930 Forums

=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: sweetcell on August 24, 2007, 09:58:00 pm

Title: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 24, 2007, 09:58:00 pm
anyone here currently part of a fantasy football league?
 any interest in starting a 930 bboard league?  does one already exist?
 (cue up the haters...   :roll:  )
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on August 24, 2007, 10:17:00 pm
im down
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on August 24, 2007, 10:21:00 pm
i am interested.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: helicon1 on August 24, 2007, 11:07:00 pm
count me in.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on August 25, 2007, 10:42:00 am
if its on yahoo
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Here's the thing on August 25, 2007, 10:57:00 am
I am interested!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 25, 2007, 11:25:00 am
I'm game.  I want TJ Whoshyamama.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: mrpee on August 25, 2007, 11:27:00 am
count me in.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on August 25, 2007, 11:30:00 am
i'm in
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 25, 2007, 11:57:00 am
ok, looks like we're rapidly approaching a workable league.  i'm off to do some furniture shopping, when i come back i'll set up a league (on yahoo, per mr. shoeshine's request - speak up now if you have an issue with this, otherwise i'm happy to go with that).
 i'll send you the link to the league so you can sign up as soon as it's ready.  next step will be to set up the draft.  i'll send out a poll to see what time fits y'all best - no use posting it to the board here.
 - da commish
 EDIT: FYI, i just checked the rules and the fee yahoo league is limited to 10 playaz - and we're 9 at the moment.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: ggw on August 25, 2007, 12:04:00 pm
I'm not interested in Fantasy, but I would be interested in a suicide pool.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 25, 2007, 04:45:00 pm
I'm interested.  And as for the suicide pool, I got Winehouse on September 16th.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on August 25, 2007, 05:00:00 pm
i like the yahoo leagues.  i already have a team on there, so i can maintain both my leagues by logging in once.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 25, 2007, 05:36:00 pm
If there's room for 9:30 staff I'll join.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 25, 2007, 08:12:00 pm
ok, last question before i set up the league: do people have a preference for points vs. head-to-head?  i'm thinking that h2h would foster more smack-talk, but points is the more traditional version.
 i'll PM y'all with the league URL in the morning.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 25, 2007, 11:14:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  I'm interested.  And as for the suicide pool, I got Winehouse on September 16th.
My office has a death pool (a simple "who dies first" bet) for Lindsay Lohan vs. Britney Spears.  It was even when we started 2 months ago...it's 2:1 Lohan now.  Now, Winehouse would be a good bet to beat either one, but I don't know that anyone in my office other than me would know who she is.
 I have just one previous fantasy football experience, back in 1998.  Yahoo auto-drafted Steve Young as my QB (coming off a year he led the league in NFL passes, a couple of years removed from the Super Bowl win).  Young got knocked out in the 3rd game, he never recovered, and neither did my fantasy team.
 That league (as well as my annual baseball leagues) was points, not head-to-head.  I'd prefer points, but I'm open to trying something new.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on August 26, 2007, 10:10:00 am
i'm thinking points too.
 and what shall we set the "entrance fee$" at?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on August 26, 2007, 02:20:00 pm
i'm not interested in paying money to play.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on August 26, 2007, 03:44:00 pm
im still down even with it being pay
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 26, 2007, 04:32:00 pm
Ladies and gents, we have a points league set up: welcome to the League930
    http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930 (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930) (click on the "Sign up now" link, on the top left next to "Overview", or PM me your e-mail and i'll invite you)
 league is open to all, 20 teams max (not 10 as previously thought).
 -- there is a $10 (ten) dollar fee to join.  i think that's low enough to make entrance affordable while making the pot something worth winning.  at the end of the season, 1st place takes 50% of the pot (i.e. $10 * number of playaz), second gets 33%, third gets 17%.  i will collect fees and pay out at the end of the season.  payment will be due before the first game of week three, or your team will be disqualified.  BY SIGNING UP FOR THE LEAGUE YOU ARE COMMITTING TO PAYING THIS FEE.  
 -- Draft has been set for this Wednesday, August 29, at 7:30.  please note that you don't have to be online for the draft: you can set up your picks ahead of time and the system will go down your list and chose accordingly.  if you feel strongly
 -- see above website for rules & scoring, i kept all default except that sacks are worth one point.
 again, please don't sign up if you don't want to pay the $10 entrance fee.  let the smack-talk begin.
 League 930 Commissioner; and owner, manager and head coach of the New Jersey Barebacks       :D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 26, 2007, 09:52:00 pm
EDIT: for those wishing to join:
 League ID#: 602544
 Password: 930rox
 League Name: League930
 Custom League URL:     http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930 (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930)    

 My bad, the league wasn't "published" - it is now, please try again around 10:15 pm (sunday night) or later.
 or just PM me and i'll send you an invite.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 26, 2007, 09:54:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  for those wishing to sign up: the name of the league is "league930" (the first letter "L" may of may not be capitalized).  the password is "930rox", if you need it.
 but you should be able to join by going to   http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930 (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930)   and clicking on the "Sign up now" link, top left corner next to "Overview".  alternately, PM me your e-mail address and i'll invite you.
 note, you need a Yahoo account - free, and signing up is really fast (i created one just for this league, took about 90 seconds).
to sign up for the league... you have to the league id number, not just the name...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 26, 2007, 10:11:00 pm
all taken care of now, see my last post (two up)
 step-by-step instructions:
 1. go to       http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/register/joinleague (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/register/joinleague)  
 2. sign in using your yahoo ID.
 3. click, far left, "Accept an invitation to join a Custom League: Join Custom"
 4. Enter League ID (602544) and Password (930rox)
 5. follow the steps to set up your team.  you don't need to select your draft choices at this time, you can come back and do it later.  creating a team now secures your spot in the league.
 or PM me your e-mail address, wait for my invite, and follow directions.  reminder: there is a $10 entrance fee, please don't join if you don't want to pay.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 27, 2007, 09:37:00 am
It's too late now and I'm the minority but I DEFINITELY prefer head to head.  Total points is just one long game.  With head to head I can get excited about playing Sal Paradise in week 5...using strategy...making roster moves...it's great fun.  It's like you have an actual team with a schedule.  In some of the leagues I've been in there's a small cash prize for total points at the end of the year.  But with head to head, you have a schedule and playoffs and then one eventual champion who gets most of the money.
 I'd put it up to a league vote but if not, that's cool.  Draft's Wednesday night.  Thanks for inviting me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 27, 2007, 09:40:00 am
H2H is the most fun, quite true.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on August 27, 2007, 09:45:00 am
I'm in but I know very little about football.  I just hope that y'all spend my $10 wisely.     ;)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on August 27, 2007, 09:45:00 am
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
   With head to head I can get excited about playing Sal Paradise in week 5
i wouldn't get too excited. you'd obviously be losing that week.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 27, 2007, 09:55:00 am
Too bad we aren't all don't live close enough (or are nerdy enough) to do the live draft together at a bar or someone's place with laptops and and beer in tow - now that's a recipe for smack-talking disaster.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on August 27, 2007, 09:58:00 am
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2007, 10:04:00 am
now up to 8 teams - w00t!  we have ourselves a league!
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  It's too late now and I'm the minority but I DEFINITELY prefer head to head.  Total points is just one long game.  With head to head I can get excited about playing Sal Paradise in week 5...using strategy...making roster moves...it's great fun.  It's like you have an actual team with a schedule.
actually, it's not too late - i can change the league setting up until the draft.  as i wrote earlier, i'm a fan of head-to-head too - more smack talk - but the only 2 people who piped up when i asked said points (although one was willing to try H2H - so qualified support).  now 2 others (with me, 3) would rather have H2H.  
 salparadise, do you feel strongly about keeping it points?  i don't want anyone to quit because we switch to H2H, since folks signed up for points.  but if no one objects, i'd be most pleased to change the league setting.
Originally posted by SalParadise:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
   With head to head I can get excited about playing Sal Paradise in week 5
i wouldn't get too excited. you'd obviously be losing that week. [/b]
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on August 27, 2007, 10:42:00 am
i like head to head
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 27, 2007, 11:19:00 am
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  Too bad we aren't all don't live close enough (or are nerdy enough) to do the live draft together at a bar or someone's place with laptops and and beer in tow - now that's a recipe for smack-talking disaster.
Yes.  True live drafts are the most fun.  Maybe 70%-80% of the entire "fun quotient" of playing fantasy football.  Unfortunately, it's a little too late to organize one this year.
 However, in leu of actually meeting at the beginning of the "season," we could TRY to organize a meeting at the end of the season.  Maybe we can come up with a date and location at the end of December at which we can meet, commiserate, distribute monies and see what a motley crew the "league" really looks like.  Maybe we can even schedule it on a Saturday or Sunday when we can watch an actual NFL game!  Maybe even a playoff game!
 P.S.  I spent way too much time this weekend trying to think up a clever team name.  Then, while watching "The Battle of Pennsylvania" preseason game last night, it came to me like in the final scene in "The Usual Suspects."
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 27, 2007, 11:28:00 am
Originally posted by 6949:
  I'm in but I know very little about football.  I just hope that y'all spend my $10 wisely.      ;)  
In fantasy football, quarterbacks get four points for every touchdown pass they throw and 1 point for every 25 yards they pass for.  But a player gets SIX points for every touchdown they rush for and a point for only every TEN years they rush for.  So if you have a quarterback who rushes a lot and can score a lot of rushing touchdowns you can almost ride that player to win the entire league.
 And since you said you know very little about football, I'll give a strong tip on a quarterback who rushes a LOT and could score a LOT of rushing touchdowns in addition to passing touchdowns.  I'd even use the number one overall pick on this guy if I had it.
 Michael Vick.
 Shhhh!  That's just between you and me.  Don't want to tip your hand.
 You'll thank me in December.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on August 27, 2007, 11:41:00 am
Thanks Brian! Wikipedia mentioned something about   handcuffing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasy_football_American) so I picked Vick, Pacman Jones and the entire Cincinnati Bengals team.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on August 27, 2007, 11:50:00 am
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  In fantasy football, quarterbacks get four points for every touchdown pass they throw and 1 point for every 25 yards they pass for.
all the leagues i've played in have been 6pts for qb tds.
 edit: and H2H is totally fine with me.  i'd prefer that actually.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2007, 11:59:00 am
Originally posted by 6949:
  Thanks Brian! Wikipedia mentioned something about   handcuffing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasy_football_American) so I picked Vick, Pacman Jones and the entire Cincinnati Bengals team.
corrected link? (http://tinyurl.com/yvp5ny)
 sounds like we're headed for a switch to head-to-head.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 27, 2007, 12:02:00 pm
I prefer head-to-head as well.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 27, 2007, 12:11:00 pm
I'm signed up. Noticed that there can be as many as 20 teams??? I think you may want to reconsider that and cap it at 12, 14 tops if you really feel strongly about having plenty of spots open. Just that with 20 teams you're really stretching for players during the draft and there would be squat on the waiver wire should you have an injury or a bye week.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 27, 2007, 12:31:00 pm
Ok.  I have one more suggestion.  I don't want to "league-jack" or be a backseat driver.  This is sweetcell's league.  He's the commish.
 Remember this is just a suggestion.  A lot of (head-to-head) fantasy leagues backend all of the monies distributed to the winner of the playoffs.  However, if you pick players who have gotten hurt, etc., you can be out of it by the end of October.
 What we did was set up something that rewards total points and also rewards having the best record, winning the playoffs, etc.
 1. We set up a small amount that whoever scored the most points in a given week would win.
 2. At the end of the season, the person who had accumulated the most total points received a small amount and the person who had the best overall record received a small amount.
 3. The person who won the playoffs and therefore, the entire league, got the rest of the money.  Depending on the money involved, we also gave some money to the runner-up in the playoffs.
 So, for example, if we have twelve teams and everyone pays $10, that's $120.
 Usually, it's the first 14 weeks for the regular season.  For us, we could have four teams qualify for the playoffs, the first round would be week 15 and the championship game would be week 16.  (A lot of NFL teams rest their stars week 17 especially if they qualified for the playoffs.  A lot of fantasy leagues end week 16 because of this.  If you have been riding Clinton Portis the entire year and the Redskins qualify for the playoffs, Gibbs may decide to rest Portis the final Redskins game.  If you have the championship game in week 17, when you really need Portis the most, he could be unavailable.)
 So we could have it:
 $70-Distributed every week in amounts of $5 each to whoever scored the most points that week.
 $5-Given at the end of the season to whoever scored the most total points.
 $5-Given at the end of the season to whoever has the best record.
 $40-Given to whoever wins the playoffs.
 This always seems to keep people happy and enthused the entire season.  This way, usually only two or three people don't win any money and most people at least get their money back.
 This way it rewards:
 1.) A team whose players played well in a given week.
 2.) A team whose players played well over an entire season.
 3.) A team who consistently accumulated points (but not necessarily wins) over a season.
 4.) A team whose players played well against other good teams (in the playoffs.)
 Just a suggestion, it can be tweaked.
 P.S.  Sweetcell would just keep a tally of whoever won the "weeks" and they payout at the end of the season.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2007, 12:47:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
   Noticed that there can be as many as 20 teams??? I think you may want to reconsider that and cap it at 12, 14 tops if you really feel strongly about having plenty of spots open. Just that with 20 teams you're really stretching for players during the draft and there would be squat on the waiver wire should you have an injury or a bye week.
really?  supposedly there are enough players in the NFL for 32 teams - well 30 at least, obviously there aren't enough left over for arizona and detroit   :D  
 ok, league will be capped at 12, meaning there are only 2 more spots open - put aside a sawbuck and grab one of those last two openings.
 and we're now officially head-to-head.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on August 27, 2007, 12:48:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  really?  supposedly there are enough players in the NFL for 32 teams - well 30 at least, obviously there aren't enough left over for arizona and detroit   :D  
Hey! As a native Detroit-er, I'd like to point out the Raiders are much worse then us!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: hoitel on August 27, 2007, 12:55:00 pm
is it too late to get in this league?? PM me with details please!!!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 27, 2007, 02:14:00 pm
We Are Both Carls is registered, and to my first opponent...
 "Shut! Shut! If you had a neck and I had hands, I would squeeze your brain, which is your body, right out the top of your head, which does not exist!"
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 27, 2007, 02:20:00 pm
Sweet - I was almost expecting something like 'Threesome's Company' or the like out of you at this point...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2007, 06:56:00 pm
ok, ladies and gents - the league is now full, we have 12 teams.  i'll be contacting you all through the yahoo site to set up the payment of the $10 fee.
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  Sweet - I was almost expecting something like 'Threesome's Company' or the like out of you at this point...
like julian, i'll feign disgust and indignation at such a proposal.
 (you do realize it's just rhett and i hamming it up about the threesomes, doncha?)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 27, 2007, 07:06:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  (you do realize it's just rhett and i hamming it up about the threesomes, doncha?)
That's disappointing....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on August 27, 2007, 07:24:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  now up to 8 teams - w00t!  we have ourselves a league!
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  It's too late now and I'm the minority but I DEFINITELY prefer head to head.  Total points is just one long game.  With head to head I can get excited about playing Sal Paradise in week 5...using strategy...making roster moves...it's great fun.  It's like you have an actual team with a schedule.
actually, it's not too late - i can change the league setting up until the draft.  as i wrote earlier, i'm a fan of head-to-head too - more smack talk - but the only 2 people who piped up when i asked said points (although one was willing to try H2H - so qualified support).  now 2 others (with me, 3) would rather have H2H.  
 salparadise, do you feel strongly about keeping it points?  i don't want anyone to quit because we switch to H2H, since folks signed up for points.  but if no one objects, i'd be most pleased to change the league setting.
Originally posted by SalParadise:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
   With head to head I can get excited about playing Sal Paradise in week 5
i wouldn't get too excited. you'd obviously be losing that week. [/b]
AND IT'S ON!!! [/b]
i'm fine w/ h2h. i'm just lazy about doing the extra scouting and seeing which of my players do better against which defenses... but i'll manage.
 while we're talking about making changes...anyone object to delaying the draft 'til monday night?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2007, 08:18:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  (you do realize it's just rhett and i hamming it up about the threesomes, doncha?)
That's disappointing.... [/b]
tell me about it.  
 although rhett informs me that threesomes are themselves disappointing, so it's a no-win situation... disappointment if you do, disappointment if you don't.  *sigh*.  how have your menage a trois been lately?  maybe they're better on the west coast?
Originally posted by SalParadise:
 i'm fine w/ h2h. i'm just lazy about doing the extra scouting and seeing which of my players do better against which defenses... but i'll manage.
 while we're talking about making changes...anyone object to delaying the draft 'til monday night?
thanks SalP for your flexibility.
 about changing the draft date: personally i'm not sure when i'm getting back from labor day travels, so monday night might not be good.  but i'm planning on leaving my selections on auto-pilot (based on my picks made beforehand) so i don't really care.  i'm generally in favor of stabilizing this league and leaving things as they are, but can and will change based on popular opinion.  if anyone else wants next monday, please speak up.  silence = keep it this wednesday (i.e. in 48 hours).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: xneverwherex on August 27, 2007, 08:21:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
 [qb] (you do realize it's just rhett and i hamming it up about the threesomes, doncha?) [/b]
That's disappointing.... [/b]
tell me about it.  
 although rhett informs me that threesomes are themselves disappointing, so it's a no-win situation... disappointment if you do, disappointment if you don't.  *sigh*.  how have your menage a trois been lately?  maybe they're better on the west coast?
theyre overrated everywhere (even on the west coast).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 27, 2007, 08:27:00 pm
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
  theyre overrated everywhere (even on the west coast).
Maybe there wasn't enough hair pulling for you...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on August 27, 2007, 08:54:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  (you do realize it's just rhett and i hamming it up about the threesomes, doncha?)
That's disappointing.... [/b]
tell me about it.  
 although rhett informs me that threesomes are themselves disappointing, so it's a no-win situation... disappointment if you do, disappointment if you don't.  *sigh*.  how have your menage a trois been lately?  maybe they're better on the west coast?
Originally posted by SalParadise:
 i'm fine w/ h2h. i'm just lazy about doing the extra scouting and seeing which of my players do better against which defenses... but i'll manage.
 while we're talking about making changes...anyone object to delaying the draft 'til monday night?
thanks SalP for your flexibility.
 about changing the draft date: personally i'm not sure when i'm getting back from labor day travels, so monday night might not be good.  but i'm planning on leaving my selections on auto-pilot (based on my picks made beforehand) so i don't really care.  i'm generally in favor of stabilizing this league and leaving things as they are, but can and will change based on popular opinion.  if anyone else wants next monday, please speak up.  silence = keep it this wednesday (i.e. in 48 hours). [/b]
no worries. i'm working on freeing up my wed. night..
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: xneverwherex on August 27, 2007, 10:39:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
  theyre overrated everywhere (even on the west coast).
Maybe there wasn't enough hair pulling for you... [/b]
:D  that must have been it.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 29, 2007, 07:02:00 pm
who is ready for the draft?   :D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on August 29, 2007, 07:15:00 pm
i'm getting ripped at home (got someone to cover for me at work)...
 aka i'm ready
 how is draft order being determined? i take it yahoo takes care of it as we begin?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 29, 2007, 07:19:00 pm
Originally posted by SalParadise:
  i'm getting ripped at home (got someone to cover for me at work)...
 aka i'm ready
 how is draft order being determined? i take it yahoo takes care of it as we begin?
if you log in... it has it already lined up... and Sal, you may not be very pleased...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: bnyced0 on August 29, 2007, 09:00:00 pm
Originally posted by Julian, good manners AFICIONADO:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  really?  supposedly there are enough players in the NFL for 32 teams - well 30 at least, obviously there aren't enough left over for arizona and detroit    :D  
Hey! As a native Detroit-er, I'd like to point out the Raiders are much worse then us! [/b]
Are you out of your frickin mind?  I know you're young and all, but there's a special place in hell for those that talk shit about the silver and black!
   <img src="http://www.raiders.com/uploadedImages/History/020407trophies.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 29, 2007, 09:03:00 pm
well that was fun/a personal disaster... should make for an interesting season for me      :)    
 biggest sore spot for me: vince young as my starting QB.  just not confident he's ready yet.  so now i gotta figure out if i go with him against jacksonville, or put hasselbeck against TB (TB having a weaker defense than JAX)... time to read some blogs, i guess.
 the person immediately before me took brady just as i had him lined up for my next pick. @$$hole!!!  the Pats are my team (in the real world), but none of them ended up on my fantasy team.  guess i picked with my head and not my heart.  logically the right thing to do, but makes me feel... empty.
 i so can't wait for the season to begin!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on August 29, 2007, 09:06:00 pm
at least i got drew for my starter qb.  Im kind of worried about some of my recievers.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 29, 2007, 09:12:00 pm
<img src="http://i3.tinypic.com/4zk4cc5.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 29, 2007, 09:26:00 pm
<img src="http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f157/im_in_luv_wit_alexis/raiders_suck1.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: bnyced0 on August 29, 2007, 09:36:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
   <img src="http://i3.tinypic.com/4zk4cc5.jpg" alt=" - " />
You're asking for it lady!
   <img src="http://www.raiderfans.net/forum/images/smilies/donkssuck.gif" alt=" - " />   <img src="http://www.raiderfans.net/forum/images/smilies/donkssuck.gif" alt=" - " />   <img src="http://www.raiderfans.net/forum/images/smilies/donkssuck.gif" alt=" - " />   <img src="http://www.raiderfans.net/forum/images/smilies/donkssuck.gif" alt=" - " />   <img src="http://www.raiderfans.net/forum/images/smilies/033102ass_1_prv.gif" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: bnyced0 on August 29, 2007, 09:38:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 29, 2007, 10:28:00 pm
dude, the holy grail of hockey is spending the next year in anaheim.  that fact makes any geographically-based exclusions null and void.
 the ruling on the field stands  :p
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on August 29, 2007, 11:20:00 pm
So did Nicole take Joey Harrington in the draft? I know she was lusting after him as her starter!   :D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on August 30, 2007, 12:04:00 am
Originally posted by Julian, good manners AFICIONADO:
  So did Nicole take Joey Harrington in the draft? I know she was lusting after him as her starter!    :D  
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2007, 12:14:00 am
tee hee.  nope, she went for Carson Palmer as her starter, with Chad Pennington doing clean-up... i mean backup.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2007, 01:05:00 am
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  I'm not interested in Fantasy, but I would be interested in a suicide pool.
i've been in a suicide pool for 3 or 4 years now, and we're just starting up this year's edition.  $10 entry, standard rules (pick one winner per week, no picking the same team twice).  run by a grad school buddy of mine, speadsheet sent out every week like clockwork.  last year there were like 30 people in the pool.
 participation is open to anyone and everyone - please PM me if you want to join and i'll hook you up with the guy who runs it.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 30, 2007, 01:26:00 am
INITIAL ANALYSIS OF THE DRAFT, using difference between overall pick number and Yahoo's projected rank number.  Granted, K/TE/Defenses will almost always be reaches, and there will almost always be "value" at RB given the importance of RB's in fantasy football, but I still find it interesting.
 ROD = Reaches of Draft
 1) Ahmad Bradshaw (RB) at #173, Y! Rank #1740.  Then again, at the bottom of the draft, I don't question taking a flyer on a young RB.
 2) David Akers (K) at #45, Y! Rank #180.  Wow.
 SOD = Steals of Draft
 1) Tatum Bell (RB) at #162, Y! Rank #64.  Risky waiting until Round 14 for the 3rd RB, but it looks like it worked out for Salty.
 2a) Brandon Jackson (RB) at #167, Y! Rank #71.
 2b) Vernand Morency (RB) at #185, Y! Rank #89.
 I took my defense (Dallas) and kicker (Neil Rackers) way too early (9th & 10th rounds), but getting Vernon Davis in the 8th round was my personal steal.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2007, 02:10:00 am
Originally posted by dhinojwala:
 I took my defense (Dallas) and kicker (Neil Rackers) way too early (9th & 10th rounds), but getting Vernon Davis in the 8th round was my personal steal.
don't sleep on defence and kickers... remember:
 Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)
 Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)
 Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)
 Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4)
 Field Goals 50+ Yards (5)
 Point After Attempt Made (1)
 Sack (1)
 Interception (2)
 Fumble Recovery (2)
 Touchdown (6)
 Safety (2)
 Block Kick (2)
 Points Allowed 0 points (10)
 Points Allowed 1-6 points (7)
 Points Allowed 7-13 points (4)
 Points Allowed 14-20 points (1)
 Points Allowed 21-27 points (0)
 Points Allowed 28-34 points (-1)
 Points Allowed 35+ points (-4)
 your defenses and kickers can bring in some decent points.  mind you, maybe i'm just trying to justify my strategy of taking a defense (CHI) and a kicker (vinatieri) in rounds 6 & 7    :eek:
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: bnyced0 on August 30, 2007, 04:36:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  dude, the holy grail of hockey is spending the next year in anaheim.  that fact makes any geographically-based exclusions null and void.
 the ruling on the field stands   :D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 30, 2007, 08:37:00 am
Originally posted by Julian, good manners AFICIONADO:
  So did Nicole take Joey Harrington in the draft? I know she was lusting after him as her starter!    :D  
Actually, there was quite a bit of talk about my lusting for Joey Harrington. In the draft chat I was asked what QB I thought was the hottest...But in the end, I left him lonely, with only the Falcons and his piano to keep him company.
Originally posted by dhinojwala:
  INITIAL ANALYSIS OF THE DRAFT, using difference between overall pick number and Yahoo's projected rank number.  Granted, K/TE/Defenses will almost always be reaches, and there will almost always be "value" at RB given the importance of RB's in fantasy football, but I still find it interesting.
 ROD = Reaches of Draft
 1) Ahmad Bradshaw (RB) at #173, Y! Rank #1740.  Then again, at the bottom of the draft, I don't question taking a flyer on a young RB.
I thank you for giving me the No. 1 reach of the fantasy draft. Which can be attributed to the fact that he's my boy. We went to Marshall together and I'm going to give him a shot. But if he blows it...so help me God...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on August 30, 2007, 08:58:00 am
i got willie parker. SUCCESSFUL DRAFT
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: mrpee on August 30, 2007, 09:37:00 am
Is Brett Farve still available?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2007, 10:34:00 am
Originally posted by mrpee:
  Is Brett Farve still available?
nope, salty picked him up.  but if you want to go that route, mark brunell is undrafted  :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 30, 2007, 10:37:00 am
hey... i'm not alone in the harrington love either.
  the gays love him too! (http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070829/SPORTS01/70829057/0/NEWS02)
 "I'm excited about the season and yes, I find Harrington attractive. Who wouldn't?" says Gregory Hendricks, a gay Falcons fan in Atlanta. "Even my gay friends who don't like football, they like him. All of my friends who hate sports, once they see him they say, 'Hey, I'll go to a game to see him.' "
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2007, 10:42:00 am
dear joey,
 best of luck in the upcoming season, thank dawg that canine-hater vick got out of your way.  piece of advice: please avoid airports in boise.
 love & smooches,
 miss p
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  "Even my gay friends who don't like football, they like him. All of my friends who hate sports, once they see him they say, 'Hey, I'll go to a game to see him.' "
now this i don't understand... it's not as if you get to see him prancing about topless - he's covered in pads and a helmet!  if your intention is to check him out, why bother?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 30, 2007, 10:49:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  now this i don't understand... it's not as if you get to see him prancing about topless - he's covered in pads and a helmet!  if your intention is to check him out, why bother?
my guess? the ass.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 30, 2007, 11:03:00 am
I'm no Larry Craig, but I think Kyle Boller is way more handsome than Joey Harrington.
   <img src="http://thebestsportsblog.com/images/2006/04/Joey.jpg" alt=" - " />
   <img src="http://www.nflplayers.com/images/players/34496.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 30, 2007, 11:04:00 am
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  I'm no Larry Craig, but I think Kyle Boller is way more handsome than Joey Harrington.
ew. seriously? he looks like a ken doll. no thanks.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on August 30, 2007, 11:08:00 am
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
     <img src="http://www.nflplayers.com/images/players/34496.jpg" alt=" - " />
Ridiculous. He looks awful. The hair alone... ugh...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 30, 2007, 11:09:00 am
<img src="http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40072000/jpg/_40072556_joey203.jpg" alt=" - " />
   <img src="http://www.thelionsfanatics.com/joey_harrington_1.jpg" alt=" - " />
 in the words of appalachian state... hot hot hot.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on August 30, 2007, 11:10:00 am
I actually do not think Harrington will be awful this year. He won't be good, but he's not going to spit on himself like he did with the Lions.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2007, 11:30:00 am
FYI, my participation in this league is strictly ironic.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 30, 2007, 11:42:00 am
If you go for awkward white guys, then how about "The Cannon?"
   <img src="http://mas.scripps.com/DRMN/2006/12/21/434279976-_o.jpg" alt=" - " />
 Before you comment watch this again:
  65+ yards in stride!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8FGdz0-OrY)
 That almost brings a tear to my eye.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 30, 2007, 11:45:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  FYI, my participation in this league is strictly ironic.
See, I was thinking you were just stupid to pick 2 QB's in the first 5 rounds, but participating ironically...not it all makes sense!   :p
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 30, 2007, 11:53:00 am
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  If you go for awkward white guys, then how about "The Cannon?"
you know i love[/i] denver. however, there is a difference between awkward and ugly.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 30, 2007, 02:33:00 pm
I did a little team by team analysis last night after the draft that I will post on the Yahoo page for all to read. Just my own humble opinions. It will be interesting at the end of the season to see how wrong I was.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 30, 2007, 02:37:00 pm
Well for some reason Yahoo won't let me post this so I'll just put it here.
 Team by team post draft grades:
 Outdoor Miners â?? Barring some freak injury LT will carry this team. With the exception a couple injury prone WRâ??s this team has a nice starting line-up and good depth at RB. The only real issue I have with this team is Chris Henry who will take up valuable space on the bench while he serves his 8 game suspension.  Overall Grade: A-
 We Are Both Carls â?? While I wouldnâ??t be crazy about hitching my wagon to Jon Kitna, I really liked this draft and this overall team. All 4 starting WRâ??s are strong and have great upside, but there isnâ??t much depth at that spot after that. Picking up Betts late in the draft will likely be a steal since thereâ??s no chance Portis stays healthy all season. Overall Grade: B+
 The White Stripes â?? The all rookie team. Calvin Johnson as your #1 WR could spell trouble. Hereâ??s a little nugget; In the history of the NFL only 2 WRâ??s have had 1000 yard rookie seasons (R. Moss & A. Boldin). I love the potential Brady has at QB this season, but he and Addai may have to carry this team most of the season. Overall Grade: C-
 Pigskin&Pigtails6949 â?? AKA The Philadelphia Eagles. The fantasy season of this entire team hinges on the real season of The Eagles. In fantasy you NEVER draft with your heart. 6 players on this team are Eagles. I still think Westbrook and McNabb will put up solid numbers as long as they both stay healthy, but that is a huge IF. Overall Grade: D
 The Dengler Herpes â?? Carson Palmer and Chad Johnson will connect all season and rack up huge points for this team. If LJ can reproduce his numbers from last year or even come close heâ??ll be steal with the 5th pick and White Stripes and Pigtails will be kicing themselves. During the draft I donâ??t see the point in taking a back-up defense, but hey thatâ??s just me. Overall Grade: B
 New Jersey Barebacks â?? For lack of a better word, this team just isnâ??t sexy. There are a few nice â??upsideâ? players, but no one that you look at and feel good about carrying the load during the season. Alexander has something to prove after a terrible injury plagued season and Vince Young needs to show he can put up numbers without a proven running game (Travis Henry is gone). Whatâ??s up with wasting 2 roster spots on back-up kickers and defense when you are so slim at RB? Overall Grade: D
 Team Salty â?? The only thing this team is missing is TD production from the RBâ??s. Gore and Edge both fell short of double digit TDâ??s last season, but look for those numbers to improve and Team Salty to cruise into the playoffs.  Having 3 1000+ yard WRâ??s on your squad is a nice feel. Bulger is primed for a stellar season and Heath Miller may have a break out year with the Steelers passing game. Overall Grade: A
 Rock N Roll Outlaws (me) â?? I know this is my team and I will be a little bias, but honestly I think I drafted extremely well and managed to get a little lucky. I have talent, depth and potential at every position. I have two 1000+ yard RBâ??s on the bench and a couple WRâ??s due for big seasons. My only real concern is at the QB position, but I think I have a couple guys that I can switch in and out according to the match ups or who may just blossom into stars. Overall Grade: Iâ??ll leave that up to you.
 Killsaly â?? Anyone whoâ??s ever played fantasy football knows that RBâ??s carry your team. Itâ??s simple math since they get the most touches and their TDâ??s are worth 6 points. Drafting Brees in the first round over Manning and then taking Wayne as the first overall WR in the second round were strategic errors and will haunt this team all season. Neither player is even the best at his respective position. Itâ??s pure luck that this team managed to get any starting RBâ??s at all. Portis is an injury away from Betts being the starter and Cadillac had a dreadful 2006. Overall Grade: D-
 â?¢â?¢â?¢ - Eh. I mean this isnâ??t a terrible team or a poor team. I canâ??t really point to any significant error during the draft or gaping hole in the roster. Bush and Maroney both have great upside, but I would have liked to seen someone more proven paired with one of those second year guys. Cutler still has to prove himself as a fantasy starter and Porter needs to return to his production of 2005 for this team to really make some noise. Overall Grade: C+
 the pink robots â?? This is one of those teams that if you only look at the names you arenâ??t blown away or overly impressed, but upon closer examination of the numbers these players produced last seasonâ?¦ well itâ??s a pretty solid team. I donâ??t love it, but I really like it. Parker and Henry should carry the load and all 4 starting WRâ??s had close to or at least 1000 yards last year. Combine that with the best TE in the game in Gates and you have a quality fantasy team. Overall Grade: A-
 SalParadise â?? Unlike The White Stripes, this is the all-geriatric team. There are 7 starting players on this team going into at least their 10th season in the NFL. Manning is a great QB to have as your starter, but QBâ??s are slightly devalued because of passing TDâ??s only being 4 points. I also would not want to start the fantasy season with Ronnie Brown as my #1 RB and Lamont â??Go Terpsâ? Jordan as my #2. Overall Grade: C
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 30, 2007, 02:52:00 pm
Shadrach, when I have an opening in my high stakes league, you're the first I'm going to invite.  Nice work.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 30, 2007, 03:36:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Shadrach, when I have an opening in my high stakes league, you're the first I'm going to invite.  Nice work.
Thanks, that's a huge comliment. Let me know if something opens up and I'm always willing to compete.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 30, 2007, 03:46:00 pm
<img src="http://mas.scripps.com/DRMN/2006/12/21/434279976-_o.jpg" alt=" - " />
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  you know i love[/i] denver. however, there is a difference between awkward and ugly.
<img src="http://www.nflplayers.com/images/players/34496.jpg" alt=" - " />
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  ew. seriously? he looks like a ken doll. no thanks.
I'm glad you've never met me.  I look just like an ugly, awkward Ken doll.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on August 30, 2007, 03:47:00 pm
honestly, i like my team somewhat. i think your appraisal is spot on. thanks yahoo!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on August 30, 2007, 03:54:00 pm
i guess it has been roughly 10 years since i've hardcore followed the nfl...  i still have faith in ronnie.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 30, 2007, 04:20:00 pm
Originally posted by SalParadise:
  i guess it has been roughly 10 years since i've hardcore followed the nfl...  i still have faith in ronnie.
It's not Ronnie I would be worried about, it's the Miami offensive line and thier lack of a decent QB that scares me.
 Lamont Jordan is only a year removed from a very respectable season as well, but the Oakland offense is in shambles at this point. They haven't been able to sign their #1 draft pick, JaMarcus Russell and they lost their top WR in Moss.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 30, 2007, 04:21:00 pm
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  honestly, i like my team somewhat. i think your appraisal is spot on. thanks yahoo!
Who's you're team again?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on August 30, 2007, 04:23:00 pm
pink robots
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on August 30, 2007, 04:30:00 pm
 I think we should have a little sidebet since you put me on the D List. If my team beats your team then you have to wear my pink mcnabb jersey to a 930 show.
 Miss P and the other girls-
 hottest male athletes of 2006 (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/features/hottestMen?num=6)  
 Can I still draft this?
  <img src="http://espn.go.com/i/page2/hottestathlete/246x422_leinart.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 30, 2007, 04:38:00 pm
Originally posted by 6949:
   If my team beats your team then you have to wear my pink mcnabb jersey to a 930 show.
And if you lose?
 I think this is awesome.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 30, 2007, 04:39:00 pm
Oh no. You have a pink McNabb jersey? *shakes head*
 I have strong feelings about women wearing sports apparel that is pink or pastel just because 'it's much cuter.' I hate that shit.
 The Eagles aren't pink! The Orioles aren't either. Or the Yankees, etc etc. WEAR THE RIGHT COLORS. Everytime that shit I want to drag the girl down the bleachers by the incorrectly colored shirt and beat her with her own shoe.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 30, 2007, 04:42:00 pm
Originally posted by 6949:
  Can I still draft this?
   <img src="http://espn.go.com/i/page2/hottestathlete/246x422_leinart.jpg" alt=" - " />
Knock yourself out.  Just be prepared for him to never call again and three weeks later there's a burning sensation when you urinate.
 P.S.  Just look at that gelled, half-ass fauxhawk.  What a douche!
 P.P.S.  Here's another one for you, 6949.  Now, simmer down now...
   <img src="http://www.withleather.com//ul/825-leinart%20gq.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 30, 2007, 04:45:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  Oh no. You have a pink McNabb jersey? *shakes head*
 I have strong feelings about women wearing sports apparel that is pink or pastel just because 'it's much cuter.' I hate that shit.
 The Eagles aren't pink! The Orioles aren't either. Or the Yankees, etc etc. WEAR THE RIGHT COLORS. Everytime that shit I want to drag the girl down the bleachers by the incorrectly colored shirt and beat her with her own shoe.
Weren't those pink jerseys benefit jerseys with all sale proceeds going to breast cancer?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 30, 2007, 04:46:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  I have strong feelings about women wearing sports apparel that is pink or pastel just because 'it's much cuter.' I hate that shit.
 The Eagles aren't pink! The Orioles aren't either. Or the Yankees, etc etc. WEAR THE RIGHT COLORS. Everytime that shit I want to drag the girl down the bleachers by the incorrectly colored shirt and beat her with her own shoe.
If you're hot, you can wear whatever you want as long as it shows your curves.
 Stop being such a hard ass.  Unless of course that a cat fight between 6949 and Miss P is ensuing - then I'm all for it and it must be videotaped.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 30, 2007, 04:49:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  Oh no. You have a pink McNabb jersey? *shakes head*
 I have strong feelings about women wearing sports apparel that is pink or pastel just because 'it's much cuter.' I hate that shit.
 The Eagles aren't pink! The Orioles aren't either. Or the Yankees, etc etc. WEAR THE RIGHT COLORS. Everytime that shit I want to drag the girl down the bleachers by the incorrectly colored shirt and beat her with her own shoe.
Weren't those pink jerseys benefit jerseys with all sale proceeds going to breast cancer?
 Brian [/b]
Nope. These aren't at least.
   <img src="http://store.philadelphiaeagles.com/assets/items/22-537.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: bnyced0 on August 30, 2007, 04:53:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  Oh no. You have a pink McNabb jersey? *shakes head*
 I have strong feelings about women wearing sports apparel that is pink or pastel just because 'it's much cuter.' I hate that shit.
 The Eagles aren't pink! The Orioles aren't either. Or the Yankees, etc etc. WEAR THE RIGHT COLORS. Everytime that shit I want to drag the girl down the bleachers by the incorrectly colored shirt and beat her with her own shoe.
Is this a threat or a promise, because I know where a beehive of said pastel jerseyed women can be found, and I think I can get this on pay per view....although take a good look before you start the beat down because Julian might be in the middle of them with  THIS ON
    <img src="http://nfl.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/p3741595reg.jpg" alt=" - " />
 With Sweets ducking out the back with THIS ON   <img src="http://nfl.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/p3741623reg.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: TheDirector217 on August 30, 2007, 05:08:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  Oh no. You have a pink McNabb jersey? *shakes head*
 I have strong feelings about women wearing sports apparel that is pink or pastel just because 'it's much cuter.' I hate that shit.
 The Eagles aren't pink! The Orioles aren't either. Or the Yankees, etc etc. WEAR THE RIGHT COLORS. Everytime that shit I want to drag the girl down the bleachers by the incorrectly colored shirt and beat her with her own shoe.
Someone needs a hug . . .
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 30, 2007, 05:38:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  We Are Both Carls â?? While I wouldnâ??t be crazy about hitching my wagon to Jon Kitna, I really liked this draft and this overall team. All 4 starting WRâ??s are strong and have great upside, but there isnâ??t much depth at that spot after that. Picking up Betts late in the draft will likely be a steal since thereâ??s no chance Portis stays healthy all season. Overall Grade: B+
I'm not crazy about Kitna, either, as I remember him bumbling through two 8-8 Bengals seasons before Carson Palmer got to play.  There was a crazy run on QB's early (5 in the first 2 rounds!), and you could argue every QB other than Peyton was taken a round "too soon" until Round 7.  By that point, Kitna, Leinart, and Romo were all close to value.  With a Martz offense and 6.02 Ã? 10^23 first-round-pick WR's, Kitna looked good.  As for Betts, I'm just happy he was still there after the turnaround since I mis-clicked on Dwayne Bowe (thanks, Outdoor Miners!).
Rock N Roll Outlaws (me) â?? I know this is my team and I will be a little bias, but honestly I think I drafted extremely well and managed to get a little lucky. I have talent, depth and potential at every position. I have two 1000+ yard RBâ??s on the bench and a couple WRâ??s due for big seasons. My only real concern is at the QB position, but I think I have a couple guys that I can switch in and out according to the match ups or who may just blossom into stars. Overall Grade: Iâ??ll leave that up to you.
I'll call it a B++ on the technicality that no draft with Plaxico Burress can get an A, but I think it's a better draft than my B+.  With Santonio Holmes on the bench, you're insured against Plaxiglass damage.  Your depth at RB might be an issue, as I'm not sure how much Ahman Green has left (esp with the Texans O-line), and both Morency and Taylor have competition.  Leinart and/or Losman should have a breakout year, but there are still serviceable QB's on the wire if need be.  San Diego's D gets to play Oakland twice, and selecting a kicker (Kasay) late was a good, disciplined pick.
SalParadise â?? Unlike The White Stripes, this is the all-geriatric team.
And with that, my Week 1 opponent renamed to The All-Geriatric Team.  Nothing gets me fired up like...beating up old people...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 30, 2007, 06:35:00 pm
Originally posted by 6949:
 I think we should have a little sidebet since you put me on the D List. If my team beats your team then you have to wear my pink mcnabb jersey to a 930 show.
Well I guess that all depends on your size or the size of the jersey. I'm 6' 200lbs. As long as you think it will fit, I'm down with a little side bet action (not that I think I will lose). What are you willing to offer should you lose?
 Once we've established the stakes we can discuss the details of the bet.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 30, 2007, 06:37:00 pm
BTW, how do we get the $10 to the commish?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2007, 06:50:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  BTW, how do we get the $10 to the commish?
i sent out an e-mail in the wee hours of 8/29, subject: "Y! Sports: Welcome to League930" to your league-registered e-mail address.  PM me if you (or anyone else) would like me to re-send it, not a prob.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on August 31, 2007, 08:56:00 am
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  Oh no. You have a pink McNabb jersey? *shakes head*
 I have strong feelings about women wearing sports apparel that is pink or pastel just because 'it's much cuter.' I hate that shit.
 The Eagles aren't pink! The Orioles aren't either. Or the Yankees, etc etc. WEAR THE RIGHT COLORS. Everytime that shit I want to drag the girl down the bleachers by the incorrectly colored shirt and beat her with her own shoe.
A portion went to breast cancer research.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: mrpee on August 31, 2007, 08:57:00 am
Outdoor Miners â?? Barring some freak injury LT will carry this team. With the exception a couple injury prone WRâ??s this team has a nice starting line-up and good depth at RB. The only real issue I have with this team is Chris Henry who will take up valuable space on the bench while he serves his 8 game suspension. Overall Grade: A-  
 ...thought he could be a difference maker in the 2nd half, o' course his absence is going to affect Ocho Cinco somewhat. I've just gotta hope Norval doesn't totally screw up the Chargers. Then again, his head coaching record is so outstanding, why worry   :)  
 Outstanding analysis, though, Shad. Trenchant.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on August 31, 2007, 09:04:00 am
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  I have strong feelings about women wearing sports apparel that is pink or pastel just because 'it's much cuter.' I hate that shit.
 The Eagles aren't pink! The Orioles aren't either. Or the Yankees, etc etc. WEAR THE RIGHT COLORS. Everytime that shit I want to drag the girl down the bleachers by the incorrectly colored shirt and beat her with her own shoe.
If you're hot, you can wear whatever you want as long as it shows your curves.
 Stop being such a hard ass.  Unless of course that a cat fight between 6949 and Miss P is ensuing - then I'm all for it and it must be videotaped. [/b]
I'm sure the only thing that you would see on the videotape is me running for my life.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on August 31, 2007, 09:22:00 am
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
Knock yourself out.  Just be prepared for him to never call again and three weeks later there's a burning sensation when you urinate.
 I'll just tell him to doublebag it.    <img src="http://www.condomdepot.com/images/100.jpg" alt=" - " />
 Oh and love the pic of him by the pool (right click, set as background).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on September 02, 2007, 02:31:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
Originally posted by 6949:
 I think we should have a little sidebet since you put me on the D List. If my team beats your team then you have to wear my pink mcnabb jersey to a 930 show.
Well I guess that all depends on your size or the size of the jersey. I'm 6' 200lbs. As long as you think it will fit, I'm down with a little side bet action (not that I think I will lose). What are you willing to offer should you lose?
 Once we've established the stakes we can discuss the details of the bet. [/b]
We'll make it fit.  
 And as far as my end of the bet I thought you would think of something since I'm not sure what you would find funny/entertaining. I'm afraid to open it up to suggestions from the board.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on September 03, 2007, 08:51:00 pm
dammit.  pissed off that i missed this.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on September 06, 2007, 09:23:00 am
hey, We Are Both Losing to All-Geris... the good thing about this thursday night colts NFL opener is that i'll clinch the win tonight... and you can spend your sunday doing stuff other than watching football.
 let the games begin..
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on September 06, 2007, 12:44:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
 Killsaly â?? Anyone whoâ??s ever played fantasy football knows that RBâ??s carry your team. Itâ??s simple math since they get the most touches and their TDâ??s are worth 6 points. Drafting Brees in the first round over Manning and then taking Wayne as the first overall WR in the second round were strategic errors and will haunt this team all season. Neither player is even the best at his respective position. Itâ??s pure luck that this team managed to get any starting RBâ??s at all. Portis is an injury away from Betts being the starter and Cadillac had a dreadful 2006. Overall Grade: D-
 QUOTE]Im glad you took the time to analyze all of the teams preseason.  I dont agree with your score though.  i think i drafted at least a C team.  I had running backs on my draft list, LT and Larry Johnson and Shaun Alexander, but didnt get them due to draft order.
 I wasnt sure if you were implying that I didnt know what i was doing, or hadnt ever played before.  I set my draft order, this is what i got.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on September 10, 2007, 01:07:00 pm
Originally posted by killsaly:
Originally posted by Shadrach:
 Killsaly â?? Anyone whoâ??s ever played fantasy football knows that RBâ??s carry your team. Itâ??s simple math since they get the most touches and their TDâ??s are worth 6 points. Drafting Brees in the first round over Manning and then taking Wayne as the first overall WR in the second round were strategic errors and will haunt this team all season. Neither player is even the best at his respective position. Itâ??s pure luck that this team managed to get any starting RBâ??s at all. Portis is an injury away from Betts being the starter and Cadillac had a dreadful 2006. Overall Grade: D-
 QUOTE]Im glad you took the time to analyze all of the teams preseason.  I dont agree with your score though.  i think i drafted at least a C team.  I had running backs on my draft list, LT and Larry Johnson and Shaun Alexander, but didnt get them due to draft order.
 I wasnt sure if you were implying that I didnt know what i was doing, or hadnt ever played before.  I set my draft order, this is what i got. [/b]
I wasn't implying that you didn't know what you were doing. Fantasy Football isn't an exact science, there's plenty of research you can do to get ready, but gut instinct is a huge part of your decision making. Looks like your decision to take Wayne was a great one, but Brees crapping the bed has to sting a bit. Portis looked decent enough against Miami. We know he can perform when he is healthy, but my issue with him is can he stay healthy?   Also the loss of Janson will hurt that Skins running game, but you couldn't have forseen that happening. As for Cadillac, I don't really know what to say about him. I have him in another league and was really hoping for a bounce back season, but it didn't start well for him.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on September 10, 2007, 01:22:00 pm
Any thoughts on this first week?
 Here's what I learned:
 WIL Week 1 (Monday morning edition)
 First of all there are still two more games to be played tonight with plenty of potential studs that could change fantasy outcomes. That being saidâ?¦
 â?¢ How smart is it to sit your star player all preseason? Look at the combined rushing of Tomlinson, S. Jackson and LJ (hold out). Sure Tomlinson managed to score some points, but he rushed for a meager 25 yards. Jackson had 58 yds rushing (with 2 fumbles) and LJ had 43 yds rushing (on only 10 carries).
 â?¢ Upon further examination this might be the year of the WR
 â?¢ If you have a WR going up against Denver you may want to consider benching him (example: Lee Evans)
 â?¢ If you have a RB, other than Tomlinson, going against Chicago you may want to consider benching him
 â?¢ What is the over/under on number of games before Brady Quinn becomes the starter in Cleveland?
 â?¢ Mario Williams, the defensive end Houston drafted in front of Reggie Bush, has 1 more TD than Bush (0) this season
 â?¢ It sucks when you have the second most points in the league and the team you face has the most. The White Stripes have 120 points (current high score) to the pink robots 115 points (currently second) but after tonight the pink robots will most likely have more points than The White Stripes with Fitzgerald and Clayon still left to play.
 â?¢ Okay maybe this is bragging just a bit, but trash talking is half the fun. Have you seen my score? 102 points and I still have 4 players going tonight: M. Leinart, A. Boldin, R. Johnson and W. McGahee. Going oveer 150 points is a real posibility.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 10, 2007, 01:37:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
 â?¢ Upon further examination this might be the year of the WR
It never is, but after week one, everyone thinks that.  There will be a gap between the studs and the second runs (the guys that have 70 catches, 700 yards and 7 TDs) but that gap will be a lot smaller than the gap between the 5-6 running back studs and the second group of running backs.
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  â?¢ What is the over/under on number of games before Brady Quinn becomes the starter in Cleveland?
I really thought they would wait until week 8 after the bye and their first cream puff D (St. Louis) but I don't think they can do that now.  Of course, if you throw him in their against Oakland, Baltimore, New England or Miami you may kill his confidence early.  The schedule is really working against them at this point.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on September 11, 2007, 09:03:00 am
We Are Both Carls are who we thought they were! (c) dennis green
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on September 11, 2007, 12:06:00 pm
i was going to disagree and say that its silly to start quinn when you cant run the ball or protect the qb. then i realized its the browns, they'll fuck it up and he'll get killed
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on September 11, 2007, 12:53:00 pm
Originally posted by SalParadise:
  We Are Both Carls are who we thought they were! (c) dennis green
 Dude, if your RB's go for a combined 3 points and one gets knocked out of the game in the 1st half, you're generally not gonna win that week.  I'll take my defeat, rearrange my lineup, tent my fingers and mutter "Excellent" as I await revenge in Week 12.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 11, 2007, 03:09:00 pm
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  i was going to disagree and say that its silly to start quinn when you cant run the ball or protect the qb. then i realized its the browns, they'll fuck it up and he'll get killed
You mean like by trading Frye to Seattle after week one and re-signing Ken Dorsey?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on September 11, 2007, 03:11:00 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on September 11, 2007, 03:45:00 pm
my team totally bombed this week.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on September 11, 2007, 03:53:00 pm
Originally posted by distance:
  my team totally bombed this week.
 My team in my other league did well very though.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on September 11, 2007, 03:58:00 pm
What I forget and am reminded of every opening day is that what we are watching are commercials interrupted by a football game, not the other way around.
 So frustrating.  Games now average three and half hours.  If games ever go pay-per-view do you think they would ever eliminate commercials and just have the regular time-outs?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on September 11, 2007, 04:12:00 pm
Originally posted by dhinojwala:
Originally posted by SalParadise:
  We Are Both Carls are who we thought they were! (c) dennis green
 Dude, if your RB's go for a combined 3 points and one gets knocked out of the game in the 1st half, you're generally not gonna win that week.  I'll take my defeat, rearrange my lineup, tent my fingers and mutter "Excellent" as I await revenge in Week 12. [/b]
*points to win/loss column*
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: mrpee on September 11, 2007, 07:15:00 pm
<img src="http://www.bizzyblog.com/wp-images/JustWinBaby.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on September 11, 2007, 08:26:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
Originally posted by distance:
  my team totally bombed this week.
 My team in my other league did well very though. [/b]
yep. i had around the same draft position and i won my matchup AND posted the highest number of points in the league for the week.
 i think 4WR is stretching things a bit thin, but obviously it's too late to do anything with that.  even just using a W/R flex position or somethin would have been a bit better IMO.  i'll deal with it and hope that i get lucky in future weeks.  i only got 3 total TDs out of all my (active) players, so...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on September 16, 2007, 01:55:00 pm
Argh!  No live scoring this week...
 At least I get to watch my 2nd RB (Ward - NYG) and my 3rd WR (Evans - BUF) on TV this afternoon.
 Didn't someone in the league their landlord pay for NFL Sunday Ticket?  Any chance there's a Slingbox in your future?  :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on September 16, 2007, 08:21:00 pm
man i thought i was having a decent week until i actually checked out my opponent's points.
 looks like 0-2 may be in my future.
 if you ever thought about it before, don't do EA's fantasy football.  it blows.  some other people i usually do a league with did it this year because it has free live scoring.  the draft interface was HORRIBLE, the management interface is horrible and the live scoring is showing game scores and such from week 1 as well as my week 1 opponent, rather than week 2, but it is showing my week 2 points at least.  summary: it sucks.  fucking cheapskates.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 16, 2007, 11:31:00 pm
Originally posted by distance:
 summary: it sucks.  fucking cheapskates.
uh, and how much did you pay for this service?
 uh huh  :p
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 17, 2007, 12:18:00 am
Originally posted by dhinojwala:
  Argh!  No live scoring this week...
yeah, SUCKS.  i might pay the $9.99 randsom they want in exchange for real-time stats & scoring.
 in other news, leagues dues are due before next sunday (week 3).  so while you're waiting for this week's points to post, why not send your commish a love letter with a little cash attached to it?  most people have paid up, but we still have a few hold-outs.  don't make me name'n'shame you in front of the whole league     :p     if you're sending me a check via snail-mail, lemme know - thanks.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on September 17, 2007, 08:15:00 am
i pay the stupid $10, its totally worth it
 i'll have the ticket (hopefully) this sunday as long as my closing doesnt get held up (again). no more leaving the house ever for the steelers. alas, i'll have the direct tv dvr, though
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on September 17, 2007, 08:50:00 am
Originally posted by dhinojwala:
  Didn't someone in the league their landlord pay for NFL Sunday Ticket?  Any chance there's a Slingbox in your future?   :)  
I have the free NFL Sunday Ticket. That's me  :)  Too bad I haven't been home any of the last couple Sundays to take advantage of it though.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on September 17, 2007, 09:35:00 am
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  [I have the free NFL Sunday Ticket. That's me   :)   Too bad I haven't been home any of the last couple Sundays to take advantage of it though.
And you missed two thrilling, come-from-behind wins for the Broncos.  In the first one, they had the lead for one second.  The final one.
 And you call yourself a FAN....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on September 17, 2007, 10:09:00 am
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  [I have the free NFL Sunday Ticket. That's me     :)     Too bad I haven't been home any of the last couple Sundays to take advantage of it though.
And you missed two thrilling, come-from-behind wins for the Broncos.  In the first one, they had the lead for one second.  The final one.
 And you call yourself a FAN....
 Brian [/b]
I'm sorry I was driving for 6 hours last Sunday after attending a college football game at my alma mater.
 And last night I was volunteering at a bout during the game. And, might I mention, I was receving text updates on the game both Sundays.
 Not everyone has the time to sit glued to the television every single Sunday. Eat shit   :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on September 19, 2007, 12:30:00 pm
For 6949:
  Eagles Fans Give McNabb Three-Week Deadline To Win Super Bowl (http://www.theonion.com/content/news/eagles_fans_give_mcnabb_three_week)
 And by the way, you DO know it's not how many player transactions you can make that wins the pot at the end of the year, don't you?  37 player transactions in 2 weeks!  You keep up that pace you'll have dropped and added over three hundred players by season's end!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 19, 2007, 12:47:00 pm
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  i'll have the ticket (hopefully) this sunday.  no more leaving the house ever for the steelers. alas, i'll have the direct tv dvr, though
They player tracker they added this year has been unbelievable, especially for following your fantasy team.  And it only works with the DirecTV brnad equipment - you'll come to like that DVR.
 Of course, I'm in the same boat as Miss P.  I watched week 1, then was in Chicago for the Chefs/Bears game last weekend and will be in DC this weekend.  Smackette has been loving watching the Ticket without me though - she gets to watch her Rams in HD unimpeded by me delegating them to the PiP or my constant switching to the best game or whichever of my fantasy guys are in the red zone.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 19, 2007, 12:48:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 37 player transactions in 2 weeks!  
 That's we charge $5 per transaction after the first 10.  Ridiculous...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on September 19, 2007, 04:09:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  For 6949:
 And by the way, you DO know it's not how many player transactions you can make that wins the pot at the end of the year, don't you?  37 player transactions in 2 weeks!  
Football players are men and therefore disposable after use.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on September 19, 2007, 04:11:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 37 player transactions in 2 weeks!  
 That's we charge $5 per transaction after the first 10.  Ridiculous... [/b]
Reggie Brown and I have had an on-again off-again relationship.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on September 21, 2007, 01:32:00 pm
I just paid $10.50 for this by Paypal.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on September 26, 2007, 01:21:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  Well for some reason Yahoo won't let me post this so I'll just put it here.
 Team by team post draft grades:
 Outdoor Miners â?? Barring some freak injury LT will carry this team. With the exception a couple injury prone WRâ??s this team has a nice starting line-up and good depth at RB. The only real issue I have with this team is Chris Henry who will take up valuable space on the bench while he serves his 8 game suspension.  Overall Grade: A-
 We Are Both Carls â?? While I wouldnâ??t be crazy about hitching my wagon to Jon Kitna, I really liked this draft and this overall team. All 4 starting WRâ??s are strong and have great upside, but there isnâ??t much depth at that spot after that. Picking up Betts late in the draft will likely be a steal since thereâ??s no chance Portis stays healthy all season. Overall Grade: B+
 The White Stripes â?? The all rookie team. Calvin Johnson as your #1 WR could spell trouble. Hereâ??s a little nugget; In the history of the NFL only 2 WRâ??s have had 1000 yard rookie seasons (R. Moss & A. Boldin). I love the potential Brady has at QB this season, but he and Addai may have to carry this team most of the season. Overall Grade: C-
 Pigskin&Pigtails6949 â?? AKA The Philadelphia Eagles. The fantasy season of this entire team hinges on the real season of The Eagles. In fantasy you NEVER draft with your heart. 6 players on this team are Eagles. I still think Westbrook and McNabb will put up solid numbers as long as they both stay healthy, but that is a huge IF. Overall Grade: D
 The Dengler Herpes â?? Carson Palmer and Chad Johnson will connect all season and rack up huge points for this team. If LJ can reproduce his numbers from last year or even come close heâ??ll be steal with the 5th pick and White Stripes and Pigtails will be kicing themselves. During the draft I donâ??t see the point in taking a back-up defense, but hey thatâ??s just me. Overall Grade: B
 New Jersey Barebacks â?? For lack of a better word, this team just isnâ??t sexy. There are a few nice â??upsideâ? players, but no one that you look at and feel good about carrying the load during the season. Alexander has something to prove after a terrible injury plagued season and Vince Young needs to show he can put up numbers without a proven running game (Travis Henry is gone). Whatâ??s up with wasting 2 roster spots on back-up kickers and defense when you are so slim at RB? Overall Grade: D
 Team Salty â?? The only thing this team is missing is TD production from the RBâ??s. Gore and Edge both fell short of double digit TDâ??s last season, but look for those numbers to improve and Team Salty to cruise into the playoffs.  Having 3 1000+ yard WRâ??s on your squad is a nice feel. Bulger is primed for a stellar season and Heath Miller may have a break out year with the Steelers passing game. Overall Grade: A
 Rock N Roll Outlaws (me) â?? I know this is my team and I will be a little bias, but honestly I think I drafted extremely well and managed to get a little lucky. I have talent, depth and potential at every position. I have two 1000+ yard RBâ??s on the bench and a couple WRâ??s due for big seasons. My only real concern is at the QB position, but I think I have a couple guys that I can switch in and out according to the match ups or who may just blossom into stars. Overall Grade: Iâ??ll leave that up to you.
 Killsaly â?? Anyone whoâ??s ever played fantasy football knows that RBâ??s carry your team. Itâ??s simple math since they get the most touches and their TDâ??s are worth 6 points. Drafting Brees in the first round over Manning and then taking Wayne as the first overall WR in the second round were strategic errors and will haunt this team all season. Neither player is even the best at his respective position. Itâ??s pure luck that this team managed to get any starting RBâ??s at all. Portis is an injury away from Betts being the starter and Cadillac had a dreadful 2006. Overall Grade: D-
 â?¢â?¢â?¢ - Eh. I mean this isnâ??t a terrible team or a poor team. I canâ??t really point to any significant error during the draft or gaping hole in the roster. Bush and Maroney both have great upside, but I would have liked to seen someone more proven paired with one of those second year guys. Cutler still has to prove himself as a fantasy starter and Porter needs to return to his production of 2005 for this team to really make some noise. Overall Grade: C+
 the pink robots â?? This is one of those teams that if you only look at the names you arenâ??t blown away or overly impressed, but upon closer examination of the numbers these players produced last seasonâ?¦ well itâ??s a pretty solid team. I donâ??t love it, but I really like it. Parker and Henry should carry the load and all 4 starting WRâ??s had close to or at least 1000 yards last year. Combine that with the best TE in the game in Gates and you have a quality fantasy team. Overall Grade: A-
 SalParadise â?? Unlike The White Stripes, this is the all-geriatric team. There are 7 starting players on this team going into at least their 10th season in the NFL. Manning is a great QB to have as your starter, but QBâ??s are slightly devalued because of passing TDâ??s only being 4 points. I also would not want to start the fantasy season with Ronnie Brown as my #1 RB and Lamont â??Go Terpsâ? Jordan as my #2. Overall Grade: C
it's just you and the all-geriatrics at the top of the heap, kid. prepare for your upcoming cane beating.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on September 26, 2007, 02:04:00 pm
Originally posted by SalParadise:
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  Well for some reason Yahoo won't let me post this so I'll just put it here.
 Team by team post draft grades:
 Outdoor Miners â?? Barring some freak injury LT will carry this team. With the exception a couple injury prone WRâ??s this team has a nice starting line-up and good depth at RB. The only real issue I have with this team is Chris Henry who will take up valuable space on the bench while he serves his 8 game suspension.  Overall Grade: A-
 We Are Both Carls â?? While I wouldnâ??t be crazy about hitching my wagon to Jon Kitna, I really liked this draft and this overall team. All 4 starting WRâ??s are strong and have great upside, but there isnâ??t much depth at that spot after that. Picking up Betts late in the draft will likely be a steal since thereâ??s no chance Portis stays healthy all season. Overall Grade: B+
 The White Stripes â?? The all rookie team. Calvin Johnson as your #1 WR could spell trouble. Hereâ??s a little nugget; In the history of the NFL only 2 WRâ??s have had 1000 yard rookie seasons (R. Moss & A. Boldin). I love the potential Brady has at QB this season, but he and Addai may have to carry this team most of the season. Overall Grade: C-
 Pigskin&Pigtails6949 â?? AKA The Philadelphia Eagles. The fantasy season of this entire team hinges on the real season of The Eagles. In fantasy you NEVER draft with your heart. 6 players on this team are Eagles. I still think Westbrook and McNabb will put up solid numbers as long as they both stay healthy, but that is a huge IF. Overall Grade: D
 The Dengler Herpes â?? Carson Palmer and Chad Johnson will connect all season and rack up huge points for this team. If LJ can reproduce his numbers from last year or even come close heâ??ll be steal with the 5th pick and White Stripes and Pigtails will be kicing themselves. During the draft I donâ??t see the point in taking a back-up defense, but hey thatâ??s just me. Overall Grade: B
 New Jersey Barebacks â?? For lack of a better word, this team just isnâ??t sexy. There are a few nice â??upsideâ? players, but no one that you look at and feel good about carrying the load during the season. Alexander has something to prove after a terrible injury plagued season and Vince Young needs to show he can put up numbers without a proven running game (Travis Henry is gone). Whatâ??s up with wasting 2 roster spots on back-up kickers and defense when you are so slim at RB? Overall Grade: D
 Team Salty â?? The only thing this team is missing is TD production from the RBâ??s. Gore and Edge both fell short of double digit TDâ??s last season, but look for those numbers to improve and Team Salty to cruise into the playoffs.  Having 3 1000+ yard WRâ??s on your squad is a nice feel. Bulger is primed for a stellar season and Heath Miller may have a break out year with the Steelers passing game. Overall Grade: A
 Rock N Roll Outlaws (me) â?? I know this is my team and I will be a little bias, but honestly I think I drafted extremely well and managed to get a little lucky. I have talent, depth and potential at every position. I have two 1000+ yard RBâ??s on the bench and a couple WRâ??s due for big seasons. My only real concern is at the QB position, but I think I have a couple guys that I can switch in and out according to the match ups or who may just blossom into stars. Overall Grade: Iâ??ll leave that up to you.
 Killsaly â?? Anyone whoâ??s ever played fantasy football knows that RBâ??s carry your team. Itâ??s simple math since they get the most touches and their TDâ??s are worth 6 points. Drafting Brees in the first round over Manning and then taking Wayne as the first overall WR in the second round were strategic errors and will haunt this team all season. Neither player is even the best at his respective position. Itâ??s pure luck that this team managed to get any starting RBâ??s at all. Portis is an injury away from Betts being the starter and Cadillac had a dreadful 2006. Overall Grade: D-
 â?¢â?¢â?¢ - Eh. I mean this isnâ??t a terrible team or a poor team. I canâ??t really point to any significant error during the draft or gaping hole in the roster. Bush and Maroney both have great upside, but I would have liked to seen someone more proven paired with one of those second year guys. Cutler still has to prove himself as a fantasy starter and Porter needs to return to his production of 2005 for this team to really make some noise. Overall Grade: C+
 the pink robots â?? This is one of those teams that if you only look at the names you arenâ??t blown away or overly impressed, but upon closer examination of the numbers these players produced last seasonâ?¦ well itâ??s a pretty solid team. I donâ??t love it, but I really like it. Parker and Henry should carry the load and all 4 starting WRâ??s had close to or at least 1000 yards last year. Combine that with the best TE in the game in Gates and you have a quality fantasy team. Overall Grade: A-
 SalParadise â?? Unlike The White Stripes, this is the all-geriatric team. There are 7 starting players on this team going into at least their 10th season in the NFL. Manning is a great QB to have as your starter, but QBâ??s are slightly devalued because of passing TDâ??s only being 4 points. I also would not want to start the fantasy season with Ronnie Brown as my #1 RB and Lamont â??Go Terpsâ? Jordan as my #2. Overall Grade: C
it's just you and the all-geriatrics at the top of the heap, kid. prepare for your upcoming cane beating. [/b]
I've scored well and been a little lucky, but with injuries to two of my starting RB's and not having a true starter at QB my luck just may be running out this week. I really need my WR's to step up big this week.
 Good luck.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 01, 2007, 12:26:00 am
everyone is paid up - thanks.
 damn, i thought this was the week that i was going to bust the 100-point barrier.  my qb, hasselbeck, pulled his weight but all my WRs shat the bed.  Javon Walker, Buster Davis, Brandon Stokley, Drew Carter - y'all suck.  i'm afraid of what the scoreboard will show tomorrow.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on October 01, 2007, 12:30:00 am
my team is doing a lot better after week 1.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 01, 2007, 01:32:00 pm
Somehow I managed a win this week (unless Moss goes absolutely ape shit and scores 50 points) and will likely break 100 points with Watson playing tonight, but it still feels lucky. Griese got a late TD or he would have been a bust this week. Still looking for a QB trade people. Some of you 0-4 or 1 win teams need to think about making some moves.
 Geriatric stays undefeated with me this week even after a scare from team salty who got 30 points from Patrick "Game of my Life" Crayton.
 In third place The White Stripes should keep their position with a decent MNF performance from Brady and Welker. Of course they would already have the win wrapped up if they had paid attention to the injury report and replaced Johnson with Muhammad.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on October 01, 2007, 01:34:00 pm
 it's about all i can do... look at my team and shake my head.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 01, 2007, 01:42:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  Still looking for a QB trade people. Some of you 0-4 or 1 win teams need to think about making some moves.
i've got vince young available, i'd be interested in obtaining wide receivers.
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
 it's about all i can do... look at my team and shake my head.
agreed.  trading players, dropping & adding - those options are completly out of the question.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 01, 2007, 01:51:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
 it's about all i can do... look at my team and shake my head.
You still have a chance tonight with Palmer and Ocho Cinco.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on October 01, 2007, 02:48:00 pm
high scorer so far this week. good times
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 01, 2007, 09:18:00 pm
how unimpressive is this:
 Outdoor Miners................67
 New Jersey Barebacks.....54
 eff'en hell, talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.  didn't realize i'd be quite this bad.
 i have one last shot at redemption: if sammy morris can get 14 more points than gostkowski, i'm in the money.  goooooooo pats' running game!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on October 01, 2007, 10:36:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
 it's about all i can do... look at my team and shake my head.
You still have a chance tonight with Palmer and Ocho Cinco. [/b]
yeah, but i have Graham and Houshmandzadeh so i've got a decent chance at countering any of her points that she gets with palmer with at least one or more of my own!
 i think i'm ok even with maroney not playing tonight.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on October 02, 2007, 09:20:00 am
Originally posted by Shadrach:
 Of course they would already have the win wrapped up if they had paid attention to the injury report and replaced Johnson with Muhammad.
I don't have cable television, a cell phone or internet at my apartment.  I'm lucky if I know who's playing.  I thought Calvin Johnson was a "maybe/game-time decision."
 "He was close for Chicago," Marinelli said of Johnson, who warmed up before Week 4's game, but was a last-minute scratch.
 P.S.  Plus, I'd rather start someone who doesn't play than bench someone who goes out and scores twenty fantasy points.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on October 14, 2007, 07:20:00 pm
someone with the live tracker, let me know how i'm doing against outdoor miners? i'm pretty sure he's killing me (fucking LT)... just curious by how much.
 cheap and lazy, sal
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on October 14, 2007, 10:18:00 pm
Originally posted by SalParadise:
  someone with the live tracker, let me know how i'm doing against outdoor miners? i'm pretty sure he's killing me (fucking LT)... just curious by how much.
 cheap and lazy, sal
10:15pm eastern, outdoor miners 130, all-geriatric team 117.
 there's a really tight 30-31 blowout matchup going on too.. haha
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 15, 2007, 06:40:00 am
i left 62 points on the bench by not starting DeAngelo Williams, Maurice Jones-Drew and JAX DEF, while all my receivers, RBs and DEF combined for 15 points.
 maybe i'm just not cut out for this fantasy football stuff.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on October 15, 2007, 08:40:00 am
i've all but abandoned this league. in my office fantasy league i just offed the only undefeated guy and am in 2nd place. thanks tom brady  :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 15, 2007, 01:50:00 pm
This sucks. Could very well end up losing this week unless I get 9 points from Plexiglass Burress.
 Injuries are really catching up with me. Zero points from Rudi Johnson and Vincent Jackson hurt big time.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on October 15, 2007, 02:52:00 pm
ironically, i get my highest point total of the season and i lose.
 i hope eli throws to amani toomer all night long.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on October 15, 2007, 04:21:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  i've all but abandoned this league. in my office fantasy league i just offed the only undefeated guy and am in 2nd place. thanks tom brady    :)  
Awww!  Cheer up, Miss Precious!  I know you're feeling down.  151 points!  Wow!  What an ass-kicking that was!  I think the owner of the fantasy football team that beat you only had two healthy receivers, too.  That's got to hurt.  0-5.  You're like a fantasy football Miami Dolphins!
 Here's something for you:
  "At least...." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUoc6Wv72cs)
 P.S.  The Broncos return from their bye this week to beat the Steelers!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on October 15, 2007, 04:30:00 pm
...since when am I precious?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on October 15, 2007, 04:32:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  ...since when am I precious?
I think the 14 year old FoB fan is hitting on you! Now that's precious!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on October 15, 2007, 04:38:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  The Broncos return from their bye this week lose horribly on national tv!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on October 15, 2007, 04:41:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 P.S.  The Broncos return from their bye this week to beat the Steelers!
Actually, that's about the only positive thing he's ever said.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on October 15, 2007, 04:50:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 P.S.  The Broncos return from their bye this week to beat the Steelers!
Actually, that's another horribly wrong thing he's said[/b]
preach on!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on October 15, 2007, 06:59:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
   You're like a fantasy football Miami Dolphins!
wow, i guess we're officially the laughing stock (is it stock or stalk?) of the league.
 maybe we can bring back marino..
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on October 15, 2007, 08:25:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 P.S.  The Broncos return from their bye this week to beat the Steelers!
Actually, that's about the only positive thing he's ever said. [/b]
Actually, I say a lot of positive things.  You hear but you don't listen.  I think you have a marvelous personality, Miss Portentous.
 P.S.  Actually, "precious" isn't necessarily a compliment.  Didn't all of you old fart Springsteen fans listen to the Pretenders?
 P.P.S.  American Heritage: 4.  obviously contrived to charm; "an insufferably precious performance"; "a child with intolerably cute mannerisms" [syn: cute]  
 P.P.P.S.  I thought you were an English major writing a zeitgeist, coming-of-age novel about growing up in a sorority?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on October 15, 2007, 08:59:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 I think you have a marvelous personality, Miss Portentous.
It was autumn, and Brian Wallace needed a date to the Homecoming Dance...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 16, 2007, 11:20:00 am
Plax came through for me. A lucky win, but I'll take it.
 Carls snaked me on that Bennett pick up. We'll see how that works out.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on October 16, 2007, 12:17:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 P.S.  The Broncos return from their bye this week to beat the Steelers!
Keep dreaming!! It will be a good game, dont forget the Steelers were on a bye and freshly rested.  It will be a good game, but I think the Steelers will win this one.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on October 16, 2007, 01:52:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  Plax came through for me. A lucky win, but I'll take it.
 Carls snaked me on that Bennett pick up. We'll see how that works out.
Small payback for the Selvin Young steal a few weeks ago :-P
 Also, I now officially hate Tom Coughlin.  I was down 20 points with Brandon Jacobs and a soft Atlanta D on MNF.  Droughns steals a TD run early and Eli keeps throwing the ball (to Atlanta) when the Giants have a lead and could, oh, I don't know, RUN SOME CLOCK with the Football Frankenstein.  I wasn't really expecting Jacobs to win it for me, but I woulda liked to make killsaly sweat a little bit.
 Another thought: could the NFC East have the most overrated coaches in the NFL?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on October 16, 2007, 02:07:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  P.P.P.S.  I thought you were an English major writing a zeitgeist, coming-of-age novel about growing up in a sorority?
Wasn't that already done in "Pledged"?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 17, 2007, 01:32:00 am
Originally posted by SalParadise:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
   You're like a fantasy football Miami Dolphins!
wow, i guess we're officially the laughing stock (is it stock or stalk?) of the league. [/b]
just came across this quip: "New England gets the first of its three bye weeks this season when it plays at Miami on Sunday."  ouch.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 17, 2007, 02:01:00 am
question about trades (never done one before) - i see that someone has a player i might be interested in.  the system allows me to select one or more players to offer in exchange for that desired player.
 my question is: if i select two players, does the other team have to chose which of the two players to take, or am i offering up both players in exchange for that one?  if its for both, do i lose a spot on my roster, or do i get to fill it with a free agent?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on October 17, 2007, 08:42:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by SalParadise:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
   You're like a fantasy football Miami Dolphins!
wow, i guess we're officially the laughing stock (is it stock or stalk?) of the league. [/b]
just came across this quip: "New England gets the first of its three bye weeks this season when it plays at Miami on Sunday."  ouch. [/b]
we're pulling an appalachian state this sunday.
 always happens.. once the collective media hangs unabashedly from the nuts of a team, they have a misstep. miami will deliver the upset of the year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 17, 2007, 09:12:00 am
Originally posted by SalParadise:
  we're pulling an appalachian state this sunday.
i personally believe that the Miami Dolphins, from Miami, such as, are unable to win because some players don't have good play maps.  i believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., err, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up a future for Dolphins of Miami fans.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on October 17, 2007, 09:21:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by SalParadise:
  we're pulling an appalachian state this sunday.
i personally believe that the Miami Dolphins, from Miami, such as, are unable to win because some players don't have good play maps.  i believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., err, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up a future for Dolphins of Miami fans. [/b]
<img src="http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/2676/horrorbeaveryp7.gif" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on October 17, 2007, 01:42:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  question about trades (never done one before) - i see that someone has a player i might be interested in.  the system allows me to select one or more players to offer in exchange for that desired player.
 my question is: if i select two players, does the other team have to chose which of the two players to take, or am i offering up both players in exchange for that one?  if its for both, do i lose a spot on my roster, or do i get to fill it with a free agent?
You're offering up both players, which in 2-for-1 trades means the team getting 2 players may have to drop one of his/her current players to make roster room.  If you want to discuss possible trade options, I'd suggest PM'ing, sending an email (one of the options on the other players' team page), or heck, use this BB.
 PS: I'm a supporter of free trade, particularly in fantasy sports.  Are you trying to trade MoJo?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 17, 2007, 02:35:00 pm
I've offered several trades in this league and not one person has been interested.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: TheDirector217 on October 17, 2007, 02:43:00 pm
Originally posted by SalParadise:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by SalParadise:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
   You're like a fantasy football Miami Dolphins!
wow, i guess we're officially the laughing stock (is it stock or stalk?) of the league. [/b]
just came across this quip: "New England gets the first of its three bye weeks this season when it plays at Miami on Sunday."  ouch. [/b]
we're pulling an appalachian state this sunday.
 always happens.. once the collective media hangs unabashedly from the nuts of a team, they have a misstep. miami will deliver the upset of the year. [/b]
That EXACT situation happened to NE in Miami on Monday night a couple years back.  And NE was double digit favorites on the road much like this game. (NE -16.5, last I checked.) I doubt a repeat of history, but hardly unprecedented . . .
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 17, 2007, 04:58:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  I've offered several trades in this league and not one person has been interested.
you scared me for a sec, as i realized that i haven't checked that e-mail address in over 2 weeks... but apparently i had nothing you were interested in, further testament to my draft-picking skills i guess... ugh.
 dhinojwala - nah, now that jones-drew has woken up i'm going to keep him for a while.  hopefully i'll still be able to get a few points outta him, he was one of my early picks and has been a major bust.  i was willing to trade him away a while ago, but not anymore.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on October 17, 2007, 06:37:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  I've offered several trades in this league and not one person has been interested.
I know, and I considered all of your offers.  Even fresh-off-the-waiver-wire Brian Leonard & struggling-WR Marvin Harrison for my struggling-WR Steve Smith, just as soon as Steven Jackson went down.  I'm not a big panic-seller or panic-buyer.  I just didn't think Leonard (5 pts, 13 pts, and 3pts last 3 weeks) would be much different than the best remaining waiver-wire plug-n-play RB.
 A good piece of advice: don't take any trade offer (especially a first offer) personally.  There's a bid-ask spread to a lot of things in life...including fantasy sports.  I'm sure to ask a higher price to trade away Ladell Betts than most people would bid on him.  I see him as the Clinton Portis insurance policy...others might see him as a year-long benchwarmer.  Make me an offer, the worst I can do is reject it.  Maybe I counteroffer.  Maybe we can meet in the middle and both improve our teams.  Except with RNR Outlaws, as he's undefeated   :p
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 18, 2007, 10:46:00 am
Being undefeated isn't all it's cracked up to be. Mostly it's been some lucky coaching moves at QB since the guys I drafted were flops. I mean how is it that I haven't lost yet? Just look at my players who have suffered injuries:
 Marvin Harrison
 Rudi Johnson
 Anquan Boldin
 Ahman Green
 Santonio Holmes
 That's half my starting line-up. But it looks like this week my team may be suddenly healthy again. Of course that's a perfect set up for a loss.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on October 22, 2007, 09:42:00 am
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  The Broncos return from their bye this week lose horribly on national tv!
agreed [/b]
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 P.S.  The Broncos return from their bye this week to beat the Steelers!
Actually, that's another horribly wrong thing he's said[/b]
preach on! [/b]
Originally posted by killsaly:
  Keep dreaming!! It will be a good game, dont forget the Steelers were on a bye and freshly rested.  It will be a good game, but I think the Steelers will win this one.
How did that work out for you?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on October 22, 2007, 01:27:00 pm
eh, what can you do?  it was a good game, broncos pulled through though.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on October 22, 2007, 01:50:00 pm
Originally posted by killsaly:
  eh, what can you do?  it was a good game, broncos pulled through though.
I don't know about you, but I am starting to get a little worried about Ben.  He breaks a lot of tackles and is very athletic for his size, but man did he make some stupid passes last night - and all three TO's were his (although the fumble was a pass block break down, he should have done a better job protecting the ball).  That's two bad road losses where both road teams stacked the box against the run and forced Ben to beat them, which he wasn't able to do.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 22, 2007, 02:11:00 pm
Another week and another lucky win. If I would have played any other winning team this week I would have lost.
 I'd say given the current situation you would have to like The White Stripes as the favorite to win this league. Brady is on an absolute tear and once Addai is healthy him and Peterson will pack a serious 1-2 punch at RB.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: mrpee on October 22, 2007, 09:25:00 pm
That is absolutely the last time I let LT take a week off. Must be watching ....wait for it... his VIZ-E-OH
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on October 22, 2007, 10:14:00 pm
i'm happy to be over .500 now.
 with my crappy WR, i'll be happy if i make the playoffs.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 23, 2007, 05:39:00 pm
newbie question alert: what does this mean?  shadrach, are you offering up these players for trade?
 10/23   Trading block: Rock N Roll Outlaws available positions set to 'QB,WR,TE'   silverspringstar   
    10/23   Trading block: Rock N Roll Outlaws available players set to 'Marvin Harrison,Vincent Jackson,Selvin Young,DeShaun Foster,Jesse Chatman'   silverspringstar
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on October 26, 2007, 04:42:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  newbie question alert: what does this mean?  shadrach, are you offering up these players for trade?
That's exactly what that means.
 But hey, answer a question for me guru's!
 Pick two to start this weekend and why (1 point per 10 yards, 6 for a TD):
 L. Coles vs. Buffalo
 T. Holt vs. Cleveland
 W. Welker vs. Washington
 I am an 11 point favorite this week (with Holt and Coles).  I'm considering continuing with Coles and Holt as I'm guaranteed 6-8 points from each with the possibility of more.  With Welker, I have the possiblity of huge weeks, but it's NE, so I could get a golden goose.  Thoughts?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 29, 2007, 12:05:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  Another week and another lucky win. If I would have played any other winning team this week I would have lost.
 I'd say given the current situation you would have to like The White Stripes as the favorite to win this league. Brady is on an absolute tear and once Addai is healthy him and Peterson will pack a serious 1-2 punch at RB.
Well my luck finally ran out. A combination of bye weeks, injuries and lack of consistant QB play have caused my first loss of the season. Congrats Carls!
 This loss combined with my point total means I will drop into second place : (
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on October 29, 2007, 12:13:00 pm
i'm in third, but i dont know if my team can survive the travis henry debacle
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on October 29, 2007, 12:20:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
   With Welker, I have the possiblity of huge weeks, but it's NE, so I could get a golden goose.  Thoughts?
Until they lose (which they just might this weekend in Indy), I would start the Patriot's water boy if I could.  In their first eight games they have scored 38, 38, 38, 34, 34, 48, 49 and 52 points.
 I mean, how many fantasy points does Mike Vrabel have this season?  And he's a linebacker!  
 P.S.  I think if anyone on your defense scores in an offensive capacity, the defense should get those points.  Rainbows and Unicorns should have six more points.  Rainbows and Unicorns has the New England defense.  Mike Vrabel is on the New England defense.  Mike Vrabel scored a touchdown.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on October 29, 2007, 12:23:00 pm
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  i'm in third, but i dont know if my team can survive the travis henry debacle
Give the man a break.  In a time when there are so many fathers who don't give a darn about their kids, you have a father who is literally running for his kids' well-being.  Two more and he can field a side.  God Bless Him.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on October 29, 2007, 12:30:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  Until they lose (which they just might this weekend in Indy), I would start the Patriot's water boy if I could.
Well, because the advice was coming so late from here, I let Smackette pick my wideouts this week.  She said Holt and Welker and she was spot on (applying the no practice, no play theory about Coles).
 And yes, Welker will start the rest of thes season until the Jets do something about Pennington.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on October 29, 2007, 02:40:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  Another week and another lucky win. If I would have played any other winning team this week I would have lost.
 I'd say given the current situation you would have to like The White Stripes as the favorite to win this league. Brady is on an absolute tear and once Addai is healthy him and Peterson will pack a serious 1-2 punch at RB.
Well my luck finally ran out. A combination of bye weeks, injuries and lack of consistant QB play have caused my first loss of the season. Congrats Carls!
 This loss combined with my point total means I will drop into second place : ( [/b]
Thank you.  I was helped by S-Jax's 5 minutes of playing time, along with Lee Evans & Reggie Brown finally doing something.  And like you said, you had a lot of headwinds this week.  Bye weeks for 3 of your starters.  Plaxico, having an excellent season, was hurt by having to play in the River Thames floodplain.  And 2 of your players goose-egged, one on an injury (I know that feeling...Kurt Warner, Week 6).  Nevertheless, knocking off the last undefeated team is probably the highlight of my fantasy season  :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on October 29, 2007, 03:38:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 P.S.  I think if anyone on your defense scores in an offensive capacity, the defense should get those points.  Rainbows and Unicorns should have six more points.  Rainbows and Unicorns has the New England defense.  Mike Vrabel is on the New England defense.  Mike Vrabel scored a touchdown.
well i think special teams scores should go in defense too but oh well.
 6 points would not have made a difference for me.  i had a really good week this week, but i got outplayed because of new england running up the score and my opponent having brady/welker.
 if my team performs as well as this week, i'll be in good shape when the playoffs start.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on October 29, 2007, 03:47:00 pm
Originally posted by distance:
 if my team performs as well as this week, i'll be in good shape when the playoffs start.
Unless I misread things, I don't think we're having playoffs.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on October 29, 2007, 03:49:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
Originally posted by distance:
 if my team performs as well as this week, i'll be in good shape when the playoffs start.
Unless I misread things, I don't think we're having playoffs.
 Brian [/b]
well damn then.  i'd not noticed.
 well, either way, i'll still be ok.  no way i'll win, but if i'm in the top half after starting off so badly, i'll be happy.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on November 13, 2007, 09:54:00 am
Damnit, sweetcell.  A tie???  Gah, if only I'd played S-Jax.
 Wanna break the tie in real life?  Arm wrestling?  Dance-off?  Spelling bee?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 13, 2007, 11:05:00 am
agreed: A TIE?!?  there are no ties in the NFL!!!  they should institute a tie-breaker, like who has the hottest cheerleaders.  i'm definitely down for the arm-wrestling, and dance-off would be embarrassing for both of us but i'd still win.  spelling bee not so much, i never had to do those as a kid so i suck at spelling out loud (and, as my posts here prove, spelling in general).
 dhino, you're lucky that i didn't have time to take Sidney Rice out of my line-up and swap him out with someone - anyone - else who could have scrounged up one measily point... or if i had started young instead of hasselbeck, as i considered doing.... lucky, i tell ya.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on November 13, 2007, 11:09:00 am
steelers tied the falcons a few years back. it was the worst game i ever watched
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on November 13, 2007, 12:08:00 pm
back to .500!
 ..and 5 of my remaining 7 opponents are ranked below me in the standings!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on November 13, 2007, 01:47:00 pm
I have a surpluss of RB's and am willing to deal for WR's or QB's. The trade deadline is fast approaching. Make me an offer.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on November 13, 2007, 02:00:00 pm
oh yeah, you can have eli
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 16, 2007, 01:00:00 am
Originally posted by dhinojwala:
  Damnit, sweetcell.  A tie???
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/602544/matchup?week=10&mid1=1&mid2=11)
 very very very not happy right now. WHAT HAPPENED?!?  WHO PAID OFF WHO?!?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 18, 2007, 06:57:00 pm
chester taylor: best late-season pick up, evar?
 still not happy about last week's injustice.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on November 18, 2007, 08:12:00 pm
Congrats Rainbows and Unicorns I'm sure you won this week because my QB was wearing his winter coat for most of the game.  :-(
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 26, 2007, 01:18:00 am
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  oh yeah, you can have eli
shadrach, how's that working out for ya?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on November 26, 2007, 03:02:00 pm
Eli is just the wrong Manning to have in fantasy. Yuck.
 The good news is that I still have a chance with my one player tonight and only an 8 point deficit.
 Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on November 26, 2007, 03:35:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  The good news is that I still have a chance with my one player tonight and only an 8 point deficit.
 Fingers crossed.
Who's your player?
 I'm down 7 with Heath Miller going tonight.  I can't think of anything worse than needing a measely 7 but only having the TE to do it.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on November 26, 2007, 03:59:00 pm
i'm going to lose this week in another league mainly because my te sucks   :(
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 26, 2007, 05:20:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
 I can't think of anything worse than needing a measely 7 but only having the TE to do it.
weirder things have been known to happen - my TE (Lee, Packers) netted me 16 points last week.  t'was all in vain, of course.  grumble.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on November 27, 2007, 12:35:00 am
yeah good luck gettin any points out of that game tonight.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on November 27, 2007, 12:52:00 pm
Originally posted by distance:
  yeah good luck gettin any points out of that game tonight.
What a mess that field was. Bad news is I lost. Good news is so did the team ahead of me. Good for me at least.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: mrpee on December 04, 2007, 12:46:00 pm
Green Bay-Dallas and New England- Indy pale in comparison to this week's heavyweight throwdown: The 9-4 White Stripes taking on the 9-4 Rock and Roll Outlaws in a late-season tilt with first-place on the line. An injury to Stripes' staring wideout Calvin Johnson will factor into the battle, not to mention QB Tom Brady, suddenly looking mortal. Outlaws' signal caller Eli Manning redeemed himself with a late rally against the Bears, while key WR Andre Davis will face a stout Buccaneers pass defense. This one could come down to defense and kickers, folks. The winner will have a game lead on the field. The early line has the Outlaws a slim favorite. Stay tuned...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on December 04, 2007, 01:46:00 pm
Originally posted by mrpee:
  Green Bay-Dallas and New England- Indy pale in comparison to this week's heavyweight throwdown: The 9-4 White Stripes taking on the 9-4 Rock and Roll Outlaws in a late-season tilt with first-place on the line. An injury to Stripes' staring wideout Calvin Johnson will factor into the battle, not to mention QB Tom Brady, suddenly looking mortal. Outlaws' signal caller Eli Manning redeemed himself with a late rally against the Bears, while key WR Andre Davis will face a stout Buccaneers pass defense. This one could come down to defense and kickers, folks. The winner will have a game lead on the field. The early line has the Outlaws a slim favorite. Stay tuned...
Well done, but I don't know how I can possibly be favored. In fact Yahoo has me as a 6 point underdog. Additionally it looks like I may be without Boldin this week. That would mean that 3 of my potential starting 4 WR's are injured (Harrison, Holmes and Boldin). I've also dropped 2 out of my last 3 and 4 out of my last 6. Injuries have me looking pretty shabby going into the final game of the season.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on December 04, 2007, 01:51:00 pm
my team just completely gave up yesterday.  it's pretty pathetic that my #2 point output last week was from a TE that hardly had done anything this season.  i had a pretty good run going and i had some hope for the rest of the season, but after that  i think i'm done.  i really needed to win out.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on December 04, 2007, 02:18:00 pm
Did everyone notice that Brian was beat by a girl this week? Just thought I'd point that out.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on December 04, 2007, 02:45:00 pm
I don't mind being beat by a girl.
 P.S.  However, I wasn't aware that Adrian Peterson was playing last Thursday.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on December 10, 2007, 05:42:00 am
could laurence maroney be any more worthless?
 i really got burned this week on RBs.  i started adrian peterson in another league too.  i got 5 points out of my 2 RBs in that league (and i'm probably going to lose this week -- the first round of the playoffs -- because of it).  at least marion barber helped me out in this one.... but there's no playoffs here, which sucks.
 2 things i dislike about this league: 4 WR and no playoffs.   4 WR x 12 teams = _WAY_ too many scrubs being started.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 10, 2007, 10:29:00 am
Originally posted by distance:
 2 things i dislike about this league: 4 WR and no playoffs.
i'm sorta indifferent about the playoff thing, but we'll make sure to not repeat the 4 WR fiasco.  i don't think any of my WR's have have had a double-digit game all season.  Javon Walker, D.J. Hackett, Eddie Kennison, Drew Bennett, Drew Carter... yeah, those choices really worked out for me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on December 10, 2007, 10:43:00 am
flex positions are where its at
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on December 10, 2007, 01:48:00 pm
Well congrats to The White Stripes! Way to ride Brady to the win. If only I had a QB I could have counted on all season... oh well. My own dumb drafting, no one to blame but myself.
 It was fun though.
 Suggestions for next season:
 It's really not the same without playoffs. In just about every other league the playoffs begin next week. Playoffs would be key.
 Roster as follows:
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on December 10, 2007, 01:53:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
my suggestion would be
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on December 10, 2007, 02:46:00 pm
i would agree with 2wr/2Rb/1te and 1/2 flex slots.
 i also agree with giving credit for ST TDs/plays to he DEF since we don't have ST slots.
 also i would have no problem with QB TDs being 6pts.
 we should also make a pick'em league.
 of course i may only be saying that because i'm absolutely destroying the league i'm in.  there's a decent chance that i'll have a big enough lead going into week 17 that i won't even have to pick.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on December 16, 2007, 08:31:00 pm
looks like there might be a lot of upsets this week.
 the white stripes may lose, but taking on the two lowest ranked teams in the league the final two weeks still looks pretty good.  looks like i may be moving up this week and have a shot at finishing up decently high in the rankings!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on December 23, 2007, 09:24:00 pm
anyone still caring about this?
 it looks like i'm moving up to third place now!
 unfortunately that's the highest i'll be able to finish even if i end up tied with the two teams in front of me because of my total points for the season being lower than both.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on December 31, 2007, 10:41:00 am
1.     Outdoor Miners     12-5-0     
 2.    The White Stripes    11-6-0        
 3.    Rock N Roll Outlaws    10-6-1        
 4.    Rainbows & Unicorns    10-7-0        
 5.    the pink robots    9-7-1       
 6.    team salty            9-8-0        
 7.    All-Geriatric Team    9-8-0    
 8.    We Are Both Carls    9-8-0    
 9.    Pigskin&Pigtails6949    9-8-0       
 10.    killsaly            8-9-0       
 11.    The Dengler Herpes    3-14-0
 12.    New Jersey Barebacks    2-15-0
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: mrpee on December 31, 2007, 12:37:00 pm
It was indeed a stunning late season rally. I owe it to Tomlinson, Rothlisberger and of course, the Dengler Herpes shocking upset of the Stripes. The Bengals playing the Dolphins certainly factored in that. Thanks Cam Cameron, hope you can find a new job.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on December 31, 2007, 01:12:00 pm
Originally posted by distance:
  1.     Outdoor Miners     12-5-0     
 2.    The White Stripes    11-6-0        
 3.    Rock N Roll Outlaws    10-6-1        
 4.    Rainbows & Unicorns    10-7-0        
 5.    the pink robots    9-7-1       
 6.    team salty            9-8-0        
 7.    All-Geriatric Team    9-8-0    
 8.    We Are Both Carls    9-8-0    
 9.    Pigskin&Pigtails6949    9-8-0       
 10.    killsaly            8-9-0       
 11.    The Dengler Herpes    3-14-0
 12.    New Jersey Barebacks    2-15-0
Thanks to Sweetcell for organizing the league...and for giving me the win after we originally tied.  (I have no idea what happened with that, but I'll buy you a beer next time we're at the same show.)  At 2-15, you're on the clock for the 2008 draft!
 Seriously, this was enjoyable, and I'd be happy to play again next year...perhaps with playoffs and switch a WR position or two for a Flex position or two.
 If anybody's at the Black Cat tonight for NYE, say "hi"...I'll be the tall guy w/glasses doing the Charleston.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on December 31, 2007, 02:23:00 pm
Originally posted by dhinojwala:
Originally posted by distance:
  1.     Outdoor Miners     12-5-0     
 2.    The White Stripes    11-6-0        
Thanks to Sweetcell for organizing the league...and for giving me the win after we originally tied.  (I have no idea what happened with that, but I'll buy you a beer next time we're at the same show.)  At 2-15, you're on the clock for the 2008 draft!
i think even with a tie instead of a win you would have won.
 11-5-1 is better than 11-6-0.
 i had third place locked up if it hadn't been for the pats defense sucking against the giants.  oh well.. i don't think people thought much of my team, but i went on a pretty good run and almost finished in the top 3.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on January 01, 2008, 11:31:00 pm
glad to hear folks had a good time in this league, i certainly did.  this was also the first time i played fantasy football, next year please expect a much better performance than my last-place finish.  as shadrach rightfully pointed out, my drafting sucked more than a MIA show.  given a sow's ear...
 winners (mister pee, shadrach, brian walalce) - please PM me with how you'd like to be recognized for your great season: paypal (give e-mail) or check (give mailing address).
 next year: definitely looking forward to doing it again.  will be happy to cut down on WRs in favor of RBs or flex, although i don't remember seeing flex as an option (could be wrong).  playoffs are just dandy with me.
 til then,
 da commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on January 03, 2008, 10:24:00 am
Thanks sweetcell. I learned a lot about football and this gave me something to do at work.
 Now I'm getting in to the NFL Playoff Challenge (http://football.nfl.com/splash/football/nfl/challenge/free2).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on January 03, 2008, 12:23:00 pm
we should have done this:
 http://fantasysports.theonion.com/howto.htm (http://fantasysports.theonion.com/howto.htm)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 03, 2008, 01:17:00 pm
shit! i forgot top 3 got cash. ah well, we'll eat yoshimi next year
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on January 03, 2008, 04:03:00 pm
despite managing to not come in last in this league...i placed second in my work league.
 thanks again sweet.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on January 03, 2008, 05:18:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  despite managing to not come in last in this league...i placed second in my work league.
 thanks again sweet.
pretty nice to win a week with someone on IR against a team with brady, welker, etc.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 03, 2008, 05:21:00 pm
i was in another league and one of the guys had brady and moss. i came in third. he came in fourth   :D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on July 29, 2008, 02:49:00 pm
is it about that time again?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on July 29, 2008, 03:14:00 pm
why, i believe it is.  thanks for digging up the thread.  since we still have a little time to get this off the ground, let's talk details.  we'll go with a more "standard" config of players (vs. last year's WR-heavy line-up).  
 what about wager - $25?
 grandfathering: i propose that we give first right of entry to last year's participants, and let in new people in as old-timers drop out/don't respond.  thoughts?
 any other concerns?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: hoitel on July 29, 2008, 03:33:00 pm
i second the grandfather clause (i'm trying to get in again - team salty for life!). i also think that we should go with a standard config. too. less WRs = better to me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on July 29, 2008, 03:37:00 pm
"We Are Both Carls" is ready for another season, hopeful that the team's two starting RB's won't go down with injuries in the first 3 weeks again.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on July 29, 2008, 04:28:00 pm
im down again, and hopefully will do better.  the 25 wager sounds fun.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on July 29, 2008, 05:06:00 pm
i'm in. but probably with a less gross name this year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 29, 2008, 05:17:00 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on July 29, 2008, 06:19:00 pm
there will most probably be a few slots opening up, since at least two of the people in last year's league don't post on the board here anymore...
 new rule: active boardees only?  that would encourage more smack-talk   :)  
 speaking of which, i propose that we open up the first available spot to vansmack.  the man talks a big game - let's see if he can actually play it.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on July 29, 2008, 09:31:00 pm
Count me in.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on July 29, 2008, 10:00:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  speaking of which, i propose that we open up the first available spot to vansmack.  the man talks a big game - let's see if he can actually play it.
Aww, you mean I get to be Brian Wallace's replacement?
 I generally have the one league rule because I risk hundreds of dollars in a deep 14 team league and the flogging is public when you suck (there have been and are radio personalities, tv personalities, musicians, writers - you name it).  I even do an LA overnight flight just to do the draft in person because it's the highlight of the league - one year we even hired girls on their "off night" to serve us drinks while we drafted.  This is serious business.
 That being said, my ego can't take being called out.  Let me know how you score your league and if it's close enough to my league that I don't have to do a lot of extra research, I'll consider it (plus you play for cash and I have a gambling problem).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on July 30, 2008, 12:24:00 am
4 WR was definitely very, very, very bad.
 i believe i'm in, though.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on July 30, 2008, 10:38:00 am
I'm in. I learned a lot last year so I won't make so many mistakes/changes this time.      :)
 If there are 18 weeks can we have 18 teams in the league? Last year towards the end I had to take on the good teams a second time.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 30, 2008, 10:45:00 am
18 teams are waaaay too many
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on July 30, 2008, 10:50:00 am
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
  18 teams are waaaay too many
I would argue if I knew what I was talking about.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on July 30, 2008, 01:14:00 pm
agreed, anything above 12-14 and you scrape the bottom of the barrel far too quickly.  one player having a banner year (a la brady) and it's all over.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on July 30, 2008, 01:23:00 pm
i vote we cap it at 12
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on July 30, 2008, 01:25:00 pm
also 18 teams is insane. plz don't ever ask for that again.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on July 30, 2008, 01:28:00 pm
12 teams at most or the talent pool gets too watered down and you're drafting third stringers by the late draft rounds.
 My suggestion for starting positions:
 1 QB
 2 RB
 3 WR
 1 TE
 *1 FLEX (WR/RB)
 1 K
 15 rounds of drafting in a snake order 1-12 then 12-1 and back and forth. That gives each team 10 starters and 5 bench spots.
 My point suggestions:
 Offensive Players
 6 pts for rushing/receiving TD
 4 pts for passing TD
 1 pt for every 10 yards rushing/receiving
 1 pt for every 25 yards passing
 -2 pts for interceptions thrown
 2 pts for a 2-Point conversion (pass, rush or receive)
 -2 pts for lost fumbles
 6 pts for individual kick or punt returns for TD
 1 pt for kicked extra point
 3 pts for made field goal (bonuses for longer field goals)
 -3 pts for missed field goal (could be less for longer attempts)
 Defense/Special Teams
 2 pts for recovered fumble
 2 pts for interception
 Anywhere from 10 points awarded to -10 pts depending on how many points a defense allows the opposing offense to score
 1 pt for a sack
 2 pts for a safety
 6 pts for a defensive TD
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on July 30, 2008, 02:04:00 pm
Okay, okay, 18 teams is too many. I get it.
   <img src="http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/fail-loldog-oops.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: mrpee on July 31, 2008, 09:41:00 am
Does lurking count as being an active board member? I'm an active lurker. Anyways, perhaps an exception should be made for me, coach of the Outdoor Miners, since in last year's pool,
  I WAS THE WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's spelt C-H-A-M-P-e-un, people.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 I promise to poast at least once a week during football seasons.
 So, despite cursing myself with that outburst (and having no hopes of getting the #1 pick again this year) yeah, $25 sounds good..
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 04, 2008, 10:59:00 am
So who's the Commissioner and when should we expect our invites? Where do we send the money? How do we decide the draft order and when do we draft?
 Let's do this.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 04, 2008, 12:03:00 pm
i'm happy to act as commish again.  i'll set this up tomorrow or wednesday, expect invitation in the next 48 hours.  if we use yahoo again, either we let the system randomly assign a draft order, or we can specify it ourselves... although i don't see why we wouldn't go with random.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 05, 2008, 02:28:00 pm
Random is fine.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 10, 2008, 01:45:00 pm
league has been created, initial invites to last year's players should have gone out.  invitees, please RSVP ASAP.  i'll let everyone know how many open spots there are in 3-4 days.
 draft: i've selected tuesday august 19 at 8 pm, but am happy to change it.  thoughts?
 i've also selected no playoff, league winner is team with best record at the end of the regular season.
 $25 to join, payable to me via paypal or mailed checked.  12 teams.  first place gets $200, second gets $75, third gets his/her $25 back.  below are the settings for the league - please let us know if you'd like something changed.
 League Information
 League Name   League930
 Password   (hidden)
 League Type   Custom
 Draft Type   Live Online Draft
 Unique League Name   league930
 Draft Time   Tue Aug 19 8:00pm EDT
 League Settings:
 Scoring Type   Head-to-Head
 Divisions   No
 Playoffs   None
 Max Teams   12
 League Start Week   1
 Can't Cut List   Yahoo! Sports
 Max Acquisitions per Season   No maximum
 Max Acquisitions per Week   No maximum
 Max Trades per Season   No maximum
 Trade Reject Time   2 days
 Trade End Date   November 14, 2008
 Trade Review   League Votes
 Waiver Time   2 days
 Waiver Type   Continual rolling list
 Sun - Tue Waivers   No
 Post Draft Players   Follow Waiver Rules
 Quarterback (QB)   1
 Wide Receiver (WR)   3
 Runningback (RB)   2
 Tight End (TE)   1
 Wide Receiver/Tight End (W/T)   0
 Wide Receiver/Runningback (W/R)   1
 Kickers (K)   1
 Defensive Teams (DEF)   1
 Defensive Player (D)   0
 Defensive Lineman (DL)   0
 Defensive Back (DB)   0
 Bench (BN)   6
 Passing Touchdowns   4 Points
 Interceptions   -1 Points
 Passing Yards   25 Yards = 1 Point
 Rushing Touchdowns   6 Points
 Rushing Yards   10 Yards = 1 Point
 Reception Touchdowns   6 Points
 Reception Yards   25 Yards = 1 Point
 Return Touchdowns   6 Points
 Offensive Fumble Return TD   6 Points
 2-Point Conversions   2 Points
 Fumbles   -2 Points
 Fumbles Lost   -2 Points
 Field Goals 0-19 Yards   3 Points
 Field Goals 20-29 Yards   3 Points
 Field Goals 30-39 Yards   3 Points
 Field Goals 40-49 Yards   4 Points
 Field Goals 50+ Yards   5 Points
 Field Goals Missed 0-19 Yards   -3 Points
 Field Goals Missed 20-29 Yards   -2 Points
 Field Goals Missed 30-39 Yards   -1 Points
 Point After Attempt Made   1 Points
 Points Allowed 0 points   10 Points
 Points Allowed 1-6 points   7 Points
 Points Allowed 7-13 points   4 Points
 Points Allowed 14-20 points   1 Points
 Points Allowed 21-27 points   0 Points
 Points Allowed 28-34 points   -1 Points
 Points Allowed 35+ points   -4 Points
 Sack   1 Points
 Interception   2 Points
 Fumble Recovery   2 Points
 Touchdown   6 Points
 Safety   2 Points
 Block Kick   2 Points
 Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns   6 Points
 Fractional Points   No
 Negative Points   Yes
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on August 10, 2008, 06:14:00 pm
(nevermind -- didn't read thoroughly)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: SalParadise on August 10, 2008, 11:06:00 pm
i'm guessing it was assumed already, but i'm sitting this year out (in case a new head wants to take my spot).
 i'm in again for that $100 per person suicide pool if vansmack is throwing it together.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 10, 2008, 11:20:00 pm
he lives!  yeah, i did assume that you were out.  let me know if you change your mind.
 to anyone who is interested in joining the league: please PM me and let me know.  if there are more rookies than there are spots, i'll randomly pick names out of a hat or some such.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 11, 2008, 07:51:00 pm
Originally posted by SalParadise:
 i'm in again for that $100 per person suicide pool if vansmack is throwing it together.
Of course, it's my favorite new gambling game...
 More details next week.
 And, I'll represent for Sal in the 930 Fantasy League:
 Aaron Rodgers Fluffer = vansmack's coming out party
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 11, 2008, 10:53:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by SalParadise:
 i'm in again for that $100 per person suicide pool if vansmack is throwing it together.
Of course, it's my favorite new gambling game...
 More details next week.[/b]
do let us know.  $100 might be a bit much for me.  maybe we can have a pussy league where buy-in is $20.  or maybe a certain club owner will sweeten the pot with an offer of free tickets to any show for the winner.  hey seeeeeeeth...
 League930 welcomes its newest expansion team, Aaron Rodgers Fluffer.  it currently looks like we'll have room for 3 more new teams.  please PM me if you're interested in one of those spots.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on August 12, 2008, 01:16:00 am
I'm in
 I also want to defend my (shared) title in the $100 knockout league
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 18, 2008, 11:29:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
 draft: i've selected tuesday august 19 at 8 pm, but am happy to change it.  thoughts?
so there have been rumblings about moving the draft to daytime hours, as to limit impact on Real Life&trade;.  new proposed time: wednesday 8/20 at 12:30 pm?  please speak up.
 personally, i've already made my draft list and will probably let the system pick for me on autopilot.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 18, 2008, 11:30:00 am
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  I'm in
hoya, have you set up a team?  do you need an invite?
 we currently have 10 teams.  if hoya joins, we'd have room for one more... but time to sign up, pledge your $25 and join the draft is running out.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 18, 2008, 12:20:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
 draft: i've selected tuesday august 19 at 8 pm, but am happy to change it.  thoughts?
so there have been rumblings about moving the draft to daytime hours, as to limit impact on Real Life&trade;.  new proposed time: wednesday 8/20 at 12:30 pm?  please speak up.
 personally, i've already made my draft list and will probably let the system pick for me on autopilot. [/b]
That time would work great for me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 18, 2008, 12:33:00 pm
Being on the West Coast, neither time is great for me, so go with the majority and I'll figure it out.  With the ability to set a queue, if I walk away for a few it won't be a big deal.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 18, 2008, 01:09:00 pm
Originally posted by Shadrach:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
 draft: i've selected tuesday august 19 at 8 pm, but am happy to change it.  thoughts?
so there have been rumblings about moving the draft to daytime hours, as to limit impact on Real Life&trade;.  new proposed time: wednesday 8/20 at 12:30 pm?  please speak up.
 personally, i've already made my draft list and will probably let the system pick for me on autopilot. [/b]
That time would work great for me. [/b]
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 18, 2008, 01:15:00 pm
ok, done: new draft time = wednesday 8/20 at 12:30 EDT.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: hoitel on August 18, 2008, 07:57:00 pm
that time is cool for me (will also have draft lineup ready just in case).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on August 19, 2008, 02:29:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
  I'm in
hoya, have you set up a team?  do you need an invite?
 we currently have 10 teams.  if hoya joins, we'd have room for one more... but time to sign up, pledge your $25 and join the draft is running out. [/b]
i think i need an invite ... your PM box is full ...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 20, 2008, 11:52:00 am
An odd number of teams is crap.
 That means someone will have a bye every week.
 We need another boardie to step up...venerable I'm taking about you!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 20, 2008, 12:04:00 pm
Yahoo does not allow odd numbers of teams in head-to-head leagues.
 We really need a 12th team.
 PM sweetcell if you want to join. The draft starts in 25 minutes and the entry fee is a mere $25.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 20, 2008, 12:16:00 pm
What are the chances we could setup a dummy team then transfer it to an owner after the draft?
 I think I found an owner, but he won't be at his desk in 15 minutes.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 20, 2008, 12:18:00 pm
i'll do it. lemme in.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 20, 2008, 12:20:00 pm
it appears that the draft is on hold until we add a twelfth team.
 i put the blame for this debacle squarely on the shoulders of hoya.
 EDIT: bookerT, i'm about to PM you.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 20, 2008, 12:21:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  it appears that the draft is on hold until we add a twelfth team.
 i put the blame for this debacle squarely on the shoulders of hoya.
 EDIT: bookerT, i'm about to PM you.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 20, 2008, 12:27:00 pm
OK, bookerT has been invited.
 bookerT, please set up a team ASAP.  can people do a 1:00 draft?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 20, 2008, 12:35:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  OK, bookerT has been invited.
 bookerT, please set up a team ASAP.  can people do a 1:00 draft?
i'm joined up and ready to go, posted this on the league board, figured i'd put it here, too, in case people aren't checking both:
 just joined so obvs i haven't been following all the decisions ... is it really 25 yards per point receiving but 10 yards per point rushing? just need to make some quick adjustments to my draft board if that's the case...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 20, 2008, 12:38:00 pm
Originally posted by BookerT:
 just joined so obvs i haven't been following all the decisions ... is it really 25 yards per point receiving but 10 yards per point rushing? just need to make some quick adjustments to my draft board if that's the case...
I didn't notice that?  That's stupid.....
 And why is a fumble -2 and a fumble lost -2?  A fumble shoould be 0 and a fumble lost should be -2.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 20, 2008, 12:41:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by BookerT:
 just joined so obvs i haven't been following all the decisions ... is it really 25 yards per point receiving but 10 yards per point rushing? just need to make some quick adjustments to my draft board if that's the case...
I didn't notice that?  That's stupid.....
 And why is a fumble -2 and a fumble lost -2?  A fumble shoould be 0 and a fumble lost should be -2. [/b]
yeah, everything seemed standard except for the issue i brought up and the one smackie just brought up. the receiving yards thing should definitely be changed, IMO, the fumble thing i don't feel as strongly about.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 20, 2008, 12:44:00 pm
Originally posted by BookerT:
  yeah, everything seemed standard except for the issue i brought up and the one smackie just brought up. the receiving yards thing should definitely be changed, IMO, the fumble thing i don't feel as strongly about.
If you drop the ball and pick it back up and run, why should you lose 2 points?
 If you drop the ball and the other team recovers, you should lose 2 points.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 20, 2008, 12:45:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by BookerT:
  yeah, everything seemed standard except for the issue i brought up and the one smackie just brought up. the receiving yards thing should definitely be changed, IMO, the fumble thing i don't feel as strongly about.
If you drop the ball and pick it back up and run, why should you lose 2 points?
 If you drop the ball and the other team recovers, you should lose 2 points. [/b]
yeah, sure, you're right. i just joined and thought i'd be drafting in 30 mins so i was more focused on WRs than some fumble stuff.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 20, 2008, 01:05:00 pm
draft currently slated to tomorrow 12:30 pm, open to suggestions for other times.  sorry for this situation folks, i'm not happy about it either.
Originally posted by BookerT:
 is it really 25 yards per point receiving but 10 yards per point rushing?
reception yards have been changed to 10 yards = 1 point.  fumbles have also been changed per above discussion.   league scoring settings can be reviewed here (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/373592/settings).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 20, 2008, 05:26:00 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 20, 2008, 06:01:00 pm
Hey Dungeon Master,
 Who does the league handle players bye weeks?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on August 20, 2008, 07:44:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Hey Dungeon Master,
 Who does the league handle players bye weeks?
how? that's what your bench is for!  start your bench players in the bye week and make sure your bench players don't have the same bye week for your starters at that position.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 20, 2008, 08:01:00 pm
right, but few people are going to have two defenses and two kickers occupying valuable space on their bench... so you trade, or swap, or check out undrafted players, etc.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 21, 2008, 10:32:00 am
anyone else getting a looooong "connecting to server" message when they try to test the system for the draft?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 21, 2008, 10:38:00 am
Originally posted by BookerT:
  anyone else getting a looooong "connecting to server" message when they try to test the system for the draft?
yup, i never got past that yesterday.  maybe seeing that animated "connecting to server" image *is* the test?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 21, 2008, 10:46:00 am
Originally posted by BookerT:
  anyone else getting a looooong "connecting to server" message when they try to test the system for the draft?
Mine spins for about 3 seconds then says "Test Was Successful."
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 21, 2008, 10:55:00 am
Originally posted by Shadrach:
Originally posted by BookerT:
  anyone else getting a looooong "connecting to server" message when they try to test the system for the draft?
Mine spins for about 3 seconds then says "Test Was Successful." [/b]
yeah, that's what i was afraid of. hmm. better tidy up those pre-rankings.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 21, 2008, 12:04:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  right, but few people are going to have two defenses and two kickers occupying valuable space on their bench... so you trade, or swap, or check out undrafted players, etc.
Understood.  The whole idea of dropping somebody with an inkling of value for a rent a kicker or rent a D is an old way of doing business.  
 In one league I'm in, we allow you to carry over your kicker numbers and D numbers from the previous week with a cap of 10 so you don't have to rent a K or D.  Maybe next season...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 21, 2008, 12:33:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
 Understood.  The whole idea of dropping somebody with an inkling of value for a rent a kicker or rent a D is an old way of doing business.
calls for management decisions... part of the game, no?
 and fyi, looks like my network is blocking access to the draft... the "now loading" bar gets to 90%, then stays stuck there.  
 have fun without me  :(
 what's my pick order?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 21, 2008, 12:42:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by vansmack:
 Understood.  The whole idea of dropping somebody with an inkling of value for a rent a kicker or rent a D is an old way of doing business.
calls for management decisions... part of the game, no?
 and fyi, looks like my network is blocking access to the draft... the "now loading" bar gets to 90%, then stays stuck there.  
 have fun without me   :(  
 what's my pick order? [/b]
Fourth =/
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on August 21, 2008, 01:34:00 pm
Mine doesnt seem to want to load.  hopefully my predraft picks were ok.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 21, 2008, 06:10:00 pm
eh, i did so-so in the draft.  got brady, but paid a hefty price for not being online: pick 7 (kevin curtis) and pick 9 (bobby engram) are out with injuries.  had i been online, i wouldn't have picked them.  if i don't win first place, i blame this fact    :D     hope you guys & gals had some good banter during the draft.
 i'm now short a WR - anyone want to trade?  vince young and donald lee are definitely available, others will depend on what's being offered.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on August 21, 2008, 08:01:00 pm
i was given a C- for my draft last year and finished 4th.  my draft went way better this year so i hope to turn that into an end-of-season improvement as well as some cash.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 21, 2008, 08:33:00 pm
i couldn't get into the drafting module so i had a friend go in there for me while i advised him over g-chat. not ideal, but better than going strictly off the pre-rank list. i pretty much went with whoever fell to me and think it worked well. chad johnson and anquan boldin as my top two WR is a bit risky, but i'll trust track record over minor injuries/squabbles. and i'll leave the rest of the analysis to shadrach.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: mrpee on August 21, 2008, 09:39:00 pm
who the hell is Derek Anderson? And why does he have a concussion? Sweetcell I'd be interested in talking to you about a WR trade. I'm interested in Vince Young. Joey Galloway? Maybe Brandon Marshall, though we might need to add future considerations for him.
 Let me know...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 08, 2008, 09:07:00 am
yeah, i'm really digging my first round draft pick of brady... loving it... EFF.  can i have vince young back now?
 (i'm back from vacation, hope you enjoyed the calm)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 08, 2008, 12:11:00 pm
I'm interested in having the waiver/free agent process reviewed.  I've put my thoughts on the league board.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 08, 2008, 12:25:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
   can i have vince young back now?
With his torn MCL?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on September 08, 2008, 12:30:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
  I'm interested in having the waiver/free agent process reviewed.  I've put my thoughts on the league board.
i agree with vansmack, but i also know that the vast majority of leagues use the simple "wild wild west" process when it comes to waivers/free agents. but it is, of course, ridiculous that top free agents should go to whoever's near a computer when a starter gets injured.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 08, 2008, 12:40:00 pm
Originally posted by BookerT:
 i also know that the vast majority of leagues use the simple "wild wild west" process when it comes to waivers/free agents.
Really?  In all my years I have never played in one...
 This is the downside to Fantasy Sports going mainstream - ideas like competitive balance are after thoughts.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on September 10, 2008, 11:07:00 am
hey uhh smackie...
 http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3579404 (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3579404)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 11, 2008, 04:17:00 pm
time to pay up, folks - $25 dues are, well, due.  
 payment can be made via paypal or snail-mail - info here (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/373592/message?msgid=6).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 11, 2008, 04:31:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  hey uhh smackie...
  http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3579404 (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3579404)
Marquez Colston Week 1:  26 yards receiving
 Eddie Royal week 1: 146 Yards and 1 TD
 SF Heterosexual Girlfirends will weather the storm for a few weeks.  But thanks for letting me know.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 15, 2008, 12:44:00 pm
can someone please shoot me now?  actually, my fantasy team is the one needing bullets.  
 top scorer of the week: my kicker.  pennington raked in a big, fat 4 points.  maybe if i sell off my decent players for real cash to y'all, i can recoup my $25...
 speaking of which, only half the league is paid up.  in another week i'm going to start naming names.  see the link two posts up if you needed a refresher on how to pay.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on September 15, 2008, 12:53:00 pm
i could have beaten almost half the league with just my QB, WR and K this week.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 15, 2008, 01:02:00 pm
No kidding, sewwtcell.  It could be worse: you could put up 100 and still lose...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on September 15, 2008, 01:21:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  can someone please shoot me now?  actually, my fantasy team is the one needing bullets.  
 top scorer of the week: my kicker.  pennington raked in a big, fat 4 points.  maybe if i sell off my decent players for real cash to y'all, i can recoup my $25...
 speaking of which, only half the league is paid up.  in another week i'm going to start naming names.  see the link two posts up if you needed a refresher on how to pay.
you aren't the only one.  in the two weeks so far, i've had one starter top the 'projected' points... same player both weeks.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on September 21, 2008, 07:59:00 pm
My benched players have more points than my starters. I think I deserve a prize for that.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 22, 2008, 09:52:00 pm
and with that gates TD, i've pretty much locked up my first win of the season.  
 w00t   :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on September 23, 2008, 12:02:00 pm
is my team the worst in this league?
 i almost won last week.
 this week, the 0-3 powerhouses match up.
 someone HAS to win.
 unless we tie.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on September 23, 2008, 12:06:00 pm
Originally posted by distance:
  is my team the worst in this league?
 i almost won last week.
 this week, the 0-3 powerhouses match up.
 someone HAS to win.
 unless we tie.
you had me sweatin' last night. good thing cotchery got me some garbage time yardage. that's a really rough loss.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on September 23, 2008, 12:19:00 pm
i don't think my team is that bad as much as a lot of them have been underperforming.  i was hoping for some sort of last minute TD to take the lead or something, but i wasn't so lucky.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 28, 2008, 01:54:03 pm
can anyone else get in to yahoo fantasy football?  i need to swap out Gostkowski  (65 mph wind gusts in buffalo!) but i can't get in.  dammit.  if anyone wants to propose an alternative FF site for next season, please go ahead.

and in other news, the purse for this year's winners won't be quite as big as promised, since  hoitel hasn't paid up yet despite NUMEROUS reminders.  boooooo.

edit: one previously delinquent account was paid up - thanks!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on December 29, 2008, 01:53:08 pm
can anyone else get in to yahoo fantasy football?  i need to swap out Gostkowski  (65 mph wind gusts in buffalo!) but i can't get in.  dammit.  if anyone wants to propose an alternative FF site for next season, please go ahead.

and in other news, the purse for this year's winners won't be quite as big as promised, since distancexx and hoitel haven't paid up yet despite NUMEROUS reminders.  boooooo.

So what am I looking at for second place?

Oh and for the record I think it's lame that someone would take part in the league and then welch on paying their fee.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 29, 2008, 02:41:48 pm
can anyone else get in to yahoo fantasy football?  i need to swap out Gostkowski  (65 mph wind gusts in buffalo!) but i can't get in.  dammit.  if anyone wants to propose an alternative FF site for next season, please go ahead.

and in other news, the purse for this year's winners won't be quite as big as promised, since distancexx and hoitel haven't paid up yet despite NUMEROUS reminders.  boooooo.

So what am I looking at for second place?

Oh and for the record I think it's lame that someone would take part in the league and then welch on paying their fee.

sounds like grounds for board banishment, if you ask me.

as i said over on the league page, i certainly backed into the title this year thanks to the lack of playoffs. i'll defend properly next year. ideally, you could have a 14-team league, everybody plays everybody once, then weeks 14, 15 and 16 are the playoffs. just something to think about.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on December 29, 2008, 03:03:13 pm
Just dont switch to the ESPN one, its crap.  It was a fun season.  Too bad my team didnt do better, but at least it was there to pad the stats of others.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 29, 2008, 04:31:59 pm
League930 Final Standings for 2008

in first place we have the newcomers BookerT-Bars, managed by BookerT, with a record of 14-3-0.  jay cutler certainly did your team proud.  first place purse: $175.

coming in second at 12-5-0, and improving on last year's third place finish, are the Rock N Roll Outlaws.  their manager, Shadrach, drafted both the best QB (brees) and RB (d. williams).  your efforts have earned you $75.

placing 3rd is HoyaParanoia at 11-6-0.  no superstars on this team, as none of his players are in the top 15 point-earners.  regardless, he's earned himself $25.

no love for dhinojwala/crever's team, We Are Both Carls - despite scoring the most points this season (1784), he's just out of the money at 10-7-0. 

winners should contact me (PM, e-mail, or through the league site) to let me know how they'd like to be paid.  i had a blast playing with y'all, and thank you for continuing my education in football.  having pulled myself out of the league's basement (9th!), next year i'll try to make the top half.  speaking of next year, we'll have playoffs.  i like the 14-team idea despite it being a tad crowded - TBD.

enjoy the (real) playoffs,
da commish

update: a delinquent account has been paid up, so prizes have been bumped up accordingly.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 23, 2009, 05:45:29 pm
football is almost upon us, which means that the board's third season of fantasy football can't be too far behind!  last year's participants have been invited, but anyone can sign up by

- Going to http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/
- Entering the League ID#: 708504 (fyi, League Name: League930)
- Entering Password: 930rox

please PM me if you'd like me to send you an invite - it's not required b/c you can sign up using above info, but some people like the warm fuzzy that comes with an invitation.

league dues will remain $25.  see my previous post above for last year's disbursement, this year's will be similar.  we will have a PLAYOFF this year - top 4 teams will advance to the "post season", to be held over weeks 15 & 16.

draft is currently set for Wed Sept 2 at 8:30pm EDT, although i'm entirely amenable to rescheduling if folks have a preference.  maybe a lunch-time draft works better for some folks?

see y'all on the virtual turf, bitches.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 23, 2009, 08:19:39 pm
any way we can not do a wednesday?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: walkonby on August 23, 2009, 08:19:52 pm
if they were all naked . . . god,  i would so play.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on August 24, 2009, 04:04:16 pm
I am good for any day for the draft.  Will it be the "live" draft that Yahoo uses?  I used it last night, and i thought it was great. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on August 24, 2009, 04:05:35 pm
I'm out this year, been neglecting too many fantasy teams.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 24, 2009, 04:27:29 pm
i will once again put forth minimal effort and destroy you all.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2009, 04:27:29 pm
any way we can not do a wednesday?

ok, how about thursday (sept 3) at 8:30 pm?  hopefully that doesn't interfere with your TV viewing schedule :)  seriously tho, please let me know if that doesn't work for anyone.

i will once again put forth minimal effort and destroy you all.

i hereby put forth the motion that we re-name the league from "League930" to "All As One In Defeating That Bitch BookerT (Or At Least Making Sure He Doesn't Win)".  thoughts?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on August 27, 2009, 04:31:58 pm
Hey, I don't want to play but can I be the commissioner of the league and rule with a Roger Goodell-like iron-fist over the disputes of the day? I have alot of really smart looking suits and promise to enact personal conduct policies for all team-owners.

Come on guys, it'll be fun! Impartial 3rd party commission, just like the real NFL! I'll even announce all the first-round picks via webcam just like the real NFL draft!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 01, 2009, 02:57:51 pm
any way we can not do a wednesday?

ok, how about thursday (sept 3) at 8:30 pm?  hopefully that doesn't interfere with your TV viewing schedule :)  seriously tho, please let me know if that doesn't work for anyone.

ok, draft has been changed to thursday 9/03 at 8:30 pm.  apologies to anyone who got an incorrect notification that it will be tomorrow (wednesday) - that's wrong.  we're doing it after tomorrow.

i'll probably be on a train at the time, so i'll let the system auto-pick from my list.

for you stragglers: we have 8 teams so far, still room for you to sign up.

EDIT: just noticed someone requested an earlier start time.  anyone object to moving the draft to 7 pm instead of 8:30?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on September 01, 2009, 03:36:44 pm
i'd much prefer 830 to 7. 730 compromise? that said, we need more than 8 teams, stat...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on September 01, 2009, 04:09:08 pm
any way we can not do a wednesday?

ok, how about thursday (sept 3) at 8:30 pm?  hopefully that doesn't interfere with your TV viewing schedule :)  seriously tho, please let me know if that doesn't work for anyone.

ok, draft has been changed to thursday 9/03 at 8:30 pm.  apologies to anyone who got an incorrect notification that it will be tomorrow (wednesday) - that's wrong.  we're doing it after tomorrow.

i'll probably be on a train at the time, so i'll let the system auto-pick from my list.

for you stragglers: we have 8 teams so far, still room for you to sign up.

EDIT: just noticed someone requested an earlier start time.  anyone object to moving the draft to 7 pm instead of 8:30?

I've signed up and I always participate and compete, but I'm not going to be able to play this season with the draft being scheduled when it is. First of all late in the evening cuts into family time (dinner, putting the kid to bed and what not). As for Thursday, I'm working behind the bar at the club that night so can't draft then (that should count for something since this is a 9:30 league). We've always done the draft in the middle of the day in past seasons, why suddenly change it????

Bottom line is I'd rather not play if I can't actually draft live. I'm not a fan of the auto draft.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 01, 2009, 04:25:26 pm
let's not lose shadrach... so how about a 12:30 pm lunch-hour draft on thursday?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on September 01, 2009, 05:26:15 pm
let's not lose shadrach... so how about a 12:30 pm lunch-hour draft on thursday?

I just realized that I sound a bit like a cry baby. So in the spirit of not being a complainer...

If it were up to me we would do this thing during the day like before when each of us is most likely on or near a computer, but if we can't then I suppose I can try pre-ranking my players and let Yahoo auto-draft for me. But just for the record, I will be using this as a season long excuse should my team suck, which it most likely will if I have to auto-draft.

Thanks for the consideration though.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 01, 2009, 05:37:14 pm
didn't sound whiney to me, and i'm perfectly happy having our draft be a nooner.  would allow me to participate, so i'm mildly in favor. 

anyone against a 12:30 pm draft? 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on September 01, 2009, 06:00:22 pm
I would only be against it if it was on a Tuesday or Thursday, as I am in class and cant leave until 1:45 pm.  Any time other than that would be good.  I would prefer the evening, but late afternoon works as well.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 02, 2009, 09:57:38 am
i'm hoping the following time meets everyone's needs: Friday, Sept 4 at 12:30 pm.  yes, lunch-time on friday.  any whiners feedback?!?

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on September 02, 2009, 08:31:35 pm
Sigh.  My work computer failed the "test your system" link, I'm guessing b/c our internet is routed through London.  Which means I'll pretend to have yet another doctor's appointment on yet another football draft day.  As long as we don't have a repeat of last year, where 9 teams = draft doesn't happen.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 03, 2009, 07:26:18 am
sold - draft has been moved, for a final time (i swear) to this Friday, September 4 at 12:30 pm.   ill update in in yahoo sports later this morning.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on September 03, 2009, 12:52:55 pm
sold - draft has been moved, for a final time (i swear) to this Friday, September 4 at 12:30 pm.   ill update in in yahoo sports later this morning.

i should be out of my ortho appointment by then. *crosses fingers*
nothing like missing fantasty football draft due a real sports injury...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 04, 2009, 11:58:24 am
draft is in about 30 minutes.

still at 8 teams.  should make for a lot of player availability, less scrapping the bottom of the barrel... could be interesting.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on September 04, 2009, 12:38:51 pm
I hope auto draft does me ok.  I guess my work computer isnt live draft compatible... Good luck everyone!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on September 04, 2009, 02:16:52 pm
I recognize most of the names on my team so I think I did okay.  Thanks autodraft.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 04, 2009, 02:38:00 pm
the draft was good but a bit weird... even in the last round, there were legitimate picks left.  i'm used to being down to the nubbins at that point.   we're going to have a very high-scoring league this year :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: distance on September 04, 2009, 11:01:12 pm
i'll be back in next year.  you should post updates every few weeks for those of us not involved.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 10, 2009, 04:15:24 pm
Lawyers, insurance firms cash in on fantasy football (http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/wayoflife/09/10/bizarre.fantasy.football.companies/index.html)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 13, 2009, 03:30:48 pm
good grief.  i'm being crushed by the philly defense - they're currently putting up 29 points!  don't think i've ever seen a score that high by a D.  hope carolina starts scoring.  fast.

conundrum: start anquan boldin (barely healthy but will start, he's less than 100% but still #2 receiver on a pass-happy team up against SF, breaston is inactive so boldin should see a number of attempts), or go with SDG's vincent jackson (also #2 but on a less pass-happy team, rarely stellar but dependable)?  i'm going with jackson for now.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 13, 2009, 04:47:39 pm
brees is such a fantasy STUD.  358 yards, 6 TDs, 1 INT, 37 fantasy points... is that a record?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on September 13, 2009, 05:31:22 pm
brees is such a fantasy STUD.  358 yards, 6 TDs, 1 INT, 37 fantasy points... is that a record?

Oh yeah he is -- no idea about the record, but he's relieving my doubts about taking him 3rd round.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on September 13, 2009, 05:37:51 pm
good grief.  i'm being crushed by the philly defense - they're currently putting up 29 points!  don't think i've ever seen a score that high by a D.  hope carolina starts scoring.  fast.

conundrum: start anquan boldin (barely healthy but will start, he's less than 100% but still #2 receiver on a pass-happy team up against SF, breaston is inactive so boldin should see a number of attempts), or go with SDG's vincent jackson (also #2 but on a less pass-happy team, rarely stellar but dependable)?  i'm going with jackson for now.

I think it's Vincent Jackson -- you have to avoid the injury-related zero.  I'm going with a healthy Driver over a questionable Welker.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 14, 2009, 02:40:06 pm
following in the steps of the other commish, i've added a commissioner's note detailing how to pay your league dues.  please pay asap, deadline is start of week 4.

Oh yeah he is -- no idea about the record, but he's relieving my doubts about taking him 3rd round.

with those kind of numbers, i'm surprised no one took him sooner. 

I think it's Vincent Jackson -- you have to avoid the injury-related zero.  I'm going with a healthy Driver over a questionable Welker.

indeed, the cautious approach wins the day for me - boldin put up 1 fantasy point last night.  would be hard for jackson to do worse.  looks like boldin might be a dude for the first few games of the season, if not longer.  and he's on my no-cut list...

looks like going with driver might not have been the best move for you, although there might not have been a lot of points to chose from either way.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 20, 2009, 04:36:57 pm
brees is such a fantasy STUD.  358 yards, 6 TDs, 1 INT, 37 fantasy points... is that a record?

nope - Chris Johnson (Ten - RB): 197 rush yards, 2 rush TDs, 87 reception yards, 1 receptions TD = 45 points  ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 22, 2009, 11:47:48 am
goddam clark.  i needed payton to pass to anyone except him.  because he did, i scored more points this week that EVERYONE except the one team i was up against!  not fair.  pout pout.

this was the first weekend that i got t watch as much football as i wanted - any NOTHING went my way.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 06, 2009, 12:46:05 am
time to pay up, folks - please see the commissioner's note for instructions on how to pay your league dues.  teams that are unpaid as of next monday (Oct 12) will be penalized and/or named :D 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 13, 2009, 03:54:01 pm
first off, last call for the two teams who haven't paid up yet... the sooner you pay, the sooner you'll stop hearing my whining.

second, did everyone see how BookerT won this past week?!?  three of his players scored 0 points (including DEF, which he opted to not start NYJ.  good move since they scored -1).  all that, and he still won by a point (making his non-start of NYJ DEF that much more important).  this is is unbelievable.  he must be stopped.

oh yeah, i asked a question on the league's internal messaging system... please read.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on October 13, 2009, 05:57:05 pm
this stuff tends to balance out, y'know? last week i was the second highest scoring team and lost. this week i got three goose eggs and squeaked out a win. i should've gone 1-1 in those games and i did. but yeah, pat on the back to me for sitting the jets defense.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 18, 2009, 03:28:34 pm
anyone know any snipers in new orleans?  i need someone to take out drew brees.  please PM me.  thx.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on October 18, 2009, 09:07:16 pm
anyone know any snipers in new orleans?  i need someone to take out drew brees.  please PM me.  thx.
How did you not come to me with this right away? I know just the guy. PM me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 19, 2009, 12:27:40 am
i have sorely underestimated you, sir.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on October 19, 2009, 12:02:47 pm
Oh, my humblest apologies. You said "sniper," not "snifter." Sorry!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 19, 2009, 06:30:28 pm
i have rivers and jackson in tonight's game, and i need 12 points to win my match this week...

say hello to your new second-place team.

comin' after ya, bookerT.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on October 27, 2009, 01:22:09 am
You guys will appreciate this.  I was 0-4 to start the season in a deep 14 team, relatively high money league ($100+$5 per transaction) league despite being 6th in total points.

I won the next two and moved up to 4th in total points, but only 12th overall in record.

So tonight I had a 1 point lead over the 1st place team with a 94-93 advantage (the average score being around 78).  He had Brent Celek and I had nobody going  (more bad luck I figured).

Celek caught a pass in the first quarter for 8 yards, raised his total to 12 yards early in the second quarter to tie me at 94 points, then lost 4 yards on a screen to go back down to zero points.

Never caught a pass after that.

It's nice when your luck turns around.... 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 01, 2009, 03:50:31 pm
anyone know how to get in touch with retrospec, manager of team salty?  he's failed to pay his dues so far and i'm about to lock him out if he doesn't pay up in the next 24 hours.  i've tried PMs and e-mails, no reply so far.

retrospect, if you're reading this: please pay up.  thanks.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 02, 2009, 01:34:26 am
question: is there any way of knowing if another team has put in a request for a player on waivers?  or does one blidly put their bod in, and only finds out once the waiver period ends and the player is assigned to the team that "won" the waiver?

(p.s. retrospec, please see my note at the bottom of the previous page...)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 07, 2009, 01:27:21 am
yet another reason why i'm glad he's on my FF team:

Chris Johnson offers cars for yards

"It's really a goal of the offensive linemen because I told them if I get to 2,000 yards I'd buy them all a car. They want me to get 2,000 yards more than I want to get it.''

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 09, 2009, 02:54:38 pm
fantasy footballer #1 has an 7 point lead going in to tonight's game, and has PIT DEF.

his rival is behind by 7, but has Ward and Mendenhall.

who would you bet on?

edit: consensus seems to be that this will be a low-scoring, defense-heavy affair... therefore, advantage seems to be with FF#1.  dammit.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 10, 2009, 10:28:01 pm
fantasy footballer #1 has an 7 point lead going in to tonight's game, and has PIT DEF.

his rival is behind by 7, but has Ward and Mendenhall.

who would you bet on?

edit: consensus seems to be that this will be a low-scoring, defense-heavy affair... therefore, advantage seems to be with FF#1.  dammit.

PIT DEF put up a ridiculous 21 points... but FF#1 still lost.  as FF #2, i had given up on winning this one until hines' last-minute touchdown.  in fact, i had given up as soon as PIT returned the interception for a touchdown.

the R'n'R Outlaws have to feel a bit robbed.  sry.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on November 22, 2009, 11:53:01 pm
In a possible preview of the playoffs, Carls are beating Killsaly, and Barebacks will need an above-consensus performance from Chris Johnson (22+ points) on MNF to beat T-Bars.

Granted, the real-life matchups will be different in Weeks 15 & 16, but those do look like the 4 playoff teams, barring collapse by Killsaly and a surge from Ian Curtis / RNR.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 23, 2009, 01:00:09 am
the NJ barebacks needed a consensus performance from most of their starters, as opposed to the current below-expectations output.  MJD, payton and austin are on my shit-list.

i need 27 points outta CJ on MNF to pull off a tie - but i remain hopeful.  i was starring a loss in the face last week when BAL DEF pulled off an unexpected 24 points.  CJ has scored as high as 45 points in a single game... so there is an outside change. too bad he's up against the texans tomorrow, who are pretty stingy against the run.  ugh.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 23, 2009, 09:18:44 am
my dilemma is that i have chris johnson in another league in which i'm 22 points behind (somewhat different scoring, but you get the basic idea). so there's a sweet spot between 22 and 26 points that would really be perfect. i need the win in that league more. having said that, i have no interest at all in losing to sweetcell and i'm still holding out hope of finishing first as to avoid facing him in the first round of the playoffs.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 01, 2009, 01:55:56 am
In a possible preview of the playoffs, Carls are beating Killsaly, and Barebacks will need an above-consensus performance from Chris Johnson (22+ points) on MNF to beat T-Bars.

Granted, the real-life matchups will be different in Weeks 15 & 16, but those do look like the 4 playoff teams, barring collapse by Killsaly and a surge from Ian Curtis / RNR.

so i got an unexpected W this week, thanks to tonight's bitter-sweet performance by brady (i'm a big pats fan but my fantasy team was up against him.  i really wasn't expecting a win given the manageable number of points needed by the other team, but...).

current league standings:
Rank   Team                     W-L-T     
1.    BookerT-Bars             10-2-0
2.    We Are Both Carls       9-3-0    
3.    New Jersey Barebacks  8-4-0       
4.    killsaly                      6-6-0        
5.    The Ian Curtis Shake   5-6-1    
6.    Rock N Roll Outlaws    5-7-0    
7.    team salty                3-9-0       
8.    Pigskin&Pigtails6949    1-10-1       

the top 3 spots are spoken for, with some possibility of movement (week 13: barebacks vs. carls, week 14: carls vs. t-bars).  there is still a fight to be had for fourth place (w13: shake vs. outlaws, w14: outlaws vs. killsaly).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 01, 2009, 04:30:57 pm
gee, look who's at the top of the standings, NEVER would have guessed that.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 07, 2009, 10:16:00 am
i went to sleep last night and the score was 123-110 in my favor, but with the Carls still having 2 players in MNF.  i'm positive about this b/c i spent some time imagining scenarios that had me winning.

woke up this morning and the score is 123-116.  he had no one in the Min-Ari game.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 07, 2009, 12:01:44 pm
it may have something to do with that wacky play in the skins/saints game. i guess NO defense got credit for a TD on that play when there was the INT by the skins, fumble by the skins, then returned for a TD by meachem. technically offense, but for fantasy a DEF TD? that's my best guess. maybe it was originally scored one way and changed to the other.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on December 07, 2009, 01:27:13 pm
it may have something to do with that wacky play in the skins/saints game. i guess NO defense got credit for a TD on that play when there was the INT by the skins, fumble by the skins, then returned for a TD by meachem. technically offense, but for fantasy a DEF TD? that's my best guess. maybe it was originally scored one way and changed to the other.

I don't know what service you use, but CBS took forever to score it, originally scored it a Defenseive TD, changed their mind during the evening game, but changed it back with the following explanation:

Speaking of Meachem, he was involved in a weird play that contributed points to the Saints DST: QB Drew Brees threw an interception to Kareem Moore of the Redskins, and Moore returned it 14 yards before getting stripped by Meachem. Meachem recovered the fumble and returned it 44 yards for a score. However, CBSSports.com rules it as a defensive fumble recovery and thus a defensive touchdown for the Saints DST because technically Meachem was a defender following the change of possession. By rule when there is a change of possession via turnover, the offensive team becomes the defense and the defense becomes the offense.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on December 08, 2009, 01:08:07 am
If you use Stattracker, it doesn't give me the touchdown.  If you use the Yahoo webpage, it does give me the touchdown.  Either way, it appears Donald Driver & Mason Crosby gave me the win outright.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on December 08, 2009, 09:40:21 am
If you use Stattracker, it doesn't give me the touchdown.  If you use the Yahoo webpage, it does give me the touchdown.  Either way, it appears Donald Driver & Mason Crosby gave me the win outright.

Ugh, or not.  I don't know how the stat gurus changed things to end in a tie, but I guess that seals the rematch for us in the first round of the playoffs.

Booker, are you resting your guys next week? :-P
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 08, 2009, 10:17:04 am
indeed, they took away the meachem/DEF TD and now we're tied (wouldn't be an issue had i started anquan boldin #@%+$&*!!!).  we're on an unavoidable collision course, see ya in week 15.  the tie means that you can't overtake bookerT for first place.  you losing + me winning next week = me in second place... giving me home field advantage? ::)

but we have a change-up in the last playoff spot: with an impressive win over the outlaws, Miss P takes 4th place away from killsaly.  congrats miss p!  should make week 14 interesting, as miss p needs a win against me (or a tie or loss by killsaly) to stay in 4th.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 29, 2009, 12:22:07 am
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 29, 2009, 12:33:21 pm
kind sirs,

pardon the intrusion, as i have been out of town recently, but could someone please tell me WHO THE FUCK THIS PAINTER KID IS?!?!?

ugh.  keeping payton in probably wouldn't have solved my woes - the majority of my starters didn't quite live up to expectations - but it certainly would have helped.  watching the end of the IND-NYJ made me feel sick.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 29, 2009, 01:05:01 pm
League930 Final Standings for 2009

in first place we have a repeat performance by last year's winner the BookerT-Bars.  BookerT finished the regular season with the league's best record of 11-3-0.  he beat the NJ Barebacks in the championship game 136-116.  he might not have always scored the most points, but he scored them when they counted most.  first place purse: $120.

sweetcell's New Jersey Barebacks entered the post-season in with a 9-4-1 record and a lot of momentum, but couldn't keep up with the TBars in the end.  he scored the most points the in the league (1743), in large part due to chris johnson and payton manning - 2 of the top 4 point producers.  second place prize: $55.

placing 3rd is crever's We Are Both Carls, who rode on drew brees' ridiculous stats.  he beat fourth-place and late-surging The Ian Curtis Shake, managed by Miss P.  he's earned himself $25.

shadrach's Rock N Roll Outlaws beat team salty for 5th place, while killsaly bested Pigskin&Pigtails6949 for 7th.

winners should contact me (PM, e-mail, or through the league site) to let me know how they'd like to be paid.  i had an absolute blast once again playing with y'all, and look forward to the 2010 season. 

enjoy the real playoffs,
da commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 29, 2009, 02:13:47 pm
it all comes down to that redskins/saints game where the TD was originally given to the NO defense and then taken back. had that call stayed, i would have tied with cars at 11-3, he would have finished in first due to overall points, and i would have been crushed in the first round of the playoffs by sweetcell. but luck was with me, as it needs to be in fantasy football. and it's true, i did not score the most points, and all 3 of my losses came to the 2nd and 3rd place teams, but this is a team defending a title. they know when to pick their spots and they came up big in week 16. game ball goes to jonathan "daily show" stewart, coming up with 200+ yards and a TD. team MVP award goes to ray rice, who was a beast all season.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on July 14, 2010, 02:56:57 pm
It's that time again  ;D

I'm in.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on July 14, 2010, 03:02:22 pm

I would enjoy participation as well.  If invited, I would be greatful to participate.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on July 14, 2010, 03:04:49 pm
10 teams would be nice.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on July 14, 2010, 03:05:23 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on July 14, 2010, 03:09:03 pm
i'm in too.

i'm most happy to act as commish again, should that be the will of the people.  i'll set up the league tonight or tomorrow.  i suggest that we hold off on the draft until closer to the start of the season.

anyone else?

(brian_w: participation is open to all.  i'll post instructions on how to join once i get the league set up)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 14, 2010, 03:21:00 pm
will it be yahoo?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on July 14, 2010, 03:32:44 pm
ok, so i couldn't wait ;D

to join the league:

league dues are $25, payable before the first game of the season.  payment can be made via paypal or check & snail-mail, see commissioner's note on the league page: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930

last year's managers should have already received an invite to resurrect their old teams.  if you don't want to play this year, please decline the invitation - i believe that spots are reserved for returning teams, so free up you spot if your not going to use it.

league currently has a 12 team maximum - should i trim that down to 10?

i have tentatively set the live online draft for monday, Aug 30 at 8:00pm EDT.  we can have the usual debate about lunchtime vs. at night, i'm indifferent.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on July 14, 2010, 03:37:14 pm
will it be yahoo?

yeah, i think we'll stick with yahoo.  they've improved it a lot over the past 2 years, and everyone in the league is used to it. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on July 14, 2010, 03:39:27 pm
12 is fine with me, but at least 10 please. Last year was too watered down imho with too many quality free agents available at a moments notice.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on July 14, 2010, 03:47:52 pm
i thought that having a decent choice of free agents was pretty cool.  it's not like a payton manning or a chris johnson were available - you were still taking some amount of risk.  it made last year more fun for me, i spent more time pondering managerial decisions (like who loses his spot on the squad for the free agent - is the free agent really worth it? etc)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on July 14, 2010, 05:19:13 pm
We'll have to agree to disagree on whether or not having more quality free agents makes things better or not.

I'll still play whether we have 2 teams or 12.

i thought that having a decent choice of free agents was pretty cool.  it's not like a payton manning or a chris johnson were available - you were still taking some amount of risk.  it made last year more fun for me, i spent more time pondering managerial decisions (like who loses his spot on the squad for the free agent - is the free agent really worth it? etc)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on July 19, 2010, 09:33:56 am
up to seven teams.  we need at least one more although 3 would be ideal.  shadrach would prefer 5, so we get to 12-team league.

other than the TBDs, managed by brian_c_wallace, it's all returning teams.  let's bring in some new blood.

mmmmm.  bloooooooooood...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on July 20, 2010, 11:09:19 am
I'm more than happy with 10, but 8 is eh.

up to seven teams.  we need at least one more although 3 would be ideal.  shadrach would prefer 5, so we get to 12-team league.

other than the TBDs, managed by brian_c_wallace, it's all returning teams.  let's bring in some new blood.

mmmmm.  bloooooooooood...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on July 20, 2010, 11:19:29 am
Im in, sorry i havent accepted the request yet.  Hopefully I will do a bit better this season.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 26, 2010, 02:31:49 pm
we're up to 10 teams, so for the moment i've locked down the league.  if any late-comers want to join, please PM me.  we'd need a pair of you since a head-to-head league requires an even number of teams.  i'd like to avoid last year's last-minute scramble to find a team (or what it the previous year?).

for the managers who are signed up, please review the league settings at http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/147240/settings - no changes from previous years, i believe.

REMINDER: Draft Time is Monday Aug 30 at 8:00pm EDT 

god luck to everyone, and remember: don't let BookerT win.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 26, 2010, 02:47:07 pm
i'd like to avoid last year's last-minute scramble to find a team (or what it the previous year?).

god luck to everyone, and remember: don't let BookerT win.

it was the previous year and i was who joined last minute. the rest is history.

do your best, losers.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 29, 2010, 10:20:57 pm
reminder: draft is tomorrow, Monday Aug 30, at 8 pm EDT.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 30, 2010, 02:42:42 pm
In the future it would be nice if we could select the draft order ahead of time to help us prepare. I don't know if there's a fair way to do this, but it would be beneficial.

Something to think about for next season.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 30, 2010, 02:57:02 pm
In the future it would be nice if we could select the draft order ahead of time to help us prepare. I don't know if there's a fair way to do this, but it would be beneficial.

Something to think about for next season.

I think that's something standard with Yahoo.  The draft order always seems to be set only about a half and hour before the draft.  I'm not even sure if you can physically set it to be revealed earlier.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 30, 2010, 03:00:30 pm
The commissioner has the ability to set the draft order in advance.

In the future it would be nice if we could select the draft order ahead of time to help us prepare. I don't know if there's a fair way to do this, but it would be beneficial.

Something to think about for next season.

I think that's something standard with Yahoo.  The draft order always seems to be set only about a half and hour before the draft.  I'm not even sure if you can physically set it to be revealed earlier.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2010, 03:34:21 pm
The commissioner has the ability to set the draft order in advance.

have i mentioned that i have the #1 draft pick?  ;D

just kidding... i didn't know that the commish could set the order.  certainly something i'd be happy to do in the future.

i think it's too late to change the order for today - i mean, technically it could be done but i don't like such last-minute changes.  brian is correct, draft order will be revealed at 7:30 tonight.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2010, 07:35:59 pm
have i mentioned that i have the #1 draft pick?  ;D

just kidding...

no, seriously, i was kidding. 

kinda freaky.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 30, 2010, 07:50:05 pm
The commissioner has the ability to set the draft order in advance.

have i mentioned that i have the #1 draft pick?  ;D

just kidding... i didn't know that the commish could set the order.  certainly something i'd be happy to do in the future.

i think it's too late to change the order for today - i mean, technically it could be done but i don't like such last-minute changes.  brian is correct, draft order will be revealed at 7:30 tonight.

Ugh. Having trouble loading
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on September 17, 2010, 02:16:35 pm
Any thoughts from week 1?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BigDavid on September 17, 2010, 02:18:07 pm
I won...that is a nice thought. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 17, 2010, 04:10:43 pm
league's-bitch-of-the-week award goes to We Are Both Carls.  he scored the second-most points so only one team could beat him... unfortunately, that was his opponent (T-Bars).  so he's in 6th place, with over twice as many points as the person in 5th.

matt forte racks up 30 points, aka a fifth of what he got all season last year?!?  and who is this arian foster kid?  he puts up 41 points - when he only scored 47 all season long in 2009?!?  it's official, folks.  bookerT either has very, very powerful friends or has made a deal with the devil (same thing, i suppose).

on my team, i was sorely disappointed that Sims-Walker and Harvin combined for a 1 point.  nice work guys.  had they pulled their own weight, We Are Both Carls probably wouldn't be feeling so bad right now ;D

interesting that this week, #1 plays #3 and #2 plays #4. 

(latest rumor: this year's SB half-time show = black eyed peas.  i see some half-time grilling in my future...)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on September 17, 2010, 04:34:32 pm

matt forte racks up 30 points, aka a fifth of what he got all season last year?!?  and who is this arian foster kid?  he puts up 41 points - when he only scored 47 all season long in 2009?!?  it's official, folks.  bookerT either has very, very powerful friends or has made a deal with the devil (same thing, i suppose).

good to know that i can still be the top team in the league when my top 2 picks don't come through. arian foster's the truth! on my way to the threepeat...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 17, 2010, 05:13:49 pm
crush him, opulence.

in other news, i'm rolling the dice with Vick this weekend (benching romo).  thoughts?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 17, 2010, 11:31:12 pm
new feature:

The commish must enable public sharing for the League before managers can Like their league and receive alerts on Facebook.

Enabling public sharing of your league will establish a public URL that you can share with your friends to allow them to view your league, even if they're not part of it. The Share module will appear at the bottom of each league page and will be visible to all league members. Currently, messages and user names will be hidden, but all other league and team pages will be accessible. At any point, you can stop people outside of your league from being able to view it by disabling this feature.

Enabling this feature will also create Facebook Like buttons on your league home page to make it easier to share your league and to allow you to receive updates about your league through Facebook. If you disable this feature, you will no longer receive league updates through Facebook.

thoughts?  i won't be enabling the facebook tie-ins, that's a team-by-team decision.  do people care enough to share their performance with the outside world?  will anyone outside the league bother visiting?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on September 19, 2010, 06:20:14 pm
sweet, was was your paypal address?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on September 21, 2010, 07:26:57 pm
i would have tied this week but replay judge overturned that vernon davis 2pt conversion, which tied the game, allowing brees to get one more drive, which meant he got me a couple more points, giving me the victory and a 2-0 start.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BigDavid on September 28, 2010, 10:12:44 am
Did I tell everyone how much I hated the 9th drafting spot this year yet? 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 03, 2010, 05:15:28 pm
i suppose the Vick thing was too good to last.  dammit.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 12, 2010, 12:03:15 am
this week has been such an up and down experience for me.

first, i'm up against BookerT.  this is never a good thing.  i've beaten him in the past, but not often.  ugh.

then, early on sunday, i saw that he didn't start matt forte (who had a MONSTER game), and his TE, finley, goes out early in the 'skins game.  for a while i think i have a legitimate shot at a W.  i hadz a happee. 

then, half my team doesn't show up.  boldin puts up a donut, barber a single, clark a deuce.  thanks guys, you're awesome.  i'm down 18 points going in to MNF with only harvin left.  depression returns.

after 45 mins of MNF, the depression is only reinforced.  after so many seasons, you'd think it's impossible that favre fogets how to throw the ball... but that's pretty much that case.

then, the rainbow appears.  a 30+ yard TD throw to harvin and i'm within 4 points of earning a tie.

7 mins left.  2 horrible throws to harvin a row, both uncatcheable, that leads to a 4th down kick.  i'm about to start chewing the furniture in my hotel room here.  the 18-point defeat would have been easier to take, no matter what the outcome of this game is.

edit: four and a half minutes left and harvin comes within a hair of returning a punt.  i'm about to call room service to see if they have any crowbars, since that it what it will take to get me off the ceiling. 

edit#2: OH
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 12, 2010, 12:31:09 am
We Are Both Carls, you're welcome.

after all that... i maintain my 3rd place spot.  i'll take it ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on October 12, 2010, 11:26:07 am
it's cute to get so worked up about a game in week 5.

when you're coming off back-to-back championships, you kinda save that intensity for the playoffs...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on October 12, 2010, 05:36:30 pm
We Are Both Carls, you're welcome.

after all that... i maintain my 3rd place spot.  i'll take it ;D

I went to bed at halftime assuming I'd be alone in 2nd place behind a still undefeated T-Bars.  Thanks for the promotion!

That being said, with the exception of 0-5 killsaly, everybody's within 2 games of first place.  It's a wide open league and a long way to go.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on October 13, 2010, 02:23:11 pm
Yeah my autodraft didnt do me any favors. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 22, 2010, 05:43:45 pm
my #4 pick, dallas clark, is out for the season. my #2, pierre thomas, has missed more games than he's played.  #7 and #8 are gone, having never showed up.

just like the NFL, i feel this could be anyone's year.  cool x 2  :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on October 26, 2010, 12:21:28 am
Barring some score change overnight, I think that's my 2nd tie in League 930.  I should be grateful for junk time stats (last 2 points were Felix Jones receiving yards on the last drive), sad for my lineup choices (I chose the worst possible lineup from my non-bye players), and absolutely furious at the Dallas defense (was Tony Romo secretly the glue guy on the defense?).

P&P, good game, I look forward to facing you again.  Preferably with Peyton Manning and Antonio Gates.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on October 26, 2010, 10:34:57 am
after two straight losses my team got back to business this week. i mean, even 2 dudes on my bench scored twice as many points as brian wallace's entire starting lineup.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 16, 2010, 01:15:00 pm
so, how 'bout that Vick last night? (http://sports.yahoo.com/fantasy/blog/roto_arcade/post/Michael-Vick-just-broke-some-all-time-fantasy-re?urn=fantasy-285986)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: RatBastard on November 17, 2010, 12:46:37 am
I just love being an Eagles fan right about now.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 19, 2010, 05:53:59 pm
I just love being an Eagles fan right about now.

eagles vs. giants - best 4th quarter performance by any team this year?

going in to the 4th, i was certain that i was going to lose today's fantasy semi-final.  boldin and TO combined for a donut, no one was pulling their weight...  then vick put up stupid points and now Shadrach has a 60-point hill to climb in the late games.

in the other semis, Pigskin&Pigtails6949 is in a solid position against the Booker T-Bars.  she's behind by 30 but has a lot of players yet to hit the field, most notably brady & branch.  i've still got gronkowski so c'mon pats - let's put this talk of threepeat to bed.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 19, 2010, 06:40:53 pm
hey bookerT: starting webb as a WR?!?  fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...  how the hell is he still eligible/listed as a WR??

there should be a rule that if you don't start a player as a QB, you can't get a full game's worth of QB points. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 19, 2010, 06:41:58 pm
hey bookerT: starting webb as a WR?!?  fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...  how the hell is he still eligible/listed as a WR??

there should be a rule that if you don't start a player as a QB, you can't get a full game's worth of QB points. 

he was drafted as a WR. hey, i don't make the rules, i just play by them...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: walkonby on December 20, 2010, 12:17:36 am
as a nfl player . . . exactly what do you have to do for the power money hungry nazi goodell to actually say, "hey maybe we should do something?"  i guess tyler brayton is too "important" to the "sport" and makes more revenue for the higher ups than alosi.  plus alosi can't be on your fantasy league, so why care, right?  and to add insult, they try to cover up it up?  god i'm glad i don't support the nfl and the hacks who control your minds. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 20, 2010, 10:55:07 am
god, is there any thread you don't go into and act like a fucking idiot? can't you keep that to yr own 49 retarded threads you've started?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: walkonby on December 20, 2010, 12:11:58 pm
i get paid by the hour to be an idiot.  got to keep the bosses happy.  merry christmas. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on December 20, 2010, 01:24:37 pm
god, is there any thread you don't go into and act like a fucking idiot? can't you keep that to yr own 49 retarded threads you've started?

Walkonby's awesome.  Quit hating on the man.

I actually thought Walkie was drawn to this issue because of this portion of the article:

"According to Glazer, other teams indeed use a ?wall? concept.  One team even calls the move ?Pink Floyd.?

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 20, 2010, 03:51:06 pm
hey bookerT: starting webb as a WR?!?  fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...  how the hell is he still eligible/listed as a WR??

there should be a rule that if you don't start a player as a QB, you can't get a full game's worth of QB points. 

he was drafted as a WR. hey, i don't make the rules, i just play by them...

yeah, and the rule sucks.  he's not starting as a WR, he's not going to play as a WR - so he shouldn't be listed as a WR.  if anyone else pulled that move before you did i stongly suspect you'd think it stinks too.  oh well.

not that you need the extra points this week - looks like we're headed for a repeat of last year's finals.  with any luck the CHI d-line will destroy webb to such an extend that we won't have to worry about whether or not you start him next week ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 20, 2010, 03:53:15 pm
i'm actually playing against webb in my other league ... and now it looks like it's all a moot point because favre is back from the dead. in fact, if favre does play i'll win because of the attempted cheap-play-ploy with webb. and no matter what i wasn't gonna start him next week because there was no way i could "win cheap" (even if it's just the rules).

ANYWAY - next week, it's on. need arian foster to heal up and for darren mcfadden to not lose those goalline touches.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 27, 2010, 09:44:21 pm
ANYWAY - next week, it's on. need arian foster to heal up and for darren mcfadden to not lose those goalline touches.

one out of two ain't bad?  foster got the job done while mcfadden limped by.  still, they combined for 26 points - respectable.  hellova lot better than my CJ, boldin and TJones putting up a total of 8.  i came really really really close to putting in white instead of jones.  dammit.  and thank goodness you didn't start forte.

so the final is going down to the wire.  yours truly is leading BookerT by 7 points, but he has 4 players to go while i only have 3.  if you add up current score plus yahoo's projected stats, it'll end 113-110 in my favor.  another reputable site has projected final scores of 106-105.  projected stats are only a step above meaningless but i'm using them as statistical proof that this is still anyone's title (as if i needed it).  i'm going to be watching both remainings games with heightened interest.  my take: it'll come down to whether or not Vick pulls a superman tomorrow night.

shadrach has a pretty solid lock on 3rd place, barring ridiculous performances by colston and gonzales tonight. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 28, 2010, 11:29:02 am
i gotta say that i like your chances. i was really hoping they'd play the philly game in bad weather, that seems to be the only possible way to slow vick. dude really wants to win mvp and brady just won another game with 3 TDs and no picks, so vick needs to step up. my best hope is lots of stalled drives that end in akers field goals. plus you got philly d against an incompetent QB.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: 6949 on December 28, 2010, 03:36:55 pm
Damn I didn't pay attention to how the playoffs worked and didn't know I was playing this week. I didn't set my team for the consolation game. Was there a 3rd place prize that I screwed myself out of?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 29, 2010, 11:17:29 am
damnnnnn - congrats to sweetcell, he won 102 to 100. each vick turnover and minnesota score (he had philly d) gave me a chance, but akers missing a 54 field goal at the end of the first half did me in. the eagles *should* have kicked a field goal with 30 seconds left and done an onsides kick (they needed 2 scores) but alas. fun season.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 29, 2010, 02:55:20 pm
Damn I didn't pay attention to how the playoffs worked and didn't know I was playing this week. I didn't set my team for the consolation game. Was there a 3rd place prize that I screwed myself out of?

unfortunately, yes - 3rd place prize is $25.  ugh...  next year?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 29, 2010, 02:59:25 pm
my take: it'll come down to whether or not Vick pulls a superman tomorrow night.

plus you got philly d against an incompetent QB.

eh, can't say incompetent...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 30, 2010, 01:56:01 am
wow, what a final.  bookerT's decision to not start webb was very honorable and we went down to the last minute of last night's game without knowing if the threepeat was on or not.  i looked forward to waving a victory in BookerT's face but right now i'm humbled.  i consider myself very lucky to have won.  vick pulled a half superman, which was enough.  luckily i also finished the regular season in first place so i'll take that as backup of my superiority ;D

once again i had a blast playing FF with you lot.  hope to see you all, and maybe a new face or three, next year.  enjoy the (real) playoffs.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 18, 2011, 11:53:27 am
Are we doing this? Where's my invite?

I'd like to suggest a couple minor rules changes, like allowing percentage points.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 18, 2011, 12:37:03 pm
yes, let's do this!  i'll set up the league this afternoon - unless anyone else wants to commish (commisherate?).

i'm happy to implement any and all rule changes, as long as no one in the league strongly objects.  by percentage points, do you mean fractional points - like 12 yards rushing is 1.2 points?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 19, 2011, 10:33:03 am
yes, let's do this!  i'll set up the league this afternoon - unless anyone else wants to commish (commisherate?).

i'm happy to implement any and all rule changes, as long as no one in the league strongly objects.  by percentage points, do you mean fractional points - like 12 yards rushing is 1.2 points?

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 19, 2011, 12:17:46 pm
I'd like an invite if there is space.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 19, 2011, 01:03:45 pm
awrite ladies and gents,  let's do this: welcome to the 2011 season of League930 fantasy football!

to join:
    - go to yahoo fantasy football homepage (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/)
    - click on "JOIN an existing league and compete against other players - Join a League"
    - sign in to your yahoo account (or create one)
    - click on "Join Custom League"
    - League ID: 606094, password: "930rox"
    - create a team
    - beat BookerT

league dues are $20, payable before the first game of the season.  payment can be made via paypal or check & snail-mail, see commissioner's note on the league page: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930

last year's managers should have already received an invite to resurrect their old teams.  if you don't want to play this year, please decline the invitation as soon as you can - spots are reserved for returning teams, so free up your spot if your not going to use it. 

i have tentatively set the live online draft for Monday, August 29 8:30pm EDT.  i'm entirely flexible about when this goes down, both in terms of the date and time of day (lunch time is an option too).  please chime in with your preferences.

I'd like an invite if there is space.

with pleasure - please PM me your e-mail address and i'll send you one, or follow instructions above.  because of our head-to-head format we need an even number of teams, but if that becomes an issue we'll deal with it later.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 19, 2011, 01:20:01 pm
awrite ladies and gents,  let's do this: welcome to the 2011 season of League930 fantasy football!

to join:
    - go to yahoo fantasy football homepage (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/)
    - click on "JOIN an existing league and compete against other players - Join a League"
    - sign in to your yahoo account (or create one)
    - click on "Join Custom League"
    - League ID: 606094, password: "930rox"
    - create a team
    - beat BookerT

league dues are $20, payable before the first game of the season.  payment can be made via paypal or check & snail-mail, see commissioner's note on the league page: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930

last year's managers should have already received an invite to resurrect their old teams.  if you don't want to play this year, please decline the invitation as soon as you can - spots are reserved for returning teams, so free up your spot if your not going to use it. 

i have tentatively set the live online draft for Monday, August 29 8:30pm EDT.  i'm entirely flexible about when this goes down, both in terms of the date and time of day (lunch time is an option too).  please chime in with your preferences.

I'd like an invite if there is space.

with pleasure - please PM me your e-mail address and i'll send you one, or follow instructions above.  because of our head-to-head format we need an even number of teams, but if that becomes an issue we'll deal with it later.

I'm assuming the open spots have already been taken as I just tried to join...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 19, 2011, 01:24:56 pm
yada - please try again, i've added 2 spots. 

former managers - please accept or decline your invites as soon as possible.  looks like we have a folks who would like to join, but can't.

aspiring new managers: if you can't sign up right away, please wait a little.  spots will open up as last year's managers retire.  i suspect that several of them won't be making decisions until tonight/this weekend.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 19, 2011, 01:45:10 pm
yada - please try again, i've added 2 spots. 

former managers - please accept or decline your invites as soon as possible.  looks like we have a folks who would like to join, but can't.

aspiring new managers: if you can't sign up right away, please wait a little.  spots will open up as last year's managers retire.  i suspect that several of them won't be making decisions until tonight/this weekend.

I'm either non internet savvy or I don't have an option to join the league. Maybe because I"m already in another Yahoo league?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 19, 2011, 01:52:02 pm
nah, being in one league won't stop you from joining, so that's not the issue.

GOT IT: if you're already in a league, you need to join through this page: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/signup (otherwise, you're taken to the page of your other league)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 19, 2011, 02:05:07 pm
nah, being in one league won't stop you from joining, so that's not the issue.

GOT IT: if you're already in a league, you need to join through this page: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/signup (otherwise, you're taken to the page of your other league)

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 19, 2011, 02:46:31 pm
one semi-major rule change worth considering -- set it so all free agents are on waivers from the time the week's first game starts through the monday night game. this will prevent someone from scoring a hot free agent pickup just because they happen to be at a computer at 145pm when a star running back gets injured. this really levels the playing field.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 19, 2011, 03:29:32 pm
one semi-major rule change worth considering -- set it so all free agents are on waivers from the time the week's first game starts through the monday night game. this will prevent someone from scoring a hot free agent pickup just because they happen to be at a computer at 145pm when a star running back gets injured. this really levels the playing field.

I have dropped out of more leagues than I can count because they don't adopt this rule.  However, I would set it for kick off of that teams games.

For example, when the 1 o'clock games kickoff, all of those players are locked.  When the 4 o'clock games kick off, they're now locked and so on.

That way if you have injury concerns about the 4, Sunday night or Monday night game, you can still make moves to grab a back up.  Nothing worse than needing one point from Marshall Faulk on a Monday night to tie, 2 to win and finding out that he isn't playing 15 minutes before kickoff, especially when the fullback and third down back of the Rams were available.  I'm not saying this happened in 2001 or anything....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 19, 2011, 03:38:08 pm
bookerT - i think that's a very good rule.  i believe this is the setting i need to tweek, previously it was set to "None":

Weekly Waivers:
Use these settings to give everyone in the league a fair chance at picking up players. "Sunday - Tuesday" means all unowned players will be placed on waivers at 10:00am PT (1:00pm ET) each Sunday with the claim period ending at 11:59pm PT on Tuesday. "First game of the week - Tuesday" means all unowned players will be placed on waivers at the start of the first game for that week with the claim period ending at 11:59pm PT on Tuesday.

so is "Sunday - Tuesday" the way to go?  unfortunately yahoo doesn't seem to allow vansmack's preference of team's kick-off.

FYI, we're up to five teams including Brian W's "I Hate Pink Floyd" ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 19, 2011, 04:03:36 pm
yeah this is the best way to do it. it's not quite as perfect as vansmack's preferred system, but in a scenario like that you are still able to replace with someone on your own bench, so all is not lost.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 21, 2011, 04:50:38 pm
Are we doing this? Where's my invite?

are you doing this?  i sent you your invite ;)

I'd like to suggest a couple minor rules changes, like allowing percentage points.

fractional points have been implemented, as has the no-sunday-to-tuesday-waiver-claim rule.  any other suggestions/requests?

everyone still OK with draft on Monday, August 29 at 8:30 pm?  i'm happy to change to another date and/or time if folks have a preference, constraint, etc.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 21, 2011, 07:15:07 pm

I'm confused by the waiver thing.  I'm sorry.  I'm thick.

Suppose you have Ray Rice on your team.  1:00 game, 5 minutes in, he blows out his knee and is done for the season.  Ricky "Puff Puff Pass" Williams (who wasn't drafted by anyone) comes into the game and rushes for 200 yards and 3 TD before halftime.

How is it determined who gets Ricky Williams?  First come, first served?

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on August 22, 2011, 01:07:26 am
am i too late to get in?  i'm getting a "league full" error message
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 22, 2011, 01:18:30 am

I'm confused by the waiver thing.  I'm sorry.  I'm thick.

Suppose you have Ray Rice on your team.  1:00 game, 5 minutes in, he blows out his knee and is done for the season.  Ricky "Puff Puff Pass" Williams (who wasn't drafted by anyone) comes into the game and rushes for 200 yards and 3 TD before halftime.

How is it determined who gets Ricky Williams?  First come, first served?


in your scenario, you would not be able to pick up williams.  all players are put on waivers from sunday 1 pm until tuesday midnight, at which point all pending claims are processed according to the waiver priority list.  we use a continuing rolling list (see http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/details/waiver_type).  this allows everyone a fair crack at williams, not just the one or two who happened to be watching the game.

am i too late to get in?  i'm getting a "league full" error message

either last year's managers aren't declining their invites, or the system isn't making their spaces available to new joiners.  i added two spots and they're been taken, so i'll need to add more in the morning.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on August 22, 2011, 11:39:32 am
I signed up, guys.  Hope everyone is cool with a semi-newbie joining the fray!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 22, 2011, 11:57:18 am
I signed up, guys.  Hope everyone is cool with a semi-newbie joining the fray!


this is what the league currently looks like:
- New Jersey Barebacks (sweetcell)
- Pigskin&Pigtails6949
- BookerT-Bars
- Rock N Roll Outlaws (Shadrach)
- TBD (Yada)
- Hoya Paranoia
- I Hate Pink Floyd (Brian Wallace)
- We Are Both Carls (crevers)
- Crump's Brother (jeffml)
- Stillwater

we're at 10 teams, which i think is the perfect size: good competition while allowing for some low-level talent to remain in free agency. should we lock down the league at 10?  or allow for 12 teams?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 22, 2011, 12:23:35 pm
I know it is tough to schedule a draft time that is good for everyone, so if no one else has a problem with the current time, I'll work with it.  Otherwise I would be ok with changing it.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 22, 2011, 12:24:49 pm
Forgot to add that I would be good with 10 teams.  Makes it a little easier to maneuver especially if you can't make the live draft.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 22, 2011, 12:32:06 pm
I know it is tough to schedule a draft time that is good for everyone, so if no one else has a problem with the current time, I'll work with it.  Otherwise I would be ok with changing it.

if you had a choice, what would be your preference?

as mentioned before, i'm completely flexible - whatever works best for the group.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on August 22, 2011, 12:36:12 pm
I like the draft time.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on August 22, 2011, 12:37:47 pm
are we doing another survivor/knockout football pool?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 22, 2011, 01:27:04 pm
are we doing another survivor/knockout football pool?

i certainly hope so - hey smackie?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 22, 2011, 02:45:23 pm
are we doing another survivor/knockout football pool?

i certainly hope so - hey smackie?

Survival pools have far surpassed fantasy football on my enjoyment scale.  I'll set it up later this week.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 22, 2011, 05:57:08 pm
Sunday night would work or after Wednesday (I'm on travel M-W). 

I know it is tough to schedule a draft time that is good for everyone, so if no one else has a problem with the current time, I'll work with it.  Otherwise I would be ok with changing it.

if you had a choice, what would be your preference?

as mentioned before, i'm completely flexible - whatever works best for the group.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 23, 2011, 10:43:28 am
I signed up, guys.  Hope everyone is cool with a semi-newbie joining the fray!


this is what the league currently looks like:
- New Jersey Barebacks (sweetcell)
- Pigskin&Pigtails6949
- BookerT-Bars
- Rock N Roll Outlaws (Shadrach)
- TBD (Yada)
- Hoya Paranoia
- I Hate Pink Floyd (Brian Wallace)
- We Are Both Carls (crevers)
- Crump's Brother (jeffml)
- Stillwater

we're at 10 teams, which i think is the perfect size: good competition while allowing for some low-level talent to remain in free agency. should we lock down the league at 10?  or allow for 12 teams?

Currently has 11 teams, I assumed we were doing 10. Says there is a max of 14 teams. I honestly don't want to play with that many teams. Since we already have 11, I guess we have to make it 12, but if it goes over 12, I'm out.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 23, 2011, 12:09:04 pm
Currently has 11 teams, I assumed we were doing 10. Says there is a max of 14 teams. I honestly don't want to play with that many teams. Since we already have 11, I guess we have to make it 12, but if it goes over 12, I'm out.

I think that's pissy and elitist.  The more, the merrier, I say.  People are so anal about this stuff.  It's NOT REAL FOOTBALL!  It's a game!  A diversion!  If more than 12 teams gives some menstrual cramps, then form two leagues.  The mods and the rockers.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 23, 2011, 12:15:38 pm
we'll limit to 12, so there is room for one more team.  brian - i don't think it's elitist.  it make the game more interesting by assuring that there is a little depth to the free agent field.  otherwise, lose a starter and you're toast.

I've tried to set the limit to 12, but I get the following error message: "You cannot reduce the max teams below 14 because your league contains 11 teams and 3 teams have not yet been renewed from last season. (Error #643)"

so we need one of the three old-timers to step up, OR we need one to decline their invite so some fresh meat can join in.  i'll ping the geriatrics to get some movement (prune juice optional).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on August 23, 2011, 12:38:59 pm
can i take the guy with the gun who's had too many beers tailgaiting . . . and you can have the other one with the "(insert team name here) sucks" shirt?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 23, 2011, 12:47:30 pm
Currently has 11 teams, I assumed we were doing 10. Says there is a max of 14 teams. I honestly don't want to play with that many teams. Since we already have 11, I guess we have to make it 12, but if it goes over 12, I'm out.

I think that's pissy and elitist.  The more, the merrier, I say.  People are so anal about this stuff.  It's NOT REAL FOOTBALL!  It's a game!  A diversion!  If more than 12 teams gives some menstrual cramps, then form two leagues.  The mods and the rockers.


Is this coming from someone who actually plays fantasy football? It's neither pissy, nor elitist to put a cap on the number of teams allowed in the league. It may be a "game" or a "diversion" but there is money on the line, which makes it a serious competition. In most fantasy leagues 10 or 12 teams is standard. More teams than that and the available pool of players is so watered down that it makes it nearly impossible to compete if you have a couple injuries. I'm speaking from experience, having played in many many leagues over the years. As for your "more than merrier" take, we've had problems filling the league with 10 teams in past years, so capping it isn't like shutting anyone out.

Perhaps you should start your own league, it's free on Yahoo and you can invite as many teams to join as you want. Good luck with that.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 23, 2011, 01:11:17 pm

Is this coming from someone who actually plays fantasy football? It's neither pissy, nor elitist to put a cap on the number of teams allowed in the league. It may be a "game" or a "diversion" but there is money on the line, which makes it a serious competition. In most fantasy leagues 10 or 12 teams is standard. More teams than that and the available pool of players is so watered down that it makes it nearly impossible to compete if you have a couple injuries. I'm speaking from experience, having played in many many leagues over the years. As for your "more than merrier" take, we've had problems filling the league with 10 teams in past years, so capping it isn't like shutting anyone out.

Perhaps you should start your own league, it's free on Yahoo and you can invite as many teams to join as you want. Good luck with that.

Yes.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I've played fantasy football before.  Having less teams makes it more selfish, megalomaniacal and frankly, a little sad.  You want AS MANY of the good players and NO ONE ELSE can have them.  It smacks of: "If I can't play it my way, I'll take my ball and go home."   Yes, teams in a 14-team league will have a few less good players than teams in a 10 team league.  So what?  It evens the playing field.  If you pick good players, it shouldn't matter.  And if your players get hurt?  Well, you really can't control that can you?

Here's a good idea, Shadrach.  I'll start a league with ONE TEAM.  And you can JOIN!  Then you can have Ray Rice AND Arian Foster!  Andre Johnson AND Larry Fitzgerald!  How cool would that be for you?!?


P.S.  Plus, there's not "money on the line."  It's only $20!  That's like, 1/7 of a Neil Young ticket!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 23, 2011, 01:30:14 pm

Is this coming from someone who actually plays fantasy football? It's neither pissy, nor elitist to put a cap on the number of teams allowed in the league. It may be a "game" or a "diversion" but there is money on the line, which makes it a serious competition. In most fantasy leagues 10 or 12 teams is standard. More teams than that and the available pool of players is so watered down that it makes it nearly impossible to compete if you have a couple injuries. I'm speaking from experience, having played in many many leagues over the years. As for your "more than merrier" take, we've had problems filling the league with 10 teams in past years, so capping it isn't like shutting anyone out.

Perhaps you should start your own league, it's free on Yahoo and you can invite as many teams to join as you want. Good luck with that.

Yes.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I've played fantasy football before.  Having less teams makes it more selfish, megalomaniacal and frankly, a little sad.  You want AS MANY of the good players and NO ONE ELSE can have them.  It smacks of: "If I can't play it my way, I'll take my ball and go home."   Yes, teams in a 14-team league will have a few less good players than teams in a 10 team league.  So what?  It evens the playing field.  If you pick good players, it shouldn't matter.  And if your players get hurt?  Well, you really can't control that can you?

Here's a good idea, Shadrach.  I'll start a league with ONE TEAM.  And you can JOIN!  Then you can have Ray Rice AND Arian Foster!  Andre Johnson AND Larry Fitzgerald!  How cool would that be for you?!?


P.S.  Plus, there's not "money on the line."  It's only $20!  That's like, 1/7 of a Neil Young ticket!

Your understanding and expertise in the matters of fantasy football leave me astounded. I stand corrected. We should invite as many teams as we can. I am humbled and truly embarrassed by my selfish behavior. Where do I get off having the gall to make such outrageous demands as to limit the number of managers in the league? Thank you for showing me the way, I'm glad we have someone like you around with your uncanny vision to set us all straight. Much love and respect to you Brian.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 23, 2011, 05:30:46 pm
I may have to drop out.  I don't think I can stand being in a league with BW and his views from a douch.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 23, 2011, 05:44:46 pm
I may have to drop out.  I don't think I can stand being in a league with BW and his views from a douch.

See?  Shaking from FEAR!


P.S.  "Views From A Douch."  Wasn't that a track on the first Arctic Monkeys album?  Or an old Duran Duran song?

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 24, 2011, 05:17:12 pm
so, ol' murphy has reared his head: a manager from last year informs me that he didn't get his invite, but would like to join.  i've informed him that we've hit our max number of teams.  i also said i'd ask if anybody wants out.

so if anyone has changed their mind about being in the league, you can drop out without guilt - we have someone who will gladly take your place.

I'll start a league with ONE TEAM. 

so essentially, you want to play with yourself?  ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 24, 2011, 05:56:14 pm

So you're guilting someone to drop out?  I'm not surprised.  You have 13 that want to play now, right?  Here's what you do: 

1. Increase the teams to 14.
2. Shadrach drops out.
3. Boom!  12 teams.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 24, 2011, 06:05:16 pm
nope, no guilting involved here.  just checkin' in case we can make everyone happy by letting out someone who wants out and letting in someone who want in.  it's a long-shot, but ya never know (certainly not without asking).

although i can't subscribe to it, the logic of your solution is flawless ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 25, 2011, 04:39:01 pm
I'll drop out.  Will do so sometime tonight. 
Crump's Brother.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 25, 2011, 04:54:09 pm
I'll drop out.  Will do so sometime tonight. 
Crump's Brother.

"I don't want you to drop out! What would I do without you?...No, no, NO! No. You... you... complete me."


Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 29, 2011, 09:22:16 am
is there any reason to leave the draft order random until 30 mins before? you can set it randomly now i believe, might give people a better chance for last minute prep if they know where they are picking.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on August 29, 2011, 09:43:46 am
are we doing another survivor/knockout football pool?

i certainly hope so - hey smackie?

Survival pools have far surpassed fantasy football on my enjoyment scale.  I'll set it up later this week.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 29, 2011, 10:10:58 am
is there any reason to leave the draft order random until 30 mins before? you can set it randomly now i believe, might give people a better chance for last minute prep if they know where they are picking.

nope, i didn't know i could do that - learn something new every year.  per your wishes:

1.  Stillwater
2.  Rock N Roll ...
3.  We Are Both ...
4.  The Ian Curt...
5.  BookerT-Bars
6.  Hoya Paranoia
7.  I Hate Pink ...
8.  TBD
9.  Pigskin&Pigt...
10. New Jersey B...
11.  team salty
12.  killsaly
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 29, 2011, 11:06:52 am
just paid a bit ago...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on August 29, 2011, 02:05:38 pm
Well, this is a year where I didn't really want the #1 pick... figures
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 29, 2011, 03:59:48 pm
Well, this is a year where I didn't really want the #1 pick... figures

I'll trade you.  Can we do that?  Wouldn't you LOVE the intriguing....number...SEVEN pick?

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 29, 2011, 04:15:14 pm
Well, this is a year where I didn't really want the #1 pick... figures

With 12 teams in the league, that's your ticket to a championship.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on August 29, 2011, 04:48:38 pm
Well, this is a year where I didn't really want the #1 pick... figures

I'll trade you.  Can we do that?  Wouldn't you LOVE the intriguing....number...SEVEN pick?


Don't see why not, seen it done before.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 29, 2011, 05:11:19 pm

It's a little hazier this year because you have one top tier running back with a hamstring injury that could be nagging (Foster), another, maybe SLIGHTLY lesser running back (only if you believe the idiots at ESPN) who could be holding out for a long time (Chris Johnson), another possible hold-out (Frank Gore) and a top 5 quarterback who is dealing with nerve regeneration in his neck (!) (Manning.)

Plus, a lot less wear and tear on the bodies.  Now this could be good (gives body chance to heal, more refreshed) or bad (out of football shape.  more injuries trying to get into football shape quicker.)

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on August 29, 2011, 05:14:17 pm
Although I guess being able to grab the only back without question marks (whether that be hamstrings, holdouts or idiot coaches) is a good thing.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 29, 2011, 05:44:42 pm
Well, this is a year where I didn't really want the #1 pick... figures

I'll trade you.  Can we do that?  Wouldn't you LOVE the intriguing....number...SEVEN pick?


Don't see why not, seen it done before.

yup, it can be done - but only by the commissioner. 

so if you're serious about it, you need to let me know ASAP.  both of you should send me an e-mail or a PM within the next 30-40 minutes.  after that, i'll be out running an errand and might not be back in time to make the sitch before the draft start.  i believe that a hlaf hour before the draft, everything gets locked down and order can't be changed anymore.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 29, 2011, 06:23:22 pm

I'm fine.  Unless, Stillwater REALLY wants to trade the No. 1 pick.  Come on, Stillwater....you could probably get Michael Vick.........

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on August 29, 2011, 07:42:01 pm
I think I'm good. I appreciate your willingness to help to me unload it though.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on August 31, 2011, 07:49:27 pm

This isn't about fantasy football but rather something briefly discussed during the draft.  There are a lot of good undiscovered writers out there.  And there are a lot of great topics to write about.  But, hey!  What the world REALLY needs is some retarded statistical analysis of Adele's performance on VMAs and where she ranks on the diva scale!:


That's a PERFECT example of how awful this Klosterman/Simmons/Diablo Cody/Entertainment Weekly crap is.  Seriously.  The tide is turning against this quasi-meta-pop-culture bullshit.  It will be going away very soon.  And then what will you do on the internets?

Welcome to Grantland.  In a year it will be closed and turned into a Five Guys.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 01, 2011, 11:02:55 am
are we doing another survivor/knockout football pool?

i certainly hope so - hey smackie?

Survival pools have far surpassed fantasy football on my enjoyment scale.  I'll set it up later this week.


Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on September 01, 2011, 11:04:45 am
That Vick in the first round pick is going to take me to the top!!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 01, 2011, 11:15:50 am
he won me last year's championship in large part... and he wasn't even drafted, i got him as a free agent in like the 3rd or 4th week.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 01, 2011, 06:37:39 pm
sorry i am posting here . . . but i love d&d, and roleplaying games, and all aspects of what i think fantasy sports is all about.  is it difficult to just learn, and how does one learn it.  is there a wonderful website that will teach me, or is it best to just find people who are doing it in real life and ask them.  it seems so overwhelming and so much to constantly keep up with.  and i have negative field/court advantage, because i don't even have cable or sat.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on September 02, 2011, 01:39:58 pm
sorry i am posting here . . . but i love d&d, and roleplaying games, and all aspects of what i think fantasy sports is all about.  is it difficult to just learn, and how does one learn it.  is there a wonderful website that will teach me, or is it best to just find people who are doing it in real life and ask them.  it seems so overwhelming and so much to constantly keep up with.  and i have negative field/court advantage, because i don't even have cable or sat.

I'm sure you love playing roleplaying games, but I'm calling bullshit.  You've never played Dungeons & Dragons in your life.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 02, 2011, 02:07:05 pm
walkies: if you want to learn how to play fantasy football, i'd suggest googling "fantasy football 101".  it'll point you to several sites with good introductions.

in a nutshell, fantasy football involves choosing which players on your vitual team will "play" for you that week (you have more players than starting spots, so some "play" for you while others sit on the bench).  you get fantasy points based on how well the player does in real NFL football.  note that you can have players from different NFL teams, you pick who is on your team during the season-starting draft.  after that you can add and drop players throughout the season.  it's not quite as immediately interactive as D&D - you make choices, then set back and see what happens.

unfortunately it's too late to join the League930, we've already held our draft.  but every purveyor of fantasy football services (yahoo sports, espn, cbs sports, sports illustrated, etc) allows you to join a public league (or get some friends together and start a league).  consider this year a practice run and join us next year.

You've never played Dungeons & Dragons in your life.

what makes you say that?  he's got an over-active imagination, he's into conspiracy theories, he spends a lot of time online... sounds like the modern-day hallmarks of a former D&D'er to me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 02, 2011, 03:55:15 pm
yeah . . . what he said.  thanks the info.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on September 02, 2011, 04:07:14 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 02, 2011, 05:44:07 pm
i remember i learned dungeons and dragons in the sixth grade, in a small town, in a house that was haunted, probably by something evilish.  i'm sure it helped me become very skilled in it from obsessive play that borderlined on--i'm sure--obnoxiousness to every one around me who wasn't playing it.  fantasy football just seems so radically different because it is mainly played by alpha male dominate brute force kind of guys (not that there is anything wrong with that type of man) that take it super serious to a level that . . . wait a minute, i think people who play d&d are sometimes mentally unstable and cold kill you, and no not just your character, for things done within the game, so maybe fantasy football isn't bad.  perhaps i too will be able to play in next year's vansmackarama.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 02, 2011, 06:06:16 pm
perhaps i too will be able to play in next year's vansmackarama.

to be clear, vansmack doesn't play in our fantasy football league (he claims we're below him, or some such B.S.)

what smackie organizes (here (http://www.930.com/forum/index.php?topic=22316.0)) is the survivor pool, a different NFL-related game.  in survivor, the goal is to pick one team per week that will win.  once you've picked a team, you can't choose that team again.  sounds easy, right?  i've never been in a survivor pool that has lasted all the way through the season.  once the obvious choices - patriots, colts, packers, etc - are taken, you're left trying to pick raiders/seahawks or bengals/bills... just making it halfway through the season is an accomplishment.

if you think you're good at picking winners, there is still time to join.  $5 is all it will cost ya, and if you out-pick everyone else you keep everyone else's $5.  there are also $100 and $1000 pools, if you wanna roll high.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on September 04, 2011, 11:31:31 am
I played d&d for a brief stint in the 5th or 6th grade and while my memory of it isn't vivid, I do recall it's essentially a dice rolling game. Fantasy football on the other hand is more about analyzing statistics and trends. They are both games of chance and neither of them require a great deal of skill, the main difference being that fantasy football, while using the word "fantasy," is actually based on reality.

Of course I think the comparison was intentionally made to poke fun at fantasy football players...

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 09, 2011, 06:10:50 pm
to be clear, vansmack doesn't play in our fantasy football league (he claims we're below him, or some such B.S.)

Unless the host of this show is in your fantasy football league, you ain't got squat against mine: 

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 09, 2011, 06:38:52 pm
dude, we got brian wallace in our league.  TOP THAT.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 09, 2011, 07:43:48 pm
if he wins . . . god, could you top the gloating that will proceed for, i'll take a year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 12, 2011, 01:41:05 am
Roethlisberger stunk up M&T bank stadium so bad, i could smell it all the way from here at my place in rockville.  grumble grumble...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 13, 2011, 11:48:58 am
New Jersey Barebacks  80.20
Pigskin&Pigtails6949     80.80

seriously?  i think i should have gotten an extra point for janikowski's 63-yarder. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on September 13, 2011, 12:01:02 pm
i lost by 0.40 points in another league thanks to davone bess's last minute meaningless catch ... gotta love fantasy football ...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 22, 2011, 01:44:30 pm
Is Dexter McCluster eligible at RB and WR in the Yahoo league?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on September 22, 2011, 02:43:39 pm
I lost in another league, after being down by 8 points, with H. Nicks playing on Monday night. I wound up losing by .14 points. Today Yahoo credited Nicks with a 23 yard reception originally ruled pass interferance (which was declined). That 2.3 points was enough to give me the win. The fantasy gods smiled on me today. It's not every day you earn a win on a Thursday when there are no games.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 22, 2011, 06:57:06 pm
Is Dexter McCluster eligible at RB and WR in the Yahoo league?

No seriously.  This is causing some problems in our league (ESPN) because he's eligible for both positions and now with Jamal Charles out it could be a wonderful advantage to his owner (who happens to be smackie).

Is he eligible for both positions in yahoo?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 22, 2011, 10:45:37 pm
Is Dexter McCluster eligible at RB and WR in the Yahoo league?

No seriously.  This is causing some problems in our league (ESPN) because he's eligible for both positions and now with Jamal Charles out it could be a wonderful advantage to his owner (who happens to be smackie).

Is he eligible for both positions in yahoo?

join our league next year, and you'll find out  :P

(yes, he's eligible for both positions.  i waffled on picking him up... my bad)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on September 22, 2011, 11:21:06 pm
(yes, he's eligible for both positions.  i waffled on picking him up... my bad)


I bought him at the auction draft for $1...not quite Vick for $1 last year, but there's potential.  As long as he's got dual eligibility elsewhere, I'm good. Thanks sweetcell.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 11, 2011, 09:34:21 am
i got megatron'ed.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 11, 2011, 01:46:14 pm
i got megatron'ed.


Lots of people did. His presence was why I had Stafford ranked so high this season. Stafford has 13 passing TD's so far, nine of them are to Calvin Johnson.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on October 11, 2011, 02:06:54 pm
i got megatron'ed.


This is one of the most pathetic title-defense seasons I've ever witnessed...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 11, 2011, 04:43:24 pm
didn't you get the memo?  the management of the New Jersey Barebacks have postponed their quest for a repeat for one year.  please tune in to this fantasy football league this time next year, to watch the Barebacks take take their rightful place atop the podium.  until then, good night and good luck!

...it's been a tough start to the season, and frankly it's probably over for me.  i've pretty consistently put up enough points to beat half the league - unfortunately my opponents have equally consistently been in the other half.  eli and big ben have been playing tricks on me - which ever of the two i started, the other would have the better day.  my top 3 picks - turner, bradshaw and fitzgerald - have collectively only had 4 big performance, out of a 15 chances.  all in all, this isn't a recipe for a winning season.  with 9 games to go, i'd consider getting to .500 a major accomplishment.

besides, i've seen the view from the top.  it ain't all that.  no, really.  i like it here in the gutter, looking up at the stars...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on October 16, 2011, 02:08:14 pm
Hey whomever is Rock N Roll Outlaws, you have an open spot in your lineup.  You should put someone in before the 4pm games.

Id rather not win like that...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 16, 2011, 05:03:45 pm
Rock N Roll Outlaws = Shadrach

i came close to leaving my TE position empty this week.  my line-up is full of talent and there is no one i was willing to drop in favor of swapping in a temporary TE.  i came close to foregoing the TE position for one week, then decided to trade.

in other news, looks like i'm on track for my first win.  fingers and other appendages crossed. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on October 18, 2011, 08:57:29 am

Can you just segue this into "Favorite Dungeons & Dragons Modules" or "Favorite Dr. Who episodes" and be done with it?


brian: you should spend less time twisting your panties into a knot over things you can't control (i know, it's frustrating, there there) and spend more time on fantasy football.  this past week you left Julio Jones in your lineup - he was deactivated as of last wednesday.  less hatin', mo' winnin'.

I really didn't have any options there.  Andre Johnson's out.  Julio Jones was "injured."  Mike Williams was on a bye.  I would have had to pick up a wide receiver and my options were....Austin Collie....Lee Evans....Braylon Edwards...Roy Williams...Steve Smith.  None of which could have helped me make up a 45 points deficit.  If I had a crystal ball, I could have picked up Devin Hester but even he didn't score 45 points. 

My only hope was that Julio Jones would man up like Julius Peppers did and play. 

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 18, 2011, 09:20:19 am
Ugh, second pick = last place.

Although I have the fifth most points scored, I have far and away the most points scored against.

This week doesn't get any easier with half my team on a bye, including my QB.

The fantasy mistress, she can be a cruel one.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 18, 2011, 02:40:28 pm
so looks like my team finally woke up... and crushed everyone as it rolled over and asked itself "huh, what week is this?!?"  don't call it a comeback, 'cause it isn't one yet ;D  nice to be out of the basement, just wish i could be a little better at spreading out those points from week to week.

I really didn't have any options there.  Andre Johnson's out.  Julio Jones was "injured."  Mike Williams was on a bye.  I would have had to pick up a wide receiver and my options were....Austin Collie....Lee Evans....Braylon Edwards...Roy Williams...Steve Smith.  None of which could have helped me make up a 45 points deficit.  If I had a crystal ball, I could have picked up Devin Hester but even he didn't score 45 points. 

My only hope was that Julio Jones would man up like Julius Peppers did and play. 


admittedly, in hindsight your non-action was prescient :)

This week doesn't get any easier with half my team on a bye, including my QB.

i have most of my byes grouped over 2 weeks (5 this past weekend, week 8 has 7 of 'em!).  that had me worried earlier on.  i considered taking a bath those two weeks and calling them foregone losses, but with some creativity i managed my way through this past weekend.  not sure about week 8 tho.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on October 19, 2011, 11:13:44 am
Hey whomever is Rock N Roll Outlaws, you have an open spot in your lineup.  You should put someone in before the 4pm games.

Id rather not win like that...

I swear I put Nate Burleson in at my Flex. The only thing I can think of is that I forgot to click the submit button before leaving the page. Would have given me the win by fractions of a point too. Sucks.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 23, 2011, 03:55:25 pm
so, how's that arian foster kid workin' out for ya?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 01, 2011, 11:40:46 am
Amazing and unlikely victory by the BookerT-Bars last night. We Are Both Carls had Rivers, Novak and SD defense, made up the deficit to either get within 1 point or take a slight lead with 2 minutes left in the game. SD was kneeling to set up Novak for a chip shot game-winning FG to give Charges and Carls the win ... then Rivers fumbles on a kneel down, losing Carls a point and sending the game to OT. There the Chiefs get a field goal, knocking another point from the SD defense's fantasy score and the BookerT-Bars escape with a 1.4 point victory.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 06, 2011, 10:31:42 pm

once again, there are only 2 other teams out of 11 who could beat me.  once again, i happen to be playing one of them.  fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 08, 2011, 03:55:22 pm
i was going to post this earlier today, but work got in the way and then vansmack beat me to it...

thursday games start this week.  for information about how deadlines, etc are handled please refer to http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/sports/fantasysports/football/rosters/fsgearlygm.html.  as a reminder, our league is set to "Sunday - Tuesday waivers".

the trade deadline is Nov 18.

Amazing and unlikely victory by the BookerT-Bars last night. We Are Both Carls had Rivers, Novak and SD defense, made up the deficit to either get within 1 point or take a slight lead with 2 minutes left in the game. SD was kneeling to set up Novak for a chip shot game-winning FG to give Charges and Carls the win ... then Rivers fumbles on a kneel down, losing Carls a point and sending the game to OT. There the Chiefs get a field goal, knocking another point from the SD defense's fantasy score and the BookerT-Bars escape with a 1.4 point victory.

i see you decided to pad your win this week with a cushion of 2.28 points ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on November 08, 2011, 03:57:20 pm

I would like to reiterate this sentiment. 

I lost by two and had K-Faulk active.  I have renamed my team to "I Hate Kevin Faulk"
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 08, 2011, 04:05:55 pm

I would like to reiterate this sentiment. 

I lost by two and had K-Faulk active.  I have renamed my team to "I Hate Kevin Faulk"

same here.  i swapped out DJ Ware for Faulk off waivers at 12:59 pm on sunday, seconds before the deadline.  Ware put up 2.3 points.  i lost by 1.74. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 08, 2011, 04:07:52 pm
i see you decided to pad your win this week with a cushion of 2.28 points ;D

I have the second most points in the league and make no apologies for my 8-1 record ... but I've gotten some lucky wins the past 2 weeks. Three Maclin catches in the 4th quarter while McCoy disappeared got this W for me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on November 21, 2011, 06:29:46 pm
A real barn burner for first place this week...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 21, 2011, 06:58:16 pm
indeed!  i'll have a lot to keep track of during this game.  first place show-down should be a good one.  i've got 3 players on the field (battle, mccluster and gostkowski), need to make up 15 points vs. killsaly's one (woodhead).  and of course my general interest in seeing the pats prevail.

i hope this one turns into a high-scoring shootout.  don't worry stillwater, hopefully the Pats' D will be strong like last week and create a lot of turnovers (thus giving the ball back to battle and mccluster - everyone wins!)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Shadrach on November 22, 2011, 12:54:41 pm
My winning steak may have come too late. I'm dangerously close to being mathematically eliminated from playoff contention.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on November 22, 2011, 01:45:41 pm
Not saying that the 3 of us at 8-3 are out of the woods yet being up by only a game, but I just went through the schedule, and the next 3 weeks are basically a round robin for that last playoff spot.

Still in contention:

1.   Stillwater.................8-3-0   1232.36   
2.   BookerT-Bars............8-3-0   1157.74   
3.   killsaly.....................8-3-0   1043.60   
4.   We Are Both Carls......7-4-0   1158.48
5.   Hoya Paranoia...........7-4-0   1115.42   
6.   team salty................6-5-0   1107.58   
7.   Rock N Roll Outlaws....5-6-0    1024.56

Week 12:
team salty (6-5)   vs. Hoya Paranoia (7-4)
We Are Both Carls (7-4) vs. killsaly (8-3)
Stillwater, Booker T and Outlaws vs. teams out of contention

Week 13:

We Are Both Carls (7-4) vs. Hoya Paranoia (7-4)
team salty (6-5) vs. Rock N Roll Outlaws (5-6)
Stillwater, Booker T and killsaly vs. teams out of contention

Week 14:

Stillwater (8-3) vs. team salty (6-5)
Hoya Paranoia (7-4) vs. killsaly (8-3)
We Are Both Carls (7-4) vs. Rock N Roll Outlaws (5-6)
Booker T vs. team out of contention

Shadrach- I think you'll need to take care of business and win out, root for the Top 3 to win the rest of their games (killsaly in particular).  You are going to need to score some points too to help out with the tiebreaker.

Anyway, should be a pretty exciting finish...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 22, 2011, 02:05:40 pm
congrats to stillwater for a strong showing last night.  ah-whaddup Pats D?!?

the fact that i have more points than 4 of the 7 people on that list, yet am sitting in the basement, KILLS me.

i redirect my hate from kevin faulk to thomas jones.  jones was supposed to be an after-thought in the chiefs' running game, but he ended up having the biggest game of RBs - stealing touches from my mccluster and battle.  i ended up losing by 2 points.  breaston was the chief i should have started, but didn't.  eff.  again.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 22, 2011, 02:22:28 pm
My team is struggling lately. I was doing it with smoke and mirrors mostly, starting to catch up. I pray to the almighty Tebow to deliver me from this mortal coil to the fantasy football heavens...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 29, 2011, 01:05:50 pm
there was some real craziness going on in last night's game. three very big come-from-behind victories with serious playoff implications. hoya went from down 53 to winning by 12, and he only had 2 players going!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 29, 2011, 02:07:33 pm
there was some real craziness going on in last night's game. three very big come-from-behind victories with serious playoff implications. hoya went from down 53 to winning by 12, and he only had 2 players going!

that definitely gets my vote for comeback of the year.

eli had me nervous for most of the game.  he ended up producing more than what i needed, but 60% of his output was in the fourth quarter.  made for some anxious game-watching on my end.  think of how great the giants would be if they played with that urgency and efficiency during the entire game (yes, i know, saints were in garbage-time mode for the most part, but still...)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on November 29, 2011, 06:28:27 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on December 05, 2011, 09:20:20 am
Big game tonight for the 4th playoff spot.  Hoya is up a game in the standings and 18 points on the week.  If Philip Rivers and Nick Novak score more than 18, him and We Are Both Carls will be tied going into next week.  If River breaks his arm (or basically keeps playing the way he has) Hoya can clinch it tonight.

Congrats to Booker and killsaly for locking up playoff berths!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on December 06, 2011, 10:58:03 am
in the immortal words of brent musberger - this one's for all the tostitos
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on December 06, 2011, 01:41:12 pm
Officially the worst fantasy season I've had in a long time.

Thanks 930 League!! I'll be back next year!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on December 06, 2011, 06:45:19 pm
Congrats to Booker and killsaly for locking up playoff berths!
Thanks! I believe this is the best I have ever done in this league.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 13, 2011, 12:36:01 pm
killsaly finished in first place at 11-3 despite being the 8th highest scoring team in the league. looks ripe for a first round upset at the hands of we are both carls, who snuck into the playoffs despite losing in week because hoya lost, too. i'm facing off against stillwater in a battle of 10-4 teams ravaged by injuries.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on December 14, 2011, 09:26:16 am
Yeah, definitely a wide open field.  It hurts losing Jennings, but hopefully AP returns...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 18, 2011, 01:20:32 am
those of us in the basement aren't officially in any form of playoff but we can have an off-the-books competition as yahoo is still scoring us.  it would be:

- Pigskin&Pigtails6949 vs. The Ian Curtis Shake
- I Hate Pink Floyd vs. New Jersey Barebacks    

sorry for bringing this up so late, but luckily no one missed out on the thursday and saturday games so we're all even there. 

back to the real playoffs, things are off to a rip-roarin' start for BookerT vs. Stillwater.  i think the over/under on that one is 260.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on December 18, 2011, 06:04:01 pm
When Matt Ryan, Donald Brown and Willis McGahee combine for 50-60 pts against you, its not your year...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on December 18, 2011, 08:20:13 pm
I spoke too soon I guess... I need to send Matthew Stafford a XMas card.

Up 10 with Ryan Matthews and Shaun Suisham vs. Vincent Jackson and Mike Wallace.

Hard to predict... Jackson and Wallace are your definition of feast or famine receivers.  Should be an interesting finish...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 18, 2011, 08:25:12 pm
was today opposite day in the NFL?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 19, 2011, 12:02:39 pm
I spoke too soon I guess... I need to send Matthew Stafford a XMas card.

Up 10 with Ryan Matthews and Shaun Suisham vs. Vincent Jackson and Mike Wallace.

Hard to predict... Jackson and Wallace are your definition of feast or famine receivers.  Should be an interesting finish...

Matthews sealed the deal for you. Ravens defense let me down, and hopefully they lose some playoff home games and Flacco turns in another road stinkbomb. It will take a truly monster game from Wallace and maybe a missed 31 FG or two from Suisham for me to have a chance...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 20, 2011, 12:32:30 pm
killsaly finished in first place at 11-3 despite being the 8th highest scoring team in the league. looks ripe for a first round upset at the hands of we are both carls

score one for the booker.  WABC took care of biznatch despite the fine performance put on by SF's defense last night (you owe reggie bush a thank-you note).  if i was killsaly, i'd consider putting a hit out on mike williams. 

in ther other semi-final, Stillwater drowned the BookerT-Bar's hopes of re-starting his dynasty.  harvin picked a bad week to take a snooze, but that stafford/matthews/atlanta mix would be a lot for anyone to overcome. 

Hoya Paranoia rode the 1-2 of brees and mccoy to beat TBD to earn himself a spot in the 5-th place game.  he'll be facing off against the RnR Outlaws who laid down team sally with another huge day for the Seattle D (best late-season pick-up ever?).  tough going for team sally, what with putting up a rather impressive 115 points thanks to megatron and DHB.

and in the left-over round, The Ian Curtis Shake beat out Pigskin&Pigtails6949 while the New Jersey Barebacks bested I Hate Pink Floyd... not that i'm 100% sure anyone else is still bothering to play down there.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on December 20, 2011, 03:33:32 pm
Rough one for Smackie.

Eliminated from my loser pool in week 15 (Carolina).  #10 overall in a 250+ person pool.  I get as much as the guy who was eliminated in week one...

I lost in the fantasy playoffs by .1 and would have won but for the chop block call late in the 4th last night.

My Steelers lost and I had to endure it with a bunch of Niners fans, yet most texts I received were about how embarrassing my city is that it can't keep it light's on.

All true stories.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Brian_Wallace on December 20, 2011, 05:16:45 pm

Yes.  I bailed.  Thanks for inviting me, though.  Both of my quarterbacks are out.  My best receiver and running back are out.  It was time to wave the white flag.

I'm focused on my fantasy basketball draft tomorrow night for my team, "Amnesty International."  I think I'm going with an All-Pissed-Off/Perceived-Slight team.  Kobe, Dwight Howard, Rondo.....

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 25, 2011, 10:33:24 am
given the horrible season that the new jersey barebacks had, its management has called this season a wash-out and has headed south early.  this decision will compromise my ability to oversee the end of the season and provide my usual summary write-up, but between doing that and hitting the waves... pass me my margarita, will ya hon?  grassy ass.

best of luck to stillwater!  and congrats to everyone for our group effort in ensuring that bookerT doesn't take the crown.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on December 29, 2011, 01:02:34 pm
Congrats to everyone! It was a fun season and I look forward to the next one.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on January 04, 2012, 09:21:40 pm
League930 Final Standings for 2011-2012

our champion this year is first-time winner Stillwater who takes home $150 and bragging rights.  stafford came through big in the final game, allowing him to beat We Are Both Carls - who will have to console himself with his $65 prize.  third place, and $25, went to perennial podium-dweller BookerT.  he bested 4th-place killsaly.

shadrach's Rock N Roll Outlaws beat Hoya Paranoia for 5th place while Yada's TBD bested retrospec's team salty for 7th.

despite my piss-poor showing i once again had an absolute blast playing with y'all and look forward to next season. enjoy the real playoffs,
da commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on January 05, 2012, 12:30:27 pm
belated congrats to stillwater. a title well earned. considering my injury situation (my first round pick played less than 2 quarters), a 3rd place finish is not bad. but this franchise is used to championships and two years in a row without one leaves the fans restless.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on January 05, 2012, 01:38:43 pm
4th place = my best finish so far in this league.
and Booker... is your screen name from:

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on July 18, 2012, 04:04:53 pm
How bout' some football talk?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on July 18, 2012, 04:23:15 pm
i really haven't been paying attention... other than big signings, what's the news?

and who is ready for another year for League_930 fantasy football?!?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on July 18, 2012, 04:35:53 pm
i really haven't been paying attention... other than big signings, what's the news?

and who is ready for another year for League_930 fantasy football?!?

Dez Bryant beats up his mom, but that's already been covered in another thread.

Skins paid up for a guy that will probably blow out his knee... that's all I got.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 07, 2012, 06:01:02 pm
Someone should start this up. Last year's league was good stuff (except for the fact that I didn't win - again).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 07, 2012, 08:49:03 pm
Someone should start this up. Last year's league was good stuff (except for the fact that I didn't win - again).

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 13, 2012, 01:23:59 pm
Is this happening this year?? Otherwise, I need to find myself another league!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 13, 2012, 05:39:55 pm
Is this happening this year?? Otherwise, I need to find myself another league!

Yeah come on Sweetcell, where are ya? I think you are the one who can re-register the league, get a draft time, etc.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 13, 2012, 11:42:13 pm
ok, ok, sorry folks - recently back from vacation (portugal. the country) and soooo much catching up to do... but yes, FF930 2012 is a go.  gimme a sec to set up and re-invite last year's veterans.  who's in?

we thank you for your patience.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 14, 2012, 12:05:56 am
y'all ready to do this? welcome to the 2012 season of League930 fantasy football!

to join:
    - go to yahoo fantasy football homepage (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/)
    - click on "JOIN an existing league and compete against other players - Join a League"
    - sign in to your yahoo account (or create one)
    - click on "Join Custom League"
    - League ID: 506201, password: "930rox"
    - create a team
    - beat BookerT

league dues are $20, payable before the first game of the season.  payment can be made via paypal or check & snail-mail, see commissioner's note on the league page: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930

last year's managers should have already received an invite to resurrect their old teams.  if you don't want to play this year, please decline the invitation as soon as you can - spots are reserved for returning teams, so free up your spot if your not going to use it.

the live online draft is currently set to for Wednesday, Aug 22 at 9:00pm EDT.  i'm flexible about when this goes down, both in terms of the date and time of day (lunch time is an option too) HOWEVER keep in mind that the following week (Aug 27-31) draft times are very limited in the evenings - before 6:30 pm of after 10:45.  for the 1st time yahoo is limiting how many drafts can occur simultaneously.  please let me know your preference.

don't let BookerT win,
da commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on August 14, 2012, 02:31:53 am
Unfortunately, the defending champ is going to have to bow out.  I am leaving for Spain this morning and don't return until Sept 4th. 

It was a lot of fun last year, so if you are on the fence- do it! and take my spot.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 14, 2012, 09:15:48 am
Signed up!

Unfortunately, the defending champ is going to have to bow out.  I am leaving for Spain this morning and don't return until Sept 4th. 

It was a lot of fun last year, so if you are on the fence- do it! and take my spot.

Where in Spain?? I'm going in a few weeks!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on August 14, 2012, 03:55:35 pm
Signed up!

Unfortunately, the defending champ is going to have to bow out.  I am leaving for Spain this morning and don't return until Sept 4th. 

It was a lot of fun last year, so if you are on the fence- do it! and take my spot.

Where in Spain?? I'm going in a few weeks!

Seville, Malaga, Valencia, Barcelona... yourself?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 14, 2012, 06:11:50 pm
I'm in and good with draft time. What is spiky of winnings?  Winner take all or does super bowl runner up get a piece.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 14, 2012, 07:41:10 pm
Thanks for setting it up again, Sweetcell. Draft time works for me.

Too bad you won't be back to defend the title, Stillwater. But you'll be on vacation in Spain, which some might even argue is better than winning a fantasy football league! (I've only been to Valencia of that bunch - amazing city, enjoy.)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 14, 2012, 09:56:45 pm
What is spiky of winnings?  Winner take all or does super bowl runner up get a piece.

top 3 finishers get paid: $150/$65/$25 was last year's breakdown.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on August 15, 2012, 09:10:28 am
I'll do the draft from Captiva Island with a beverage in hand.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on August 15, 2012, 09:11:35 am
(portugal. the country)

this is very funny.  that is all.

booker t - 'grats on the promotion.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 15, 2012, 12:57:00 pm
y'all ready to do this? welcome to the 2012 season of League930 fantasy football!

to join:
    - go to yahoo fantasy football homepage (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/)
    - click on "JOIN an existing league and compete against other players - Join a League"
    - sign in to your yahoo account (or create one)
    - click on "Join Custom League"
    - League ID: 506201, password: "930rox"
    - create a team
    - beat BookerT

league dues are $20, payable before the first game of the season.  payment can be made via paypal or check & snail-mail, see commissioner's note on the league page: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/league930

last year's managers should have already received an invite to resurrect their old teams.  if you don't want to play this year, please decline the invitation as soon as you can - spots are reserved for returning teams, so free up your spot if your not going to use it.

the live online draft is currently set to for Wednesday, Aug 22 at 9:00pm EDT.  i'm flexible about when this goes down, both in terms of the date and time of day (lunch time is an option too) HOWEVER keep in mind that the following week (Aug 27-31) draft times are very limited in the evenings - before 6:30 pm of after 10:45.  for the 1st time yahoo is limiting how many drafts can occur simultaneously.  please let me know your preference.

don't let BookerT win,
da commish

looking good: we're up to 8 teams.  that's the minimum for a viable league, IMO, but it would be better if we could get to 10 teams.  c'mon folks, sign up.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 15, 2012, 01:12:17 pm
Signed up!

Unfortunately, the defending champ is going to have to bow out.  I am leaving for Spain this morning and don't return until Sept 4th. 

It was a lot of fun last year, so if you are on the fence- do it! and take my spot.

Where in Spain?? I'm going in a few weeks!

Seville, Malaga, Valencia, Barcelona... yourself?

Sweet... I'm going to Barcelona > Formentera. Have a blast, I wish we were going for longer! I was in Seville and south about a decade ago, pretty amazing. Enjoy.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 20, 2012, 04:10:15 pm
Are we on for Wednesday??

I guess we'll just pay at a later date one your paypal is figured out sweetcell?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on August 20, 2012, 10:45:05 pm
looks like i just made it 11 teams.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 20, 2012, 11:00:23 pm
Are we on for Wednesday??

I guess we'll just pay at a later date one your paypal is figured out sweetcell?

we are indeed on for wednesday - assuming we can find a 12th team.  we can't go with 11, which is the current state of affairs.

yeah, my paypal is a mess.  i'm waiting for them to mail me something that i need to respond to.  i'm quite pissed with them at the moment.  i'll let y'all know as soon as it's cleared up.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 21, 2012, 02:16:27 pm
One more person should really, really sign up so we can have the draft tomorrow instead of being stuck with a bad draft slot if we have to reschedule. Do it!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 21, 2012, 02:21:58 pm
One more person should really, really sign up so we can have the draft tomorrow instead of being stuck with a bad draft slot if we have to reschedule. Do it!

Or worst case scenario, bounce the last person that signed up. Maybe not the best way to go, but not sure how we're going to find another player.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on August 21, 2012, 07:13:09 pm
One more person should really, really sign up so we can have the draft tomorrow instead of being stuck with a bad draft slot if we have to reschedule. Do it!

Or worst case scenario, bounce the last person that signed up. Maybe not the best way to go, but not sure how we're going to find another player.

and then change the league name to "930 league of 10, suck it stevewizzle"
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 21, 2012, 07:16:55 pm
funny.  but seriously get someone to sign up if you don't want to possibly lose your spot.

One more person should really, really sign up so we can have the draft tomorrow instead of being stuck with a bad draft slot if we have to reschedule. Do it!

Or worst case scenario, bounce the last person that signed up. Maybe not the best way to go, but not sure how we're going to find another player.

and then change the league name to "930 league of 10, suck it stevewizzle"

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on August 21, 2012, 07:59:58 pm
yeah.  bumping this thread for the hope that someone joins. 

if not - feel free to bump me to make an even 10. But be warned i'll take my $20 and donate it to a charity/cause that the fantasy football league strongly opposes (NRA?  Romney/Ryan?  Ratbastard's health insurance?  Who knows what it'll be).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 21, 2012, 11:48:57 pm
If anyone has any friends not on the board, I say sign them up. 12 teams is better than 10, anyway. And we don't want stevewizzle buying $20 worth of stuff for Avril and Chad Kroeger from their registry.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on August 22, 2012, 12:04:12 am
If anyone has any friends not on the board, I say sign them up. 12 teams is better than 10, anyway. And we don't want stevewizzle buying $20 worth of stuff for Avril and Chad Kroeger from their registry.

i've been searching their registry for the perfect gift all night.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on August 22, 2012, 12:28:10 am
I just tried to join looks like it's full, crap, oh well
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on August 22, 2012, 08:35:18 am
I just tried to join looks like it's full, crap, oh well

hm. there is still only 11 teams.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 22, 2012, 08:36:21 am
I just tried to join looks like it's full, crap, oh well

Your league currently contains an odd number of teams

You must have an even number of teams in order to determine schedule and draft.

Someone needs to sign up.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 22, 2012, 10:05:40 am
I just tried to join looks like it's full, crap, oh well

wml7, please try again.  i think you couldn't join because of last year's managers have reserved spots but i believe i've taken care of that.  after you sign up i'll lock down the league, and we can proceed with tonight's draft at 9 pm.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on August 22, 2012, 10:36:18 am
I'm in
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 22, 2012, 10:45:09 am
that's it folks - we're locked n' loaded (well, i intend to be by tonight's draft time ;D)

chat with y'all tonight!  be sure to test your computers ahead of time, and log in a few minutes early to avoid complications.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 22, 2012, 08:56:10 pm
y'all ready to do this?

<cue up "Spirit Fingers" routine>
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 23, 2012, 04:27:32 pm
good draft last night.  took longer than expected but i had fun shootin' the sh*t with the other managers.

this age of RB-by-committee sure makes things more complicated.  i think i did alright, luckily.

and the promise i made last night was serious: next year the draft party will be at my place.  i'll brew us a DIPA/IIPA in honor of the occasion.  mark your calendars (not that a date has been set yet...)

bring on Week 1!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 25, 2012, 04:59:21 pm
paypal fixed. 

pay up, biotches.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2012, 03:36:08 pm
RULE CHANGE: we're switching to "Game-time waivers".

IN A NUTSHELL: this means a player isn't put on waivers until the start of their game - or, you can claim a player as long as they haven't started that week's game.  all players are released on late tuesday. 

last year, we have waivers set to "Sunday - Tuesday" (start of first game on sunday through to tuesday night).  so if you were down a player for the monday night game, you were outta luck since all free agents went on waivers as of sunday 1 pm.  with the switch to game-time waivers, on monday afternoon you can claim any players available for that night's game.

more info: http://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?locale=en_US&y=PROD_SPORTS_FAN_FOOTUS&page=content&id=SLN7129

da commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: miss pretentious on August 28, 2012, 08:37:03 am

sad i missed this.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 28, 2012, 10:48:21 am
ugh, sorry miss p.  we waited, but eventually had to pull the trigger.  it's a sad day when a veteran is left behind.

next year i'll send you a personal e-mail invite to make sure you get back in (you're still @gmail, right?).  i'm assuming that BookerT will be so embarrassed by the performance of his team this year that we won't want to show his face again, so we'll have at least one spot open.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 28, 2012, 11:55:23 am
What's the payout?

Winner take all?


Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 28, 2012, 12:02:54 pm
What is spiky of winnings?  Winner take all or does super bowl runner up get a piece.

top 3 finishers get paid: $150/$65/$25 was last year's breakdown.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 28, 2012, 12:04:26 pm
What is spiky of winnings?  Winner take all or does super bowl runner up get a piece.

top 3 finishers get paid: $150/$65/$25 was last year's breakdown.

You da man.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 28, 2012, 03:09:00 pm
I got Peyton Manning as my QB :( pretty bummed about that. Took Calvin Johnson and EVERY fucking QB was snatched up. My back up is Kevin Kolb. UGH!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 28, 2012, 04:27:36 pm
payton looked pretty damn good in the last preseason game.  there is still hope for him.  he's no drew brees (pats self on back), but methinks you could have done worse.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 28, 2012, 05:01:54 pm
Yeah, i panicked, but I also saw that game and saw glimpses. We'll see how it goes, hopefully someone decent gets dropped so I don't have to start Kevin Kolb...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 28, 2012, 05:33:44 pm
Yeah, i panicked, but I also saw that game and saw glimpses. We'll see how it goes, hopefully someone decent gets dropped so I don't have to start Kevin Kolb...

Ehhh... asumming you're talking about our league, I have Peyton Manning.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 05, 2012, 01:05:18 pm
I'm in a different league.

Couple of conundrums, Dunno if I wanna start the Ravens or the Pats D, I think the Pats will have a field day on the Titans and I know the Ravens and Bengals are division opponents and Bengals were in the playoffs last year sooo........... leaning Pats.

I have Anquan Bolden on my bench and am debating him or Julio Jones starting for me... I have Calvin Johnson and Julio Jones starting, but Bolden on my bench and Bolden is projected with more points... I NEVER WANT TO LOST. But I figured Julio Jones was the lock....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 11, 2012, 11:58:57 pm
it's on, BT.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 24, 2012, 09:56:32 am
Debating benching Calvin Johnson this weekend. Seattle's defense is pretty sturdy, my only thing is that the Lions are playing at home. I have Randall Cobb on my bench now who's had double digit outings in the past 2 weeks and he's going against Jacksonville. My other receivers are Julio Jones, Josh Gordon and Brian Hartline.

Ideas?! Thoughts!?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on November 05, 2012, 04:42:14 pm
What an awesome weekend to be matched up again Doug Martin!! blah!

 :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on November 27, 2012, 09:39:48 am
is team 'We Are Both Carls' officially on suicide watch yet?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on November 27, 2012, 12:30:06 pm
* = clinched playoff spot

**kisses biceps**

 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 27, 2012, 12:43:40 pm
Bryce Brown almost pulled off a miracle for me last night, but not quite. I will miss the playoffs for the first time ever. Poor showing the 'Bars this season.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 27, 2012, 05:10:15 pm
this season has been beyond frustrating for me.  i realize that FF has its ups and downs, but seems like my year has been mostly downs.

booker: it is still mathematically possible for you to make the playoffs.  if Godieinhell2 looses the next 2 games and you win both, and you rack up the points while he doesn't, you'd be in.  scumbag steve and We Are Both Carls would need to do their parts by lying down... but it's still possible.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on November 27, 2012, 09:39:13 pm
no way Booker is getting in, I'm not going to lose my next two games
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 28, 2012, 12:15:27 pm
It's all over for me.

This week's matchup vs. Sweetcell will have to be my Super Bowl
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 28, 2012, 01:15:56 pm
On my bench I have Julian Edelman, Michael Turner, Jazquizz Rogers, Heath Miller, Greg Jennings, and the Ravens defense.... debating dropping one of them and picking up Colin Kapernick.... It all depends on who they decide to start.... I'm just worried about Peyton's health after last week's concussion scare... All other available QBs are shit.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on November 28, 2012, 01:20:03 pm
Peyton is having a great year, stick with him
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 28, 2012, 01:22:16 pm
The only time he hit the bench was on bye week, I just don't have a back up QB, I dropped Christian Ponder because the one fucking week I started him he got me a whopping 2 points so I dropped him out of anger. But now I have trade bait on my bench. Maybe I should try and trade for someone elses QB headed into the playoffs.....

PS I'm #2! Whoop!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 28, 2012, 01:41:11 pm
It's all over for me.

This week's matchup vs. Sweetcell will have to be my Super Bowl

eh, should be an easy win for you... so we'll split the season.  at this point i'll take it.

On my bench I have Julian Edelman, Michael Turner, Jazquizz Rogers, Heath Miller, Greg Jennings, and the Ravens defense.... debating dropping one of them and picking up Colin Kapernick.... It all depends on who they decide to start.... I'm just worried about Peyton's health after last week's concussion scare... All other available QBs are shit.

i'd drop edelman, his value is going to fluctuate a lot.  nice bench ya got there.  jacquizz is coming on nicely, hold on to him.  problem with kaepernick is that he could be replaced with smith at any point.

p.s. learn to spell their names, or to look 'em up.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 28, 2012, 03:23:04 pm
If they wanted me to spell their names correctly they'd have normal god damn names. I picked up Caeperniick and dropped Jacquizz. My other RBs are Stevan Ridley and Alfred Morris, I don't see myself starting Jacquizz over any of them 2 if I have to. Michael Turner should destroy the Saints defense this week along with Julio Jones who made me feel like a proud mother last week.

Also debating between Greg Jennings and Randall Cobb. I'm thinking of just leaving Randall Cobb in my line-up and seeing how Jennings does in his first start back...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on November 28, 2012, 09:38:46 pm
Why the hell aren't you playing in our league?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 29, 2012, 12:43:43 pm
I don't like spreading myself thin on fantasy leagues, I wanna give 100% in mine! I'd feel like I was cheating you guys if I joined. I want to destroy everyone equally, all the time. :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 30, 2012, 12:37:01 am
well i picked the right night to start brees and sit ATL DEF.

eh, should be an easy win for you.

as i was saying...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 30, 2012, 10:28:32 am
^^^ lol

Michael Turner was projected at 4 points, got me 13, and Julio Jones was projected at 14 or 15 and got me a whopping 4. And thank god I left Jacquizz Rodgers on the bench because HE was projected at 16 and got 3 lol fantasy experts my ass.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on November 30, 2012, 11:51:13 am
bashing a fantasy projection is a lot like bashing the farmer's almanac for predicting the wrong forecast.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on November 30, 2012, 11:52:12 am
well i picked the right night to start brees and sit ATL DEF.

eh, should be an easy win for you.

as i was saying...

ATL defense got 11 points, unless you got da bears or SF that's pretty damn good.

edit: i should delete this response, but instead i'm leaving this as punishment for saying stupid things.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 30, 2012, 12:58:18 pm
bashing a fantasy projection is a lot like bashing the farmer's almanac for predicting the wrong forecast.
I'm not bashing it, I just think it's a sham because people play their team based on those projections when they SHOULD do a skoach of research. Although NO defense is horrid against the pass and the run, odds were more in the favor of the running backs having better games, and that's what I went with!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 02, 2012, 10:21:35 pm
well i picked the right night to start brees and sit ATL DEF.

eh, should be an easy win for you.

as i was saying...

as i was saying...

but i'm no longer upset.  as of about 2 weeks ago i stopped caring about this season.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on December 04, 2012, 12:39:28 am
ahhhh, damn it santana moss
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on December 04, 2012, 11:03:45 am
god bless you, santana moss
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 04, 2012, 12:05:22 pm
God bless Alfred Morris. Not only did I get to SEE him gash the Giants in person, but he also won me my fantasy game this week. 8-5 with 1 game left!! #2 in the league! BOOYA!

EDIT: I dropped to #3 in the league, am still on top of my divison, but the guy who is #2 in my division, is now #2 in the league...... It doesn't make sense because I beat him.... unless the rankings go by points if we're both tied [both 8-5].... that's upsetting.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on December 04, 2012, 12:37:16 pm
this season has been beyond frustrating for me.  i realize that FF has its ups and downs, but seems like my year has been mostly downs.

booker: it is still mathematically possible for you to make the playoffs.  if Godieinhell2 looses the next 2 games and you win both, and you rack up the points while he doesn't, you'd be in.  scumbag steve and We Are Both Carls would need to do their parts by lying down... but it's still possible.

shit spoke too soon, I might lose next two games.  great, just great
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on December 04, 2012, 01:37:52 pm
this season has been beyond frustrating for me.  i realize that FF has its ups and downs, but seems like my year has been mostly downs.

booker: it is still mathematically possible for you to make the playoffs.  if Godieinhell2 looses the next 2 games and you win both, and you rack up the points while he doesn't, you'd be in.  scumbag steve and We Are Both Carls would need to do their parts by lying down... but it's still possible.

shit spoke too soon, I might lose next two games.  great, just great

somewhat fitting that we are playing the top 2 teams for the last playoff spot.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on December 06, 2012, 03:49:34 pm
One of them would be me!  ;D

somewhat fitting that we are playing the top 2 teams for the last playoff spot.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on December 12, 2012, 01:45:07 pm
good God, I'm falling apart before the playoffs

shit, just realized I didn't make it, ughhhhhhhh
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 12, 2012, 01:48:21 pm
Finished as the #2 seed, 9-5, 2nd highest scoring team in the league!

Only changed I've made to my line-up in 3 weeks is my kicker muahahaha

Peyton, Alf, Michael Turner, Megatron, Randall Cobb, Aaron Hernandez, Julio Jones, Shaun Suisham, and the Denver defense. Thanks bro's. I've won my last 6 of 7 heading in. AND I'M PISSED! Should have had a better record.

Our commissioner also dropped the players of 2 of the 4 teams that didn't make it so there is an insane amount of high scoring people to pick up off the waiver wire SO our playoffs just got a LOT more interesting...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on December 12, 2012, 01:50:59 pm
good luck to ya

I'm still alive in my espn one

oh yeah, damn you Santana Moss and damn you Wes Welker for not catching the 20 touchdowns Brady threw the other night
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on December 12, 2012, 03:01:00 pm
good luck to ya

I'm still alive in my espn one

oh yeah, damn you Santana Moss and damn you Wes Welker for not catching the 20 touchdowns Brady threw the other night

i would have got the brady points and still finished infront of you :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on December 12, 2012, 03:54:21 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 12, 2012, 03:58:05 pm
in the "also-ran"/participation award show-down, it's Velvet Snow vs. New Jersey Barebacks and Pigskin&Pigtails6949 vs. team salty for spots 9 through 12.  although these games aren't officially tracked on the website, the system will score your team's performance just like any other week so don't forget to play this weekend.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 26, 2012, 06:22:15 pm
League930 Final Standings for 2012

another year, another new champion: our champion is Hoya Paranoia.  congrats on your first place finish and on the birth of your son!  the $150 prize is already spoken for, i assume.  hoya beat jeffml's Crump's Brother, who will have to console himself with his $65 prize.  third place, and $25, goes to Yada's Something Witty who beat 4th place finisher scumbag steve (stevewizzle).

killsaly beat the BookerT Bars for 5th place, while We Are Both Carls beat wlm7's Godieinhell2 for 7th.

and in the "are we still playing?" bracket, the New Jersey Barebacks took 9th place from team salty, and Velvet Snow beat Pigskin&Pigtails6949 for 11th place.  but really, we're all losers.

let's do it again next year.  reminder: draft party at my place, will have an IIPA freshly brewed for the occasion.  enjoy the real playoffs,
da commish

p.s. two managers haven't paid their dues - my bad for not collecting/reminding you sooner.  you know who you are (and if you don't, you'll be getting an e-mail shortly ;D)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 27, 2012, 10:35:35 am
My championship is this week! I'm in along with my friend from Texas. I'm the 2 seed, he's the 4. Current projections have him beating my by 8 points I believe. So glad most of my players still have something to play for this weekend, just worried how long they'll play.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on December 27, 2012, 12:16:32 pm
15 years of fantasy football and I placed third in this league and first in my other league.

Best year ever!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 27, 2012, 04:27:15 pm
First year in fantasy, placed 2nd regular season, playing for the Championship.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 30, 2012, 04:36:02 pm
i'd just like to point out that in week 16, my team scored 165 points (check it out (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/506201/1/team?stat1=S&stat2=W)).  that's the most points scored in game by any team this season.

gee, thanks for showing up guys.

p.s. the winners will be paid in the next week.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 31, 2012, 10:17:41 am
I won! :D

I'd like to thank Alfred Morris for helping me win by 45 points
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on January 01, 2013, 09:12:14 am
Congrats!  Also congrats to hoya for his win in our league.  Did pretty well for my first year and I even beat booker.  ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on January 02, 2013, 01:07:09 pm
League930 Final Standings for 2012
another year, another new champion: our champion is Hoya Paranoia.  congrats on your first place finish and on the birth of your son!  the $150 prize is already spoken for, i assume.


it's been a fun couple of weeks :)

you've got my email for paypal transfer, no rush.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on January 08, 2013, 04:21:14 pm
I'd say we're about due for a payout, no?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on January 08, 2013, 04:24:11 pm
I'd say we're about due for a payout, no?

My children are starving.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on January 08, 2013, 05:02:08 pm
I'd say we're about due for a payout, no?

My children are starving.

I'm starving.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on January 08, 2013, 07:44:43 pm
payments sent.  congrats again to hoya, jeffml and yada!

who is team salty, AKA champion sound?  he hasn't paid up yet so for now i'm covering his dues.  i've tried contacting him via the league's messaging system but no response.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 01, 2013, 12:29:52 pm
awright folks, 930FF'13 has been kicked off.  last year's managers should have received an invitation by now.  if you don't want to play this year, please decline the invitation ASAP so we can free up the space for new players.  the league is currently maxed out, so we can't accept any new players unless someone drops out.

league dues will remain the same at $20.

i have tentatively set the draft for sunday, Aug 25 at 8:00pm.  as promised last year, i'd like to host a draft party at my place (bring your own laptop/tablet/smartphone, i have wireless.  i might have a device or two to lend).  we'll be grillin' beforehand, and there will be hoppy homebrew.  i'm happy to change that time if it doesn't work for folks.  i will send out a link to a voting site where you can indicate your preferences.

best of luck everybody, and remember: don't let the TBars win!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 01, 2013, 01:23:15 pm
If someone drops out I'd like to know! Thanks!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: K8teebug on August 01, 2013, 01:26:41 pm
Me too.  It's been a while since I've been in a league...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 01, 2013, 03:23:00 pm
I'm back in
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 01, 2013, 03:32:20 pm
returning managers: please see the commissioner's note on the 930FF Yahoo site for the link to the draft day voting, so you can lemme know when you'd like to hold the draft.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 07, 2013, 11:36:01 am
managers: please vote on the "when to have the draft" poll, if you haven't already - or we'll schedule the draft without you, and there will be no whining.  see the commish's note on the Yahoo site for the URL.

11 of 12 managers have returned - y'all be awesome.

stevewizzle: you in?  lemme know.  we've got fresh meat waiting to join...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 07, 2013, 12:40:59 pm
just got word from mr. wizzle: he's in.  we have a 100% return rate.  no new players this year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on August 07, 2013, 03:37:07 pm
take that, fresh meat!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 15, 2013, 10:51:59 am
based on the poll, the draft has been moved to Tuesday, Sept 3 at 8:30 PM.  that day, and Wednesday 9/4, is the only other option that worked/could work for everyone.

folks are still welcome to come over to my place in R'ville for drafting & homebrew...

best of luck everyone!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on August 15, 2013, 03:50:22 pm
As long as it doesnt move to 9/4 then i am good! (9/4 is an early to late music doubleheader for me)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 21, 2013, 11:09:32 pm
per Sir Booker's request, draft order has been set:

1.         Cassius Clay...
2.         Crump's Brother
3.         Godieinhell2
4.         scumbag steve
5.         Something Witty
6.         Hoya Paranoia
7.         RghGirlsDeli...
8.         We Are Both ...
9.         BookerT-Bars
10.         Pigskin&Pigt...
11.         New Jersey B...
12.         team salty
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 02, 2013, 10:00:22 pm

"League930 is scheduled to take part in a live online draft tomorrow, Tue Sep 03 at 8:30pm EDT.

In order to participate in the live draft on the Web, you must have Flash installed and enabled on your browser. If you are unsure about your settings, test your system before the draft begins (http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/testdraft). You can also download the iOS (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/yahoo!-fantasy-sports-football/id328415391?mt=8) or Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yahoo.mobile.client.android.fantasyfootball&hl=en) app and draft from your phone."
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on September 02, 2013, 10:30:32 pm
Good luck everyone!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on September 03, 2013, 10:33:20 am
per Sir Booker's request, draft order has been set:

1.         Cassius Clay...
2.         Crump's Brother
3.         Godieinhell2
4.         scumbag steve
5.         Something Witty
6.         Hoya Paranoia
7.         RghGirlsDeli...
8.         We Are Both ...
9.         BookerT-Bars
10.         Pigskin&Pigt...
11.         New Jersey B...
12.         team salty

hopefully aaron hernandez is still around by the fourth pick.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on September 03, 2013, 10:50:37 am
I don't know who the hell I'm drafting.  Need to look at some mock drafts.  Safe bet to pick Tebow as a number one pick I think.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on September 03, 2013, 11:16:07 am
I did an autodraft with my ESPN league, and it was ranked higher than all of the other teams... I am considering doing that tonight. Anyone going to leave it to chance?   
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on September 03, 2013, 11:31:16 am
I did an autodraft with my ESPN league, and it was ranked higher than all of the other teams... I am considering doing that tonight. Anyone going to leave it to chance?   

I've been doing auto drafts as of late as well. The ESPN auto draft settings are pretty granular (I'm sure yahoo is too, I just haven't looked). I used autodraft last year in my other league and came in first place.

I can't believe people actually practice their drafts.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on September 03, 2013, 11:39:42 am
I did an autodraft with my ESPN league, and it was ranked higher than all of the other teams... I am considering doing that tonight. Anyone going to leave it to chance?   

I've been doing auto drafts as of late as well. The ESPN auto draft settings are pretty granular (I'm sure yahoo is too, I just haven't looked). I used autodraft last year in my other league and came in first place.

I can't believe people actually practice their drafts.

yahoo rankings are pretty terrible, imo.

espn is better.  but i like yahoo's platform, especially their recaps.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 03, 2013, 08:38:52 pm
draft now underway... several auto-picking bitches this year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on September 03, 2013, 08:44:32 pm
ha ha not me! Only first round!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on September 04, 2013, 10:41:49 am
ugh, can't believe i forgot about this and auto-drafted.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 04, 2013, 11:37:49 am
reminder: league dues are $20, payable before week 2.  please pay up now, so i don't have to chase you later (and a thanks to the two managers who have already settled up!).  see the commish's note on yahoo site for payment details.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 06, 2013, 10:20:59 am
if i lose by 6 points of less this week, i'll be hunting down Trevathan.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on September 06, 2013, 10:30:55 am
Damn you Decker, catch the ball!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on September 08, 2013, 07:18:27 pm
I really hope my team isnt sucking right now.  I am afraid to look.  I decided to not use my iPhone for that kind of stuff while at Hopscotch this weekend.  No Fantasy Football or for Facebook or for this site. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 08, 2013, 08:47:35 pm
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd that's a "W" for me, short of austin and witten going negative.  huh, with romo you never know...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 09, 2013, 03:24:22 pm
reminder: league dues are $20, payable before week 2.  please pay up now, so i don't have to chase you later (and a thanks to the two managers who have already settled up!).  see the commish's note on yahoo site for payment details.


I really hope my team isnt sucking right now.  I am afraid to look.  I decided to not use my iPhone for that kind of stuff while at Hopscotch this weekend.  No Fantasy Football or for Facebook or for this site. 

i'd say you're doing alright ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: killsaly on September 09, 2013, 03:37:46 pm
Yeah i checked last night! Go team!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 19, 2013, 10:54:02 am
league is getting kinda kinda crowded these days...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on November 19, 2013, 11:03:52 am
league is getting kinda kinda crowded these days...

epic battle for first place.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on November 19, 2013, 12:17:51 pm
i think last year was a little bit more crowded, but maybe that was because i was in the thick of it.

my season is effectively over. can i get the trophy for hard-luck loser?  i lost reggie wayne and randall cobb for the season, the second most points against and fifth most points for, and had yada laugh at a trade proposal - "you must be joking, right?".

i deserve a beer bought for me at the very least.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 19, 2013, 12:31:42 pm
my season is effectively over.

well, you are still playing for the best position in the consolation round (teams #5 through 8), so don't let yourself slip too far...

can i get the trophy for hard-luck loser?

to further burnish your credentials for that award: you had a solid week 11 and put up the third most points.  unfortunately you were up against one of the only two teams who did better.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on November 19, 2013, 01:50:47 pm
i think last year was a little bit more crowded, but maybe that was because i was in the thick of it.

my season is effectively over. can i get the trophy for hard-luck loser?  i lost reggie wayne and randall cobb for the season, the second most points against and fifth most points for, and had yada laugh at a trade proposal - "you must be joking, right?".

i deserve a beer bought for me at the very least.

I think the exact quote read as, "you serious, clark?"
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 19, 2013, 04:09:24 pm
Amazing, dramatic win for team BookerT this week. A winning margin of 1.18, and the controversial INT by Carolina on the last play was worth 2 points for me. That was the only possible outcome that could have resulted in a W for my squad.

(This is all after the fact; last night it looked like as long as NE didn't score a TD I would win, but overnight scoring changes made that INT the difference.)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on November 19, 2013, 09:23:44 pm
Sigh, pretty sure my playoff probabilities went from ~1% to zero.

Commish, is next season's draft order determined randomly, or is it tied in some way to final standings?  I like the league I'm in where draft order is determined by standings in the consolation bracket (win consolation bracket, get #1 pick next year), then reverse order for playoffs (league champion gets last pick).

In short, if we don't have a draft-order policy, could we consider one?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 20, 2013, 01:17:43 am
Commish, is next season's draft order determined randomly, or is it tied in some way to final standings?  I like the league I'm in where draft order is determined by standings in the consolation bracket (win consolation bracket, get #1 pick next year), then reverse order for playoffs (league champion gets last pick).

In short, if we don't have a draft-order policy, could we consider one?

currently, draft order is random. 

we have the option of specifying a draft order, and as always i'm here to implement the will of the group.  in our league, consolation bracket is between #5 - #8.  should the winner of that get first pick?  what about #9 - #12?  they don't officially have a post-season, but those 4 teams continue to score in weeks 15 and 16 - should that winner of that "virtual playoff" get first pick, or the winner of 5-8?  if not, should the 9-12 winners come after 5-8?  if someone drops out and we have a newbie, when do they pick?

BTW, as someone who picked 11th this year, i don't think that having first pick is a huge advantage.  picks 1, 2 and 3 are currently in 9th, 12th and 10th position... top of the league, in order of pick, is 5th in first place, the 11th, 10th and finally 12th pick in fourth.  based on this year's outcome, i don't want first pick ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on November 26, 2013, 09:57:09 am
**kisses fantasy bi-ceps**

Smallest margin in a win, ever?? Maybe!

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 26, 2013, 10:21:35 am
i'd say the stars aligned for someone, or something...

just my 0.02 (unfortunately not BookerT's)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on November 26, 2013, 01:15:53 pm
**kisses fantasy bi-ceps**

Smallest margin in a win, ever?? Maybe!

last year, my other league's 2-week fantasy championship came down to a 0.2 difference.

but telling a fantasy football story is just as interesting as telling a gambling story, so congrats on your win.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 27, 2013, 11:22:34 am
don't wanna talk about it
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on November 28, 2013, 12:57:03 pm
scoring change, bitches!!!

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 28, 2013, 02:35:35 pm
i just came here to ask, "wanna talk about it now?"

*sigh*... damn Tbars.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on November 28, 2013, 09:07:25 pm
i just came here to ask, "wanna talk about it now?"

*sigh*... damn Tbars.

I feel like someone pissed on my turkey.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 02, 2013, 12:09:53 pm
<prays> please make Jimmy Graham have a shitty game.  please make Jimmy Graham have a shitty game.  please make Jimmy Graham have a shitty game.  please make Jimmy Graham have a shitty game.  please make Jimmy Graham have a shitty game. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 03, 2013, 12:47:13 pm
Graham couldn't quite do it, but myself and Sweetcell have basically clinched playoff spots due to total points as tiebreaker. Looks like four teams alive for final two spots.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 03, 2013, 01:37:36 pm
yeah, i don't see any scenario where you or i could finish any lower than 4th (short of Pigskin&Pigtails6949 scoring 210 more points than me, or 220 points more than you... not very likely).

so now we jockey for position and figure out who our dance partner is going to be.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on December 03, 2013, 02:04:50 pm
that loss by .12 could really screw me in the long run!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 03, 2013, 05:24:51 pm
that loss by .12 could really screw me in the long run!

could screw you in the short-term: there is a scenario where you end up in 5th position next week... had you won that 0.12 game and booker lost, your situations would be reversed and you would have punched your ticket to the playoffs.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 10, 2013, 05:22:26 pm
and so the playoffs begin.  BookerT (1) vs. team salty (4), who just basely squeaked by Pigskin&Pigtails6949 to get in (3 points!).  my New Jersey Barebacks (3) will face yada's Something Witty (2), who needed a win last weekend in order to make it in - and got it by beating me.  he got me by 3 points, a number of my players under-performed, so i look forward to the rematch. i am thankful that i don't have to face bookerT in the semis.

in the consolation round it's K8teebug's Pigskin&Pigtails6949 (5) vs. scumbag steve(wizzle) (8th), and  crevers' We Are Both Carls (6) vs. Brian_Wallace's RghGirlsDelicateBoys (7).

#9 thru 12 have their own unofficial playoff.  you aren't matched up by Yahoo, but your teams are still scored so do play on for the next 2 weeks.  ;D's Godieinhell2 (9) vs. jeffml's Crump's Brother (12) & killsaly's Cassius Claymore (10) vs. Hoya Paranoia (11)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on December 10, 2013, 05:34:54 pm
I got lucky... but I had multiple under performers as well.

Bring it on!!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on December 10, 2013, 07:10:04 pm
Ugh, had a horrible season, damn you Arian Foster
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 11, 2013, 11:46:24 am
I traded for David Wilson and had RGIII as my QB all year and still finished in first place. Praise be to Jimmy Graham, fantasy god. Should be a good playoffs, kind of happy that Carls didn't sneak in since his Josh Gordon/Alshon Jeffrey duo is probably the scariest in the league right now.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on December 13, 2013, 01:56:59 am
i need to crowd source two fantasy decisions, playoffs in a different league.

alfred morris or shane vereen?

torrey smith or victor cruz?

the biggest reason i ask... well, the washington football team has basically mailed it in, and cruz has done jack shit for the past 10 weeks.  help me out!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 15, 2013, 10:32:02 pm
looks like the finals will be a rematch of the 2010 show-down between my Barebacks and the TBars.  i won last time but i won't be this time 'round if jamaal has another day like today.  i was feeling really down on my prospects for a while there, by half-time of the 1:00 games i had resigned myself to fighting for 3rd next week.  at one point Yada was a 70-30 favorite but things turned around for me by the fourth quarter. 

i'm thinking that right about now, stevewizzle is hating eli.  just a hunch.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 16, 2013, 11:41:10 am
Nice showing this week, 178 points. Hopefully left some in reserve for the finals. This is a long-in-the-making rubber match -- I beat Sweetcell in the 2009 finals, Sweetcell returned the favor next year. (That was the famous "Joe Webb Game," remember?) Should be a good one.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on December 16, 2013, 11:44:40 am
i'm thinking that right about now, stevewizzle is hating eli.  just a hunch.

loved eli yesterday.  i have seattle's d, and started torrey.

only problem is i'm down 11 pts, and it all comes down to torrey tonight. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on December 16, 2013, 11:48:39 am
looks like the finals will be a rematch of the 2010 show-down between my Barebacks and the TBars.  i won last time but i won't be this time 'round if jamaal has another day like today.  i was feeling really down on my prospects for a while there, by half-time of the 1:00 games i had resigned myself to fighting for 3rd next week.  at one point Yada was a 70-30 favorite but things turned around for me by the fourth quarter. 

i'm thinking that right about now, stevewizzle is hating eli.  just a hunch.

Christ, what a blow out. I was feelin' all confident... and then BAM!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 16, 2013, 12:05:48 pm
This is a long-in-the-making rubber match -- I beat Sweetcell in the 2009 finals, Sweetcell returned the favor next year. (That was the famous "Joe Webb Game," remember?) Should be a good one.

oh jeebus, i had suppressed 2009.  thanks for bringing that memory back.

i remember the Joe Webb Affair.  i'm still taking medication for that.

i wanna be all rah-rah-bring-it-on, but i'm skurred.  i doubt that jamaal will have another ridiculous outing like he had this weekend but i wouldn't bet on myself.

loved eli yesterday.  i have seattle's d, and started torrey.

only problem is i'm down 11 pts, and it all comes down to torrey tonight. 

you're talking about this other league of yours, right?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 17, 2013, 11:36:00 am
One of my leagues has an 8 team playoff, and our championship is in week 17. Kind of aggravating. But, I was in 6th place... I'm the defending champion and because of Calvin Johnson having a less than stellar night, I have advanced! Defending my championship for at least another week!

In my family league I've made it into the championship. As long as I had beaten my other cousin, I'm fine. 2nf place wins $75 so I've already tripled my investment! I LOVE FANTASY FOOTBALL!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on December 20, 2013, 06:08:18 pm
stay "classy"


Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 24, 2013, 11:47:23 am

best of luck everybody, and remember: don't let the TBars win!

Sorry guys. Better luck next year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 24, 2013, 01:34:49 pm
yeah yeah yeah... *sigh*.

League930 Final Standings for 2013

you can only keep BookerT away from the podium for so long... after not making the playoffs last year, he came roaring back to win it all ("all" being bragging rights and $150).  as manager of the Barebacks, i would like to apologize to the league for failing to beat him in the finals.  i'll do better next year.  i hope.  for a second year in a row, third place (and $25) goes to Yada's Something Witty.  He nudged out team salty.

RghGirlsDelicateBoys just barely beat Pigskin&Pigtails6949 for 5th place, while scumbag steve took 7th place from We Are Both Carls.

and in the "does anyone really care?" bracket, Hoya Paranoia took 9th place from Crump's Brother, and Godieinhell2 bested Cassius Claymore for 11th. 

i'm already looking forward to the 2014 season.  i will once again invite y'all to my place in the 'burbs for a draft party with a freshly-brewed IIPA, and chances are good it won't work out again ;D   

enjoy the real playoffs,
da commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on January 03, 2014, 10:38:44 am
did we get paid for this yet?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on January 03, 2014, 03:42:53 pm
yes, sorry you missed it.  better luck next year!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on January 03, 2014, 03:45:09 pm
yes, sorry you missed it.  better luck next year!


Assuming I was supposed to be paid $25, I never received payment...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on January 03, 2014, 03:51:31 pm
i was joking, dude.  i'll take care of it tonight.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on January 03, 2014, 04:07:29 pm
i was joking, dude.  i'll take care of it tonight.


Whoever took care of the Survivor pool sent out money and I got charged fees!! FAYLE!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on January 09, 2014, 09:11:47 am
payments made, bitches. 

hope to see everyone again next year!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on July 14, 2014, 09:28:55 am
If anyone wants access to the best pool on the net', drop me a PM or leave you email address. 

Weekly Pool - $85, straight up pick the winner pool. Pays 1st and 2nd place each week.

Season Pool - $50, same as weekly but over the entire season. Top 5 places paid.

Survivor Pool - $25, Pick a different team to win each week and if they win you stay alive. 2 losses and you're out of the pool. Use a team just once during the season. Winner take all.

Margin Pool - $25, Pick a different team each week and get their margin of victory added or defeat subtracted from your margin total. Top 3 places cash in at the end of the regular season.

Perfect Pool (NEW) - $5: The first player to submit a perfect picksheet takes it all. A perfect sheet is no losses.

High 5 Pool (NEW) - $10: Pick 5 teams to win AGAINST THE SPREAD. Collect points based on number of wins. Most points at the end of the regular season takes it all.

33 Pool - $40: You're assigned a different team each week. If they score exactly 33 points you win or share the pot for that week. No 33's and the pots rolls into the next week and so on. Week 17 is 33 or closest to 33.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 04, 2014, 10:20:01 am
quick note: i've renewed our FF league.  last year's managers should have received an invite. please accept or decline the invitation ASAP.  NEW THIS YEAR: the invites will expire in 2 weeks. late on sunday,  8/17, i will open up the league to new members.

i'll write a longer intro later today...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 04, 2014, 10:30:16 am
quick note: i've renewed our FF league.  last year's managers should have received an invite. please accept or decline the invitation ASAP.  NEW THIS YEAR: the invites will expire in 2 weeks. late on sunday,  8/17, i will open up the league to new members.

i'll write a longer intro later today...

I hope that was ASAP enough, Sweetcell  ;D  I look forward to improving upon last year's draft (Trent Richardson, David Wilson, Lamar Miller).
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 04, 2014, 02:00:04 pm
draft is currently set for Wednesday August 20, at 8:30 pm.  no matter which time we do the draft someone won't be happy, but i'll move the draft if i can make more people happy than with the current time.

do people prefer a lunch-time draft?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: grateful on August 04, 2014, 02:08:19 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 04, 2014, 02:08:50 pm
draft is currently set for Wednesday August 20, at 8:30 pm.  no matter which time we do the draft someone won't be happy, but i'll move the draft if i can make more people happy than with the current time.

do people prefer a lunch-time draft?

I don't have a time preference, however, I'd prefer a date closer to the start of the season. Many ACLs can be torn in a two week gap before the season starts.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 04, 2014, 02:28:39 pm
I'd prefer a date closer to the start of the season. Many ACLs can be torn in a two week gap before the season starts.

good point.  i'll push the date out. 

which is better for folks: last week of august, or the tuesday/wednesday after labor day (season starts that thursday)?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 04, 2014, 04:05:58 pm
I'd prefer a date closer to the start of the season. Many ACLs can be torn in a two week gap before the season starts.

good point.  i'll push the date out. 

which is better for folks: last week of august, or the tuesday/wednesday after labor day (season starts that thursday)?

Both Wed 8/20 and Wed 9/3 are good, but the last week of August is bad for me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 04, 2014, 06:06:10 pm

End of August is good for me. I'm out of country in Sept. But will put in weekly rosters

I'd prefer a date closer to the start of the season. Many ACLs can be torn in a two week gap before the season starts.

good point.  i'll push the date out. 

which is better for folks: last week of august, or the tuesday/wednesday after labor day (season starts that thursday)?

Both Wed 8/20 and Wed 9/3 are good, but the last week of August is bad for me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 05, 2014, 03:01:00 pm
8 of 12 managers have renewed - yeehaw!

one of the outstanding 4 is killsaly... is he still around, or has he left the board?  that might be a spot for some fresh meat.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 05, 2014, 03:03:43 pm
8 of 12 managers have renewed - yeehaw!

one of the outstanding 4 is killsaly... is he still around, or has he left the board?  that might be a spot for some fresh meat.

oh.. he is here... legends never leave.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 15, 2014, 12:34:52 pm
Draft date confirmed?

How much and is your normal email address your paypal sweetcell?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 15, 2014, 03:52:48 pm
ditto - send us amount due and paypal account

Draft date confirmed?

How much and is your normal email address your paypal sweetcell?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on August 15, 2014, 07:49:38 pm
8 of 12 managers have renewed - yeehaw!

one of the outstanding 4 is killsaly... is he still around, or has he left the board?  that might be a spot for some fresh meat.

oh.. he is here... legends never leave.

wasn't he the one who got called out for not setting his roster, and he cited having a life and work (presumably a desk job where he sits in front of a computer 40 hours a week) as the reason for not taking 30 seconds out of his life to set his roster?

yeah, i hope he returns.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 16, 2014, 09:54:59 pm
draft currently set for Wednesday August 27, at 8:30 pm.  a few folks have voiced opinions but no consensus has emerged, that i could detect... speak up now.

so killsally and Walalce have not renewed by the deadline.  so we can either have a league of 10, or admit two newbs.  do we even have 2 people who want to join?

dues are $20.  i'll post my email to the league message board, via a commish's note.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 17, 2014, 10:44:25 am

I'm good with 10. Allows flexibiliy with waivers.

draft currently set for Wednesday August 27, at 8:30 pm.  a few folks have voiced opinions but no consensus has emerged, that i could detect... speak up now.

so killsally and Walalce have not renewed by the deadline.  so we can either have a league of 10, or admit two newbs.  do we even have 2 people who want to join?

dues are $20.  i'll post my email to the league message board, via a commish's note.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on August 17, 2014, 02:43:21 pm

I'm good with 10. Allows flexibiliy with waivers.

draft currently set for Wednesday August 27, at 8:30 pm.  a few folks have voiced opinions but no consensus has emerged, that i could detect... speak up now.

so killsally and Walalce have not renewed by the deadline.  so we can either have a league of 10, or admit two newbs.  do we even have 2 people who want to join?

dues are $20.  i'll post my email to the league message board, via a commish's note.
Personally I like 12, I think it makes things more interesting. If we could find 2 good fill-ins, I say sign 'em up. I also raised an issue on the league message board that I think could be worth adopting: adding TE to the mix at the flex spot. Why not?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 17, 2014, 06:42:16 pm
10 makes the waivers more important, but I have no preference.

I always prefer a later draft date.

I'd also be up for upping the ante to ensure people don't bail halfway into the season.

My two cents.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on August 17, 2014, 07:30:23 pm
10 makes the waivers more important, but I have no preference.

I always prefer a later draft date.

I'd also be up for upping the ante to ensure people don't bail halfway into the season.

My two cents.

agree with upping the ante.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 18, 2014, 01:22:16 pm
draft currently set for Wednesday August 27, at 8:30 pm.  a few folks have voiced opinions but no consensus has emerged, that i could detect... speak up now.

so killsally and Walalce have not renewed by the deadline.  so we can either have a league of 10, or admit two newbs.  do we even have 2 people who want to join?

dues are $20.  i'll post my email to the league message board, via a commish's note.

That night isn't great for me -- I'll either be drafting on my phone (let's see how the Yahoo app performs this year) or relying on adjusted pre-draft rankings.

I'm OK with all of the following: (a) 10 or 12 teams; (b) upping the ante, but let's keep it to 2-digits; (c) making the Flex a RB/WR/TE -- would have liked that last year when I had both Gronk and J.Cameron.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 18, 2014, 02:53:15 pm
i've created a Doodle poll for managers to vote on which evening works best for them, for the draft.

also started a discussion thread about upping the ante... please share your thoughts.

The Peoples' Commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on August 18, 2014, 07:58:06 pm
I'd like to join back up if you goes go up to 12.  I played a couple years back.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 24, 2014, 11:13:02 pm
so i started a thread on the league message board about upping the ante but no one replied... so is that idea dead?

adding TE to the mix at the flex spot. Why not?

done, TE now eligible for flex position.

I'd like to join back up if you goes go up to 12.  I played a couple years back.

happy to have you back, unfortunately we need one more playah... you're #11, we need 12.

i will confirm the draft time in a moment.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 24, 2014, 11:19:51 pm
League930's draft will take place on:

Wednesday August 27, at 9:00 pm

that's this wednesday!  good luck everyone.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 25, 2014, 09:45:32 am
I'd join if you guys have 1 more spot. Are you at 11 now? Or still at 10?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 25, 2014, 09:54:05 am
stillwater and DFA, PM me your email addresses.  if you sign up before the wednesday draft, you're in.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2014, 11:54:54 am
Reminder: draft is tonight at 9:00 pm!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on August 27, 2014, 01:20:34 pm
Whoever has the number one pick make sure you use it on defense
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2014, 02:10:49 pm
I've just set the draft order... and i swear on Seth's name that is what the system spit out:

1.       New Jersey B...
2.       BookerT-Bars
3.       scumbag steve
4.       Stillwater
5.       Crump's Brother
6.       Flying Elbows
7.       Pigskin&Pigt...
8.       We Are Both ...
9.       team salty
10.       Hoya Paranoia
11.       Godieinhell2
12.       Something Witty
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 27, 2014, 02:18:31 pm
Cripes. Right in the middle  :-\
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 27, 2014, 02:18:59 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2014, 02:28:30 pm
Whoever has the number one pick make sure you use it on defense

sure thing... washington has a good defense, right?  sounds like solid pick to me.  done.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 27, 2014, 07:38:04 pm
Are dues $20, or did we decide on some other amount?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 27, 2014, 08:54:11 pm
Are dues $20, or did we decide on some other amount?

dues remain at $20.  there was talking of upping it, but that fizzled out.  i'm still willing to increase if everyone else agrees to.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 28, 2014, 09:26:54 am
I forgot to un-queue my list of players I had my eye on. So now I have like 5 quarterbacks. Argh.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on August 28, 2014, 09:53:44 am
Draft grade C.  Great, just great
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 28, 2014, 10:15:48 am
This draft I got a C [what?], in another league I got a B. As I read through the B graded one they panned almost all of my picks. Don't know how their ratings work lol.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 28, 2014, 10:18:35 am
Don't know how their ratings work lol.

they don't work. they are meaningless.  they are generated by a robot that crunches projected points and then assigns a grade. 

do not get caught up in that grade.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on August 28, 2014, 11:10:55 am
oh shit, i got a B.  y'all are fucked.

but seriously, their draft grades are stupid. and their player ranking database is also stupid.

but what's not stupid is their weekly recaps.  those are da best.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 28, 2014, 01:13:06 pm
Don't know how their ratings work lol.

they don't work. they are meaningless.  they are generated by a robot that crunches projected points and then assigns a grade. 

do not get caught up in that grade.
Yeah, that's how it works in the NFL leagues too. In my other league I have a pretty stout line up of WR and RBs and it still panned me. Stupid robots hurting my football feels.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on September 02, 2014, 07:09:12 pm
God damn it Wes Welker!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on September 02, 2014, 07:12:07 pm
God damn it Wes Welker!
Im not usually that guy, but maybe the Pats really do know what they're doing.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 03, 2014, 09:31:33 am
God damn it Wes Welker!
Im not usually that guy, but maybe the Pats really do know what they're doing.
I didn't want to draft him this year. In those 4 weeks Peyton Manning will make someone else a star. Not that he was used that much last year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 03, 2014, 09:43:53 am
God damn it Wes Welker!
Im not usually that guy, but maybe the Pats really do know what they're doing.

i'm not usually the guy to contradict someone complimenting the Pats, but i doubt they were taking his off-season recreational proclivities into consideration when they dropped him.  it was all about the bennies - welker wanted more cash & a longer contract than the Pats thought he was worth, given his age.

Not that he was used that much last year.

778 yards & 10 TDs in 13 games = wasn't used much?!?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 03, 2014, 01:49:34 pm
I mean... Peyton threw 55 touchdowns and like.... 7 in 1 game. But, alright. Either way, I wasn't drafting him this year and I guess I'm glad I didn't. Whatever.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: shemptiness on September 04, 2014, 12:11:51 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 04, 2014, 01:05:58 pm
shemp - is that general excitement for the season's kickoff, or for something in particular?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: shemptiness on September 04, 2014, 01:18:53 pm
The new Ray Lewis statue. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 04, 2014, 04:41:03 pm
Time to pay yer dues, bitches - see commish's note for details. 

thanks to crevers and jeffml for their unsolicited (but highly appreciated) payments.

best of luck everyone!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Relaxer on September 04, 2014, 04:42:56 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Relaxer on September 04, 2014, 04:45:21 pm
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on September 04, 2014, 04:46:59 pm
It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: stevewizzle on September 04, 2014, 04:57:57 pm
God damn it Wes Welker!
Im not usually that guy, but maybe the Pats really do know what they're doing.

i'm not usually the guy to contradict someone complimenting the Pats, but i doubt they were taking his off-season recreational proclivities into consideration when they dropped him.  it was all about the bennies - welker wanted more cash & a longer contract than the Pats thought he was worth, given his age.

the pats were willing to match and possibly exceed his offer...

i don't think it has anything to do with the "patriot way". i think it has everything to do with egos and hurt feelings on welker's side. his agents and him especially.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 10, 2014, 02:10:34 pm

when y'all get a chance... pay up ;D

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on September 15, 2014, 11:36:47 pm
CODY PARKEY!  Nail-biting win over the Barebacks, but the Carls will take it!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 15, 2014, 11:41:35 pm
You can thanks the refs for that. Fuckers.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 22, 2014, 11:03:54 pm

when y'all get a chance... pay up ;D


yo Hoya, deathfromabove1979, team salty (retrospec), and 6949: pay up already, will ya?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 23, 2014, 09:42:53 am
Will have payment over to you next week! I apologize about the delay!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 28, 2014, 01:15:05 pm
There's an 8 way tie for the top spot in the league at 5-3  :D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on October 28, 2014, 01:40:59 pm
Except I'm in first (technically)  ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 29, 2014, 12:54:23 pm
rough week for the T-Bars.  went from first to 6th.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 29, 2014, 01:58:11 pm
I'm chugging my way up the standings. Flying Elbows. Coming up.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on October 29, 2014, 04:36:45 pm
Anyone else get 11 "weekly recap" emails today?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 29, 2014, 05:16:35 pm
nope, i only got one of those emails. 

actually, i didn't know i was getting those emails.  i read the stupid "weekly recap" on the website, but i had to dig through my Promotions folder in Gmail to find the email.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on November 12, 2014, 10:32:22 am
So, 5 teams tied for 1st at 7-3.  The top 4 teams are playing each other this week.  Big week!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 12, 2014, 10:35:13 am
After stringing together a couple wins I dropped back to back weeks. 7th place. IT BURNS.

This is my worst league.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on November 12, 2014, 10:52:45 am
After stringing together a couple wins I dropped back to back weeks. 7th place. IT BURNS.

This is my worst league.

The worst I've done in a over a decade of fantasy football. It's saddening.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on December 02, 2014, 12:32:25 am
I just went 2-0 vs Barebacks and won't make the playoffs.  Weird year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 02, 2014, 09:30:57 am
and thanks to that loss, i'm out of the playoff picture.  what a crappy performance by my team this past weekend (too much turkey?).  my projected points was over 120 - meaningless, i know, but gave me a false sense of confidence.  my guys, save for 2, collectively pooped the bed.

off to fight for 5th place... wee.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on December 02, 2014, 09:32:26 am
I lost like 6 in a row after being in first place for a week.
Great, just great
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 08, 2014, 12:46:30 am
oh look, my team showed up. 

how nice of them.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 08, 2014, 10:33:02 am
oh look, my team showed up. 

how nice of them.
Mine too. At least I avoided my first losing season!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 10, 2014, 10:34:07 am
If anyone wants any players from my team just trade me whoever and I'll accept it. First come, first serve, folks.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 10, 2014, 05:47:07 pm
trade deadline has long since passed, you ninny.  exactly to prevent this sort of end-of-season dumping.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 10, 2014, 10:46:23 pm
Rough season. My guys just never got it going. I'll be back. Maybe I can at least let out some aggression on Sweetcell in the consolation bracket final.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 11, 2014, 01:26:35 am
Rough season. My guys just never got it going. I'll be back. Maybe I can at least let out some aggression on Sweetcell in the consolation bracket final.

bring it, bookie.

normally i would feel all smug about finishing above BookerT, but i can't ignore the fact that he used auto-draft this year because he was unable to attend the live draft.  so despite this handicap he still achieved the same record as me (just less points).  respect.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 11, 2014, 10:16:45 am
trade deadline has long since passed, you ninny.  exactly to prevent this sort of end-of-season dumping.
Well then, I'll just dump my team.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on December 11, 2014, 10:22:24 am
trade deadline has long since passed, you ninny.  exactly to prevent this sort of end-of-season dumping.
Well then, I'll just dump my team.
I think the fantasy football thing is the epitome of stupid nerdcrap so "no shits given," but most leagues would literally throw you out and revoke your team for even offering to dump your players.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 11, 2014, 10:29:23 am
trade deadline has long since passed, you ninny.  exactly to prevent this sort of end-of-season dumping.
Well then, I'll just dump my team.
I think the fantasy football thing is the epitome of stupid nerdcrap so "no shits given," but most leagues would literally throw you out and revoke your team for even offering to dump your players.
We do it in 2 out of the 4 leagues I'm in. A lot of people don't get picked up. I think it's fair. I lost and have nothing to play for and am not going to be checking this league again until next year. I don't really see the big deal. If the last teams left are the best and have a few holes, why wouldn't they want to plug a hole or two? It's like the end of the baseball season when the rosters expand.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on December 11, 2014, 12:37:11 pm
^^ban this guy forever^^
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 11, 2014, 01:10:17 pm
I lost and have nothing to play for and am not going to be checking this league again until next year.

fine, so don't play any more, go back to your basement for the next 9 months, whatever; but don't go trying to throw the league outta whack by changing the balance and giving other teams an unearned and unfair advantage.  

i am a merciful and generous commish so i shall look the other way, but c'mon... other people still care.  there is pride and money on the line here.  i would be pissed if i lost in the playoffs because my opponents acquired your star players.

edit: and if you do indeed decide to not play anymore, BookerT will get an easy pass to the consolation round finals.  booooooo.  take him down!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: BookerT on December 11, 2014, 02:12:09 pm
We do it in 2 out of the 4 leagues I'm in. A lot of people don't get picked up. I think it's fair. I lost and have nothing to play for and am not going to be checking this league ever again because I will not be allowed back in for even suggesting this course of action as a possibility and Sweetcell surely won't invite me back next year if he has any sense.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 11, 2014, 02:46:58 pm
I lost and have nothing to play for and am not going to be checking this league again until next year.

fine, so don't play any more, go back to your basement for the next 9 months, whatever; but don't go trying to throw the league outta whack by changing the balance and giving other teams an unearned and unfair advantage.  

i am a merciful and generous commish so i shall look the other way, but c'mon... other people still care.  there is pride and money on the line here.  i would be pissed if i lost in the playoffs because my opponents acquired your star players.

edit: and if you do indeed decide to not play anymore, BookerT will get an easy pass to the consolation round finals.  booooooo.  take him down!
Alright. Some leagues do it and some don't. No big deal. I won't drop anyone.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 11, 2014, 04:38:02 pm
every calm down.  i will believe DFA when he says that it's normal in his other leagues (what a fucked up thing to do, tho - essentially turning your superbowl into the probowl!).  as long as he doesn't actually dump his team, he's playing within the rules of our league.  to be fair we never said you couldn't/shouldn't do this (then again, who the hell ever thought we would have to specify it).  he didn't know, luckily told us before he did it, we set him straight, now all is good.

good luck to all teams - playoffs start tonight!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 11, 2014, 05:04:14 pm
In our other leagues we like to take sides. It's a little more about bragging rights and buying each other beer. So we have our allegiances to some. It's like a clash of titans. Plus if the person you trade with wins, you can play the old "You wouldn't have made it without me!" card.  ;)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on December 11, 2014, 05:05:40 pm
In our other leagues we like to take sides. It's a little more about bragging rights and buying each other beer. So we have our allegiances to some. It's like a clash of titans. Plus if the person you trade with wins, you can play the old "You wouldn't have made it without me!" card.  ;)
So, you're openly acknowledging your reason for doing this would be collusion?

Intentionally trying to mess with the results is arguably the only more enraging thing than just doing it without giving a crap.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 11, 2014, 05:32:16 pm
Collusion is the name of the game. People collude against me in one league because I've won or been in the championship 3 years in a row. I'm also a terrible dick as a champion because, duh, I'm better than them all. It's all in good fun.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on December 11, 2014, 05:35:15 pm
I'm also a terrible dick
Seems likely.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 11, 2014, 05:41:12 pm
I'm also a terrible dick
Seems likely.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on December 11, 2014, 05:52:52 pm
banned next year

I'm also a terrible dick
Seems likely.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 12, 2014, 10:48:58 am
banned next year

I'm also a terrible dick
Seems likely.
How dare you ban a 7th seed. HOW DARE YOU.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on December 15, 2014, 10:22:16 am
On the championship with 1 point from Forte tonight!

What's payout for this league anyway?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 15, 2014, 01:03:07 pm
On the championship with 1 point from Forte tonight!

just read that forte is questionnable for tonight with a ACL tear.

What's payout for this league anyway?

bragging rights for a full year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 16, 2014, 11:44:56 am
sooooo, BookerT.... we meet again.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on December 22, 2014, 08:16:31 am
bump :)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on January 05, 2015, 01:13:08 pm
ok, i'm back from 2 weeks offline... i didn't learn about the final outcomes of week 16 until i touched down in dallas on my way back this past weekend. 

the official results:
1st Place   Stillwater   
2nd Place   team salty   
3rd Place   Crump's Brother

i'll post my end-of-year recap soon.  monies will be paid out soon, too.  congrats Stillwater!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on January 09, 2015, 12:53:45 pm
League930 Final Standings for 2014

Stillwater is our 2014 champion after a convincing win over team salty (retrospect) in the finals.  Stills gets bragging rights and $150, salty gets has $65 to buy bandages.  third place (and $25) goes to Crump's Brother (jeffml).  He dominated the regular season but had a bad week in the semis.  he nudged out Hoya Paranoia.

neither the Booker Tbars nor my NJ Barebacks had a great final game, but apparently mine wasn't as bad as BookerT's and i earned 5th.  Flying Elbows (DFA1979) took 7th place from Godieinhell2 (wml7).

normally i keep track of the "does anyone really care?" bracket (AKA 9th through 12th place), but given my travels this year and current bout of laziness.... y'all are on your own We Are Both Carls (crevers), scumbag steve (stevewizzle), Pigskin&Pigtails6949 and Something Witty (Yada).

thanks everyone for a fun season!  i hereby declare that 2015 will be The Year of the Smacktalk.  hope to see y'all back and with a more ornery attitude. 

enjoy the real playoffs,
da commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on January 09, 2015, 02:28:17 pm
God damn auto draft screwed me!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 11, 2015, 03:41:49 pm
awrite folks, i'll be firing up League930 in the coming days... get ready for it.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 18, 2015, 02:19:47 pm
sorry for the delay, but the league is now re-opened.  last year's managers should have received an invitation to renew their team.  if you do not want to play this year, please decline the invitation as soon as possible so that we can give your spot to someone else.  any manager that hasn't accepted by August 31 may have their team deleted and their spot given to someone else...

currently there are no open spots, but if anyone would like to join please let us know in this thread. 

dues will be $25, payable before the start of week 2.  a certain manager - and you know who you are - will be watched very closely ;D

NFL & FF season starts on thursday, sept. 10.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 20, 2015, 11:18:46 am
The Fightin' Carls are back.  Dues to the usual address, sweetcell?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 20, 2015, 11:34:38 am
we're up to 6 teams, so half the league is back!

for the other 50%, get on it will ya?  accept or decline... just let us know as soon as possible.

Dues to the usual address, sweetcell?

yup, @gmail
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Stillwater on August 24, 2015, 05:34:00 pm
Hey guys- gonna pass this year and give someone else a shot- ;)

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on August 26, 2015, 01:13:51 pm

.....currently there are no open spots, but if anyone would like to join please let us know in this thread. 

dues will be $25, payable before the start of week 2.  a certain manager - and you know who you are - will be watched very closely ;D

NFL & FF season starts on thursday, sept. 10.

I'll join if there ends up being any open spots....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 26, 2015, 04:20:19 pm
I think we need a bunch to sign up.  Only 8 so far.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 27, 2015, 11:35:17 am
Am I already included in that bunch? If not, I'm in.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Yada on August 27, 2015, 11:36:23 am
I'm actually pondering bailing if anyone wants my spot...

Edit: I'm out, my spot is open. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 03, 2015, 12:32:37 am
ok folks, sorry for the silence.  i was on vacation for 11 days, then came back to a sh*tstorm at work.  i've resurfaced.

#1 - we're at 7 players, so we need at least one more.  KUBACHECK - please PM me your email address, i'll send you an invite.  if anyone else wants to join, please let me know.  we have space for more.

Am I already included in that bunch? If not, I'm in.

you're Flying Elbows (purplesuitjoker), right?  if so, no, you haven't renewed so you're not in yet.  please check your email.  lemme know if you want to use another email address.

#2 -the DRAFT is currently set for next tuesday, september 8 at 9:00 PM.  i'm hoping that time works for everyone.  if it doesn't please say so ASAP so we can set up a voting system to try to find a better time.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 03, 2015, 09:48:06 am
kubacheck is in! 

DFA1979, please join ASAP, let's find someone else to make this a 10-person league, and let's do this.

as always, don't let BookerT win.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on September 03, 2015, 10:56:29 am
I guess Brady just bumped up a few rounds.

I love that the judge put "independent" in quotes every. single. time. he typed independent investigation. Do Goodell and Wells basically just resign at this point? They have completely broken NFL punishment.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 03, 2015, 01:41:18 pm
kubacheck is in! 

DFA1979, please join ASAP, let's find someone else to make this a 10-person league, and let's do this.

as always, don't let BookerT win.
Whoops! All signed up!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 03, 2015, 01:44:45 pm
alrighty, we now have 9 team.  we need an even number for the head-to-head format, so we need one more playah.

who's going to step up?

(i like 10 players better than 12, more talent available on waivers... more chances for tides to shift during the season)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 07, 2015, 01:06:22 pm
draft is tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 9 PM... unfortunately we still have an uneven number of teams (9). 

we either need one more player to join us, or we'll need to drop someone... i would much prefer finding someone to round us out at 10.  step on up, folks!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on September 07, 2015, 03:03:07 pm
draft is tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 9 PM... unfortunately we still have an uneven number of teams (9). 

we either need one more player to join us, or we'll need to drop someone... i would much prefer finding someone to round us out at 10.  step on up, folks!

to make things easier, since I'm the new guy, if you have to drop someone to make it an even league, it's ok if it's me, my feelings will not be hurt.....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 07, 2015, 04:06:42 pm
thanks kubacheck, very honorable of you.  hopefully someone will step up and take the open spot, so we all get to play!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on September 07, 2015, 04:37:33 pm
thanks kubacheck, very honorable of you.  hopefully someone will step up and take the open spot, so we all get to play!

no prob.... either way, I'll do the survivor pool if you get one of those up and running....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 08, 2015, 11:31:37 am
I'm asking around, I'm assuming they don't have to be a boardie, yes?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 08, 2015, 12:30:29 pm
nope, we're open to all.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 08, 2015, 04:48:13 pm
Sir BookerT has bowed out of the league, so unless we get 2 new managers in the next 4 hours, we're going with an 8 person league.

on the upside, that means that there should be plenty of talent sitting on waivers at all time.  this is likely to be the highest ever scoring season for League930.

on the downside, we won't have BookerT in the league this year.  sure, it clears the path to championship somewhat, but any victory without overcoming the all-time winningest player makes it all a little hollow.  Booker, we'll miss you.  looking forward to having you back next year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on September 08, 2015, 04:53:26 pm
I feel kinda bad that I'm in at the expense of a long time league member, is he sure he wants out??... as I said, it would've no problem for me to wait around till next year....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 08, 2015, 05:02:26 pm
kuba - don't sweat it.  bookerT wrote that this isn't a good year for him to be playing.  sounds like he wanted and out, our odd-man situation provided the excuse he was looking for. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on September 08, 2015, 05:06:17 pm
ok.... see y'all tonight
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 08, 2015, 08:38:10 pm
Draft Order:

1 Godieinhell2
2 We Are Both Carls
4 team salty
5 Pigskin&Pigtails6949
6 Flying Elbows
7 New Jersey Barebacks
8 Crump's Brother
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on September 08, 2015, 10:25:45 pm
damnit, I didn't realize just how prescient I would be during the draft when I mentioned that with the Nats up 7-1, it wasn't over because the bullpen hadn't started pitching yet....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 09, 2015, 09:26:15 am
damnit, I didn't realize just how prescient I would be during the draft when I mentioned that with the Nats up 7-1, it wasn't over because the bullpen hadn't started pitching yet....
And I said only the Nats bullpen could blow a 6 run lead. Little did I know it would be all in 1 freaking inning.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 15, 2015, 03:10:13 pm
well, that's what I get for not checking my line up before the games.

Danny Woodhead COME ON!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 06, 2015, 10:40:38 am
Pretty upsetting I have the 3rd most points scored and am 1-3 :( everyone goes over 100 when I lose argggghhhhhhh but half the teams are at 1-3 now! Long way to go.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on October 06, 2015, 10:48:08 am
I know its not fantasy football but actual NFL football, but this is the closest appropriate thread for me to comment in:

Watched my annual one Lions game of the season and, boy, was I not disappointed. Total 100% unadulterated Lions lion-ing all over the place.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 06, 2015, 10:50:51 am
Didn't Matt Stafford get injured too? I didn't watch many highlights outside of the Skins game.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on October 06, 2015, 10:56:19 am
Didn't Matt Stafford get injured too?
I mean, outside of Matt Stafford and his wife (and children if they have any), who really cares? What possible difference could it make to anyone? This is the Lions, dude. The things you want to believe about DC sports teams being perennially cursed to lose in the most crotch-punch fashion: they're actually true about the Lions.

Caring about the Lions, even just tangentially or out of some weird civic pride, is like laying in a crawl space and laughing maniacally as death approaches. Its a fools errand of the highest order. You actively stop caring and disassociate yourself from it at some point because the alternative is so awful.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 06, 2015, 11:00:33 am
i was about to give up on my season... i was headed for 0-4, despite having what i believe should be a decent team.  my team has been underperforming, but luckily team salty helped me out by sucking even more that i did.

the lions were thwarted by that one Cam Chancellor play at the goal line.  if megatron could have held on to the ball for another 6 inches, that probably would have been the game for detroit.  but it was an amazing play, it's not like he bungled the ball.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on October 06, 2015, 11:04:15 am
the lions were thwarted by that one Cam Chancellor play at the goal line.  if megatron could have held on to the ball for another 6 inches, that probably would have been the game for detroit.  but it was an amazing play, it's not like he bungled the ball.
Oh, absolutely. The Lions deserved to lose. But even when the Lions deserve to lose and actually do lose, they always find some really knife-twisty way to do it. Get run off the field, 35-0, no problem. Be six inches from winning and lose on a (admittedly from everyone: defensive player, ref, head of officiating) blown call, total crawl space time.

It really feels unique being a Lions fan. Maybe being a Cubs fan is the closest thing out there, but that feels distinct in a different way. It's weird, lets just leave it at that.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 06, 2015, 11:47:25 am
blown call

when i saw that play last night, i thought to myself that was an illegal move by seattle, but when no flag was thrown on such an obvious play i assumed that this was subject to some other rule that i wasn't aware of.

then twitter blew up (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2576252-refs-failure-to-call-illegal-bat-penalty-vs-seahawks-sparks-twitter-reaction).

you actually can see him reach for the flag and then think "wait a minute, this is the Lions"

poor, poor lions.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on October 06, 2015, 11:50:30 am
I felt like that was a total "Redskin-esque" way to lose.... meanwhile, my FFL team in our league is absolutely shitting the bed..... my entire team of offensive starters except the QB (2 RB, 3WR, 2 TE (one in the flex)) combined for 188 receiving yards TOTAL, no (receiving) TD's, and 3 lost fumbles last weekend....  taking Jeremy Hill out of the equation, my KICKER outscored the rest of the offensive starters combined!! blah....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on October 06, 2015, 11:54:52 am
blown call

when i saw that play last night, i thought to myself that was an illegal move by seattle, but when no flag was thrown on such an obvious play i assumed that this was subject to some other rule that i wasn't aware of........

funny, when he batted the ball, my first thought was that it was a smart thing to do, since if the offensive team fumbles out of the end zone, it goes to the defensive team (for some reason)..... being a Redskins fan, you can't help but know THAT rule since its happened twice to us in the last couple of years.... I had no idea you can't bat the ball in any direction in the end zone until I started seeing the online blow-up....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 06, 2015, 01:24:50 pm
the lions were thwarted by that one Cam Chancellor play at the goal line.  if megatron could have held on to the ball for another 6 inches, that probably would have been the game for detroit.  but it was an amazing play, it's not like he bungled the ball.
Oh, absolutely. The Lions deserved to lose. But even when the Lions deserve to lose and actually do lose, they always find some really knife-twisty way to do it. Get run off the field, 35-0, no problem. Be six inches from winning and lose on a (admittedly from everyone: defensive player, ref, head of officiating) blown call, total crawl space time.

It really feels unique being a Lions fan. Maybe being a Cubs fan is the closest thing out there, but that feels distinct in a different way. It's weird, lets just leave it at that.
Yeha, but, the Cubs are in the playoffs this year so...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on October 06, 2015, 01:41:32 pm
the lions were thwarted by that one Cam Chancellor play at the goal line.  if megatron could have held on to the ball for another 6 inches, that probably would have been the game for detroit.  but it was an amazing play, it's not like he bungled the ball.
Oh, absolutely. The Lions deserved to lose. But even when the Lions deserve to lose and actually do lose, they always find some really knife-twisty way to do it. Get run off the field, 35-0, no problem. Be six inches from winning and lose on a (admittedly from everyone: defensive player, ref, head of officiating) blown call, total crawl space time.

It really feels unique being a Lions fan. Maybe being a Cubs fan is the closest thing out there, but that feels distinct in a different way. It's weird, lets just leave it at that.
Yeha, but, the Cubs are in the playoffs this year so...
Lions were in playoffs last year and got a massive gut punch against the Cowboys. When one of those teams actually makes a World Series/Super Bowl, call me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 20, 2015, 10:55:35 am
so going into last night's game, i had a 16 point lead and still my kicker (Brown, NYG) to go.  certainly brown would give me 5+ points, right?  wml7 had delmarco murray - no way he was putting up 21+ points.  yahoo said i had an 85% chance of winning.   at halftime, brown only gave me 1 point but my chances were up to 94% 'cause murray had racked up a whooping 2.4 points.  clearly it wasn't his night.  victory was mine.  i stopped paying attention, went to bed.

this morning:
New Jersey Barebacks: 112.24
Godieinhell2: 112.60

"Murray entered the game with 134 yards on the ground across the first five weeks and nearly matched it with a 97-yard second half to get him his first 100-yard game of 2015."

eff this sh*t.  my season is over but i'm ok with it: my winning in the big survivor pool will cushion my fall to the bottom of the fantasy rankings ;D

funny how the only 2 guys left in the survivor pool are both at the bottom of the fantasy standing.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on October 20, 2015, 11:04:04 am
Godieinhell2: 112.60
Was Godieinhell taken already?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on October 20, 2015, 11:11:18 am
so going into last night's game, i had a 16 point lead and still my kicker (Brown, NYG) to go.  certainly brown would give me 5+ points, right?  wml7 had delmarco murray - no way he was putting up 21+ points.  yahoo said i had an 85% chance of winning.   at halftime, brown only gave me 1 point but my chances were up to 94% 'cause murray had racked up a whooping 2.4 points.  clearly it wasn't his night.  victory was mine.  i stopped paying attention, went to bed.

this morning:
New Jersey Barebacks: 112.24
Godieinhell2: 112.60

"Murray entered the game with 134 yards on the ground across the first five weeks and nearly matched it with a 97-yard second half to get him his first 100-yard game of 2015."

eff this sh*t.  my season is over but i'm ok with it: my winning in the big survivor pool will cushion my fall to the bottom of the fantasy rankings ;D

funny how the only 2 guys left in the survivor pool are both at the bottom of the fantasy standing.

Ha, I thought for sure I was going to lose this matchup.  Last two weekends were brutal with me missing people on bye and missing that, or starting people who didn't do squat.  Yay!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 20, 2015, 11:48:51 am
I'm up to 4th place!!! Looking at going over .500 finally. People need to quit scoring so many damn points against me! 4 starters on bye this week. Oh goodness.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 22, 2015, 03:37:02 am
congrats to Flying Elbows who will take on Pigskin&Pigtails6949 for the league championship next week!

(unrelated) so going into monday night's game, i had like a 2+ point lead over Kaos and 2 players to go (hightower and prater), vs. Kaos' single (Brandin Cooks). normally losing tonight would have resulted in a lot of angst.  instead, i've come to expect it of my team this year.  textbook snapping defeat from the jaws of victory.   i lost a game by 0.12 this season.  i missed moving out of last place by less than 2 points out of 1400+.  etc..

this simply wasn't my year and the FF gods were happy to remind me of this.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 22, 2015, 11:47:35 am
Whoop whoop! This is the rubber match! We're both 1-1 against each other. I'm scared. I need a new QB D:
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on December 29, 2015, 11:13:46 am
Congrats to P&P for winning the title!

I will forever curse Danny Woodhead for knocking me out in the semifinals.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 29, 2015, 12:01:45 pm
Danny Woodhead. The ultimate risk/reward dude.

Pretty pissed off GB shit the bed this week. Frickin 0 points from my kicker, less than a point from my flex [Ted Gin! Come on!] and Denver's defense only gets me 5. Stoked for 2nd place! What's my prize!?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on December 29, 2015, 12:03:21 pm
Ted Gin!
The Tim Tonic to Ted Gin combination is an offensive juggernaut.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 29, 2015, 12:05:05 pm
Ted Gin!
The Tim Tonic to Ted Gin combination is an offensive juggernaut.
Not for me this week lol :(
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on December 29, 2015, 06:57:25 pm
congrats to P&P for winning it all..... I had an odd year.... I seemed to "Ricky Bobby" a lot, either finished first or last in scoring a lot of weeks.... ended up with the 2nd highest scoring team overall, but missed the playoffs, mainly because I also had the 2nd most points scored against me.... biggest mistake was week 5, when my defense (St. Louis) was going up against GB, who was an offensive juggernaut at that point.... did some research, and decided to pick up Jacksonvilles defense, they were projected to do well against Tampa's (at the time) non-existant offense.... so then Jacksonville scores 1 point, St. Louis scored 9 on my bench and I lost by 2 and that loss (pretty much) kept me out of the playoffs..... of course, that 5 game losing streak after winning in week 1 didn't help either, but every time I'd claw back up to where a win would put me in a playoff spot, my team would shit the bed..... ah well, wait till next year!!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on January 05, 2016, 03:19:26 pm
apologies to everyone for the delay in making this official.  i got back from vacation late last week, been crazy at work after 2 weeks out of the office, blah blah blah... anyhoo, here it is:

League930 Final Standings for 2015

This year's trophy goes to Pigskin&Pigtails6949, who just snuck past Flying Elbows (DFA1979) to claim first place.  interestingly, both of these two finalists barely made it into the post-season with 7-7 records.  6949 gets bragging rights and $120, DFA has $55 to buy bandages.  third place (and $25) goes to We Are Both Carls (crevers).  He dominated the regular season at 12-2 but had some bad luck in the semis: despite a great performance from KC DST and his opponent getting doughnuts from 2 players who didn't suit up, he lost.  he nudged out team salty (retrospec), who gets nothing.  NOTHING.

KOAS (Kubachek) bested Godieinhell2 (wml17) for fifth, while my NJ Barebacks took 7th place from Crump's Brother (jeffml) who looks like he didn't even play....

thanks everyone for yet another fun season and an on-going excuse to pay more attention to football than i probably should.  hope to see y'all back next year.

enjoy the real playoffs,
da commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on January 06, 2016, 11:47:27 am
Fun season! Battled from 8th to 4th, snuck into the playoffs and got 2nd place! See yawl next year!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on June 24, 2016, 08:51:22 pm
got an email from Yahoo saying the league was auto-renewed, the league page is live.... I'm in for this year if we're still doing it....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on June 24, 2016, 11:58:55 pm
I'm in
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on June 27, 2016, 09:50:41 am
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on June 27, 2016, 10:07:46 am
greetings, denizens of footballfantasylandia,

it's on, like ping pong.

prepare to witness that which will be brought.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on June 28, 2016, 10:49:54 am
The Carls are in.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on June 28, 2016, 10:56:49 am
i've tentatively set the draft for Tuesday September 6 at 9:00 pm.  that's the tuesday after labor day, and 2 days before the season kicks off on thursday night (SB rematch: panthers at broncos).  we can discuss this as we get a little closer to the time and we know what our schedules look like in late august/early september.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on June 28, 2016, 04:11:43 pm
^ I'll be at Television at the club that night so it looks like auto-drafting for me....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on June 28, 2016, 05:06:53 pm
not available that Thursday.  and you don't want me autopicking...my picks are always worse.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on June 28, 2016, 05:34:46 pm
^ I'll be at Television at the club that night so it looks like auto-drafting for me....

nah, this is a legitimate reason ;D  i suspect others might be at this show too... question: will more people be at the Television show on tuesday, or Of Montreal on wednesday?!?

i'm afraid of moving the draft to the previous week, since folks tend to be on vacation.  maybe i'll set up an online poll and we can vote on the best dates.

not available that Thursday.  and you don't want me autopicking...my picks are always worse.
draft definitely wouldn't be on thursday (9/08) since the first game is that night.  draft needs to happen before then.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on June 29, 2016, 10:26:48 am
I'm in for Tuesday the 6th.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on June 29, 2016, 10:54:38 am
i'll wait 'til early august so we can get the teams/participants set, and then set up a poll for us to vote on the best night for the draft... or maybe folks will prefer during the day?  like a lunch-time draft?  we'll find out in august!

da commish
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on June 29, 2016, 11:12:33 am
so according to my reading of our yahoo page, all managers have renewed... is that right?  has everyone accepted?  if anyone wants out, please let us know ASAP.

do we want to open up the league to two more players?  we're currently at 8 teams.  i think that 10 is a fine number, wouldn't want to go any higher tho.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 01, 2016, 04:03:05 pm
late with this, but here goes:

the online draft is currently set for next Tuesday, Sept 6 at 9:00 pm.

i have created an online poll to see if there is a better time for folks.  managers, please log on to our Yahoo page and read the commission's note or the "Vote on the draft time - please do so ASAP!" discussion topic.  link is in both.  please do this now!

i have added lunch-time options and an evening slot for Labor Day Monday, in case those works out better for folks. 
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on September 02, 2016, 12:14:04 pm
Commish, reminder on buy-in and details for sending?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 02, 2016, 10:36:28 pm
we have room for 2 more teams, in case there are two more who want to play this year.  given that we're a head-to-head league we can't accept just one.

Commish, reminder on buy-in and details for sending?

$25, paypal'able to my gmail.  i'll post details on the yahoo site.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 03, 2016, 01:20:06 pm
last call for managers to vote in the poll... it's looking 99% certain we're going to move the draft to monday night at 9:00 since that seems to work for everyone.  hurray!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 04, 2016, 05:22:03 pm
it's official: we're moving the draft to monday (tomorrow!) night, at 9:00 pm.

i'll post a note on the yahoo site and send around an email. 

get yer smack-talk ready and see you in about 27.5 hours.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 06, 2016, 10:10:00 am
Even with the autodraft I still managed to draft a Redskin. And Le'veon Bell. Cripes.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on September 10, 2016, 10:25:46 pm
great, just great... gronk, my #2 pick, is out.  great way to start the year, team.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on October 03, 2016, 05:19:27 pm
that blown call by the ref on the HOU punt block is just another sign from the FF gods that i am cursed.  that should have been 8 points for me, instead i'm likely to lose by a few points....  this season has been one litany of bad luck for me.  EFFING HELL.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 04, 2016, 10:06:55 am
I hate bye weeks.

I have Leveon Bell [sp] on my bench, but I don't want to take any of my RBs or WRs out! They've all been killing it! First world problems.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 01, 2016, 10:23:15 am
Pretty bummed. I picked up Jamison Crowder because I saw Matt Jones was out, not realizing the waiver request wouldn't go in until like 3am on Saturday night. I ended up being extremely hungover and missed the kick off the Skins game so I have a big fat zero sitting in my line up while Crowder actually had a good game with nearly 18 points. Can't be too mad at 7-1 though. Still. The little things.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on November 01, 2016, 11:36:39 am
I could have started nearly any other combination of players and made it much closer if not winning outright.  C'est la vie.

So you're sitting at 7-1, and the rest of the league is either 4-4 or 3-5.  It's shaping up to be a messy, tie-breaker-laden scramble for three of four playoff spots.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 01, 2016, 01:04:38 pm
i'm finally out of the cellar.  looks like the FF gods finally got tired of beating up on me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 01, 2016, 04:03:44 pm
So you're sitting at 7-1, and the rest of the league is either 4-4 or 3-5.  It's shaping up to be a messy, tie-breaker-laden scramble for three of four playoff spots.
Can't wait to keep up my DC tradition of losing in the 1st round

Even though I came in 2nd place last year! If you ain't first, you're last!   :(
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on November 02, 2016, 09:30:59 am
You are welcome.  ;D

i'm finally out of the cellar.  looks like the FF gods finally got tired of beating up on me.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on November 22, 2016, 02:08:07 pm
well well well, look who just snuck into the last playoff spot...

(yes, i realize i'll need to hold on to it over the next 3 games for it to mean anything, but i'm basking in what little glory i have while i have it...)
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 22, 2016, 02:14:16 pm
Pretty upset I picked up the Miami defense and they only got me 7 points. Making me look like an idiot. Smh.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on November 22, 2016, 04:38:24 pm
funny how bunched up the league is.... currently 3rd, with 3 games to go, without really poring over the schedule, I can still catch the first place team, and conversely, last place team can still catch me.....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 22, 2016, 04:46:18 pm
I'll never be caught

I hope
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on December 06, 2016, 12:51:20 pm
With the regular season finale this upcoming weekend, Flying Elbows has locked up the #1 seed, while #2 KAOS and #3 Salty can breathe easy with their points-scored margins as tiebreakers.  It's a four-way contest for the last playoff spot, although 5-8 Crump's would need a *lot* to go right.  Standings & scenarios detailed below.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 06, 2016, 02:05:08 pm
i really needed a W this past weekend, and my team pooped the bed bigly.  dammit.  near-zero chance that i'll beat flying elbows, so in practice i'm at the mercy of Carls & Godieinhell2 both having a bad week.  great, just great.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on December 06, 2016, 02:09:39 pm
I hope that's right that I'm in either way because Pigskin/Pigtails always beats me.... I was cursing the Fantasy Gods last week after losing to the Elbows despite scoring 134 points, I have the two highest losing scores in the league this year....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 06, 2016, 02:19:38 pm
Can't believe how low I scored! Sincerely thought I would lose since I only had a 10 point lead going into the Monday night game. What a pleasant surprise.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 06, 2016, 02:20:54 pm
I hope that's right that I'm in either way because Pigskin/Pigtails always beats me.... I was cursing the Fantasy Gods last week after losing to the Elbows despite scoring 134 points, I have the two highest losing scores in the league this year....
Yeah, a lot of people on my team went ape poop last week to get that W. Proud of my team. Pound the rock. lol
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on December 07, 2016, 12:43:20 pm
I hope that's right that I'm in either way because Pigskin/Pigtails always beats me.... I was cursing the Fantasy Gods last week after losing to the Elbows despite scoring 134 points, I have the two highest losing scores in the league this year....
Yeah, a lot of people on my team went ape poop last week to get that W. Proud of my team. Pound the rock. lol

you put together a juggernaut, you've outscored the next closest team by over 200 points.... that's just ridiculous....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 07, 2016, 03:54:16 pm
Time to follow in the footsteps of my favorite teams and get knocked out in the first round.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 12, 2016, 10:58:31 am
Holy geez Le'veon Bell went insane. Carried all the slackers on my team this week. Sheesh!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on December 12, 2016, 11:00:03 am
Sorry for the TAN post but I figured this was the best place for potentially interested parties to see it: anyone interested in a fantasy integer league?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on December 13, 2016, 10:38:16 am

Week 14 saw all three 6-7 teams lose (@#%!@#) while the 5-8 team won, so the four teams tied at 6-8 went to a points-scored tiebreaker for the last playoff spot.  Congrats to NJ Barebacks (6-8), who edged out yours truly by 7 freaking points for that #4 seed.

The Barebacks will take on #1 seed and juggernaut Flying Elbows (12-2).  #2 Team Salty (8-6) will play #3 KAOS (7-7).

Congrats to the playoff-bound teams, and thanks to Commish Barebacks.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 13, 2016, 12:19:47 pm
it's a case of be careful what you wish for... i needed all 6-7 teams to lose, which they did, fortunately/unfortunately that means i get to have my ass handed to me for the second week in a row by the juggernaut.  yeay.  i look forward to fighting for third place.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 13, 2016, 01:04:20 pm
Most of my players are facing top 10 defenses, which totally sucks... we'll see if one of my players can drag my entire team into the championship.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on December 14, 2016, 07:49:55 pm
man, talk about a league of mediocrity....I was just looking at the standings and out of a league of 8 teams, the Elbows so dominated things that they are the only team to actually score more points than their opponents for the season, the rest of the league had a negative points differential....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 18, 2016, 04:21:21 pm
Since I like jinxing myself:

An upset in the making?!?!?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Kubacheck on December 18, 2016, 04:29:15 pm
meanwhile, I'm currently losing 74-8..... I was basically ready to concede after last nights game where, for the 4th time this year, my opponents defense scored 23 points or more against me.... meanwhile, my "stellar" Minnesota defense sits at -1..... ah well, guess I'm in the 3rd place game....
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 19, 2016, 10:53:21 am
Ain't I been saying it? Bowing out in the first fucking round. Unreal. Everyone just had to shit the bed.

Thank you for trying, Drew Brees.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on December 21, 2016, 02:18:39 pm
Damn sweets in the championship with huge upset
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on December 21, 2016, 03:19:19 pm
for only having an 8 person league, my team still really, really sucked.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 21, 2016, 03:50:49 pm
Damn sweets in the championship with huge upset
I've been saying it for weeks.

DC sports curse!!!!!!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 22, 2016, 06:29:28 pm
Damn sweets in the championship with huge upset

should i win the championship, it would be in keeping with the fucked up year that 2016 has been.  out of the 14 weeks of the regular season, i believe that i spent 11 of them in 8th or 7th place.  vegas odds on me making it to the finals at week 10 must have been 200 to 1.

Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on December 26, 2016, 12:29:31 pm

I need 5.6 points to claim the championship. Short of Dax being knocked out in the first quarter tonight and not returning, the laurels are MINE.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 27, 2016, 03:03:57 pm
smfh at least i get my money back

what a waste of a season
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on December 29, 2016, 09:13:36 am

I need 5.6 points to claim the championship. Short of Dax being knocked out in the first quarter tonight and not returning, the laurels are MINE.

Congrats to Commish -- in a year of Cavs & Cubs titles, this is truly a fitting bookend to the year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 28, 2017, 02:06:57 am
folks interested in resurrecting the league?  2017 season kickoff is almost upon us...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on August 28, 2017, 02:58:54 pm
Still out.  Sadly.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 28, 2017, 03:53:45 pm
Sadly I will have to back out. I am not enthused about football this year.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on August 28, 2017, 04:33:42 pm
Sadly I will also have to decline as I do not play a glorified version of Dungeons & Dragons.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: grateful on August 29, 2017, 10:21:39 am
Chargers all the way!
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 29, 2017, 11:54:14 am
Sadly I will also have to decline as I do not play a glorified version of Dungeons & Dragons.
D&D is way more complicated than FF ever could be.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on August 29, 2017, 12:48:35 pm
Sadly I will also have to decline as I do not play a glorified version of Dungeons & Dragons.
D&D is way more complicated than FF ever could be.
I did not mean to insult your level 43 Running Back who is equipped with the staff of PPR.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 29, 2017, 01:18:47 pm
Sadly I will also have to decline as I do not play a glorified version of Dungeons & Dragons.
D&D is way more complicated than FF ever could be.
I did not mean to insult your level 43 Running Back who is equipped with the staff of PPR.
This doesn't even make sense.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on August 29, 2017, 01:46:31 pm
Sadly I will also have to decline as I do not play a glorified version of Dungeons & Dragons.
D&D is way more complicated than FF ever could be.
I did not mean to insult your level 43 Running Back who is equipped with the staff of PPR.
This doesn't even make sense.
Just assume I'm mocking you.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 29, 2017, 04:32:58 pm
Why would you mock D&D...
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on August 29, 2017, 04:43:48 pm
Why would you mock D&D...
Do you even read what other people post on here? You've been on here for like a decade. You're really wondering how "mocking D&D nerds" falls into the Julian brand?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 29, 2017, 08:27:28 pm
I did not mean to insult your level 43 Running Back who is equipped with the staff of PPR.

thou doth protest too much... that's an awfully specific line to deliver.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on August 29, 2017, 08:55:52 pm
that's an awfully specific line to deliver.
A writer writes.
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: wml7 on August 30, 2017, 05:46:05 pm
No season this year? great, just great
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: sweetcell on August 30, 2017, 07:28:13 pm
No season this year? great, just great

i'm not seeing much enthusiasm... one person is already out, so at a minimum we'd need one piece of fresh meat in addition to all the other managers coming back.

this is largely my fault.  i got caught up in all sorts of things and i let FF linger.  i should have jumped on this a few weeks ago, instead i was busy prep'ing for the eclipse festival.  bad commish, bad! 

the one upside that i foresee, should we cancel this season, is that i get to hold on to the championship trophy for a second year in a row ;D
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: crevers on August 30, 2017, 09:14:51 pm
I'm in if the league exists.  Relatedly, is the survival pool alive this year?
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 31, 2017, 12:40:49 pm
Why would you mock D&D...
Do you even read what other people post on here?
not really
Title: Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
Post by: vansmack on February 22, 2019, 07:00:58 pm
The story behind the guy who went to a Dallas dog park covered in peanut butter (https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/the-story-behind-the-guy-who-went-to-a-dallas-dog-park-covered-in-peanut-butter/287-f900c202-0934-4fca-b80a-b9ccff00c1f4)