i'm on the edge of busting out of a major show-going hiatus. in the past 3-4 months i think i've been to 2 shows, which is low for me. in the past few weeks i've acquired tickets to Booka Shade, Escort, HTDA, !!!, Postal Service and B&S. i have a few other shows high on my radar, such as Pig Destroyer, The Feelies, Bonobo, Chili Cookoff (Soundgarden, SSPU), Hot Chip, Cloud Cult, BMRC, Sweetlife Festival (Phoenix, YYY)... i'm sure i'm forgetting some. lots to choose from.
the last few months have been real bare..
Got Orioles 13 game plan.
Got Orioles 13 game plan.
Jealous. My husband will not go for the 13 game plan because he doesn't want "set games". But, we go to more games than that! Maybe next year...
Got Orioles 13 game plan.
Got Orioles 13 game plan.
Which plan / section?
Got Orioles 13 game plan.
Which plan / section?
plan c..section 14.
People on here don't seem to buy many tickets.
People on here don't seem to buy many tickets.
nope. they just download them for free off the internet.
I saw the Rye Coalition play an opening set for someone or other at the BC about 6 or 7 years ago and they absolutely tore the place apart. It was amazing. I was bummed to see they'd broken up or were on hiatus or whatever. Hope this means they might get the show back on the road.
People on here don't seem to buy many tickets.
nope. they just download them for free off the internet.
Wow The Sonics? Like "Psycho" Sonics? that is pretty cool if so!
I saw Rye Coalition once. It was at the Black Cat around 2006. I cannot remember who they were with at all? Local H maybe?
USMNT v. Germany, RFK June 2
I definitely saw the Eagles of Death Metal at the Black Cat so I'm going to say that's where I saw Rye Coalition.I was at that show as well. Totally had to read this a couple times becuase I thought you meant you were buying tickets. Almost had a panic attack.
USMNT v. Germany, RFK June 2
What the heck is usmnt?
USMNT v. Germany, RFK June 2
What the heck is usmnt?
a ragtag group of U.S. Mint employees that gather on thursday's to play soccer at Haine's Point -- they're playing the German Men's National Football Team at RFK on June 2.
Alt-J (thanks stevewizzle!)
Alt-J (thanks stevewizzle!)
yes . . . wasnt that nice of him. i now bought a ticket and get to go see them finally. plus i have the chance to snuggle up to sweetcell and call him sexy.
Really need to get tix for Japandroids at Ottobar.
US Men's National TeamUSMNT v. Germany, RFK June 2
What the heck is usmnt?
US Men's National TeamUSMNT v. Germany, RFK June 2
What the heck is usmnt?
United Superstars Monster Nut-Tuckers?
C'mon you Nut-tuckers!
Doesn't the URL kinda give away the thing?US Men's National TeamUSMNT v. Germany, RFK June 2
What the heck is usmnt?
United Superstars Monster Nut-Tuckers?
C'mon you Nut-tuckers!
US Men's National Team could be of anything. Including Monster Nut-Tuckers
phish . . . lawn one day, good seats the other. that always happens to me. oh well. merriweather phish is show(s) of the year material every time. i even enjoy the lot now. and love the hot undercover guys with the "hey i think im twenty something again" look. hot. why yes, you can search me officer.
phish . . . lawn one day, good seats the other. that always happens to me. oh well. merriweather phish is show(s) of the year material every time. i even enjoy the lot now. and love the hot undercover guys with the "hey i think im twenty something again" look. hot. why yes, you can search me officer.
brian and robert'd
The Rolling F*cking Stones!
The Stones also. I went for the "lowest" (ha) priced ticket and ended up in section 404.
The Stones also. I went for the "lowest" (ha) priced ticket and ended up in section 404.
Still probably 3 times as much as I paid for Neutral Milk Hotel Tickets at 2640 space.
The Rolling F*cking Stones!
hell yeah! got the $85 tickets
The Stones also. I went for the "lowest" (ha) priced ticket and ended up in section 404.
Still probably 3 times as much as I paid for Neutral Milk Hotel Tickets at 2640 space.
i love how you're defending your choice of a nostalgia act by dissing another nostalgia act ;D
have you considered listening to something released in the past decade? you know, something fresh and relevant?
MCI center
MCI center
You're dating yourself.
In a weird way, I feel that my whole life has led up to me purchasing advanced tickets to see a band called Diarrhea Planet and who am I to argue with that so I won't but rather go ahead and buy advanced tickets to see Diarrhea Planet.
I've never understood the point of this thread. (?)
I've never understood the point of this thread. (?)
i like this thread. it's straightforward, and gauges what every1 else is getting excited about.
i'm confident you can somehow insert your opinion into this thread and make it like all the others ;)
I like the 'This Week Roll Call' thread but sometimes by then, it's too late to be influenced or motivated because a show is sold out or I've got conflicting plans.
I like the 'This Week Roll Call' thread but sometimes by then, it's too late to be influenced or motivated because a show is sold out or I've got conflicting plans.
Maybe it's because there are eight pages to this thread spread out over 4+ months, and not a single show that I went to or want to go to is mentioned. You guys truly are useless. ;)
Maybe it's because there are eight pages to this thread spread out over 4+ months, and not a single show that I went to or want to go to is mentioned. You guys truly are useless. ;)
snagging lettuce tickets at the box office tomorrow
Maybe it's because there are eight pages to this thread spread out over 4+ months, and not a single show that I went to or want to go to is mentioned. You guys truly are useless. ;)
So James Ford, what did you just buy tickets to?
he's the guy who asks for free extra tickets at day of show...Maybe it's because there are eight pages to this thread spread out over 4+ months, and not a single show that I went to or want to go to is mentioned. You guys truly are useless. ;)
So James Ford, what did you just buy tickets to?
Maybe it's because there are eight pages to this thread spread out over 4+ months, and not a single show that I went to or want to go to is mentioned. You guys truly are useless. ;)
So James Ford, what did you just buy tickets to?
Currently hold tickets to three Nats games and no concerts, I'm most grateful you asked.
awesome! god, i wanna see them again. i listen to the sirius pearl jam channel a lot. i try to catch my favorite song by them, the end, but they rarely play it . . . god im actually getting emotional sitting here thinking of the lyrics of that song. damn.
I only buy tickets to Orioles games these days. Maybe one day I will go to shows again! Hopefully Black Lips at the Ottobar.
Junip Oct 9, 2013 OttobarThey were great at 930 earlier this year, enjoy!
Blondie/X @930
Fleshtones/SCOTS/Los Straitjackets @Uhall
DOA @Black Cat
can you pay your rent?
i think sidehatch, is the new . . . .timing is purely coincidental ...I can be a dick...but I don't reach AF level
im watching your posts . . . just in case.
i think sidehatch, is the new . . . .
Hutch?Don't start insulting me ::)i think sidehatch, is the new . . . .
Fast Pass for Cedar Point next week. One of these days I will go to a show again!http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/21/cedar-point-gay-wedding-contest_n_3790087.html (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/21/cedar-point-gay-wedding-contest_n_3790087.html)
Elton John
11/14 Verizon CenterElton John
Elton John is playing somewhere?
Elton John
Elton John is playing somewhere?
did anybody even mention they went on sale today? i was dealing with snow and my job to know they did.
double . . . fuck.
Show upgraded to mainstage. Tickets back on sale NOW. here's your second chance Walky!
oh this, is going, to be a fine, forummeetmeat up show. make sure you get pics, of me all over julian!
I can't wrap my head around all this Pizza Underground excitement.
The concept in and of itself is barely even amusing.
And the execution is far, far worse.
This is like paying to watch me and my roomates bang on tables and guitars in the living room when we were 19 years old.
Macaulay Culkin was my sister's first celebrity crush. Definitely more for her to see him in person than the music....
Macaulay Culkin was my sister's first celebrity crush. Definitely more for her to see him in person than the music....
I guess not everyone likes the Velvet Underground but I think they sound pretty good. Definitely not the disaster that was Juliette Lewis band.
Macaulay Culkin was my sister's first celebrity crush. Definitely more for her to see him in person than the music....
I guess not everyone likes the Velvet Underground but I think they sound pretty good. Definitely not the disaster that was Juliette Lewis band.
Anus doesn't like The Velvet Underground but likes the Pizza Underground, rich!
I fail to understand what's embarrassing about a collective of five musician-poets who transcend genres even as they re-invent them. Haters going to hate. I think the miniscule Pizza Underground backlash is people showing how immature they are because they can't get past what one person in the group happened to do when he was 9 years old.
Obv nobody going to this to see good music or creativity. I'm guessing it's about humor? It's just not funny at all. Now people playing VU covers about pizza with skill and precision? That might be just a little funny, akin to bands like Lez Zeppelin, Miss-fits, etc.You not being able to understand the subtle satire about societal mores =/= joke band. Pizza Underground are an "issues" band the way U2 would like to be.
I suppose it's mostly about McCauley Caulkin. Which I suppose i can understand at least a little bit. Like going to see Kevin Bacon's band or something.
Obv nobody going to this to see good music or creativity. I'm guessing it's about humor? It's just not funny at all. Now people playing VU covers about pizza with skill and precision? That might be just a little funny, akin to bands like Lez Zeppelin, Miss-fits, etc.
I suppose it's mostly about McCauley Caulkin. Which I suppose i can understand at least a little bit. Like going to see Kevin Bacon's band or something.
Ok after watching some live videos I take back all the positive things I said about Pizza UndergroundFinally someone besides me in here making some sense.
Ok after watching some live videos I take back all the positive things I said about Pizza Underground
SPECIAL APPEARANCE: Midnight cult sensation THE ROOM returns to the E Street Cinema for three special shows this weekend! Writer/director/star Tommy Wiseau and actor Greg Sestero will appear in person at the E Street Cinema on Friday, January 24 ?round Midnight; Saturday, January 25 ?round Midnight; and Sunday, January 26 at 9:00pm. $20 tickets include an autographed poster!Isn't that one of those movies like Plan 9 From Outer Space that's so bad its good? I've never seen it and not sure if I'm thinking of the right movie.
I haven't bought tickets ahead of time in quite a bit, but this week I bought two shows.
- Cloud Cult doubleheader at Sixth and I (one of only three bands that I will go to that spot to see)
- Neutral Milk Hotel at MPP (bought four for a birthday gift/double date)
Yes, it's know as one of the worst movies of all time.james Franco is supposed to be directing it...
I wouldn't be all that interested except that my favorite book of last year was Greg Sestero's 'Disaster Artist'. It is so funny that I can't possibly miss this.
I haven't bought tickets ahead of time in quite a bit, but this week I bought two shows.
- Cloud Cult doubleheader at Sixth and I (one of only three bands that I will go to that spot to see)
- Neutral Milk Hotel at MPP (bought four for a birthday gift/double date)
Has anyone here received his Kraftwerk tickets in the mail yet? I usually get ticketfly tickets rather quickly but nothing so far this time.
O's Opening Day. Now I have a month and a half to decide if I'm going or not.
If you don't want the tickets I can trade you Arcade Fire tickets for them.
O's Opening Day. Now I have a month and a half to decide if I'm going or not.
If you don't want the tickets I can trade you Arcade Fire tickets for them.
If you don't want the tickets I can trade you Arcade Fire tickets for them.
So your intention of giving baseball and never going to the O's again is not even going to make it past opening day?
Color me shocked....
O's Opening Day. Now I have a month and a half to decide if I'm going or not.
If you don't want the tickets I can trade you Arcade Fire tickets for them.
If I made that trade I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
Lower level to best live band in the world versus a baseball game. I guess you would be ripping me off. I am glad you have morals.
C.O.C.that's a blast from my skate punk days
C.O.C.that's a blast from my skate punk days
If you don't want the tickets I can trade you Arcade Fire tickets for them.
So your intention of giving baseball and never going to the O's again is not even going to make it past opening day?
Color me shocked....
Riff RaffReally...this guy looks like a joke. Is he the real deal?
I don't know if he is a joke but he seems sincere and always stays in character.I also respect this quality in people.
What are you talking about going country?
Side hatch I don't know if he is a joke but he seems sincere and always stays in character. I like his music too.
Eyehategod, C.O.C., High on Fire, etc.
Most expensive Ottobar ticket I ever bought,
Uh oh, having an opinion on what is too much for someone to want to pay for a show gets you jumped on around here.Eyehategod, C.O.C., High on Fire, etc.
Most expensive Ottobar ticket I ever bought,
Didn't pull the trigger on Friday for that exact reason. GREAT line up but, geez, $38?
So, according to hutch and others logic (i didnt copy the SEVERAL pages), you are being cheap, SO COME ON NOW.::)all I'm saying is the show is obviously not "expensive"; more like you are "cheap"
don't take it as an insult just think about it...
there's what? 4 or 5 guys in the band? they tour every few years? they certainly don't make much money selling records given how everyone is into streaming, right? they're coming from clear across the country.. how much do you expect grown men to tour for? $25 is really reasonable... now if you can't swing it or don't want to that is your prerogative of course.... but "expensive"??? come on now!
(http://cdn.hiphopdx.org//images/news/riffraff_1112013.jpg)I wanted to report this to the moderator...to say it's AWESOME!
I have no opinion.whoa...that might be a first. ;D
Uh oh, having an opinion on what is too much for someone to want to pay for a show gets you jumped on around here.
(I think $38 is too much as well, its just funny what fights people pick and with who around here. I guess some of us are second class citizens in the eyes of other board members and should not have opinions)
Uh oh, having an opinion on what is too much for someone to want to pay for a show gets you jumped on around here.
Per Rollcall thread in reference to $25 Mudhoney tickets. I am surprised nobody jumped on your ass on how "$38 is perfectly reasonable; they NEED to eat after all; and thats like 20 dudes between all of those bands; you cant have an opinion"
So, according to hutch and others logic (i didnt copy the SEVERAL pages), you are being cheap, SO COME ON NOW.
(I think $38 is too much as well, its just funny what fights people pick and with who around here. I guess some of us are second class citizens in the eyes of other board members and should not have opinions)
$18 to see them with Spirit Caravan at a 250 capacity club in Raleigh.Eyehategod, C.O.C., High on Fire, etc.
Most expensive Ottobar ticket I ever bought,
Didn't pull the trigger on Friday for that exact reason. GREAT line up but, geez, $38?
$18 to see them with Spirit Caravan at a 250 capacity club in Raleigh.Eyehategod, C.O.C., High on Fire, etc.
Most expensive Ottobar ticket I ever bought,
Didn't pull the trigger on Friday for that exact reason. GREAT line up but, geez, $38?
$18 to see them with Spirit Caravan at a 250 capacity club in Raleigh.Eyehategod, C.O.C., High on Fire, etc.
Most expensive Ottobar ticket I ever bought,
Didn't pull the trigger on Friday for that exact reason. GREAT line up but, geez, $38?
$60 in gas and 10 hours in a car to see them in Raleigh.Not quite 60 and 10. My brother lives in Raleigh and me and the wife have tons of friends down there. Was going to be in town anyway!$18 to see them with Spirit Caravan at a 250 capacity club in Raleigh.Eyehategod, C.O.C., High on Fire, etc.
Most expensive Ottobar ticket I ever bought,
Didn't pull the trigger on Friday for that exact reason. GREAT line up but, geez, $38?
$60 in gas and 10 hours in a car to see them in Raleigh.Not quite 60 and 10. My brother lives in Raleigh and me and the wife have tons of friends down there. Was going to be in town anyway!$18 to see them with Spirit Caravan at a 250 capacity club in Raleigh.Eyehategod, C.O.C., High on Fire, etc.
Most expensive Ottobar ticket I ever bought,
Didn't pull the trigger on Friday for that exact reason. GREAT line up but, geez, $38?
Also no High on Fire or Eye Hate God. I was pretty much just talking out my ass.
Ceremony @ rnrhSomeone probably likes them.
The Ceremony nobody else likes.
^^ before they went on sale?
Slowdive and Low ;DDitto.
Slowdive and Low ;DDitto.
[/quotSlowdive and Low ;DDitto.
Here Lies Love - @Public Theater NY
Stiff Little Fingers/So So Glos @Irving Plaza
Ryan Adams - @930Club
Orioles Postseason.
Here Lies Love - @Public Theater NY
Stiff Little Fingers/So So Glos @Irving Plaza
Ryan Adams - @930Club
You just got Ryan Adams tickets?
Orioles Postseason.
Placebo! I have been a fan since around 1998 and this will be my first time to see them. I cant wait! Too bad the Tim and Eric with Steve Brule thing is the same night... I have tickets to both, but might have to sell Tim and Eric if they do not announce an opener for the Placebo show.They're spectacular live. The 930 show in... 2003?... with stellastarr* opening is a top 10 all-timer for me.
They're spectacular live. The 930 show in... 2003?... with stellastarr* opening is a top 10 all-timer for me.
I easily could be wrong but I want to say that Placebo show was with Idlewild. I'm trying really hard to remember who was the other band for that Stellastarr show. My first thought was Grandaddy.They (Placebo) came in summer 03 with Ambulance Ltd, and again in December with stellastarr*. I know the December show was 2 bands only, I'd wager a significant amount of money on that. I have never seen Idlewild but would've loved to so I'm certain that was a different tour.
I saw that Stellastarr/Ambulance/Killers show at the Black Cat. It was incredible, I couldn't believe how good Stellastarr was.I saw it in RVA. Maybe 20 people in attendance. Killers sounded awful, the other two bands were spot on.
I was actually pretty impressed with the Killers, though I was inclined to like them because I was a huge NME fanboy and had a feeling they would be good. But regardless of my mental hype, I thought they were very polished and "fully formed" in that the songs were catchy, they sounded great, and they looked good up there. I never really listened to them apart from when their songs came on the radio, and I can still hum some of the tunes they played that night.it was possibly venue specific but you couldn't make out a word they sang all night. Echoy mess.
ALDS Game 5 (if necessary) Going to 2 and 5.
ALDS Game 5 (if necessary) Going to 2 and 5.
NLCS Game 1. Yay!
ALDS Game 5 (if necessary) Going to 2 and 5.
NLCS Game 1. Yay!
CS or DS?
ALDS game 2, ALCS game 2, World Series game 2
Also going to get World Series game 7 (hope hope).
world series game 3
Should have opted for game 1 or 2, as game 3 is in NL stadium.world series game 3
Which, quite possibly, could be DC.
My joke was that it will be Baltimore vs. somebody other than the NatsWhich, quite possibly, could be DC.
(http://media0.giphy.com/media/Rhhr8D5mKSX7O/giphy.gif)Love me some Judy! A+ gif!
My Aunt B looks exactly like her.(http://media.giphy.com/media/iSVGauT1E9qfu/giphy.gif)
Playing catch up in this thread Idlewild did warm up for Placebo at the club, Idlewild destroyed the club that nightWhat year?
Playing catch up in this thread Idlewild did warm up for Placebo at the club, Idlewild destroyed the club that night
Playing catch up in this thread Idlewild did warm up for Placebo at the club, Idlewild destroyed the club that night
Priests with Protomartyr
Pixies. ;DCode?
Pixies. ;DCode?
Pixies. ;DCode?
snakes, but I'm guessing it's long sold out.
not going ...but disagree, she is a big (in more ways than one) part of the bandnokimdeal
Courtney BarnettSo obviously didn't just buy these, but now looking at the night wonder if I should try to trade these for the Sunday night show
Courtney BarnettSo obviously didn't just buy these, but now looking at the night wonder if I should try to trade these for the Sunday night show
Doors 7 PM
2 opening acts
then at 11 there is a Mixtape Pride Party
Doors: 11:00 PM
here we go with the Gays ruining everything! (couldn't find the sarcasm font)
So does that mean the club has to be empty by 10:30...so the show will be over by 10?
I'm hoping the opening acts only play 30 min sets that start at 7:30
I know she doesn't have a huge catalog of songs and probably only does a 90 min set max
but I'm going to be annoyed if she goes on at 9pm and HAS to be off at 10
here we go with Tampa Bay Rays ruining everything!
That's actually wonderful news!
here we go with Tampa Bay Rays ruining everything!QuoteThat's actually wonderful news!
so what's wonderful news?
meaning that she'll go on at 8:30 and be done by 10
Courtney Barnett will probably play for an hour (one album, three EPs deep into her career) though maybe she does 75 minutes.Courtney Barnett is in the midst of her sold-out, three-night run at Bowery Ballroom with tour mates Chastity Belt and fellow Aussie Darren Hanlon. At the first (5/19), she mixed songs from her terrific new album with older favorites like "Avant Gardener" and "History Eraser" while making time for two early '90s covers -- The Breeders' "Cannonball" and The Lemonheads' "Being Around." Pictures and setlist from Tuesday's show, plus videos, are in this post (http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2015/05/courtney_barnet_20.html).
Chastity Belt will probably play for 30 minutes (I hope they do 45 at their headlining show at Metro Gallery that week, but I doubt they would play that long for an opening set).
Darren Hanlon will probably play for 30 minutes (just a guess, I have never heard of this artist).
Janet Jackson at B'more Arena
Things are picking up.
Patti Smith
Dead & Company @ Verizon
Dead & Company in Philly
I don't think it's going to come anywhere close to the FTW shows. However, it seems like Bob has gotten his sh*t together over the last year. Hopefully, that will hold up. I don't know much about Mayer other than (as you said) he's supposedly a really good blues guitarist. I predict he holds his own, but I'm not really expecting anything magical to come out of this. I think anyone expecting Chicago Part 2 is going to be disappointed. I just expect it to be a fun time with some good music. The excitement is back in Deadheadland. That goes a long way in making a good time out of this.
Chicago was over-the-top fantastic. From here on out, everything else is just a bonus.
I can beat you, relaxer. beat you, off good.
im going, to van halen.
I can beat you, relaxer. beat you, off good.
im going, to van halen.
so am i..... if they actually show up, that is..... they cancelled last Sunday's Hershey show (at the last minute) because DLR had the "flu".....
Just read, that they killed darien lake.So tragic. #BlackLivesMatter
p.i.l. @ u st.hard to believe he's playing there...he'll get angry right awaywhen he sees it..but anger is an energy so...I hear
intimate for sure.
Extortion/Full of Hell at Metro Gallery.Too bad Extortion had to drop...
Extortion/Full of Hell at Metro Gallery.Too bad Extortion had to drop...
I just bought my Killing Joke ticket, just in case it sells out soon.
Just got my Killing Joke ticket for the Richmond show.
We're all going to the gathering!
Just got my Killing Joke ticket for the Richmond show.
We're all going to the gathering!
I am really tempted to go to that as well. The Broadberry is ok and its close to 95 and that museum across the street has free parking for Broadberry shows. Hmm.
Any other boardies going to the Richmond show?Yes.
Michigan v Penn State
Basketball/Hockey Doubleheader @ Madison Square Garden
It's a 75 minute flight. Not that hardcore.Michigan v Penn State
Basketball/Hockey Doubleheader @ Madison Square Garden
Savages at 930 in March! YES.I am soo surprised by this...had no idea that you were excited for this show
I prefer softcore, sportsHands off! He's my pale, doughy lunatic!
Savages at 930 in March! YES.I am soo surprised by this...had no idea that you were excited for this show
Killing Joke in Baltimore.
Tickets for Sunday's game against the Packers.
Which is probably a bummer for any Washington fans. In the past 9 years, I have attended 16 professional sports games across football, basketball, baseball, soccer and hockey. Every single one of them has been a loss for the Washington team.
Could this be the weekend that the streak breaks? Probably not!!!!!
Bryan Ferry...so excited.
Bryan Ferry...so excited.
Have they said anything about this tour? Is there a theme? Like, is he doing a "My latest album" tour or is it a Roxy retrospective OR WHAT?
Fetty Wap at UMBC (Valentine's Day present for my fiance)
Springsteen at RoFaThe official slang for Royal Farms is "RoFo" not "RoFa"... I do not know why, but it is.
I am such a romantic.Fetty Wap at UMBC (Valentine's Day present for my fiance)
That's romantic.
Springsteen at RoFaThe official slang for Royal Farms is "RoFo" not "RoFa"... I do not know why, but it is.I am such a romantic.Fetty Wap at UMBC (Valentine's Day present for my fiance)
That's romantic.
Carly Rae Jepsenyesterday was trying to verify the Carly F announcement
Four Tet and Austin Levitation Fest.
Last year's Levitation was a ton of fun: not too big, no bros solely there to get fucked up, and a solid lineup of established bands/new bands. Excited to see Slowdive again!
Jealous! Too bad it's too expensive to fly to Austin.Despite the hype of Ween performing again, I'll being seeing Caribou as I've missed seeing him/didn't get to Verizon in time to see him open for Radiohead. As for airfare, its just me so maybe spirit will have a decent rate.
I went two years ago when it was called Austin Psych Fest. Friday/Saturday looks great. Sunday lineup is ok. Slowdive and Brian Wilson then Ween sounds anticlimactic....LMAOFour Tet and Austin Levitation Fest.
Last year's Levitation was a ton of fun: not too big, no bros solely there to get fucked up, and a solid lineup of established bands/new bands. Excited to see Slowdive again!
Before and after party (and the rest of the week) sidled up to the bar at the Flying Saucer. Slowly working my way through the list.
Dagnasty (guy at the ticket booth said this will sell out soon!)
and a Pit ticket to the Cure (thanks Beato!)
ya know, in my mind it was always Beato, not Betaoand a Pit ticket to the Cure (thanks Beato!)
the curse of the speller strikes again..
Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
dang the Saturday show...did you get soaked on the purchase?Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
8) 8) 8)
dang the Saturday show...did you get soaked on the purchase?Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
8) 8) 8)
dang the Saturday show...did you get soaked on the purchase?Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
8) 8) 8)
The most I've ever paid for a concert ticket over the face value... It was a little over double the original cost of face + fees, but after the Lockn + Bonnaroo announcements, I don't think they'll be playing locally anytime soon. I also have some changes coming up in the near future that will not allow me to attend many shows post July.
I think the first bun?dang the Saturday show...did you get soaked on the purchase?Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
8) 8) 8)
The most I've ever paid for a concert ticket over the face value... It was a little over double the original cost of face + fees, but after the Lockn + Bonnaroo announcements, I don't think they'll be playing locally anytime soon. I also have some changes coming up in the near future that will not allow me to attend many shows post July.
Another one in the oven?
I think the first bun?dang the Saturday show...did you get soaked on the purchase?Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
8) 8) 8)
The most I've ever paid for a concert ticket over the face value... It was a little over double the original cost of face + fees, but after the Lockn + Bonnaroo announcements, I don't think they'll be playing locally anytime soon. I also have some changes coming up in the near future that will not allow me to attend many shows post July.
Another one in the oven?
dang the Saturday show...did you get soaked on the purchase?Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
8) 8) 8)
The most I've ever paid for a concert ticket over the face value... It was a little over double the original cost of face + fees, but after the Lockn + Bonnaroo announcements, I don't think they'll be playing locally anytime soon. I also have some changes coming up in the near future that will not allow me to attend many shows post July.
Another one in the oven?
at the rate you go to far off shows and do fine dining...I just assumed it was not likely that you had offspring. But I do remember the pump, but assumed it was for your penisdang the Saturday show...did you get soaked on the purchase?Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
8) 8) 8)
The most I've ever paid for a concert ticket over the face value... It was a little over double the original cost of face + fees, but after the Lockn + Bonnaroo announcements, I don't think they'll be playing locally anytime soon. I also have some changes coming up in the near future that will not allow me to attend many shows post July.
Another one in the oven?
You sir are correct!
Sidehutch, I think I remember you posting about my wife's breast pump in a picture I posted once. That breast pump wasn't for me!
dang the Saturday show...did you get soaked on the purchase?Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
8) 8) 8)
The most I've ever paid for a concert ticket over the face value... It was a little over double the original cost of face + fees, but after the Lockn + Bonnaroo announcements, I don't think they'll be playing locally anytime soon. I also have some changes coming up in the near future that will not allow me to attend many shows post July.
Another one in the oven?
You sir are correct!
Sidehutch, I think I remember you posting about my wife's breast pump in a picture I posted once. That breast pump wasn't for me!
at the rate you go to far off shows and do fine dining...I just assumed it was not likely that you had offspring. But I do remember the pump, but assumed it was for your penisdang the Saturday show...did you get soaked on the purchase?Ween - 4/16 :o :o :o
8) 8) 8)
The most I've ever paid for a concert ticket over the face value... It was a little over double the original cost of face + fees, but after the Lockn + Bonnaroo announcements, I don't think they'll be playing locally anytime soon. I also have some changes coming up in the near future that will not allow me to attend many shows post July.
Another one in the oven?
You sir are correct!
Sidehutch, I think I remember you posting about my wife's breast pump in a picture I posted once. That breast pump wasn't for me!
Since when does having kids prevent someone from dining out?It doesn't, but typically people don't traffic swanky restaurants with their kids in tow
typically people don't traffic swanky restaurants with their kids in towThere are some people who do and they are the absolutely lowest form of scum.
THANK YOU!typically people don't traffic swanky restaurants with their kids in towThere are some people who do and they are the absolutely lowest form of scum.
THANK YOU!typically people don't traffic swanky restaurants with their kids in towThere are some people who do and they are the absolutely lowest form of scum.
Since when does having kids prevent someone from dining out?It doesn't, but typically people don't traffic swanky restaurants with their kids in tow
and Yada tends to talk about places that I would imagine wouldn't be kid friendly
Obviously he has a good babysitter or mother-in-law who lives close by
oh....Mazel Tov!
We have to raise the next generation of Ween fans
"Its fine as long as they're well behaved" dominates with 77%. Virtually no kids under 8 are going to remain well behaved. If they do, OK, your kid is the exception to the rule. Good on you, parent.THANK YOU!typically people don't traffic swanky restaurants with their kids in towThere are some people who do and they are the absolutely lowest form of scum.
Apparently, your opinion is the small minority.
"Its fine as long as they're well behaved" dominates with 77%. Virtually no kids under 8 are going to remain well behaved. If they do, OK, your kid is the exception to the rule. Good on you, parent.THANK YOU!typically people don't traffic swanky restaurants with their kids in towThere are some people who do and they are the absolutely lowest form of scum.
Apparently, your opinion is the small minority.
But rest assured parents idea of whether their kid is acting in an appropriate manner is vastly different than people around them's opinion.
I have no problem with a teenager being at a fancy restaurant.
I have very strong opinions about children.
TGI Fridays - OK, children expected
Acadiana - well maybe not "fancy" but I would not expect children there and would be thoroughly annoyed if someone brought an unruly child to dinner here.
We started taking our daughter to restaurants from the very beginning, and trained her well. She has always been very well behaved. It helps that she has no siblings.
If they do, OK, your kid is the exception to the rule. Good on you, parent.
Hey Bob, I think the last time you ate a nice restaurant was also 20 years ago. Acadiana? Puhlease!
I have no idea what's fancy and what's not nowadays. I still shop at Garfinkel's.I'm just glad he found work after Paul Simon threw him to the curb. . .
Just about every parent thinks their kid(s) are the exception.
"No no, he's really good, it will not be a problem."
30 minutes later, the sounds of crying and sobbing echo throughout the restaurant, and not all of them are coming from me.
But rest assured parents idea of whether their kid is acting in an appropriate manner is vastly different than people around them's opinion.
High Highs
well technically I won them ..TY the vinyl district
and also won a vinyl copy of their latest
Sadly the same night as OBLHigh Highs
well technically I won them ..TY the vinyl district
and also won a vinyl copy of their latest
Luna's 3 dates in Texas in May.....
Drive Like JehuMe
who else?
radiohead @ MSG, night 1.
I bought a ticket to see Graham Parker.. never seen him before...
total TAN...but how could Kub only have 240 posts?I bought a ticket to see Graham Parker.. never seen him before...
grabbed one too.... seen him solo once and a few times on the reunion tours with the Rumour.... those shows were great....
total TAN...but how could Kub only have 240 posts?I bought a ticket to see Graham Parker.. never seen him before...
grabbed one too.... seen him solo once and a few times on the reunion tours with the Rumour.... those shows were great....
so truetotal TAN...but how could Kub only have 240 posts?I bought a ticket to see Graham Parker.. never seen him before...
grabbed one too.... seen him solo once and a few times on the reunion tours with the Rumour.... those shows were great....
he keeps a low profile but packs a lot of oomph into his posts..he doesn't fool around..he says what he means and he means what he says.. he's a straight shooter.. he's here for the music not to talk about whey...when he says his name is kubacheck you better believe its kubacheck.
i think there's a lesson somewhere in there.
total TAN...but how could Kub only have 240 posts?I bought a ticket to see Graham Parker.. never seen him before...
grabbed one too.... seen him solo once and a few times on the reunion tours with the Rumour.... those shows were great....
Paradox is shutting down. They are throwing some final Fever parties there. Friday night has the impressive lineup of:
With Special Guests:
ANI of Deee-Lite
Outdoor Chillout featuring:
playing CloudWatch classics all night
I'm glad you know what I'm talking about! I must confess, I was never old enough to go to the original Fever. I loathe most of the modern rave culture that those younger than me go for (seriously, fuck dubstep and calling any genre EDM is pretty lame), so I figured this would be an awesome party to go dance my ass off. Not to mention, see some very fantastic djs. I just hope that all of my years of being obsessed with electronic stuff (not to mention my obsession with all things Manchester) has payed off and I'll recognize what is played. I'm also hoping for some acid house classics. I think Feelgood and Onionz will totally do that. Believe me, I wish I could time travel to the warehouse parties of the late 80's/early 90's. Same with wishing I could go to the Paradise Garage and the Hacienda.Of course! Scott Henry and Charles Feelgood have been two of my favorites since the late 90s/early 2000s. I went to a lot of big raves in New Orleans in 1999 and 2000, and saw both of them at different events. I ended up moving to the DC area in 2002 and started attending Buzz and Fever parties soon after. I only went to Paradox once though. Anyway, sounds fun!
High HighsWell...never seem to have any luck actually buying tix...but have been on a lucky streak on winning tickets !
well technically I won them ..TY the vinyl district
and also won a vinyl copy of their latest
^ the stumbling block for me in terms of subscribing to Mojo was that you had to do a direct debit thing with your bank account, which I did not want to do.... has that changed, can you use a CC??
Muddbutt sold out in minutes.not a surprise
Muddbutt sold out in minutes.
Muddbutt sold out in minutes.
I picked my Mark Lanegan ticket, and as much as I like the Violent Femmes he beat them out
you know sometimes it's nice to just have something that isn't plugged in to readYou do not have to have your tablet plugged in to use it, it has a battery!
great for the bathroom as well
Ok, should have been more specific, something not emitting EMF's or has circuitsyou know sometimes it's nice to just have something that isn't plugged in to readYou do not have to have your tablet plugged in to use it, it has a battery!
great for the bathroom as well
^ Mojo is chock full of info that I like to peruse at my leisure, nothing that is necessary to know instantly.... tons of new album reviews, decent articles, etc, it's a great resource, so I'm happy to have it in magazine form.....agreed - mojo has hipped me to many great musics i would have not otherwise discovered on my own.
- Napalm Death/Melvins/Melt-BananaNice! I also got tickets to both of these.
- Sleep w/ Windhand
I think the service charge would have been 9 bucks each online vs a dollar each at the window.
I think the service charge would have been 9 bucks each online vs a dollar each at the window.
gotta be a business model in there...especialy if you live close to the club
say you could charge $5 per ticket and you would make money and the buyer would save money
not sure, but would that be a reversescalp?
Now your thinking!I think the service charge would have been 9 bucks each online vs a dollar each at the window.
gotta be a business model in there...especialy if you live close to the club
say you could charge $5 per ticket and you would make money and the buyer would save money
not sure, but would that be a reversescalp?
and you can buy them under your FWB account and get credit for the points.....
how was Tobacco?
it does now...if you email them witha scan of your ticket...they'll give you the credit
Oops, I totally forgot to flash my FWB card at the 9:30 box office. Does that thing work at U Hall too?
Jane's Addiction/Dino Jr./Living Colour
I am not about to miss this one
yep, since they don't appear to be coming to DC I thought I would make the trek up. Embarrassingly enough I've lived in DC for 18 years now and have never been to Philly.Jane's Addiction/Dino Jr./Living Colour
I am not about to miss this one
The Phillie show? My cousin is buying tickets and I'm planning on going with him.
yep, since they don't appear to be coming to DC I thought I would make the trek up. Embarrassingly enough I've lived in DC for 18 years now and have never been to Philly.I have lived in the DC area since 2002, and while I DO go to Philly (at least 5 times a year), I have never been to NYC, nor do I ever plan on it (I drove through part of it to get to Connecticut once, but I do not think that counts)...
I have never been to NYC, nor do I ever plan on itThat is a very odd statement
Why is that odd? Not everybody is obsessed with that city.never said you had to be obsessed....but come on we are talking facts
NYC really is the high water mark for most things other than ignorance and intoleranceOK, so what am I missing by not going?
NYC really is the high water mark for most things other than ignorance and intoleranceOK, so what am I missing by not going?
Good for you!
Jane's Addiction/Dino Jr./Living Colour
I am not about to miss this one
I agree... Ritual has it's moments (three days obviously) but as an entire album Nothing's Shocking is far superior. I'm still annoyed though that in all these years they've never done a studio recording of WhoresJane's Addiction/Dino Jr./Living Colour
I am not about to miss this one
Cousin just confirmed that tickets are bought. I wish it were a 'Nothings Shocking' show rather than a 'Ritual" one, but I'll take what I can get.
I just love a good ol Nothings Shocking circle jerk. It's in my all-time top 3 albums, most likely coming in at #2 I'd have to say. It combines my artsy-fartsy side, my kinky loverman side, and my 80s squiggly guitar metal side, all in one neat RAWKin package.good description!
NYC really is the high water mark for most things other than ignorance and intoleranceOK, so what am I missing by not going?
that's one thing you really don't need to go to NYC for thoNYC really is the high water mark for most things other than ignorance and intoleranceOK, so what am I missing by not going?
Just the occasional Wilco show. ....
that's one thing you really don't need to go to NYC for thoNYC really is the high water mark for most things other than ignorance and intoleranceOK, so what am I missing by not going?
Just the occasional Wilco show. ....
edit . . . it pays to keep trying, and to have patience. pulled tickets to pet shop boys, warner, 12th row center. right on.
I can't believe this thread is 42 pages long.
I can't believe this thread is 42 pages long.
I can't believe this thread is 42 pages long.
You would prefer us, to talk about beer, baseball, and bitches?
I can't believe this thread is 42 pages long.
You would prefer us, to talk about beer, baseball, and bitches?
I can't imagine anyone who hasn't met me, or even those who have and even those who know me well, giving a rat's ass about what concerts I just bought tickets to.
i like knowing who is attending a show in case i want to meet up with them. might even nudge me into getting a ticket. some of us like being social :)
another reason why this thread is useful is that it reminds me to buy tickets to a show, lets me know they're on sale, how tough it was to get a ticket, etc. consider it a "Just Went On Sale" thread.
PJ Harvey at Terminal 5.....I hope she comes to DC
PJ Harvey at Terminal 5.....I hope she comes to DC
i like knowing who is attending a show in case i want to meet up with them. might even nudge me into getting a ticket. some of us like being social :)
another reason why this thread is useful is that it reminds me to buy tickets to a show, lets me know they're on sale, how tough it was to get a ticket, etc. consider it a "Just Went On Sale" thread.
Isn't that what the 545 page "This week rollcall" page is for? I'm not going to remember somebody bought tickets to a show that's happening five months from now. I'm just not. :P
Widespread, mother fucking, Panic
New Years
Edwin Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, which I have ZERO interest in, plus it's at Wolf Trap, JESUS, but this smokin hot woman suggested we go, so... off we go.Preservation Hall Jazz Band opens....they are worth getting their early for
Edwin Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros,Edward.
Edwin Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, which I have ZERO interest in, plus it's at Wolf Trap, JESUS, but this smokin hot woman suggested we go, so... off we go.
The things we do for infatuation...
Ray LoMontagne at fucking Wolf Trap
I don't even know who this guy is. Can someone recommend a record of his I should check out?
I really should've insisted she come with me to Diarrhea Planet.
Ex Hex
Poster Children
Have fun Bob!thanks!
The things we do for infatuation...
Ray LoMontagne at fucking Wolf Trap
I don't even know who this guy is. Can someone recommend a record of his I should check out?
I really should've insisted she come with me to Diarrhea Planet.
well the thing is the earlier ones are supposedly very folkie and the last two are like pink floydi... i guess the one that just came out is produced by the My morning jacket dude and includes the my morning jacket band.. you really should just buy and listen to that one because he's touring with the my morning jacket dudes and that is what he's going to play..
The things we do for infatuation...
Ray LoMontagne at fucking Wolf Trap
I don't even know who this guy is. Can someone recommend a record of his I should check out?
I really should've insisted she come with me to Diarrhea Planet.
The things we do for infatuation...
Ray LoMontagne at fucking Wolf Trap
I don't even know who this guy is. Can someone recommend a record of his I should check out?
I really should've insisted she come with me to Diarrhea Planet.
well the thing is the earlier ones are supposedly very folkie and the last two are like pink floydi... i guess the one that just came out is produced by the My morning jacket dude and includes the my morning jacket band.. you really should just buy and listen to that one because he's touring with the my morning jacket dudes and that is what he's going to play..
The things we do for infatuation...
Ray LoMontagne at fucking Wolf Trap
I don't even know who this guy is. Can someone recommend a record of his I should check out?
I really should've insisted she come with me to Diarrhea Planet.
Well go figure, I got Ray's Ouroboros album and I love it. It's really mellow and ethereal, but it really hits the spot at night. I'm now really looking forward to this show.
YQY is the airport code for Sydney (Nova Scotia) Municipal Airport, you moron.
ray lamontagne @ wolf trap tonight
there is no way he goes for that...yeah I don't know
7/7 Rascal Flats - Mountain View, CA
7/15 - Darius Rucker - Mountain View, CA
7/28 Keith Urban - Mountain View, CA
7/31 Weezer - Mountain View, CA
9/9 Dierks Bentley - Mountain View, CA
9/18 Hall and Oates - Concord CA
9/25 - Def Leppard - Mountain View, CA
10/8 Gwen Stefani - Mountain View, CA
7/7 Rascal Flats - Mountain View, CA
7/15 - Darius Rucker - Mountain View, CA
7/28 Keith Urban - Mountain View, CA
7/31 Weezer - Mountain View, CA
9/9 Dierks Bentley - Mountain View, CA
9/18 Hall and Oates - Concord CA
9/25 - Def Leppard - Mountain View, CA
10/8 Gwen Stefani - Mountain View, CA
oh.. no Hall and Oates here.. otherwise I would be in for that one too...
no Flight of the Conchords Sing Flight of the Conchords on 6/28!
that show I'd pay for
farm - aid @ jll 9.17Dude physically drove out there and camped out for 3 hours to avoid fees. Wasted 4 hours of his life to save -- what? -- $20. Perfectly highlights the supreme rightness of my argument that anyone who complains about ticketing fees is a spectacular idiot.
drove out there this morning at about 9:45 to avoid fees, no traffic.
one other dude was there, said he'd been there since 7 am.
told him that was probably not necessary.
don't think he appreciated my input.
2 windows, so no waiting or issues.
other guy was still haggling over online vs. box office prices as i left.
friends hooked us up with morris day, but hoping for a steely dan and/or black sabbath miracle.On the very remote chance you would be able to use Steely Dan in Virginia Beach I have a pair you're welcome to.
thanks for the thought, we're headed to charlotte that day.friends hooked us up with morris day, but hoping for a steely dan and/or black sabbath miracle.On the very remote chance you would be able to use Steely Dan in Virginia Beach I have a pair you're welcome to.
I may have two extra lawn tickets- because it looks like I can't go wouldn't you know it- to Black Sabbath dyecraig.. I'll let you know..i'll be right here!
Squeeze / The English Beatthinking of using my FWB for this one...$68 with fees is kinda steep
Squeeze / The English Beatthinking of using my FWB for this one...$68 with fees is kinda steep
seu jorge - a life aquatic - a tribute to david bowie @ howard 10.8curious if we thing this will 'goldstar' due to lack of ticket sales?
how cool is that gonna be?
O's playoffs. Game 2 of each (potential) series.
O's playoffs. Game 2 of each (potential) series.
Have you already gotten your link? mine is on tuesday.
O's playoffs. Game 2 of each (potential) series.
Have you already gotten your link? mine is on tuesday.
Yes. Today at 10. They're basing it on seniority and I've had a mini plan since '89.
$900 for Upper Box w/B Lot parking. Oof.
Springsteen - Pit tickets
Springsteen - Pit tickets
Springsteen - Pit tickets
This had me tempted, until I saw the final price.
so how much are pit tickets??
Springsteen seems to have gone like everybody else.. he used to keep prices low but no longer...
I liked seeing Bruce last time.. but its just not my thing
Probably the most memorable part of show was that I ended up sitting next to David Corn on the metro ride home and talking a bit about the election.. this was like 2-3 days before Corn broke the video of Romney talking about the 47% freeloaders/victims at a fundraiser... I am guessing he did not know about the video at the time...I can't recall anything specific we talked about.. I think that video kind of finished Romney off....
That was the most memorable part of the evening for me...although Springsteen's performance was an exercise in giving 110% like none I have ever seen...
Agree, ticket prices are high, but he is the one artist I see as many times as possible (prob around 70 times since 1980). $40 in service charges is bullshit though.
I cant think of a single Bruce song that I have ever heard and liked.I like Radio Nowhere.
I heard him playing in the distance at a Bonnaroo... I had no desire to go check him out. I do not know who I picked instead, but I am sure it was the right decision.
One of the absolute worst musical moments that I ever experienced was earlier in that fest - Bruce joining Phish on one of the two nights and they played together for a half hour; a half hour of Bruce stumbling all over Trey, and clashing guitar solos. It was bad. Phish were great the rest of that set and their other set, I should add.
I would not go see him for free and some people shell out 100s of bucks...
I cant think of a single Bruce song that I have ever heard and liked.
Bruce is trash.
Why would you think it would upset me to post Seal lyrics? I am not ashamed of what I like. I like what I like. I love Seal. I dislike Bruce.
It does not bother me. Why else would you post them other than you think it gets under my skin?
You think mentioning Alice in Chains or Seal bothers me, for some reason. It really does not.
Sorry, but your trolling doesn't do anything for me, Anciano.
oh anciano! nice come back! ZINGG! feel the burn!I thought you were closer to 60, my bad.
is 45 ancient these days?
The funny thing is I'm not a huge Brooce fan myself... but calling him "trash" seems a bit excessive... from the man who likes to listen to Bloody Anus...It is just my opinion, formed through years of casual exposure to Bruce's music. Why does it bother you that I do not like him?
oh anciano! nice come back! ZINGG! feel the burn!I thought you were closer to 60, my bad.
is 45 ancient these days?
The funny thing is I'm not a huge Brooce fan myself... but calling him "trash" seems a bit excessive... from the man who likes to listen to Bloody Anus...It is just my opinion, formed through years of casual exposure to Bruce's music. Why does it bother you that I do not like him?
And I care because?
The funny thing is I'm not a huge Brooce fan myself... but calling him "trash" seems a bit excessive... from the man who likes to listen to Bloody Anus...It is just my opinion, formed through years of casual exposure to Bruce's music. Why does it bother you that I do not like him?
FWIW, I don't like him either. He's kind of in that Bob Seger camp for me.Thank you Ollie.
Also, I don't like scones or sushi. Most other people seem to. Don't understand that in any way.
The funny thing is I'm not a huge Brooce fan myself... but calling him "trash" seems a bit excessive... from the man who likes to listen to Bloody Anus...It is just my opinion, formed through years of casual exposure to Bruce's music. Why does it bother you that I do not like him?
FWIW, I don't like him either. He's kind of in that Bob Seger camp for me.
Also, I don't like scones or sushi. Most other people seem to. Don't understand that in any way.
I don't care at all for sushi. It's one of my secret shames. I'm ambivalent on Springsteen.
Bruce is trash.
I wrote way more than that three word sentence about my dislike of Bruce.
Cemetery Piss, like Bruce, are not for everyone.
Wilco... Ugh.
I do enjoy "Born in East LA"; the song and the movie.
Are you trying to convince me that I SHOULD like Bruce? I don't, end of story, you can move on now.
Not directed towards me, but you call me out by name in that post?
Also fuck you with the name calling. Every day you call me a moron or something. Do I ever call you names? No. Try to insult your intelligence? No.
I am glad my statement of Springsteen is trash upsets so many of you. I really do not care about your opinion, but really, stop with the name calling.
There, happy?
I do not need counseling. Can you stop with the name calling?
I don't care at all for sushi. It's one of my secret shames. I'm ambivalent on Springsteen.
Shall we assume you're in a committed relationship these days?
I don't care at all for sushi. It's one of my secret shames. I'm ambivalent on Springsteen.
Shall we assume you're in a committed relationship these days?
No, I'm not, and this is recent. In fact, I'm right back in the swamp. I should update my thread.
I don't care at all for sushi. It's one of my secret shames. I'm ambivalent on Springsteen.
Shall we assume you're in a committed relationship these days?
No, I'm not, and this is recent. In fact, I'm right back in the swamp. I should update my thread.
best news I heard all day!I don't care at all for sushi. It's one of my secret shames. I'm ambivalent on Springsteen.
Shall we assume you're in a committed relationship these days?
No, I'm not, and this is recent. In fact, I'm right back in the swamp. I should update my thread.
Holy shit
Green Day
Totally shut out. Anyone want a date?
Great to meet you last night challenged...hope that you had fun at the show. I sure did.
Having eschewed board meet-ups in the past (not intentionally, just sorta worked out that way) I'm willing to offer up my second Green Day ticket for the sake of meeting some board people. My initial thought was Bearman because he goes to a lot of the shows I go to (or wish I could go to).
Have to assume some of those will be filled with extra DC shows.You don't have to assume that at all, actually. In fact, it's relatively unlikely compared to other things.
So, feeling unhappy about the Green Day shutout, purchased Julien Baker for Monday night.
City of Caterpillar at Black Cat
You will enjoy this. I'm going to the RVA show.City of Caterpillar at Black Cat
Same. I haven't even heard of these guys, but I got caught up in all the OMG CoC!!!!! hype and bought two tickets.
**SOLD OUT**You will enjoy this. I'm going to the RVA show.City of Caterpillar at Black Cat
Same. I haven't even heard of these guys, but I got caught up in all the OMG CoC!!!!! hype and bought two tickets.
Yeah man this was one of those buy day 1 or don't things. :-/**SOLD OUT**You will enjoy this. I'm going to the RVA show.City of Caterpillar at Black Cat
Same. I haven't even heard of these guys, but I got caught up in all the OMG CoC!!!!! hype and bought two tickets.
guess no coc for me
maybe relaxer will give me a miracle cocYeah man this was one of those buy day 1 or don't things. :-/**SOLD OUT**You will enjoy this. I'm going to the RVA show.City of Caterpillar at Black Cat
Same. I haven't even heard of these guys, but I got caught up in all the OMG CoC!!!!! hype and bought two tickets.
guess no coc for me
I can't see the puck!
Passed on the Roger Waters presale yesterday. Had lower level in my cart...at $175 each...and thought better of it.
maybe relaxer will give me a miracle cocYeah man this was one of those buy day 1 or don't things. :-/**SOLD OUT**You will enjoy this. I'm going to the RVA show.City of Caterpillar at Black Cat
Same. I haven't even heard of these guys, but I got caught up in all the OMG CoC!!!!! hype and bought two tickets.
guess no coc for me
I'd be honored to take your coc!maybe relaxer will give me a miracle cocYeah man this was one of those buy day 1 or don't things. :-/**SOLD OUT**You will enjoy this. I'm going to the RVA show.City of Caterpillar at Black Cat
Same. I haven't even heard of these guys, but I got caught up in all the OMG CoC!!!!! hype and bought two tickets.
guess no coc for me
It's yours if you want it.
I'd be honored to take your coc!maybe relaxer will give me a miracle cocYeah man this was one of those buy day 1 or don't things. :-/**SOLD OUT**You will enjoy this. I'm going to the RVA show.City of Caterpillar at Black Cat
Same. I haven't even heard of these guys, but I got caught up in all the OMG CoC!!!!! hype and bought two tickets.
guess no coc for me
It's yours if you want it.
Cool...see you Jan 15th!
Got tickets to see the flaming lips. Wayne annoys me, but I think it will be a good time. Definitely easier to get tickets than I expected. I could have had tickets for both nights.
This is where the TicketFly app and an emergency bathroom visit would come in handy. So I hear."Urinate and buy tickets" is the new "walk and chew gum".
Rick Astleymight need to get a hotel room after
Rick AstleyShirley you jest...
(https://media.giphy.com/media/l0IpWb9lubThJq2wo/giphy.gif)Rick AstleyShirley you jest...
At The Drive-In
fingers crossed the show happens hahaha!
PJ Harvey at House of Blues Boston :) 8)
a great thing about Petty is that Peter Wolf is opening...
I thought it was Joe Walsha great thing about Petty is that Peter Wolf is opening...
Tom petty in Baltimore
Parquet Courts in Baltimore
Tom petty in Baltimore
Parquet Courts in Baltimore
Parquet. Anyone want to weigh in on the venue?
I waffled on At the Drive-In and once again missed out. Figures.
What a dope I am sometimes.
There was the first time around. I got a ticket for like $16 on stubhub week of. There's only one show this time tho.I waffled on At the Drive-In and once again missed out. Figures.
What a dope I am sometimes.
the fact it didn't sell out for a little while may indicate there will be tickets to be had later
Christmas present from wife was tickets to GnR in Hershey, PA in August. Are there any decent bars/restaurants around that stadium as we are driving up the night before and staying the night? I'm guessing no.
Christmas present from wife was tickets to GnR in Hershey, PA in August. Are there any decent bars/restaurants around that stadium as we are driving up the night before and staying the night? I'm guessing no.
dunno if you're into beer, but Troegs is in Hershey so you could eat and drink there: http://www.troegs.com/visit/
The seating chart for the Pixies is the one they use for GA shows. Compare to Aimee Mann (GA) and Brian Wilson (Reserved).
first come first serveThe seating chart for the Pixies is the one they use for GA shows. Compare to Aimee Mann (GA) and Brian Wilson (Reserved).
Interesting. So the entire venue is GA? Do tickets differentiate between main floor and balcony or is everything up for grabs?
A suite at The Grammy Awards
cuz smakie is a muthafuckin starboyA suite at The Grammy Awards
ok now I'm a little envious:
The Weeknd will team up with Daft Punk for a performance at the Grammy Awards.
Anyone else planning on the March 11 Priests show at the BC?hmmm
cuz smakie is a muthafuckin starboy
Anyone able to snag tickets for Yayoi Kusama's exhibit at the Hirshhorn? Been trying since noon and it just keeps telling me they don't have the amount of tickets I want. Frustrating stuff.
I jumped on the alternate link a couple minutes after they tweeted it, couldn't get any tickets into my cart though. Annoying. Will try again Monday. I hear the same thing happened for the members who got first access at 11am.Anyone able to snag tickets for Yayoi Kusama's exhibit at the Hirshhorn? Been trying since noon and it just keeps telling me they don't have the amount of tickets I want. Frustrating stuff.
I got one a few minutes after they were released for the second day. Their website got crushed but they tweeted an alternate link that worked.
I jumped on the alternate link a couple minutes after they tweeted it, couldn't get any tickets into my cart though. Annoying. Will try again Monday. I hear the same thing happened for the members who got first access at 11am.Anyone able to snag tickets for Yayoi Kusama's exhibit at the Hirshhorn? Been trying since noon and it just keeps telling me they don't have the amount of tickets I want. Frustrating stuff.
I got one a few minutes after they were released for the second day. Their website got crushed but they tweeted an alternate link that worked.
You can also buy a membership for 50 bucks which is tax deductible and gets you into the exhibit with no line on the date and time of your choosing for you and a guest.I heard on Monday the members were having problems as well and some still had to try at noon for tickets.
Which I just did because fuck it. I am getting too old to fight for tickets on the internet.
I bought a membership for the MET for the Alexander McQueen exhibit years ago and it was the best 60 bucks I ever spent.
Plus it costs 25 bucks to get into the MOMA on any given day and it's about time I threw some money at the Smithsonian.Unless I'm crazy, MOMA was pay-as-you-choose when I was last there.
You can also buy a membership for 50 bucks which is tax deductible and gets you into the exhibit with no line on the date and time of your choosing for you and a guest.I heard on Monday the members were having problems as well and some still had to try at noon for tickets.
Which I just did because fuck it. I am getting too old to fight for tickets on the internet.
I bought a membership for the MET for the Alexander McQueen exhibit years ago and it was the best 60 bucks I ever spent.
K8teebug, thanks for the info on Belle and Sebastian!+1
So glad you could all get tickets today!
I don't know if you should count as half a member of the Row B mafia or a triple member.So glad you could all get tickets today!
yes, thanks!!... I'm in BBB....
I don't know if you should count as half a member of the Row B mafia or a triple member.So glad you could all get tickets today!
yes, thanks!!... I'm in BBB....
I will be buying you half of one.I don't know if you should count as half a member of the Row B mafia or a triple member.So glad you could all get tickets today!
yes, thanks!!... I'm in BBB....
more importantly, does that mean you'll be buying me 3 beers??
I will be buying you half of one.I don't know if you should count as half a member of the Row B mafia or a triple member.So glad you could all get tickets today!
yes, thanks!!... I'm in BBB....
more importantly, does that mean you'll be buying me 3 beers??
wow. you actually got all 13? I saw how they had the request set up, but wasn't sure how lucky people had to be to get all 13. nice. and you will stay up there the whole run? wow.
come on now."And with three little words, Yada got sexually assaulted. . . "
13 nights of Phish.
king gizzard
1st time.king gizzard
Ever catch them live?
2 openers. I'm on the fence....
I worshipped Redd Kross back in the day. Are they still worth seeing?
very fucking nice tipBob Mould solo 4/28 at black cat
Hey nice tip!
Who's in for Giorgio?Me! . . . Pre/post-show drinks?
Who's in for Giorgio?Me! . . . Pre/post-show drinks?
I feel like we have to sit next to each other at B&S, we might as well embrace friendship now and get it out of the way.Who's in for Giorgio?Me! . . . Pre/post-show drinks?
This could be a fun forum hangout.
Damn, Tool sold out immediately. Kinda surprised.
Damn, Tool sold out immediately. Kinda surprised.
Isbell at Merriweather.
Will I be standing or in a seat with the tickets I bought below? Probably a dumb question as it says I have two seats but I don't recall seeing seats on the floor. I havent been in years though.
Left Floor | 2 tickets
Row B | Seats 1, 2
It's not GA floor for Isbell so you will be sitting....close to left speakersIsbell at Merriweather.
Will I be standing or in a seat with the tickets I bought below? Probably a dumb question as it says I have two seats but I don't recall seeing seats on the floor. I havent been in years though.
Left Floor | 2 tickets
Row B | Seats 1, 2
def in for Moroder...
Will he be doing a vinyl or laptop set?def in for Moroder...
Got my Moroder, B&S, and shins tickets in the mail today despite ordering weeks apart. So random.
The first ever game of the Washington Valor, DC's new arena football team. Taking six kids with me too. I'm thinking I should probably drop acid right before we leave the house to drive over to Verizon.
The first ever game of the Washington Valor, DC's new arena football team. Taking six kids with me too. I'm thinking I should probably drop acid right before we leave the house to drive over to Verizon.
being responsible for 6 kids, while inside a large arena full of screaming idiots, while tripping, seems like an absolutely horrible idea to me...
Decemberists, Richmond VASee you there.
elbowsay Hi to Kilsally for me
An opera called 'Lucy' about a chimp
The Bob Mould solo electric show (with special guest Dave Grohl).so I've got a tix to that Mould show...
The Bob Mould solo electric show (with special guest Dave Grohl).so I've got a tix to that Mould show...
are you just hoping this will happen
I'm sure that Dave will stop by to listen
can someone clear it up for once and for all.. does grohl own a share of the black cat? if so has he always?
The Bob Mould solo electric show (with special guest Dave Grohl).so I've got a tix to that Mould show...
are you just hoping this will happen
I'm sure that Dave will stop by to listen
Dave and Bob love each other. Bob guested on one of the Foo Fighter albums. Dave was in the Bob Mould film. They have played Husker Du covers together on multiple occasions. They are going to be at the same club on the same night. The probability of them playing together is >95%.
not Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirrors....
was on there with 2 computers at noon...started getting times, but when I clicked it said it was sold out
didn't even hit 12:02 and was sold out!
if anyone has any info how to land even a mid week passes...please share
does anyone know more about this? limited number of same-day Walk-Up Timed Passes will be available at the Museum daily.
I went last Thursday. It was a little rainy that morning. Got in line at 7:30am and got a ticket for 10:30am at 10:00am.yikes...you waited from 7:30 AM until 10AM before you even knew if you were getting a ticket!
I went last Thursday. It was a little rainy that morning. Got in line at 7:30am and got a ticket for 10:30am at 10:00am.yikes...you waited from 7:30 AM until 10AM before you even knew if you were getting a ticket!
would they give you a later time (like 3:30) if you asked
I went last Thursday. It was a little rainy that morning. Got in line at 7:30am and got a ticket for 10:30am at 10:00am.yikes...you waited from 7:30 AM until 10AM before you even knew if you were getting a ticket!
would they give you a later time (like 3:30) if you asked
Yes. To be fair, for some reason I thought they handed out tickets at 8:30am. BUT, glad I got there at 7;30 as by 9:00 the line was really long. I had a friend the week before who had gotten into the line at 8 and got tickets for 1:30 at 11am. And I knew that the later time you went in, the longer you wait for the rooms. So, just wanted to wait on the front end of things.
You can get tickets for whatever time you want, as long as that entry time is available. Be aware that you'll wait to get into the exhibit and then each of the rooms. Honestly I would recommend trying to get in as close to opening as possible.
The Damned in Baltimore is only $12.90 through that first day of summer promotion
Thanks for the posts about this. Had no idea this show was on the iist. Dragging the wifey to this one.
I still don't see it on the list. Makes me wonder what else is available.
gbv, ottobar
sweet and keene, rams head annapolis
evan hansen, music box
Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile in Philly. Not sure how this one didn't get a DC stop (especially since they are playing the Empty Bottle in Chicago!)
Saint Etienne at U Street Music Hall.
Elvis Costello at Wolf Trap.
Billy Bragg at the Birchmere.
Riot Fest!Coincedentally, Miss P and I are also both attending. Smell ya later?
O's postseason. AKA the deposit on next year's season tickets.
bottom dropped out of the arcade fire market...
100 level seats for $25. The question is, can I drink for 8 hours and then attend this show? hmmm...
bottom dropped out of the arcade fire market...
100 level seats for $25. The question is, can I drink for 8 hours and then attend this show? hmmm...
How much of this show can I see and still go to Ted Leo @blackcat?
bottom dropped out of the arcade fire market...
100 level seats for $25. The question is, can I drink for 8 hours and then attend this show? hmmm...
How much of this show can I see and still go to Ted Leo @blackcat?
More deetz/information would be needed to provide you an accurate response.
bottom dropped out of the arcade fire market...
100 level seats for $25. The question is, can I drink for 8 hours and then attend this show? hmmm...
How much of this show can I see and still go to Ted Leo @blackcat?
More deetz/information would be needed to provide you an accurate response.
Blackcat Doors at 8; Ted probably at 9:45ish?
Capitol One Arena Doors at 6:30, show at 7:30, Arcade Fire on by 8:30? or later...? hmmm. Could probably see a 1/2 hour of Arcade.
bottom dropped out of the arcade fire market...
100 level seats for $25. The question is, can I drink for 8 hours and then attend this show? hmmm...
How much of this show can I see and still go to Ted Leo @blackcat?
More deetz/information would be needed to provide you an accurate response.
Blackcat Doors at 8; Ted probably at 9:45ish?
Capitol One Arena Doors at 6:30, show at 7:30, Arcade Fire on by 8:30? or later...? hmmm. Could probably see a 1/2 hour of Arcade.
Seems quite early for a Saturday night headliner at Black Cat, but what do I know? I'd risk it!
bottom dropped out of the arcade fire market...
100 level seats for $25. The question is, can I drink for 8 hours and then attend this show? hmmm...
How much of this show can I see and still go to Ted Leo @blackcat?
More deetz/information would be needed to provide you an accurate response.
Blackcat Doors at 8; Ted probably at 9:45ish?
Capitol One Arena Doors at 6:30, show at 7:30, Arcade Fire on by 8:30? or later...? hmmm. Could probably see a 1/2 hour of Arcade.
Seems quite early for a Saturday night headliner at Black Cat, but what do I know? I'd risk it!
According to the openers (Tennis Club):
8PM Doors
9PM Tennis Club
10PM Ted Leo/Pharmacists
Gold Level season passes for the rest of 2017 and all of 2018 to Six Flags America
(only ended up being $9 extra per ticket vs the single day pass!)
I bought St Vincent last night, waiting in line. Seemed like I was their first customer...
Also FFwhat's this?
Franz!oops, wrong FF.
David Byrne in Hershey, PA
Lucy Dacus at RNRhotelMarry Franz Ferdinand
man the week of April 8th is going to be busy.
Lorde->Franz F->Lucy
David Byrne in Hershey, PA
Jealous. Missed them.
don't be jealous....he was just alright during his last tour.David Byrne in Hershey, PA
Jealous. Missed them.
Helium @ the independent in san francisco
Smackie was just informed by his DC handler that he will be in attendance for RTJ/Lorde at The Anthem on April 8.Look me up, as I'll be in attendance
Smackie was just informed by his DC handler that he will be in attendance for RTJ/Lorde at The Anthem on April 8.Look me up, as I'll be in attendance
and my yacht will be parked in a slip in front of the intercontinental
I'll get you a +1(https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwikmMXt_d_YAhXjQ98KHU-VAqcQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmakeagif.com%2FDS7kQV&psig=AOvVaw2hhu2hI4m6RPKZi-cCdAHp&ust=1516312356775137)Smackie was just informed by his DC handler that he will be in attendance for RTJ/Lorde at The Anthem on April 8.Look me up, as I'll be in attendance
and my yacht will be parked in a slip in front of the intercontinental
I will be at this show as well. Need an invite to the Yacht...
Jamiroquai in SFI'm holding out hope that The Director hasn't fallen into another Fugazi and there is a NYC show upcoming.
Byrne, AnthemSame. Row N
Been tossing seats back and forth for the past hour... really wish this was GA.
Jamiroquai in SF
I'm holding out hope that The Director hasn't fallen into another Fugazi and there is a NYC show upcoming.
$75+fees for the nosebleed seats
overpriced.....im sure stubhub will have it cheaper a couple days before the show
agreed...not sure whyoverpriced.....im sure stubhub will have it cheaper a couple days before the showI hope you are right. I've been surprised at how little resale there has been at Anthem so far.
Got box 1 row E for Byrne. Anyone done a whole show from the back of one of the side boxes? Would love to hear opinions.
Got box 1 row E for Byrne. Anyone done a whole show from the back of one of the side boxes? Would love to hear opinions.
Jamiroquai in SF
I'll let The Brand know.
I'm holding out hope that The Director hasn't fallen into another Fugazi and there is a NYC show upcoming.
It won't bother him one bit to see Jamiroquai more than once, especially when once is with Smackie and Sweetcell.
did you grab a ticket? show is sold out...
the Devil's Threesome
did you grab a ticket? show is sold out...
This just got akward if we were both banking on being someone's +1....
the Devil's Threesome
did you grab a ticket? show is sold out...
This just got akward if we were both banking on being someone's +1....
Robyn Hitchcock at Ramshead Onstage...so much better than at the Lincoln.
Is it just him at Rams head onstage (?), Lincoln is with full band. He's definitely better with a full band.Robyn Hitchcock at Ramshead Onstage...so much better than at the Lincoln.
beck, anthemgonna wait on frank...that won't sell out
frank turner, pier 6
Radiohead in Pittsburghme too!
RE: Jeff Bridges younger brother....
I only see really expensive tickets
Leon's Soundcheck Experience -$279
The 'Good Thing' Experience $159
and I'm going
RE: Jeff Bridges younger brother....
I only see really expensive tickets
Leon's Soundcheck Experience -$279
The 'Good Thing' Experience $159
and I'm going
Actually his real name is Todd Bridges...so...you can understand why he changed it to Leon once he entered the biz HAHA(http://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/what-you-talkin-bout-willis-gif-8.gif)
Nick Cave!!!! YES.
I'm such a dumbass....I thought tix were going to be available thru Nick's website. I want a seat and it looks like I missed the boat,....for nowthere are tix available now
I'm such a dumbass....I thought tix were going to be available thru Nick's website. I want a seat and it looks like I missed the boat,....for nowi did the same thing for about 15 minutes.
At the Dance Loft. Looking forward to it!
Jack White tuesday
$15 w/fees on seatgeak!
Hmm... I don't even like Jack White and for $15 that's kind of tempting.
Hmm... I don't even like Jack White and for $15 that's kind of tempting.
Hmm... I don't even like Jack White and for $15 that's kind of tempting.
The parking price and the price of a beer will be higher than the actual ticket price.
If you were to fill a flask at home with a few ounces of alcohol, go into Union Stage and buttchug it for maximum impact, then entire the venue before the clear signs of inebriation washes over you, you could save even more money.Hmm... I don't even like Jack White and for $15 that's kind of tempting.
The parking price and the price of a beer will be higher than the actual ticket price.
A thrifty person such as myself would metro to and from and then possibly purchase one Modelo while onsite.
If you were to fill a flask at home with a few ounces of alcohol, go into Union Stage and buttchug it for maximum impact, then entire the venue before the clear signs of inebriation washes over you, you could save even more money.Hmm... I don't even like Jack White and for $15 that's kind of tempting.
The parking price and the price of a beer will be higher than the actual ticket price.
A thrifty person such as myself would metro to and from and then possibly purchase one Modelo while onsite.
If you were to buttchugso you buttchug little coco covered blueberries?
I typically stick to these.
If you were to buttchugso you buttchug little coco covered blueberries?
I typically stick to these.
Brendan Canty has been very busy this last yearJust realized what that something else was...he's doing the skins for the MC50 tour
I saw him on Portlandia and as a guest drummer on colbert
mesthetics has been touring a bunch
I think he was involved with something else
If you were to buttchugso you buttchug little coco covered blueberries?
I typically stick to these.
Boof is the proper term. Ask walk,y.
Thom Yorke, Kennedy Centeri failed as i was unsure of the password until i tried the obvious one.
Yorke. Row A in the orchestra. So I feel ws quite fortunate and pleased.
I once pulled a front row seat to a concert I was hyped about and then it got cancelled. That suckkkkkked.
Cher? (https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2014/11/20/cher-cancels-remaining-tour-dates/70027822/)I once pulled a front row seat to a concert I was hyped about and then it got cancelled. That suckkkkkked.
No.I once pulled a front row seat to a concert I was hyped about and then it got cancelled. That suckkkkkked.
You know me GGWrrr,rrr,lll!Cher? (https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2014/11/20/cher-cancels-remaining-tour-dates/70027822/)I once pulled a front row seat to a concert I was hyped about and then it got cancelled. That suckkkkkked.
Solid Soundenvious....
Solid Soundenvious....
I'm going to make a plan one year to do all of them
SXSW, ACL, Solid Sound, Hopscotch, Jazz Fest, ....and while we're dreaming throw in Primavera Sound and Glastonbury
not sure I should preemptively plan talks with a divorce lawyer
Did pick up Tenacious D tix (low tix warning)
Solid Sound
massive attack @ anthem 3.20
Solid Sound
I always thing about this but then quickly realize there are much cheaper and easier ways to see Wilco.
Besides, this year I'll be vacationing in Hawaii on those dates.
Besides, this year I'll be vacationing in Hawaii on those dates.
The name of the song off Mezzanine used in the opening credits of that House, MD TV show. All caps.massive attack @ anthem 3.20
Is there a code for that?
It was in the 930 email from last night...just got mine too!massive attack @ anthem 3.20
Is there a code for that?
Besides, this year I'll be vacationing in Hawaii on those dates.
Massive Attack.there are still tix...I assume you mean the extra special seats
Seats were gone pretty quickly this morning. Happy to have snagged a pair.
Massive Attack.there are still tix...I assume you mean the extra special seats
Seats were gone pretty quickly this morning. Happy to have snagged a pair.
Hatch, this is a perfect boardie yacht pre-concert opportunity. Going to be a ton of us there.So the problem is ...if I invite you...attendance may be impacted
I understand, its a small yacht. Can your sister get a larger one that can accommodate all the Julianiacs?Hatch, this is a perfect boardie yacht pre-concert opportunity. Going to be a ton of us there.So the problem is ...if I invite you...attendance may be impacted
So I was informed from the CYC that this boat is available to accommodate all of the JulianiacsI understand, its a small yacht. Can your sister get a larger one that can accommodate all the Julianiacs?Hatch, this is a perfect boardie yacht pre-concert opportunity. Going to be a ton of us there.So the problem is ...if I invite you...attendance may be impacted
The Commodore shall hear of this indignity.So I was informed from the CYC that this boat is available to accommodate all of the JulianiacsI understand, its a small yacht. Can your sister get a larger one that can accommodate all the Julianiacs?Hatch, this is a perfect boardie yacht pre-concert opportunity. Going to be a ton of us there.So the problem is ...if I invite you...attendance may be impacted
The Commodore shall hear of this indignity.Hey leave Lionel Richie out of this
big ticket week for me: Spiritualized (10th row center) and Rolling Stones (346th row center).Stones in DC or local?
big ticket week for me: Spiritualized (10th row center) and Rolling Stones (346th row center).Stones in DC or local?
Fred Armisen ...only 3 tix leftAll gone, let me know if you get a spare.
dbt/lucinda/erika (no bagley tho)
dbt/lucinda/erika (no bagley tho)
sorry bro, maybe Boilen will keep you company
Tweedy. And 'cheap' seats for Billy Joel. Had to attend the 1st ever Camden Yards concert, I guess.
Tweedy. And 'cheap' seats for Billy Joel. Had to attend the 1st ever Camden Yards concert, I guess.
I once saw John Hiatt sing the National Anthem at Camden Yards. And Cheap Trick and the Bacon Brothers playing on the grounds outside the park on separate occasions. Don't those count?
Bryan Ferry (6th row) and Jawbox.Didn't hear about the Bryan Ferry presale until the good seats were all gone. Hope to have better luck in the real sale.
God I would love to see Bryan Ferry.why don't you reach out to his agent to do a tiny desk
God I would love to see Bryan Ferry.
Seize the Fairy.FTFW (fixed that for Walkie)
Bryan Ferry is not worth $250..... ;DStrangely the second row seats were $200 and fifth row was $125. I'm guessing the $250 seats are the boxes?
I must have the wrong password. The seats I keep pulling are underwhelming.ZAMBA? 7th row center just came up for me.
Thanks. I guess I didn't get that IMP email. Was still using AVALON.I got you, fam. You sent me a Crooked Rain LP once, you're good people.
Will this come close to selling out?Bryan Ferry? I would be kinda surprised if they sell out at $75 for the cheap tickets but maybe the RNR HoF induction kicks up some added interest.
Thanks for remembering.Julians are elephantine in our skills at never forgetting.
If anyone would be willing to help me procure Phish tickets next Friday at 10am via Ticketmaster, please let me know.
I'm asking for assistance for both nights, two seats anywhere inside the pavilion (not lawn or GA PIT). I'm unfortunately tied up at this time and I'd greatly appreciate any help.
I'll pay you instantly via you're preferred method and reward you with a fancy beer, medicinal items, or a pat on the back... whatever you prefer.
Thank you in advance.
If anyone would be willing to help me procure Phish tickets next Friday at 10am via Ticketmaster, please let me know.
I'm asking for assistance for both nights, two seats anywhere inside the pavilion (not lawn or GA PIT). I'm unfortunately tied up at this time and I'd greatly appreciate any help.
I'll pay you instantly via you're preferred method and reward you with a fancy beer, medicinal items, or a pat on the back... whatever you prefer.
Thank you in advance.
So this goes on sLe tomorrow Friday ? I can try but my ticket Kung fu is weak out of shape
Ok awesome...I can definitely try
If anyone would be willing to help me procure Phish tickets next Friday at 10am via Ticketmaster, please let me know.
I'm asking for assistance for both nights, two seats anywhere inside the pavilion (not lawn or GA PIT). I'm unfortunately tied up at this time and I'd greatly appreciate any help.
I'll pay you instantly via you're preferred method and reward you with a fancy beer, medicinal items, or a pat on the back... whatever you prefer.
Thank you in advance.
who's gonna get Bikini Kill tickets?
Got tix for Brooklyn Steel on Friday.
Got tix for terminal 5!!! YES
bikini kill tix impossibleAgh, maybe an extended tour later.
I DID TOO! ;DGot tix for terminal 5!!! YES
Sharon Van Etten (won)
gonna be a busy frebuary.
Massive Attack.very much looking forward to this show... (https://consequenceofsound.net/2019/01/massive-attack-mezzanine-tour-kickoff/?fbclid=IwAR0iAkTscwEfQHtKjPKq-VWEAglfkK1C_9ovMm2TBOEzGmm7MRoFDeJ1HJE)
Seats were gone pretty quickly this morning. Happy to have snagged a pair.
Better Oblivion Community Center
Better Oblivion Community Center
Nick Lowe (got pit)
Better venue and cheaper than the Birchmere...
Hamilton now has pit?they always had the GA area that fits about ~50 people ....in front of the seated people
Hamilton now has pit?they always had the GA area that fits about ~50 people ....in front of the seated people
always thought it was odd you can pay less to get better seats and block the view of the patrons seated in the front rows
they get so many NOLA type artists...to not have a pit/dance floor up front would be a travesty to that genre of musicHamilton now has pit?they always had the GA area that fits about ~50 people ....in front of the seated people
always thought it was odd you can pay less to get better seats and block the view of the patrons seated in the front rows
I have done that...it can be a great party up there...now they sell that area?
III Points in Miami this weekend.Funny, I'm down here too and was checking that out
III Points in Miami this weekend.Funny, I'm down here too and was checking that out
Saw pussy riot was playing and I was interested
But overall not my cup of tea
I will certainly be in wynwoood for a beer
Have fun
This article about the fest nails my experience with south Florida
One of the most unheralded quirks of the music industry is how hard it is to see live music in South Florida. (https://uproxx.com/music/iii-points-festival-miami-preview/)
Some of the previous line ups were great... for me there is no one I'm interested in paying $80 for this time around
And you know you are in Miami when the set time is 1am for TySegal....no town for tired people
Who do you think will be the surprise guest at 330 am on Sunday
III Points in Miami this weekend.Funny, I'm down here too and was checking that out
Saw pussy riot was playing and I was interested
But overall not my cup of tea
I will certainly be in wynwoood for a beer
Have fun
This article about the fest nails my experience with south Florida
One of the most unheralded quirks of the music industry is how hard it is to see live music in South Florida. (https://uproxx.com/music/iii-points-festival-miami-preview/)
Some of the previous line ups were great... for me there is no one I'm interested in paying $80 for this time around
And you know you are in Miami when the set time is 1am for TySegal....no town for tired people
Who do you think will be the surprise guest at 330 am on Sunday
Thanks Challanged for the heads up...as I cashed in some FWB points ...and got a ticket to the show...see you in septemberStereolab
Sold out!
Thanks Challanged for the heads up...as I cashed in some FWB points ...and got a ticket to the show...see you in septemberStereolab
Sold out!
Massive Attack. May have to bail on Sterolab.is there a 'no more than two concerts a week' rule in your house?
Massive Attack. May have to bail on Sterolab.is there a 'no more than two concerts a week' rule in your house?
I'd buy anybody's Stereolab ticket if they needed to unload it.Just saw Rachmaninoffs #1 on Saturday. Very nice pairing with Tchaikovskys Pathetique.
Just bought tickets to Rachmaninoff's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom at the National Cathedral on Sunday and I'm quite chuffed.
Bloc Party performing Silent AlarmDitto.
thanks FWB
is the assumption this will sell out super quick?
Bloc Party performing Silent Alarm
thanks FWB
is the assumption this will sell out super quick?
Bloc Party performing Silent Alarm
thanks FWB
is the assumption this will sell out super quick?
Prediction: will not sell out and/or there will be a major stubhub dump at showtime.
N.B. I am usually wrong (about everything)
RIGHT - cause they suck live.Bloc Party performing Silent Alarm
thanks FWB
is the assumption this will sell out super quick?
Prediction: will not sell out and/or there will be a major stubhub dump at showtime.
N.B. I am usually wrong (about everything)
RIGHT - cause they suck live.
Anyone have additional input? I came close to buying a ticket yesterday. Will hold off going if this is the consensus.
Can anyone confirm if their live show is lame? I came close to buying a ticket yesterday.Can't speak to the current iteration of Bloc Party (or really the band anytime post the tour for the 3rd LP) but they have been at least a "B" all three times I've seen them.
Was supposed to see them back at the Patriot Center a decade or so ago. Dropped off after A Weekend in the City.
Not sure I agree with your rationale, nkotb. Interpol is a top 10 favorite band for me and I was very bored both of the times I caught them. And one of the shows was during their Turn Off The Bright Lights anniversary tour! I avoided their Anthem show because of those experiences.
Well sure, I dont' mean to suffer through it if you know its bad. But it sounds like you've never seen them before, so if you like them, why not try it? If you do want recommendations, though, Vas likes to say everything is bad.
Well sure, I dont' mean to suffer through it if you know its bad. But it sounds like you've never seen them before, so if you like them, why not try it? If you do want recommendations, though, Vas likes to say everything is bad.
I may. Silent Alarm is very important to me. Wish the old lineup was touring it.
Modest Mouse is the only other band that I can think of right now.I'll co-sign this one. They're borderline terrible live.
I'm actually a fan of Bloc Party...I've seen the Silent Alarm tour twice shortly after it came out. I love Silent Alarm.
Not everything I say is bad...but it's just my opinion that I think their live show sucks....and those were $12 - $15 shows.
There are just certain bands that are great/better on record than the live shows. Modest Mouse is the only other band that I can think of right now.Well sure, I dont' mean to suffer through it if you know its bad. But it sounds like you've never seen them before, so if you like them, why not try it? If you do want recommendations, though, Vas likes to say everything is bad.
I may. Silent Alarm is very important to me. Wish the old lineup was touring it.
I'm actually a fan of Bloc Party...I've seen the Silent Alarm tour twice shortly after it came out. I love Silent Alarm.
Not everything I say is bad...but it's just my opinion that I think their live show sucks....and those were $12 - $15 shows.
There are just certain bands that are great/better on record than the live shows. Modest Mouse is the only other band that I can think of right now.Well sure, I dont' mean to suffer through it if you know its bad. But it sounds like you've never seen them before, so if you like them, why not try it? If you do want recommendations, though, Vas likes to say everything is bad.
I may. Silent Alarm is very important to me. Wish the old lineup was touring it.
Come on dude...I mean that is on you regarding Monae
Its like saying I went to see Bowie but didnt like the outfits or I went to see the Ramones but didnt appreciate all the short 2 minute songs or I went to see the Stones but didnt like all the Jagger calisthenics
BTW Monae has the coolest fan base
I'm actually a fan of Bloc Party...I've seen the Silent Alarm tour twice shortly after it came out. I love Silent Alarm.
Not everything I say is bad...but it's just my opinion that I think their live show sucks....and those were $12 - $15 shows.
There are just certain bands that are great/better on record than the live shows. Modest Mouse is the only other band that I can think of right now.Well sure, I dont' mean to suffer through it if you know its bad. But it sounds like you've never seen them before, so if you like them, why not try it? If you do want recommendations, though, Vas likes to say everything is bad.
I may. Silent Alarm is very important to me. Wish the old lineup was touring it.
I love Janelle Monae and Of Montreal on record. But the one time i saw them, when they toured together, both were meh. Maybe i just don't like all the theatricality.
see you there, julian. kiss,es.I'll believe it, when I am, smooched from behind.
Biden is going too? (you just lobbed that one out there)see you there, julian. kiss,es.I'll believe it, when I am, smooched from behind.
see you there, julian. kiss,es.I'll believe it, when I am, smooched from behind.
Nick Cave Lincoln Theater 9.20shit...forgot and said all are in shopping carts ;(
An evening of talk and music.
Try again at 10 a.m. tomorrow.Nick Cave Lincoln Theater 9.20shit...forgot and said all are in shopping carts ;(
An evening of talk and music.
I'm in....got the worst best seat (last row in the high $ section) row LTry again at 10 a.m. tomorrow.Nick Cave Lincoln Theater 9.20shit...forgot and said all are in shopping carts ;(
An evening of talk and music.
Corin Tucker's other (and better) band with the comedian in it
Ditto, but it was a hard choice...i haven't enjoyed any experience at Anthem or that area in generalCorin Tucker's other (and better) band with the comedian in it
Ditto, but it was a hard choice...i haven't enjoyed any experience at Anthem or that area in generalCorin Tucker's other (and better) band with the comedian in it
Wilco: Anthem.
Ditto, but it was a hard choice...i haven't enjoyed any experience at Anthem or that area in generalCorin Tucker's other (and better) band with the comedian in it
Wilco: Anthem.
wilco too...on the floor in row R
not excited about seats tho
Will it be too late for yachting?boat is actually in dry dock as of last night down in Colton's point
What did I NOT buy tickets to?
I have a theory there will be a second Anthem show and I will be able to score cheap seats on the secondary market when the shows approach. If not, IDGAF.
I did just book a kayak tour in Kauai. and planning on getting two King's Dominion tickets assuming my kid still wants to go with me.
What did I NOT buy tickets to?
I have a theory there will be a second Anthem show and I will be able to score cheap seats on the secondary market when the shows approach. If not, IDGAF.
I did just book a kayak tour in Kauai. and planning on getting two King's Dominion tickets assuming my kid still wants to go with me.
I accurately predicted your non-wilco buying in another thread.
I am curious about the Hawaii Kayaking thing tho; can you share the website for that. Getting into kayaking in my old age....
What did I NOT buy tickets to?
I have a theory there will be a second Anthem show and I will be able to score cheap seats on the secondary market when the shows approach. If not, IDGAF.
I did just book a kayak tour in Kauai. and planning on getting two King's Dominion tickets assuming my kid still wants to go with me.
I accurately predicted your non-wilco buying in another thread.
I am curious about the Hawaii Kayaking thing tho; can you share the website for that. Getting into kayaking in my old age....
Our kid will be turning 12 on the trip, and most of the sea kayaking stuff I've seen is 13+. So we're just kayaking on a river (with little to no current) to a hiking trail that leads to a waterfall:
https://kayakwailua.com/ (this is on the island of Kauai)
This was another one I was considering (on Oahu):
I lost interest in Wilco..... ::)
I lost interest in Wilco..... ::)
It's good for one to know one's limitations, Joe. Sorry we will not be seeing you when Bagley and Family do their best Magazine Called Sunset at Wilco Karaoke at Solid Sound Festival at the end of the month.
decided it was worth it to upgrade my seats from row L to row C for Conversations with Nick Cave
decided it was worth it to upgrade my seats from row L to row C for Conversations with Nick Cave
Now you'll be close enough to fully experience his woman hating wrath and Australian rotten teeth halitosis!
Death Carob
Bad Bad Hats
Harrisburg PA Next Wednesday.
Death Cab cover band? ;D ;D ;DDeath Carob
Bad Bad Hats
Harrisburg PA Next Wednesday.
no thanks, I don't wanna go back to 2001. :o
Death Cab cover band? ;D ;D ;DOnly acceptable DCFC cover band name remains Meth Lab For Cutie.Death Carob
Bad Bad Hats
Harrisburg PA Next Wednesday.
The Make-Up
man my wallet hurts
face value tix for Post Malone were insane
last row in 400 section is $100~
The pit by the stage was $500!
(got decent seats in between those ranges)
my kids birthday is that week and has been pestering me for a year that if PM ever comes to town I need to get tix for her
things you do for love...
I may just resell these and buy her a bike...jez
great face tattoo inspiration/goals.I think we are going to get matching face tats and gold teeth grill prior to the show
great face tattoo inspiration/goals.I think we are going to get matching face tats and gold teeth grill prior to the show
will finally get to check that off the bucket list
Mannequin Pussy
Mannequin Pussy
I just googled with a typo: Mannequin Pissy....you should too.
https://www.google.com/search?ei=UqwwXd5o7oT9Btu1sdAF&q=mannequin+pissy&oq=mannequin+pissy&gs_l=psy-ab.3...3335.3771..4003...0.0.. (https://www.google.com/search?ei=UqwwXd5o7oT9Btu1sdAF&q=mannequin+pissy&oq=mannequin+pissy&gs_l=psy-ab.3...3335.3771..4003...0.0..
Craig Finn and the UTC (full band show), at some dude's house in Roland Park in September.Roland Park is an affluent garden suburb known for its village atmosphere. Its dotted with fashionable restaurants serving seafood, California fusion and French cuisine, as well as gourmet food stores, upscale boutiques for children and adults, and toy shops. Grand late-Victorian homes line the leafy streets
Craig Finn and the UTC (full band show), at some dude's house in Roland Park in September.
Club 6 something....?Craig Finn and the UTC (full band show), at some dude's house in Roland Park in September.
Craig Finn and the UTC (full band show), at some dude's house in Roland Park in September.Roland Park is an affluent garden suburb known for its village atmosphere. Its dotted with fashionable restaurants serving seafood, California fusion and French cuisine, as well as gourmet food stores, upscale boutiques for children and adults, and toy shops. Grand late-Victorian homes line the leafy streets
come on man you have to do better than thatCraig Finn and the UTC (full band show), at some dude's house in Roland Park in September.Roland Park is an affluent garden suburb known for its village atmosphere. Its dotted with fashionable restaurants serving seafood, California fusion and French cuisine, as well as gourmet food stores, upscale boutiques for children and adults, and toy shops. Grand late-Victorian homes line the leafy streets
just did a google image search for "roland park".
how does trump explain such a pretty neighborhood in such a shitty city?? WE GOT HIM!!!!!
come on man you have to do better than thatCraig Finn and the UTC (full band show), at some dude's house in Roland Park in September.Roland Park is an affluent garden suburb known for its village atmosphere. Its dotted with fashionable restaurants serving seafood, California fusion and French cuisine, as well as gourmet food stores, upscale boutiques for children and adults, and toy shops. Grand late-Victorian homes line the leafy streets
just did a google image search for "roland park".
how does trump explain such a pretty neighborhood in such a shitty city?? WE GOT HIM!!!!!
Drumpf loves affluent garden suburbs it's not the city center where all the crazies are
I love Baltimore.But are the women there fatter than in other large cities?
Baltimore has serious systemic problems that have made it, and will likely keep it, dangerous.
The violence is all around now, but is concentrated in zones into which I don't go.
It's definitely keep your head on a swivel (to a much greater degree than DC or NYC - the other cities I frequent) when one is out at night.
now that's the on-brand kind of comment we expect from julianI love Baltimore.But are the women there fatter than in other large cities?
Baltimore has serious systemic problems that have made it, and will likely keep it, dangerous.
The violence is all around now, but is concentrated in zones into which I don't go.
It's definitely keep your head on a swivel (to a much greater degree than DC or NYC - the other cities I frequent) when one is out at night.
now that's the on-brand kind of comment we expect from HutchI love Baltimore.But are the women there fatter than in other large cities?
Baltimore has serious systemic problems that have made it, and will likely keep it, dangerous.
The violence is all around now, but is concentrated in zones into which I don't go.
It's definitely keep your head on a swivel (to a much greater degree than DC or NYC - the other cities I frequent) when one is out at night.
so true about Baltimore.. they got the fat chicks over there
Craig Finn and the UTC (full band show), at some dude's house in Roland Park in September.Roland Park is an affluent garden suburb known for its village atmosphere. Its dotted with fashionable restaurants serving seafood, California fusion and French cuisine, as well as gourmet food stores, upscale boutiques for children and adults, and toy shops. Grand late-Victorian homes line the leafy streets
just did a google image search for "roland park".
how does trump explain such a pretty neighborhood in such a shitty city?? WE GOT HIM!!!!!
Kennedy Center REACH festival:Nice tip...there are a million things
Thievery corporation, Chuck brown band with Bootsy Collins, Kronos Quartet, De La Soul.
Decent list of free shows.
Kennedy Center REACH festival:
Thievery corporation, Chuck brown band with Bootsy Collins, Kronos Quartet, De La Soul.
Decent list of free shows.
Kennedy Center REACH festival:
Thievery corporation, Chuck brown band with Bootsy Collins, Kronos Quartet, De La Soul.
Decent list of free shows.
So if an artist you want to see if playing from 1-2, so you pick up the 10:30am passes or the 1:30pm passes? It says passes are good starting 30 mins before the time, so the 1:30 pass would start at 1, but you'd want to have your seat before 1. Hmmm.
Kennedy Center REACH festival:
Thievery corporation, Chuck brown band with Bootsy Collins, Kronos Quartet, De La Soul.
Decent list of free shows.
So if an artist you want to see if playing from 1-2, so you pick up the 10:30am passes or the 1:30pm passes? It says passes are good starting 30 mins before the time, so the 1:30 pass would start at 1, but you'd want to have your seat before 1. Hmmm.
Kennedy Center REACH festival:
Thievery corporation, Chuck brown band with Bootsy Collins, Kronos Quartet, De La Soul.
Decent list of free shows.
So if an artist you want to see if playing from 1-2, so you pick up the 10:30am passes or the 1:30pm passes? It says passes are good starting 30 mins before the time, so the 1:30 pass would start at 1, but you'd want to have your seat before 1. Hmmm.
I assume you'd pick the early ones... but it's a little confusing to me. It's easy enough to grab them both just in case.
Fri 20th has a bunch of good comedy stuff and a cool looking Miles Davis showDang...got my Nick Cave tix that night...guess I'm not going to that
fruit bats
union collective in baltimore on saturday 11/23
big freedia, come in one more time . . . big freedia come in one more time
excuse . . . I don't mean to be rude . . . but give me dat mic and let me do what I do.
big freedia, come in one more time . . . big freedia come in one more time
excuse . . . I don't mean to be rude . . . but give me dat mic and let me do what I do.
Sturgill Simpson
Sturgill Simpson
Sturgill Simpson @ The Independentsweet, think thats smaller than the cat
I just couldn't rationalize paying $700 for two tickets for someone I don't really like (luckily I didn't tell my kid)man my wallet hurtsDon't give in to the whole "bike" thing; the Post Malone show will give her great face tattoo inspiration/goals.
face value tix for Post Malone were insane
my kids birthday is that week and has been pestering me for a year that if PM ever comes to town I need to get tix for her
things you do for love...
I may just resell these and buy her a bike...jez
I just couldn't rationalize paying $700 for two tickets for someone I don't really like (luckily I didn't tell my kid)man my wallet hurtsDon't give in to the whole "bike" thing; the Post Malone show will give her great face tattoo inspiration/goals.
face value tix for Post Malone were insane
my kids birthday is that week and has been pestering me for a year that if PM ever comes to town I need to get tix for her
things you do for love...
I may just resell these and buy her a bike...jez
wasn't even in the front row, was row c section121 (great seats tho...but at that price!)
and made a little extra scratch selling them on stub hub
I think I'll use that to get our matching face tattoos
Sturgill Simpson @ The Independentsweet, think thats smaller than the cat
Sturgill Simpson @ The Independentsweet, think thats smaller than the cat
And I'm only 4 tracks into the new album and am loving the new southern rock sound. Going to be interesting to see the Mrs reaction...she of the country girl shake it for me type.
SETH DID NOTHING WRONG in comic sans msI just couldn't rationalize paying $700 for two tickets for someone I don't really like (luckily I didn't tell my kid)man my wallet hurtsDon't give in to the whole "bike" thing; the Post Malone show will give her great face tattoo inspiration/goals.
face value tix for Post Malone were insane
my kids birthday is that week and has been pestering me for a year that if PM ever comes to town I need to get tix for her
things you do for love...
I may just resell these and buy her a bike...jez
wasn't even in the front row, was row c section121 (great seats tho...but at that price!)
and made a little extra scratch selling them on stub hub
I think I'll use that to get our matching face tattoos
Hell yeah!
9:30 accross the foreheads.
Jesus Lizard in philly.
Big Thief
actually used my FWB points and got into the sold out show...the bennies are paying off!
Dead and Co, Hampton
Dead and Co, Hampton
Gaaahh! Now have a conflict and cant make the show. Anyone interested? Face obo...
Thats a pretty alright lineup!!!
Thats a pretty alright lineup!!!
Except he has to drive to freaking Charleston, unless he's flying.
Thats a pretty alright lineup!!!
Except he has to drive to freaking Charleston, unless he's flying.
Thats a pretty alright lineup!!!
Except he has to drive to freaking Charleston, unless he's flying.
Can we get a Space; gas vs. flying vs time vs effort ratio put together to see what should be done?
Thats a pretty alright lineup!!!
Except he has to drive to freaking Charleston, unless he's flying.
Can we get a Space; gas vs. flying vs time vs effort ratio put together to see what should be done?
Last time I was in Charleston was on a detour on the drive home from Miami. No plans to go back even though I tangentially know someone there does that answer the q?
Thats a pretty alright lineup!!!
Except he has to drive to freaking Charleston, unless he's flying.
Can we get a Space; gas vs. flying vs time vs effort ratio put together to see what should be done?
Last time I was in Charleston was on a detour on the drive home from Miami. No plans to go back even though I tangentially know someone there does that answer the q?
Wait... you drove to Miami?
Let's hear how that was a better idea than flying.
But if a significant portion of school systems moved their spring break week, dont you think that new week would see flight costs rise? I think you have the tail wagging the dog.Thats a pretty alright lineup!!!
Except he has to drive to freaking Charleston, unless he's flying.
Can we get a Space; gas vs. flying vs time vs effort ratio put together to see what should be done?
Last time I was in Charleston was on a detour on the drive home from Miami. No plans to go back even though I tangentially know someone there does that answer the q?
Wait... you drove to Miami?
Let's hear how that was a better idea than flying.
(Sort of, compared to my usual planning standards) last minute decision to go to Miami for Spring Break 2018, and airfare prices for three sucked royally. Also had a desire/need at the time to go to Charleston and needed to do it driving, so rolled the two trips into one.
I really hate how Spring Break for Fairfax County Schools is always attached to Easter week. Any other week in Spring, and airfare would be completely reasonable. Fucking Christians.
But if a significant portion of school systems moved their spring break week, dont you think that new week would see flight costs rise? I think you have the tail wagging the dog.Thats a pretty alright lineup!!!
Except he has to drive to freaking Charleston, unless he's flying.
Can we get a Space; gas vs. flying vs time vs effort ratio put together to see what should be done?
Last time I was in Charleston was on a detour on the drive home from Miami. No plans to go back even though I tangentially know someone there does that answer the q?
Wait... you drove to Miami?
Let's hear how that was a better idea than flying.
(Sort of, compared to my usual planning standards) last minute decision to go to Miami for Spring Break 2018, and airfare prices for three sucked royally. Also had a desire/need at the time to go to Charleston and needed to do it driving, so rolled the two trips into one.
I really hate how Spring Break for Fairfax County Schools is always attached to Easter week. Any other week in Spring, and airfare would be completely reasonable. Fucking Christians.
about 5 megabus roundtrip tickets from Baltimore to NYC between January and February.
they are giving away 200,000 free tickets.
about 5 megabus roundtrip tickets from Baltimore to NYC between January and February.
they are giving away 200,000 free tickets.
How do they generate a profit doing that?
about 5 megabus roundtrip tickets from Baltimore to NYC between January and February.
they are giving away 200,000 free tickets.
How do they generate a profit doing that?
2020 Ottobar yearly pass.
Hiss Golden MessengerQuality gift card redemption.
M. Ward
Real Estate
930 Gift Card'd!
Yada- you should consider the Garcia Peoples (not a Dead cover band) show at Songbyrd next month. Evidently they put on a nice show post Phish in NYC last week with Chris Forsythe
Yada- you should consider the Garcia Peoples (not a Dead cover band) show at Songbyrd next month. Evidently they put on a nice show post Phish in NYC last week with Chris Forsythe
Chance I'll be out of town, if not I'll be there.
Wings and beers pre show at smoke and Barrel?
Yada- you should consider the Garcia Peoples (not a Dead cover band) show at Songbyrd next month. Evidently they put on a nice show post Phish in NYC last week with Chris Forsythe
Chance I'll be out of town, if not I'll be there.
Wings and beers pre show at smoke and Barrel?
Are you referring to the vegan wings? Those are some tasty things. The beer list isn't what it used to be.
would have never guessed that Jules would get yada a holiday gift!Hiss Golden MessengerQuality gift card redemption.
M. Ward
Real Estate
930 Gift Card'd!
Yada- you should consider the Garcia Peoples (not a Dead cover band) show at Songbyrd next month. Evidently they put on a nice show post Phish in NYC last week with Chris Forsythe
Chance I'll be out of town, if not I'll be there.
Wings and beers pre show at smoke and Barrel?
would have never guessed that Jules would get yada a holiday gift!Hiss Golden MessengerQuality gift card redemption.
M. Ward
Real Estate
930 Gift Card'd!
these are magical times
Dude, I thought we were all going to be cool and not hatch.would have never guessed that Jules would get yada a holiday gift!Hiss Golden MessengerQuality gift card redemption.
M. Ward
Real Estate
930 Gift Card'd!
these are magical times
I assumed he was getting one for all of us. Sorry for your loss
Bonny Light Horseman the other day.....(sold out now)
Einstrzende Neubauten @ Union Transfer (hehe)
Einstrzende Neubauten @ Union Transfer (hehe)
YEAROFTHERATEinstrzende Neubauten @ Union Transfer (hehe)
my mommy just bought tix for her and I to see Pearl Jam.So...seems in line with the "Pence is like me too" line of reasoning
But it's my real mom, not my wife!sure man, what ever you say
Hallelujah the Hills, Baltimore
My friend loves them and will be at that show.Hallelujah the Hills, Baltimore
Just walk to the back of the lawn on your way out and find someone who is singing every word. Give them your ticket stub and tell them to have a great show.that's the way to do it!
Is it rude, to see the opening bands, and then leave before the headliner comes on, or maybe just a couple of songs in?
The trick is you need to write a review of the headliner you never saw.Is it rude, to see the opening bands, and then leave before the headliner comes on, or maybe just a couple of songs in?
rude? nah, it'll get you ScenePoints on this board...
Hall and Oates
Black Pumas
Nick Cave
Hall and Oates
Black Pumas
Nick Cave
He just brings it man...most intense performer I have seen..he is like possessed when he performs
You could always try listening to an old live album called Live Seeds and if that dont do it its hopeless !
He just commands the stage like nobody and is almost like an animal up there prowling from side to side eating and spitting your dark side out...
At the same time he has the most consistent high quality body of work out there...four decades now with like only one turkey! Its an amazing run
He just brings it man...most intense performer I have seen..he is like possessed when he performs
You could always try listening to an old live album called Live Seeds and if that dont do it its hopeless !
He just commands the stage like nobody and is almost like an animal up there prowling from side to side eating and spitting your dark side out...
At the same time he has the most consistent high quality body of work out there...four decades now with like only one turkey! Its an amazing run
The Hold Steady, Nashville.FU
The Hold Steady, Nashville.FU
The Hold Steady, Nashville.
I want nothing more to give Criaig and co my money...they just won't come to DCThe Hold Steady, Nashville.
That's a band that knows how to give you your money...saw them for the first time in Chicago last year. Super low key guys...that energy really comes out on stage though. Good times.
was gonna get pavilion seats for new order / pet shop boys...but man, anywhere $99-$150, don't think I can justify it.
DBT tonight!
DBT tonight!
They did this show at 9:30 like five years ago and it nearly instantly sold out and tickets were on stubhub for like $14 week of. I'd hold and bet you see some cheaper tickets on the secondary in a bit.
I remember that...I had to sell mine out front cause I decided I wanted to see Dean Wareham at U St that same night
DBT tonight!
Hey Hoya where are you standing?
He'll probably answer in three years.
^anyone got the presale code for that show AllaRaxrt is talking about?It's семил . You're welcome.
Amyl and the Sniffers at Ottobar mid April
Just love their album and looking forward to seeing NKOTB
Such a great debut...
Wilco'd. Surprise.
A&B Parking sold out??
so it's a coheadline, so they will each play 60 minutes right??
I'd see a headlining Wilco gig. Don't need to see a shorter SK set after the Anthem show.
would have thought there would start to be fire sale prices on concertsOk now seeing it in ticketXchange on this forum...just not sure if they are bots or not
But not seeing it yet
would have thought there would start to be fire sale prices on concertsOk now seeing it in ticketXchange on this forum...just not sure if they are bots or not
But not seeing it yet
I'm holding out for Sturgill for $20~
Yeah seatgeek doesn't seem to be updating?would have thought there would start to be fire sale prices on concertsOk now seeing it in ticketXchange on this forum...just not sure if they are bots or not
But not seeing it yet
I'm holding out for Sturgill for $20~
Same! They're already dropping dramatically.
Some people play the stock market...some people save $20 on a concert ticket to a show that may never happenBoom.
Waxahatchee (rescheduled date 10/4)
Waxahatchee (rescheduled date 10/4)
Bummed they moved this out of the club.
Waxahatchee (rescheduled date 10/4)
Bummed they moved this out of the club.
Glad they're still playing.
I said concerts should resume immediately for the vaccinated and Im putting a thousand dollars in airfare, hotel, and space bubble pod fees where my mouth is.
Pods are up on stubhub. We are going Saturday, if you change your mind. Beer is on me from 6 away if you show up.I said concerts should resume immediately for the vaccinated and Im putting a thousand dollars in airfare, hotel, and space bubble pod fees where my mouth is.
I considered this.
Pods are up on stubhub. We are going Saturday, if you change your mind. Beer is on me from 6 away if you show up.I said concerts should resume immediately for the vaccinated and Im putting a thousand dollars in airfare, hotel, and space bubble pod fees where my mouth is.
I considered this.
Its my understanding from the first round of these shows two weeks ago that you have little signs to indicate if you need to go to the bathroom or get out the bubble and its fairly easy to get in and out. But we could be amenable to going somewhere for drinks before assuming its not a beer only establishment.Pods are up on stubhub. We are going Saturday, if you change your mind. Beer is on me from 6 away if you show up.I said concerts should resume immediately for the vaccinated and Im putting a thousand dollars in airfare, hotel, and space bubble pod fees where my mouth is.
I considered this.
Do the pods have little holes in them where you could pass a beer into the bubble or are you referencing beers out of the bubble pre show at one of OKC finest establishments?
Its my understanding from the first round of these shows two weeks ago that you have little signs to indicate if you need to go to the bathroom or get out the bubble and its fairly easy to get in and out. But we could be amenable to going somewhere for drinks before assuming its not a beer only establishment.Pods are up on stubhub. We are going Saturday, if you change your mind. Beer is on me from 6 away if you show up.I said concerts should resume immediately for the vaccinated and Im putting a thousand dollars in airfare, hotel, and space bubble pod fees where my mouth is.
I considered this.
Do the pods have little holes in them where you could pass a beer into the bubble or are you referencing beers out of the bubble pre show at one of OKC finest establishments?
Sounds good. Lets do this. My wife is great. And I moderately exceed expectations. It will be a blast.Its my understanding from the first round of these shows two weeks ago that you have little signs to indicate if you need to go to the bathroom or get out the bubble and its fairly easy to get in and out. But we could be amenable to going somewhere for drinks before assuming its not a beer only establishment.Pods are up on stubhub. We are going Saturday, if you change your mind. Beer is on me from 6 away if you show up.I said concerts should resume immediately for the vaccinated and Im putting a thousand dollars in airfare, hotel, and space bubble pod fees where my mouth is.
I considered this.
Do the pods have little holes in them where you could pass a beer into the bubble or are you referencing beers out of the bubble pre show at one of OKC finest establishments?
I would never go to a beer only establishment whilst visiting OKC!
Dino Jr.This is cowardice. Put us in bubbles.
Ticket says its a seated show.
Dino Jr.
Ticket says its a seated show.
Dino Jr.
Ticket says its a seated show.
What! At the club! If true, fuck that.
My tickets also were listed as GA Standing. Not sure what you did, Challenged.
Edit: my confirmation email came from a @seated.com email address. Is this possibly confusing you?
Are you in OK?Im in OKC. Venue doesnt open until 7. Hotel is across the street. Had tickets for tomorrow night but when I saw last min tix for tonite going for $21 we decided to make it a back-to-back.
If so have a blast and report back..
Alright guys. Going to put some photos up on the old gwarbqulian Insta account.
What about shroom in a bubble... Im sure there will be some of that
$25 min per person is what I saw
2 beers tax/tip you pretty much hit it
well if you notice the date, memorial day weekend$25 min per person is what I saw
2 beers tax/tip you pretty much hit it
I'll give you full deets in 75 days, maybe I'll even set up a Instagram account just for this
I do recall last year there was something like a $200 table minimum regardless of how many attendedI could've sworn it was $100/person last year but I have been wrong before.
But I didn't see anything like that on the site or my reservation
I'll give you full deets in 75 days, maybe I'll even set up a Instagram account just for this
i'd appreciate that, because i'm frankly not clear what this "camp anthem" is - is it just brunch? what makes it a "camp", or different from any other brunch destination? is this all marketing an no substance?
Its just a joke. All the tables are under tents...i.e., camp.Dude, this is no joke. I already got assigned KP duty and the showers only have cold water
Julien Baker at the clubsee you there...$25 is my sweet spot ;)
How are you guys avoiding the service fees?I was ok with paying $8
LOOK AT MISTER MONEYBAGS OVER HEREHow are you guys avoiding the service fees?I was ok with paying $8
How are you guys avoiding the service fees?I was ok with paying $8
LOOK AT MISTER MONEYBAGS OVER HEREHow are you guys avoiding the service fees?I was ok with paying $8
LOOK AT MISTER MONEYBAGS OVER HEREHow are you guys avoiding the service fees?I was ok with paying $8
The flaunting of wealth is disgusting
He does have (access to) a yacht.LOOK AT MISTER MONEYBAGS OVER HEREHow are you guys avoiding the service fees?I was ok with paying $8
The flaunting of wealth is disgusting
next thing you know, he'll be telling us he didn't receive a stimulus check.
hmm...bought Juilan baker tix at the club...but Sat night in Richmond is with Lucy DacusOh man, my holding off on buying tickets to that just paid off.
Lucy Dacus + Julien Baker
The National
So I assume I'm going to be your plus one to the VIP section for this show?hmm...bought Juilan baker tix at the club...but Sat night in Richmond is with Lucy DacusOh man, my holding off on buying tickets to that just paid off.
Lucy Dacus + Julien Baker
The National
The misses will likely be. ALTHOUGH: it appears you don't have all the info -- this same show is also happening at the National on 9/10 as well but with Julien headlining one night and Lucy the other (9/11). And my wife isn't going to attend back to back nights, so MAYBE.So I assume I'm going to be your plus one to the VIP section for this show?hmm...bought Juilan baker tix at the club...but Sat night in Richmond is with Lucy DacusOh man, my holding off on buying tickets to that just paid off.
Lucy Dacus + Julien Baker
The National
Why would you want to see the same show two nights in a row?For most bands I would not but if they're swapping off who headlines, to see a "full" set by both I'd need to attend both. Plus it doesn't cost me any more to go two nights.
Arlo Parks
My Morning Jacket, front row!well done, are you taking space's wife as your +1
My Morning Jacket, front row!well done, are you taking space's wife as your +1
My Morning Jacket, front row!
My Morning Jacket, front row!
Holy fuck
I heard sidehatch found a way to get shut out of GBV presalenot true, I got a ticket, it was the OBL crew who did not get the presale
Your schedule is filling up nicely...
My Morning Jacket, front row!
Holy fuck
It's like 14 months of not buying concert tickets never happened!
MMJ co-headlong? Why? I'll pass.My Morning Jacket, front row!
Holy fuck
It's like 14 months of not buying concert tickets never happened!
MMJ co-headlong? Why? I'll pass.My Morning Jacket, front row!
Holy fuck
It's like 14 months of not buying concert tickets never happened!
to me it means MMJ doesn't play a full headlining set. Nothing against Brittany Howard...well maybe a little bit against Brittany Howard.
to me it means MMJ doesn't play a full headlining set. Nothing against Brittany Howard...well maybe a little bit against Brittany Howard.
Didn't realize it was co headlining, I'm sure they'll still play for at least two hours.
I haven't seen MMJ since MMP in 2008 or 2009 so I'm due.
to me it means MMJ doesn't play a full headlining set. Nothing against Brittany Howard...well maybe a little bit against Brittany Howard.
Didn't realize it was co headlining, I'm sure they'll still play for at least two hours.
I haven't seen MMJ since MMP in 2008 or 2009 so I'm due.
I think I was at that show. The one with Band of Horses. My wife bought me a single indoor ticket for $50, plus the $1 fee at the 9:30 box office for my birthday. Still the most expensive show I've ever been to.
My wife bought me a single indoor ticket for $50, plus the $1 fee at the 9:30 box office for my birthday. Still the most expensive show I've ever been to.
so is the 52 shows in 52 weeks going to start in Aug??
curious minds want to know...what is the ticket count currently??so is the 52 shows in 52 weeks going to start in Aug??
I can't confirm at this time.
curious minds want to know...what is the ticket count currently??so is the 52 shows in 52 weeks going to start in Aug??
I can't confirm at this time.
curious minds want to know...what is the ticket count currently??so is the 52 shows in 52 weeks going to start in Aug??
I can't confirm at this time.
Yada vs. Challenged
There can be only one!!!!
The legend returns! (as soon as shows start happening, so that makes sense)
Welcome back Vas
thx guys....
i wanna go to at least 60 shows this year.. ;DThe legend returns! (as soon as shows start happening, so that makes sense)
Welcome back Vas
60 by end of the year 2021.
It's doable.
Now we are talkingWhat have we been doing these last 20 years on here before now!?
That's what I thought. With 205 days between now and end of year, 60 will be easy for you. And comedy cellar chris rock pop ins dont count.
Look these people - challenger disaster, van diesel, yertle are my heroesI like their new handles!
But there can be only one!so we're putting a 3/5ths clause in here...
Its going to be fun to see who comes out on top
*I do think a hobo rock / living room show should only count .75
so we're putting a 3/5ths clause in here...I've long said I am 5/3rds as important as the average boardie, so things even out.
Dr. Dogdidn't realize this was the last tour, might have to make this
Dr. Dogdidn't realize this was the last tour, might have to make this
got a presale code you can DM me?
I didn't buy tickets to Dr Dog. Figured I could wait a little. Three shows sold out.
100+ tickets available on StubHub, some at $200+.
I wonder if its like jam bands with many fans going to multiple shows? Particularly if its the final tour
Who does this drag bitch think she is . . . Madonna?apparently Glenn Frey
Wow that does look legit
I had a serious moment seeing Oakenfold at Creamfields Buenos Aires in 2002 with thousands of people.. I actually was front row it was heaven! Dude was like God
Courtney Barnettsee you there
You serious bro?Courtney Barnettsee you there
Can't believe they charge $5 to get a physical ticket mailed.
it has...was just annoyed when I saw it
by the way...the ticket printing and mailing is an automated process too
It's not free, but there isn't some human printing out the ticket, getting an envelope, putting it in there, handwriting your name then licking a stamp
it has...was just annoyed when I saw it
by the way...the ticket printing and mailing is an automated process too
It's not free, but there isn't some human printing out the ticket, getting an envelope, putting it in there, handwriting your name then licking a stamp
Courtney Barnett
Puddles Pity Party, Annapolis
clown shows won't countcan confirm,
;DPuddles Pity Party, Annapolis
clown shows won't count
;DPuddles Pity Party, Annapolis
Your Honor I objectclown shows won't count
;DPuddles Pity Party, Annapolis
Unacceptable. Blocked, reported.
Was gonna get but found out that Philly has the better opener....Courtney Barnett
have you met Vas, I could see him doing thisWas gonna get but found out that Philly has the better opener....Courtney Barnett
serious question: you're willing to drive all the way to Philly for an upgraded opener?
seems strange to tack 5+ hours of driving for a 25-minute set...
Was gonna get but found out that Philly has the better opener....Courtney Barnett
serious question: you're willing to drive all the way to Philly for an upgraded opener?
seems strange to tack 5+ hours of driving for a 25-minute set...
You do understand the lunatic wing of this board (vas, challenged, formerly killsaly and azaghal) have nothing in their life sans music. They dont have families. No one loves them. What the hell else are they going to do aside from music?
You do understand the lunatic wing of this board (vas, challenged, formerly killsaly and azaghal) have nothing in their life sans music. They dont have families. No one loves them. What the hell else are they going to do aside from music?
Take that back as to Vas. People love Vas.
Also, Philly is maybe 1:50 for me from Towson. 930 club is 1:10. Similar for Vas.
That said, I would not drive to Philly for a 25 minute Julia Jacklin set.
For $20 grand a night? Sure.
Aren't opening sets typically 45-50 minutes? Would an artist come all the way from Australia to play only 25 minute opening sets?
Manchester Orchestra at Rams Head Live
Lucy D - 10/29 show
all her shows have 6PM doors, does that mean the show's over at 10pm and you'd better arrive by 7:30-8 to catch the headliner?
Ween, SSs
Damn it... missed the presale on that.fudge, god damn work interrupting my ticket buying
Yeah I paid that for the last Baltimore show am sure but I was like with a seat close up! People on the lawn paid less
I get it but my comfort zone for this show ends at $49.99 plus ticket charges this is not the Ryman! In fact venue kind of sucks
You can argue its only $10 or so difference but
Sorry to be a buzzkill
I'll be sure to not meet up with Walky on your behalf.He never meets up with anyone! He's always like "girl, I'm going to lick your face at this concert" then deletes his account a few days before the concert so no one can contact him to schedule a meetup and receive the promised tongue-bath of their cheek.
I'll be sure to not meet up with Walky on your behalf.He never meets up with anyone! He's always like "girl, I'm going to lick your face at this concert" then deletes his account a few days before the concert so no one can contact him to schedule a meetup and receive the promised tongue-bath of their cheek.
I will, be at Ween. I will, come to any meetup beforehand. I will, lick you anywhere you want. I will, have a hotel room afterwards as well.See you there and look forward to my licking...wonder what the password will be to get into the afterparty!
The, end.
I will, be at Ween. I will, come to any meetup beforehand. I will, lick you anywhere you want. I will, have a hotel room afterwards as well.See you there and look forward to my licking...wonder what the password will be to get into the afterparty!
The, end.
I am not expecting Walkie to lick me thoughJust watch -- this guy is going to be the one who gets licked now without even really trying.
Oceanatornever heard, but comet ping pong on monday says sold out as is the Dec 1 opener slot at the black cat
I would not be surprised if they add another.
I'd love this as it would solve the Arlo Parks conflict.I would not be surprised if they add another.
yeah, its the last night on her schedule, so seems fairly likely.
David Bazan, house show, Baltimore.I've seen him do a handful of these and they never disappoint.
Hotel room for Solid Sound, 2022
sorry to break in....my wife is (hard-core), you?Yes, but I've been slacking of late. Too much obsession for my tastes.
sorry to break in....my wife is (hard-core), you?Yes, but I've been slacking of late. Too much obsession for my tastes.
David Bazan, house show, Baltimore.
Hotel room for Solid Sound, 2022
David Bazan, house show, Baltimore.
Hotel room for Solid Sound, 2022
what hotel do you recommend?
A whole row of dead center, row K seats just released.
Arguably, section 200 is a Dead Center section.
My apologies by all impacted by my statement.
Section 200, which is the dead center Section had the entire Row K open up which did include two dead center seats that were purchased by someone after me.
I'm an aisle guy.
My apologies by all impacted by my statement.
Section 200, which is the dead center Section had the entire Row K open up which did include two dead center seats that were purchased by someone after me.
I'm an aisle guy.
I bought tickets to this a long time ago, and would have gotten better tickets now.
kinda anti-climatic after all the build-up, I'd give this Kerfuffle 2 stars
Bonny Light Horseman
Not a Damn Thingobstructed view I bet
Not a Damn Thing
Not a Damn Thing
My Morning Jacket. 30 bucks for a 112 buck show.
answer:Not a Damn Thing
question: what do skinny girls do for you?
My Morning Jacket. 30 bucks for a 112 buck show.
One point for $pace!
Space got ripped off 200 sections as low as $22. I may have to grab one.My Morning Jacket. 30 bucks for a 112 buck show.
One point for $pace!
answer:Not a Damn Thing
question: what do skinny girls do for you?
Ha! ;D
Space got ripped off 200 sections as low as $22. I may have to grab one.My Morning Jacket. 30 bucks for a 112 buck show.
One point for $pace!
We figure there would be, but didn't want to risk getting shut out. Also, we didn't get the cheapest that were available, because concert partner wanted Section 200, to have a straight on view.
caroline rose @ the cat
caroline rose @ the cat
caroline rose @ the cat
Phish @ MSG, night 1+2+3
any word on the horn section?Phish @ MSG, night 1+2+3
... aaaaaand?So didn't get a good post show on the Avett's at the wolf trap, but one thing that struck me was
... aaaaaand?So didn't get a good post show on the Avett's at the wolf trap, but one thing that struck me was
about the third song, Scott came out and did it solo
I was like "damn, if this doesn't sound like clem snide, I don't know what does"
welp https://youtu.be/_7oop3Jp4Es
Forever Just Beyond ~ The Avett Brothers (Clem Snide cover)
Sep 23, 2021
(from the album Scott did in 2019 with Clem Snide)
Clem Snide really got screwed by Covid, i think his career would have done much better and gotten new fans if he could have done that tour with Scott
I imagine that tour will never happen now
I'll admit that this is 90% me hating Phish but there is 10% of this coming from a point of I thinking this is a valid conversation to have: does Trey deserve some shit for the handling of this? He schedules a tour, his musicians get sick, he continues the tour but tosses them all off with (unless I missed it) no word about continuing to pay them for the shows they are now off of which could impact their ability to get quality COVID-care if needed -- isn't this kind of shitty?any word on the horn section?Phish @ MSG, night 1+2+3
I'll admit that this is 90% me hating Phish but there is 10% of this coming from a point of I thinking this is a valid conversation to have: does Trey deserve some shit for the handling of this? He schedules a tour, his musicians get sick, he continues the tour but tosses them all off with (unless I missed it) no word about continuing to pay them for the shows they are now off of which could impact their ability to get quality COVID-care if needed -- isn't this kind of shitty?any word on the horn section?Phish @ MSG, night 1+2+3
I also don't think the public has any insight into how bands are paid (not just Trey's band, but any band), but I can gaurantee he still paid those band members.Well, I'm not sure I would guarantee that. It seems weird in this day and age to announce all these folks are leaving the tour but the tour will go on but not say the obvious great public relations line of "and all of their medical expenses will be covered/all of these folks will be paid for the entire tour" unless (1) you are not doing that or (2) you are some nave sweet summer child that doesn't get that such a statement is de rigeur nowadays and engenders yourself much good will.
I also don't think the public has any insight into how bands are paid (not just Trey's band, but any band), but I can gaurantee he still paid those band members.Well, I'm not sure I would guarantee that. It seems weird in this day and age to announce all these folks are leaving the tour but the tour will go on but not say the obvious great public relations line of "and all of their medical expenses will be covered/all of these folks will be paid for the entire tour" unless (1) you are not doing that or (2) you are some nave sweet summer child that doesn't get that such a statement is de rigeur nowadays and engenders yourself much good will.
I don't have an issue with the tour going on specifically. If you don't have it, you don't have it. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I think saying people will continue getting paid would be tacky
Like you will get paid for DC show hope you dont die from covid tacky
I think Jules like he said is looking for a reason to bag on Phish/Treylet me tell you from personal experience, you don't need a reason, just their existence is enough ;)
snagged pits for the Chili PeppersSnagged the stupid ass VIP tickets for RHCP
snagged pits for the Chili Peppers
snagged pits for the Chili Peppers
Which venue?
Look, youre coming to San Fran and sleeping in Smackies bathtub with the rest of us, much to the chagrin of the Smackinatrix.snagged pits for the Chili Peppers
Which venue?
home of the Mariners. way too early to commit to an out-of-town show...
Look, youre coming to San Fran and sleeping in Smackies bathtub with the rest of us,
We will get adjoining rooms as my wife has become accustomed to bathing.
fine, but only if i can sleep in the bathtub of your hotel room next to Levi Stadium the night of the show.
Animal Collective is proving more popular than I thought this show would be. Even Britt is going.
Animal Collective is proving more popular than I thought this show would be. Even Britt is going.
I'm not going so they could be more popular.
Same, so no Jeffs in attendance at this show.
Same, so no Jeffs in attendance at this show.
Hmmm. I wonder if there could be another Jeff on the board...
From what I can tell there are only 2 Jeff's on this board worth a shit. IMHO of course. And both either live in Baltimore County and/or were born/raised there.
Sam Evian/Liam Kazardo you think that will sell out? want to go, but was going to make a day of decision on that
Sam Evian/Liam Kazardo you think that will sell out? want to go, but was going to make a day of decision on that
Sam Evian/Liam Kazardo you think that will sell out? want to go, but was going to make a day of decision on that
will make a day of decision on that one too ;)Sam Evian/Liam Kazardo you think that will sell out? want to go, but was going to make a day of decision on that
Might go to this one. Do you guys want me to say hi?
Sam Evian/Liam Kazardo you think that will sell out? want to go, but was going to make a day of decision on that
Might go to this one. Do you guys want me to say hi?
Sam Evian/Liam Kazardo you think that will sell out? want to go, but was going to make a day of decision on that
Might go to this one. Do you guys want me to say hi?
Only if you keep your mask on and speak with a very soft voice while the band is playing.
Like how excontradiction has somehow managed to avoid Dinosaur/Dinosaur Jr. for 35 years, I have to admit I don't know any Neutral Milk Hotel songs. I mean, the guy's voice is probably distinctive enough that I'd be able to pick it out of a lineup but that's as far as i get with them.
Like how excontradiction has somehow managed to avoid Dinosaur/Dinosaur Jr. for 35 years, I have to admit I don't know any Neutral Milk Hotel songs. I mean, the guy's voice is probably distinctive enough that I'd be able to pick it out of a lineup but that's as far as i get with them.
...and the streak continues. I can't make it to Dinosaur Jr. Anyone interested in a single face+fees ticket?
Drycleaning at Ottobar
Hoping for Khruangbin tix today :) Their music got me through last year and this year.
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $8
Thanks, I'm in.Things you've had to inform Celeste of?
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $8
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $8
Both nights?
Gonna see Mass Romantic in DC, and Twin Cinema in NYC.
Nice setlist last night in Woodstock. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-new-pornographers/2021/levon-helm-studios-woodstock-ny-438bafbf.html (https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-new-pornographers/2021/levon-helm-studios-woodstock-ny-438bafbf.html)
I have an extra for Twin Cinema in DC if anyone needs.
Gonna see Mass Romantic in DC, and Twin Cinema in NYC.
Nice setlist last night in Woodstock. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-new-pornographers/2021/levon-helm-studios-woodstock-ny-438bafbf.html (https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-new-pornographers/2021/levon-helm-studios-woodstock-ny-438bafbf.html)
I have an extra for Twin Cinema in DC if anyone needs.
If they're going to be playing 25 song sets, they could easily just play both albums all the way through both nights. Everyone wins!
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $8
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $8
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $10 with all fees.
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $8
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $10 with all fees.
$10.02 with Stubhub fees included. I feel ripped off for paying $12.46 yesterday.
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $8
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $10 with all fees.
$10.02 with Stubhub fees included. I feel ripped off for paying $12.46 yesterday.
You're gonna feel really ripped off, when I say: "Who wants a free one?" which I am saying, now.
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $8
dirt cheap $pace friendly new porn tickets all over the netz... as low as $10 with all fees.
$10.02 with Stubhub fees included. I feel ripped off for paying $12.46 yesterday.
You're gonna feel really ripped off, when I say: "Who wants a free one?" which I am saying, now.
What's with the free and cheap tickets? You'd think another variant was coming.
Wet Leg as well. Maybe they add an early show or move it to a bigger venue?
Wet Leg Brooklyn show already relocated to Brooklyn Steel. Wonder if the DC9 show will stick.
guess we'll all be spooning together...had a long meeting and was worried I'd missed the boat on this, but I gotta imagine people are not buying tix to most thingsSpoonSpoon.
guess we'll all be spooning together...had a long meeting and was worried I'd missed the boat on this, but I gotta imagine people are not buying tix to most thingsSpoonSpoon.
Also, so tired of the 'protect your ticket' bullshit, you added $17 in 'convivence' fees and it's a mobile ticket, lame
You know you can simply decline that?of course, but they force you to make that decision
can someone send me the code for Spoon tix? Unless you don't wanna.
Caravan Palace
Erasure (postponed 2 days after purchase)
Bettye Lavette
Tank and the Bangas
Soul Rebels
Aztec Sun
NSO at Anthem
There's more but I'll buy at respective box offices when I'm there for other shows in near term. Must avoid ticketwanker fees as much as possible.
If anyone has an extra to Snow Patrol, feel free to sell it to me! :)
.didn't know Dot Dot Dot was touring?
.didn't know Dot Dot Dot was touring?
Hmm, I want to see this, but $59 seems a bit much when I don't even know a single Jawbreaker song.didn't know Dot Dot Dot was touring?
Ha! I had the Lemonbreakers in my cart, but got cold feet.
Hmm, I want to see this, but $59 seems a bit much when I don't even know a single Jawbreaker song.didn't know Dot Dot Dot was touring?
Ha! I had the Lemonbreakers in my cart, but got cold feet.
decided it was worth it to upgrade my seats from row L to row C for Conversations with Nick Cave
Now you'll be close enough to fully experience his woman hating wrath and Australian rotten teeth halitosis!
So there is no opener and WOD is supposed to go on at 8.
Plan accordingly.
My Stubhub partner picked up two War on Drugs tickets for $25 each. So I'll be going tonight. It's my first show in the Omicron era and in Black History Month 2022. I'll report back on the weekend whether I got COVID or not. From Omicron, not black history, obviously.
My Stubhub partner picked up two War on Drugs tickets for $25 each. So I'll be going tonight. It's my first show in the Omicron era and in Black History Month 2022. I'll report back on the weekend whether I got COVID or not. From Omicron, not black history, obviously.
I predict a Don Henly-esque performance with long droning syth and guitar solos that put space to sleep and have him regretting the $25 spent by 9:25pm.
My Stubhub partner picked up two War on Drugs tickets for $25 each. So I'll be going tonight. It's my first show in the Omicron era and in Black History Month 2022. I'll report back on the weekend whether I got COVID or not. From Omicron, not black history, obviously.
I predict a Don Henly-esque performance with long droning syth and guitar solos that put space to sleep and have him regretting the $25 spent by 9:25pm.
I enjoyed them when they opened for the Walkmen at the Club in 2012. Whether they can hold my attention for 2+ hours remains to be seen....
Like Spoon, they're one of those bands that to me doesn't have a bad song. A few of them are boring, some are great, others are in between. But none are outright bad.
well... what I didn't buy tix too...slept on the nick cave tix and these are the only ones left
$100 to be in the back row...or $375 for a 'carnage VIP' tix
That would be Yada
Space is the one driving to Asheville
Yada would have gotten tickets with his mojo on day of sale for a known tough ticket.TBH, based on the history I thought I'd be fine
That would be Yada
Space is the one driving to Asheville
Yada would have gotten tickets with his mojo on day of sale for a known tough ticket.
Space would still be crunching numbers in his excel spreadsheet to see if the purchase would impact his retirement in 19 years.
That would be Yada
Space is the one driving to Asheville
Yada would have gotten tickets with his mojo on day of sale for a known tough ticket.
Space would still be crunching numbers in his excel spreadsheet to see if the purchase would impact his retirement in 19 years.
Space would never be crunching numbers to see a Nick Cave show.
Though of course I do have a Nick Cave story to tell....I was living in London the Summer of 1989. Or rather, I had lived/worked in London for a couple of months, then Eurrailed for a month, then came back to London and was spending a week or two at a friend's place until my flight home.
My friend and I went to a Butthole Surfers show, and I lost my glasses in the mosh pit. My spare pair of glasses were in my luggage at a different friend's house, but i wasn't able to get to them for a couple of days. So I had to spend a couple of days blindly living in London.
I was blindly out for a walk for food or something and saw a long line of punk types queuing outside a store. I figured maybe they were in line to catch a bus to the Reading Festival, or maybe buying tickets or something. I really couldn't see well enough to tell for sure. So I made my way to the front of the line and squinted to see what the fuss was about, and there in a pink polo was Nick Cave, signing his novel And the Ass Saw the Angel. I snapped a couple of pics and was off. I probably still have the pictures in a dusty photo book somewhere.
A day or two later, I retrieved my spare glasses and was back in business. I've never been to a Butthole Surfers show again, nor have i ever seen Nick Cave again. I apologize that not much happened in this story, but perhaps it is enough the satisfy the Nick Cave fetishists.
But did you get head?That would be Yada
Space is the one driving to Asheville
Yada would have gotten tickets with his mojo on day of sale for a known tough ticket.
Space would still be crunching numbers in his excel spreadsheet to see if the purchase would impact his retirement in 19 years.
Space would never be crunching numbers to see a Nick Cave show.
Though of course I do have a Nick Cave story to tell....I was living in London the Summer of 1989. Or rather, I had lived/worked in London for a couple of months, then Eurrailed for a month, then came back to London and was spending a week or two at a friend's place until my flight home.
My friend and I went to a Butthole Surfers show, and I lost my glasses in the mosh pit. My spare pair of glasses were in my luggage at a different friend's house, but i wasn't able to get to them for a couple of days. So I had to spend a couple of days blindly living in London.
I was blindly out for a walk for food or something and saw a long line of punk types queuing outside a store. I figured maybe they were in line to catch a bus to the Reading Festival, or maybe buying tickets or something. I really couldn't see well enough to tell for sure. So I made my way to the front of the line and squinted to see what the fuss was about, and there in a pink polo was Nick Cave, signing his novel And the Ass Saw the Angel. I snapped a couple of pics and was off. I probably still have the pictures in a dusty photo book somewhere.
A day or two later, I retrieved my spare glasses and was back in business. I've never been to a Butthole Surfers show again, nor have i ever seen Nick Cave again. I apologize that not much happened in this story, but perhaps it is enough the satisfy the Nick Cave fetishists.
But did you get head?That would be Yada
Space is the one driving to Asheville
Yada would have gotten tickets with his mojo on day of sale for a known tough ticket.
Space would still be crunching numbers in his excel spreadsheet to see if the purchase would impact his retirement in 19 years.
Space would never be crunching numbers to see a Nick Cave show.
Though of course I do have a Nick Cave story to tell....I was living in London the Summer of 1989. Or rather, I had lived/worked in London for a couple of months, then Eurrailed for a month, then came back to London and was spending a week or two at a friend's place until my flight home.
My friend and I went to a Butthole Surfers show, and I lost my glasses in the mosh pit. My spare pair of glasses were in my luggage at a different friend's house, but i wasn't able to get to them for a couple of days. So I had to spend a couple of days blindly living in London.
I was blindly out for a walk for food or something and saw a long line of punk types queuing outside a store. I figured maybe they were in line to catch a bus to the Reading Festival, or maybe buying tickets or something. I really couldn't see well enough to tell for sure. So I made my way to the front of the line and squinted to see what the fuss was about, and there in a pink polo was Nick Cave, signing his novel And the Ass Saw the Angel. I snapped a couple of pics and was off. I probably still have the pictures in a dusty photo book somewhere.
A day or two later, I retrieved my spare glasses and was back in business. I've never been to a Butthole Surfers show again, nor have i ever seen Nick Cave again. I apologize that not much happened in this story, but perhaps it is enough the satisfy the Nick Cave fetishists.
No typos either. Solid story. Finding your glasses tied this in a nice little bow. Emotional roller coaster.
nor have i ever seen Nick Cave again.
Speaking of phish... this is my bi yearly request for my fellow boardies support in an effort to secure pavilion seats for nights one and two of phish at MPP.
Three seats, any night, anywhere in the pavilion. You'll be paid immediately upon purchase and rewarded with a small prize if you're accepting tips. Onsale Friday at 11am.
So you want us all to try?
Kind enough to share the presale code?
Kind enough to share the presale code?
Check your DMs
I'm curious why you all provide PWs private on this here forum and no one ever posts them in the thread? There's like seven posters here...
I'm curious why you all provide PWs private on this here forum and no one ever posts them in the thread? There's like seven posters here...If Im not mistaken, someone associated with the club asked/told us not to like a decade ago. There was some kerfuffle over this although I do not fully remember the details.
I'm curious why you all provide PWs private on this here forum and no one ever posts them in the thread? There's like seven posters here...
There are literally thousands of lurkers on this site. Each of us is a major influencer in the live music industry, and we get so little recognition.
I'm curious why you all provide PWs private on this here forum and no one ever posts them in the thread? There's like seven posters here...If Im not mistaken, someone associated with the club asked/told us not to like a decade ago. There was some kerfuffle over this although I do not fully remember the details.
Each of us is a major influencer in the live music industry, and we get so little recognition.Speak for yourself: Im a certified weblebrity.
I would pay to watch him shit.I think that's an option ;)
Bill Maher @mgm ...that hurt the wallet, but looking forward to it
Bill Maher @mgm ...that hurt the wallet, but looking forward to it
Did you know he has a show on HBO that you can watch for much less money? Plus you get many other great HBO shows and movies with it.
I LOLed.Bill Maher @mgm ...that hurt the wallet, but looking forward to it
Did you know he has a show on HBO that you can watch for much less money? Plus you get many other great HBO shows and movies with it.
Why pay for HBO when you can borrow Bill Mahers books from the public library???
there has got to be a german word for the feeling one gets seeing space ratioed
I would have also accepted Spacenfreude or Schadenfreelethere has got to be a german word for the feeling one gets seeing space ratioed
there has got to be a german word for the feeling one gets seeing space ratioed
Thinking about Mogwai. Never have I ever. Is good?I caught them at club a few years ago and I really enjoyed it...only advice, wear earplugs
man, hard to pick, I think Shadenfreele is the one for meI would have also accepted Spacenfreude or Schadenfreelethere has got to be a german word for the feeling one gets seeing space ratioed
man, hard to pick, I think Shadenfreele is the one for meI would have also accepted Spacenfreude or Schadenfreelethere has got to be a german word for the feeling one gets seeing space ratioed
Who is going to get Urban Dictionary updated...we almost need a thread for all the entries at this point
buying overpriced beers from him (can only assume they won't be free)
^ niceYeah, not spending five days in Europe at a rock concert.
but only one day?
Roxy Music reunion.didn't realize eno was not a part of this...
what were the 400 level seats going for?Didn't look, to be honest.
on brandwhat were the 400 level seats going for?Didn't look, to be honest.
on brandwhat were the 400 level seats going for?Didn't look, to be honest.
will it be as empty as Arcade Fire......
they don't 'let' you as it would be mayhem, but if a show is less than 70% capacity, making your way to better seat is highly recommended and likely won't be stoppedwill it be as empty as Arcade Fire......
Do they let you move to the better seats of its empty?
they don't 'let' you as it would be mayhem, but if a show is less than 70% capacity, making your way to better seat is highly recommended and likely won't be stoppedwill it be as empty as Arcade Fire......
Do they let you move to the better seats of its empty?
I have seen artist say something mid-set for all the people up in the cheap seats to come down and fill the front up
$49.50 and 69.50 for 400's. Password is Roxy50
they don't 'let' you as it would be mayhem, but if a show is less than 70% capacity, making your way to better seat is highly recommended and likely won't be stoppedwill it be as empty as Arcade Fire......
Do they let you move to the better seats of its empty?
I have seen artist say something mid-set for all the people up in the cheap seats to come down and fill the front up
This happened to me when I saw Emerson, Lake and Powell at the Cap Center. They had maybe sold the first 15 rows on the floor, with some smattering of fans in cheaper seats. Basically everyone was upgraded to the primo section.
Also, I think U2 was banned from returning to the Cap Center when Bono kept singing "Come on down", and everyone rushed the floor. True story.
I was at that U2 show.they don't 'let' you as it would be mayhem, but if a show is less than 70% capacity, making your way to better seat is highly recommended and likely won't be stoppedwill it be as empty as Arcade Fire......
Do they let you move to the better seats of its empty?
I have seen artist say something mid-set for all the people up in the cheap seats to come down and fill the front up
This happened to me when I saw Emerson, Lake and Powell at the Cap Center. They had maybe sold the first 15 rows on the floor, with some smattering of fans in cheaper seats. Basically everyone was upgraded to the primo section.
Also, I think U2 was banned from returning to the Cap Center when Bono kept singing "Come on down", and everyone rushed the floor. True story.
Also, I think U2 was banned from returning to the Cap Center when Bono kept singing "Come on down", and everyone rushed the floor. True story.
Is Bono a god?
Billy Strings - Asheville October 29th
leeta yearly or half-yearly court of record that the lords of certain manors held?
Heedfest 11
Heedfest 11
All the Miller Lite you can drink
legit that they included that!
well, not for the night of the GBV show, but the second night when it is Entertainment by 3 legendary GBV cover bands
Have fun, want a full reporting of how many high kicks bob does
I don't think they are scheduled to play.really? maybe I read that wrong, but don't they play the first night?
Well the point is you are hanging with Bob Pollard.and I think others from the GBV orbitpartying together.but cock will enlighten usI've been saying for years, some faction of this board needs to split off an join a sex cult. I thought it would be that killsaly dude and maybe Azaghal but this could work.
I don't think they are scheduled to play.really? maybe I read that wrong, but don't they play the first night?
the night with the free beer...they are not playing, otherwise would anyone show to see 3 GVB coverbands?
I don't think they are scheduled to play.really? maybe I read that wrong, but don't they play the first night?
the night with the free beer...they are not playing, otherwise would anyone show to see 3 GVB coverbands?
Ok, just realized I looked at Heedfest 10 website, but they were scheduled to play that friday night
and the HF 11 looks like they playing friday night too
I think it's lame they changed this tho..
All the beer you can drink (and not just Miller Lite)
I mean if it's going to be GBV it should really only be Miller Lite
I'll report back.so is this worthy of a dedicated Instagram account to detail every moment
What about Wetdog Tavern? Ever, been there?
What! I just bought 2 four packs from them.I never said I wouldn't support them, I don't have any issues with their quality
thanks for the heads up Walkman
So the Roger Waters show is looking like only 50% sold
I think the 400 level seats have come down in price and are now $25
Think I'm going to pick up a $25 ticket and will likely make my way down to better empty seats
Nice! Perhaps I'll see you there.family is coming before rock and roll tonight, kinda bummed about this
also, as expected, looks like a firesale for RHCP/Strokes tickets tonight. Get em' while they're hot!not what I'm seeing, nosebleads for $50
also, as expected, looks like a firesale for RHCP/Strokes tickets tonight. Get em' while they're hot!Umm...this may be why.
That cant be right? Closed since 2018?
Orions Belte
Live Nation Club Pass: Fillmore Silver Spring
I was already buying Ween, so if I just go to that, I paid only $25 over cost
but I want to see Rina, MSP/Suede, Whitney, The Reverend Horton heat and the mysterines (and really didn't want to pay $70 to not see AWOL)
So if I go to half of these shows, I'll get my monies worth
but still will moan at the prospect of a 45 minute drive every time
How many of those shows would you have gone to if you didn't buy the pass? That's the real comparison. They're inducing you to spend money you wouldn't have spent.I was planning on going to 2, which would have cost about $125
Had I bought a pass, I might pop into a show for 20 minutes, and not feel bad about leaving.exactly...two show I'm just going for the opener and likely won't stay for the headliner
...just wish it wasn't a 45 min drive...
Im not sure this is the brag you think it is....just wish it wasn't a 45 min drive...
It helps to live within walking distance ;-)
I will be curious on your take regarding Portuguese women
Three round trip tickets from Lisbon to Ponta Delgada.
Three round trip tickets from Lisbon to Ponta Delgada.don't you need to get to Portugal first?
Three round trip tickets from Lisbon to Ponta Delgada.don't you need to get to Portugal first?
I will be curious on your take regarding Portuguese women
No stubhub for this?Three round trip tickets from Lisbon to Ponta Delgada.
The ironic part of the story is that nonstop roundtrip to Madrid is over 1K per ticket, but doing the connection to Lisbon brings the price down to less than half that.Yeah...this is over two decades ago
I didn't buy tickets, but there looks to be about 1,000 people attending the Billy Corgan show tonight.looks like they too a big section of 400s off the market
I didn't buy tickets, but there looks to be about 1,000 people attending the Billy Corgan show tonight.looks like they too a big section of 400s off the market
saw row K floor tixs selling for 80 on seat geek
it's looking like Roxy music, could buy cheap 400s and get upgraded
would have really thought both of these acts could fill that venue
The best Jane's songs started with Avery grooves.can confirm
Of course. You take a picture of your ID and give it to the person you are transferring tickets to (have them print the picture and you can add a written line I am transferring tickets to although this is probably not necessary) and they show up at VIP entrance and give them your name, show the picture of your ID(you can cross out personal info I think just not name), and they will give the person your tickets. Thats how I recall it. Call box office to confirm. Not sure how it works if tickets are digital (last night was first time I heard there were some digital super excellent seat tickets)
Mushroom Beer Making Workshop
When: 11 Dec 2022
Where: Waverly Brewery, 1625 Union Ave Suite C, Baltimore, MD 21211
taste is only one of the criteriaMushroom Beer Making Workshop
When: 11 Dec 2022
Where: Waverly Brewery, 1625 Union Ave Suite C, Baltimore, MD 21211
sounds as delicious as DC Brau's Thai Basil + Black Pepper Wings IPA.
(https://www.bu.edu/bostonia/files/2018/04/bostonia_995x664_dos-equis-man-jonathan-goldsmith-Shot_03_0366-2.jpg)taste is only one of the criteriaMushroom Beer Making Workshop
When: 11 Dec 2022
Where: Waverly Brewery, 1625 Union Ave Suite C, Baltimore, MD 21211
sounds as delicious as DC Brau's Thai Basil + Black Pepper Wings IPA.
but you are simple and only like things you can buy from others, so I get it
Picked up this shirt at Burial this week and the girl at the merch counter said they have made mushroom beers (although couldn't find any on their site)
Mushroom Beer Making Workshop
When: 11 Dec 2022
Where: Waverly Brewery, 1625 Union Ave Suite C, Baltimore, MD 21211
Chantrell's are very choice, but only found in the wild. Mushroom farmers have cultivated many types, but these, morels, porcini and a few more have yet to be reliably cultivated, so the wild ones go for a lot
a well-known person in the homebrewing community (denny conn) makes a chanterelle beer. this blows many a person's mind because chanterelles are among the most sought-after shrooms and are worth a lot.
Kilynn Lunsford
I was really thinking about Cannibal Corpse, but man, I just don't know.
Waitlisted.I didn't know they had some dc dates
Did anyone get into the Taylor Swift TM presale today?
Anybody else get shut out or waitlisted?
Why don't you wait for the $8 tickets on Stubhub the day of the show? I can't see you paying full price.I dont see any historical evidence that tells me that Taylor Swift tickets are going to drop below face.Did anyone get into the Taylor Swift TM presale today?
Anybody else get shut out or waitlisted?
Why don't you wait for the $8 tickets on Stubhub the day of the show? I can't see you paying full price.Did anyone get into the Taylor Swift TM presale today?
Anybody else get shut out or waitlisted?
Why don't you wait for the $8 tickets on Stubhub the day of the show? I can't see you paying full price.
I'd go as high as high double digits per ticket.
Space has a better chance of receiving a compliment from his wife than finding a ticket under $100 in any market that's hosting TS.
Why don't you wait for the $8 tickets on Stubhub the day of the show? I can't see you paying full price.I'd go as high as high double digits per ticket.
are y'all insane? tickets will not come down below face. pent-up demand for these shows is insane. anyone waiting for a face-priced ticket on the secondary market, let alone an $8 ticket, is going to be left outside in the cold.
I guess none of y'all got my poor joke. Let me explain. Space almost never pays face value for a ticket, let alone one that will probably be north of $100/ticket. In fact, Space is very proud of the low prices he pays to get a last minute ticket and will come to this board to boast of his accomplishment in cheapness. Of course, due to her rabid pre-pubescent fans and others with shitty taste in music, Taylor Switt tickets will not fall to the low price range Space usually requires in order to pull the trigger on buying a ticket. Yet it was ironic, to me at least, that Space was kerflumphed about getting shut out of verified fan status. I'm assuming if he was able to score any tickets, he would try to make a nice profit on the secondary markets. Maybe, maybe not.Why don't you wait for the $8 tickets on Stubhub the day of the show? I can't see you paying full price.I'd go as high as high double digits per ticket.
are y'all insane? tickets will not come down below face. pent-up demand for these shows is insane. anyone waiting for a face-priced ticket on the secondary market, let alone an $8 ticket, is going to be left outside in the cold.
What happened to the idea scalping was lame?I think it was only you
Fourthly, with a six ticket max, I was definitely planning on buying all six
Fourthly, with a six ticket max, I was definitely planning on buying all six
requesting 6 tickets at once will greatly increase your chances of not being offered any tickets. much better off requesting 3 tickets, i.e. what you actually need.
mind you, with the demand being what it is, you're lucky to get a single... expect to be shut out, thank the ticket gods if you're somehow not.
I mean why am I going out of my way to spend hundreds of dollars for this?definitely don't do parenting for the 'likes'
definitely don't do parenting for the 'likes'
definitely don't do parenting for the 'likes'
dang... sidehatch with the killer parenting advice. nice one.
definitely don't do parenting for the 'likes'
dang... sidehatch with the killer parenting advice. nice one.
I'm glad someone understood what he was saying. I mean, I understood what he was saying, but not how it related to what I said.
Ticketmaster suspends Taylor Swift ticket sales set for Friday after chaotic early rollout (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/11/17/taylor-swift-ticketmaster-presale/)
Ticketmaster suspends Taylor Swift ticket sales set for Friday after chaotic early rollout (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/11/17/taylor-swift-ticketmaster-presale/)I just don't understand. If these people want to see Taylor Swift so badly, why don't they just book her for a private concert?
It's one concert, Michael. What could it cost, $10?Ticketmaster suspends Taylor Swift ticket sales set for Friday after chaotic early rollout (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/11/17/taylor-swift-ticketmaster-presale/)I just don't understand. If these people want to see Taylor Swift so badly, why don't they just book her for a private concert?
Ticketmaster suspends Taylor Swift ticket sales set for Friday after chaotic early rollout (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/11/17/taylor-swift-ticketmaster-presale/)
"Ticketmaster announced Thursday afternoon that it was halting public ticket sales of Taylor Swifts Eras tour on Friday due to extraordinarily high demands on ticketing systems and insufficient remaining ticket inventory to meet demand."
Yeah I just dont understand whats going on here. Unless they sold a ton of tickets during presales this makes little sense.
Swiftie Stan.
Have I taught you all NOTHING about tickets over the past decade?
Justice Department Said to Investigate Ticketmasters Parent Company (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/18/technology/live-nation-ticketmaster-investigation-taylor-swift.html)
The inquiry predates the botched presale of Taylor Swift tickets this week and is said to focus on whether Live Nation has abused its power in the live music industry.
so will this be considered a weaponization of the DOJ?
They charge a ton of money in charges and cant provide the service? What about the millions that wasted all day trying to get tickets? What about all their screw the fan policies like not even telling you the ticket price until you pull it up?
I think there needs to be some regulation of the service they provide. Not to mention they really keep fans in the dark about variable pricing, and its hard to distinguish ticket resellers on the site from TM!
Taylor Swift: Ticketmaster fiasco excruciating for me (https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/18/media/taylor-swift-ticketmaster/index.html)Maybe they should have staggered the on sale day for the 52 shows rather than putting them all on sale the same Day?
key quote:
Ticketmaster noted on Thursday that more than two million tickets were sold Tuesday for Swifts upcoming tour the most ever for an artist in a single day. The company also said that demand for tickets to the Eras Tour was twice that of 2022s top five tours and the Super Bowl combined.
the fact that this was, at a minimum, 6X of anything they saw in the past year gives me a bit of sympathy for TM. and i'm not sure that competition would have mitigated this: more players = smaller piece of the pie each = less money to invest in the required infrastructure.
I think grateful posted about this, but I guess have a Lyte account that I wasn't aware of and they are offering me above face value for my Modest Mouse ticket currently.I literally just got that too. I think it maybe goes out to all ticket buyers who haven't transferred their tickets already? I definitely have no lyte account.
I think grateful posted about this, but I guess have a Lyte account that I wasn't aware of and they are offering me above face value for my Modest Mouse ticket currently.I literally just got that too. I think it maybe goes out to all ticket buyers who haven't transferred their tickets already? I definitely have no lyte account.
EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING IT TOO SO IMP IS THE BEST, MOST CUSTOMER FRIENDLY BUSINESS IN THE WORLD AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT.I think grateful posted about this, but I guess have a Lyte account that I wasn't aware of and they are offering me above face value for my Modest Mouse ticket currently.I literally just got that too. I think it maybe goes out to all ticket buyers who haven't transferred their tickets already? I definitely have no lyte account.
Interesting... so IMP is selling out data to a 3rd party?
I think grateful posted about this, but I guess have a Lyte account that I wasn't aware of and they are offering me above face value for my Modest Mouse ticket currently.
I dont think they take a cut and if they do its pretty smallI think grateful posted about this, but I guess have a Lyte account that I wasn't aware of and they are offering me above face value for my Modest Mouse ticket currently.
Do you see an actual dollar amount? I get those emails occasionally, and click through to Lyte, but never go far enough to see what the ticket is actually worth...
Any idea how much of a cut Lyte takes? I just bought a Maneskin ticket for $60, but they're on offer on Lyte for $90.
I dont think they take a cut and if they do its pretty small
No clue, let me know if you find outI dont think they take a cut and if they do its pretty small
Where does the money come from? Someone is making a profit from this...
welp...not the lemonheads :(
it's sold out
WalkmenThe Strokes Friday show
Ticketmaster suspends Taylor Swift ticket sales set for Friday after chaotic early rollout (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/11/17/taylor-swift-ticketmaster-presale/)
well drats...went to go get a Yo La Tengo tix...and its sold out :(
of course there are a ton on the resellers...someone is selling tix for $450! (Although most are in the $60-90 range)
On a related note, if you still wanted to see the Walkmen, there are $25 tix for sale for the thursday show
Who is selling Walkmen for 25?https://seatgeek.com/the-walkmen-tickets/washington-district-of-columbia-9-30-club-3-2023-05-25-7-pm/concert/5890235
Who is selling Walkmen for 25?https://seatgeek.com/the-walkmen-tickets/washington-district-of-columbia-9-30-club-3-2023-05-25-7-pm/concert/5890235
You and me bothWho is selling Walkmen for 25?https://seatgeek.com/the-walkmen-tickets/washington-district-of-columbia-9-30-club-3-2023-05-25-7-pm/concert/5890235
13 plus fees now. Yikes wish i had bought YLT and held off on Walkmen instead of other way around.
Yo La Tengo re release happening
Yo La Tengo re release happening
I think that's been going on for a couple days now (?)
Yo La Tengo re release happening
I think that's been going on for a couple days now (?)
Thanks for letting this community know.
Yo La Tengo re release happening
I think that's been going on for a couple days now (?)
Thanks for letting this community know.
I did forget to say thank you
I did PM Sidehatch, who had mentioned getting shut
did anyone get in on the Beck/Phoenix artists presale this morning?
in seattle the offerings were poor, and suitably unappreciated. best they had was row R lowers - and very few are biting. we're a half hour into the presale and those R's aren't moving. maybe fifty tickets sold? either beck/phoenix fans are super-picky and don't want 18th row, or the bands/promotors have way overestimated demand for this show.
unless i pull something awesome at the next presale or onsale, imma be looking for some cheap week-of tickets.
I do wonder if people are taking a step back after going to a billion concerts post Covid
Having said that I doubt Phoenix by themselves can move tickets in any US market outside of NYC. Their popularity peaked more than ten years ago. And Beck has toured fairly regularly. This isnt a solo acoustic tour right? Am surprised he isnt doing a solo acoustic tour of big theaters.
The rising price model is interesting, Yada. Festivals have been doing it for years but aside from a few clubs that charge more day-of, you dont really see it implemented for normal concert tours. Would be interesting to see if it moves the needle.
the Space modelThe rising price model is interesting, Yada. Festivals have been doing it for years but aside from a few clubs that charge more day-of, you dont really see it implemented for normal concert tours. Would be interesting to see if it moves the needle.
I'd go to alot more shows if unsold tickets were basically free the day before the show.
Basically, the entire front section was platinum VIP and they're all still sitting there. The entire section behind is $44 is is pretty much sold out.
They should start enticing customers to buy early vs. waiting until the last minute. Have different tiered pricing if you buy early vs. buy late. It's very rare I buy tickets in advance these days unless it's a show I know I won't want to miss.
They should start enticing customers to buy early vs. waiting until the last minute. Have different tiered pricing if you buy early vs. buy late. It's very rare I buy tickets in advance these days unless it's a show I know I won't want to miss.
i think that model works for shows that they don't expect to sell out, or just barely sell out.
for high-demand shows, the ones that will sell the majority of their tickets in the first few hours or days, it would make sense to have decreasing tickets prices. folks that really want to attend and/or insist on good seats, will pay the higher price up front; while those on the fence or with price sensitivity will be willing to wait for a discount.
There is a common misconception that to be profitable - to show a profit for the promoter, the venue, the acts - a show must sell well.like the act gets a pre-agreed payout even if nobody shows
I dont believe it necessarily works that way.
There is a common misconception that to be profitable - to show a profit for the promoter, the venue, the acts - a show must sell well.
I dont believe it necessarily works that way.
for high-demand shows, the ones that will sell the majority of their tickets in the first few hours or days, it would make sense to have decreasing tickets prices. folks that really want to attend and/or insist on good seats, will pay the higher price up front; while those on the fence or with price sensitivity will be willing to wait for a discount.
Don't they already do this?
for high-demand shows, the ones that will sell the majority of their tickets in the first few hours or days, it would make sense to have decreasing tickets prices. folks that really want to attend and/or insist on good seats, will pay the higher price up front; while those on the fence or with price sensitivity will be willing to wait for a discount.
Don't they already do this?
i'm not aware of this occurring... in general, tickets sell for same price on day 1 as they do on night of the show. if anything, venues tack on a small day-of price bump, like "$40 advance/$45 at door".
Yeah, I agree with this. 9:30 Club or The National have half-sold-out shows all the time; the fact both venues remain open despite this tells you they aren't taking a bath on every show with <95% attendance.
I mean every year LN books thousands of shows in sheds that dont come close to selling out and they make money
The good seats usually sell over time in most showsfact nobody bought them in presales doesnt mean they wont sell
Point is if a band is playing a venue with 20,000 capacity that doesnt mean promoter assumes they will sell 18,000 tickets! The offer they make to the act reflects what they think sales will be..Do they get burned once in a while? Surebut overall they know what they are doing..its their ass on line
Yeah, I agree with this. 9:30 Club or The National have half-sold-out shows all the time; the fact both venues remain open despite this tells you they aren't taking a bath on every show with <95% attendance.
I mean every year LN books thousands of shows in sheds that dont come close to selling out and they make money
The good seats usually sell over time in most showsfact nobody bought them in presales doesnt mean they wont sell
Point is if a band is playing a venue with 20,000 capacity that doesnt mean promoter assumes they will sell 18,000 tickets! The offer they make to the act reflects what they think sales will be..Do they get burned once in a while? Surebut overall they know what they are doing..its their ass on line
Correct. This doesnt disagree with what I said at all.Yeah, I agree with this. 9:30 Club or The National have half-sold-out shows all the time; the fact both venues remain open despite this tells you they aren't taking a bath on every show with <95% attendance.
I mean every year LN books thousands of shows in sheds that dont come close to selling out and they make money
The good seats usually sell over time in most showsfact nobody bought them in presales doesnt mean they wont sell
Point is if a band is playing a venue with 20,000 capacity that doesnt mean promoter assumes they will sell 18,000 tickets! The offer they make to the act reflects what they think sales will be..Do they get burned once in a while? Surebut overall they know what they are doing..its their ass on line
It's been said a million times before. Nightclub 9:30 makes most of its money selling alcohol. Ticket sales and merch are basically a breakeven.
Here's 52 seconds of senators making Taylor Swift references at the Ticketmaster hearing. (https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1617974292351778825)OMG, beautiful
Here's 52 seconds of senators making Taylor Swift references at the Ticketmaster hearing. (https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1617974292351778825)OMG, beautiful
You obviously haven't lived with tween girls or Julian for the last decadeHere's 52 seconds of senators making Taylor Swift references at the Ticketmaster hearing. (https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1617974292351778825)OMG, beautiful
I don't think I've ever heard a Taylor Swift song. It seems like this might be marginally funny if I had.
I don't think I've ever heard a Taylor Swift song.This is one of those things that someone says thinking its either a feather-for-their-cap or, at worst, benign when actually it betrays they're wildly out of touch. This is a music fan forum -- shouldn't you be judged as woefully ignorant if you have not heard a single song (even by accident) of the largest music act of the last two decades? Tell us how you haven't used deodorant since High School next.
Tell us how you haven't used deodorant since High School next.please don't
National & Soccer Mommy. Looking forward to seeing both of them and the strokes in the same week.
Anyone think they have a pulse on how Beck and Phoenix will sell? September is packed with shows of interest and i'm hesitant to jump on anything additional ATM. Hoping it could be a good DOS decision.
National & Soccer Mommy. Looking forward to seeing both of them and the strokes in the same week.
Anyone think they have a pulse on how Beck and Phoenix will sell? September is packed with shows of interest and i'm hesitant to jump on anything additional ATM. Hoping it could be a good DOS decision.
Anyone think they have a pulse on how Beck and Phoenix will sell?
Anyone think they have a pulse on how Beck and Phoenix will sell?
we'll have a better beat after Friday's on sale, but based on the presale demand appears to be low. unless i pull amazing seats tomorrow, i'll be waiting week-of.
Anyone think they have a pulse on how Beck and Phoenix will sell?
we'll have a better beat after Friday's on sale, but based on the presale demand appears to be low. unless i pull amazing seats tomorrow, i'll be waiting week-of.
Kid's first concert?
Really good seats for Jinkx Monsoon's Everything at Stake show, at Capital One Hall, in Tyson. I wonder, what that place is like.me too show report for sure
$330 to see Sigur Ros? You have got to be shitting me!Now just imagine the person sitting behind you paying $295 whose view is obscured by one of your little hats and then you touch their wife! The indignity!!
$330 to see Sigur Ros? You have got to be shitting me!
No one actually thinks you were touching anyone's wife. Settle down, emo kid, we're just razzing ya.
Peter Gabriel - Capital Center or whatever it's called now.
Peter Gabriel - Capital Center or whatever it's called now.
FFS I really want to, but I just can't. A single decent seat is $180, plus $60 in TM fees. Outrageous.
Fentanyl knows no fitness level.Peter Gabriel - Capital Center or whatever it's called now.
FFS I really want to, but I just can't. A single decent seat is $180, plus $60 in TM fees. Outrageous.
Where is Yada to tell us whether this one will be a Stubhub special? Is he back in rehab?
And speaking of rehab, did GGW really die? NKOTB was trying to convince me that that rumor was true. I mean the dude was a runner and a mountain climber, not a ratbastard.
Elvis at The Lyric in B-more
The Chats at Fillmore, SS
wonder if Love and Rockets will sell out ?? $71 is kinda steepyea $16 fees didnt help
Jeff TweedyCant believe this isnt sold out yet
Jeff TweedyCant believe this isnt sold out yet
why are the fees $3 less than FSS?
wow, wilco packs the anthem and jeff can't sell out the 9:30Jeff TweedyCant believe this isnt sold out yet
Well I sounded out two people about going and they expressed disinterest.
You may know one of them.
Anyways show will sell out.
Well I sounded out two people about going and they expressed disinterest.
You may know one of them.
Anyways show will sell out.
But I'll be be in Lisbon with a flight to the Azores the next morning.
Alejandro Escovedoit will be noted in AEs obit that he had the opening slot for the last Sex Pistols show
Alejandro Escovedoit will be noted in AEs obit that he had the opening slot for the last Sex Pistols show
Obviously he is legend for decades of quality work and touring
Alejandro Escovedoit will be noted in AEs obit that he had the opening slot for the last Sex Pistols show
Obviously he is legend for decades of quality work and touring
Interesting. I had not heard that. Maybe you could get someone to add it to his Wiki page. I did know that Sheila E. is his niece.
I've mentioned this before, but I saw Alejandro Escovedo and his brother Javier is a short live group called True Believers.. anyways it was the only the legit time a request for Freebird made sense as it was a three guitar lineup in that group. kinda glad that behavior died out...
I've mentioned this before, but I saw Alejandro Escovedo and his brother Javier is a short live group called True Believers.. anyways it was the only the legit time a request for Freebird made sense as it was a three guitar lineup in that group. kinda glad that behavior died out...
Whatever happened to "cow punk"?
I've mentioned this before, but I saw Alejandro Escovedo and his brother Javier is a short live group called True Believers.. anyways it was the only the legit time a request for Freebird made sense as it was a three guitar lineup in that group. kinda glad that behavior died out...
Whatever happened to "cow punk"?
I'm only familiar with cow funk. - https://livemusicblog.com/features/phish-friday-fall-97-not-just-the-cow-funk-era/
got Jessie Ware 8)
Sleep Token
Every time I check nothin
Every time I check nothin
You must be on the sideLAN
the latency on this network, let me tell ya!Every time I check nothin
You must be on the sideLAN
Turnstile success!
U coming?
Sky Ferreira ....LN $25 is now available.dang, such a good tip but I can't because of a conflict grr almost bought without looking at the old calendar (my trigger finger has burnt me before)
Sky Ferreira ....LN $25 is now available.dang, such a good tip but I can't because of a conflict grr almost bought without looking at the old calendar (my trigger finger has burnt me before)
If they are blowing out tickets for $25 all in then not even the promoter thinks it will sell out..accurate
The Wednesday Walkmen show for the nice price of $8.Great work! This rates high on the Space's proprietary ASSHOLE* Index.
The Wednesday Walkmen show for the nice price of $8.Great work! This rates high on the Space's proprietary ASSHOLE* Index.
* - Acts Superiority vs Secondary Hawking Offers adjusted for Locations Expansiveness
You will be very happy to know that I stupidly paid full price for that very show, that very night
I will be shocked if Polachek doesnt sell out
I will be shocked if Polachek doesnt sell out
Oh wow, I see there was a low ticket warning yesterday. Better make a decision on whether I'm going to suck it up and pay face plus fees, or not go.
I will be shocked if Polachek doesnt sell out
Oh wow, I see there was a low ticket warning yesterday. Better make a decision on whether I'm going to suck it up and pay face plus fees, or not go.
or, roll the dice and see if you can pick up a cheap ticket in the days leading up to the show.
I will be shocked if Polachek doesnt sell out
Oh wow, I see there was a low ticket warning yesterday. Better make a decision on whether I'm going to suck it up and pay face plus fees, or not go.
or, roll the dice and see if you can pick up a cheap ticket in the days leading up to the show.
Doesn't that get infinitely harder if the show is sold out as opposed to not sold out?
keep checking CL, FB marketplace and eBayI never use these platforms for tickets, soo many scamers
. If you get there early box 2 or 3 behind seats are good.this is a good tip
It definitely sucks if you dont know what youre doing.I see people all the time in the wrong places.
I have to say all I get are compliments about the venue itself from people leaving.
The outside lines can sometimes be too long.
Oh and the faucets are being changed. Starting from floor level which I think has been done completely and going up.
If a show is sold out I like house right on floor to the left of bar. If you get there early box 2 or 3 behind seats are good.
keep checking CL, FB marketplace and eBayI never use these platforms for tickets, soo many scamers
at least with seatgeek/stubhub/ticketbastard, you pretty much are not going to get screwed, you likely will over pay
Anthemall venues sux with sold out shows, stay home.. ::)
keep checking CL, FB marketplace and eBayI never use these platforms for tickets, soo many scamers
at least with seatgeek/stubhub/ticketbastard, you pretty much are not going to get screwed, you likely will over pay
PayPal and venmo offer protection IF YOU SPECIFICALLY CLICK TO HAVE IT which negatively impacts the amount the recipient gets, just for the record.Yea, the buyer protection costs the seller 3% (if you do friends it is waived but no protection)
You should know that after paying thousands for those Roxy Music seatsI didn't buy those on the secondary market?
ah just the customary 20% convince feeYou should know that after paying thousands for those Roxy Music seatsI didn't buy those on the secondary market?
OK, the Hives
ok, looks like we all caught hives!OK, the Hives
They're famously contagious.ok, looks like we all caught hives!OK, the Hives
ok, looks like we all caught hives!OK, the Hives
celebrating Halloween with the family.Is your daughter going to be a sexy ghost and your wife a sexy cat or do I have it backwards?
I did not. I will be celebrating Halloween with the family.I think your teenage child will want to be as far away from you as possible on Halloween
I did not. I will be celebrating Halloween with the family.I think your teenage child will want to be as far away from you as possible on Halloween
that's not a space-specific comment
also, what kind of Halloween celebrating will you be doing with your family at 9PM?
I did not. I will be celebrating Halloween with the family.I think your teenage child will want to be as far away from you as possible on Halloween
that's not a space-specific comment
also, what kind of Halloween celebrating will you be doing with your family at 9PM?
Sugar Coma?
Recses cups and dots are always my 'hand them over child, you can keep everything else'I did not. I will be celebrating Halloween with the family.I think your teenage child will want to be as far away from you as possible on Halloween
that's not a space-specific comment
also, what kind of Halloween celebrating will you be doing with your family at 9PM?
Sugar Coma?
Pairing 9 year old stouts with peanutbutter cups.
Recses cups and dots are always my 'hand them over child, you can keep everything else'I did not. I will be celebrating Halloween with the family.I think your teenage child will want to be as far away from you as possible on Halloween
that's not a space-specific comment
also, what kind of Halloween celebrating will you be doing with your family at 9PM?
Sugar Coma?
Pairing 9 year old stouts with peanutbutter cups.
I didn't just buy GA/Pit tickets to U2 at the Sphere. They were in my cart, tho.been hearing about U2 fans getting obstructed view seats, but not knowing until after purchase
Is there a thread for that?
I didn't just buy GA/Pit tickets to U2 at the Sphere. They were in my cart, tho.
Is there a thread for that?
I didn't just buy GA/Pit tickets to U2 at the Sphere. They were in my cart, tho.
Is there a thread for that?
vansmack thread over there >>>>
fudge, did anyone get the 2 day passes
We are now SOLD out of weekend passes for our 30th anniversary!
Hope everyone got their Two Night and Second night Black Cat Anniversary party tickets.fudge...was in WV with a really bad signal
I was in both nights, my better half only wanted to see Velocity Girl, etc..
Second night tickets were gone really quick..
Really? They are such a minor band. I like their cover of New Orders Your Silent Face but come on..
^ it's less about the actual music, and more about the "i was there" cred
Pixies @ The Atlantis
Pixies @ The Atlantis
Pixies @ The Atlantis
Yearly reminder..
Pixies without Kim....meh. ;D
Yearly reminder..
Pixies without Kim....meh. ;D
Disagree. And I'm on team Kim for sure....but Paz is wonderful and they can still kill it. You won't hear "Gigantic", but she's still endearing. Also, I found a ticket for tonight. I'm giddy as hell.
Pixies @ The Atlantislooks like Ill be there too!
I didn't just buy GA/Pit tickets to U2 at the Sphere. They were in my cart, tho.
Is there a thread for that?
I didn't just buy GA/Pit tickets to U2 at the Sphere. They were in my cart, tho.
Is there a thread for that?
The new venue looks amazing from the outside...can't wait to go in!
I didn't just buy GA/Pit tickets to U2 at the Sphere. They were in my cart, tho.
Is there a thread for that?
The new venue looks amazing from the outside...can't wait to go in!
Heil, when you seeing U2 at the Sphere? smackie, myself a few other former bboardees are in for Nov 1.
Just picked up a solo ticket to Thievery Corp at Atlantis.
Just picked up a solo ticket to Thievery Corp at Atlantis.
The other one is still available...
(https://mediaproxy.snopes.com/width/1200/https://media.snopes.com/2023/07/las_vegas_sphere.png)I didn't just buy GA/Pit tickets to U2 at the Sphere. They were in my cart, tho.
Is there a thread for that?
The new venue looks amazing from the outside...can't wait to go in!
Heil, when you seeing U2 at the Sphere? smackie, myself a few other former bboardees are in for Nov 1.
Panda Bear and for me, more importantly, Sonic Boom who I respect a lot but never seen
I got my oncologists results from mri today and treatment has worked..super happy
My condition is something you battle for life but this is great news
Really for me the 930 is my happy place
and treatment has worked..super happynice! Glad to hear it!
Outlaw Music Fest tickets have hit rock bottom... $30 pav seats, $25 lawn... may take the whole fam!
Guided by VoicesAnyone find it odd that there's an opener?
Can use ottobar pass!
Also they have never accepted passed before for GBV
yeah, think that's the first time in a while?Guided by VoicesAnyone find it odd that there's an opener?
Can use ottobar pass!
Neville Street Groove at Jammin Jama Saturday August 12.soo bummed the VIP seats are sold out, now there is no chance Julian will come
I was going to come and grace you all with my presence from the other side of the velvet ropes, but now . . .Neville Street Groove at Jammin Jama Saturday August 12.soo bummed the VIP seats are sold out, now there is no chance Julian will come
Neville Street Groove
Joan Jett at the Atlantissweet, have tried many many times
Joan Jett at the Atlantissweet, have tried many many times
There is no specific ticket exchange right?
No way can I sit all day hitting refresh
More like didnt
Had a pretenders ticket in cart and it gave me error and now ticket is gone
Once it was in cart it should have been mine
Gah. Had a single for half a second before it disappeared.
Interesting that parking tickets for Pretenders appear to be sold out. Guess whatever is at 9:30 attracts a lot of drivers. ::)
Interesting that parking tickets for Pretenders appear to be sold out. Guess whatever is at 9:30 attracts a lot of drivers. ::)
It's an ABBA inspired dance party. Thankfully, my teen forgot about her wish to go to that one.
Yah u gotta put in the 3 digit code fast.
Interesting that parking tickets for Pretenders appear to be sold out. Guess whatever is at 9:30 attracts a lot of drivers. ::)
It's an ABBA inspired dance party. Thankfully, my teen forgot about her wish to go to that one.
Where do you guys get the time to ticket hunt for sold out shows while on work time?
Where do you guys get the time to ticket hunt for sold out shows while on work time?
Not hard to do while working from home.
Where do you guys get the time to ticket hunt for sold out shows while on work time?
This is the lot I always park at $10. Right behind the clubs
Thank you for choosing RunParking! Your reservation for vehicle.... has been processed. Confirmation .... at 2235 8th St NW Howard Center location begins Aug 31,2023, at 06:45 PM, and ends Sep 01,2023, at 01:00 AM
Precisely how I managed to get tix to more or less every Atlantis show I wanted to attend this summer after only scoring one in the initial lottery (I didn't try for the Foos).I don't know who this Adamopp character is, but methinks I want to get on their good side to get a plus 1 to the pretenders show :)Not hard to do while working from home.
Where do you guys get the time to ticket hunt for sold out shows while on work time?
Pulled one. Had it in my cart. Turned it back. Seems like I didn't really want to go after all.
Velocity Girl / Tuscadero
haven't purchased my Jon Spencer tix for 12/3 yet
Velocity Girl / Tuscadero
haven't purchased my Jon Spencer tix for 12/3 yet
DittoAdd me to the pile.Velocity Girl / Tuscadero
haven't purchased my Jon Spencer tix for 12/3 yet
O's playoff games. Let's go!
DittoSameVelocity Girl / Tuscadero
haven't purchased my Jon Spencer tix for 12/3 yet
(https://mediaproxy.snopes.com/width/1200/https://media.snopes.com/2023/07/las_vegas_sphere.png)I didn't just buy GA/Pit tickets to U2 at the Sphere. They were in my cart, tho.
Is there a thread for that?
The new venue looks amazing from the outside...can't wait to go in!
Heil, when you seeing U2 at the Sphere? smackie, myself a few other former bboardees are in for Nov 1.
in all seriousness, the pix and vids (https://twitter.com/anothercohen/status/1708116045100122167) from night 1 at the Sphere look insane... imma stoked.
in all seriousness, the pix and vids (https://twitter.com/anothercohen/status/1708116045100122167) from night 1 at the Sphere look insane... imma stoked.
My favorite part of seeing a band live is watching a movieThat seems fine since 90% of the people on heres favorite part of seeing a movie is identifying what song is playing in the background.
Nationals Celebration of Hip Hopgot my free single...wish I'd checked earlier as I'm in section 203
Nationals Celebration of Hip Hopgot my free single...wish I'd checked earlier as I'm in section 203
anyone get good free seats?
wrong thread. This is the "What Did You Just Buy Tickets To?" thread not the "What Tickets Did You Just Get For Free aka 'Space Tickets'" thread.Nationals Celebration of Hip Hopgot my free single...wish I'd checked earlier as I'm in section 203
anyone get good free seats?
Nationals Celebration of Hip Hop
could have grabbed extras beyond a complimentary ticket, but at $75 a pop Yikes.
gomezDidnt know she was touring.
gomezDidnt know she was touring.
If she kills them in that building they all live in, then they can cover it on the podcast.gomezDidnt know she was touring.
She's killing the harmonies this time around
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
Belle and Sebastian at Union Transfer. I think Anthem is completely wrong for them as a venue, and even though I've seen them there and enjoyed it, they're better off at the 9:30. I think I'll sit out the Anthem show and try to see them at venues that they're better suited for.
Its certainly ambitious considering the last time they played Anthem there couldnt have been more than 1500 thereAND that they are playing The National relatively nearby
Will be interesting to see
I was surprised they didnt announce something like playing Sinister album to get tickets to move
TBT the only time I saw Belle was at Anthem and I enjoyed it a lot! Got up real close I had tickets to see them their first time in DC area at Black Cat but had to be out of town for work. That hurt.
Awesome! You really made me feel great Bearman!! Thanks
nope, that was the zenith and hutch has been miserable ever since (it's possible the two are unrelated)Awesome! You really made me feel great Bearman!! Thanks
Don't worry...it was a fun show, but I'm sure there have been loads of other shows even better than that one since then that you've seen!
U2 at the Sphere, Las Vegas
Its certainly ambitious considering the last time they played Anthem there couldnt have been more than 1500 thereAND that they are playing The National relatively nearby
Will be interesting to see
I was surprised they didnt announce something like playing Sinister album to get tickets to move
TBT the only time I saw Belle was at Anthem and I enjoyed it a lot! Got up real close I had tickets to see them their first time in DC area at Black Cat but had to be out of town for work. That hurt.
Yeah, Philly and DC are not the same. B&S can't sell out Philly in one day, at a size smaller than 930 (show not sold out). They can't even sell out Sleater-Kinney at TLA. Sucks that we don't have any 2000 capacity venue that is owned by IMP.Its certainly ambitious considering the last time they played Anthem there couldnt have been more than 1500 thereAND that they are playing The National relatively nearby
Will be interesting to see
I was surprised they didnt announce something like playing Sinister album to get tickets to move
TBT the only time I saw Belle was at Anthem and I enjoyed it a lot! Got up real close I had tickets to see them their first time in DC area at Black Cat but had to be out of town for work. That hurt.
Greetings friends...
I haven't requested any fire power in some time, but if anyone is free at 1pm EST on this coming Friday and wants to lend a fellow boardie some ticket mojo (I'm looking at you sideTM), please help me purchase two tickets to any night of Phish @ The Sphere in any part of the 200/300 section.
You'll be paid back instantly and sent a Channuckah/Xmas/Kwanza gift.
@yada - still need help? tick tock...
@yada - still need help? tick tock...
Yea... but ticketmaster is basically shut down
Greetings friends...
I haven't requested any fire power in some time, but if anyone is free at 1pm EST on this coming Friday and wants to lend a fellow boardie some ticket mojo (I'm looking at you sideTM), please help me purchase two tickets to any night of Phish @ The Sphere in any part of the 200/300 section.
You'll be paid back instantly and sent a Channuckah/Xmas/Kwanza gift.
Greetings friends...
I haven't requested any fire power in some time, but if anyone is free at 1pm EST on this coming Friday and wants to lend a fellow boardie some ticket mojo (I'm looking at you sideTM), please help me purchase two tickets to any night of Phish @ The Sphere in any part of the 200/300 section.
You'll be paid back instantly and sent a Channuckah/Xmas/Kwanza gift.
Sooo??? Which nights are you going?
Not the hives
the fan presale has sold out
weenQuestion for Jules
l'le de Brown
weenQuestion for Jules
l'le de Brown
Browns island the rapids tix vs lawn tix
I bought one rapids ticket for me and my friend wanted one and they only had lawn
how hard will be for them to get into the rapids or can I buy an upgrade or something?
The rapids were not even listed on the etix page
Oh Im going to waxahatchee. Let me know on that.weenQuestion for Jules
l'le de Brown
Browns island the rapids tix vs lawn tix
I bought one rapids ticket for me and my friend wanted one and they only had lawn
how hard will be for them to get into the rapids or can I buy an upgrade or something?
The rapids were not even listed on the etix page
interesting... just noticed that waxahatchee plays the night after in Richmond. May have to attempt to make this a twofer.
Oh Im going to waxahatchee. Let me know on that.weenQuestion for Jules
l'le de Brown
Browns island the rapids tix vs lawn tix
I bought one rapids ticket for me and my friend wanted one and they only had lawn
how hard will be for them to get into the rapids or can I buy an upgrade or something?
The rapids were not even listed on the etix page
interesting... just noticed that waxahatchee plays the night after in Richmond. May have to attempt to make this a twofer.
Side hatch I rarely go to browns island concerts. Let me check with someone if what you are talking about is basically the pit tickets vs the regular GA or a cut the line pass and Ill let you know.
Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, it's sort of like a cordoned part of the field closest to the stage. Like if you've ever been to a concert in a football stadium where the field is all GA standing but there's a "GOLD CIRCLE" section at the front that's like SUPER GA, that's what those tickets are.Oh Im going to waxahatchee. Let me know on that.weenQuestion for Jules
l'le de Brown
Browns island the rapids tix vs lawn tix
I bought one rapids ticket for me and my friend wanted one and they only had lawn
how hard will be for them to get into the rapids or can I buy an upgrade or something?
The rapids were not even listed on the etix page
interesting... just noticed that waxahatchee plays the night after in Richmond. May have to attempt to make this a twofer.
Side hatch I rarely go to browns island concerts. Let me check with someone if what you are talking about is basically the pit tickets vs the regular GA or a cut the line pass and Ill let you know.
Rapids are the area in front of the stage, there's a separate ticket for cutting the line that doesn't seem needed.
Neil Young - The Lube. Son wanted to see him so I paid $25 for passcode and got mid-level pavillion tix. $139 all in per ticket. Not bad, plus don't have to deal with the rush when other presales and gen sales start.
Helmet and Cro magsKind of anticipated this would sell out
Will be bringing my ear plugs and will need to dust off my doc martens
Pearl Jam
Got Pearl Jam tix as well for Baltimore.Pearl Jam
not thrilled with my Baltimore PJ seats. Floor seats back by soundboard. I guess could be worse.
not thrilled with my Baltimore PJ seats. Floor seats back by soundboard. I guess could be worse.
Well, at least it should sound really good.
how much are these Pearl Jam tix?
not thrilled with my Baltimore PJ seats. Floor seats back by soundboard. I guess could be worse.
ISO: 1 for bawlmoor
ISO: 1 for bawlmoor
There will be one of those fan to fan transfer dealios
how much are these Pearl Jam tix?
the space friendly price of $193.
PJ Harvey. So much better than Wolftrap!
It seems the Atlantic ticket exchange site is not face value only.
It seems the Atlantic ticket exchange site is not face value only.
How does one get to the ticket exchange?
Beth orton, Millenial stage. Hopefully I can get off work early enough. Has anyone actually gotten tickets for a millenial stage gig? What actually happens, how does it help you? When do you need to arrive by?
Been there a few times. I think they release any reserved tickets if they're not picked up by 6pm. I've never been to a "sold out" show there, so that might change the game a bit
Been there a few times. I think they release any reserved tickets if they're not picked up by 6pm. I've never been to a "sold out" show there, so that might change the game a bitNot sure about the release of reserved tickets. I always get the tickets sent to my phone. Would that mean if I arrive at 6:05, my tickets are cancelled and given to someone else? Or maybe that just happens for someone who chooses to pick up physical tickets and doesn't show?
Been there a few times. I think they release any reserved tickets if they're not picked up by 6pm. I've never been to a "sold out" show there, so that might change the game a bitNot sure about the release of reserved tickets. I always get the tickets sent to my phone. Would that mean if I arrive at 6:05, my tickets are cancelled and given to someone else? Or maybe that just happens for someone who chooses to pick up physical tickets and doesn't show?
That's only for physical tickets
Beth orton, Millenial stage. Hopefully I can get off work early enough. Has anyone actually gotten tickets for a millenial stage gig? What actually happens, how does it help you? When do you need to arrive by?
Anyone going to Foos tonight?
Anyone going to Foos tonight?
My neighbor. She won tix on dc101.
Two for Air.
Youre welcome.Two for Air.
Hutch is back!!
That day when site was down around that exact time feeling depressed I was trying to delete my account but it didnt take or something and I couldnt get back in until I happened to get a new iPhone. I even tried setting up a new account and I never got past the waiting on approval from admin
Yadas Hitler parody video was too funny
That day when site was down around that exact time feeling depressed I was trying to delete my account but it didnt take or something and I couldnt get back in until I happened to get a new iPhone. I even tried setting up a new account and I never got past the waiting on approval from admin
Yadas Hitler parody video was too funny
Also, Air
oh damn, Air! that's great news, doesn't seem like a sell out?
Air as wellAir
Also, Air
air, also
Randomly checked and then after 2 rounds of texting and waiting in the queue what seemed like 10 minutes I expected to be let down
But Scored a pair for the Atlantis show!
Must say I have a nice list of shows in Ticketmaster
Echo & Tbm
The hives
King gizzard
Live rock n roll mutherfucker
Geez I have a ticket I think for every single one of those shows but helmet.
You guys will be happy to know I'm going to none of them. I'll play the Air cd for the first time in 10 years and skip the rest! Cheers.
You guys will be happy to know I'm going to none of them. I'll play the Air cd for the first time in 10 years and skip the rest! Cheers.
Air - good on record, boring live.
Maybe you had too much coffee!?
Air - good on record, boring live.
I dont usually like to read long form breakdowns of music/concerts on here because Im the only one here with any actual writing chops or anything to say that rises to the level of insightful, but this is well put, and I agree, Bearman.Air - good on record, boring live.
Disagree. This isn't a rock band. They're psychedelic lunar space jazz/funk. Nicolas' fuzzed-out bass is a thing of beauty to hear live. They always have consistently good drummers. I also think songs like "Cherry Blossom Girl", "Radian" and "You Make It Easy" are meant to be gentler accompaniments to the climactic freakout of "La Femme D'Argent", "Don't Be Light" and in 2004 that insane version of "Alpha Beta Gaga" which turned it into this freaky terror...like if Dario Argento had a scene at a rave. I think they're worth revisiting live, and this tour will be special.
I dont usually like to read long form breakdowns of music/concerts on here because Im the only one here with any actual writing chops or anything to say that rises to the level of insightful, but this is well put, and I agree, Bearman.Air - good on record, boring live.
Disagree. This isn't a rock band. They're psychedelic lunar space jazz/funk. Nicolas' fuzzed-out bass is a thing of beauty to hear live. They always have consistently good drummers. I also think songs like "Cherry Blossom Girl", "Radian" and "You Make It Easy" are meant to be gentler accompaniments to the climactic freakout of "La Femme D'Argent", "Don't Be Light" and in 2004 that insane version of "Alpha Beta Gaga" which turned it into this freaky terror...like if Dario Argento had a scene at a rave. I think they're worth revisiting live, and this tour will be special.
Also congrats on your P7 last weekend.
I dont usually like to read long form breakdowns of music/concerts on here because Im the only one here with any actual writing chops or anything to say that rises to the level of insightful, but this is well put, and I agree, Bearman.Air - good on record, boring live.
Disagree. This isn't a rock band. They're psychedelic lunar space jazz/funk. Nicolas' fuzzed-out bass is a thing of beauty to hear live. They always have consistently good drummers. I also think songs like "Cherry Blossom Girl", "Radian" and "You Make It Easy" are meant to be gentler accompaniments to the climactic freakout of "La Femme D'Argent", "Don't Be Light" and in 2004 that insane version of "Alpha Beta Gaga" which turned it into this freaky terror...like if Dario Argento had a scene at a rave. I think they're worth revisiting live, and this tour will be special.
Also congrats on your P7 last weekend.
Well we all know AI wrote that one
hmm, well if AI has been scraping the content from the board, I could believe thatWell we all know AI wrote that one
how dare you! Next you'll say that AI wrote the epic hutch/hitler script.
hmm, well if AI has been scraping the content from the board, I could believe thatWell we all know AI wrote that one
how dare you! Next you'll say that AI wrote the epic hutch/hitler script.
but that had your stamp all over it
also, my new band name: Hutch Hitler
MUST HAVE.I dont usually like to read long form breakdowns of music/concerts on here because Im the only one here with any actual writing chops or anything to say that rises to the level of insightful, but this is well put, and I agree, Bearman.Air - good on record, boring live.
Disagree. This isn't a rock band. They're psychedelic lunar space jazz/funk. Nicolas' fuzzed-out bass is a thing of beauty to hear live. They always have consistently good drummers. I also think songs like "Cherry Blossom Girl", "Radian" and "You Make It Easy" are meant to be gentler accompaniments to the climactic freakout of "La Femme D'Argent", "Don't Be Light" and in 2004 that insane version of "Alpha Beta Gaga" which turned it into this freaky terror...like if Dario Argento had a scene at a rave. I think they're worth revisiting live, and this tour will be special.
Also congrats on your P7 last weekend.
You must've missed my stellar cat power review.
MUST HAVE.I dont usually like to read long form breakdowns of music/concerts on here because Im the only one here with any actual writing chops or anything to say that rises to the level of insightful, but this is well put, and I agree, Bearman.Air - good on record, boring live.
Disagree. This isn't a rock band. They're psychedelic lunar space jazz/funk. Nicolas' fuzzed-out bass is a thing of beauty to hear live. They always have consistently good drummers. I also think songs like "Cherry Blossom Girl", "Radian" and "You Make It Easy" are meant to be gentler accompaniments to the climactic freakout of "La Femme D'Argent", "Don't Be Light" and in 2004 that insane version of "Alpha Beta Gaga" which turned it into this freaky terror...like if Dario Argento had a scene at a rave. I think they're worth revisiting live, and this tour will be special.
Also congrats on your P7 last weekend.
You must've missed my stellar cat power review.
Yadas Cat Power review was so good I thought he cut and pasted it from somewhere else..
Yadas Cat Power review was so good I thought he cut and pasted it from somewhere else..
He Mustaf
Phish @ the sphere
Air - good on record, boring live.Results are in
Adrian Belew's BEAT show (King Crimson)
The VolunteersWhich game? Florida or Alabama?
English TeacherSting?
English TeacherSting?
nice, sound funEnglish TeacherSting?
Neil Young
$113 total for a ticket in section 101 row g seems reasonable.
Supposedly they even throw in a copy of the new old cd Fuckin Up
Bonnie Raitt in Bawlmoor.
$95 at the Lyric...
Not even three days later, worse seats are a $250 minimum at The Warner.
Bonnie Raitt in Bawlmoor.
$95 at the Lyric...
Not even three days later, worse seats are a $250 minimum at The Warner.
Worse seats? Thats outrageousas much as I love Bonnie. It is a nicer and smaller venue but $250? No way
Yup... insane.
I haven't been to the lyric in at least a decade. It can't be that much larger than Warner, is it?
Edit: approximately 500 seats larger
Trying to get James presale and Ticketmaster is doing their absolute best to annoy the crap out of me... page not found, lather rinse repeat
Trying to get James presale and Ticketmaster is doing their absolute best to annoy the crap out of me... page not found, lather rinse repeat
Aaron Frazer
Man, I hate paying ticket fees. I *never* used to pay fees when I went to an office in DC. I was always willing to risk a sell out during the two hour period between 10am and when the box office opened. But now that I work from home, I get to DC much less.
Fontaines DC
Fontaines DC
Did I miss this in the JA thread? Just found out 30 minutes ago and I've missed the boat.
Fontaines DC - 2nd showhmm, tempted
with the help of no one from our beloved community, just scored a Pearl Jam ticket for Bawlmoor!
with the help of no one from our beloved community, just scored a Pearl Jam ticket for Bawlmoor!
with the help of no one from our beloved community, just scored a Pearl Jam ticket for Bawlmoor!
with the help of no one from our beloved community, just scored a Pearl Jam ticket for Bawlmoor!
I was praying, in earnest, that this would happen. Praise Allah, it did. You're welcome.
with the help of no one from our beloved community, just scored a Pearl Jam ticket for Bawlmoor!
I was praying, in earnest, that this would happen. Praise Allah, it did. You're welcome.
Thanks my brother
with the help of no one from our beloved community, just scored a Pearl Jam ticket for Bawlmoor!
hopefully the sound is not as bad as when I last saw them last at Cap One.with the help of no one from our beloved community, just scored a Pearl Jam ticket for Bawlmoor!
Jesus Lizard. This one will sell out. Last time at the Black Cat they absolutely decimated the place. Still probably one of the best live bands you'll ever see. If you haven't seen them before, check them out.
Walky is awolNot AWOL. I approved his FMLA to go to rehab.
Olivia Rodrigo
Olivia Rodrigo
Where? And how much?
She is playing in Lisbon for two nights (including my daughter's birthday) when we are in Lagos. For much, much cheaper (two digit prices, not three) than any American ticket prices.
But we're not going.
Olivia Rodrigomy daughter wants to marry you for that ticket
Olivia Rodrigomy daughter wants to marry you for that ticket
for the last 4 months she's been doing everything she can to save $600 to buy a shitty seat
I just looked today...yow-fuckin-za
whats up with the one in the very last row for $48k
Sounds like it's cheaper to fly to libson than see her in DC
What do we think Sidehatchs daughter and Yadas love child would look like?Olivia Rodrigomy daughter wants to marry you for that ticket
I guess the $48K one is a whole ass skybox.
I guess the $48K one is a whole ass skybox.and you would need binoculars to see the performer...what do you think the distance is from that seat to the stage?
I guess the $48K one is a whole ass skybox.and you would need binoculars to see the performer...what do you think the distance is from that seat to the stage?
What if I'm birding while seeing The Boss?I guess the $48K one is a whole ass skybox.and you would need binoculars to see the performer...what do you think the distance is from that seat to the stage?
Hot tip from my recent Springsteen experience, where i was in the far back....don't bring binoculars, you'll be the only one with them. They show everything on the big screen now.
Julien Baker
Another lesbian who won't sell out the Atlantis.
Thank you for standing up against the soft bigotry or Spaces low expectations.Julien Baker
Another lesbian who won't sell out the Atlantis.
See you there.
Thank you for standing up against the soft bigotry or Spaces low expectations.Julien Baker
Another lesbian who won't sell out the Atlantis.
See you there.
The hold steady at Atlantis 2nite!
(lots of tix available below face)
The hold steady at Atlantis 2nite!
(lots of tix available below face)
One of the many shows i would have been at during my two weeks vacation. Literally nothing all Spring, then a June glut.
Oh well, September and October look great. Plus we're getting a puppy and need a slew of house repairs, so that will eat all of our money.
the best way to get over the sad loss of man's best friend has always been to get a puppy
I demand a Space and Yada and Doggie Makes 3 style road trip film.
For them or those of us in the viewing audience?I demand a Space and Yada and Doggie Makes 3 style road trip film.
drinking and drugs mandatory.
For them or those of us in the viewing audience?I demand a Space and Yada and Doggie Makes 3 style road trip film.
drinking and drugs mandatory.
The hold steady at Atlantis 2nite!
(lots of tix available below face)
One of the many shows i would have been at during my two weeks vacation. Literally nothing all Spring, then a June glut.
Oh well, September and October look great. Plus we're getting a puppy and need a slew of house repairs, so that will eat all of our money.
Space... checking in from Luz. Let me be the first to recommend Fluido. Absolutely stellar food and cheap...
Also, 2.5.years later also begrudgingly getting a puppy in September. I'm still not ready but I'll never be. You guys wasted no time!
I'm not sure I want a dog through the early retirement year (for a number of reasons), but also not sure I don't want one. So here it goes.
Is anyone trying for Sabrina Carpenter tickets next week? Is that going to be a tough get?
Is anyone trying for Sabrina Carpenter tickets next week? Is that going to be a tough get?yeah she has pulled a chapel rhoan
Year ago she couldnt sell out 9:30
A cheap Pretenders ticket
So the guy from His Lordship is also in the Pretenders? Is he heading to the Warner after opening for the Hives tonight??
So the guy from His Lordship is also in the Pretenders? Is he heading to the Warner after opening for the Hives tonight??
Just doing a public service, letting people know there are cheap Pretenders tickets for the taking.
Warning, the don't appear to be doing Brass in Pocket.
Never paid so much for a concert ticket in my life..Yowza that is a spicy meatball...hey only $31 in fees seems like a deal to me ;)
No luck here 1400 something in the queue did not bode well
Anyone get Jack White tickets?
No luck here 1400 something in the queue did not bode well
Anyone get Jack White tickets?
That sandwich guyRobert Hamburger?
That sandwich guyRobert Hamburger?
*googles*That sandwich guyRobert Hamburger?
Barry Enderwick
That sandwich guyRobert Hamburger?
Trey A, at Warner T
Trey A, at Warner T
See you there!
will the warner's sidewalks be covered in expired nitrous balloons?Id bet my patchouli on it
will the warner's sidewalks be covered in expired nitrous balloons?Id bet my patchouli on it
not too long ago seemed like she wouldwill the warner's sidewalks be covered in expired nitrous balloons?Id bet my patchouli on it
Sharon Van Etten. Does she still sell out the Club?
will the warner's sidewalks be covered in expired nitrous balloons?Id bet my patchouli on it
Sharon Van Etten. Does she still sell out the Club?
ill take that betwill the warner's sidewalks be covered in expired nitrous balloons?Id bet my patchouli on it
Sharon Van Etten. Does she still sell out the Club?
I'd bet Sidehatch a beer that she does.
*googles*That sandwich guyRobert Hamburger?
Barry Enderwick
OK, that's random.
For a hot minute I thought this meant sober dean ween*googles*That sandwich guyRobert Hamburger?
Barry Enderwick
OK, that's random.
The buried lede: Dean Clean is the support act at the Philly show.
Not even kidding.
It's a classic Seth Cohen Chrismukkah!
Unrelated to buying tickets but early on in the pandemic my wife and I binge re-watched the OC (though I think we originally dropped off late in the last season during the original run for whatever reason) and I can't recommend it enough. Fantastic from start to finish.OK, since Vansmack is gone, you are now my default "talk about the OC on this board" person. I have rewatched this show from start-to-end every year since it came out. You could not be more correct about Taylor Townsend being amazing and my spirit animal and I loved the post-Mischa year. Mini Cooper -- NOW THAT SHE IS OF AGE AND NOT 16 -- could get it too.
Taylor Townsend forever and ever and ever
I have no dog in this fight, but saw this
Did you listen to Melinda Clark and Rachel Bilson's podcast? I wish i had more time...I would have no problem being an Old Man and listening to those two dish about the show.
lol every year...that's so incredible. I don't think we fell off the bandwagon due to plot...I think it changed times or something? But it's funny...I had heard so many complaints about the last season (Ryan's a cage fighter, for example), and practically everything people bitched about happened for like a single episode if that! I was surprised how good it was until the end.I have not listened to that podcast, or even knew about it until now. But I also probably will never listen to it now that I know -- I don't want to upset my personal head canon about the show.
Did you listen to Melinda Clark and Rachel Bilson's podcast? I wish i had more time...I would have no problem being an Old Man and listening to those two dish about the show.
Also, Julie Cooper? Rowr
Became a cage fighteris this the modern equivalent of jumping the shark?
also...we have a thread for thisYou're right. NKOTB, let's take this over to Just Announced.
well played, judges give a score of 8.2also...we have a thread for thisYou're right. NKOTB, let's take this over to Just Announced.
I watched Conclave, which was far better that one would think a movie about a papal election would beSaw this election night. This and Juror #2 will be around the clock on TBS and TNT in three years and my Dad is going to lose his shit if hes still with us.
How much are tickets?
welp, i can tell you what i did not just buy tickets to: NIN.
i'm in the virtual waiting room:You Are Now in The Queue
People Ahead of you
which is about the capacity of the venue... so as long as everyone buys just one ticket, i'll be set!
anyone score NIN tix today?
update1: 10 minutes in, and i'm now #15,826. at this pace i should get to the front of the line in about an hour and a half. awesome.
update2: 32 minutes after the onsale started, i'm under 10,000! forward, onward! i think i can i know i can... stay tuned for additional high-quality content...
The Hard QuartetSee you there
Outlaw FestWell done!
Saratoga NY
Outlaw FestWell done!
Saratoga NY
Thats the lineup I wanted for Merriweather!! Perfect
I'm considering the Saratoga show as well. But there's a lot of moving parts in my life right now, so we'll see..Let me know if you need a family law attorney's contact.
The Saints 73-78got one too, November is shaping up already
The Saints 73-78got one too, November is shaping up already
That R.E.M. thing
That R.E.M. thing
Damn that's a nice looking setlist. 29 songs. Set 1 is Fables, Set 2 is hits and a 3 song encore!
That R.E.M. thing
Damn that's a nice looking setlist. 29 songs. Set 1 is Fables, Set 2 is hits and a 3 song encore!
Plus Wuster and the inimitable Sir Dave Hill.
Grace Jones/Janelle
Wow $151 for GA. That might be the highest GA price yet eclipsing weezer/lips/dino at $125.
But yeah Grace Jonesgoing to be epic
By my rough back of the envelope calculations this show if it sells out may be the first anthem show with gross revenues from ticket sales that hit $1 million
Wow $151 for GA. That might be the highest GA price yet eclipsing weezer/lips/dino at $125.
But yeah Grace Jonesgoing to be epic
By my rough back of the envelope calculations this show if it sells out may be the first anthem show with gross revenues from ticket sales that hit $1 million
1 Pit ticket for Ziggy Marley/Burning Spear at Pier 6 September 16.
$123 all in
I dont wordle unfortunatelyMaybe we need a thread of things Hutch doesn't do:
Would be a hopelessly long list!but you love lists!
I LOLed.Would be a hopelessly long list!but you love lists!
Beta Band!see you there
If someone wants to send me that beta band presale code looked in my email and Im missing it Id appreciate it and would join yall there.Just as I was getting ready to buy up all the remaining tickets
And if you dont want me to join you all there and dont send it to me out of spite: well thats just horrible. I have never done anything to any of you, really. I just post on a forum. You all can log off at any time. This is on you.
My respect for this spite is next level. (Platonically as a cishet dude), love you!!If someone wants to send me that beta band presale code looked in my email and Im missing it Id appreciate it and would join yall there.Just as I was getting ready to buy up all the remaining tickets
And if you dont want me to join you all there and dont send it to me out of spite: well thats just horrible. I have never done anything to any of you, really. I just post on a forum. You all can log off at any time. This is on you.
Was going a spite-concert