930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: grateful on November 01, 2022, 04:02:16 pm
a dumb music message board for jerks
Holy fuck, how has that not been the forum's official tagline long before now?
…they got to keep flogging the dead 🐴
off to post integers...
a dumb music message board for old white male jerks
Holy fuck, how has that not been the forum's official tagline long before now?
a dumb music message board for old white male jerks
Holy fuck, how has that not been the forum's official tagline long before now?
This does explain much of the negativity against me: you all hate me for my youth, for my joie de vivre.
this is going to be hard to justify on the family budget discussion this month
post poo banter
dammit, beat me to it... but i would include the determiner:
some post poo banter
In theory there could be a 930 Mastodon server
These are great!
a dumb music message board for old white male jerks
Holy fuck, how has that not been the forum's official tagline long before now?
This does explain much of the negativity against me: you all hate me for my youth, for my joie de vivre.
however you are white, a male, and a jerk... so admittedly the haters are 75% right.
maybe I'm missing something.
But what do I know?
And then you went to the strip club?
LICK ME, 2023!
Looking forward to $10 tickets week of.
Someone check on Jeff.
I did forget to say thank you
Since when has either facts or logic worked before
Jeez do you people sit there and quote every little thing I post as soon as I post them?
asidehatch wherr thrvhell are you?
You can have your opnion, but I don't have a problem telling you that it is incorrect
you have really bad taste in music
asidehatch wherr thrvhell are you?
I usually have problems typing on and seeing my phone, particularly when I'm standing at a dark show (and/pr are wearing my contact lenses instead of glasses), but I'll admit that my Hold Steady pregame went beyond my usual one beer pregame.
asidehatch wherr thrvhell are you?
I usually have problems typing on and seeing my phone, particularly when I'm standing at a dark show (and/pr are wearing my contact lenses instead of glasses), but I'll admit that my Hold Steady pregame went beyond my usual one beer pregame.
asidehatch wherr thrvhell are you?
I usually have problems typing on and seeing my phone, particularly when I'm standing at a dark show (and/pr are wearing my contact lenses instead of glasses), but I'll admit that my Hold Steady pregame went beyond my usual one beer pregame.
Sadly I've been sick the last week and went to both hold steady shows with zero alcohol consumption
They are definitely the kind of band where a lot of drinking is done at their shows while you drunkenly shout the lyrics (at least craig's killer hook)
baritone sax solo madness
^ winner
I'm a person who says a lot of things and assumes people will understand the barely negotiable subtext that I usually assume is easily seen.
Too much?
Interesting website... everything is free.
, even I the almighty and wonderous Kosmo can't
….personally am not a fan of fresh air
….personally am not a fan of fresh air
OK that's actually fucking hilarious.
“There will be a pole,” Hurwitz says,
“There will be a pole,” Hurwitz says,
That’s good…
I wish they adopted my idea of robot rats…. I didn’t really push for it…
Whatever they do you can bet there will be complaints.
spent a lot of the next 15 years in the grasp of heroin, in jail and in a cult.
Only thing I would change/add is
…and on the 9:30 forum
Damn. I mean, there's cheap motels in better locations...
My butler just set his car on fire!
It’s Jack Shit
I wasn't expecting aliens.
I'd rather have the beer.
poaching your own is some weak sauce ^
this was the winner in that chat
but the rest is forgettable and I had forgotten just how forgettable
Hey...fuck you.
We have talked about this…many times…
I think we need to move on and get new material
We have talked about this…many times…
I think we need to move on and get new material
Could pin that to the top of this thread
We have talked about this…many times…
I think we need to move on and get new material
Could pin that to the top of this thread
yes, and then we could start a poll to get everyone's vote - oh wait...
I don't know what he is saying, but he keeps assuming I do
I don't know what he is saying, but he keeps assuming I do
The plethora of "who cares" responses was really annoying, especially when they're smug about it. So many people think they're above pop culture yet they take lots of their own time responding to it.
Oh damn I forgot we had a bacon thread!
I have the utmost respect and admiration for your musical tastes and knowledge... but [_______________]. Get outta here!
Truly not clear if we're talking about concerts, beer, or sex at this point.
Almost regretting answering this question as am expecting some snarky response. I swear if I get one I ain’t never answering your questions again.
Really for me the 930 is my happy place
is there some question
you don,t post enough, to be interesting enough, here. sorry, sir.
By Price is Right rules, you lose
This is funnier without context
Glad the Washington Post is getting around to doing one of the essential responsibilities of the Fourth Estate: passive-aggressively making Michael McDonald feel bad about himself.
What if they decided to try and sell . . . rabbits
Watch slime-covered penis mushroom that smells like rotting flesh grow and decay in mesmerizing time-lapse
I literally have no idea what you two are talking about. I checked the listings and I don't think either of them had a show last night.
Nobody cares
This is the Cock
Photo redacted ;)
At least there's no line at the post office.
It didn't help that my wife would start cussing me out, tewlling me what horrible taste I have.
Have some respect for your fans and yourself, you whores.
I stand by my bitch.
Whoops thought I was reading another thread.
Oh no we totally disagree!!
Do I need to post pictures of kittens again??
Walkie, come back!!
I will admit to going to see DMB once
Well now I guess I can say I've heard of them.
… and yes I know there are these things called horseless carriages
i'm a little concerned you don't know what you're talking about...
amazed how deftly these keyboard warriors become experts in such a wide range of topics
first i do the googling for jules, now i'm stealing stevediaz's job.
Yeah, let's get back to shitting on James Ford.
So much wasted energy.
I kinda feel stupid just for posting this.
Two from a single post. I am generous.
knocking out of the park lately ;)
Hopefully nothing criminal, just boneheaded sexism.
Two from a single post. I am generous.
can confirm. i felt the two parts worked best on their own, separated.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: what's a motherfucker gotta do to get a renewable energy discussion started on here?
You definitely posted vacation photos before because that’s how I found your account on one of those photo sharing sites and then backwards engineered it into you and your wife’s legal names, address, and work history a few years back.
I am giddy with excrement.
Cheap seats to bands you don't want to see at venues you don't want to go to!
This is not the place to bask in any afterglow
This is not the place to bask in any afterglow
Beat me to it. Dammit.
I had to yell at two different people to shut the fuck up. But they shut the fuck up….largely.
Just no. It is not supported by reality.
people like your old friend Doug
I really do think this is maybe the best one in this thread so far.
I think you didn’t age well.
Had to move it here
What if I'm birding while seeing The Boss?
They lied
‘What is this fucking cock?
Space just needed to say she’s a lesbian because his head would explode if he didn’t.
My last name is The Clown (https://forum.930.com/index.php?topic=22779.msg561507#msg561507)
Really eye opening to see the egomaniacs who feel every thought they have is worthy of a new thread
<you are wrong…I am right>
and it's really George Clooney's fault.
I just found out my mom watches a show called the Sucked Off
I just found out my mom watches a show called the Sucked Off
I don’t really *get* this but you’re copying a Julian joke which makes whatever you’re saying better than 99.8% of all posts on here, all time, so well done.
I mean, if we established a quality measure for comments, I feel like you'd rank low based solely on the overwhelming number of integers in your posting history.
But thank you.
I mean, if we established a quality measure for comments, I feel like you'd rank low based solely on the overwhelming number of integers in your posting history.
But thank you.
Sorry, you’re a little confused. The integer is the dividend, not the denominator. Everyone is incrementally better than the one before.
Also I’m the voice of my generation, or at least a generation.
I just want to get along
I just want a bit part in your life
I just want to have something to do
One positive of being dead-
there has got to be more than one??
a bunch of hooting hogs
The Amuse-bouche of Sin
The Amuse-bouche of Sin
flag on the play...can't nominate your own post
Some of my best friends are curmudgeons.
Cock, was he a relative?
Fuck you, Jamie Taco!!
Jules with some gold
We were so close to being best friends until that first ellipsis.
Fatman Scoop
My apologies to K8teebug and another other females I have never realized are females — I am historically not good at this — left on here. But aside from that, essentially true.
are we now questioning math!?
So I sauntered into CVS on a Sunday afternoon, with my Neil Young haircut, old hoodie, shorts, beat up running shoes, and unshowered body and asked the cute young teenage girl worker where they keep the drug tests, carefully explaining that the drug test is for my dog, not for me. With a smirk on her face, she pointed me in the right direction. Note: I call her "cute" in a father of a cute teenage girl kind of way. Not in a Anthony Kiedis/Jimmy Page in their 20's kind of way.
a curmudgeonly guy who looks like Jon Auer isn't going to get much play.
Don't Read The Comments
At dinner, my wife ... set me on fire
wait there are other boards?
“Why yes, please come in with your two foot rock hard dong!”
I never knew you had a little thing
I never knew you had a little thing
Shorts fired!
You misspelled Moron when you set up your username.
Maybe I need to stop drinking at work.
Where is Yada? I promise to be more sensitive about Deaners mental health ok??
Anyways I have better and more pleasant things to do with my time than post about this…like jamming an ice pick in my eye- repeatedly.
Maybe Hutch was right
Well I don’t want to be argumentative…..
Well I don’t want to be argumentative…..
Potential epitaph….
They would rather have a few less relatives than pay so much for eggs.
the good news is your day will only improve from this point forward, because you'll no longer be subjected to the horror that was my last post!
The largest non-McNumber number is 43, since it is impossible to solve the Diophantine equation
I will fully admin
and want more proof than because Kosmo said so
as do I, but sometimes that’s all ya got
We really haven’t had good times in 30 years.
Ok I should have said 25
”completely memorable", if not musically successful
]I was just hanging out getting high with my friend Jay.
fine, i'll keep it short and won't even multi-quote!
Let me just state again for clarity, and the record, Hutch, this scuttlebutt — if true — is hot. Real hot.
And people should remember, if that comes to pass, that you were the one who served up this load of hot goss right on our domepieces. That’s worth something.
Thank you; I’m also a big fan of my work.
Might have to start shopping at the Springfield Giant just for the jams.
Hutch's Anthem innie butting up against his boardie outie.
Shit! Cock just boomed him! Just absolutely boomed him. This absolute madlad.
For posterity:
The Oval Office meeting with Z was Friday? I have never felt so low as an American as I did that night. On 9-11 I felt heartbroken but not ashamed.
I know never read the comments.but as one would expect that announcement is greeted with a cesspool of “thoughts”
It's also men of a certain age complaining about the lineup day...
we are really just a bunch of teenagers here
Yada been busy!!!
…I have no limbs left to give…
one of the best!