives, but to sit in a tree in the pissing rain for hours on end to wait for a harmless deer to walk by then blow it's fucking brains out....that my friends, takes a real moron. [/b]
I am NOT into hunting at all. tried it one time and nada. I just don't get it. HOWEVER, in the case of deer hunting it is beneficial to the population to allow hunting. We all know the details. No need for me to go into that.
Another point though, I am not at all supportive of folks who go out hunting just to kill a (fill in animal of choice here) and bring its head home to hang on the wall. Hunting to feed your family is quite another thing though. [/b]
It's not over-population it's under habitated!! ?? (I think I just made up a new word)
I hear NY city is getting pretty full so why not pop a few New Yorkers off too to ease that crisis. I don't buy into lets kill em for their own good bullshit, nature takes care of itself. Florida construction has now started to have an effect on the alligator population so they're getting more and more aggressive and territorial so guess what?? They've started to kill them...for their own good. I have an idea..stop building on their land, they were here a long time before we were.
I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions [/b]
So let the deer starve to death and rot providing a great place for disease etc instead of allowing them to be hunted and be used to feed people. Hmmm...
As far as the 'stop building on their land' concept, as soon as you raise your house to convert it to animal habitat then there will be at least an iota of credibility your point. [/b]
I think you were too busy being a snide and snippity little ratbastard to read the last comment of my post, but here it is again...
I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions
i say wizards are more valuable during a zombie attack than bullets
I'm jumping on my surf board and paddling out. Every seen a Zombie in the water?
yes. since they don't breathe, they travel underwater. if you fall in, you are fucked.
i'd like to point out that most of the focus here seems to be on the slow, shuffling, romero-type zombies we have all come to know and love. unfortunately, we must also be prepared for the possibility that danny boyle got it right, and that they are gonna be coming at us much faster than originally thought possible. these new zombies can also jump and climb and do any number of other things their less evolved cousins can't pull off. we need to reconsider a lot of what we consider "safe" areas.
i think taking to the water and heading for an offshore, man made facility like a drilling rig or even possibly a battleship would be the best bet. no ground for them to come up through, deep water, built and stocked to live on long term.
if that's not possible, i'm sure as hell not telling you where i'm really going. i'm not sharing my supplies unless you've got something to offer me in return.
Originally posted by thatguy:
i'd like to point out that most of the focus here seems to be on the slow, shuffling, romero-type zombies we have all come to know and love. unfortunately, we must also be prepared for the possibility that danny boyle got it right, and that they are gonna be coming at us much faster than originally thought possible.
Just for the sake of semantics, I would like to point out that Danny Boyle dealt in infectious diseases/conditions -- the antagonists of the 28 Days/Weeks movies are in fact living people (though homicidally inclined), so are susceptible to drowning, starvation, grievous bodily harm.
Now, Zack Snyder's 2004 take on Dawn of the Dead did introduce the idea of running zombies, and while it made for absolutely thrilling cinema, it does present a revisionist history of the undead. Doesn't discredit the notion, just makes it lower on the priority and credibility scale. I mean, c'mon, who really believes that the walking dead can run.
Romero himself has taken undue liberties with his own vision. In Land of the Dead, he had zombies playing musical instruments, learning how to use a gun, and organizing under a leader, all of which are impossible.
Originally posted by Got Haggis?:
yes. since they don't breathe, they travel underwater. if you fall in, you are fucked.
Right, but they don't float. Stay in water more than 8 feet deep and you're golden.
Originally posted by thatguy:
i'm not sharing my supplies unless you've got something to offer me in return.
gilbert arenas in a sign and trade, plus conditional draft picks
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
Originally posted by thatguy:
i'm not sharing my supplies unless you've got something to offer me in return.
gilbert arenas in a sign and trade, plus conditional draft picks [/b]
I've got Joey Barton to offer who will also work as a bouncer at the club on a 'as needed' basis.
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by Got Haggis?:
yes. since they don't breathe, they travel underwater. if you fall in, you are fucked.
Right, but they don't float. Stay in water more than 8 feet deep and you're golden. [/b]
but they can stack on top of each other (like those insane ants in the indiana jones movie)
and when the zombies attack, i'm definitely hiding behind thatguy
Originally posted by Relaxer:
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
fuckin a man ... if you could pick anywhere in the world to set up a fort, where would it be? has to be somewhat realistic, like you'd have to be able to get there both to set up shop now, and also be able to get there when the shit hits the fan
That is the question, isn't it? Where to go. The north offers a short-term solution, in that the impending winter will also freeze the ghouls in their tracks. But then you have your own survival to worry about, to keep you alive until spring. And even if you make it that long, the milder temperatures will also thaw out the zombies and you're right back in the middle of it again. [/b]
that chapter in "world war z" about the suburban family going north into canada and starving made me want to vomit, on second thought the rockies probably isn't a great idea
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
and when the zombies attack, i'm definitely hiding behind thatguy
I've seen him shoot. He wouldn't be my first choice.
I'm getting behind the 12 year old kids.
Where's the evidence? (http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/steve_chapman/2008/06/more-guns-more.html)
btw, i'd be more concerned about robots (http://www.hulu.com/watch/2340/saturday-night-live-old-glory). . .
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by Got Haggis?:
yes. since they don't breathe, they travel underwater. if you fall in, you are fucked.
Right, but they don't float. Stay in water more than 8 feet deep and you're golden. [/b]
but they can stack on top of each other (like those insane ants in the indiana jones movie)
and when the zombies attack, i'm definitely hiding behind thatguy [/b]
But only if you could keep up with him...he doesn't have to outrun the zombies, just outrun you!!!!
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
Where's the evidence? (http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/steve_chapman/2008/06/more-guns-more.html)
btw, i'd be more concerned about robots (http://www.hulu.com/watch/2340/saturday-night-live-old-glory). . .
"one of the nation's leading gun scholars" is such a bullshit introduction ... gary kleck is a noted ideologue and far from a balanced source for a journalist, he's been on the NRA bandwagon for a LONG time ... many other studies have come to dramatically different conclusions than kleck's
and whenever i see sam waterston i immediately think of that ad
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
Where's the evidence? (http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/steve_chapman/2008/06/more-guns-more.html)
btw, i'd be more concerned about robots (http://www.hulu.com/watch/2340/saturday-night-live-old-glory). . .
"one of the nation's leading gun scholars" is such a bullshit introduction ... gary kleck is a noted ideologue and far from a balanced source for a journalist, he's been on the NRA bandwagon for a LONG time ... many other studies have come to dramatically different conclusions than kleck's
so, i would guess that if a study was a put out by someone closely linked to brady campaign, you would say the same thing?
if it was a 'best guess' from a blog, of course. that wasnt evidence at all
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
so, i would guess that if a study was a put out by someone closely linked to brady campaign, you would say the same thing?
what if, what if... let's stick to the point here, a.k.a. what did happen: a very partisan person was presented as an academic expert. that's a journalism FAIL.
if and when someone from the brady campaign is presented as an impartial academic expert, we'll count on you to call him out. but for the moment, gun defenders look stupid(er).
Originally posted by vansmack:
I'm jumping on my surf board and paddling out. Every seen a Zombie in the water?
I'm sure there's some B movie out there called something like Attack of the Surf Zombies.
No need for guns, knives or weapons of mass destruction. We've got tons of zombies where I work. All you have to do is go about your business and leave them alone and they won't bother you. Just don't fuck with them or try to make them do any work and you'll be fine.
Edit: Just for you Smackie. Mambo Zombie Surf (http://www.gameshot.org/?id=999)
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
Where's the evidence? (http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/steve_chapman/2008/06/more-guns-more.html)
btw, i'd be more concerned about robots (http://www.hulu.com/watch/2340/saturday-night-live-old-glory). . .
"one of the nation's leading gun scholars" is such a bullshit introduction ... gary kleck is a noted ideologue and far from a balanced source for a journalist, he's been on the NRA bandwagon for a LONG time ... many other studies have come to dramatically different conclusions than kleck's
so, i would guess that if a study was a put out by someone closely linked to brady campaign, you would say the same thing? [/b]
of course, anyone who selectively chooses to quote only one side of a hotly debated academic issue as "the authority" is just a bad journalist
i tend to agree with the scholars who side against the "more guns less crime" folks, but i admittedly haven't looked at the scholarship on the issue closely since i put together a course curriculum on it about 6-7 years ago
Originally posted by vansmack:
I've seen him shoot. He wouldn't be my first choice.
I'm getting behind the 12 year old kids.
you've seen me shoot with a game pad. you've never seen the real deal, and i'm good under pressure. i'd like to see how "l33tsnyp0r92" holds up when the shit hits the fan.
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
So let the deer starve to death and rot providing a great place for disease etc instead of allowing them to be hunted and be used to feed people. Hmmm...
As far as the 'stop building on their land' concept, as soon as you raise your house to convert it to animal habitat then there will be at least an iota of credibility your point. [/b][/QUOTE]I think you were too busy being a snide and snippity little ratbastard to read the last comment of my post, but here it is again...
I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions [/QB][/QUOTE]
I dont think that I was either snide or snippity. I did however read and comprehend your previous post. As you have your opinion, I have mine.
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by Rat Bastard:
So let the deer starve to death and rot providing a great place for disease etc instead of allowing them to be hunted and be used to feed people. Hmmm...
As far as the 'stop building on their land' concept, as soon as you raise your house to convert it to animal habitat then there will be at least an iota of credibility your point.
I think you were too busy being a snide and snippity little ratbastard to read the last comment of my post, but here it is again...
I know I'm being unrealistic but I can still have my opinions
I dont think that I was either snide or snippity. I did however read and comprehend your previous post. As you have your opinion, I have mine. I do feel that my opinion on this topic is supported by sound reason and logic.
Originally posted by thatguy:
Originally posted by vansmack:
I've seen him shoot. He wouldn't be my first choice.
I'm getting behind the 12 year old kids.
you've seen me shoot with a game pad. you've never seen the real deal, and i'm good under pressure. i'd like to see how "l33tsnyp0r92" holds up when the shit hits the fan. [/b]
My bet is that the "A1m1gh7y l33tn355" will be the first to drop. Hell I might take him out myself. From my days in the Marine Corps I could probably drop him at 500 meters with a M16.
Well, depending on your views, this is either a reason for a gun ban or a reason why the gun ban was abolished.
http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/07/leading_liberal_blogger_shot_i.php (http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/07/leading_liberal_blogger_shot_i.php)
<img src="http://graphjam.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/funny-graphs-zombies-fear-level.gif" alt=" - " />
Scary stuff. Now Obama says he's going to open the lines of communication with the Zombies. Maybe if the Zombies understand us better, and we understand them, we can live in peace with the Zombies. I'm skeptical.
now he's flip-flopping on zombies, too? didn't he previously say that he'd never negotiate with them?
Originally posted by sweetcell:
now he's flip-flopping on zombies, too? didn't he previously say that he'd never negotiate with them?
No, what he did say was that the Zombie nation is tiny so not a threat.
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
now he's flip-flopping on zombies, too? didn't he previously say that he'd never negotiate with them?
No, what he did say was that the Zombie nation is tiny so not a threat. [/b]
Yet again you're manipulating his words to achieve your desired end result. What he said, specifically, is that the Zombie nation is less of a threat than the Cauldron of Shrieking Witch-Goblins, which has presented a united threat to above-ground lifeforms for centuries. I swear, can't you just stick to the facts?
i love this bboard :)
Well let me tell you 'bout the way she looked
The way she'd act and the colour of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool
Her eyes were clear and bright
But she's not there
Originally posted by sweetcell:
i love this bboard :)
I resisted letting you know that I took issue with your chart, as the numbers are way off.
Once the Zombies hit a critical mass (I'd say 40%-60%), its all over for humans so the level of fear will begin to lessen as the remainder will simply succumb to their fate... It probably should have been more like a bell curve.
Carry on.
Oh, and I should mention that John McCain, who once took issue with torturing the Zombies to find out where they are hiding, has since changed his mind so long as the torturing happens at Gitmo, which he used to want to close down but now sees a huge need with the recent Zombie invasion.
So do you think Zombie nation is the newest member of hee-haws 'axis of evil'?
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
i love this bboard :)
I resisted letting you know that I took issue with your chart, as the numbers are way off.
Once the Zombies hit a critical mass (I'd say 40%-60%), its all over for humans so the level of fear will begin to lessen as the remainder will simply succumb to their fate... It probably should have been more like a bell curve.[/b]
that's not how i interpreted it: "level of fear" is not an aggregate of all fear for all humans. it's an individual's fear, namely of the last survivor. the title of the graph should have been clearer.
in the end, we're agreeing on the main point of the graph: when everyone is a zombie, there will be no more fear (although "i am legend" takes issue with that, since the "new humans" fear neville...)
Now you're just being silly. Are we talking zombies or vampires here? Let's focus people...
Originally posted by sweetcell:
in the end, we're agreeing on the main point of the graph: when everyone is a zombie, there will be no more fear (although "i am legend" takes issue with that, since the "new humans" fear neville...)
i guess my real question is, are whiteouts frequent enough at bullets/wizards game that i should get a white butler jersey in addition to my orange bullets arenas jersey for the 5 games i plan on attending next year
if people can distort politicians' statements for their own gain, i don't see why i'm not free to mix'n'match my undead for entertainment. and focusing definitely isn't my strong suit.
<img src="http://yourscene.latimes.com/PHOTOS/LATM/1UserPhotos/296137E.jpg" alt=" - " />
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
<img src="http://yourscene.latimes.com/PHOTOS/LATM/1UserPhotos/296137E.jpg" alt=" - " />
Many will take this as a light-hearted Internet "joke" and foolishly, they will not heed what is CLEARLY a first warning.
I'm going to start running over people in my car in hopes that the undead are among my victims.
Originally posted by Relaxer:
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
<img src="http://yourscene.latimes.com/PHOTOS/LATM/1UserPhotos/296137E.jpg" alt=" - " />
Many will take this as a light-hearted Internet "joke" and foolishly, they will not heed what is CLEARLY a first warning.
I'm going to start running over people in my car in hopes that the undead are among my victims. [/b]
that will give a whole new meaning to the "ghost memorials." if zombies do such things for their fallen brethren, that is.
speaking of zombie warning signs:
every time the front doors of the club fog up during a show, someone (i'm not saying who) writes "beware of zombies" on them. if you can't see out the door, they might sneak up on us.
<img src="http://hometown.aol.com/johnmscalzi/zombie0519a.jpg" alt=" - " />
Originally posted by Relaxer:
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
<img src="http://yourscene.latimes.com/PHOTOS/LATM/1UserPhotos/296137E.jpg" alt=" - " />
Many will take this as a light-hearted Internet "joke" and foolishly, they will not heed what is CLEARLY a first warning.
I'm going to start running over people in my car in hopes that the undead are among my victims. [/b]
I'm guessing that was taken in some dorks bedroom using photoshop.
Zombie Defense 101:
<img src="http://www.raptureone.com/falan/zombie-poster.jpg" alt=" - " />
That is excellent and uniformly informative. I've printed out copies and hung them in every room of the house. I plan to paper the neighborhood as well.
information on the state and impending zombie (http://eatbrains.com) attack on san francisco. . .
<img src="http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/funny-pictures-cat-sees-many-zombies-from-window.jpg" alt=" - " />
Zombie Apocalypse: Silver Spring (http://www.silverspringsingular.com/2008/08/zombie-apocalypse-silver-spring.html)
Relaxer, is this you?
the above links to the zombie survival quiz (http://www.gotoquiz.com/real_zombie_survival_quiz). my result:
You are 22% likely to survive
You have an inkling of what Z-Day might hold, but overall you are going to be Zombie chow. Remember, Z-Day won't be what Romero and Synder portray it to be.
<img src="http://www.coolavatars.net/avatars/24/zombie.gif" alt=" - " />
I received a 37 percent rating, which is just ridiculous. The entire quiz is slanted toward those who can use a firearm. While that's a valuable skill to be sure, the truly prepared individual should be far from Ground Z when use of a firearm is warranted.
I very much admire the Silver Spring, Singular blog for its consideration of various options. The author clearly has assessed his or her environment and has created a cost/benefit analysis of where to take refuge when the undead rise to feast on the living.
And that's really the key: preparation. If you're prepared, an undead invasion need not be the big hassle people make it out to be. Try to discover the light and fun side of a throbbing mass of cannibalistic carnivores, streaming like viral predators into every home, pulling out screaming, sobbing survivors before viciously tearing them to shreds of plasma and useless organs. Maybe this is the time to explore that creative side you've let lie dormant for too long. Perhaps designing a unique hat would help pass the time, or look into that diet you've been meaning to try. That beer gut's not going to lose itself! (Unless of course you're overwhelmed by a teeming mass of decaying ghouls, who then consume it.)
UPDATE: eating (or shilling for) Taco Bell will NOT provide protection against zombie infection:
<img src="http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/funny-dog-pictures-a-friend-of-your-dog-has-become-a-zombie.jpg" alt=" - " />
Originally posted by sweetcell:
UPDATE: eating (or shilling for) Taco Bell will NOT provide protection against zombie infection:
Are you sure, because the cheesey double beef burrito is amazing, and if I'm going to go down, I'm going down after a cheesey double beef burrito.
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
UPDATE: eating (or shilling for) Taco Bell will NOT provide protection against zombie infection:
Are you sure, because the cheesey double beef burrito is amazing, and if I'm going to go down, I'm going down after a cheesey double beef burrito. [/b]
most people do go down after one of those; down with their face to the toilet.
Originally posted by vansmack:
and if I'm going to go down, I'm going down after a cheesey double beef burrito.
excellent idea, that way the zombies will get indigestion too. take that, flesh-eaters!!!
Originally posted by walkonby:
most people do go down after one of those; down with their face to the toilet.
I'm bold. I eat two.
Now you're just being absurd. Everyone knows their internal organs don't function, beyond the brain and basic muscular control. How on earth would they get an upset stomach???
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by vansmack:
and if I'm going to go down, I'm going down after a cheesey double beef burrito.
excellent idea, that way the zombies will get indigestion too. take that, flesh-eaters!!! [/b]
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
Many will take this as a light-hearted Internet "joke" and foolishly, they will not heed what is CLEARLY a first warning.
I'm going to start running over people in my car in hopes that the undead are among my victims.
RELAXER - they're at it again:
Construction signs warn of zombies (http://www.kxan.com/dpp/news/Road_signs_warn_of_zombies)
Hackers change public safety message
AUSTIN (KXAN) - Austin drivers making their morning commute were in for a surprise when two road signs on a busy stretch of road were taken over by hackers. The signs near the intersection of Lamar and Martin Luther King boulevards usually warn drivers about upcoming construction, but Monday morning they warned of "zombies ahead."
"I thought it was pretty funny," said University of Texas sophomore Jane Shin, who saw the signs while driving down Lamar Bouelvard with friends Sunday night. "We wondered who did it."
The City of Austin does not own the signs, but they are responsible for the message. The contractor on the construction project owns the signs. A city spokesperson said the hacked messages were only up for a few hours, until the construction project manager saw them during his morning commute and immediately ordered them to be changed back.
"Even though this may seem amusing to a lot of people, this is really serious, and it is a crime," said Austin Public Works spokesperson Sara Hartley. "And you can be indicted for it, and we want to make sure our traffic on the roadways stays safe."
Hartley said though it was a locked sign, the padlock for it was cut. Signs such as these have a computer inside that is password-protected.
"And so they had to break in and hack into the computer to do it, so they were pretty determined," said Hartley.
This crime is a class C misdemeanor in Texas, and Hartley said it endangers the public.
"The big problem is public safety," said Hartley. "Those signs are out there to help our traffic on the roadway to stay safe and to know what's coming up."
KXAN Austin News cameras caught many drivers slowing down to read the signs as they approached. Some read, "Zombies ahead! Run for your lives!"
Hartley said the city will discuss more secure safety measures with the manufacturer of the signs.
(http://media2.kxan.com//photo/2009/01/28/zombies_20090128202752_640_480.JPG) (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3255/3236618941_a487c9c2b0.jpg)
it's insidious how the authorities dismiss this as a hacker's prank, and think the security issue here is traffic safety.
predictably enough, the attack is starting from the south. given my limited exposure to texas i'd say that's the logical place for them to start. they've got a huge leg up there - not sure people would even notice them at first.
that news piece is quite informative:
Zombie Survival and Defense Wiki (http://www.zombiesurvivalwiki.com/?t=anon)
Cracked Magazine: Zombie Apocalypse (http://www.cracked.com/article_15643_5-scientific-reasons-zombie-apocalypse-could-actually-happen.html)
KXAN couple has a zombie escape plan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As_9KARCLWE)
How to escape a zombie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UWOB4tgMu8)
How to make an effective zombie escape plan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dfJtC5eG2M)
Bush finds a new threat in zombies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoXgRtDysLY) (apologies if this last one has been posted before, seems kinda familiar)
anyone else been obsessed with the NAZI ZOMBIES (http://nazizombies.com/) level in Call of Duty: World at War?
it's fucking scary. honestly.
anyone else been obsessed with the NAZI ZOMBIES (http://nazizombies.com/) level in Call of Duty: World at War?
it's fucking scary. honestly.
Yes! And of course I got there late at night after staying up all night to beat the game.
But, it got Venerable and me thinking - why doesn't this board have a Left 4 Dead game night?
Never played that (or Left 4 Dead), but I've been dicking around with the new Resident Evil game for the Wii. There have been several times I've yelped outloud. I generally hate the non-zombie bosses, but good god do I freak out when zombies start attacking.
anyone else been obsessed with the NAZI ZOMBIES (http://nazizombies.com/) level in Call of Duty: World at War?
it's fucking scary. honestly.
anyone else been obsessed with the NAZI ZOMBIES (http://nazizombies.com/) level in Call of Duty: World at War?
it's fucking scary. honestly.
i just unlocked it the other day. . .
But, it got Venerable and me thinking - why doesn't this board have a Left 4 Dead game night?
oooh! oooh! me! me!
haven't played it enough yet, but i really should. we need to make monkey buy it.
If a Left4Dead group got going, I might just get off my duff and dust off the 360, figure out how to hook it up to the Internet, go out and but L4D and... jesus I'm exhausted already, fuck this.
But for real, I'm still on the search for a great zombie game. The RE series leaves me cold for some reason, I don't play online (so L4D is out), I'm burned out on WWII games (so W@W is out), and I've heard Dead Rising isn't very good.
How else can I prepare for the forthcoming onslaught of homicidal walking corpses, waging total war on all mankind through their ravenous hunger for living human flesh, to take from us the one thing -- the spark of life, the climax of creation and evolution of consciousness -- they can never again possess? Do I have to get a PS3 or something?
Yes! And of course I got there late at night after staying up all night to beat the game.
I'm honestly scared shitless while I play Nazi Zombies, it's so stressful.
Isn't COD5 a great game? Love the flame-throwers and the plane level. Only annoying part was trying to get into the Reichstag, it took me at least 30 minutes to figure out I had to kill the snipers.
How else can I prepare for the forthcoming onslaught of homicidal walking corpses, waging total war on all mankind through their ravenous hunger for living human flesh, to take from us the one thing -- the spark of life, the climax of creation and evolution of consciousness -- they can never again possess? Do I have to get a PS3 or something?
push-ups, archery lessons
Archery has its place and elfen blond charm, but one can only reuse an arrow a few times before the quality degrades to the point of uselessness. Plus, try engaging in close combat with a bow and arrow! Snicker snicker. You'll be all a-quiver!
Seriously though, best to leave the fighting to the professionals and concentrate on flight. Remember the golden rule: get up that staircase, then destroy it!
i love how we can rally around our common concern about zombies. nothing brings humans together like a powerful common enemy (just ask W)... until the going gets tough, and then we start feeding each other to said enemy in hopes of gaining a few more seconds during which to escape. sorry about that, buddy!
That's a good point but hardly surprising. Hell, I'd happily blow up a schoolbus if it meant I'd get better cellphone reception.
anyone else been obsessed with the NAZI ZOMBIES (http://nazizombies.com/) level in Call of Duty: World at War?
it's fucking scary. honestly.
Hahahaha! I just played that level for the first time the other night, I can see how it's creepy. Their eyes glow that nasty orange. Plus they're Nazi's, my friend is completely terrified of zombies and we have already devised our zombie attack survival plan/guide. We figure a place like Wal-Mart would be the safest bet. Or CostCo.
Spoken like someone that learned no lessons from Dawn of the Dead.
anyone else been obsessed with the NAZI ZOMBIES (http://nazizombies.com/) level in Call of Duty: World at War?
it's fucking scary. honestly.
Hahahaha! I just played that level for the first time the other night, I can see how it's creepy. Their eyes glow that nasty orange. Plus they're Nazi's, my friend is completely terrified of zombies and we have already devised our zombie attack survival plan/guide. We figure a place like Wal-Mart would be the safest bet. Or CostCo.
what about space? i know there are cenobites and jason voorhees there, but what about zombies? i love how they can now walk under water!
they've always been able to walk underwater (they don't breath), people have been too stupid to think of it until recently.
I refuse to let any pregnant women anywhere near my compund. And if we DID learn anything from Dawn Of The Dead it's that there IS no escaping zombies. Not on a boat [zombie head] not on some remote island [zombies] and definetly not in sequels. The only place to go is the sky.
Learn your history, kid:
I refuse to let any pregnant women anywhere near my compund. And if we DID learn anything from Dawn Of The Dead it's that there IS no escaping zombies. Not on a boat [zombie head] not on some remote island [zombies] and definetly not in sequels. The only place to go is the sky.
Pranks involving electronic road signs stir worry (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090204/ap_on_re_us/highway_signs_zombies)
"The latest breach came Tuesday during the morning rush hour near Collinsville, Ill., where hackers changed a sign along southbound Interstate 255 to read, "DAILY LANE CLOSURES DUE TO ZOMBIES."
clearly the authorities and media aren't taking this as seriously as they should.
How have I missed the zombie preparation in this thread!!!?
I'm totally concerned about the airports with zombie invasions. I definitely need to take flying lessons at some point. You never know when you might need to operate the Cessna at that airport in Bowie.
I've also gathered an uber-fierce zombie ass-kicking outfit.
in case anyone needed a reminder:
I just found out that the zombies will be invading our campus tomorrow.
Seriously. I'm heading for the hills.
Well, a comedy troupe of zombies, though I find nothing funny about Zombies.
At today's protest against "the man" and his budget cuts to education, there was a group of students that held signs that said "The Zombies are coming!" "The end is nigh!" "The apocalypse starts tomorrow!" - normally I'm pretty stoned faced at these events (Seeing as how I'm perceived as the man), but that just had me laughing aloud.
Turns out that tomorrow we are expecting 300 zombies on campus to start coming in around 11:30am and then congregating on our main plaza to do a coordinated dance to Micheal Jackson's "Thriller" and I'm just giddy with excitement! I will film as much as I can.
the latest in zombie news: "i thought he was a zombie" used to justify self-defense
Woody Harrelson claims he mistook photographer for zombie (http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Movies/04/10/woody.harrelson.zombie/index.html)
(CNN) -- Woody Harrelson defended his clash with a photographer at a New York airport Wednesday night as a case of mistaken identity -- he says he mistook the cameraman for a zombie.
The TMZ photographer filed a complaint with police claiming the actor damaged his camera and pushed him in the face at La Guardia Airport, according to an airport spokesman.
"We're looking into this allegation and if it's warranted, we'll turn it over to the proper authorities," said Port Authority of New York and New Jersey spokesman Ron Marsico.
The photographer, who was not identified, captured the encounter on a small camera after his larger one was broken.
Harrelson, who is being sued by another TMZ photographer for an alleged assault in 2006, did not deny his involvement. "I wrapped a movie called 'Zombieland,' in which I was constantly under assault by zombies, then flew to New York, still very much in character," Harrelson said in a statement issued Friday by his publicist. "With my daughter at the airport I was startled by a paparazzo, who I quite understandably mistook for a zombie," he said.
TMZ.com posted two videos of the incident, including one recorded by the larger camera before it was damaged. The first video shows the photographer following Harrelson and his daughter down an escalator and out of the terminal. It ends with Harrelson apparently reaching for the lens. The second video begins with the photographer accusing Harrelson of breaking his camera. After Harrelson returns the camera to him, a scuffle appears to ensue.
"Woody, this is assault. Woody, this is assault," the photographer is heard saying. "Woody, chill out. Would you please chill out?"
The photographer continues to follow Harrelson for another four minutes as the actor and his daughter walk to the airport parking lot. At one point, Harrelson again turns toward the cameraman. "I'm being chased by Woody Harrelson while I'm talking to you," the photographer says as he talks to an unidentified person on a cell phone. "He hit me in my face, he broke my friggin' camera, he broke the camera in pieces," he said.
Harrelson, his daughter and a driver get inside an SUV and the encounter ends.
In the movie "Zombieland," Harrelson plays "the most frightened person on Earth" looking for refuge from zombies, according to the Internet Movie Database. Filming on the movie wrapped in Atlanta, Georgia, on Wednesday, according to director Ruben Fleischer's Web site.
TMZ photographer Josh Levine filed a lawsuit against Harrelson last year for an alleged attack outside a Hollywood nightclub in 2006. Video of that incident, which is also posted on TMZ.com, also appeared to show Harrelson grabbing a camera and clashing with the photographer. Los Angeles prosecutors declined to press charges against the actor, but Levine filed a suit last summer asking for $2.5 million in damages.
"Woody Harrelson has a history of anger management issues with people and we intend to put a stop to this," Cyrus Nownejad, Levine's lawyer, said Friday.
... and don't forget: Zombies Are the New Vampires (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1890384,00.html)
Zombie Dating Site (http://mingle2.com/zombieharmony/free-dating-sites#)
Would be cool if they had some clickable stuff.
I'm a little interested in 'luvs2cuddle'.
zombie fire ants (http://news.yahoo.com/s/mcclatchy/20090512/sc_mcclatchy/3231765)
Three of my favorite things wrapped into one....
Jesse Dayton
Go-Go Girls
And Zombies!
Zombie a Go Go (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eDsCT8BpCE)
I'll never see the Rob Zombie version of Halloween, but if "Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures" is anything like Jesse and Rob's last collaboration, "Banjo and Sullivan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D96t8a5w0P8)" we're in for a good time.
i watched zombi 2 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080057/) at this great neighborhood bar in new orleans a few weeks ago
in case anyone needed a reminder:
Couldn't we say, though, that plants feed off the decomposing remains of an ultimately killed zombie? It's more like a water cycle of food then a pyramid.
I don't think that is the case. Traditionally, all non-human (and human too, if they're smart) organisms avoid the living dead and certainly do not find satisfaction in making their remains into a palatable meal. While the evidence is deep and broad that scavenging feral animals, such as dogs, alligators and confident foxes, will instinctively eschew contact with homocidal walking corpses, there's less data around less-intelligent organisms such as insects, plant life and very small rocks.
More importantly, given the consequential stakes at hand, it is imperative that humans avoid contact with any plantlife that may have grown in the soil of fallen zombies. The virus that transforms otherwise peaceful, innocent human carrion into murderously moaning soldiers in an army of unholy cannibals is a persistent organism that may survive generations of plantlife cycles to further infect human hosts. For this reason, individuals who previously or currently make their living through agricultural pursuits should be deemed suspicious, shunned and relieved of their limbs for safety's sake.
yet another reason to be mistrustful of vegetarians (as if we needed any more)
So I just started reading The Walking Dead (http://hiddenrobot.com/WALKINGDEAD/), you can read the first issue for free here (http://www.imagecomics.com/iconline.php?title=walking_dead_001&page=cover&resize=now).
I'm only 6 issues in (first trade paperback), but I like it so far. Even more than the plot or characters, I love the idea of doing a zombie story as a never-ending/long-running serial in comic book form. Unlike a book or a movie, the story never just ends abruptly.
Anyone else read this? I'm guessing it won't take me that long to get the other 8 paperbacks and get caught up on the story. I could see myself heading to Big Monkey comics every month to pick this up.
Run for the hills. Now.
Town in China Closed Off After 3 Die of Pneumonic Plague (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/03/AR2009080300130.html?wprss=rss_nation)
Run for the hills. Now.
Sweet. I was thinking of paddling out this evening anyway....
Nice recommendation. For all of my nerdiness, I've fallen way off on comics in the last several years, so I had no clue about this (or that Image Comics was still around!).
I picked up Vol. 1 today and cruised through it in about 30 minutes. I might as well grab the Books...seems better cost wise. How many issues are they into? Thanks again for the heads up...this was far better zombie entertainment than Diary of the Dead.
So I just started reading The Walking Dead (http://hiddenrobot.com/WALKINGDEAD/), you can read the first issue for free here (http://www.imagecomics.com/iconline.php?title=walking_dead_001&page=cover&resize=now).
I'm only 6 issues in (first trade paperback), but I like it so far. Even more than the plot or characters, I love the idea of doing a zombie story as a never-ending/long-running serial in comic book form. Unlike a book or a movie, the story never just ends abruptly.
Anyone else read this? I'm guessing it won't take me that long to get the other 8 paperbacks and get caught up on the story. I could see myself heading to Big Monkey comics every month to pick this up.
How many issues are they into?
"If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8206280.stm) That is the conclusion of a mathematical exercise carried out by researchers in Canada. They say only frequent counter-attacks with increasing force would eradicate the fictional creatures."
"Professor Robert Smith? (the question mark is part of his surname and not a typographical mistake)"
"That's right, Professor Robert Smith, bitches. Come on, how surprising is it that I'd be an authority on the living dead?"
relaxer, you've made my day. again.
"Professor Robert Smith? (the question mark is part of his surname and not a typographical mistake)"
i knew a guy whose last name was always written in lower case- he explained that his family never earned the right to write it in upper case.
The Economist has gone paid subscription only on their website so I'll have to post the whole thing. I apologize in advance for the long post:
Zombie films
Invasion of the living dead
Dec 17th 2009
From The Economist print edition
Even Jane Austen has been infected
?FROM a corner of the room, Mr Darcy watched Elizabeth and her sisters work their way outward, beheading zombie after zombie as they went.? That sentence springs from ?Pride and Prejudice and Zombies?, a surprise literary hit (it was a bestseller in America last April) that imagines Regency England being overrun by the undead. Elizabeth Bennet and her beau flit from dancing at balls to employing Asian martial arts, a sort of Fred Astaire and Ninja Rogers.
In a sense, the author of this pastiche, Seth Grahame-Smith, has turned Jane Austen into a zombie, reviving her text from the grave and turning it into a grisly version of the original. Hollywood is planning a film version next year, the latest in a series of movies to star the undead. The recently released ?Zombieland?, one of the more successful versions, combined romance, the undead and comedy (a romzomcom, in the jargon), and garnered more than $85m in worldwide sales.
Zombies spring from the Caribbean superstition that sorcerers could use voodoo to revive the dead and turn them into slaves. In early film treatments, such as ?I Walked With a Zombie? (which drew on the plot of ?Jane Eyre?), zombies were eerily passive rather than the crazed flesh-eaters of today. The cannibalism really started with George Romero?s 1968 cult film, ?Night of the Living Dead?.
Perhaps the zombie has achieved greater cultural resonance as the world has become more crowded. Filmic depictions often involve a small group of individuals under siege from the undead or fleeing a flesh-eating mob. Any resident of a big city will understand the feeling of being overwhelmed by the mass of humanity on a subway train or high street.
Modern zombies are usually created, not by voodoo, but by infection. During the cold war, when nuclear tensions were at their height, rampaging B-movie monsters were the result of accidental exposure to radiation; nowadays plague seems a greater threat to humanity. A single drop of blood from an infected patient turns humans mad with rage in ?28 Days Later?. In the most recent film version of ?I Am Legend? (a 1954 story by Richard Matheson), the zombie-like mutants are the result of an attempt to cure cancer.
With its pagan roots, the zombie may be the ideal monster for those who do not believe in life after death. Zombies are denied the comforts of the afterlife, and destroyed, not with anything as elaborate as a stake through the heart or a silver bullet, but with a whack on the head.
The undead also serve as a wonderfully utilitarian cultural symbol. In ?Dawn of the Dead?, his 1978 follow-up, Mr Romero created a satire on consumerism, as survivors take refuge in a shopping mall, besieged by zombies driven by a ?primitive memory? to gather there. A British film, ?28 Weeks Later? (a sequel to ?28 Days Later?), showed American troops gunning down infected natives roaming wild in London?s docklands, and was perceived as an allegory of the Iraq war.
But the zombie, with its staggering gait and glassy expression, can also be comic. In ?Shaun of the Dead?, the hero, recovering from a hangover, easily mistakes the undead as Londoners stumbling through a drunken haze similar to his own. The hero of ?Zombieland?, a nerdish teen, makes the mistake of giving the neighbourhood prom queen shelter for the night, only to see her awake as a slobbering monster. Having desperately defended himself with every household implement to hand, he finally beats her into submission with a toilet lid, before lapsing into double entendre: ?The first time I let a girl into my life and she tries to eat me.?
From a film-maker?s point of view, the zombie has many advantages. It is not necessary to spend a fortune on special effects?a horde of extras spattered with fake blood can do the trick, and tends to look a lot more realistic than a computer-generated werewolf. Whereas vampires can be charismatic and sexy, zombies lack personality; audiences do not mind when they are killed since they are dead already. Indeed, ?Zombieland? ends in a theme park, with Woody Harrelson mowing down row after row of attackers, like any teenager with a Nintendo.
One part intriguing allegory to nine parts gore, zombie films are hard to love. But as the reworking of Austen?s classic shows, their territory is expanding. Much more of this, and zombies will find they have bitten off more than they can chew.
edit: smackie posted an article at the bottom of the previous page - it's a good read.
Much more of this, and zombies will find they have bitten off more than they can chew.
Yeah, I feel like the zombie oversaturation point has already been reached... what's going on with the film version of World War Z? Also can't wait for the AMC adaptation of the Walking Dead
Again, thanks for the Walking Dead suggestion. Picked up books 1 & 2 as Christmas presents and finished them that evening.
Much more of this, and zombies will find they have bitten off more than they can chew.
Yeah, I feel like the zombie oversaturation point has already been reached... what's going on with the film version of World War Z? Also can't wait for the AMC adaptation of the Walking Dead
finally, the police are starting to take the threat of zombie infection seriously.
gilbert arenas should use the zombie defense
gilbert arenas should use the zombie defense
Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!
(http://theoatmeal.com/img/quizzes/headers/7.jpg) (http://theoatmeal.com/quiz/zombie_bite)
^Click me!
Get Psyched: http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2010/06/walking-dead-production-begins.php
Full disclosure, I stole this from Miss P's Twitter post. Thanks for the heads up!
Get Psyched: http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2010/06/walking-dead-production-begins.php
Full disclosure, I stole this from Miss P's Twitter post. Thanks for the heads up!
anyone else getting bored with the last few issues of the walking dead? ever since they got to dc it's been a little sleepy
I'm only through book 4! No spoilers!!!!!
Get Psyched: http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2010/06/walking-dead-production-begins.php
Full disclosure, I stole this from Miss P's Twitter post. Thanks for the heads up!
anyone else getting bored with the last few issues of the walking dead? ever since they got to dc it's been a little sleepy
If we're talking doppelgangers, the "same matter cannot occupy the same space" issue goes out the window, no? That's the LAST thing I need when I'm about to get oral from nkotb(squared).
If we're talking doppelgangers, the "same matter cannot occupy the same space" issue goes out the window, no? That's the LAST thing I need when I'm about to get oral from nkotb(squared).
Doesn't it depend on how you define occupying the same space? I mean, if you're other-self is giving you a hummer, then you'd seem to be in different positions of space? Now if your intentions ran to intertwining johnsons, then you might run into trouble. And going anal would probably create more questions than answers.
sexy questions
but the other one, though being you in a different form, is technically not the same matter but rather a replication . . . so bang away you crazy diamonoids.
Relaxer: master of the hilarious follow-up post to his own posts.
sexy questions
I just got this in the mail and I am very excited. I'm not a comic guy so much, but I am now because this weighs as much as a small car or a big book, which is what it is. It has almost 1,100 pages, and when used with my $20 credit for buying Red Dead Redemption, it only cost around $15 and I'm glad.
it only cost around $15 and I'm glad.
that's one hell of a deal. it'll take you one rainy weekend to plow through it.
I just got this in the mail and I am very excited. I'm not a comic guy so much, but I am now because this weighs as much as a small car or a big book, which is what it is. It has almost 1,100 pages, and when used with my $20 credit for buying Red Dead Redemption, it only cost around $15 and I'm glad.
speaking of red dead redemption how is that game? xbox or ps3? ;D
I've heard xbox is better
much better
Zombies Crash Car, Get Up And Walk Away (http://www.kgw.com/news/Car-accident-victims-dressed-like-zombies-confuse-crash-witnesses-98157894.html)
First pic of cast of Walking Dead:
First pic of cast of Walking Dead:
i keep forgetting that this series is only focusing on the first few issues, the book has come so far since then, i'm going to have to revisit the early ones to catch up
A class to die for: Zombies 101 at U. Baltimore
Fitness for Zombies
'Zombies' invade NYC during morning rush-hour (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101026/ap_on_fe_st/us_odd_zombies_take_new_york)
Are you sure those aren't just a bunch of thrift-store, bed-head, blase-bleeding hipsters?
I'm pretty sure that bottom picture is just a photo of TV on the Radio going to get some coffee.
I'm pretty sure that bottom picture is just a photo of TV on the Radio going to get some coffee.
Are you sure those aren't just a bunch of thrift-store, bed-head, blase-bleeding hipsters?
... with suicidal tendencies.
Or maybe they escaped from Russia. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/26/russia-bears-eat-corpses-graveyards)
Is this what Nostradamus meant about that Russian bear reference and the Apocalypse?
on the one hand it's so cute that college kids think this is a game, on the other hand we can consider it a form of early training.
thoughts on the first three episodes of the walking dead?
seems to be going pretty far afield from the book, not that it's necessarily a bad thing. i'm guessing episode 6 (the last one in this mini-season) will be the end of issue 6 / first paperback, with everyone packing up camp and moving on, just took a very circuitous route to get to the same place.
i like the actor playing rick a lot, and that's really the most important part of the story.
I'm liking it a lot, though I've noticed that I've liked each episode a tad less than the previous one. I continue to be amazed and almost appalled at what they get away with on this show, i.e. stomp-squishing and then wearing the zombie guts, the boyfriend immediately flipping the wife over to do the dog, the little girl-zombie getting shot in the face. Its weird because these are all things that I normally love to do.
after seeing almost every single zombie movie ever made, redneck zombies, being one of my favs, i think they are played out and like vampires . . . need to go away. there is nothing else they can do. they've done sewer zombies, space zombies, western zombies, black zombies, punk zombies, virus zombies, spanish zombies, hitler zombies, zombie bands, zombie religions, zombie remakes, zombie humour, zombie video games, zombie food, disney zombie, zombie books, zombie comics, zombie tv, zombie social activism, zombie philosophy . . . .
The difference of course being that vampires are fake and zombies are very, very real. They can't go away....
they've done sewer zombies, space zombies, western zombies, black zombies, punk zombies, virus zombies, spanish zombies, hitler zombies, zombie bands, zombie religions, zombie remakes, zombie humour, zombie video games, zombie food, disney zombie, zombie books, zombie comics, zombie tv, zombie social activism, zombie philosophy . . . .
"Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich..."
The Shrimp Zombies!
So far, I've loved it. I was a little unsure about a few changes from the comic, but as we've gotten deeper into the show, I think that's a plus, since it even keeps long-time fans on the fence a bit with storyline. My only gripe is that each episode doesn't seem long enough, but that's just a fan boy talking.
Agreed with Relaxer about how far they've gone. Much more gore than I was expected...but that opening scene definitely laid the groundwork that it's not going to be an easy show to watch.
I know I shouldn't humor walkie, but the big difference about a zombie story is that its not about the monsters...it's about the way people change and deal with what's happening in the world. Of course, his argument rings a little false coming from a guy who's idea of a good time is seeing a band try to recapture the 60's by jamming on the same song for 40 minutes ;)
Continuing along those lines, one of the things I like about zombie stories in general is that they inherently imply that this is the end of the world/humanity as we know it. There's that feeling of, everything has now changed, and I like how this series is running with that. The scene of the women talking about dildos was kind of dumb but I appreciate when they acknowledge that its a whole new ballgame out there. There's always this inherent dread element in zombie stories that the situation is bad and its progressively getting worse.
Sometimes I wish you'd have some random celebrity survivor show up. It would be like "Oh my god, is that the singer from My Chemical Romance? Dude, how did you survive?"
i find how enjoying something based upon how awesome the end of everything is . . . to be fascinating.
and somehow, i have, fallen away from the days of jam obsession. like with the beatles and even pink floyd, whom i have listened to so much the original magic has faded and needs replaced by something fresh. that is how i feel about zombies. and i'm also tired of tom savini making guest appearances.
...the original magic has faded and needs replaced by something fresh. that is how i feel about zombies.
That's kind of ironic considering that you're talking about zombies.
Welcome to the world of Hipsterdom! ;D
...the original magic has faded and needs replaced by something fresh. that is how i feel about zombies.
That's kind of ironic considering that you're talking about zombies.
Welcome to the world of Hipsterdom! ;D
My zombie-themed food truck serves the freshest cupcakes.
Sometimes I wish you'd have some random celebrity survivor show up. It would be like "Oh my god, is that the singer from My Chemical Romance? Dude, how did you survive?"
i remember reading in one of the letters columns on the book that there are "celebrity" zombies strewn through the book, i haven't noticed one though
Well that would be fun too. Imagine seeing Zombie Steve Carrell being followed by a bunch of fat geeky zombies holding scripts.
well back to the Walking Dead, it's my current obsession. I didn't know this turned into a zombie thread until nkotb told me (after I mentioned the show to him). Show is indeed brilliant! Maybe they will end up in Rockville in sweetcell's backyard by the end of the series?
Did you see Zombieland? Pretty blah movie (funnier than I expected...but that wasn't saying much), but that celebrity thing comes into play big time.
Well that would be fun too. Imagine seeing Zombie Steve Carrell being followed by a bunch of fat geeky zombies holding scripts.
Yeah, that was a pretty good manifestation of my thoughts on that. "I never was very good at practical jokes"
wowza on last night's episode, the last 5 minutes was pretty great ;D
Vas Deferens -- i don't want to spoil it for other people, but assuming they follow the books even remotely, you can pretty easily find out where the group will head by looking online for a plot summary ... your guess of rockville isn't very far off ...
Hoya...I wasn't guessing...I didn't read the books but read the plot summary... ::)
Yep, last night was off the hook...do people turn into zombies once they die? I kept yelling to the TV, "GET AWAY FROM HER SOON!!!" LOVE THE GORE!
Yeah, that was a pretty intense few minutes. My wife has learned to dread the post-commercial warning of violent content. The look on her face is always priceless.
Joe's question will be interesting: I wonder how they'll present people turning. I mean, the book goes for the classic "everyone that dies comes back," but it's not so integral to the plot that they couldn't change it up. I think the viral nature of some more recent zombie movies makes it more plausible to a wider audience, but who knows?
Hoya...I wasn't guessing...I didn't read the books but read the plot summary... ::)
Yep, last night was off the hook...do people turn into zombies once they die? I kept yelling to the TV, "GET AWAY FROM HER SOON!!!" LOVE THE GORE!
Hoya...I wasn't guessing...I didn't read the books but read the plot summary... ::)
Yep, last night was off the hook...do people turn into zombies once they die? I kept yelling to the TV, "GET AWAY FROM HER SOON!!!"
And the Gore loves you too baby.
I must say that I was a little let down by this most recent episode, probably the first one that didn't really blow me away. Maybe it's the inevitable let-down once the initial wave of excitement has passed, though I would've gotten morning sickness from the old-lady-calms-down-gang-bangers-who-are-really-kind-caring-lovers-of-worthless-old-people.
i'm all caught up with this show now. i'm not a zombie person, all i really know about zombies i learned in this thread (which i guess is a fucking lot, actually) but i am really enjoying it. because it takes place in atlanta i'm always like, 'hey, there's zombie bradford cox!' but seriously, a lot of those zombies look like bradford cox. also the show reminds me a lot of 'lost,' but maybe that's just because that's the only other show i've watched in the last few years.
i guess if i was to ask one 'newb' question it would be - are they going to explain why everyone became zombies? like, i saw that one fresh prince movie where he fought the zombies and they had the flashback/tv anchor person explanation. i guess it doesn't really matter, just curious. also about the whole 'who becomes a zombie?' question. maybe it's only people who die from the fever become zombies? and people who get chomped to death just die? i dunno. anyway, good show!
I guess they'll cover some of it (I'm a bit behind on the comic, so I'm not sure what they've done in the last 16 issues or so: Translation: DON"T TELL ME!!!). There's kind of two schools of zombie theory on it:
1) Anyone that dies comes back regardless of how they died.
2) It's viral, so only those bitten by zombies come back as zombies.
They definitely make that call in the comics, although it remains to be seen if they go the same route on the show. That's what I meant about the "viral cause" being a little more swallowable by the general public; it makes things a little more plausible, rather than some spiritual/otherwordly "holy shit, everyone is returning to eat your face off" answer.
i guess if i was to ask one 'newb' question it would be - are they going to explain why everyone became zombies? like, i saw that one fresh prince movie where he fought the zombies and they had the flashback/tv anchor person explanation. i guess it doesn't really matter, just curious. also about the whole 'who becomes a zombie?' question. maybe it's only people who die from the fever become zombies? and people who get chomped to death just die? i dunno. anyway, good show!
Being an avid consumer of the zombie oeuvre, I can say the majority of works that I've seen don't even address why or how the undead rising occured. There will be attention paid to where patient zero originated (usually somewhere remote and distant like China, Siberia or Falls Church) but there hasn't been a lot of "oh, so THIS is what made Aunt Gladys try to chew my face off."
28 Days Later depicted a cause, but everyone knows those weren't zombies, just angry football hooligans.
return of the living dead, not only being one of the best zombie films ever (if not for the character trash alone), does in itself give an excellent point to point origin of how the process began. plus it had james karen and music by the cramps and tsol. even though i hate the saying . . . enough said.
This is kind of how I look when I'm standing at a urinal.
This is kind of how I look when I'm standing at a urinal.
Like a big pussy?
i was going to say . . . you have to stand that far back?
My Zombie, Myself: Why Modern Life Feels Rather Undead (http://)
ZOMBIES are a value stock. They are wordless and oozing and brain dead, but they?re an ever-expanding market with no glass ceiling. Zombies are a target-rich environment, literally and figuratively. The more you fill them with bullets, the more interesting they become. Roughly 5.3 million people watched the first episode of ?The Walking Dead? on AMC, a stunning 83 percent more than the 2.9 million who watched the Season 4 premiere of ?Mad Men.? This means there are at least 2.4 million cable-ready Americans who might prefer watching Christina Hendricks if she were an animated corpse.
Statistically and aesthetically that dissonance seems perverse. But it probably shouldn?t. Mainstream interest in zombies has steadily risen over the past 40 years. Zombies are a commodity that has advanced slowly and without major evolution, much like the staggering creatures George Romero popularized in the 1968 film ?Night of the Living Dead.? What makes that measured amplification curious is the inherent limitations of the zombie itself: You can?t add much depth to a creature who can?t talk, doesn?t think and whose only motive is the consumption of flesh. You can?t humanize a zombie, unless you make it less zombie-esque. There are slow zombies, and there are fast zombies? that?s pretty much the spectrum of zombie diversity. It?s not that zombies are changing to fit the world?s condition; it?s that the condition of the world seems more like a zombie offensive. Something about zombies is becoming more intriguing to us. And I think I know what that something is.
Zombies are just so easy to kill.
When we think critically about monsters, we tend to classify them as personifications of what we fear. Frankenstein?s monster illustrated our trepidation about untethered science; Godzilla was spawned from the fear of the atomic age; werewolves feed into an instinctual panic over predation and man?s detachment from nature. Vampires and zombies share an imbedded anxiety about disease. It?s easy to project a symbolic relationship between zombies and rabies (or zombies and the pitfalls of consumerism), just as it?s easy to project a symbolic relationship between vampirism and AIDS (or vampirism and the loss of purity). From a creative standpoint these fear projections are narrative linchpins; they turn creatures into ideas, and that?s the point.
But what if the audience infers an entirely different metaphor?
What if contemporary people are less interested in seeing depictions of their unconscious fears and more attracted to allegories of how their day-to-day existence feels? That would explain why so many people watched that first episode of ?The Walking Dead?: They knew they would be able to relate to it.
A lot of modern life is exactly like slaughtering zombies.
IF THERE?S ONE THING we all understand about zombie killing, it?s that the act is uncomplicated: you blast one in the brain from point-blank range (preferably with a shotgun). That?s Step 1. Step 2 is doing the same thing to the next zombie that takes its place. Step 3 is identical to Step 2, and Step 4 isn?t any different from Step 3. Repeat this process until (a) you perish, or (b) you run out of zombies. That?s really the only viable strategy.
Every zombie war is a war of attrition. It?s always a numbers game. And it?s more repetitive than complex. In other words, zombie killing is philosophically similar to reading and deleting 400 work e-mails on a Monday morning or filling out paperwork that only generates more paperwork, or following Twitter gossip out of obligation, or performing tedious tasks in which the only true risk is being consumed by the avalanche. The principle downside to any zombie attack is that the zombies will never stop coming; the principle downside to life is that you will be never be finished with whatever it is you do.
The Internet reminds of us this every day.
Here?s a passage from a youngish writer named Alice Gregory, taken from a recent essay on Gary Shteyngart?s dystopic novel ?Super Sad True Love Story? in the literary journal n+1: ?It?s hard not to think ?death drive? every time I go on the Internet,? she writes. ?Opening Safari is an actively destructive decision. I am asking that consciousness be taken away from me.?
Ms. Gregory?s self-directed fear is thematically similar to how the zombie brain is described by Max Brooks, author of the fictional oral history ?World War Z? and its accompanying self-help manual, ?The Zombie Survival Guide?: ?Imagine a computer programmed to execute one function. This function cannot be paused, modified or erased. No new data can be stored. No new commands can be installed. This computer will perform that one function, over and over, until its power source eventually shuts down.?
This is our collective fear projection: that we will be consumed. Zombies are like the Internet and the media and every conversation we don?t want to have. All of it comes at us endlessly (and thoughtlessly), and ? if we surrender ? we will be overtaken and absorbed. Yet this war is manageable, if not necessarily winnable. As long we keep deleting whatever?s directly in front of us, we survive. We live to eliminate the zombies of tomorrow. We are able to remain human, at least for the time being. Our enemy is relentless and colossal, but also uncreative and stupid.
Battling zombies is like battling anything ... or everything.
BECAUSE OF THE ?TWILIGHT? series it?s easy to manufacture an argument in which zombies are merely replacing vampires as the monster of the moment, a designation that is supposed to matter for metaphorical, nonmonstrous reasons. But that kind of thinking is deceptive. The recent five-year spike in vampire interest is only about the multiplatform success of ?Twilight,? a brand that isn?t about vampirism anyway. It?s mostly about nostalgia for teenage chastity, the attractiveness of its film cast and the fact that contemporary fiction consumers tend to prefer long serialized novels that can be read rapidly. But this has still created a domino effect. The 2008 Swedish vampire film ?Let the Right One In? was fantastic, but it probably wouldn?t have been remade in the United States if ?Twilight? had never existed. ?The Gates? was an overt attempt by ABC to tap into the housebound, preteen ?Twilight? audience; HBO?s ?True Blood? is a camp reaction to Robert Pattinson?s flat earnestness.
The difference with zombies, of course, is that it?s possible to like a specific vampire temporarily, which isn?t really an option with the undead. Characters like Mr. Pattinson?s Edward Cullen in ?Twilight? and Anne Rice?s Lestat de Lioncourt, and even boring old Count Dracula can be multidimensional and erotic; it?s possible to learn who they are and who they once were. Vampire love can be singular. Zombie love, however, is always communal. If you dig zombies, you dig the entire zombie concept. It?s never personal. You?re interested in what zombies signify, you like the way they move, and you understand what?s required to stop them. And this is a reassuring attraction, because those aspects don?t really shift. They?ve become shared archetypal knowledge.
A few days before Halloween I was in upstate New York with three other people, and we somehow ended up at the Barn of Terror, outside a town call Lake Katrine. Entering the barn was mildly disturbing, although probably not as scary as going into an actual abandoned barn that didn?t charge $20 and doesn?t own its own domain name. Regardless, the best part was when we exited the terror barn and were promptly herded onto a school bus, which took us to a cornfield about a quarter of a mile away. The field was filled with amateur actors, some playing military personnel and others what they called the infected. We were told to run through the moonlit corn maze if we wanted to live; as we ran, armed soldiers yelled contradictory instructions while hissing zombies emerged from the corny darkness. It was designed to be fun, and it was. But just before we immersed ourselves in the corn, one of my companions sardonically critiqued the reality of our predicament.
?I know this is supposed to be scary,? he said. ?But I?m pretty confident about my ability to deal with a zombie apocalypse. I feel strangely informed about what to do in this kind of scenario.?
I could not disagree. At this point who isn?t? We all know how this goes: If you awake from a coma, and you don?t immediately see a member of the hospital staff, assume a zombie takeover has transpired during your incapacitation. Don?t travel at night and keep your drapes closed. Don?t let zombies spit on you. If you knock a zombie down, direct a second bullet into its brain stem. But above all, do not assume that the war is over, because it never is. The zombies you kill today will merely be replaced by the zombies of tomorrow. But you can do this, my friend. It?s disenchanting, but it?s not difficult. Keep your finger on the trigger. Continue the termination. Don?t stop believing. Don?t stop deleting. Return your voice mails and nod your agreements. This is the zombies? world, and we just live in it. But we can live better.
Chuck Klosterman is the author of ?Eating the Dinosaur? and ?Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs.?
i can't believe we have to wait a year for season 2
i've been going back and forth on this, but i'm ultimately glad that this isn't a shot-for-shot remake of the book, as cool as that would be (see, e.g., the watchmen)
i fell asleep watching it last nite...i guess becuz there were no zombies...it's turned into drama..
That's been the biggest problem. Everyone loved the show when it was about, y'know, the walking dead and stuff, but the last few episodes have been all life-triangle and emotional drama with actors that just aren't very compelling.
Sunday night's 'shower' montage was just so dumb. Hey look, we're just like "Lost" in that we soundtrack poignant montages with melodramatic music!
Plus, the CDC doctor spends how many hours taking blood samples from everyone and meticulously analyzing every one of them, and then mentions "oh by the way, we're all going to die in a few minutes."
I mean, look at where the GRAND FINALE SEASON CLIMAX OMG LAST SHOW FOR A YEAR started and ended. It started with them approaching the CDC. It ended with them leaving the CDC except without the dignified stoic black lady.
they say it's a game, but we all know this sim is a training tool (just like in "the last starfighter")
This reminds me of my favorite moment from my half marathon this weekend....
A girl, dressed up like a zombie, had a sign that said "Run Like Zombies are Chasing You"
Because she was fit, I yelled to her "The End is Nigh!" as I ran past. She promptly jumped on the course and started chasing me.
I heart SF. Good practice for the apocalypse too.
Good practice for the apocalypse too.
Speaking of....
Android Users Only... (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.kbdev.lbg&feature=search_result)
For non android users who want to learn about it.....clicky (http://www.xda-developers.com/android/stay-safe-during-the-zombie-apocalypse-with-outbreak-zombies-for-android/)
awesome, i'm clean on K Street
Good practice for the apocalypse too.
Speaking of....
Android Users Only... (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.kbdev.lbg&feature=search_result)
For non android users who want to learn about it.....clicky (http://www.xda-developers.com/android/stay-safe-during-the-zombie-apocalypse-with-outbreak-zombies-for-android/)
The First Zombie-Proof House
i was all impressed until they wrote "The house, with its movable walls, has only one entrance, which is located on the second floor after crossing a drawbridge. Seems like the perfect opportunity to use a flamethrower and defend the life of your family, while stylishly nesting in a piece of architectural elitism." i'm paraphrasing here, but haven't these people ever heard that the only thing worse than being attacked by an army of undead is being attacked by an army of undead ON FUCKING FIRE?
drop the napalm idea, and i'm all over this 2-story fortress.
The central fallacy here is that, unless I missed something, the moveable walls and drawbridges and such all rely on electricity.
Well ~snort~ when corpses reanimate in homocidal search for human feast, power grids will soon fall silent as their operators become prey to the undeed appetite. So you could be all chillin at your swank pad, sippin a cocktail, when suddenly you're made aware of the zombie pocalypse. You race to your house controls and find only failure and a flashing light reading "LOL" "LOL" "LOL" "LOL" "LOL"
You then have several luxurious minutes to review your life's work before decaying hands crash through your wall of windows.
Now if you had an independent power generator, that would hold you for a time and you likely could conserve fuel by using it sparingly. But the fact remains that you're limited to one spot.
What a structure like that needs is some kind of escape tunnel or vehicle. It won't be long until your square box of security is surrounded by an undead siege. But unlike the German Army Group North, this horrific force pays no mind to cold, hunger, disappointment or horny longings.
Also, where da bitches at?
Now if you had an independent power generator, that would hold you for a time and you likely could conserve fuel by using it sparingly. But the fact remains that you're limited to one spot.
What a structure like that needs is some kind of escape tunnel or vehicle. It won't be long until your square box of security is surrounded by an undead siege. But unlike the German Army Group North, this horrific force pays no mind to cold, hunger, disappointment or horny longings.
Beware! It starts this Saturday, May 21st, 2011!
Attack of the ZOMBIE CATS!!!!!!!
Beware! It starts this Saturday, May 21st, 2011!
Attack of the ZOMBIE CATS!!!!!!!
So sayeth Revelation?
^ Can't you tell the difference between and joke and a true belief EVEN once told otherwise?
Or, if you are just playing along, than that's exactly why I chose that date. All part of the joke.
Or, if you are just playing along, than that's exactly why I chose that date. All part of the joke.
yes, i was playing along
Attack of the ZOMBIE CATS!!!!!!!
(http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6011/5905526629_38df11dc9a_b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/34863509@N04/5905526629/)
View this picture (http://www.flickr.com/photos/34863509@N04/5905526629/), on Flickr
When zombies attack! Bristol city council ready for undead invasion (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/jul/07/when-zombies-attack-bristol-city-council-undead-invasion?INTCMP=SRCH)
*No coincidence that this is the home of Massive Attack. ;D
When zombies attack! Bristol city council ready for undead invasion (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2011/jul/07/when-zombies-attack-bristol-city-council-undead-invasion?INTCMP=SRCH)
*No coincidence that this is the home of Massive Attack. ;D
Actually, in Bristol they don't bury their dead. They stand them up at bus stops and in pubs.
^ I thought that was what they did in DC.
In Baltimore, it's well known that they send them to the polls on Election Days.
^ I thought that was what they did in DC.
In Baltimore, it's well known that they send them to the polls on Election Days.
....as they do in Chicago.
I think we need to follow this story very carefully.
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/07/woman-allegedly-snatches-baby-from-stroller-slams-him-against-rail.html (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/07/woman-allegedly-snatches-baby-from-stroller-slams-him-against-rail.html)
Woman allegedly pulls baby from stroller, slams him against truck
A 36-year-old woman allegedly snatched an infant from his stroller and slammed him into the metal railing of a truck as his mother and aunt tried to fight her off, police said Wednesday.
The woman, Natasha Hubbard, later told police she wanted to eat the baby's arm. The baby suffered only minor injuries.
Adriana Miranda, 29, was pushing her 4-month-old son in a stroller on Boyd Street on Thursday when Hubbard allegedly reached into the stroller, unbelted the infant and swung him overhead, police said.
She then slammed him into the metal rail of a nearby truck.
Police said the mother and her sister tried to fight the woman off.
Miranda was eventually able to grab her baby, but Hubbard allegedly kept trying to fight, scratching at her while Miranda held the baby in her arms.
back to my original theory that zombies are not fresh anymore . . . and need to go away.
this is just . . . sad.
is it too soon to talk about the season premiere of walking dead? i thought for sure that the last scene was going to catch up with the book (killing you-know-who), definitely was not expecting the end result
I'm with you...my wife and I were definitely expecting them to go the way you're alluding too. Kind of nice to delay things to get a bit more character development. Plus, couldn't be more psyched for where they're headed next.
Also, I'm not sure what I just typed :(
is it too soon to talk about the season premiere of walking dead? i thought for sure that the last scene was going to catch up with the book (killing you-know-who), definitely was not expecting the end result
I'm with you...my wife and I were definitely expecting them to go the way you're alluding too. Kind of nice to delay things to get a bit more character development. Plus, couldn't be more psyched for where they're headed next.
Also, I'm not sure what I just typed :(
is it too soon to talk about the season premiere of walking dead? i thought for sure that the last scene was going to catch up with the book (killing you-know-who), definitely was not expecting the end result
do you think they're just completely giving up any semblance of keeping with the book? i think i'd prefer that to mirroring broad strokes (prison, the governor, etc) but changing little details
I doubt it...if they were smart, they'd know they HAD to hit certain things in the storylines, but getting there in different manners/timeframes/etc. will help them keep it interesting for fans of the comic as well. Case in point, the ending of the premiere: out of order, so I didn't see it coming, but still hitting that major milestone in the story and propelling things along.
I'm definitely OK with differences along the way...keeps me on the edge of my seat, for sure. That scene on the highway had me more anxious than I've been in a while...well, except the Breaking Bad finale.
I'm with you...my wife and I were definitely expecting them to go the way you're alluding too. Kind of nice to delay things to get a bit more character development. Plus, couldn't be more psyched for where they're headed next.
Also, I'm not sure what I just typed :(
is it too soon to talk about the season premiere of walking dead? i thought for sure that the last scene was going to catch up with the book (killing you-know-who), definitely was not expecting the end result
do you think they're just completely giving up any semblance of keeping with the book? i think i'd prefer that to mirroring broad strokes (prison, the governor, etc) but changing little details
So yeah...I'm guessing they're doing their best to keep fans of the comics on their toes too. Didn't see that coming at all.
So yeah...I'm guessing they're doing their best to keep fans of the comics on their toes too. Didn't see that coming at all.
what a shame, his "tainted meat!" ending in fear the hunters is fantastic!
Well that finale was amazing.
just finished the final episode of season one to the walking dead. i don't have cable so it has been tough to stay away from all the talk about season two. this show might just be the very best, the authority of everything else that has been done before it. i am tired of the zombie. i have seen in my life, all things zombie. every movie. every premise. every director. i worship the zombie. but i got tired. i do feel good that a show of this caliber can come along and make reworship the zombie. i actually cried at the end of season one, with the guy at the cdc and what happened there. good lord, thank you walking dead!
also, is this bad . . . i want a tshirt.
This could just as easily go in the Onion thread.
Russia developing a gun that turns people into zombies (seriously) (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/technology-blog/russia-developing-gun-turns-people-zombies-seriously-232522297.html)
Brew For Your Life: Last Call
Who?s going to survive the zombie apocalypse? Homebrewers, that?s who. Find out why.
(some inside baseball, but funny IMO)
no zombie . . . just lots and lots and lots of cocaine!
no zombie . . . just lots and lots and lots of cocaine!
same difference?
This is a clear warning of a zombie outbreak that slipped past government censors. Begin readying contingency plans.
They're here!!! (http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2012/05/31/man-denied-bail-after-dismembered-body-parts-found-in-home) :o :o :o
I have my lobo sharpened and am preparing to head for my undisclosed fortified location.
They're here!!! (http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2012/05/31/man-denied-bail-after-dismembered-body-parts-found-in-home) :o :o :o
you missed one
NOTHING TO SEE HERE (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/01/cdc-denies-zombies-existence_n_1562141.html). Move along now.
ok, now The Man's attempts at denying the obvious truth are becoming just pathetic:
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
i'm just surprised that a pro-gunner is even computer literate enough to converse in one of these here high tech chat rooms!
Actually, pro-gunners tend to be frightened, insecure people, which is why you find so many of them on the internet, where they feel anonymous. It must be a sad feeling to feel unsafe without a gun.
I think of the typical urban/suburban pro-gunner as a Bernard Goetz type, a pencil-neck geek carrying around a lifetime of supressed rage, who reacted to a mugging on the NYC subway by opening fire and emptying his gun into his would-be attackers on a fully loaded subway while they were sitting down, risking the lives of innocents. He approached one of them, already lying down and wounded, and said "You don't look too bad; here's another," before shooting him again. In short, Goetz was trying to kill solely to fulfill his own macho fantasies built on extreme lack of self-esteem.
The one person I've ever known to own an assault rifle was a guy filled with anger at the world who still lived with his mom despite being 35. I was sure we'd someday read about him going berzerk at someone's school.
Anyone who actually pays attention to gun crime in the District, rather than cowering in their bedroom in fear of fictional home invasions, knows that the overwhelming majority of gun crimes here are related to the drug trade. If you are not involved in the drug trade, your biggest risk of getting shot is a stray bullet -- a risk that adding Bernard Goetz types to the mix will only increase. We're all better off if such people stay at home with their moms in their gated communities, cradling their weapons in fear.
Bump for accurate prediction.
Although I wish it stayed on Zombies.
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
i'm just surprised that a pro-gunner is even computer literate enough to converse in one of these here high tech chat rooms!
Actually, pro-gunners tend to be frightened, insecure people, which is why you find so many of them on the internet, where they feel anonymous. It must be a sad feeling to feel unsafe without a gun.
I think of the typical urban/suburban pro-gunner as a Bernard Goetz type, a pencil-neck geek carrying around a lifetime of supressed rage, who reacted to a mugging on the NYC subway by opening fire and emptying his gun into his would-be attackers on a fully loaded subway while they were sitting down, risking the lives of innocents. He approached one of them, already lying down and wounded, and said "You don't look too bad; here's another," before shooting him again. In short, Goetz was trying to kill solely to fulfill his own macho fantasies built on extreme lack of self-esteem.
The one person I've ever known to own an assault rifle was a guy filled with anger at the world who still lived with his mom despite being 35. I was sure we'd someday read about him going berzerk at someone's school.
Anyone who actually pays attention to gun crime in the District, rather than cowering in their bedroom in fear of fictional home invasions, knows that the overwhelming majority of gun crimes here are related to the drug trade. If you are not involved in the drug trade, your biggest risk of getting shot is a stray bullet -- a risk that adding Bernard Goetz types to the mix will only increase. We're all better off if such people stay at home with their moms in their gated communities, cradling their weapons in fear.
Bump for accurate prediction.
Although I wish it stayed on Zombies.
going back to the original comment I think that there are a ton of shootings in US cities that are unrelated to drug trade. I think that people try and make themselves feel more secure by saying it is drug crimes and the police put crimes they can't solve into that bucket so they get less anquish from the public.
if drugs trade was the reason for the shooting than legalize drugs and problem solved. But that isn't true at all.
I feel safer when people do not have guns. Maybe some people feel safer with guns. I am a big guy 6'2 220lbs so maybe I don't see it from the small guys view. I am certainly never scared of an unarmed person in any situation. Maybe a small guy feels like he is in danger all the time. I doubt any small guys will come forward and tell things from their point of view though.
zombies . . . or end of thread.
can you believe that the walking dead, won video game of the year?!
zombies . . . or end of thread.
can you believe that the walking dead, won video game of the year?!
According to whom exactly? AMC?
Oh, I just checked and in fact this prestigious award to a game based on a cable network show was granted by another cable network. God that is some nice synergy there. Similar to the synergy inherent in a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. It's no coincidence that all of those delightful flavors join together to make something higher. Anyway, I haven't seen the Walking Dead game but from what I've heard, it's very well done.
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
i'm just surprised that a pro-gunner is even computer literate enough to converse in one of these here high tech chat rooms!
Actually, pro-gunners tend to be frightened, insecure people, which is why you find so many of them on the internet, where they feel anonymous. It must be a sad feeling to feel unsafe without a gun.
I think of the typical urban/suburban pro-gunner as a Bernard Goetz type, a pencil-neck geek carrying around a lifetime of supressed rage, who reacted to a mugging on the NYC subway by opening fire and emptying his gun into his would-be attackers on a fully loaded subway while they were sitting down, risking the lives of innocents. He approached one of them, already lying down and wounded, and said "You don't look too bad; here's another," before shooting him again. In short, Goetz was trying to kill solely to fulfill his own macho fantasies built on extreme lack of self-esteem.
The one person I've ever known to own an assault rifle was a guy filled with anger at the world who still lived with his mom despite being 35. I was sure we'd someday read about him going berzerk at someone's school.
Anyone who actually pays attention to gun crime in the District, rather than cowering in their bedroom in fear of fictional home invasions, knows that the overwhelming majority of gun crimes here are related to the drug trade. If you are not involved in the drug trade, your biggest risk of getting shot is a stray bullet -- a risk that adding Bernard Goetz types to the mix will only increase. We're all better off if such people stay at home with their moms in their gated communities, cradling their weapons in fear.
Bump for accurate prediction.
Although I wish it stayed on Zombies.
going back to the original comment I think that there are a ton of shootings in US cities that are unrelated to drug trade. I think that people try and make themselves feel more secure by saying it is drug crimes and the police put crimes they can't solve into that bucket so they get less anquish from the public.
if drugs trade was the reason for the shooting than legalize drugs and problem solved. But that isn't true at all.
I feel safer when people do not have guns. Maybe some people feel safer with guns. I am a big guy 6'2 220lbs so maybe I don't see it from the small guys view. I am certainly never scared of an unarmed person in any situation. Maybe a small guy feels like he is in danger all the time. I doubt any small guys will come forward and tell things from their point of view though.
Well, I'm 5'11'' at 185, so smaller than you, and completely agree with you. In addition, I always have 'feets don't fail me now' and I'm not afraid to use 'em!
I was robbed in high school a few blocks from ye olde 9:30 club one night by a guy with a sawed off shotgun pointed at my temple. I've always felt safer in the majority of clubs I frequent than outside.
The undeniable fact is innocent people always get killed in any form of mutually assured destruction schemes.
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
i'm just surprised that a pro-gunner is even computer literate enough to converse in one of these here high tech chat rooms!
Actually, pro-gunners tend to be frightened, insecure people, which is why you find so many of them on the internet, where they feel anonymous. It must be a sad feeling to feel unsafe without a gun.
I think of the typical urban/suburban pro-gunner as a Bernard Goetz type, a pencil-neck geek carrying around a lifetime of supressed rage, who reacted to a mugging on the NYC subway by opening fire and emptying his gun into his would-be attackers on a fully loaded subway while they were sitting down, risking the lives of innocents. He approached one of them, already lying down and wounded, and said "You don't look too bad; here's another," before shooting him again. In short, Goetz was trying to kill solely to fulfill his own macho fantasies built on extreme lack of self-esteem.
The one person I've ever known to own an assault rifle was a guy filled with anger at the world who still lived with his mom despite being 35. I was sure we'd someday read about him going berzerk at someone's school.
Anyone who actually pays attention to gun crime in the District, rather than cowering in their bedroom in fear of fictional home invasions, knows that the overwhelming majority of gun crimes here are related to the drug trade. If you are not involved in the drug trade, your biggest risk of getting shot is a stray bullet -- a risk that adding Bernard Goetz types to the mix will only increase. We're all better off if such people stay at home with their moms in their gated communities, cradling their weapons in fear.
Bump for accurate prediction.
Although I wish it stayed on Zombies.
going back to the original comment I think that there are a ton of shootings in US cities that are unrelated to drug trade. I think that people try and make themselves feel more secure by saying it is drug crimes and the police put crimes they can't solve into that bucket so they get less anquish from the public.
if drugs trade was the reason for the shooting than legalize drugs and problem solved. But that isn't true at all.
I feel safer when people do not have guns. Maybe some people feel safer with guns. I am a big guy 6'2 220lbs so maybe I don't see it from the small guys view. I am certainly never scared of an unarmed person in any situation. Maybe a small guy feels like he is in danger all the time. I doubt any small guys will come forward and tell things from their point of view though.
Well, I'm 5'11'' at 185, so smaller than you, and completely agree with you. In addition, I always have 'feets don't fail me now' and I'm not afraid to use 'em!
I was robbed in high school a few blocks from ye olde 9:30 club one night by a guy with a sawed off shotgun pointed at my temple. I've always felt safer in the majority of clubs I frequent than outside.
The undeniable fact is innocent people always get killed in any form of mutually assured destruction schemes.
always amuses me how most people have no idea how dangerous the new 930 Club's hood used to be...
back when it first opened I lived in Adams Morgan and when you got to the stretch between 14th and 9th on U St you walked fast once you got past Republic Gardens...
One time a guy walked past me right around Ben's and opened his coat to flash me a gun. I kept walking.
GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) -- A Montana television station's regular programming was interrupted by news of a zombie apocalypse.
The Montana Television Network says hackers broke into the Emergency Alert System of Great Falls affiliate KRTV and its CW station Monday.
KRTV says on its website the hackers broadcast that "dead bodies are rising from their graves" in several Montana counties.
The alert claimed the bodies were "attacking the living" and warned people not to "approach or apprehend these bodies as they are extremely dangerous."
The network says there is no emergency and its engineers are investigating.
A call to KRTV was referred to a Montana Television Network executive in Bozeman. Jon Saunders didn't immediately return a call for comment.
The Great Falls Tribune reports the hoax alert generated at least four calls to police to see if it was true.
Has anyone else read the Passage?
Somehow I tore through 750+ pages on my iPhone in a few days. Nominally a "vampire" book, but reads more like zombies.
Pretty killer ending to Sunday's show. Was getting a bit worried they weren't making the Governor a bad enough dude...but that eased my concerns :)
Poor Carol is probably thinking "Jesus Christ, I am never gonna get laid."
I'm very excited for the ultimate battle for the jail, can't wait to see how they kill the baby!
Show is so much stronger when its focused and tight like last night's show. Morgan's speech went on too long, plus they could have showed rather than told, but it was still pretty gripping. The whole backpacker part, especially that last scene, was stone cold.
Show is so much stronger when its focused and tight like last night's show. Morgan's speech went on too long, plus they could have showed rather than told, but it was still pretty gripping. The whole backpacker part, especially that last scene, was stone cold.
that was the best episode in a little while -- backpacker part was my favorite, it's a man-eat-man world!
If they would have shown Morgans backstory, rather than told it via dramatic blubbering, it would have been 10x more powerful.
If they would have shown Morgans backstory, rather than told it via dramatic blubbering, it would have been 10x more powerful.
sounds expensive.
all they need is a basement, staircase and a kid to kill horribly
Is the Kingdom actually Eastern High School? That'd be cool.
Ever wanted to see what the MOOC's (Major Open Online Courses) were all about?
Negan may be my favorite Walking Dead character OF ALL TIME, I love him.
jesus christ, i was liking to read this thread you dorks. there is a thread for your zany walking dead talk. all other zombie posts, still apply. like this
Contains foul language....
Jim Jefferies Gun Control Bit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBpuLlw4Xjs)
My new hero.
He pulled the trigger 12 times and only hit the guy once, and he's your hero?
He pulled the trigger 12 times and only hit the guy once, and he's your hero?
11 times to scare the guy and the 12th to make sure he never returns!
He pulled the trigger 12 times and only hit the guy once, and he's your hero?
11 times to scare the guy and the 12th to make sure he never returns!
also real manly to shoot a guy who is running away
gotta love that
you know what else I am tired of . . . reading about stories taking place in 'merica, from some damn paper in britian. no one cares, what you think of our country, you poofters.
Please don't let that kid become a cop.
He pulled the trigger 12 times and only hit the guy once, and he's your hero?
11 times to scare the guy and the 12th to make sure he never returns!
also real manly to shoot a guy who is running away
gotta love that
taking the side of the asshole
gotta love that
someone's in your house? kill them.
He pulled the trigger 12 times and only hit the guy once, and he's your hero?
11 times to scare the guy and the 12th to make sure he never returns!
also real manly to shoot a guy who is running away
gotta love that
taking the side of the asshole
gotta love that
someone's in your house? kill them.
wow death sentence and you are the judge...murica!
so when your teen age daughter sneaks back in the house at 3AM...do you shoot first and ask questions later
my wife in her youth was almost killed by her mother (although never stoped them from keeping guns in the house)
I personally think it's lame to shoot someone who is running away, sure defend the cowardly act
He pulled the trigger 12 times and only hit the guy once, and he's your hero?
11 times to scare the guy and the 12th to make sure he never returns!
also real manly to shoot a guy who is running away
gotta love that
taking the side of the asshole
gotta love that
someone's in your house? kill them.
wow death sentence and you are the judge...murica!
so when your teen age daughter sneaks back in the house at 3AM...do you shoot first and ask questions later
my wife in her youth was almost killed by her mother (although never stoped them from keeping guns in the house)
I personally think it's lame to shoot someone who is running away, sure defend the cowardly act
I don't own a gun so I won't be shooting anybody. But I'm not going to deny someone the right to shoot me if I've broken into her/his house.
there was a case recently i heard of where someone broke into a person's garage and then left and the person who lived in the house came out, followed the person and shot him... now the person who shot him has more jail time than the thief...and the thief is suing..
ok the guy in the space freely story was running away and was not in the house .. very much like the case i heard about last week....
following people , even if they have robbed you, who are fleeing your home and pose no apparent threat.. and shooting them... i don't know about that...
ok the guy in the space freely story was running away and was not in the house .. very much like the case i heard about last week....
following people , even if they have robbed you, who are fleeing your home and pose no apparent threat.. and shooting them... i don't know about that...
"Fleeing your home"
LOL. It wasn't like the guy in the story was on the run, i.e. fleeing. More like he was leisurely leaving the home with MORE of the families' property, as it wasn't the first time the criminal had robbed the families' home. If the boy hadn't shot him, he'd probably be back again another day. Now he won't be so eager to come back.
"no apparent threat"
Again, LOL. The guy broke into the kid's home and told him he was "going to kill you". Sounds like a threat to me.
huh? he was leaving and outside the house.. by the time he was "down" he was at the outer limit of the yard...
how is that a threat?
what if he was just over the fence? would it still be ok to shoot the guy? that is what happened in the case people were talking about on my FB last week..
honestly this kid sounds like an idiot and he should focus more on combating his obesity although if he ran after this guy at least he got some exercise in..
when i first read your post i thought you meant he was in the guy's house.. (by "house" i mean inside the abode not the yard)..
if someone was in my home.. even if they were trying to leave i would shoot them if i had a gun... but once they are outside and trying to get away the last thing i would do would be to follow them and try to shoot them.. seems to me that if one did that one would be leaving themselves open to getting shot.. putting oneself in potential danger the avoidance of which is supposed to be the rationale for shooting the person trying to get away ERGO not logically consistent position
Oh, hutch is thurston. I was like, who the hell is thurston.
Oh, hutch is thurston. I was like, who the hell is thurston.
Its Thurston
Oh, hutch is thurston. I was like, who the hell is thurston.
Its Thurston
My first two dogs have had "T" names with two syllables, and "Thurston" may be in the leadt for the next dog name.
Though both my girls want a girl dog next time. As if we didn't already have enough girls in the family.
Oh, hutch is thurston. I was like, who the hell is thurston.
Its Thurston
My first two dogs have had "T" names with two syllables, and "Thurston" may be in the leadt for the next dog name.
Though both my girls want a girl dog next time. As if we didn't already have enough girls in the family.
fascinating space.. you're really upping your game lately..
You really can't name a girl dog Thurston. The irony would be lost on her.
You really can't name a girl dog Thurston. The irony would be lost on her.
The full name would be Thurston Howl the Third.
If we got a girl dog, my daughter (who shares a name with the nicer of my two deceased grandmothers) suggested a name that happened to be the first name of my grandmother who was a bit of a bitch.
^ great, fucking name, for a dog.
My dog is named Hutch (well his full name is Hansel Achilles Hutchinson, but he goes by Hutch). He turned 11 yesterday.
Im having Korean today . . . so my dogs name, is lunch.
Yeah, good luck with that. You wont find it on the menu.
Just ask for kulgogi, and wink.
huh? he was leaving and outside the house.. by the time he was "down" he was at the outer limit of the yard...
how is that a threat?
what if he was just over the fence? would it still be ok to shoot the guy? that is what happened in the case people were talking about on my FB last week..
honestly this kid sounds like an idiot and he should focus more on combating his obesity although if he ran after this guy at least he got some exercise in..
when i first read your post i thought you meant he was in the guy's house.. (by "house" i mean inside the abode not the yard)..
if someone was in my home.. even if they were trying to leave i would shoot them if i had a gun... but once they are outside and trying to get away the last thing i would do would be to follow them and try to shoot them.. seems to me that if one did that one would be leaving themselves open to getting shot.. putting oneself in potential danger the avoidance of which is supposed to be the rationale for shooting the person trying to get away ERGO not logically consistent position
Maybe the robber was "fleeing" because he has been shot at 11 times before that. And how do we know the robber wasn't going to start shooting at the kid?
Chris said that a man appeared on the stairwell, but when confronted, he ran back up upstairs. When the man reappeared moments later, the boy told WVTM-TV, the individual was holding a gun.
Yeah, good luck with that. You wont find it on the menu.
can you gaaarrunteee that!
Yes. You 100% cant sell Dog or Cat meat in restaurants in the USA.
Also, not even close to all Koreans eat dog and most would be offended by implying that they do.
what so offense about eating dog? people eat chicken, cows and pigs, which are treated so horribly in their sad little lives . . . and people have a problem with a dog?
Do you not understand stereotypes? Should I list some other ones that might be more familiar to you?
i find people's perceptions toward pets, to be offensive. eat a cat or a dog, and be proud.
"The consumption of dog meat in South Korea, where it is known as "Gaegogi" (Korean: 개고기), has a long history originating during Three Kingdoms of Korea, AD C. 57. In recent years, it has been controversial both in South Korea and around the world, due to animal rights and sanitary concerns."
so, how, is that a stereotype, again?
Yes. You 100% cant sell Dog or Cat meat in restaurants in the USA.
Also, not even close to all Koreans eat dog and most would be offended by implying that they do.
One of my daughter's best friends is Korean, and he owns a dog. Seems unlikely he would be a dog eater.
Then again, we once raised and ate our own cow when I was a kid.
a dog eater.
Then again, we once raised and ate our own
cow when I was a kid.
so are you making 2 statements there
What he is saying for those who have trouble with english is that the Freely Family are going to eat their dog and get a new one they will name Thurston. How long Thurston will be around I do not know..