930 Forums

=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: chaz on August 30, 2008, 09:24:00 pm

Title: iphone
Post by: chaz on August 30, 2008, 09:24:00 pm
Just got one today.  Love it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on August 30, 2008, 10:58:00 pm
I got the 32gb itouch.  Awesome!!!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on August 30, 2008, 11:11:00 pm
it's been hard picking 16gb of music for the phone.. also have a 160 gb ipod so don't have to think too hard about that one...
 but for exchange active sync, multimedia and phone it's a great device.  only concern is batterly life but too early to tell on that front yet.  and keybord takes a bit of getting used to to but i'm sure i will.
 And the selection of free apps is great.  useful and fun stuff.  I can actually stream pandora without even being on the 3g network.  and location based services are a hoot too, not sure how much i'll endup using them but we'll see.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on August 31, 2008, 09:39:00 am
<img src="http://www.petelacis.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/funnyiphonedouche.gif" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on August 31, 2008, 10:05:00 am
Ha, couldn't have put that any better myself.  Rarely are displays of douche-baggery executed with more perfection than by you.  I imagine now you'll talk about 1980-whatever and and how nobody at the old 930 would ever have an iphone or a piece of high tech kit...."back in the day we used blood trails and smoke signals to communicate".....
 You can stop all that old school posturing btw...think you're the only person on this board with a resume?  Rarely have seen someone with such a constant need to flash their little "scenester" card.  Is there something you're trying to compensate for, or have the past 25 years just not been kind to you?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Got Haggis? on August 31, 2008, 10:28:00 am
yeah it is easily the best phone I have ever owned. I haven't had any issues with battery life, it battery life is much better than my old motorola q9h.  I only have a few gripes - no MMS, the keyboard slowdowns (patch didn't fix it), and the speaker isn't very loud....other than that, great phone.  It suits my needs.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Driveway on August 31, 2008, 01:26:00 pm
Okay, so here's an honest question.  Can it really function as a cell phone and a fully functional ipod?  I currently have the 5th Gen Black 30 gig ipod.  Does the iphone serve musical needs as much as the other ipod models?  I love the controls on the 5th gen.  I can't imagine trying to change songs on an iphone while driving.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 31, 2008, 02:03:00 pm
I'm holding out high hopes for the HTC Touch Diamond (http://www.htc.com/www/product.aspx?id=46278), otherwise I may bolt Sprint.
 The second iteration of the iPhone met all my complaints about the first gen version, I'm still just really concerned about at&t's 3g network.  I look forward to folks opinions on that and how the exchange server sync performs compared to Win Mobile phones.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on August 31, 2008, 02:27:00 pm
Originally posted by DriveWay:
  Okay, so here's an honest question.  Can it really function as a cell phone and a fully functional ipod?  I currently have the 5th Gen Black 30 gig ipod.  Does the iphone serve musical needs as much as the other ipod models?  I love the controls on the 5th gen.  I can't imagine trying to change songs on an iphone while driving.
Besides the space limitations it's stellar as an ipod....best ipod interface i've used yet.  Once you were used to it don't see why it would be any harder to use when driving than a 5th gen ipod.
 As far as exchange support, this was HUGE concern.  Came from 2 years of BB's and winmobile devices provided my my job (which i'm leaving in a few weeks, hence the new phone).  So far it's by far the best exchange interface i've used by a mile.  HTML e-mails look great, easy to browse other folder besides just inbox, great so far.
 Can't say much about 3g yet....but i've had no problems.
 I've been using smartphones since the first color screen samsung palm os phone from way back when, and have had 5 or 6 in between.  This is so far my favorite of the lot.
 Like i said though, still no comment on battery since i have not settled in to regular usage and still getting used the keyboard...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on August 31, 2008, 04:55:00 pm
Mine gets through the day on a charge but needs to be charged nightly. As for storage space, I like having fewer albums on it. I had a hard time deciding what to listen to on my 20gb ipod which this replaced. I've been adding music via a 4gb smart playlist of albums I haven't listened to in more than 6 months plus whatever new things I've recently bought. I'm only using it with gmail imap.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on August 31, 2008, 06:13:00 pm
Originally posted by chaz:
  Ha, couldn't have put that any better myself.  Rarely are displays of douche-baggery executed with more perfection than by you.  I imagine now you'll talk about 1980-whatever and and how nobody at the old 930 would ever have an iphone or a piece of high tech kit...."back in the day we used blood trails and smoke signals to communicate".....
 You can stop all that old school posturing btw...think you're the only person on this board with a resume?  Rarely have seen someone with such a constant need to flash their little "scenester" card.  Is there something you're trying to compensate for, or have the past 25 years just not been kind to you?
No, I just think corporate fanbois are douches... whether for Apple or any other expensive gimmick... your little rant suggests that I appear to have hit a nerve and confirms my point.     :D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on August 31, 2008, 06:15:00 pm
Why does buying a phone make you a corporate fanboy? Are all blackberry or nokia owners corporate fanboys? Blackberry people seem to be pretty rabid about their product, too. The iphone is better than my nokia 6230 (except for battery life) so I like it more.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on August 31, 2008, 07:12:00 pm
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
Originally posted by chaz:
  Ha, couldn't have put that any better myself.  Rarely are displays of douche-baggery executed with more perfection than by you.  I imagine now you'll talk about 1980-whatever and and how nobody at the old 930 would ever have an iphone or a piece of high tech kit...."back in the day we used blood trails and smoke signals to communicate".....
 You can stop all that old school posturing btw...think you're the only person on this board with a resume?  Rarely have seen someone with such a constant need to flash their little "scenester" card.  Is there something you're trying to compensate for, or have the past 25 years just not been kind to you?
No, I just think corporate fanbois are douches... whether for Apple or any other expensive gimmick... your little rant suggests that I appear to have hit a nerve and confirms my point.         :D     [/b]
Corporate fanboy not quite.  When someone does something right I don't care who it is...but your predictable contrarian reactionary stance on this and so many topics reminds me of the pimply faced teenagers I see at starbucks with their vans and hot topic punk rock t-shirts.  I'll just enjoy you, as I do them, with a smile from now on....
      <img src="http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:1b163Ufov51WFM:http://www.orangeneko.com" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on August 31, 2008, 08:41:00 pm
Chip, buying something doesn't make you a fanboy, loving an inanimate object does.  People actually love their Blackberries?  That's even more disturbing.  
 Chaz, apparently you read my posts at least enough to be bothered by them... after many years on this board, the only thing I've ever noticed about you is that you are in love with your new Apple product... and I only took note of this because you took it way too personally when I goofed on Iphones... not even directly on you... and not even seriously.   I might even get one if they ever get around to incorporating basic smartphone features like copy and paste.  Get over yourself.  :)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on August 31, 2008, 10:08:00 pm
Duh...I don't  LOVE love my phone silly.  I do have a very very strong like for my gadgets, toys and stereos though.  I work in IT so deal with folks all the time with misguided love/hate towards apple, ms, palm, cisco, sonicwall the list goes on and on and on, and yes it drives me crazy when boneheaded users who've seen too many apple ads say "this wouldn't have happened if we just all had macs here" (though i know now i'm treading into dangerous territory so I won't go there...)
 All said yeah I probably lashed out over the fanboy jab.....because I loathe so many of these fanboy idiots i deal with on the job.  But how could I not resist posting that .jpg of Rick from the Young Ones?
 And I'll give you cut and paste, should have it.  But in all actuality, after 8 or so years of pda/smartphone use I can probably count on one hand the number of times i've used copy/paste.
 See there...aren't you so glad I convinced you to go out and buy and iphone?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: taperkat on September 03, 2008, 09:05:00 am
I used to sell them.
 i'd never own one.
 iPod touch does everything you need, and if you need internet in the palm of your hand, may i suggest implanting a laptop in your arm   :(
 no, seriously, i think people are way too addicted to their iphones, and i think they're a very poor phone, and a decent ipod.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: bearman🐻 on September 03, 2008, 10:06:00 am
I love mine.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on September 03, 2008, 11:13:00 am
Originally posted by chaz:
 See there...aren't you so glad I convinced you to go out and buy and iphone?
I think Iphone is a good thing because they've forced the mobile market to reconsider its assumptions and develop new ideas... but I am still waiting for the product that will actually do what Iphone tries to do, well.  
 And on my part, sorry for the douche comment.  :)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on September 03, 2008, 07:39:00 pm
Originally posted by -kat-:
  iPod touch does everything you need, and if you need internet in the palm of your hand, may i suggest implanting a laptop in your arm    :(  
except make phone calls, sync with my exchange server, gps....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 03, 2008, 09:25:00 pm
My phone slides.
 It's incredibly late 07/early 08
 I suck.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on September 03, 2008, 10:28:00 pm
Originally posted by DeathFromAbove1979:
  My phone slides.
 It's incredibly late 07/early 08
 I suck.
A phone does not make a man, the clothes do.  Just ask Julian.
 Thou dost not suck.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 04, 2008, 11:42:00 am
Originally posted by chaz:
  except make phone calls, sync with my exchange server, gps....
What laptop doesn't sync with an exchange server?  I'm pretty sure laptops did that long before phones.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on September 04, 2008, 11:54:00 am
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by chaz:
  except make phone calls, sync with my exchange server, gps....
What laptop doesn't sync with an exchange server?  I'm pretty sure laptops did that long before phones. [/b]
don't bust my balls, i'm just saying that relative to the iphone the ipod touch doesn't do every thing I "need".
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 03, 2009, 03:31:09 pm
So I finally gave in and got one.  I must admit it's pretty damn cool.   Although I hardly use the phone part of it at all.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 03, 2009, 03:42:53 pm
I'll just bite my tounge ;)  That is until I hear you use the "L" word.

Just browse the free apps and you'll find a ton of fun and handy things.  Enjoy!!!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on February 03, 2009, 04:31:15 pm
I have the 8 gig iTouch

:( There's not enough space...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 03, 2009, 04:46:51 pm
I got it because I was facing a 22+ hour series of flights, and I needed some distraction... it worked beautifully, between the crossword puzzles app, the downloaded movies, and the itunes.    The tiny screen is so sharp that after a few minutes of watching a movie, you forget what a small screen your watching it on.

I'm not gonna say I love it though, until they give me copy and paste.  :)     It would also be super cool for jet-setters like myself if Skype was available so you could make free international calls over wi-fi.

I got the 8 gig which may have been a mistake....

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 03, 2009, 06:59:13 pm
16 GB was a no-brainer  for me.  I won't bite when the 32 GB comes out, but when they hit 64 it's upgrade time.....

Most of my music is ripped at 320 or apple lossless (if I ripped it myself) so it fills up quick.

I still need my 160 GB ipod classic.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chulahoma on February 03, 2009, 07:01:24 pm
video chat coming soon to iphone?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 03, 2009, 07:18:53 pm
Yes, because AT&T's network is having no problems with the demands being placed on the network right now, let's add two-way video to it...

How they get a patent on it though, I'm not sure.  You can already video chat on many phones in Europe and Asia...but in the US the camera on the front of the phone is generally removed because US networks supposedly can't handle the traffic.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 03, 2009, 07:28:10 pm
I tell ya, we Americans like to think we're ahead of the rest of the world in every respect... but technologically we are sooo far behind Asia it's not even funny.   Even poorer Asian countries have more and better mobile options than we do.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 03, 2009, 07:44:59 pm
I tell ya, we Americans like to think we're ahead of the rest of the world in every respect... but technologically we are sooo far behind Asia it's not even funny.   Even poorer Asian countries have more and better mobile options than we do.

That's a little bit unfair, but factually correct.  While the US invented the Mobile phone, other countries benefited from being second to market, but I wouldn't ever stifle our innovation just to reap the benefits of being second to market. 

Our real problem is a mobile industry that under-estimates what it's consumers are capable of and are willing to do on these high powered devices.  The original owners of the infrastructure were the phone companies, so they applied the old telecom model to the mobile industry, when it required an entirely new model.  This of course led to the US Telecoms protecting their bread and butter (landlines), creating a conflict that led to the suppression of mobile innovation in the States.  The technology is there, the industry just refuses to open it up to it's customers.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on February 03, 2009, 11:30:20 pm
Doomie, where are you going this time? Gaza? Feel free to start another thread about this if you feel the discussion will go somewhere.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 04, 2009, 05:49:10 pm
I actually just got home the day before yesterday, from Thailand...  my job doesn't take me to war zones anymore...

Vansmack,  I agree that the real problem is the phone companies.  In Indonesia you can find a million different kinds of cell phone, and they're all unlocked.  And you can buy a SIM card from a guy selling stuff from a cardboard box on the sidewalk.   Too much control here.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on February 04, 2009, 06:48:53 pm
I actually just got home the day before yesterday, from Thailand...  my job doesn't take me to war zones anymore...

Vansmack,  I agree that the real problem is the phone companies.  In Indonesia you can find a million different kinds of cell phone, and they're all unlocked.  And you can buy a SIM card from a guy selling stuff from a cardboard box on the sidewalk.   Too much control here.
can i take all these statements, reuse them and take them completely out of context at a later point of my choosing?     :)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 04, 2009, 07:01:03 pm
In Indonesia you can find a million different kinds of cell phone, and they're all unlocked.  And you can buy a SIM card from a guy selling stuff from a cardboard box on the sidewalk.   Too much control here.

There's nothing stopping you from buying the phone there, getting a free phone from AT&T or TMobile (this will not work on Sprint or Verizon) and taking the SIM card out and putting it in the Indonesian phone...but yes, way too much control here.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Firebutt McGee on February 04, 2009, 07:59:05 pm
Google phone, ftw. I'm on it right now!

And we have a killer Skype app. I just wish we'd get flash soon.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 04, 2009, 08:04:45 pm
Oh, I didn't realize Windows Mobile phones were the only one's with Flash. (http://www.adobe.com/mobile/)

Maybe if you're all lucky, they'll make a Silverlight App for Android too so Apple and Google folks can use flash based apps (a la Netflix streaming for the Mac).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 07, 2009, 12:06:47 am
i'm finding the best use for my iPhone are the Facebook and Myspace apps.  I like that all the clutter of those sites is just out when just doing update checks.  I also like being able to download podcasts directly to the iPhone.  I've even become a Facebook convert after starting to access it via the iPhone.  Last.fm and Pandora are nice to have apps as well on the iPhone.  I'm hoping the recent update make Safari more stable...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 07, 2009, 01:08:31 am
Contrary to what seems to be a universal iphone complaint, i don't think safari has ever crashed on me once.

And I totally agree about the FB app...it's great.  Buggy for a while, but rock solid the last two releases.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 07, 2009, 03:18:20 pm
the browser most often crashes when i'm using it play either Mob Wars or Pirates on Facebook, but those apps are notorious for crashing the browser due to causing it run out of memory... so far the update appears to make some it more stable when using those apps.  and hint hint i'm always on the look out for new facebook friends and crew members, pm me....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 13, 2009, 12:10:20 pm
The latest safari update has certainly made it more crash proof for the web pages I've most.

And speaking of iPhone browsers, there are now two new ones that operate in full screen mode.  Basically hiding away the status and address bar for more real estate.  Both have similar functionality bookmarks, auto-complete.

FullBrowser was the first and is now .99

Full Screen Web Browser is being launched and is free today (2/13)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 13, 2009, 01:16:44 pm
Opera Mini vs. iPhone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jj4pkVoV9A)

Or Skyfire (http://www.skyfire.com/) with built-in Flash support.  Makes youporn scream...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 13, 2009, 01:57:27 pm
Opera Mini vs. iPhone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jj4pkVoV9A)

I don't get it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on February 13, 2009, 02:04:11 pm
Opera Mini vs. iPhone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jj4pkVoV9A)

I don't get it.

i do, i do.  it's called subconscious marketing.  you see, the guy on the left is opera mini.  he is good looking (sort of), dresses indie-ish, beard growth, sees well, in the know.  ie, he is cool.  the guy on the right is i-phone.  he is tall, lanky, dorky looking, dresses like someone you would beat up, wears glasses, not cool enough to be seen with the guy on the left and what he does, hell nobody even calls him.  so . . . buy the opera mini or face the horrible fact that you must be cool in this world to survive.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 13, 2009, 02:23:45 pm
Opera Mini vs. iPhone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jj4pkVoV9A)

I can't get it.

I know, because the Apple doesn't let the iPhone play nice with other browsers - even the superior ones that are free.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 13, 2009, 05:33:08 pm
I've used Opera on Windows Mobile before and thought it was OK. 

The iphone has a few obvious shortcomings - no java, flash and the ubiquitous copy paste issue.

That said, I got my first palm pilot about 10 years ago, my first smartphone when samsung released their first Palm OS based phone that had a color screen a few years after that, have had a million blackberries and windows mobile phones, treos etc for various jobs and also to satisfy my own gadget lust.

In a big picture sense, none of them hold a candle to the experience I've had with the iphone.  I could pick out a few things about some of them that trump the iphone in one way or another.  But overall, IMHO, the Iphone just crushes all of them.  And that's before you even consider that it's got a built in Ipod or the App Store which just gets better and better all the time.

And that's all I've got to say about that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 13, 2009, 06:29:39 pm
And that's all I've got to say about that.

Somehow, I doubt that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 13, 2009, 06:49:46 pm
And that's all I've got to say about that.

Somehow, I doubt that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 13, 2009, 06:59:12 pm
The thing is though, the app store is kinda like one of those old company stores in mining towns, where the workers were paid in vouchers rather than cash and so could only shop there.   It's really obnoxious of Apple to limit customers to only apps puchased through them (although also very typically Apple).

Having had the iphone for three weeks now, it's the coolest handheld I've used in many ways.  But Apple's closed mentality is really irritating.   Also annoying, the crappy camera which is pretty much useless for night shots (although it appears if you're willing to "jailbreak" your phone, you can buy a better camera app), lack of video, and lack of copy and paste.

By and large though, it's not a purchase I regret.   
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 13, 2009, 07:22:27 pm
But Apple's closed mentality is really irritating. 

But when hasn't Apple been this way?  I won't doubt that their products are lovely, but people glaze over the real problem with their business structures.  What they lack in true substance, they make up for in style, and while being so highly touted for "innovation" they do much more to stifle innovation.  But that won't stop the flock...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Driveway on February 14, 2009, 09:12:55 am
I'm sort of torn between getting an iphone or the google phone.  What's a boy supposed to do?  If the damn thing was on Verizon, it would be a no brainer.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 14, 2009, 01:09:37 pm
But Apple's closed mentality is really irritating. 

But when hasn't Apple been this way?  I won't doubt that their products are lovely, but people glaze over the real problem with their business structures.  What they lack in true substance, they make up for in style, and while being so highly touted for "innovation" they do much more to stifle innovation.  But that won't stop the flock...

I agree...  I still like the phone though. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 16, 2009, 09:14:16 pm
But Apple's closed mentality is really irritating.   Also annoying, the crappy camera which is pretty much useless for night shots (although it appears if you're willing to "jailbreak" your phone, you can buy a better camera app), lack of video, and lack of copy and paste.

I love the World Mobile Conference...

After a few more weeks of use and your list could be this long:

No bluetooth music streaming and/or file transfers (video is out of the question)
No drag and drop file juggling
No Flash support inside Safari (where the heck is Opera Mobile and/or SkyFire for this thing)
No Java
No copy and paste
No tethering
No front camera
No video recording
No video calls
No user replaceable battery
No radio
No VGA resolution
No IR port (it's something I take for granted, using my phone as a remote for well...anything just about)
No physical keyboard
No external storage card support (Micro SDHC cards are up to 32 GB now, 8GB is NOT enough these days, especially for a media device)
No voice command (WM devices and even some "el-cheapo" phones have featured this for years now)
No MMS (it doesn't have phone-to-phone MMS, it has phone-to-air-to-phone picture sharing necessitating a data plan)
No Live TV (that doesnt require you to be connected to an app like Orb on your home PC, which defeats the purpose, why would I want to watch it on a dinky non VGA screen instead of just on my home PC when im at home anyways)
No camera flash
No camera zoom
Same old, subpar, 2 MP camera for that matter
No multitasking
No turn-by-turn voice navigation system
Limited video format support
Limited picture format support
Limited file format support in general
Only 128 MB of RAM (Cant run many apps simultaneously -- I mean not that it matters since multitasking is for all intents and purposes out of the question! New WM phones are getting 256+ MB of RAM, with 150+ MB free on bootup)
Source in the comments (http://www.engadget.com/2009/02/16/microsoft-announces-windows-marketplace-for-windows-mobile/)

And Nokia signed up for Flash 10 (http://www.engadget.com/2009/02/16/nokia-also-joins-adobe-initiative-flash-10-for-almost-all/), joining MS, Google and Palm, leaving Apple and RIM (Blackberry) as the only two not signed up.  Why?  Hardware limitations.  Oh, and Jobs is probably hardballing.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on February 16, 2009, 09:39:37 pm
sorry, wrong thread.  has been moved.  i forget this is about iphone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Firebutt McGee on February 17, 2009, 04:49:40 pm
I'm sort of torn between getting an iphone or the google phone.  What's a boy supposed to do?  If the damn thing was on Verizon, it would be a no brainer.

I say GooglePhone all the way!

We are KILLING it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on February 17, 2009, 05:16:13 pm
How do I get out of contract without paying early termination fee? What's a good excuse? Got laid off?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on February 17, 2009, 05:43:55 pm
How do I get out of contract without paying early termination fee? What's a good excuse? Got laid off?

i've read of two ways:
- there are website where you can "sell" your contract, like cell swapper.  essentially you transfer what is left of you contract to someone else.  you might lose a little bit of money, but it will be a lot less than the termination fee.
- become an "expensive" customer for the cell company, then ask them to drop you.  "expensive" = using every second of your free/unlimited night-time minutes, downloading a lot of data, etc.  do that for a few weeks, and they'll be asking you to leave when you call to cancel.

for more info, google "get out of your cell phone contract".
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on February 17, 2009, 05:44:31 pm
man smackie really hates the iphone
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 17, 2009, 06:46:40 pm
How do I get out of contract without paying early termination fee? What's a good excuse? Got laid off?

In California, there is an order holding off on all termination fees as they were recently judged illegal under CA law.  The process is awaiting appeals and Federal intervention.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 17, 2009, 07:12:00 pm
man smackie really hates the iphone

Now now, that's an unfair characterization of my stance on the iPhone.

First off, I hate at&t much more than I find the iPhone to be a sub-innovative phone.  Their data network is ridiculously slow and has been behind the rest of the competition for some time.

I also am opposed to Apple's business practices surrounding the iPhone.  A permanent exclusive contract with a carrier is horrible for an industry that already lags behind the rest of the developed world.  I'm not saying they need a CDMA (Sprint/Verizon) and GSM (at&t/T-Mobile) version, but their GSM version should be available on more than one carrier for the sake of competition.  As it is now, you're beholden to at&t and Apple, and that stifles innovation and competition.  We've already seen this process repeated with other new devices on the market, and only the consumer suffers. 

As for the phone itself, I'm opposed in much the same way I was opposed to the iPod when it first came out.  It's hailed as this innovative device that will change the way we use XXX device, when in actuality, the marketing and buzz factor have far outpaced any innovations that are actually in the phone itself.  While I can name a dozen things the iPhone is not capable of doing, I can't name a single thing that the iPhone can do that my WinMo phone can't do EXCEPT play Apple's proprietary songs and sync with Apple's proprietary music player (iTunes). 

Not all is bad though - just the buzz surrounding it has made the smartphone market much more popular.  I have had a smartphone for well over 5 years (first a BBerry, then a Palm and now my second WinMo phone) and I'm glad that it's reaching the masses.  It's easy to use interface has also made manufacturers pressure software developers like Microsoft/RIM/Palm to make their UI more user friendly (or, in some cases they've done it themselves, like HTC amd Samsung) and that's a really good thing.   The App store has moved MS/Google/Palm in that direction and I think that's a fabulous idea for getting these apps to the no-technical users.  But by locking out the phone to apps only provided through the app store, the company has done a huge disservice to both developers and iPhone users.

So, for all of it's good traits, it hasn't done anything to force the industry to better serve it's customers and embrace new REAL innovations.  I would go as far as to argue that it's done more to allow the consumer to be complacent with what we have here in the states, and that's a shame.  I have high hopes for Google in this space as I think they will produce a product that will bring real innovation to a space where MS/Palm/RIM had gotten a little lazy.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 17, 2009, 08:36:03 pm
I don't know.  I've been looking for a phone like this for many years and nothing else has come close.   The Google phone looks promising, and I like the open philosophy so much better than Apple.  But the first entry looks decidedly early-adopter ish.   I think in a couple of years Google's platform will be a force to reckon with, but not yet.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 18, 2009, 01:13:01 pm
Why people would stand for such censorship is beyond me....

Apple nixes 'potentially offensive' South Park app (http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-10165736-37.html?tag=nl.e703)

The company has now twice rejected an iPhone application designed to let iPhone owners watch clips of the long-running show featuring the exploits of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny. Apple apparently feels that South Park's content is "potentially offensive," according to Boing Boing, and will not allow it onto the App Store.

The article does go on to point that they have no problem with the offensive material as long as they make money off of it, such as when you buy it for $1.99 in the iTunes store, just not when it's offensive and free....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on February 18, 2009, 01:48:28 pm
man smackie really hates the iphone

Now now, that's an unfair characterization of my stance on the iPhone.

First off, I hate at&t much more than I find the iPhone to be a sub-innovative phone.  Their data network is ridiculously slow and has been behind the rest of the competition for some time.

I also am opposed to Apple's business practices surrounding the iPhone.  A permanent exclusive contract with a carrier is horrible for an industry that already lags behind the rest of the developed world.  I'm not saying they need a CDMA (Sprint/Verizon) and GSM (at&t/T-Mobile) version, but their GSM version should be available on more than one carrier for the sake of competition.  As it is now, you're beholden to at&t and Apple, and that stifles innovation and competition.  We've already seen this process repeated with other new devices on the market, and only the consumer suffers. 

As for the phone itself, I'm opposed in much the same way I was opposed to the iPod when it first came out.  It's hailed as this innovative device that will change the way we use XXX device, when in actuality, the marketing and buzz factor have far outpaced any innovations that are actually in the phone itself.  While I can name a dozen things the iPhone is not capable of doing, I can't name a single thing that the iPhone can do that my WinMo phone can't do EXCEPT play Apple's proprietary songs and sync with Apple's proprietary music player (iTunes). 

Not all is bad though - just the buzz surrounding it has made the smartphone market much more popular.  I have had a smartphone for well over 5 years (first a BBerry, then a Palm and now my second WinMo phone) and I'm glad that it's reaching the masses.  It's easy to use interface has also made manufacturers pressure software developers like Microsoft/RIM/Palm to make their UI more user friendly (or, in some cases they've done it themselves, like HTC amd Samsung) and that's a really good thing.   The App store has moved MS/Google/Palm in that direction and I think that's a fabulous idea for getting these apps to the no-technical users.  But by locking out the phone to apps only provided through the app store, the company has done a huge disservice to both developers and iPhone users.

So, for all of it's good traits, it hasn't done anything to force the industry to better serve it's customers and embrace new REAL innovations.  I would go as far as to argue that it's done more to allow the consumer to be complacent with what we have here in the states, and that's a shame.  I have high hopes for Google in this space as I think they will produce a product that will bring real innovation to a space where MS/Palm/RIM had gotten a little lazy.
i was just teasing, but sometimes it reads like youre a cable user telling me that directv is terrible. i dont get the copy/paste thing at all though
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 18, 2009, 02:05:30 pm
I can certainly see where someone could object to the closed nature of the App Store.  But it has its plusses too - I'm talking QC.  Back in my palm OS days many people were developing apps for it, they usually weren't free and 90% of them were utter crap which would often kill the phone, requiring factory resets etc.  I'll agree that the fact that apple decides what gets into its store is unfortunate but the business model is not completely without its plusses.

I do think it's unfortunate that it is exclusive to ATT though.  However, I'm happy with ATT as a carrier.  It doesn't hurt that I get a company discount for ATT, but I like that they are unionized, their customer service is far and away better than any previous carrier I've had.  This is the 1st 3g phone I've had so i can't compare there, but it certainly blows the other Edge/Sprint Vision phones I've used.

Did I mention it has an Ipod built in?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 18, 2009, 08:35:09 pm
I can certainly see where someone could object to the closed nature of the App Store.  But it has its plusses too - I'm talking QC. 

So why not do both?  Have a guarantee that any application that is provided via the app store will not break your phone (for the kids and moms and pops out there) and let the rest of us more risky folks who are competent and want to test stuff have access to other apps that have the potential to improve our user experience (like a better browser, camera app, video app, or streaming media that is not provided by iTunes)?  There are many answers to this, but an easy one is that Apple is afraid to be shown by any other developer on it's own hardware.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 18, 2009, 08:40:07 pm
Did I mention it has an Ipod built in?

This is one of the more ridiculous reasons to love the iPhone.  It simply perpetuates Apple's our way or no way mentality.  Many phones, long before the iPhone have had the ability to play music, but only one has the ability to sync with proprietary software and play protected songs that can only be purchased through that proprietary software.  Please don't perpetuate that business model as it's clearly slowing down innovation in the industry - and it's hard for me to defend this industry in particular, but they're right in this case.

And I'll just go on record as saying that when Apple finally goes to a subscription model (and they will have no choice but to do so), it will be haled as the greatest thing to happen to the industry since the invention of the iPod.  As ridiculous as that sounds.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 18, 2009, 08:45:56 pm
it reads like youre a cable user telling me that directv is terrible. i dont get the copy/paste thing at all though

I'd like to think that my reputation on tech allows me to speak openly and freely about devices, even one's that I have chosen not to buy myself.  But please don't confuse not purchasing a device with not thoroughly vetting a device - I have spent my fair share of time with an iPhone.  I have no problem admitting that I am simply a tech dork and will test anything....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on February 19, 2009, 10:07:46 am
the list of problems taken from the comments section of a windows mobile article sounded kind of silly is all
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 19, 2009, 12:37:06 pm
Palm is just dated and old, we'll see how the new OS and the Pre is and whether or not there is much 3rd party development for it.   If so, it could be a contender.

Blackberry is just boring.  Good for work and not much else.

WinMo phones have always been the buggiest pieces of tech I've ever owned or supported.  Memory leaks, constant crashes, reboots.  mulithreaded is nice but they way they handle it is imo retarded.  All apps just keep running until you go into task manager and kill it.   And not a lot of 3rd party development for it, at least compared to the salad days of Palm OS and Iphone.

I don't see any google phone supporting Active Sync so it is out for me on the basis of that alone.

However I stack it up Iphone comes on top for me everytime . 

Smackie I respectfully agree to disagree with you on this one!

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 19, 2009, 12:40:04 pm
I can certainly see where someone could object to the closed nature of the App Store.  But it has its plusses too - I'm talking QC. 

So why not do both?  Have a guarantee that any application that is provided via the app store will not break your phone (for the kids and moms and pops out there) and let the rest of us more risky folks who are competent and want to test stuff have access to other apps that have the potential to improve our user experience (like a better browser, camera app, video app, or streaming media that is not provided by iTunes)?  There are many answers to this, but an easy one is that Apple is afraid to be shown by any other developer on it's own hardware.

That, and the fact that they don't get a cut of the action if it doesn't come from the app store.
I agree it's not perfect, but little is, except for the Baby Jesus of course.  And perhaps Husker Du's Zen Arcade.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 19, 2009, 07:19:20 pm
Interesting article today about how Apple is trying to assert that "jailbreaking" an Iphone to run non-approved apps should carry legal penalties for users.  Sounds like they're interested in more than just quality control:


It's been an interesting experience owning this phone.  I like the phone more than any I've owned.  But I also dislike Apple more than ever.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 20, 2009, 12:46:17 am
Interesting article today about how Apple is trying to assert that "jailbreaking" an Iphone to run non-approved apps should carry legal penalties for users.  Sounds like they're interested in more than just quality control:


It's been an interesting experience owning this phone.  I like the phone more than any I've owned.  But I also dislike Apple more than ever.

Yeah of course they are interested in way more than qc....as i said above they're interested in a cut of the action for every single app sold through the app store....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on February 20, 2009, 05:18:59 pm
wow . . . now even phones hate gay people.


i wonder if they substituted any other "group" instead of gays, if it would be considered a "fun app"?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 20, 2009, 05:26:12 pm
wow . . . now even phones hate gay people.


i wonder if they substituted any other "group" instead of gays, if it would be considered a "fun app"?
I'm suprised you are just now getting wise to the long standing anti-gay agenda that most phones have.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on February 20, 2009, 05:27:49 pm
wow . . . now even phones hate gay people.


i wonder if they substituted any other "group" instead of gays, if it would be considered a "fun app"?
I'm suprised you are just now getting wise to the long standing anti-gay agenda that most phones have.

but they have vibrate.  gays love vibrate.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 20, 2009, 07:45:14 pm
wow . . . now even phones hate gay people.

Not all phones are anti-gay!


Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on February 20, 2009, 11:19:39 pm

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 10, 2009, 04:45:34 pm
Apple rejects Tweetie 1.3 for foul language in Twitter trends (http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/10/apple-stupidly-rejects-tweetie-1-3-for-foul-language-in-twitter/)

Apple's just reached a whole new level of stupidity in App Store approval shenanigans: the Tweetie 1.3 update was just rejected for displaying "offensive language" in its Twitter trend search view. Right, not for offensive language in the app itself, but for offensive language on Twitter -- an insanely strict new standard that could conceivably be used to reject each and every iPhone Twitter client out there. (And if you haven't noticed, there are quite a few iPhone Twitter clients.) Hell, Apple might as well reject the next versions of Safari and Mail, since they can display dirty words too -- and let's not forget the awful things people are doing with Notes and the camera. Better lock it down.

Look, Apple -- this is a nadir. Rejecting a Twitter client for Twitter's content is simply indefensible, and it's a sign that the App Store approval "process" is broken beyond repair. It's time to drop the seemingly-random black-box approach -- which has earned nothing but well-deserved scorn -- open up, establish consistent, easy-to-understand rules with a well-defined appeals process, and actually work with innovative developers like Tweetie's Loren Brichter to push your platform forward in the face of newly-stiff competition. The massive popularity of the iPhone and the App Store may prevent a mass exodus, but the best devs are going to leave if they feel jerked around, and we doubt a store full of fart apps and misogynistic jiggle apps is really the vision you had for your platform. Think about it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 12, 2009, 02:29:03 pm
Clever move.

SiriusXM Developing iPhone Streaming Radio App (http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/12/sirius-xm-developing-iphone-ipod-touch-streaming-radio-app/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: bellenseb on March 12, 2009, 03:07:22 pm
I suppose, but I don't see that much appeal when you can get literally any station on your iPhone, mostly for free. I'd be shocked if SiriusXM gave it away.

Clever move.

SiriusXM Developing iPhone Streaming Radio App (http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/12/sirius-xm-developing-iphone-ipod-touch-streaming-radio-app/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 12, 2009, 04:16:58 pm
I suppose, but I don't see that much appeal when you can get literally any station on your iPhone, mostly for free. I'd be shocked if SiriusXM gave it away.

What if you were a subscriber and SiriusXM gave you access to all of your channels via your iPhone?  Would that be enough to get more people to sign up for SiriusXM?  I'm seeing this as a potential boon for sports broadcasts (although I would love to read the fine print of that contract - I'm sure the sporting associations retained IP rights and granted SiriusXM satellite rights, but we'll see). 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on March 12, 2009, 07:19:33 pm
iPhone OS 3.0 shindig announced. (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/apple-announces-iphone-os-30-event-on-march-17/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 13, 2009, 11:35:23 am
it just annoys me how apple just can't seem to get the Mac Mini right.... it's latest version is just amazingly overpriced and underpowered in comparison to similar Wintel Machines...  the Mini is the machine I've been thinking about getting for awhile but it's just worth paying the Apple premium for one.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 13, 2009, 12:59:15 pm
just amazingly overpriced and underpowered

Nu-uh.  And Apple product?  Never heard of such a thing.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on March 13, 2009, 03:28:11 pm
the real innovation here is that you get BOTH overpriced and underpowered.  usually it's only one or the other :)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on March 15, 2009, 10:53:49 pm
iPhone 3.0 to have copy and paste, Pre-like features -- but no background apps (http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/15/iphone-3-0-to-have-copy-and-paste-pre-like-features-but-no-b/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on March 17, 2009, 02:44:14 pm
It's official - Iphone 3.0 will have copy/paste, MMS support, and my favorite, landscape keyboard in any app that uses the keyboard.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 17, 2009, 02:50:11 pm
Welcome to Windows Mobile 5.

Tell me (since I didn't make the event), can you take video yet to send with that MMS?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on March 17, 2009, 02:53:16 pm
supposedly the slingbox player app should be out shorty too:
i might have to get a slingbox now
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on March 17, 2009, 02:54:04 pm
Welcome to Windows Mobile 5.

Tell me (since I didn't make the event), can you take video yet to send with that MMS?

Right on cue!

Don't get me started on Windows Mobile.  Yes it does plenty when it's not crashing on you........

Honestly, I could care less about copy paste and mms....but I am really glad about finally having landscape keyboard...not sure how that got left out.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 17, 2009, 03:01:52 pm
but I am really glad about finally having landscape keyboard...not sure how that got left out.

That actually wasn't included in WinMo 6.1, but xda-developers built an app (called gyrator) that allowed that feature to be available on Win Mo phones because the people asked for it (and there was no process where by it was blocked by the MS).  If only, huh?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on March 17, 2009, 03:15:37 pm
but I am really glad about finally having landscape keyboard...not sure how that got left out.

That actually wasn't included in WinMo 6.1, but xda-developers built an app (called gyrator) that allowed that feature to be available on Win Mo phones because the people asked for it (and there was no process where by it was blocked by the MS).  If only, huh?

If only what?  Say it!!!  I want the whole diatribe again!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 17, 2009, 03:28:21 pm
Awww, did I piss on your iPhone 3.0 parade?

Hey, I will call a spade a spade and today's event was much a do about nothing.  Let's be honest here: Everything they're adding could have been done with a few simple program additions, but instead they're packaging it up and bringing it out as iPhone 3.0 when we all know it really ain't shit (and even charging the Touch owners!).  But hey, it's Apple and marketing is everything for them.  Some people just mistake marketing for innovation.

A real innovation would have been more RAM to run multiple apps efficiently  or add video capabilities, but instead you got iPhone 2.5 much the way WinMo got 6.5 (and I was not kind to MS there either).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on March 17, 2009, 03:35:38 pm
Awww, did I piss on your iPhone 3.0 parade?

No not at all.  Your loathe the devise much more than I enjoy it.  I just like seeing you get hot under the collar over it. 

It's easy for me to hate big greedy companies like Apple and MS...but then I remember...if it weren't for these evil bastards I'd be framing houses or moving furniture or something like that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 17, 2009, 03:39:44 pm
Believe me.  You have yet to see me hot under the collar.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on March 17, 2009, 03:44:29 pm
Believe me.  You have yet to see me hot under the collar.
Ok, worked up, agitated whatever you want to call it.  Don't get me wrong though, I agree with most of what you're saying. 

Let's just say I enjoy and admire your passion for technology/gadgetry...god knows I have it too.  I was up til 1:30 last night doing a complete tear down and rebuild of my home theater.  I hate wires this morning.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on March 18, 2009, 02:28:14 pm
Apple shows off next version of iPhone software (http://www.iht.com/bin/printfriendly.php?id=20881549)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 18, 2009, 06:42:57 pm
I'm a little surprised people are talking about tethering being added to the iPhone.  In my eyes that's the best new feature - I can't tell you how valuable that is, especially with a netbook.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on March 19, 2009, 11:27:14 am
I love this photo:


It perfectly illustrates the amazing chutzpah of Apple -- they're showing off "Cut, copy, and paste" as if it's a brilliant, cutting edge idea that they just came up with, rather than a concept that's been around since (at least) the 1970s.   And the Apple fantypes actually buy into this kinda stuff.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on March 19, 2009, 11:37:24 am
I'm a little surprised people are talking about tethering being added to the iPhone.  In my eyes that's the best new feature - I can't tell you how valuable that is, especially with a netbook.
Maybe the one feature on teh iphone that i REALLY miss from the WinMo phones I've had...definately saved my ass a few times.  Will it be included in iphone 3.0?  I guess i didn't finish the article...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on March 19, 2009, 11:48:20 am
I love this photo:


It perfectly illustrates the amazing chutzpah of Apple -- they're showing off "Cut, copy, and paste" as if it's a brilliant, cutting edge idea that they just came up with

actually, they're showing it off as a new feature being added to the iPhone.  i don't see any "WE INVENTED COPY AND PASTE" banners.  i haven't read anything about apple claiming to be ahead of the curve on this one.  maybe you have?

what was the alternative - add copy and paste (finally) but not say anything?  this long-sought-after feature, as basic as it is, should be left for people to discover on their own?  people asked for it, apple delivered, albeit late in the game.  they had to promote it, but promotion <> claim of invention.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 19, 2009, 11:57:26 am
Will it be included in iphone 3.0? 

Yes, but it will require some agreement with your phone provider and Apple has said they will not step in and force the service provider to take any steps. As the iPhone is exclusive, I wouldn't look for much competition to add this to the existing plan at no charge.

Tethering is part of my Sprint Everything family plan, though I'm not sure if Verizon or T-Mobile include it without an additional charge.

In doing my research, I should point out that Apple 3.0 is USB tethering only (not bluetooth), but in my experience, the speed increase with USB tethering far out weighs the convenience of not using a cable. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on March 19, 2009, 12:27:16 pm
Will it be included in iphone 3.0? 

Yes, but it will require some agreement with your phone provider and Apple has said they will not step in and force the service provider to take any steps. As the iPhone is exclusive, I wouldn't look for much competition to add this to the existing plan at no charge.

Tethering is part of my Sprint Everything family plan, though I'm not sure if Verizon or T-Mobile include it without an additional charge.
T-Mobile is the only carrier I ever used a windows mobile device, and I think it worked with any unlimited data plan.  Not sure though, as it was a work phone so I didn't pay the bill or come up with the plan.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on March 19, 2009, 03:24:46 pm
Sweetcell, it all come down to how you look at it.

When a software company releases a bug patch, or adds an obvious feature that should have been there in the first place, are you overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration that they did something about it, or are you glad but still slightly annoyed that they sold you an incomplete piece of software in the first place?

If it's the former, you too may be a fanboi.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on March 19, 2009, 03:33:02 pm
if its the latter i wouldnt have bought the software in the first place
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on March 19, 2009, 04:41:59 pm
Sweetcell, it all come down to how you look at it.

When a software company releases a bug patch, or adds an obvious feature that should have been there in the first place, are you overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration that they did something about it, or are you glad but still slightly annoyed that they sold you an incomplete piece of software in the first place?

If it's the former, you too may be a fanboi.

i doubt i qualify as a fanboi - wouldn't i have to own one?   

who here is overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration?  i think my post was clearly in the "glad but still slightly annoyed" category, not that i have a horse in this race.  i'm sure the apple message boards are full of "praise be to Jobs for copy and paste" adirations, but that's the fanboi community.  apple can't take responsibility for them.

you still haven't explained how that image conveys the "amazing chutzpah of showing off "Cut, copy, and paste" as if it's a brilliant, cutting edge idea that they just came up with"?  i didn't watch the presentation so maybe the speaker did flaunt it like something new, but in that image i see someone pointing out a new few feature on their hardware - nothing more.  there is no "we invented this" banner or other messianic proclamation.  should they have ignored this new feature and not talked about it at all?  that extreme seems to be the only one that would make you happy... and i think that's unrealistic.  that's all.

that the iphone didn't have this capability from the outset is lame, but let's not mix topics.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on March 19, 2009, 04:47:38 pm
When a software company releases a bug patch, or adds an obvious feature that should have been there in the first place, are you overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration that they did something about it, or are you glad but still slightly annoyed that they sold you an incomplete piece of software in the first place?

That all falls under what I have always called a MacHandicap.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on March 19, 2009, 09:57:51 pm
Have no idea if this works all that well or what. Just happened to see this article and thought I'd share it here. To be honest, I didn't even read it since I do not own an iPod nor an iPhone. Has anyone tried this and what are your thoughts on this?

Review: How an iPod can be a poor man's iPhone (http://tech.yahoo.com/news/ap/20090318/ap_on_hi_te/tec_tech_test_free_ipod_calls_1)

(Sorry if this has or something like this has been posted already as I tend to glide past any kind of iProducts info in here.)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on March 20, 2009, 12:27:32 am
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 26, 2009, 07:52:45 pm
supposedly the slingbox player app should be out shorty too:
i might have to get a slingbox now

This was submitted to the App store today and awaits approval.  If you promise not to watch any Skinimax on it I'm sure they'll approve it in no time.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 02, 2009, 12:15:45 pm
This ain't right:

Older Slingboxes won't work with Slingplayer for iPhone (http://www.engadget.com/2009/04/02/older-slingboxes-wont-work-with-slingplayer-for-iphone/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 02, 2009, 12:43:14 pm
congrats to the writer for not ending it with in this economy

but thats pretty terrible none the less
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 03, 2009, 12:48:58 pm
Will it be included in iphone 3.0? 

Yes, but it will require some agreement with your phone provider and Apple has said they will not step in and force the service provider to take any steps. As the iPhone is exclusive, I wouldn't look for much competition to add this to the existing plan at no charge.

Well, as predicted:

at&t Tweaks Wireless Terms of Service to Forbid Video Streaming, File Sharing, and Data Tethering (http://www.engadget.com/2009/04/03/atandt-tweaks-wireless-terms-of-service-to-forbid-video-streaming/)

I guess that means no Slingbox or tethering on the iPhone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 03, 2009, 12:54:39 pm
like the day after they come up with the app too. great
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 04, 2009, 07:14:26 pm
like the day after they come up with the app too. great

Well, because vansmack pointed out to us all that was wrong with that decision, we take it back. (http://www.engadget.com/2009/04/03/atandt-retracts-new-terms-of-service-apologizes/)  Our bad.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on April 15, 2009, 08:10:10 pm
at&t wants to extend (http://www.informationweek.com/news/personal_tech/iphone/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=216500884&tsp=1) its exclusivity agreement through 2011.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 15, 2009, 08:42:16 pm
at&t wants to extend (http://www.informationweek.com/news/personal_tech/iphone/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=216500884&tsp=1) its exclusivity agreement through 2011.

Of course they do.  It's done nothing but bring more and more subscribers.

It's just bad for everybody else not named at&t (and arguably Apple).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 28, 2009, 03:54:17 pm
at&t wants to extend (http://www.informationweek.com/news/personal_tech/iphone/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=216500884&tsp=1) its exclusivity agreement through 2011.

Verizon Said to Be in Talks for the iPhone (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/28/technology/companies/28verizon.html)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on April 28, 2009, 03:58:21 pm
at&t wants to extend (http://www.informationweek.com/news/personal_tech/iphone/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=216500884&tsp=1) its exclusivity agreement through 2011.

Verizon Said to Be in Talks for the iPhone (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/28/technology/companies/28verizon.html)
yeah, i saw that. . .if it comes to verizon, i certainly would be interested, since i would likely be in need of an upgrade by then. . .
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 28, 2009, 04:01:59 pm
Verizon Said to Be in Talks for the iPhone (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/28/technology/companies/28verizon.html)

Can't happen with this iPhone as there is no CDMA version, only GSM.  So maybe the next one or some other version of the phone (I'm hearing "iPhone lite").

If Apple and Verizon were smart, they would not build a CDMA version and instead work on an LTE version which could work on both at&t and Verizon, but of course we are at least a year or two away from LTE reaching the masses.

what I really suspect Verizon and Apple are talking about is being the data carrier for Apple laptops, since we all now the CDMA networks far surpass the GSM networks on data speeds.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on April 28, 2009, 04:21:43 pm
number one, withe all these funky phones that do everything nowadays (i feel depressed when i hear that the phone is the new "thing" to replace computers as the "do everything you will need" in one gadget) it makes me even sadder that nothing, besides the instinct is available for sprint.  the instinct is fine, but i am assuming nowhere near the power/substance of the blackberries/iphones.   is sprint the red headed child of the phone world? 

number two, has iphone released, or are they going to release an app that some people are saying will kill sat. radio?  it allows the phone to listen to internet radio stations, pandora, etc...(for free) in your car?  that will crush sirius who charges 14.00 a month plus x fee for listening on the internet plus x fees for switching radios.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on April 28, 2009, 04:29:39 pm
Verizon Said to Be in Talks for the iPhone (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/28/technology/companies/28verizon.html)

Can't happen with this iPhone as there is no CDMA version, only GSM.  So maybe the next one or some other version of the phone (I'm hearing "iPhone lite").

If Apple and Verizon were smart, they would not build a CDMA version and instead work on an LTE version which could work on both at&t and Verizon, but of course we are at least a year or two away from LTE reaching the masses.

what I really suspect Verizon and Apple are talking about is being the data carrier for Apple laptops, since we all now the CDMA networks far surpass the GSM networks on data speeds.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 28, 2009, 05:15:34 pm
number one, withe all these funky phones that do everything nowadays (i feel depressed when i hear that the phone is the new "thing" to replace computers as the "do everything you will need" in one gadget) it makes me even sadder that nothing, besides the instinct is available for sprint.  the instinct is fine, but i am assuming nowhere near the power/substance of the blackberries/iphones.   is sprint the red headed child of the phone world? 

if you're on sprint, give the HTC phones a try.  i really really like my HTC Touch, and it's at least 2 years old.  they are really nice & powerful phones.  i prefer HTCs to the instinct.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on April 28, 2009, 05:31:26 pm
number two, has iphone released, or are they going to release an app that some people are saying will kill sat. radio?  it allows the phone to listen to internet radio stations, pandora, etc...(for free) in your car?  that will crush sirius who charges 14.00 a month plus x fee for listening on the internet plus x fees for switching radios.

There are apps that allow users to listen to any internet radio stream (Tuner is one). I used it once to listen to WMUC along US-50 from the Beltway to Annapolis. It dropped out a couple of times because of lousy 3G coverage along the highway. In more heavily covered 3G areas, it probably stays connected much better.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 28, 2009, 06:03:39 pm
if you're on sprint, give the HTC phones a try.  i really really like my HTC Touch, and it's at least 2 years old.  they are really nice & powerful phones.  i prefer HTCs to the instinct.

I love my HTC Touch Diamond, and I still think the Diamond series are the best phones on the market.

I'd maybe give the Palm Pre a chance as well (exclusively on Sprint) - I hear it's going to be a great phone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 28, 2009, 11:31:05 pm
I'd maybe give the Palm Pre a chance as well (exclusively on Sprint) - I hear it's going to be a great phone.

be weary of the voices in your head :P
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 29, 2009, 06:59:12 pm
be weary of the voices in your hand

Will do.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 30, 2009, 01:26:28 am
Apple plots course for middle of mobile

    * Apple plans to develop a device that fits in between the iPhone and MacBook
    * Personal computer industry has long tried to make such a device a reality
    * Samsung made perhaps best-received UMPC, but that isn't saying much
    * This device would be more attractive with wide-area wireless networking

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 30, 2009, 11:58:42 am
    * This device would be more attractive with wide-area wireless networking

Hence the discussion with Verizon....

And by the way, that device is called a netbook.  Welcome to the game, Apple.

But if they're talking OQO style UMPC, might as well just buy that company and all their assets as they're in big trouble.  And at $2K per device, it's already in their price range, too.

Nonetheless, this techcrunch tablet prototype (http://www.crunchgear.com/2009/04/09/crunchtablet-hits-the-net-a-little-early/) is my next device:

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 30, 2009, 12:08:06 pm
how much is that going to be
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 30, 2009, 12:27:17 pm
And by the way, that device is called a netbook.  Welcome to the game, Apple.

no it isn't.  this thing won't have a keyboard.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 30, 2009, 12:36:22 pm
how much is that going to be

Michael Arrington, who is spearheading the 12 inch touchscreen web browser only project running on linux was shooting for $200, but it looks like it's going to be around $299.

It will likely be free with a data plan from a phone provider.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 30, 2009, 12:41:49 pm
no it isn't.  this thing won't have a keyboard.

Then it's what I posted in that picture, and there's no way Apple comes in under $300.  I will go out on a limb and say they don't come in under $598.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 30, 2009, 12:43:39 pm
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 30, 2009, 12:59:20 pm

Yep.  I'm watching that space closely.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 30, 2009, 01:04:18 pm
the only advantage to the netbook would be the ability to modify and attach word docs (read: apply for jobs online) in the practical sense, right?

maybe download files (if you catch my drift)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 30, 2009, 01:32:36 pm
the only advantage to the netbook would be the ability to modify and attach word docs (read: apply for jobs online) in the practical sense, right?

maybe download files (if you catch my drift)

Well, a full computer can be very useful for more demanding usage, but essentially you are correct.

There are times when a full keyboard will be necessary, especially if you plan to use this in a business setting.  I take my netbook to every meeting in my quest to live a paper free life (failing, by the way) and I don't think this would be practical for that (especially if the screen is visible - for example, do I want the people in the meeting I'm in now to know that I'm replying to to you on the board?  Probably not).

But if you're like me and the majority of your home use consists mostly of checking email, following fantasy sports teams, scores, and looking up stupid questions that may arise while watching TV or hanging out with friends, then I will gladly trade the keyboard for the larger screen and longer battery life.  This is the perfect device for that.  A stand will be required for porn though.

For minor edits of Word Docs, there are many cloud solutions available (and MS is working on their own version), but the touch keyboard will slow you down just a bit.

For downloading files and adding/saving attachments, just plug a flash drive in or, if your like me, save/add to/from your home server.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 30, 2009, 10:26:12 pm
And by the way, that device is called a netbook.  Welcome to the game, Apple.

looks like MS is still earning its stars in netbookdom: Switched On: Windows 7, Non-Starter Edition (http://www.engadget.com/2009/04/30/switched-on-windows-7-non-starter-edition/) (a little background (http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/30/windows-7-starter-edition-to-pave-the-way-for-200-netbooks/))
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on April 30, 2009, 11:04:19 pm
i just looked at this online and read about it and im in love, you beautiful piece of sprint hardware.  :-*

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 01, 2009, 12:47:05 pm
looks like MS is still earning its stars in netbookdom: Switched On: Windows 7, Non-Starter Edition (http://www.engadget.com/2009/04/30/switched-on-windows-7-non-starter-edition/) (a little background (http://www.engadget.com/2009/03/30/windows-7-starter-edition-to-pave-the-way-for-200-netbooks/))

With 96% of the netbook market, they deserve it.  However, the Starter Edition is really designed to fight piracy in third world countries (make a version so cheap that you'll buy the legal version and not the pirated version).

The 3 application limit is probably not a hindrance to most netbook users (I rarely use more than an email app and browser on my netbook), but, just in case, I run Win7 Ultimate edition without a hassle.  As a matter of fact, I install updated versions of Win7 on my netbook before any other computer in the smackie arsenal  (I put the release candidate on the book yesterday).  I don't have an XP or Vista machine left, just a bunch of Win7s, HomeServer, and one OSx for shits and giggles.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 04, 2009, 11:50:19 am
Now they've done pissed off Trent Reznor, the "digital music visionary who's gone it alone and found gold in the deep coffers of the Internet."  He had a few things to say in his forum:

I'll voice the same issue I had with Wal-Mart years ago, which is a matter of consistency and hypocrisy. Wal-Mart went on a rampage years ago insisting all music they carry be censored of all profanity and "clean" versions be made for them to carry. Bands (including Nirvana) tripped over themselves editing out words, changing album art, etc to meet Wal-Mart's standards of decency - because Wal-Mart sells a lot of records. NIN refused, and you'll notice a pretty empty NIN section at any Wal-Mart. My reasoning was this: I can understand if you want the moral posturing of not having any "indecent" material for sale - but you could literally turn around 180 degrees from where the NIN record would be and purchase the film "Scarface" completely uncensored, or buy a copy of Grand Theft Auto where you can be rewarded for beating up prostitutes. How does that make sense? You can buy The Downward Fucking Spiral on iTunes, but you can't allow an iPhone app that may have a song with a bad word somewhere in it. Geez, what if someone in the forum in our app says FUCK or CUNT? I suppose that also falls into indecent material. Hey Apple, I just got some SPAM about fucking hot asian teens THROUGH YOUR MAIL PROGRAM. I just saw two guys having explicit anal sex right there in Safari! On my iPhone!

Come on Apple, think your policies through and for fuck's sake get your app approval scenario together.

But, to be fair, he still loves the device...

Everyone - let me be clear. I love Apple products and as goofy and out-of-touch as their app approval process / policy is, I will still use them because they work 1000X better than the competition. This is not a debate, it's a fact. The iPhone is THE most elegant, modern smartphone at this point in time and it's perfect for what we want to do with the NIN app - except for the ludicrous approval process, and that's what I want to draw attention to.

Android is cool, but nobody has an Android phone. Blackberry is OK but the hardware is inconsistent and WinMo straight-up sucks balls. If Apple doesn't get it together, we will most certainly make it available to the jailbreak community. I didn't invest in this app to see it languish on the sidelines from an idiotic policy while this tour is in full swing.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on May 04, 2009, 01:34:41 pm
Report: BlackBerry Curve outsells the iPhone 3G - Research In Motion's BlackBerry Curve overtook Apple's iPhone to become the top-selling consumer smartphone in the United States during the first quarter of 2009, according to research published by NPD Group on Monday. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-10232698-94.html

RIM sees big retail market, plans next Storm http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/05/04/AR2009050401912.html
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 04, 2009, 01:46:43 pm
I'd be willing to bet that the election has a lot to do with that.  Most government officials use RIM products because of the security, and with many new elected officials and their new staff, it probably swayed a lot of those purchases.

The interesting battle will be Q3, assuming there's a new iPhone.  Palm vs Apple....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on May 04, 2009, 01:51:40 pm
I'm betting that RIM's buy one get one free promos on verizon for RIM devices had more to do with this than anything.  Indeed they've gained market share, but it sounds an awful lot more like BUYING market share to me.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on May 11, 2009, 02:08:13 pm
and for today's segment of everyone's FAVORITE game, "Let's Get Smackie All Wound Up"...

Apple rejects Bittorrent control app from App Store because it might be used to infringe copyrights (http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/11/apple-rejects-bittorrent-control-app-from-app-store-because-it-m/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: bearman🐻 on May 11, 2009, 02:43:31 pm
I cannot stand my blackberry...the iPhone is 1000% better than that piece of shit.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 12, 2009, 05:34:21 pm
This will work perfectly for when you're sitting on your couch and someone stands in front blocking your view.  Otherwise, not very useful. This is what happens when you have exclusive deals....

SlingPlayer Mobile for iPhone coming shortly: $29.99, no 3G support (http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/12/slingplayer-mobile-for-iphone-coming-shortly-29-99-no-3g-supp/)
by Chris Ziegler, posted May 12th 2009 at 12:36PM

After what has become one of the longer (and certainly one of the highest-profile) App Store approval delays, SlingPlayer Mobile for iPhone has finally gotten Apple's blessing -- with some serious changes under the hood. Most importantly, 3G access has been disabled, meaning you'll only be able to get your Sling on over WiFi -- a serious blow to the app and a huge change from the way SlingPlayer Mobile works on other platforms -- and likely a verification that either Apple or AT&T took serious issue with the bandwidth load imposed by this type of app on the HSPA network. Despite the restriction, Sling will be charging a whopping $29.99 for the download; in exchange for your troubles, though, they've decided to lift the ban on older Slingboxes, with the caveat that they won't be officially supported if you run into trouble.

We've had a chance to play with the app, and it certainly gets the job done -- we just wish it worked a little better. Even on WiFi, control feels laggy, and there's no native guide (though there's an icon to quickly pull up your set-top box's guide). When you're in letterbox mode, you've got black bars around all four sides of the image, meaning that the app isn't taking full advantage of the phone's display; we're hopeful this'll be fixed in a future release, though. Happily, we think Sling really nailed the app's UI -- the on-screen translucent controls are pretty cool and generally work well without obscuring the view. Look to grab your own copy some time between 12:01AM and 6:01AM EDT tomorrow morning, and in the meantime, check out our gallery. (http://www.engadgetmobile.com/photos/slingplayer-mobile-for-iphone-hands-on/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 13, 2009, 12:15:03 pm
AT&T says, you may blame us. (http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/12/atandt-issues-official-statement-on-slingplayers-3g-blackout-for/)  But we have a good reason - our network sucks.

Slingbox, which would use large amounts of wireless network capacity, could create congestion and potentially prevent other customers from using the network. The application does not run on our 3G wireless network. Applications like this, which redirect a TV signal to a personal computer, are specifically prohibited under our terms of service. We consider smartphones like the iPhone to be personal computers in that they have the same hardware and software attributes as PCs.

That said, we don't restrict users from going to a Web site that lets them view videos. But what our terms and conditions prohibit is the transferring, or slinging, of a TV signal to their personal computer or smartphone.

The Slingbox application for the iPhone runs on WiFi. That's good news for AT&T's iPhone 3G customers, who get free WiFi access at our 20,000 owned and operated hot spots in the U.S., including Starbucks, McDonalds, Barnes & Noble, hotels, and airports. AT&T is the industry leader in WiFi.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on May 13, 2009, 12:21:59 pm
i think it could be useful for watching soccer from a hotel room that doesnt have setanta but yeah. actually never mind, i'm sure youd bring a laptop. big blow and $30 is crazy. youd have to be never home to justify that
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on May 15, 2009, 11:21:29 am
Some new iPhone music apps of interest...

iMeem has an app out that has similar artist playlist functionality as last.fm and pandora.... the feature that being touted is  that you can upload music to it's site and then stream it your phone anywhere.  however  i wouldn't personally put a great deal of effort into uploading music to the site, as money and licensing woes abound for this site.  plus, when transferring my uploads that were on anywhere.fm to iMeem all them have disappeared.  it would appear that unless a track already exists in their database it wont upload.   hopefully 8tracks.com will have an iPhone app some day, I like that site mucho more than iMeem.

Depeche Mode - Sounds of the Universe app allows one to great mini remixes using several song loop snippets.  Had some fun creating glitchy remixes...

Junior Boys - Has full length songs and videos for stream, news, tour dates... all in all a pretty slick app

Kitsune Maison - an electro music label out of Paris has a new app out with streaming 30 sec samples from their future and current releases.

Haven't spent much time with the Rentals app which chronicles their year long project "Songs About Time"

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 08, 2009, 03:04:03 pm
Lineup fanboys....it's available next week.

iPhone 3gS

$199 16GB of storage, and $299 for a 32GB version

And with video (finally)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sonickteam2 on June 08, 2009, 04:31:50 pm
and apparently with picture messages finally. jeez.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 08, 2009, 04:42:57 pm
and apparently with picture messages finally. jeez.

Actually, that will vary per carrier and at&t has not yet signed on.  But yes, the next phone will have Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) capabilities.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on June 08, 2009, 06:28:23 pm
and apparently with picture messages finally. jeez.

Actually, that will vary per carrier and at&t has not yet signed on.  But yes, the next phone will have Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) capabilities.

"Official" iPhone OS 3.0 Software Update features (http://www.apple.com/iphone/softwareupdate/)

From the footnotes:
2. MMS support from AT&T coming in late summer. MMS is not supported on first-generation iPhone. Sending video via MMS is not supported on iPhone 3G.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 08, 2009, 06:33:32 pm
and apparently with picture messages finally. jeez.

Actually, that will vary per carrier and at&t has not yet signed on.  But yes, the next phone will have Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) capabilities.
I imagine ATT will sign on for this, but doubt they will allow blue tooth tethering which would be a huge deal for me.  Does anyone know if the bluetooth tethering is a feature of the new OS or the new hardware?

Either way I won't be getting a new one until I drop the current one in the toilet or it meets some other untimely end.

EDIT - Beats beat me to the MMS issue by a second or two...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 08, 2009, 06:43:19 pm
From the footnotes:
2. MMS support from AT&T coming in late summer. MMS is not supported on first-generation iPhone. Sending video via MMS is not supported on iPhone 3G.

That's an interesting way of putting it.  Does that mean that the iPhone 3g will be capable of recording video (obviously not sending it via MMS, but that seems to imply that they will at least stop halting the jail breaks)?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 08, 2009, 06:49:28 pm
I imagine ATT will sign on for this, but doubt they will allow blue tooth tethering which would be a huge deal for me.  Does anyone know if the bluetooth tethering is a feature of the new OS or the new hardware?

Bluetooth tethering is in iPhone 3.0 software, so it should work with iPhone 3g.

Again, at&t has said that they wil support tethering, just haven't announced when or if there will be a charge.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 08, 2009, 06:52:03 pm
I imagine ATT will sign on for this, but doubt they will allow blue tooth tethering which would be a huge deal for me.  Does anyone know if the bluetooth tethering is a feature of the new OS or the new hardware?

Bluetooth tethering is in iPhone 3.0 software, so it should work with iPhone 3g.

Again, at&t has said that they wil support tethering, just haven't announced when or if there will be a charge.
That will compliment my new netbook nicely (unless there is an outrageous fee for it). 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on June 08, 2009, 07:06:53 pm
From the footnotes:
2. MMS support from AT&T coming in late summer. MMS is not supported on first-generation iPhone. Sending video via MMS is not supported on iPhone 3G.

That's an interesting way of putting it.  Does that mean that the iPhone 3g will be capable of recording video (obviously not sending it via MMS, but that seems to imply that they will at least stop halting the jail breaks)?

I think only the new phone can record video.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Got Haggis? on June 08, 2009, 08:21:07 pm
people who bought an iphone 3g on launch day won't be eligible for upgrade pricing for the 3GS until 2010.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 09, 2009, 05:50:50 pm

Why at&t won't be supporting teathering and SMS/MMS, at least initially (http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=4115&tag=nl.e589)

It?s because ?AT&T has to manually remove all the ?Opt Out MMS codes? on each account.?

BGR also notes that tethering is also on hold for AT&T?s U.S. customers because it?s in the process of putting together a $70 per month unlimited data and tethering plan. SMS and MMS will not be included in that plan, sadly.

Man, I  hope there's a lot of speculation involved there, but it's been reported by a few different sources...

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 09, 2009, 06:12:01 pm
people who bought an iphone 3g on launch day won't be eligible for upgrade pricing for the 3GS until 2010.

More specifically, it's 18 months from when you last purchased a phone from at&t.  Since the iPhone 3G came out in June 08, the earliest adopters could technically get them at $199/$299 in December 2009 (right before Christmas), but the majority will have to wait until 2010.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 17, 2009, 12:51:02 pm
As you're all eagerly awaiting your iPhone 3.0 updates, there were a couple of other important things from Apple today:

Sirius XM iPhone App coming this week (http://www.engadget.com/2009/06/16/sirius-xm-iphone-app-coming-this-week/)

"those who subscribe to the gratis Basic Online Service will have to upgrade to the $2.99 monthly premium plan to have it on the go"


Apple says iTunes syncing only for Apple Devices, looks Sternly at Palm (http://www.engadget.com/2009/06/16/apple-says-itunes-syncing-only-for-apple-devices-looks-sternly/)

Could you imagine the fan boy rage if that were an MS policy?  What's the point really, other than to stifle innovation?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 17, 2009, 10:28:10 pm
How to Turn on Tethering in iPhone 3.0 http://tinyurl.com/ktxnhh   per Wired/Gadget Lab
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Got Haggis? on June 17, 2009, 11:48:50 pm
yeah I have a carrier update file that enables MMS as well, but sending will fail (and receiving you get the current text message with login info to view picture) unless you can convince ATT to take off the 'opt-out' code (WAP-PUSH). I tried to convince them to do it since I'm an iPhone developer, but they wouldn't do it although a friend of mine did manage to get them to change it for him...so he has MMS on his iPhone now...bastard.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on June 22, 2009, 04:04:32 pm
Ken Biba, founder of wireless consulting firm Novarum, said the rejection of SlingPlayer is clear evidence that AT&T?s network is overloaded, and the problem is likely going to get worse. (http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/06/closed-iphone/)

?I interpret AT&T?s actions as less about being closed and more about having not enough network capacity,? said Biba, noting that the new iPhone 3GS introduces video recording and uploading ? which will clog the network even more.

Biba added that even when carriers roll out the fourth-generation Long Term Evolution cellular network, AT&T?s network capacity will still be insufficient because by then, smartphones will be even more sophisticated and affordable, creating even more congestion.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on June 25, 2009, 06:46:50 pm
I bought an 8 gig last week.  My old phone was a t-mobile giveaway that was on its last legs.  Pretty happy with it so far.  Any recommendations on apps?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 25, 2009, 11:13:34 pm
MLB at bat (if you are a baseball fan). You get audio for every game and they just added video for select games each day. All for only 9.99 for the season.

If you use gmail then set up your contacts to sync http://www.google.com/mobile/apple/sync.html (http://www.google.com/mobile/apple/sync.html)

Netnewswire (for rss).

Public Radio Tuner


Drop7 (most addictive game ever)

Those are the things I use daily. Lots of websites have mobile or iphone optimized versions. I prefer mobile.nytimes.com (http://mobile.nytimes.com) to their app.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on June 26, 2009, 12:32:59 am
Spend the buck for Weatherbug Elite. Animated radar is useful.

Bebot is a really fun synth app for $2.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 26, 2009, 11:47:14 am
Spend the buck for Weatherbug Elite. Animated radar is useful.

I agree...I use the radar almost every day before I walk out for lunch to gauge whether I need an umbrella or not. The elite version is definitely worth it over the included weather app and the free version. It seems more responsive and the ads are annoying. On the other hand...I don't mind the free version of AIM vs. the paid version.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on June 27, 2009, 03:28:27 pm
This is what I've got so far.  CameraBag is awesome.  Use CardStar for all of those membership cards they give you at CVS, Giant, etc.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: redsock on June 28, 2009, 08:21:39 pm
Being a new iphone user myself, i'd love to hear what other apps folks are using.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on June 28, 2009, 11:39:58 pm
Being a new iphone user myself, i'd love to hear what other apps folks are using.

What are your interests/hobbies? What kind of info do you find useful? I have 78 apps, mostly free, many music related, lots of games. Unfortunately, there's no way I know of to grab a simple text list of what I have, and any list would simply be titles w/o descriptions.

Anyway, ones I use a lot include Facebook, Weather Bug Elite, Twitterrific, Oblique Strategies, Bloom (last two Eno-related), Minisynth, Thereminator, Tuner (use it to listen to any web radio stream), Bebot, Word Warp, Backgammon, and Scoops.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 29, 2009, 12:26:08 am
Apple's "remote" app is good if you use airtunes at home. Airsharing if you want to use the phone as a portable drive (i find an 8gb thumb drive to be more useful). Lexulous if you play that on facebook a bunch. I'll reiterate Drop7 for most addictive game. I have over 70 apps but only use about 5 or 6 on a regular basis. Smart Dial is kind of an easier dialer (can use numbers for text). Sportacular is my sports score app for football/hockey season (mlb at bat is better for baseball).

On a regular basis I mainly use weatherbug, netnewswire, remote, mint, public radio tuner, mlb at bat, facebook, and Drop7.

And again, google mobile sync for contacts and calendars rocks if you use gmail. Plus you can now log into youtube so your subscriptions carry over.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on June 29, 2009, 08:45:20 am
sol free, wikipanion, ebay, directv
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 29, 2009, 12:54:28 pm
FML, Sportacular, Whitepages, Wikipanion, NY Times, Wash Post Going Out Guide, What's On (tv listings), Facebook, AP Mobile, iPeng (controls the Squeezebox on my wifi network at home), Drinks Free (like 5000 cocktail recipies).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on June 29, 2009, 01:58:37 pm
an off iphone topic (man, i'm slowly becoming the "prince" of off topic things) but this is a cell phone related question and i just know either vansmack or somebody else can help.  i have sprint.  i have a cell phone.  i live in b.f.e. (almost in a national forest) where cell service does not work.  for the longest time i enjoied it as an escape from work and the outside world luxuary.  but now, for work i need it, because opportunities have arisen where i can work at home (and take nice little breaks to play my new love: first person shooter video games).  i was reading an issue of esquire that is a few months old and i do believe i read something about that they now have this thing that plugs into your wireless internet acces at home to allow ranged cell phone service where normally you do not have service.  i think they said sprint and other companies have it for a monthly fee.  the problem is my partner threw out the issue after i was done reading it and now i don't know if i actually read it (i sometimes suffer sporatic hallucinations) and if it was true, has anybody heard about it/have it/used it . . . and can give me a review/is it worth it/etc...

thanks so kindly from the person who made sonic leave in a huff.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 29, 2009, 02:03:36 pm
an off iphone topic (man, i'm slowly becoming the "prince" of off topic things) but this is a cell phone related question and i just know either vansmack or somebody else can help.  i have sprint.  i have a cell phone.  i live in b.f.e. (almost in a national forest) where cell service does not work.  for the longest time i enjoied it as an escape from work and the outside world luxuary.  but now, for work i need it, because opportunities have arisen where i can work at home (and take nice little breaks to play my new love: first person shooter video games).  i was reading an issue of esquire that is a few months old and i do believe i read something about that they now have this thing that plugs into your wireless internet acces at home to allow ranged cell phone service where normally you do not have service.  i think they said sprint and other companies have it for a monthly fee.  the problem is my partner threw out the issue after i was done reading it and now i don't know if i actually read it (i sometimes suffer sporatic hallucinations) and if it was true, has anybody heard about it/have it/used it . . . and can give me a review/is it worth it/etc...

thanks so kindly from the person who made sonic leave in a huff.

Call me crazy, but did it occur to you to call Sprint?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on June 29, 2009, 02:13:52 pm
an off iphone topic (man, i'm slowly becoming the "prince" of off topic things) but this is a cell phone related question and i just know either vansmack or somebody else can help.  i have sprint.  i have a cell phone.  i live in b.f.e. (almost in a national forest) where cell service does not work.  for the longest time i enjoied it as an escape from work and the outside world luxuary.  but now, for work i need it, because opportunities have arisen where i can work at home (and take nice little breaks to play my new love: first person shooter video games).  i was reading an issue of esquire that is a few months old and i do believe i read something about that they now have this thing that plugs into your wireless internet acces at home to allow ranged cell phone service where normally you do not have service.  i think they said sprint and other companies have it for a monthly fee.  the problem is my partner threw out the issue after i was done reading it and now i don't know if i actually read it (i sometimes suffer sporatic hallucinations) and if it was true, has anybody heard about it/have it/used it . . . and can give me a review/is it worth it/etc...

thanks so kindly from the person who made sonic leave in a huff.

Call me crazy, but did it occur to you to call Sprint?
you're crazy.  but that would mean talking to a live person!   :D  ok i will right now.  watch them say, from india, "we have no idea what you a re talking about.."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 29, 2009, 02:45:10 pm
Probably something like this is what you're looking for:


But why do you want this instead of a landline? Or get google voice once it's available and have the same number forward to a landline when you're at home or to your cell when you have reception.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 29, 2009, 02:48:33 pm
And here's sprint's thingy, unless this is an outdated page:

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on June 29, 2009, 02:53:27 pm
And here's sprint's thingy, unless this is an outdated page:


thank you very much for your information!!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on June 29, 2009, 02:56:56 pm
Probably something like this is what you're looking for:


But why do you want this instead of a landline? Or get google voice once it's available and have the same number forward to a landline when you're at home or to your cell when you have reception.

because of my business (real estate) the majority of my business is done over cell phones (and i don't like giving out my home number).  this google voice thing:  so what your saying is that if i use it, when somebody calls my cell phone it will ring my home phone instead?  that would be awesome and save me the cost of the airave and monthly fees.  even though the costs are all right offs anyway.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on June 29, 2009, 03:09:58 pm
Very handy site for mobile web: cantoni.mobi (http://cantoni.mobi/). It's an index of websites designed for mobile phones.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 29, 2009, 03:16:06 pm
this google voice thing:  so what your saying is that if i use it, when somebody calls my cell phone it will ring my home phone instead?

I'm not 100% sure if google voice would really help. You'd need to start w/ a new number with them. I haven't looked into everything it will allow you to do yet but here's the link:

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 29, 2009, 07:45:36 pm
It's called an Airave.  Call Sprint, tell them how long you've been a customer (hopefully it's been a long time) and tell them that you're having trouble getting reception at home - the place where you do most of your calling.

I've heard many stories of folks getting either the Airave service fee waived, or the device for free, or sometimes both.

I tested one out for them about a year ago, but it was useless as I live less than a mile from their EVDO tower.  I did help them with install and setup materials though.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on June 29, 2009, 08:13:15 pm
It's called an Airave.  Call Sprint, tell them how long you've been a customer (hopefully it's been a long time) and tell them that you're having trouble getting reception at home - the place where you do most of your calling.

I've heard many stories of folks getting either the Airave service fee waived, or the device for free, or sometimes both.

I tested one out for them about a year ago, but it was useless as I live less than a mile from their EVDO tower.  I did help them with install and setup materials though.

wow . . . thanks for that.  i have been a customer for 7 years, and i will attempt to plea my case.  not having to drive a hour round trip the office, sometimes six days a week would be . . . wait for it:


Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 13, 2009, 12:59:12 pm
It's good to know that I'm not the only one without the blinders on.  He even went as far as to make the iTunes-iPhone analogy you guys are surely tired of me making...

Analyst: Forget the Feds, Apple is 'doing just fine at wrecking the wireless business' (http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=20994&tag=nl.e589)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on July 14, 2009, 01:13:53 pm
Vansmack, I encourage you to try the cool flashlight app. It will change your mind on iPhones. It is called "Just Light" and is by all accounts, totally sweet.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 14, 2009, 02:48:25 pm
Vansmack, I encourage you to try the cool flashlight app. It will change your mind on iPhones. It is called "Just Light" and is by all accounts, totally sweet.

I was more partial to the "Hottest Girls" app but it was removed from the app store because Apple decided it inlcuded objectionable material.


But yeah, an all white screen to use as a flashlight is pretty cool too.  Remind me at some point to tell the story of how I almost blew myself up in Mexico when I was using my cell phone as a flash light to see the pilot that I needed to light to get the hot water going.  Smackette was in tears because she though for sure I was dead.  Hilarity ensued...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on July 14, 2009, 03:12:23 pm
Yet Safari can go on privacy mode  ::)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on July 14, 2009, 03:20:39 pm
u guys like to use fleshlight?? ewww
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 14, 2009, 03:41:56 pm
Yet Safari can go on privacy mode  ::)

But without flash I can't visit youporn, but I can with say Opera and Skyfire, which of course aren't available.

I'm well aware of the lack of consistency within the iPhone and Apple, but it's much bigger than that.  I wasn't as worried about Apple ruining the digital music industry because there was plenty of competition among retail outlets and various manufacturers. 

The wireless industry on the other hand is nowhere near as diverse, lacks the retail competition, and only only has a handful of manufacturers left.  The results could be disastrous.

I could buy an iPod and even if I didn't want to by AAC songs from iTunes, I could still use the device to play various other songs I purchased from Amazon or Napster or Rhapsody (of course, I had to use iTunes though).  That option does not exist with the iPhone.  If I buy an iPhone, not only do I have to use at&t as my carrier, and iTunes as my sync device, I have to buy all my apps from the Apple store.  Now Palm and Blackberry have followed suit, to the detriment of everybody.  Google and MS have held out - for now.

This sucks people.  They dictate, bully and stifle - yet somehow people lable them innovative.  I label them repressive.  Glad to see I'm not alone now.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 15, 2009, 09:15:42 am
i'm ready for an upgrade next week, and i am thinking of getting a smart phone. what should i consider (other than an iphone)? it must be with at&t
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on July 15, 2009, 11:09:42 am
i'm ready for an upgrade next week, and i am thinking of getting a smart phone. what should i consider (other than an iphone)? it must be with at&t
For business, pleasure or both?  Does your work have a blackberry server?  Do they support Exchange ActiveSync? 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 15, 2009, 11:14:08 am
95% pleasure, we have a blackberry server, not sure on the last one but i would guess yes
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 15, 2009, 11:15:04 am
also, my home computer is a mac, if that makes any difference
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on July 15, 2009, 11:25:47 am
i'm ready for an upgrade next week, and i am thinking of getting a smart phone. what should i consider (other than an iphone)? it must be with at&t

at&t has the HTC Fuze, if you like qwerty side-sliders... but it's $100 more than a new-gen iphone (and $200 more than a last-gen iphone).  i love HTC, but the premium is hard to justify over an iphone.  i know smackie disagrees.  
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 15, 2009, 12:31:29 pm
You would be foolish to want a 95% pleasure phone and not get an iPhone if you are already with at&t and have enjoyed good service from them.  They really don't offer a lot of other options for pleasure in the smart phone arena - I'm sure the exclusive deal with Apple has somethign to do with that.

I actually don't like the Fuze - while superior to the iPhone 3G, the 3Gs has really closed the gap (save for Flash support) for what WinMo 6.1 has been doing for years (video, etc.).  The real downside to the Fuze is that it's Thick as a Brick, which is fine for ladies who carry a purse, but looks terribly awkward in a mans pocket.  Unfortunately the TouchPro2 (Fuze2 for at&t) and the Diamond2 aren't available in America and I don't think we'll see them until Christmas.

The only Blackberry worth dicussing for 95% pleasure is the Storm2, supposedly coming to at&t with the dreaded "soon" label, but who knows how long that will be. 

And don't expect the PalmPre on at&t until Spring/Summer 2010.

I don't believe you have much a of choice if you have to stay with at&t - all of these exclusive deals are really the bane of competition in the market.  You can check out the Fuze, but stick it in your pocket to see what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on July 15, 2009, 12:39:33 pm
Smackie just reco'd the iphone.  What's next?  Manimtired knocking on doors for Obama?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 15, 2009, 12:44:17 pm
i guess that settles that
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 15, 2009, 01:04:50 pm
I have always maintaned that I'm not a hater, depsite what you all think.

Logic always dictates with me, and that's my biggest problem with Apple and the iPhone - how people simply throw logic out the window because of a flashy commercial or an aesthetically pleasing device.  They make good products that people and, now with at&t, companies overpay for simply to become beholden to the beast.  That defies all logic to me.

People forget that I learned my trait on an Apple IIe and still own the first 512k Mac.  But when I needed a printer and Apple wanted $300 for one but a PC owner could get a printer for $100 I saw something wrong with that.  Those type of closed business practices of Apple turned me off then and continue to turn me off today.  No good product from Apple comes unteathered to some closed business model that leaves you beholden to them.  It almost cost their existence in the late 90's (thank you MS for saving them (http://news.cnet.com/2100-1001-202143.html)) and now they are enjoying a massive resurgence.  How quickly people forget.

That being said, given godsshoeshine's situation, clear logic says he should get an iPhone 3Gs due to his particular situation (and lack of other options with at&t - which I warned about from the beginning).  It would be foolish for me to argue otherwise.  I'll even go as far as to say that he's going to love the iPhone...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 15, 2009, 01:21:02 pm
i cant speak for peripherals before 2001, but i've bought hard drives and printers that arent mac specific from the get go

i wasnt trying to bait you (honestly) but i was just wondering if there was anything better out there. verizon has lost me as a customer for life and sprint users dont get coverage in my office. at&t is really the only option left for me
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on July 15, 2009, 01:42:35 pm
how's the iphone for browsing the internet?

and vansmack, are you still with Sprint?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 15, 2009, 01:43:50 pm
Yes, Apple has eased restrictions with their peripherals after nearly going under in the late 90's (and switching to the Intel chip and adopting a wider array of standards [like USB in addition to firewire] helped that cause too).  Oddly, the price of their machines have not dropped as steadily as their competitors given that they now share the same or similar components, which I find odd.

And I didn't take it as bait - I knew you were being genuine, but you were right to trust your instinct:  get the new iPhone. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 15, 2009, 01:45:34 pm
and vansmack, are you still with Sprint?

I am.  Still using the HTC Touch Diamond as my personal phone though I have been testing an array of phones for them over the past 3 months and am happy to answer any questions (that I'm allowed to talk about)...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 15, 2009, 03:01:49 pm
Right on cue....

iTunes 8.2.1 brings Pre Music Syncing to a Halt (http://www.engadget.com/2009/07/15/itunes-8-2-1-brings-pres-music-syncing-capability-to-a-halt/)

It's like they know I'm talking shit about them.  Somebody, anybody, please tell me how this is good for the consumer?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on July 15, 2009, 04:27:56 pm
It's like they know I'm talking shit about them. 

don't flatter yourself tooooooo much.  this one was entirely predictable, no great industry insight required.

Somebody, anybody, please tell me how this is good for the consumer?

since when is consumer good a company's only motivation?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 15, 2009, 04:55:40 pm
I didn't say "only" - you did - but I would still like to know how this is good for the consumer AT ALL?  I'm not naive to think that some part of every business decision has to have some benefit to the consumer...

Palm's device sync didn't make your iPod or iPhone work any less reliably when syncing to iTunes.  It didn't raise the cost of iTunes songs or Apple devices, nor did it deplete inventory as there are no limits to digital download stock.  It didn't cost at&t or Apple a single sale as the Pre is not available on at&t and the iPhone is not available on Sprint. 

If anything, Apple may have sold more songs from ITM to Pre users who sync with iTunes now that DRM free songs are available.

And don't be so quick to point out that the industry expected this.  There were many people who warned Apple not to block this.   Apple now opens itself up to an anti-trust suit because there's finally a clear example of Apple trying to take advantage of its market share and block other competitors.  The threat has always been there, but no company with any clout or resources attempted what Palm did.  And when its Palm and Google combined, there's a lot of people in the industry who aren't going to come to the defense of Apple like they would had it been MS that took the lead on this.  Sadly, anti-trust suits take longer than market force chages these days....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on July 15, 2009, 05:40:37 pm
allowing the pre to sync to itunes made the pre that much more attractive, and took away a feature that apple considers exclusive to the iphone: itunes.  now, with itunes 8.2.1,  if a consumer is deciding between buying a pre or an iphone (first-time buyers, people whose contracts have just expired, those looking to switch, etc), the iphone has one more feature that the pre doesn't.  i guess apple valued this exclusivity over the potential itunes song sales to pre customers.

I would still like to know how this is good for the consumer AT ALL?  I'm not naive to think that some part of every business decision has to have some benefit to the consumer...

it probably isn't, but i suspect the apple execs who decided this were thinking of themselves here.  came down to something like "additional exclusivity of iphone > ill-will created by said exclusivity for non-iphone users + lost itunes sales".  whether this equation hold true, tho... tbd.

what's interesting to me in this pseudo-monopolistic behavior is the collateral damage.  ex: record labels.  they probably want the pre to sync, since that will increase song sales.  apple's single-minded decision to exclude the pre has cost the record labels (and artists, producers, etc) money... not much they can do about it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 15, 2009, 05:55:41 pm
what's interesting to me in this pseudo-monopolistic behavior is the collateral damage.  ex: record labels.  they probably want the pre to sync, since that will increase song sales.  apple's single-minded decision to exclude the pre has cost the record labels (and artists, producers, etc) money... not much they can do about it.

But by the time you got around to answering the question, you weren't able to distinguish anything from the point I was trying to make.  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for the consumer.

And record labels want anybody but Apple right now.  They are tired of being bullied around by Jobs and Co. (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/02/business/media/02apple.html)  I have no pity for them.  They made their bed now they must sleep in it.  It's exactly this scenario I'm trying to avoid for the consumer by pointing these things out as people continue to tout the innovation coming out of Cupertino.  It's business models people, and one's that are bad for consumers.

The labels were actually happy that the Pre has an Amazon MP3 download app and not an iTMS app.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on July 16, 2009, 12:09:00 am
That said there are a lot of people, including bands, that want no part of record labels. As long as my iPhone or iPod plays mp3's or aac's, I'm happy.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on July 16, 2009, 12:29:30 am
Logic always dictates with me, and that's my biggest problem with Apple and the iPhone - how people simply throw logic out the window because of a flashy commercial or an aesthetically pleasing device.  They make good products that people and, now with at&t, companies overpay for simply to become beholden to the beast.  That defies all logic to me.

This is what I've always called a MacHandicap.

Regarding Sprint: I've totally given up on them. They never, ever worked inside any kind of building for me. Didn't work in my apartment. Moved to a different neighborhood and I still couldn't get any kind of reception. Never worked at work in any of the different buildings that I tried it in. Went to visit my parents and it didn't work inside their home. Then I visited them in their condo in Ocean City and it still didn't work. Fuck 'em! I'm with T-Mobile now. Live in a totally different apartment surrounded by lots of trees and not the best of reception for various companies. From my experience, Verizon sucks here too. No, I can't fucking hear you!!!  >:(  T-Mobile works fine for me so they got my business. Also, they seem to work fine inside every building that I've tried them in. Have never had any problems with them at all. Keep in mind, I'm only using them for a mediocre Sony Ericson phone (which I'm very happy with) and I've opted for no internet access, so it's all good for me. Not saying that that should have any bearings on your purchasing decisions but I wanted to throw those out there for whatever they are worth.

I'd love to have the top of the line Sony Ericson phone they sell in Europe. From what I've heard, they are very nice. What originally attracted me to them was their keypad. I can't stand those tiny little ET miniscule keys on most phones and I'm not into touch screens... and like Smackie, I can't stand Apple. Their phones are pretty nice but if I can find something that suits my needs, the 'other' will win out every time.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on July 16, 2009, 10:44:11 am
iPhone #1
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 16, 2009, 12:33:58 pm
Jag, you bring up two good points.

The first is that the Xperia X1 (Sony Ericsson's top phone) makes me jizz in my pants a little.  It's a beautiful phone that American carriers have avoided like the plague.  It's all over Europe and Asia and causes me a tremendous amount of cell phone envy.

And second - the most important thing in a cell phone carrier is service at home and service at work - the two places your phone is used most often.  I don't care how good their reputation is or how good their phones are, if you can't use it at those two places, then find a different carrier.

And lastly, I would also recommend you find a carrier who has terrible service at your mistress' abode.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 16, 2009, 01:22:11 pm
i have a sony ericsson now. i like it

i had tmobile back in pittsburgh, but i lived in the middle of the city. when i moved here i didnt get reception in manassas. everyone told me that verizon was so much better, but when i got home from switching...still no signal at home

and then they wouldnt give me a phone that worked when that was my only phone and my only doorbell...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 24, 2009, 12:37:18 pm
Right on cue....

iTunes 8.2.1 brings Pre Music Syncing to a Halt (http://www.engadget.com/2009/07/15/itunes-8-2-1-brings-pres-music-syncing-capability-to-a-halt/)

I LOVE this.

Palm WebOS 1.1 Now Available, Fixes iTunes 8.2.1 Syncing (http://www.engadget.com/2009/07/23/palm-webos-1-1-now-available-fixes-itunes-sync/)

They're basically telling Apple - either license it to us, or sue us and risk an anti-trust suit.  It makes me want to get one just to support them.  Smackette loves hers, but I can't have his and hers phones...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 28, 2009, 12:30:11 pm
Google Voice iPhone app rejected, current GV apps lose connection with iTunes (http://www.engadget.com/2009/07/28/google-voice-iphone-app-rejected-current-gv-apps-lose-connectio/#comments)

No word on whether this was done by at&t or Apple, but it doesn't really matter....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on July 28, 2009, 12:34:44 pm
that is a bummer. i'm sold on google voice for no other reason than i like talking on my home phone for long conversations, and i only have those with people that are long distance calls. its easier for me to use an app than bust out the laptop, to be honest
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on July 31, 2009, 05:31:51 pm
An interesting read for those that follow the smart phone sector.

Should Microsoft Buy Palm?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 31, 2009, 07:09:05 pm
That article is way off base and tries to fix too many problems with what it mistakes as one simple solution that is anything but.

The last thing the mobile industry needs is consolidation of OS developers.  We've only got 4 (Apple, MS, Google and Palm - sorry symbian folks, but you've been relegated to the cheapie bin).   If Microsoft were to give up on the Zune (which I dispute as a foregone conclusion), buying Palm does not solve that.  What MS should do, and what I think is clear from the following screenshots MS is about to do, is roll Zune into the phone OS:

WinMo 6.5 Touchscreen (aka titanium)

Zune HD Touch Screen

It's becoming more and more clear that WinMo 7 will continue down this path and be an integration of the two.  There - one problem solved.

So that, according this article leaves MS with a second problem - no hardware provider for an MS branded phone.  But why does MS need a hardware provider?  They have always been the biggest software maker in the world, and with the exception of the Xbox/Xbox 360, they have generally been poor at their attempts to release their own hardware.  Their problem has always been that they can't survive as a hardware only company because they make most of their money by licensing it's software to other companies.  Why leave that business model?  There's no incentive in it for MS or the consumer when it comes to phone OS.

Now, suppose, just for the sake of playing this out, that MS does decide that they need their own hardware in the phone business.  Why Palm?  You overpay for OS developers who are on a completely different track than you are (WebOS is a different platform than WinMo).  If you only need a hardware provider, MS would be much better served by contracting with HTC to provide a MS branded phone.  It would cost half as much, it's already used to your platform, and they're putting out the most innovative hardware on the market (sorry Apple folks, but the iPhone hasn't changed its appearance in 3 years now, to where HTC has a new phone every 2 months or so).

So there you go.  A much simpler and cost saving solution:

Roll Zune into WinMo, if you need hardware contract with HTC.

For the record, I don't think Palm needs to be bought, but if anybody should buy Palm, it's Google.  HTC is selling better phones for Android than the Google "branded" ones,  and since Google doesn't license the Google Brand on software that has been altered, eventually they're going to need their own hardware for control purposes (unless they take the MS approach - we don't need hardware, we just want OS credit).  Palm is a stone's throw from Google HQ, and WebOS and Android are much closer platforms for development.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 31, 2009, 07:36:54 pm
There was another point being made in that article that I would like to pick at.  The author said that WinMo 6.5 is not a big upgrade (I disagree with that by the way, and I have come 360 on that stance - I dismissed it before I tried it and I suspect he has in this case as well).  On top of that, he says that "any upgrade is up the carrier."

This may be true for Apple and att&t, but is not true for WinMo or Palm.  I find this very perplexing, but people don't call Dell before they upgrade programs on their computer, even an OS, so why is it that they feel they must wait until the carrier releases the update?

My HTC Diamond stayed on WinMo 6.1 with TouchFlo for about 3 months before I switched to early editions of WinMo 6.5 and then new editions of TouchFlo (HTC's interface).  I haven't once called Sprint and when I visit the store I help them with the updates to they can have the new interface.  There's a whole developers world out there for HTC and WinMo phones and I flash a new ROM about every week now because the updates are coming out so fast.  It's absurd to discount a phone OS, especially a WinMo phone, because the "carrier might now upgrade" when it is simple to do it yourself.

For all the negative reasons posted why WinMo is not as good as the iPhone, it's ability to be altered and updated without the permission of MS or your carrier is by far one of it's strengths, not something to complain about.   
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Arthwys on July 31, 2009, 09:34:03 pm
I just noticed this thread for the first time, and all I have to say is.  I make phone calls with my cell phone.  It works every time, unless I'm in the mountains of western Maryland.  And that's it.  I'm perfectly happy with that.  And only that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on July 31, 2009, 10:26:46 pm
so i have sprint.  basic phone.  i live in the mountain-ish area of the shenandoah valley, va.  shitty service all around . . . four bars to one bar to no bars to two bars to four bars back to one bar (in the course of one to four minutes) all the time.  i want to upgrade.  the new sprint palm pre looks tasty, but someone in the office just said that every single older version of that phone has sucked ass for reception.  should i just jump onto the iphone bandwagon on at&t?  boy it looks very tasty.  i don't even mind changing my number for work or business cards or anything.  is their reception better (or worth the switch over)?  will iphone ever give up their "retarded, we only serve one carrier even though we'd make alot more money for apple if we just were on more" motto?  i need a new phone asap, so your delightful input is appreciated.

edit - and if i call at&t to ask how's reception out where i live, are they just going to lie to me and say it's great just to sell me a phone.  everybody i know in my office is old and is still stuck on the blackberry kick.  i guess they think the iphone is for the young-uns.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 01, 2009, 11:24:26 am
Yes every company is going to tell you that they have  coverage in your area because it says so on the map...

The best thing to do is ask your friends when they come over what carrier they have and if you can see how many bars they get.  You might even ask if you can make a call or two. Then pick the best carrier.

And no, the Pre does not have bad reception, at least not any better or any worse tohan any other Sprint phone in my two months of testing. If you already get bad Sprint reception, a phone is not likely to fix that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 01, 2009, 11:31:32 am
I just noticed this thread for the first time, and all I have to say is.  I make phone calls with my cell phone.  It works every time, unless I'm in the mountains of western Maryland.  And that's it.  I'm perfectly happy with that.  And only that.

You sound like my grandfather when we tried to get him a computer and he said "I already have a typewriter, what do I need a computer for?" Congratulations.

And just what did you expect to find in a thread titled "iphone" when you clicked it?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on August 01, 2009, 12:09:44 pm
Walkonby should have a "more bars" party. Sprint, Verizon, at&t, etc will be well represented. Julian Weblebrity can set up the particulars.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on August 01, 2009, 01:29:46 pm
Walkonby should have a "more bars" party. Sprint, Verizon, at&t, etc will be well represented. Julian Weblebrity can set up the particulars.

julian offers Poggenpohl dining rooms, waterford crystal, the finest vino and sparkly, Allmilmö kitchens, and hand woven rugs from pakistan.  i offer national forest hiking, kayaking, camping, grilling steaks/burgers/kabobs, beer that costs 12-36 dollars a six pack, bonfires, and scenes from blair witch (the noises of the forest where i live will scare the shit out you).  you choose.   ;)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on August 01, 2009, 01:39:53 pm
Nonsense! The true bon vivant knows how to blend the two.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: miss pretentious on August 01, 2009, 07:13:10 pm
i can't believe no one has posted this yet...

http://www.theonion.com/content/news/apple_claims_new_iphone_only?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter (http://www.theonion.com/content/news/apple_claims_new_iphone_only?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 02, 2009, 12:31:10 pm
WinMo 6.5 Touchscreen (aka titanium)

Here's a good video to show you what I'm talking about (and why I love WinMo 6.5).  The Microsoft guy even says they've mimicked the Zune interface.  Apparently they're calling it Windows Phone OS now...

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Arthwys on August 02, 2009, 04:19:11 pm
I just noticed this thread for the first time, and all I have to say is.  I make phone calls with my cell phone.  It works every time, unless I'm in the mountains of western Maryland.  And that's it.  I'm perfectly happy with that.  And only that.

You sound like my grandfather when we tried to get him a computer and he said "I already have a typewriter, what do I need a computer for?" Congratulations.

And just what did you expect to find in a thread titled "iphone" when you clicked it?

In a way I admire your grandfather.  While I do enjoy the internet as a way to get to oodles of information quickly and easily, I feel like with cell phones being essentially tiny computers to use facebook and email and websurfing on, every is losing touch with how to live and function without those conveniences. 

I once stood at a pre-arranged meeting place in front of a 7-11 for an hour, waiting for a friend who agreed to meet me at that spot at a certain agreed upon time, so as to head into DC together to see a show at the club.  He came sauntering down the hill an hour late, and seemed surprised to see me!  I asked him what happened, and he informed me that he was under the impression I had stood him up, and wasn't coming.  His line of thinking was, "well, you never called to say you were there, or even in the area."  I had driven from over an hour away to meet him there, and didn't own a cell phone (this was 2004).  I nearly smacked him upside the head.  How was I supposed to call or be expected to call, when we agreed to meet at spot A at time X.  It's not like I carry his phone number around in my pocket and could wander up to the nearest payphone.  Everyone having cell phones and assuming they can change plans and can easily let the other party know that, has given rise to a culture of not going through with commitments. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 06, 2009, 01:27:14 am
Apple Takes the Dick out of Dictionary (http://www.engadget.com/2009/08/05/apples-new-low-censoring-a-dictionary/)

That's a ridiculously new low....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on August 06, 2009, 10:24:51 am
the worst part of getting a new phone is adding all the swears to the auto complete
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on August 12, 2009, 10:51:23 pm
finally: someone who agrees with smackie!

Alt Text: Apple?s Appalling Approach to iPhone App Approvals (http://www.wired.com/underwire/2009/08/alt-text-apples-appalling-approach-to-iphone-app-approvals/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 21, 2009, 10:13:17 pm
finally: someone who agrees with smackie!

Alt Text: Apple?s Appalling Approach to iPhone App Approvals (http://www.wired.com/underwire/2009/08/alt-text-apples-appalling-approach-to-iphone-app-approvals/)

I think you mean somebody who's not the FCC?

at&t and Verizon Face the Possibility of an FCC Probe (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aRWUCIwC10f0)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on September 01, 2009, 08:59:00 pm
... aaaaand in order to avoid the FCC probe: iPhone on another network, you say?

Is AT&T losing its grip on the iPhone? (http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/09/01/iphone.wireless.carriers/index.html)

can't happen soon enough.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on September 02, 2009, 12:03:58 am
... aaaaand in order to avoid the FCC probe: iPhone on another network, you say?

Is AT&T losing its grip on the iPhone? (http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/09/01/iphone.wireless.carriers/index.html)

can't happen soon enough.
Totally agree.  But to the dismay of many, when/if Verizon gets the iphone, all the other players in the smartphone game - RIM, Palm and Windows - are going to take a big hit.

I don't know how much longer RIM can dominate as far as the enterprise is concerned.  Companies that run Blackberry Enterprise Server have to shell out big $$ to run BES...usally runs on it's own server which is expensive, the BES software itself is expensive and each client access license is about $100.  Not to mention the fact that using BES adds two additional points of failure between the mail server and the handset - the BES server itself and the RIM infrastructure which has gone belly up a few times resulting in massive outages for BES users.

Devices that use active sync only have 2 points of failure - the mail server and the handset (and the network connection for both the server and phone if you wnat to get picky).  And there are no added costs...it works right out of the box with exchange without licensing costs etc. 

BES has the advantage in terms of managing the connected handsets remotely, but Exchange is slowly catching up in that dept.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on September 02, 2009, 01:58:38 pm
finally: someone who agrees with smackie!

Alt Text: Apple?s Appalling Approach to iPhone App Approvals (http://www.wired.com/underwire/2009/08/alt-text-apples-appalling-approach-to-iphone-app-approvals/)

I think you mean somebody who's not the FCC?

at&t and Verizon Face the Possibility of an FCC Probe (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aRWUCIwC10f0)

i thought that was expected. ..

btw, riverturn's take (http://www.riverturn.com/blog/?p=455) on having their app getting pulled is great.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 02, 2009, 03:53:05 pm
Totally agree.  But to the dismay of many, when/if Verizon gets the iphone, all the other players in the smartphone game - RIM, Palm and Windows - are going to take a big hit.

I don't know how much longer RIM can dominate as far as the enterprise is concerned.  Companies that run Blackberry Enterprise Server have to shell out big $$ to run BES...usally runs on it's own server which is expensive, the BES software itself is expensive and each client access license is about $100.  Not to mention the fact that using BES adds two additional points of failure between the mail server and the handset - the BES server itself and the RIM infrastructure which has gone belly up a few times resulting in massive outages for BES users.

Devices that use active sync only have 2 points of failure - the mail server and the handset (and the network connection for both the server and phone if you wnat to get picky).  And there are no added costs...it works right out of the box with exchange without licensing costs etc. 

BES has the advantage in terms of managing the connected handsets remotely, but Exchange is slowly catching up in that dept.

One of the reasons why I've been so quiet here for the past two weeks is because I'm managing my employers Exchange Server Migration (from IBM Domino Servers).  Yes I see the irony in using the staff attorney to handle the migration, but seriously, who would you want handling your migration?  That's right - this guy (with two thumbs pointed squarely at self).

Anyhow, so with the advances in ActiveSync, there is no longer a huge advantage with RIM, and if anything, the Enterprise Server has been more of a pain in the ass than anything else.  For most users (iPhone, WinMo, Palm) once you're on the Exchange Server you can set up your mobile device and everything can work seamlessly (including data push).  And as Chaz said, with the new requirements, I can remotely wipe phones and require users to use a PIN to access email.  This really has taken the advatage away from RIM and if anything, makes the extra step of adding the user to the BlackBerry Enterpise Server an additional burden after migration.  As Chaz pointed out, just another step where something can go wrong.

And that's without factoring in the added costs.  The license for the BES is $100 and some carriers (who will remain nameless) require an additional "Enterpirse Service Contract" which is an extra $30 a month.  Now that the rest of the technology has caught up, I can't, in good conscience, recommend a Blackberry to anyone with those extra costs.

And because this is an iPhone thread...2 years was a while to wait, but Apple did a great job with Exchange Server provisioning on the iPhone that other companies, ahem <cough>Palm</cough>, should take note of.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 02, 2009, 03:59:21 pm
Totally agree.  But to the dismay of many, when/if Verizon gets the iphone, all the other players in the smartphone game - RIM, Palm and Windows - are going to take a big hit.

I disagree.  We're just a couple of months away from people realizing that other than catching up to what other phones could already do, the iPhone interface and form factor hasn't changed in 3 years.  It's gotten rather stale.

Much like WinMo sleeping at the wheel, Apple better do something quick, or risk being passed up.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on September 02, 2009, 04:37:34 pm
Totally agree.  But to the dismay of many, when/if Verizon gets the iphone, all the other players in the smartphone game - RIM, Palm and Windows - are going to take a big hit.

I disagree.  We're just a couple of months away from people realizing that other than catching up to what other phones could already do, the iPhone interface and form factor hasn't changed in 3 years.  It's gotten rather stale.

Much like WinMo sleeping at the wheel, Apple better do something quick, or risk being passed up.
I agree that Apple has been slow to innovate.  But stand by my statement that if Verizon get's the Iphone anytime soon it will gobble up market share like crazy.

It's probably at least a year away though.

Apple did do a great job with active sync on the iphone.  It's the best email interface i've seen on a handheld (besides the obvious pitfalls of a touchscreen phone).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on September 08, 2009, 07:18:32 pm
The HTC Touch Pro 2 is looking mighty nice....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 08, 2009, 11:35:59 pm
The HTC Touch Pro 2 is looking mighty nice....

Wait until you see the October 10 version with WinMo 6.5...

I'm passing on the HTC Diamond2/Touch Pro2 and waiting for the next HTC phone with the Tegra (Nvidia) or Snapdragon (Qualcomm) processor and WinMo 7 when it hits beta.  Maybe.  The 2 series are good looking phones though.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on September 10, 2009, 05:24:40 pm
I am T-Pain iPhone App Is Auto-Tuning Genius (http://gizmodo.com/5352299/i-am-t+pain-iphone-app-is-auto+tuning-genius)

be sure to check out the first youtube vid where they demo the app.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 11, 2009, 01:08:09 pm
My niece and her little friends would not stop playing with that this weekend.  Cute at first, annoying to no end after a while.

BTW - Palm added Google Voice to their App Store. (http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/10/third-party-google-voice-app-hits-the-webos-app-catalog/#comments)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on September 11, 2009, 02:07:16 pm
i was going to ask you how happy you were when fast willie showed up in the pre ad, but given how poor his game was yesterday it kind of killed the mood
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 11, 2009, 03:42:34 pm
Wait wait wait a ho-chi minute....

Read this:

Noticing a "Policy Requirement" error when trying to use your Microsoft Exchange account after upgrading to OS 3.1? Then there's a good chance you're not using an iPhone 3GS, as Apple has just confirmed via a support page that the upgrade can now enforce the Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy requiring encryption on the device, which just so happens to only be supported by the 3GS (guess that "S" stands for more than just speed). Not surprisingly, the only solution for non-3GS users is to contact their Exchange Server administrator and hope that they're willing to change the policy to no longer require device encryption.


That's a big deal, but not as big a deal as the fact that if those phones don't have Hardware Encryption now, it's safe to assume that they didn't have them before, then how did they sync with Exchange Servers that required Hardware Encryption?  Was Apple's iPhone 1-3 (before 3gs) flat-out lying to the Exchange Server before?  Really?  Are you kidding me?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on September 11, 2009, 04:37:18 pm
Wait wait wait a ho-chi minute....

Read this:

Noticing a "Policy Requirement" error when trying to use your Microsoft Exchange account after upgrading to OS 3.1? Then there's a good chance you're not using an iPhone 3GS, as Apple has just confirmed via a support page that the upgrade can now enforce the Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy requiring encryption on the device, which just so happens to only be supported by the 3GS (guess that "S" stands for more than just speed). Not surprisingly, the only solution for non-3GS users is to contact their Exchange Server administrator and hope that they're willing to change the policy to no longer require device encryption.


That's a big deal, but not as big a deal as the fact that if those phones don't have Hardware Encryption now, it's safe to assume that they didn't have them before, then how did they sync with Exchange Servers that required Hardware Encryption?  Was Apple's iPhone 1-3 (before 3gs) flat-out lying to the Exchange Server before?  Really?  Are you kidding me?
Yes, this is pretty whack but I doubt this will affect many users.  This will only come into play when the active sync policy on exchange requires a password to sync.  Only when this is turned on do you even have the option to require device encryption.  This is not to be confused with ssl communication between handsets and server when doing normal sync.  The phone and server are still talking via ssl....in fact the phone is talking to the active sync virtual directories in IIS...that is where ssl is enabled or disabled for activesync.

The require encryption on device setting i think is used so that when the device sends information about itself to the server it is encrypted.  This was not available on winmo phones until 6.0..so any old windows devices will be sol as well if this is enabled.  But in my far and wide travels with exchange 07 I've yet to find any organization that requires a password for ever single synchronization. 

Make no mistake, even with this turned off, data synched between handsets and server are ssl ecrypted, provided the activesync iis directories require it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 11, 2009, 09:06:51 pm
I think you missed the point.  It's not that many users are going to lose their connection - that happens with upgrades.

It's the fact that they've been lying about it since they came out with "Exchange Support" last year!  They didn't actually meet the Security Requirements for the most stringent email servers. I smell a class action suit for anybody's server was hacked via a lost iPhone...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on September 11, 2009, 10:20:38 pm
Newsflash - Windows mobile didn't even support device encryption until the release of 6.0 which was not that long ago. So I guess Winmo 6 and all previous versions only offered "Exchange Support" and not "real" Exchange Support.

I just don't think this is as big a deal as you.  It's not like mail is being delivered to the handsets unencrypted.  By default ALL of the IIS virtual directories used by ActiveSync, OWA etc are configured with SSL turned on.  All the communication sent to the server is through these ssl tunnels.  The thing we are talking about here is client side encryption of information about the device which is being sent through......an encrypted tunnel.

Since EX07 came out I've deployed it about a dozen times and done consulting work for another dozen orgs that had a pre-existing EX07 environment.  I've never seen this used.  Can you imagine if the people where you work had to put their password in everytime active sync ran on the device?  Even if you tell exchange to remember the password for a period of time (i'm pretty sure it defaults at 15 min if it's turned on)...I can only imagine the trouble it would cause an exchange admin, everybody bitching about having to put in a password on their phone 5 times a day, once a day or even once a week.  Users are some whiney lazy bitches.

Anyway that's all I got to say about that.  If I was near the end of my contract I'd seriously consider jumping to verizon for the new touch pro 2.  By the time my contract is up they'll be something even better.  And it's not because i don't like my iphone, i just get bored with stuff and like checking out new gadgets.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 12, 2009, 02:45:52 pm
Newsflash - Windows mobile didn't even support device encryption until the release of 6.0 which was not that long ago. So I guess Winmo 6 and all previous versions only offered "Exchange Support" and not "real" Exchange Support.

This is not news to me, and older windows devices could not use the exchange server if the encryption settings were turned on.  They certainly didn't lie about it the way the iPhone has been for the past year.  This is a huge liability.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 12, 2009, 02:49:10 pm
Anyway that's all I got to say about that.  If I was near the end of my contract I'd seriously consider jumping to verizon for the new touch pro 2.  By the time my contract is up they'll be something even better.  And it's not because i don't like my iphone, i just get bored with stuff and like checking out new gadgets.

The TouchPro2 is much cheaper on Verizon ($199 vs. $349 for the phone), however my unlimited everything plan would cost about $70 more a month so it doesn't make much sense.  at&t will have the TP2 by the end of the year.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 14, 2009, 01:18:48 pm
I'm passing on the HTC Diamond2/Touch Pro2 and waiting for the next HTC phone with the Tegra (Nvidia) or Snapdragon (Qualcomm) processor and WinMo 7 when it hits beta.  Maybe.  The 2 series are good looking phones though.

This is the phone I was talking about.  The HTC Leo (http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/14/htc-leo-spotted-in-the-wild-sports-gargantuan-800-x-480-display/) pictured next to the Touch Pro 2...yummy.


4.3-inch WVGA (480 x 800) capacitive touchscreen display
Windows Mobile 6.5
Qualcomm 1GHz MSM 8250 Snapdragon processor
Light & proximity sensors
3.5mm headset jack
Digital Compass
8 megapixel auto-focus camera with dual LED flash
512MB flash memory, 320MB RAM

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on September 14, 2009, 01:29:07 pm
This is the phone I was talking about.  The HTC Leo (http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/14/htc-leo-spotted-in-the-wild-sports-gargantuan-800-x-480-display/) pictured next to the Touch Pro 2...yummy.

:o                                                      :o                                                      :o                                                      :o                                                      :o                                                      :o                                                      :o

droooooooool.  wants.  unfortunately this isn't going to be a cheap handset.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on September 14, 2009, 02:10:42 pm
Is it just me or does each generation of HTC handsets look more and more like an iphone?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 14, 2009, 02:32:40 pm
That doesn't look like a 3.5 inch screen with 480x320 resolution to me....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on September 14, 2009, 04:10:13 pm
I'm pretty happy with my iPhone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 22, 2009, 07:28:08 pm
Hey Gmail users....

Google Adds Support for Push Gmail via Exchange Active Sync (http://googlemobile.blogspot.com/2009/09/google-sync-now-with-push-gmail-support.html)

This should wokr for just about every mobile phone except the BBerry, which doesn't have native EAS support.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 25, 2009, 02:35:03 pm
Psst.  Got a secret for you...

Plug your iphone into your iTunes and you will be taken to 1998. (http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/25/iphone-mms-is-now-live/)

Welcome Back to the Future.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on September 25, 2009, 03:02:12 pm
Can i get your phone number? I'mma send you a photo of deez.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 25, 2009, 03:04:53 pm
Can i get your phone number? I'mma send you a photo of deez.

Only if you want a video back of me crushing deez...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on September 25, 2009, 03:07:07 pm
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on September 25, 2009, 03:07:27 pm
Deez? Seriously? That's the true throwback to 1998 right therrrrr.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on September 25, 2009, 03:10:06 pm
I live in the past.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on September 29, 2009, 12:37:16 pm

Daniel Johnston's iPhone Game Is Predictably Bizarre, Bizarrely Fun (http://gizmodo.com/5369752/daniel-johnstons-iphone-game-is-predictably-bizarre-bizarrely-fun)

99 pennies
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 29, 2009, 06:34:20 pm
It never ends...

Apple Reject ISingle-Payer iPhone App for being "politically charged" (http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/29/apple-rejects-isinglepayer-iphone-app-for-being-politicaly-char/)

Apple might be talking a big game about how it's revising the App Store approval process with an oversight board and trotting out Phil Schiller to do damage control at opportune moments, but the process itself is still generating inconsistent and maddening results, like today's rejection of an app advocating for healthcare reform called iSinglePayer, which was rejected for being "politically charged." Yeah, that's insane -- especially since the app consists of a database of information about worldwide healthcare spending and a GPS-driven lookup tool for your local Congress members with a list of how much money they've received in health-sector donations. Say what you want about the political motivations of the app, but that's a fairly benign set of functions, and it's one that's been echoed by political apps on both sides of the aisle since the launch of the App Store. So why this rejection, and why now, when apps with names like "Conservative Talking Points" have been approved? And honestly, how is it even possible anyone at Apple is dumb enough to reject this without anticipating the firestorm of controversy it would cause? Who knows anymore -- we have a feeling ol' Phil's about to earn his paycheck explaining this one.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on September 30, 2009, 09:08:27 am
i for one commend the rejection of this nazi socialist geocentrist app
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 30, 2009, 12:35:34 pm
i for one commend the rejection of this nazi socialist geocentrist app

I want her back.  She used to inspire me.... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYecfV3ubP8)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on September 30, 2009, 01:10:03 pm
youre scaring george orwell
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 02, 2009, 03:32:46 pm
Users thoughts?

I know they didn't do themselves any favors with the MMS and slingplayer/video blocking, but too big for their britches?

Is the iPhone hurting at&t's Brand? (http://news.cnet.com/8301-30686_3-10365952-266.html?tag=nl.e703)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on October 02, 2009, 03:47:24 pm
ive had at&t for 3 years now and i think its better than it used to be. i dont see a difference between them and verizon apart from the metro and out in the country. which comes in to play like 2 times a year for me

but if youre choosing a carrier based on a phone, you arent going to blame the phone for any issues...

would you agree you should pick the carrier first and phone second?

having said that i think i'm finally going to pull the trigger next week
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 02, 2009, 03:54:10 pm
While a recent survey by the consulting firm CFI Group found that iPhone users are the most loyal smartphone users with 90 percent saying they'd recommend the device to a friend, half of all iPhone owners surveyed said they would like to jump ship to another provider if given the chance.

And for the first time, AT&T has scored worse than all four major U.S. wireless operators in terms of overall customer satisfaction for smartphones.

i'm unconvinced that they'll be any happier on another network.  they'd complain about the same things on verizon, sprint, etc.  no network has complete coverage, no drop outs, and is fast enough for iphone users.

the device sets up users to be whiney (above and beyond the sense of entitlement that apple fan boys have).  the iphone was built up and is still hyped as the "god phone".  users are going to tell others (like pollsters) that they love the device because who doesn't love the god phone?  however, it's not a perfect device but you can't complain about the god phone itself, so you lay the blame for all that it bad with the network.  
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 02, 2009, 04:18:32 pm
would you agree you should pick the carrier first and phone second?

Of course.  That's always been my first recommendation.

I think at&t's big problem is they weren't prepared for the popularity and have struggled with expansion in cities where bureaucracy  and other difficulties have been problematic for their growth (I'm speaking specifically about NY and SF, but I'm sure there are more).  If you want a bad wrap, have problems in the largest media market (NY) or the tech mecca (SF) - neither of which are easy to navigate in the first place.  Their reputation and service in those places is nothing short of awful.  At&t is constanlty asking me to get my students involved in their lobby efforts to get the SF Gov folks to allow them to expand, but it's not the easiest thing in the world to do here.  Cue venerable to spout off on ess eff....   
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 02, 2009, 04:20:53 pm
the device sets up users to be whiney (above and beyond the sense of entitlement that apple fan boys have).  the iphone was built up and is still hyped as the "god phone".  users are going to tell others (like pollsters) that they love the device because who doesn't love the god phone?  however, it's not a perfect device but you can't complain about the god phone itself, so you lay the blame for all that it bad with the network.  

It doesn't help when the iPhone changes their stance on certain technologies (MMS comes to mind quickly, but I'm sure there are others) and then blames at&t publicly for why it can't happen in the US but happens internationally.  Apple basically has at&t by the balls.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on October 02, 2009, 04:37:36 pm
Cue venerable to spout off on ess eff....   

hey. . .it's 76 degrees, sunny and i just had a tasty carnitas burrito from the burrito truck down the street from my work. . . .who am i to complain about ess eff right now. . . .
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on October 06, 2009, 01:10:01 pm
verizon backs android (http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/10/06/verizon-backs-android/?hp)

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on October 06, 2009, 03:01:51 pm
Anyone have any idea on the number of apps available on the Windows Mobile Marketplace at this point?  A cursory look around online didn't yield much in terms of numbers/titles.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 06, 2009, 03:36:33 pm
Anyone have any idea on the number of apps available on the Windows Mobile Marketplace at this point?  A cursory look around online didn't yield much in terms of numbers/titles.

34.  Sorry that was last night.  There are now 246 apps in the store.

But it's not really a fair representation because there is some backlash in the community about including apps for Windows Mobile in the Marketplace.  There are hundreds of thousands of apps for Windows Mobile out there, they're just not in the marketplace.

The concept of the Windows Mobile Marketplace has me very worried (and yes I am set to blame Apple for the business model).  For years the Compact.net framework used to make apps for Windows Mobile has flourished with plenty of developers in the community making apps.  It's totally open, very simple and the installation progress was never closed.  Now with the marketplace, that may limit how these apps are installed, worked on collaboratively among developers and of course are going to raise costs, which is a shame.  Places like ppcgeeks and xda-developers were doing just fine building apps and the developers were making decent money through donations (of which I am a frequent contributor) because it was simply a hobby. 

Now it will be a business and like all things hobby turned business will suck.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on October 06, 2009, 03:58:53 pm
One think I like about the iphone are the many free apps that I actually use (mostly sports/news services and time wasters like FB and FML)- are there many freebies available for WinMo? 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 06, 2009, 04:06:16 pm
One think I like about the iphone are the many free apps that I actually use (mostly sports/news services and time wasters like FB and FML)- are there many freebies available for WinMo? 

They used to be almost all free.  Only business apps and extensive games (like EA Sports Madden) had costs with MinMo -  this .99 cents thing is new to WinMo.

As of now, it looks like half of the apps in the Marketplace are free.  But the best apps can still be found over at xda-developers (ie, outside the Marketplace app) and they're all free.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 06, 2009, 04:14:35 pm
One think I like about the iphone are the many free apps that I actually use (mostly sports/news services and time wasters like FB and FML)- are there many freebies available for WinMo? 

Just a cursory glance:

Facebook app is free
AP News Service app is free
I don't believe there is an FML App for WinMo, but I'm not a fan so it could exist (there's defintiely not one in the app store).

Sport specific apps are too many to go through but I can look for specific ones if you're interested.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on October 06, 2009, 05:44:15 pm
Thanks Smackie...that new HD whatever it is from HTC looks sweet.  And the new handset on Verizon looks nice too.

When my ATT contract runs out I'll probably jump to Verizon and whatever HTC's latest and greatest WM phone it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on October 06, 2009, 06:49:41 pm
AT&T Allows iPhone To Make Internet Calls On Cell Network (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/posttech/2009/10/att_voip_including_skype_on_ip.html)

AT&T said Tuesday it would open its 3G wireless network to Internet voice applications on the iPhone, including Skype. The move comes as the nation's second largest wireless operator has been pushing back against proposed net neutrality rules at the Federal Communications Commission.

There's more....

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 06, 2009, 07:10:51 pm
Thanks Smackie...that new HD whatever it is from HTC looks sweet. 

This video (http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/06/htc-hd2-hands-on-and-impressions-on-video/#continued) had me on the phone with Sprint to make certain I get a test model before Q1-2010.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 07, 2009, 11:35:10 pm
This video (http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/06/htc-hd2-hands-on-and-impressions-on-video/#continued) had me on the phone with Sprint to make certain I get a test model before Q1-2010.

@htc: We just posted a fun and flashy video of the HD2 over on YouTube. Give it a look! http://bit.ly/hTtxw
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 10, 2009, 06:45:40 pm
HOLY SHIT is this ever the EPIC FAIL or EPIC FAILS!!!

Sidekick customers, during this service disruption, please DO NOT remove your battery, reset your Sidekick, or allow it to lose power.  (http://forums.t-mobile.com/tmbl/?category.id=Sidekick)


Regrettably, based on Microsoft/Danger's latest recovery assessment of their systems, we must now inform you that personal information stored on your device - such as contacts, calendar entries, to-do lists or photos - that is no longer on your Sidekick almost certainly has been lost as a result of a server failure at Microsoft/Danger. That said, our teams continue to work around-the-clock in hopes of discovering some way to recover this information. However, the likelihood of a successful outcome is extremely low.


I had no idea that the Sidekick worked ONLY in the cloud space (never owned one because I didn't get the appeal).  Who didn't backup the data before upgrading the servers??!?!?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on October 11, 2009, 12:27:08 am
HOLY SHIT is this ever the EPIC FAIL or EPIC FAILS!!!

Sidekick customers, during this service disruption, please DO NOT remove your battery, reset your Sidekick, or allow it to lose power.  (http://forums.t-mobile.com/tmbl/?category.id=Sidekick)

The data services provider is called Danger? Danger? It's like a restaurant called Sam 'n' Ella's.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 12, 2009, 12:30:29 pm
Alleged details on the events leading up to Danger's doomsday scenario are starting to come out of the woodwork, and it all paints a truly embarrassing picture: Microsoft, possibly trying to compensate for lost and / or laid-off Danger employees, outsources an upgrade of its Sidekick SAN to Hitachi, which -- for reasons unknown -- fails to make a backup before starting. Long story short, the upgrade runs into complications, data is lost, and without a backup to revert to, untold thousands of Sidekick users get shafted in an epic way rarely seen in an age of well-defined, well-understood IT strategies.

The coming weeks are going to be trying times for both Microsoft and T-Mobile, a sideline player in this carnage that ultimately still shoulders responsibility for taking users' cash month after month and keeping tabs on the robustness of its partners' workflows. We're betting that heads are going to roll at both of these companies, formal investigations are going to be waged, users are going to be compensated in big ways, lawsuits are going to be filed, and textbooks could very well be modified to make sure that lessons are learned for the next generation of college grads tasked with keeping clouds running. Why there weren't any backups -- even older ones -- that could've been used as a restore point is totally unclear, so we're hoping Microsoft has the stones to come clean for the benefit of an entire industry that wants to understand how to make sure this never happens again.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on November 09, 2009, 11:01:33 am

Jail-broken iPhones get Rickrolled (http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/11/08/iphone-worm-discovered-wallpaper-rick-astley-photo/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on November 09, 2009, 12:54:38 pm
Jail-broken iPhones get Rickrolled (http://www.sophos.com/blogs/gc/g/2009/11/08/iphone-worm-discovered-wallpaper-rick-astley-photo/)

funny story, but what an idiot... he was feeling all high and mighty when he wrote the worm, telling himself that he's going to teach all the RTFM'ers a lesson.  let's see how proud of himself he feels after the feds coming knocking on his door.  ya, there's a manual for how to release a virus/worm without getting caught.  might wanna read it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on November 09, 2009, 01:10:45 pm
Oh, those zany folks at Verizon...


As for the hacker, I'm pretty sure he's Aussie so it will be interesting to see what their rules are.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on November 09, 2009, 01:25:31 pm
I was out of contract with my sprint phone and almost made the leap to at&t and getting an iphone.  I'm still on this plan called Sero on sprint which is like 29 bucks total tax included that includes unlimited everything and 500 mins a month.  I decided to stay and got the touch pro 2 from HTC.  It's ok but not as responsive as the iphone as far as the screen goes.  But hey you can't beat that 29 bucks  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on November 10, 2009, 12:46:58 pm
Anyone here have an Android OS phone yet or signifigant experience with one?  Thoughts appreciated!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on November 10, 2009, 12:52:24 pm
I was out of contract with my sprint phone and almost made the leap to at&t and getting an iphone.  I'm still on this plan called Sero on sprint which is like 29 bucks total tax included that includes unlimited everything and 500 mins a month.  I decided to stay and got the touch pro 2 from HTC.  It's ok but not as responsive as the iphone as far as the screen goes.  But hey you can't beat that 29 bucks  ;D

Looks like a great deal and I'd love to be able to switch over for something like that but, alas, as I've stated elsewhere before, Sprint, absolutely, NEVER, EVER works anywhere that I try to make a phone call. So, they are totally out of my life! Sure wish T-Mobile would bring my charges down to something like that. Other than the cost, so far, I've been totally happy with them and (so far) have been able to call from every and anywhere. From my experience, can't do that with Sprint or Verizon.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on November 10, 2009, 01:17:44 pm
Anyone here have an Android OS phone yet or signifigant experience with one?  Thoughts appreciated!

Well, three days with 1.5 with SenseUI (HTC) overlay on a Hero for Sprint if that helps.  Much like WinMo, the skins make it much easier to use.  I have yet to use 2.0 for more than a few minutes at the Verizon store, and would say that the Moto keyboard on the droid is not the easiest in the world to use.  Might take some getting used to.

All in all I had a fairly positive experience with Droid. The widgets run fairly smoothly, even when running multiple widgets simultaneously.  There was a great perfromance increase with the Moto phone over the HTC phone, due mostly to the faster processor, but the overall user experience with the Droid phone was not as nice as the HTC phone.

Was there anything specific you were looking for? 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on November 10, 2009, 01:18:33 pm
Anyone here have an Android OS phone yet or signifigant experience with one?  Thoughts appreciated!

ixkpd-bk was an early adopter of android and absolutely loves (loved?) it.  maybe he'll grace us with an opinion or two.  it's obviously great for mobile social networking... dude is facebooking/twatting/twitpic'ing/etc 24/7.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on November 10, 2009, 01:59:40 pm
just got the google G1 phone and very very impressed with it esp. the browser (it really does look like a browser on your personal computer) and you can view it in landscape or portrait view. Only problems right now are: 1.) there isn't a decent facebook app for this phone (yet) , 2.) charging seems to take a long time, 3.) not a fan of the touch keyboard (there is a physical keyboard, however). The twitter app (Twidroid) is great. 

Anyone here have an Android OS phone yet or signifigant experience with one?  Thoughts appreciated!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on November 10, 2009, 02:33:42 pm
Was there anything specific you were looking for? 

No nothing in particular..just user experience as related to the other major players.

I think that the android phone to get will be htc's stab at 2.0.  I saw the droid at the verizon store and was not that impressed with the design.  Keyboard was meh, edges a little sharp.  Nice and thin for a slider though.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: MindCage on November 10, 2009, 02:34:15 pm
I picked up the Hero the week after it came out and love this phone. I can't wait until the release the 2.0 firmware.  There's a few kinks but that is expected with a first release of any electronic gadget.

Well, three days with 1.5 with SenseUI (HTC) overlay on a Hero for Sprint if that helps.  Much like WinMo, the skins make it much easier to use.  I have yet to use 2.0 for more than a few minutes at the Verizon store, and would say that the Moto keyboard on the droid is not the easiest in the world to use.  Might take some getting used to.

All in all I had a fairly positive experience with Droid. The widgets run fairly smoothly, even when running multiple widgets simultaneously.  There was a great perfromance increase with the Moto phone over the HTC phone, due mostly to the faster processor, but the overall user experience with the Droid phone was not as nice as the HTC phone.

Was there anything specific you were looking for? 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on November 10, 2009, 05:48:44 pm
I think that the android phone to get will be htc's stab at 2.0. 

I think you're right about this, and if you can hold off, I'd go with their snapdragon version in the HD2 mold that runs Android - it will run 2.0 much better.  I expect a March release date for that phone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on November 10, 2009, 06:16:25 pm
I think that the android phone to get will be htc's stab at 2.0. 

I think you're right about this, and if you can hold off, I'd go with their snapdragon version in the HD2 mold that runs Android - it will run 2.0 much better.  I expect a March release date for that phone.

I'm in no hurry.  I'm not bound to anything now.  But when the contract with att is up i'm jumping ship probably to verizon and whatever their best current phone is, assuming the choices are what I think they will be.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on November 17, 2009, 02:05:03 pm
Oh, those zany folks at Verizon...


See, now if I could have been this kind of lawyer, I may have gone corporate...

In response to the at&t lawsuit agasint Verizon claiming these ads "misleading" the opening line for Verizon's rebuttal:

"AT&T did not file this lawsuit because Verizon's "There's A Map For That" advertisements are untrue; AT&T sued because Verizon's ads are true and the truth hurts."

Ouch.  But wait, there's more....

In the final analysis, AT&T seeks emergency relief because Verizon's side-by-side, apples-to-apples comparison of its own 3G coverage with AT&T's confirms what the marketplace has been saying for months: AT&T failed to invest adequately in the necessary infrastructure to expand its 3G coverage to support its growth in smartphone business, and the usefulness of its service to smartphone users has suffered accordingly.

That's not legalese, that's fantastic conjecture.  And Smackie loves every bit of it.....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on November 17, 2009, 02:15:51 pm
On cue.  They're watching me....

at&t Spending Big Bucks to Improve Phone Service (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33994693/ns/local_news-san_francisco_bay_area_ca/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on November 20, 2009, 03:25:02 pm
HTC HD2 - A Closer Look....

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on November 20, 2009, 04:07:26 pm
I was out of contract with my sprint phone and almost made the leap to at&t and getting an iphone.  I'm still on this plan called Sero on sprint which is like 29 bucks total tax included that includes unlimited everything and 500 mins a month.  I decided to stay and got the touch pro 2 from HTC.  It's ok but not as responsive as the iphone as far as the screen goes.  But hey you can't beat that 29 bucks  ;D

Looks like a great deal and I'd love to be able to switch over for something like that but, alas, as I've stated elsewhere before, Sprint, absolutely, NEVER, EVER works anywhere that I try to make a phone call. So, they are totally out of my life! Sure wish T-Mobile would bring my charges down to something like that. Other than the cost, so far, I've been totally happy with them and (so far) have been able to call from every and anywhere. From my experience, can't do that with Sprint or Verizon.

do you live in the boonies??   ;D I've never had a problem with my sprint service.  Always had coverage where ever I have been.  The touch pro 2 is pretty nice once I tweaked it up with stuff.  Still messing around with it but so far so good  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on November 20, 2009, 04:20:55 pm
do you live in the boonies??   ;D I've never had a problem with my sprint service.  Always had coverage where ever I have been.  The touch pro 2 is pretty nice once I tweaked it up with stuff.  Still messing around with it but so far so good  ;D
Not really. When I had Sprint, I lived somewhere else then but had problems in both the East and West sides of Baltimore City, various different locations around East and Northeast Baltimore County, Ocean City, Delaware and a few odd locations along the northern side of the Capital Beltway. This was about 10 years ago so can't remember all the locations I've tried. Maybe it's improved since then but I'm not willing to take that chance again. Their customer service was whack too which didn't sit too well with me.So far T-Mobile has been working in all those locations and then some.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on November 30, 2009, 01:23:38 pm
Nonetheless, this techcrunch tablet prototype (http://www.crunchgear.com/2009/04/09/crunchtablet-hits-the-net-a-little-early/) is my next device:


I can't even begin to tell you how sad this makes me....

The Crunchpad disappearas in a Cloud of Vapor (http://www.engadget.com/2009/11/30/the-crunchpad-disappears-in-a-puff-of-vapor/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on December 07, 2009, 04:20:28 pm
I can't even begin to tell you how sad this makes me....

The Crunchpad disappearas in a Cloud of Vapor (http://www.engadget.com/2009/11/30/the-crunchpad-disappears-in-a-puff-of-vapor/)

Reports of it's demise were overblown.  It is however, in direct violation of my $400 limit for any gadget.  At $299, I was thinking hard about it, at $399 I was willing to have the discussion with the Mrs about it, but at $499 with that limited functionality, I'll be passing...

CrunchPad becomes the JooJoo (http://www.engadget.com/2009/12/07/fusion-garage-joojoo-tablet-rises-from-the-ashes-of-the-crunchpa/)

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on December 07, 2009, 04:40:37 pm
Reports of it's demise were overblown.  It is however, in direct violation of my $400 limit for any gadget.  At $299, I was thinking hard about it, at $399 I was willing to have the discussion with the Mrs about it, but at $499 with that limited functionality, I'll be passing...

this price-point debate of yours may well be purely academic, until they get their IP fights out of the way:

Mr. Arrington has said that he intends to sue Fusion Garage and those involved, claiming that the two companies jointly owned the intellectual property. Though Mr. Arrington is a lawyer, he had not written or signed contracts with Fusion Garage to establish joint intellectual property.

TechCrunch did, however, spend time and money on the project, and the Fusion Garage team, including Mr. Rathakrishnan, spent considerable time working in TechCrunch?s office. The two companies had also discussed plans for TechCrunch to acquire Fusion Garage.

?It?s legally impossible for them to simply build and sell the device without our agreement,? Mr. Arrington wrote on his blog.

Still, TechCrunch does not have physical control of any of the intellectual property, the source briefed on the details said, and could not commercialize the product without Fusion Garage.

Mr. Rathakrishnan called Mr. Arrington?s claims ?simply ludicrous.? He said, ?Fusion Garage alone owns all I.P. and proprietary rights associated with the product.?

(source (http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/12/07/the-crunchpad-is-resurrected-as-the-joo-joo/))
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on December 07, 2009, 05:25:22 pm
What about this (http://www.theonion.com/content/news/new_device_desirable_old_device) for only $395?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on December 07, 2009, 06:35:32 pm
this price-point debate of yours may well be purely academic, until they get their IP fights out of the way:

Arrington is in a really shitty spot....

"Though Mr. Arrington is a lawyer, he had not written or signed contracts with Fusion Garage to establish joint intellectual property."

He'll be held to a higher standard when seeking an injunction and he's pretty much screwed.  Dec 11 these things will be up for order and I suspect all of this drama will be worked out with a settlement afterwards.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on December 07, 2009, 07:34:09 pm
I'm currently beta testing the 8tracks iphone app, it will be a cool addition to listen to music from the cloud landscape...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on December 07, 2009, 07:36:11 pm
Smackie needs an Android user to try out this new app and tell me what it does for the wine label portion of the app.  Kindly report back:

Google Goggles (http://www.google.com/mobile/goggles/#label)

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on December 10, 2009, 01:34:43 am
ok economists, have at it....

AT&T plans to charge smart phone customers for heavy data traffic (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2009/12/att-says-it-hopes-to-start-charging-smartphone-customers-for-heavy-data-usage.html)

"In a presentation to investors today, AT&T's head of consumer services, Ralph de la Vega, acknowledged that just 3% of iPhone users accounted for a massive 40% of the data traffic on AT&T's mobile network. By using data-intense applications such as streaming audio and video services, a small number of iPhone users have been putting a huge burden on the company's network, causing lackluster performance in major markets including New York City and San Francisco."

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on December 10, 2009, 08:31:57 pm
As we discussed last night, that's complete bullshit.  It's clear they don't get it and Verizon has their panties all up in a ball.

at&t's major problems are with too many people on it's 1G network, not it's 3G network.  Phone calls and text messages travel across the first gen network, not the 3G network, and the vast majority of complaints about at&t's service are of dropped calls, not slow data speeds.

Way to gouge at&t.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on December 11, 2009, 03:05:50 pm
this price-point debate of yours may well be purely academic, until they get their IP fights out of the way:

Claim available (http://www.engadget.com/2009/12/11/techcrunch-sues-fusion-garage-over-the-joojoo-we-break-it-dow/), but no claim for breach of contract or IP.  As I predicted, he's screwed and the product will continue to move along with a settlement likely.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on December 11, 2009, 08:13:37 pm
This is almost entirely predictable given Apple's decision to go exclusive with ATT.  There's enough people out there that love their Iphones that they'd pay for higher data rates rather than switch to another carrier and thus phone.   

People will bitch and scream about it but they'll keep their Iphones. 

Much like service charges on tickets!  :D

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on December 14, 2009, 03:02:32 pm
at&t consultant says iphone responsible for crappy service (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/13/business/13digi.html)

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on December 14, 2009, 10:09:59 pm
at&t consultant says iphone responsible for crappy service (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/13/business/13digi.html)


"I asked Ron Dicklin, chief technology officer at Root Wireless, how these results, showing AT&T as the clear leader, could be reconciled with the negative appraisal of Consumer Reports? respondents. He explained that his company?s tests of AT&T?s data network were done with handsets other than the iPhone, which does not allow non-Apple programs like his to run in the background."

Maybe that's why there's no app for that....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Darth Ed on December 14, 2009, 10:57:04 pm
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on December 15, 2009, 01:38:29 pm

that reads like a typical "defend Apple at all costs" fanboi column.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on December 15, 2009, 01:55:00 pm
yeah but the ny times article sounds like typical apple fanboi backlash
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on December 15, 2009, 03:24:38 pm
It doesn't matter to me as long as people are starting to realize that neither are all they're cracked up to be.  It only took 3+ years....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on December 15, 2009, 05:18:01 pm
according to both of those links its one and not the other though
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on December 22, 2009, 01:45:19 pm
So my Iphone stopped working after less than a year.   It was refusing to charge.

I took it in to a "Genius," who said that there was corrosion in the sync/charger port.   That, she said, signified moisture, which voids Apple's warranty.   Apple even builds a moisture detector into the port, and also inside the phone itself.  She opened the phone and found that the moisture detector inside had remained dry, and so decided to believe me that I'd never immersed it in water, and treat it as warranty service.    Which is a good thing, because non-warranty service really means that they swap out your phone and charge you $199 for it, and if it came to that I was gonna switch to a different phone.

The bottom line though is that it seems like that port is extremely vulnerable.    The rest of the phone was fine even after months of sleeveless use.   I am wondering if there is a cap you can get that goes in that port when not in use to protect it.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 05, 2010, 02:43:13 pm
If you only need a hardware provider, MS would be much better served by contracting with HTC to provide a MS branded phone.  It would cost half as much, it's already used to your platform, and they're putting out the most innovative hardware on the market (sorry Apple folks, but the iPhone hasn't changed its appearance in 3 years now, to where HTC has a new phone every 2 months or so).


HTC is selling better phones for Android than the Google "branded" ones,  and since Google doesn't license the Google Brand on software that has been altered, eventually they're going to need their own hardware for control purposes (unless they take the MS approach - we don't need hardware, we just want OS credit). 

Smackie loves it when he makes a plausible suggestion to Microsoft, that they of course ignore, and Google beats them to the punch with his EXACT idea (for the record, it was July 31 when he had that idea):

Google Nexus One is Official (http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/05/googles-nexus-one-is-official/)

3.7-inch AMOLED display, 1GHz Snapdragon processor, and a multicolored LED under the trackball.

Likely to be a T-Mobile phone.....(EDIT: Available today on T-Mobile, $179 on a two-year deal)

EDIT: Verizon is getting the Nexus One in spring 2010.  WOW!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on January 05, 2010, 08:03:53 pm

Google Nexus One is Official (http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/05/googles-nexus-one-is-official/)

3.7-inch AMOLED display, 1GHz Snapdragon processor, and a multicolored LED under the trackball.

EDIT: Verizon is getting the Nexus One in spring 2010.  WOW!

so, are you saying i shouldn't use my $100-new-every-2 discount on a droid? 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 05, 2010, 08:51:38 pm
so, are you saying i shouldn't use my $100-new-every-2 discount on a droid? 

That depends on if you need a physical keyboard or not.  The Nexus One will have a touch screen keyboard only, but will be BY FAR the most powerful Android phone to date. 

The Motorola DROID has a physical keyboard but will be sluggish compared to the Nexus One, and my guess is that all future upgrades to Android 2.x will be based on Googles snappy handset with apologies for sluggishness on other units.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Got Haggis? on January 06, 2010, 12:27:16 pm
Nexus One is over hyped.....still can't compare to the iPhone, it doesn't even have multi-touch.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 06, 2010, 01:07:41 pm
it doesn't even have multi-touch.

Well, it doesn't have Google supported multitouch, but it's hackable and Google won't block it when the hackers add it.  Apple's patent is the only reason why the Nexus doesn't have multitouch.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thatguy on January 06, 2010, 01:13:17 pm
most important question: does it dream of electric sheep?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 06, 2010, 02:01:03 pm
Nexus One is over hyped...still can't compare to the iPhone

iPhone users should stop comparing every phone that comes out to the physical phone in their pocket and instead focus on the processes Google is talking about here.

The vast majority of conversation yesterday was about the openness of the Google handset, it's development process, and the Open Handset Alliance.  Nor is the phone going to be exclusive to one carrier (it's on multiple bands even!).

iPhone users should hope that competition in this form will lead to a much more open iPhone process.

Google isn't taking on the physical phone in the short term (after all, they didn't design the phone or it's hardware - they just market the phone), they're going after the broken mobile phone process in the long term.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 06, 2010, 06:10:12 pm
most important question: does it dream of electric sheep?

Funny you should ask....Phil Dick's estate is none to happy about the name.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 06, 2010, 08:46:17 pm
so, are you saying i shouldn't use my $100-new-every-2 discount on a droid? 

Not to add to your phone selection issues, but the already diverse choice of phones available on Verizon are expected to get the addition of the Palm Pre (and Pixi).  Announcement tomorrow.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on January 07, 2010, 02:48:27 pm
so, are you saying i shouldn't use my $100-new-every-2 discount on a droid? 

Not to add to your phone selection issues, but the already diverse choice of phones available on Verizon are expected to get the addition of the Palm Pre (and Pixi).  Announcement tomorrow.
who buys a palm?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 07, 2010, 03:28:13 pm
who buys a palm?

has the Pre not made it to whatever cave it is that you toil in?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 07, 2010, 03:29:35 pm
who buys a palm?

People who bought their first smartphone just over a year ago should not cast stones in the direction of Palm.  Afterall, Palm invented the smartphone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 07, 2010, 03:32:08 pm
has the Pre not made it to whatever cave it is that you toil in?

He's seen smackette's since the day it came out. 

He's just trying to solidify his hold on douchebag taint of the week with all of the competition being put forward by Gilbert Arenas, LNS, et al.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on January 07, 2010, 03:38:34 pm
who buys a palm?

People who bought their first smartphone just over a year ago should not cast stones in the direction of Palm.  Afterall, Palm invented the smartphone.
i'll have you know that it's been over 2 years now. . . and i remember how much smackette hated her palm.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 07, 2010, 03:44:28 pm
and i remember how much smackette hated her palm.

Hated?  Really?

She was upset that one particular application for doctors wasn't available as promised when it was released, otherwise she loves the phone.

WebOS definitely has had it's growing pains, but I don't anybody who hates the Pre.

EDIT: She's going to love it even more next month: Video Recording Coming to All WebOS Phones in February (http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/07/video-recording-coming-to-all-webos-devices-in-february/)

EDIT #2: Palm just dropped a bomb with a Mobile Hotspot app that'll bring WiFi routing to up to five devices, not unlike the MiFi devices already offered by both Sprint and Verizon.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on January 07, 2010, 04:06:37 pm
and i remember how much smackette hated her palm.

Hated?  Really?

She was upset that one particular application for doctors wasn't available as promised when it was released, otherwise she loves the phone.

WebOS definitely has had it's growing pains, but I don't anybody who hates the Pre.

this is what i get for making a joke about the palm.  you'd think it was the 20s and i was dissing the new oldsmobile.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 07, 2010, 06:09:26 pm
it doesn't even have multi-touch.

Well, it doesn't have Google supported multitouch, but it's hackable and Google won't block it when the hackers add it.  Apple's patent is the only reason why the Nexus doesn't have multitouch.

And if you needed further proof of this theory:

Euro spec Nexus One Does Multitouch (http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/07/surprise-surprise-htcs-euro-spec-nexus-one-does-multitouch/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 09, 2010, 01:09:43 pm
Google Nexus One vs Apple iPhone 3GS


Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 15, 2010, 05:31:21 pm
i knew this would come up sooner or later... an inherent issue of open-sourcing a device that handles sensitive info:

Malware Sneaks Into Android Market (http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/01/android-malware-fears/)

the masses eventually caught it, but how much info was collected before the malware apps were discovered?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 22, 2010, 10:25:37 am
back from the dead:

Windows Mobile 7 rumors coalesce around Q4 launch, MWC announcement
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 22, 2010, 11:58:00 am
Has anyone visited 930.com via iPhone Safari recently?  The entire website is now more mobile browser friendly, however I'm not a huge fan to the use of brown font for the forum links.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 22, 2010, 12:14:17 pm
yup, like a week or two ago it went from web-default black text/blue links/white background to something that looks much closer to the "full version": black background, white text and horrible brown links... i hated the brown when the redesign went in, and i hate it now.  which design idiot came up with that combo?!?  yellow would have been better.  i view the site's mobile version on the blackberry's default browser, i use operamini when i want to view the non-mobile (full) version on the go.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on January 22, 2010, 12:26:17 pm
Yeah, the brown is really grimey and not the easiest to read under certain lighting conditions.

Various lighting conditions often seems to be ignored, or probably just not understood enough, by too many people designing websites. Not only do different machines display differently but they will be utilized in lots of different lighting environments. That's especially true with all of the high tech phones and laptops used nowadays. What looks nice and clear on one machine and in one room may be extremely difficult to view in another. Brown against black or grey is not a safe choice unless one can have better control over the actual viewing environment.

Yellow would be easier but I would avoid a bright out and out yellow as the contrast may be too high and blur out to some eyes. Would have to try out some of the others but a slightly more muted yellow, like maybe a gold or something, might work much better.

But yeah, I'm fully with you on all of that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 23, 2010, 06:32:44 pm
What's a mobile browser?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 23, 2010, 08:00:57 pm
one that refuses to sit still.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 26, 2010, 02:21:01 pm
I enjoy the tenacity of Google....

Google Voice comes to iPhone and WebOS as a Web App (http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/26/google-voice-comes-to-iphone-and-webos-as-a-web-app/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 26, 2010, 02:28:33 pm
I think that the android phone to get will be htc's stab at 2.0. 

I think you're right about this, and if you can hold off, I'd go with their snapdragon version in the HD2 mold that runs Android - it will run 2.0 much better.  I expect a March release date for that phone.

This may be the phone that gets me to leave WinMo (as sad as that will make me and my beta testing ways....).  The more it looks like Sprint will not get the HD2, all all rumors seem to point that the HTC Supersonic will be on Sprint AND be a WiMax phone, I don't know how I could pass on this beauty....


4.3 inch sceen, Snapdragon processor, WiMax and Android...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 27, 2010, 11:09:58 am
That does look sweet...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: MindCage on January 27, 2010, 02:24:05 pm
That does look sweet...

It has 4 basic buttons and is black and shiny. You're easily impressed ;)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on January 27, 2010, 02:25:14 pm
so who is going to get an ipad now???  Thing looks like a ginormous iphone  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 27, 2010, 02:26:57 pm
this big ipod touch is the dumbest thing ever.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 02:32:37 pm
It's everything I asked for in my Crunchpad....I just wish they'd announce the price!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 27, 2010, 02:35:47 pm
It's everything I asked for in my Crunchpad....I just wish they'd announce the price!

$799 is my guess.  care to speculate?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 02:36:31 pm
$799 is my guess.  care to speculate?

I'll go with $999.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 27, 2010, 02:38:53 pm
Should announce it any min now.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 02:39:20 pm
Should announce it any min now.

They should also announce if it multitasks or not...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 27, 2010, 02:41:57 pm
Should announce it any min now.

They should also announce if it multitasks or not...
If it does i'm betting the next gen iphone will.  64gb is a limiting factor as well.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 02:43:28 pm
A backlit eReader is an epic fail. 

I never appreciated this until I started using a Kindle.  My eyes can feel a world of difference...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on January 27, 2010, 02:48:43 pm
I say 600 but that's wishful thinking.  I mean it's just a jumbo touch.  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 02:59:00 pm
A backlit eReader is an epic fail. 

I never appreciated this until I started using a Kindle.  My eyes can feel a world of difference...

At least it supports ePub which will force Amazon to support that format as well...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 03:08:55 pm
It's everything I asked for in my Crunchpad....I just wish they'd announce the price!

I take it back.  They really put too much into this.  This isn't a huge Touch, this is a computer without a keyboard.  I'm gonna raise my guess to $1199 to cover all the software costs.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 03:19:38 pm
Wow.  $499.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 27, 2010, 03:23:59 pm
goddamn it, now i want one
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 03:25:01 pm
goddamn it, now i want one

No shit.  Even I'm considering it....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 03:27:44 pm
They should also announce if it multitasks or not...

Engadget says no multitasking...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 27, 2010, 03:36:14 pm
goddamn it, now i want one

No shit.  Even I'm considering it....
what? if julian agrees with something seth says, i'll start believing in a forumpocalypse
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 27, 2010, 03:36:21 pm
I'm shocked at the $499 entry point.  A bit too much step up in price for the other models, but still, i'm shocked.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 27, 2010, 03:40:32 pm
I like Kurt anderson's tweet

It's sunny and 51 in SF. And hundreds of people are sitting in an auditorium applauding spread-sheet functionality. You *are* a gadget.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 03:42:06 pm
It's sunny and 51 in SF. And hundreds of people are sitting in an auditorium applauding spread-sheet functionality. You *are* a gadget.

Well, it's not sunny, but yes that is funny.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 03:51:38 pm
what? if julian agrees with something seth says, i'll start believing in a forumpocalypse

OK, I guess if I'm being realistic, I'm never going to buy another device that ties me to iTunes.  But for a split second I did think about it.

I do like that it will drive the market down and an Android or Win device will have to be a couple hundred dollars less to compete with Apple's branding and marketing.  And any non-Apple device will have so much more flexibility that I will have one soon (like a card reader or USB port for crying out loud!).  Too bad I just got a Kindle and bought my Nettop (Zotac MAGHD (http://www.zotacusa.com/zotac-mag-hd-nd01.html) for those that care) so I'm sure Smackette won't let me buy anything before my birthday.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 27, 2010, 04:09:15 pm
wait, does this have a flash player on it
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 04:09:50 pm
Not a good sign for Apple....

Says Smackette, who's usually a good judge of the feelings of the general public:

"Looks ri-tard to me. Just an awkwardly large ipod!"
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 04:11:36 pm
wait, does this have a flash player on it

haha.  Come on.  Be realistic...

The answer is no.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 27, 2010, 04:13:02 pm
i'm out
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 04:22:40 pm
They refused to port it to their phone OS when it had the x86 chip, can you imagine difficult this will be for their new A4 chip?

I say it's even less likely to happen for the iPad than it is for the iPhone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on January 27, 2010, 04:28:01 pm
what? if julian agrees with something seth says, i'll start believing in a forumpocalypse
Oh don 't be stupid, I agree with him on easily 95% of things. If there's anyone on here who's close to practicing the Julian's America gospel, it's Seth.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on January 27, 2010, 04:28:33 pm
Oh, and I would openly mock anyone I saw using this retarded piece of techno-crap.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 27, 2010, 04:46:52 pm
you of all people taking an obvious exaggeration seriously disappoints me
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on January 27, 2010, 04:50:34 pm
you of all people taking an obvious exaggeration seriously disappoints me
If there's anything I'm known for on here, it's taking obvious exaggeration seriously.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 27, 2010, 05:17:11 pm
oh, i though vodka and burberry scarves
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on January 27, 2010, 07:33:00 pm
They should also announce if it multitasks or not...

Engadget says no multitasking...

OS 4.0 is rumored to do multitasking.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 07:39:40 pm
OS 4.0 is rumored to do multitasking.

Is that from the same rumor that said OS 4.0 was coming out today?  j/k

It's a 1ghz processor so there's no reason not to multitask, other than Jobs saying that it isn't necessary to multitask.  Of course, he also said people don't read any more, then released a device with eReader capabilities and an iBookstore...I guess that's code for we can't do it (or didn't do it first) so it's not important, but as soon as we can, it will be the newest innovation.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 27, 2010, 08:14:54 pm
Is the iPad being touted as a tablet computer by Apple?  because I thought tablet computing generally involved using a stylus.  Now a tablet MacBook could be an interesting but still expensive  product
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 27, 2010, 08:19:50 pm
Wow.  $499.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 27, 2010, 08:49:16 pm
The hyperbole is getting deeper over on Twitter

Naysayers: The iPad isn't a giant iPhone. It's the first end-user appliance computer.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2010, 09:02:47 pm
There's nothing short of vitriol over on Engadget.  Even the fanboi's hate it...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 27, 2010, 09:26:27 pm
I'm guessin that enough early adopters and people who can't get enough of their iPhones will be at front of the line for one of these. 

Whereas those former early adapter who are now looking at specs will wait for hw ver 2.0.  I would to think that AT&T 3g option would be a deal breaker for many.   
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 27, 2010, 11:08:45 pm
and just to spite me all those twitter "pundits", I'm going to go out an buy a Kindle for Kosmette and a netbook for me.  At least with a netbook, I can find the data provider with the strongest signal into my building, vs the one that flakely more often than not.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 28, 2010, 02:03:43 am
how to ensure smackie will hate your device: see first 10 seconds of this vid (http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2010/01/27/bts.apple.tablet.long.cnn).

also, 2:59 - "thinner and lighter than any netbook".

it's weird how he kept bringing up the netbook comparisons.  this obviously isn't a netbook, and shouldn't try competing against them... in all but one category: dollars.  my take on this netbook obsession is that they want to replace the netbook as the consumer's secondary/tertiary computer-related spend.  while the ipad fills different niches, people aren't going to buy both.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 28, 2010, 08:28:38 am
To an extent Apple is on to something...  I find that whenever I can, I prefer using my iphone over my laptop.   It's easier to use despte the small screen.  So a maxi-iPod makes sense, theoretically.

That being said, it is shockingly unimaginative given how Apple likes to position itself, and given how much time they've spent developing it.   Once you cut through Steven Jobs' extensive hyperbole, there isn't much there that's new other than the size.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: nkotb on January 28, 2010, 08:36:44 am
A maxiPod?

To an extent Apple is on to something...  I find that whenever I can, I prefer using my iphone over my laptop.   It's easier to use despte the small screen.  So a maxi-iPod makes sense, theoretically.

That being said, it is shockingly unimaginative given how Apple likes to position itself, and given how much time they've spent developing it.   Once you cut through Steven Jobs' extensive hyperbole, there isn't much there that's new other than the size.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 28, 2010, 09:52:38 am

That being said, it is shockingly unimaginative given how Apple likes to position itself, and given how much time they've spent developing it.   Once you cut through Steven Jobs' extensive hyperbole, there isn't much there that's new other than the size.

And it's the size that's really got me puzzled.... It's to big to carried around by it's own in a pocket like an iPhone requiring always have a man bag to use it.  Are women going to really want to lug something that big around?

If it's bigger than a Kindle is anyone really going  trying to use it to read on the Metro and I most certainly wouldn't want to be sitting at my desk using it.  With all the firewall monitoring going on these day my iPhone is my primarily method of reading email, surfing these days.

I could see myself getting excited for something in between an iPhone and the iPad, that allows me to choose who my data provider is, can stream 8Tracks.com mixes in the background, while I surf the web or check out my twitter feed.

Hopefully, enough of the people who will want it just because it's the "hottest" thing since the iPhone will buy it and allow Apple to recover costs and then work on rev 3 versions of the iPad. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 28, 2010, 12:12:41 pm
If it's bigger than a Kindle is anyone really going  trying to use it to read on the Metro and I most certainly wouldn't want to be sitting at my desk using it.

It's much bigger than a kindle.  It's closer in size to the Kindle DX.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 28, 2010, 01:56:10 pm

That being said, it is shockingly unimaginative given how Apple likes to position itself, and given how much time they've spent developing it.   Once you cut through Steven Jobs' extensive hyperbole, there isn't much there that's new other than the size.

And it's the size that's really got me puzzled.... It's to big to carried around by it's own in a pocket like an iPhone requiring always have a man bag to use it.  Are women going to really want to lug something that big around?

I can see a use for it in my life -- I have a laptop which I basically use to surf the web while I'm sitting on the couch, and to control Itunes with over my stereo.  I can imagine using it that way and as an oversized remote control.   Can't imagine carrying it around.

One thing I was wondering was whether Apple would introduce another rather rudimentary concept -- folders -- on this thing.   From the photos I don't see that.   If you've got more than a few apps on an iphone you already know how annoying it can be to hunt for them without a way to organize them.

Beyond that, the usual Apple hype -- words like "magical" and "phenomenal" just irk me.   I think the baisc concept is a fine one, I just hope someone comes along and executes it better.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 28, 2010, 10:22:42 pm
I think the baisc concept is a fine one, I just hope someone comes along and executes it better.

I have high hopes for the HP Slate, and I hope that an Android/Chrome OS version with a dual-core atom/ION combo or a tegra2 can come in at $500 (I don't think a Win7 version can do that, but I'd love to be wrong). 

The Slate will struggle to match 10 hours of battery life, but I'm willing to sacrifice that for the flexibility added to a device that isn't tied to on manufacturer's business model.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 28, 2010, 10:28:00 pm
wait, does this have a flash player on it

Says Adobe:

"It looks like Apple is continuing to impose restrictions on their devices that limit both content publishers and consumers. Unlike many other ebook readers using the ePub file format, consumers will not be able to access ePub content with Apple's DRM technology on devices made by other manufacturers. And without Flash support, iPad users will not be able to access the full range of web content, including over 70% of games and 75% of video on the web.

If I want to use the iPad to connect to Disney, Hulu, Miniclip, Farmville, ESPN, Kongregate, or JibJab -- not to mention the millions of other sites on the web -- I'll be out of luck."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 28, 2010, 11:57:10 pm
How does one explain all of this?   My theory is that Apple's large base of worshippers who will line up for hours and pay top dollar for any product they release, means they don't feel much incentive to really innovate.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on January 29, 2010, 04:36:51 am
Now they've really gone and done it. They pissed off Hitler!

One of many. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-acqF6kN0r4)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: redsock on January 29, 2010, 10:07:52 am
wait, does this have a flash player on it

Says Adobe:

"If I want to use the iPad to connect to Disney, Hulu, Miniclip, Farmville, ESPN, Kongregate, or JibJab -- not to mention the millions of other sites on the web -- I'll be out of luck."

This isn't exactly true, and is just Adobe kicking up the drama. I can get to all of the sites listed above, and in most cases get plenty of info off of them. Most of the flash visuals on these, and many other sites, are awful anyway. Besides, hasn't anyone ever heard of jquery? Works great on the iphone.

Not that I'm in the Ipad is good court. For me the jury is still out...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 29, 2010, 05:21:44 pm
I can get to all of the sites listed above, and in most cases get plenty of info off of them. Most of the flash visuals on these, and many other sites, are awful anyway.

All this tells me is that YOU choose not to enjoy most Flash content.  Fine.  So YOU don't have to install the Flash plugin (but I'm guessing you did for your desktop/laptop browsers despite not like most of the content).

All people want is a choice - not Apple deciding for them.  The consumer should not be the victim of a long running dispute between Apple and Adobe:

Apple switched to the TrueType font format to stop having to pay Adobe.

Adobe yanked Premiere off the Mac platform when Apple's Final Cut took over the market.

Apple and Adobe went head to head on Light Room and Aperture.

Adobe took a long time before porting apps over to OS X (and Quark didn't).

The FLV format has almost completely killed the QT MOV format.

What's really ironic about all this is that YouTube is almost 100% FLV videos. You can't play them through the iPhone Safari browser. But Apple put a YouTube application on the iPhone from day one so that people could see Flash content.

Flash content doesn't really bother Apple. They just want control of it.  As many have said, this likely has to do with Flash acting as its own OS to play games or applications without going through the app store. 

(And an ongoing pissing contest with Adobe.)

[For full disclosure, most of that is cut and paste from the best comment I've seen yet on this dispute.  The words are not mine, but they do reflect what I've been saying for a while now.]
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 31, 2010, 01:17:23 pm
Amazon pulls Macmillan titles [eBook and bound book] due to price conflict -- confirmed (http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/31/amazon-pulled-macmillan-titles-due-to-price-conflict-confirme/)

I would have used the word hypocrite instead of old dog, but Amazon, being the largest paper book retailer can make life hard for publishers. Which is more likely? (1) this is a direct response to Amazon undercutting iTunes prices in their MP3 music store, or (2) the iPad is late to the game and this is the best way to challenge for market share? 

"So when Steve Jobs said that Apple's and Amazon's prices would be the same, he was almost certainly referring to the $12.99 to $14.99 e-book pricing originally rumored by the New York Times -- not the $9.99 price that Amazon customers have been enjoying so far. Funny how Jobs, the man who once refused to grant the music labels' request for variable pricing on digital music so that Apple could maintain a low fixed $0.99 price per track, is suddenly the best friend of a new breed of content owners. Guess the old dog just learned a new trick, eh?"
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on February 01, 2010, 03:54:12 pm
Amazon pulls Macmillan titles [eBook and bound book] due to price conflict -- confirmed (http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/31/amazon-pulled-macmillan-titles-due-to-price-conflict-confirme/)

I would have used the word hypocrite instead of old dog, but Amazon, being the largest paper book retailer can make life hard for publishers. Which is more likely? (1) this is a direct response to Amazon undercutting iTunes prices in their MP3 music store, or (2) the iPad is late to the game and this is the best way to challenge for market share? 

"So when Steve Jobs said that Apple's and Amazon's prices would be the same, he was almost certainly referring to the $12.99 to $14.99 e-book pricing originally rumored by the New York Times -- not the $9.99 price that Amazon customers have been enjoying so far. Funny how Jobs, the man who once refused to grant the music labels' request for variable pricing on digital music so that Apple could maintain a low fixed $0.99 price per track, is suddenly the best friend of a new breed of content owners. Guess the old dog just learned a new trick, eh?"

amazon "capitulates" (http://www.amazon.com/tag/kindle/forum/ref=cm_cd_tfp_ef_tft_tp?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx1D7SY3BVSESG&cdThread=Tx2MEGQWTNGIMHV&displayType=tagsDetail)

you know. . .i think amazon overplayed their hand against a far bigger fish in macmillan.  if macmillan thinks they can get people to buy their books for $12.99, then, as the publisher, that's what they can ask for.  amazon doesn't want to pay their price, reacted, and got bit. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 01, 2010, 04:28:26 pm
amazon "capitulates" (http://www.amazon.com/tag/kindle/forum/ref=cm_cd_tfp_ef_tft_tp?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx1D7SY3BVSESG&cdThread=Tx2MEGQWTNGIMHV&displayType=tagsDetail)

you know. . .i think amazon overplayed their hand against a far bigger fish in macmillan. 

I'm not sure it was MacMillan that eventually made Amazon switch (after all, we all knew that if Apple was going to agree to $14.99 then everyone else was going to follow suit.

There was a lot of backlash from authors that caught Amazon off-guard.  Many authors backed the publisher on this one (a lot of them were not MacMillan authors) and said they would remove their books from Amazon if they kept up this stance.

Either way, the consumer loses and there will be as little competition among ebook prices as their is for digital music despite their being absolutely no additional overhead from one digital copy to the next.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 02, 2010, 04:53:29 pm
it doesn't even have multi-touch.

Well, it doesn't have Google supported multitouch, but it's hackable and Google won't block it when the hackers add it.  Apple's patent is the only reason why the Nexus doesn't have multitouch.

And if you needed further proof of this theory:

Euro spec Nexus One Does Multitouch (http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/07/surprise-surprise-htcs-euro-spec-nexus-one-does-multitouch/)

Nexus One Software Update Enables Multitouch (http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/02/nexus-one-gets-a-software-update-enables-multitouch/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 02, 2010, 06:49:43 pm
There's nothing short of vitriol over on Engadget.  Even the fanboi's hate it...

They've actually shut down the comment section for a little while because people were getting out of hand....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on February 03, 2010, 03:21:12 pm

Either way, the consumer loses and there will be as little competition among ebook prices as their is for digital music despite their being absolutely no additional overhead from one digital copy to the next.

yes and no. . .i say no because if the new model allows for the price of an ebook to vary, then those who can wait may end up paying a lower price anyway.  or, as one of my favorite economists (http://knowledgeproblem.com/2010/02/02/the-amazon-macmillan-ebook-kerfuffle-an-ode-to-price-discrimination/) points out,

"But where the economics gets really interesting is considering the book supply portfolio and the demand for specific titles over time. That?s where the dynamic pricing flexibility of the agency model is welfare-creating ? it can make Amazon, Macmillan, Macmillan?s authors, and consumers better off relative to the equilibrium with wholesale pass-through pricing, and what?s makes that possible is price discrimination. ...  So what?s the ?new equilibrium?? Retailers and publishers will evolve and adapt as technologies and consumers do, but will it involve content as loss leader, authors contracting with Amazon and disintermediating publishers, or something else. One thing we know is that the Internet has created lots of new ways to price discriminate, and ebooks may be susceptible to that pricing model too, to the benefit of all parties."

mind you, this is under the assumption that e-book pricing will be done dynamically- i get that an ebook, is an ebook, is an ebook; however, much like the absurd retail prices for cd's, the value of a book is largely wrapped up in the content and not the publishing.  i doubt that amazon (and soon to be google) will, in the long run, simply stand by and let apple dictate the terms of the market; amazon, for one, simply has a different perspective on selling goods.  it's amazon being able to convince publishers (or authors) that apple's pricing scheme isn't that favorable for them or customers.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on February 03, 2010, 04:05:06 pm
Adobe CTO reponds to apple and its "magical device." (http://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/2010/02/open_access_to_content_and_app.html) 

"Engaging with ideas and information also means ensuring there is an open ecosystem and freedom to view and interact with the content and applications a user chooses. This model of open access has proven to be more effective in the long term than a walled approach, where a manufacturer tries to determine what users are able to see or approves and disapproves individual content and applications. We strongly believe the Web should remain an open environment with consistent access to content and applications regardless of your viewing device."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 03, 2010, 05:27:48 pm
Jason O'Grady woke up on the wrong side of the Book of Jobs this week...

iPad's lack of Flash/USB/Bluetooth is all about lock-in (updated) (http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=5922&tag=rbxccnbzd1)

Apple's Blu-ray fiasco: the iTunes conflict (http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=5928&tag=nl.e550)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 03, 2010, 05:40:09 pm
or, as one of my favorite economists (http://knowledgeproblem.com/2010/02/02/the-amazon-macmillan-ebook-kerfuffle-an-ode-to-price-discrimination/) points out,

Your favorite economist wrote that entire articel without once mentioning competition (CTRL+F if you don't believe me) - and that's the crux of what I'm saying (and it's exactly the problem I've had with iTunes from the beginning).

With the agency model, all retailers will be bound to the same formula (a high cost when it first comes out, lowering in 6 months, even further when the paperback comes out).  That's not how it is now with regular books, so why should it be with the new medium?  The day the book comes out, there is a tremendous amount of compeitition between bricks and mortars and online retailers for those eager fans.  If they all have the same agency model and we have no choices, how is that better for the consumer? 

If Amazon chooses to sell books as a loss leader to sell more of it's devices, then why shouldn't it be allowed to do so?  Apple argued one way when they had market share (mp3 players) and is now arguing the opposite because they are late to market (eReader).  Again, only the consumer is guaranteed to lose in this one.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on February 03, 2010, 06:15:07 pm

If Amazon chooses to sell books as a loss leader to sell more of it's devices, then why shouldn't it be allowed to do so?  Apple argued one way when they had market share (mp3 players) and is now arguing the opposite because they are late to market (eReader).  Again, only the consumer is guaranteed to lose in this one.

i don't disagree with you about whether or not amazon should be able to sell ebooks differently; but until amazon, as the retailer, is able to convince either the publisher or the author that their way is better, the publisher will choose the best option for themselves (and, presumably, for who they represent).  i do wonder, though, even if amazon agrees to "price" books at the contract rate, if they won't simply continue selling ebooks at a lower price and just take the loss (nevermind that this could be construed as a monopolistic ploy to undercut a new competitor).  what the article i linked to posited was that the customer will still come out ahead by paying lower prices, publishers will make more money, which will then be passed on to writers and apple and amazon will also increase their revenue.  now, when bricks-and-mortar stores close, and everyone has a kindle, an ipad or whatever google will call theirs, then come back to me about the ebook pricing schemes.

as for competition, if the ebook, when it is first released, costs $17.99, and the hardback costs $25.00, there's an immediate savings of $7 for the consumer, on every book.  if you want something now, i.e., demand is high, then, under competitive pricing schemes, suppliers should be able to price a good higher in order to maximize profits but not reduce demand (equilibrium).  that's how a market works.  of course, in reality, these prices aren't set by the market, but by contracts between retailers and suppliers so that each are guaranteed a certain amount of money per transaction.  further, if the dynamic pricing models are accurate, if you wait until demand cools off, online prices could still drop whilst the book in the store would still remain the same.....saving the consumer even more.  this already goes on between amazon and bricks-and-mortar stores since amazon has lower overhead costs and is able to take losses on products to gain market share.

this isn't necessarily an apple vs amazon issue, rather, this is the publishing world playing two competitors off each other to try to maximize their profits.  you can be mad at apple all you want for stifling competition or whatnot, but if apple is willing to give the publishers/suppliers a higher piece of revenue, then that's what they'll do.  then, when people stop buying ebooks at $17.99, and wait for prices to come down, prices will come down. . .

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 03, 2010, 09:26:07 pm
what the article i linked to posited was that the customer will still come out ahead by paying lower prices, ....

as for competition, if the ebook, when it is first released, costs $17.99, and the hardback costs $25.00, there's an immediate savings of $7 for the consumer, on every book.... 

 of course, in reality, these prices aren't set by the market, but by contracts between retailers and suppliers so that each are guaranteed a certain amount of money per transaction. 

.....saving the consumer even more. 

then, when people stop buying ebooks at $17.99, and wait for prices to come down, prices will come down. . .

Obviously, you have no idea how the current market for eBooks works.  Stop saying the consumer will be paying less when the current rate is much less than the proposed increase.

Currently, Amazon, the Sony Store and Barnes and Noble sell the vast majority of new releases, best sellers and still under copyright older eBooks for $9.99.  On the rare occassion you'll see a book for $12.99.  Almost never do you see an ebook for $15.99, let alone $17.99.

Well, not until Apple entered the arena and told the publishers that they were willing to start at $14.99 and go up to a "certain percentage below the list price of new release hard cover books" - or the agency model we are looking at now.  This is not the consumer paying less, this is the consumer paying more because they found a device manufacturer with some clout willing to play their game.  I'm not arguing the concept of price elasticity (I get that), I'm arguing that the application of a fixed price elasticity scheme is damaging to the consumer because it is in fact, fixed. 

And it will take a lot to convince me that the costs for producing a paper book are the same as producing an ebook.  If that were truly the case, I could walk into Borders right now and take any book off the shelf that didn't have copyright protection and walk out without paying a dime.  This, however, I can do with an eBook.  Millions of the them.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 04, 2010, 09:26:31 am
GOOGLE is said to be developing a tablet based on Chrome.   Maybe they'll get it right.   I do think the world needs an easy-to-use tablet.   Just not one that's a defunctionalized Iphone.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on February 05, 2010, 12:03:44 pm
I only ask that apple adopt bluray already so I can go along with my pirating.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 05, 2010, 12:29:59 pm
I only ask that apple adopt bluray already so I can go along with my pirating.
Yeah what's up with that?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 05, 2010, 01:15:12 pm
I only ask that apple adopt bluray already so I can go along with my pirating.
Yeah what's up with that?

From my earlier post....

Jason O'Grady woke up on the wrong side of the Book of Jobs this week...

Apple's Blu-ray fiasco: the iTunes conflict (http://blogs.zdnet.com/Apple/?p=5928&tag=nl.e550)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on February 05, 2010, 01:23:10 pm
Thanks vansmack. How's your media center working out?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 15, 2010, 01:31:40 pm
It's on...Windows Phone 7 Series (http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/15/windows-phone-7-series-hands-on-and-impressions/)

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 17, 2010, 12:42:53 pm
Not that I haven't been telling you this for some time, but Opera is good.  Really good.

Opera Mini on iPhone is fast, but why? (http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/17/opera-mini-on-iphone-is-fast-but-why/)
By Thomas Ricker  posted Feb 17th 2010 at 8:01AM

We came, we saw, and we're still scratching our heads over what Opera is up to with its Mobile World Congress demonstration of its Opera Mini browser running on the iPhone 3GS. But before we get into that, let's talk performance: it's fast. Opera Mini is very, very fast on the iPhone. Loading the New York Times, for example, was about 5x faster than loading the same page in the iPhone 3GS' stock browser.


So why is Opera making such a fuss about this before it has even submitted to Apple for approval?

The answer is simple.  To build fan support ahead of the approval process so Apple has no choice but to approve it.  So long Safari....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 17, 2010, 03:45:06 pm
It will be VERY interesting to see how this plays out....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 17, 2010, 04:20:05 pm
Co-signed on opera,  although I did notice there is WAP browser out there, although it may just be a modified ver of safari
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 17, 2010, 04:36:18 pm
So Ive been using Opera 10 Beta (now version 3) for some time and it's very interesting how it works. 

First, here's how engadget described it:

"It's not doing any rendering of the pages or code processing locally. Web pages are processed by Opera's servers before sending just the results to the iPhone. Not only does this speed up the local processing but it also limits the amount of data sent -- a potential big money saver for people browsing while data roaming (like us in Barcelona) or for those without unlimited data plans."

But more important to me is the push technology it uses for my saved tabs.  I chose to tab 3 websites (or pages) that I visit most often and during downtime the phone checks and updates those pages so when I open it (like nextbus) it's already populated with the data I need.  It's incredibly fast.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on February 17, 2010, 09:07:05 pm
I'd really like to stop using safari on my phone. Hope opera moves along quickly.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on February 23, 2010, 03:35:44 pm
the real reason why smackie hates iphones (http://www.fastcompany.com/1559459/apples-boobie-apps-banning-resulted-in-the-suicidegirls-removal)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 23, 2010, 04:22:29 pm
the real reason why smackie hates iphones (http://www.fastcompany.com/1559459/apples-boobie-apps-banning-resulted-in-the-suicidegirls-removal)

One of the many, but stuff like that ranks high.  You can replace "boobies" with just about anything that I like that Apple doesn't want me to like and I'd react the same way.  Just build a device for me and let me decide how to use it...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on February 24, 2010, 11:52:43 pm
huh (http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/23/pcworld-ranks-atandt-tops-in-3g-performance-test/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 25, 2010, 03:07:55 am
That's solely a data comparison, and yes at&t has made strides in the largest markets (there's a map for that).  As for nationwide coverage, there's no comparison - they get killed.  The real killer here of course is that they're phone calls are handled of their earlier generation network, which clearly can't handle the rise in subscribers as is evident by the high number of dropped calls.

That being said, I always tell people to go with which ever provider has the best coverage at your home and your place of work.  For me that's Sprint as evidenced by the reliability numbers - I've never lost a call on Sprint in San Francsico in the 7 years I've been here.  I dare any at&t customer to claim the same.  I'll sacrifice 150kbps for that kind of reliability, especially with WiMax around the corner.  Right?  It's still coming soon, right?  Eee ghads.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on February 25, 2010, 12:24:17 pm
I've never lost a call on Sprint in San Francsico in the 7 years I've been here.  I dare any at&t customer to claim the same. 
Way to go out on a limb by throwing it down such a dare on a DC nightclub board.  ::)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on February 26, 2010, 06:21:11 pm
cool app, but heaven help me if someone sits beside me on a plane and break this out:

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on March 01, 2010, 03:37:49 pm
I'll sacrifice 150kbps for that kind of reliability, especially with WiMax around the corner.  Right?  It's still coming soon, right?  Eee ghads.

i've had quite a few people in a few meetings tell me that wimax is right around the corner. . .in the meantime, they are also trying to get the FCC to get moving on auctioning more spectrum. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 01, 2010, 03:57:26 pm
i've had quite a few people in a few meetings tell me that wimax is right around the corner. . .in the meantime, they are also trying to get the FCC to get moving on auctioning more spectrum. 

Yes, Sprint is saying 2010 for WiMax in SF, but it's too late.  My two year Mobile broadband contract is up and since we have to move to Comcast anyway, there's no way I'm going to wait any longer for 4Mbs when I can have 15-21Mbs.

I guess my next handset will have to be WiMax running Win7 Phone Series...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 02, 2010, 03:34:28 pm
Apple Sues HTC Over many things, mostly Android (http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/02/apple-vs-htc-a-patent-breakdown/)

This tells Smackie one thing: Apple is worried, and tried to hit a manufacturer to scare other manufacturers off adding an Android phone to their lineup.  Most interestingly, they didn't sue Google directly (deep pockets? part of an agreement? Existing litigation?  Either way, it's telling).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 15, 2010, 02:36:44 am
Smackie is 10 hours or so into his first Android Experience (HTC Hero on Sprint) and I must say, I'm impressed.  Very impressed.

But one HUGE thing that I find an unacceptable oversight - one sound option for "notifications."  The same sound file for a new text, a new email, a new voicemail message or a calendar update is plain silly.  I need a different sound for each and it doesn't make sense to not have that option in 2010.  Anyone know if that is fixed in 2.1?

Otherwise, I love the customization options available to me from HTC Sense - a great expansion on what I saw in the original Android OS.  For my first non-WinMo phone in years, this is quite the treat.

EDIT: One other annoying thing - requiring me to have a Gmail account (not just my google account email address) to download from the app store. I relly don't want or need another email adress in my life....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on March 15, 2010, 06:57:14 pm

New Phones Still Sold With Old Versions of Android (http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/03/android-version-confusion/)

why can't the phones' software be upgradeable remotely?  is that simply the nature of the construction of the phone; the software has to be hard-wired into the programming?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 16, 2010, 12:22:09 am
No, its a manufacturer/carrier issue. Some manufacturers who skin their phones with different interfaces, so they don't approve the upgrade until the skin is ready. That's why my HTC is on 1.6 - the HTC sense skin is not rready  for Android 2.1 (but will be next week)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on March 16, 2010, 09:33:14 am
THANK GOD.  i was losing sleep over this!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 23, 2010, 12:06:08 pm
So why is Opera making such a fuss about this before it has even submitted to Apple for approval?

The answer is simple.  To build fan support ahead of the approval process so Apple has no choice but to approve it.  So long Safari....


Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 23, 2010, 04:00:56 pm
2 years?!?!

"AT&T's CTO John Donovan claimed that Verizon was jumping the gun with its first-on-the-scene LTE rollout, suggesting initial devices are "going to drain the battery like crazy, and [they're] going to be a fat brick," noting that "2012 will be the time when you'll have decent handsets."


I'll take my WiMax handset from Sprint this summer thank you very much.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 23, 2010, 04:42:09 pm
I'll take my WiMax handset from Sprint this summer thank you very much.

HTC EVO 4G from Sprint:


Android 2.1 with HTC Sense and WiMax.  Available this summer.

By the way, built in HotSpot for connecting up to 8 laptops/tablets/devices to use WiMax.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on March 23, 2010, 05:46:49 pm
Wow.  They really packed everything in there. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on March 23, 2010, 06:51:32 pm
HTC EVO 4G from Sprint:


By the way, built in HotSpot for connecting up to 8 laptops/tablets/devices to use WiMax.

well hello, my next phone!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 23, 2010, 07:48:38 pm
Did I mention the front camera for video conferencing and the 8MP rear camera for 720p video recording?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on March 24, 2010, 09:07:39 am
too bad its on sprint. might have been my next phone
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Got Haggis? on March 24, 2010, 09:26:25 am
i'm sure the wimax data plans will be insanely expensive
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 24, 2010, 12:14:26 pm
i'm sure the wimax data plans will be insanely expensive

They haven't been thus far.  Sprint offered to upgrade my data card to 4G for free if I renewed my plan for 2 more years.  It would have been the same price for 4G as it was for 3G, but I told them that I would not renew until 4G was available in my area.

A new customer can get the same deal ($59 a month for unlimited data, $99 for the 4G HotSpot, but just a 4G card is free).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on March 24, 2010, 01:01:27 pm
wait- 4G = wimax?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 24, 2010, 01:33:04 pm
wait- 4G = wimax?


Although for Verizon, at&t and T-Mobile it will be LTE.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 24, 2010, 01:38:00 pm
i'm sure the wimax data plans will be insanely expensive

Dan Hesse, CEO of Sprint this morning:

9:33AM "3G's kind of getting exhausted. I talk to my network guys, and it's like Scottie in the engine room... 'she's going as fast as she can!'

9:34AM With 4G, "because we can produce a gigabyte cheaper, we can offer more to the customer.""

9:35AM "It's like standard def versus high def, but with that analogy, you paid more for the better service. With 4G, we're giving you more for free."

Of course, by free he means no additional cost to your plan, not that it will actually be free.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 29, 2010, 12:18:48 pm
New Phones Still Sold With Old Versions of Android (http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/03/android-version-confusion/)

Google has a new plan for this as they are frustrated with manufacturers and carriers delaying upgrades.  Starting with Froyo and Gingerbread (the next two updates), Google will decouple the Core apps from the Core OS.  That means that even if your carrier doesn't have the Core OS ready to go, a user can still upgrade Core apps for new functionailty through the Market (supposedly, this is supposed to work for core components too, like input methods).

Take that HTC, Motorola, Sprint, Verizon, Samsung......

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on March 31, 2010, 12:03:11 pm
Question for you Smackie:  Will the next generation data networks in the works for Verizon and Sprint allow mobile devices to use voice and data networks simultaneously?  Up to now, this is one area where GSM has them clearly beaten.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 01, 2010, 10:06:16 pm
Question for you Smackie:  Will the next generation data networks in the works for Verizon and Sprint allow mobile devices to use voice and data networks simultaneously?  Up to now, this is one area where GSM has them clearly beaten.

Sprint hasn't officially announced it yet, but Dan Hesse hinted at it at CTIA with the EVO 4G.  HTC also tweeted this:

@HTC EVO simultaneous voice+data: Voice+Wi-fi=Yes, Voice+3G=No, Voice+4G=Still TBD, still being tested.

As for Verizon, they're switching to LTE so there's a couple of problems for them.  The reason why it works for GSM is because it's the same frequency for voice and data.  CDMA is setup differently, and even more importantly for both at&t and Verizon - LTE cannot successfully carry voice yet.  This might be why LTE is not out yet and could be a future problem for at&t's current marketing campaign.

I can see the Sprint ads already: Oh you didn't see that in High Def, probably on somebody old network.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 06, 2010, 01:21:04 pm
Finally saw the HD2 (the same form factor as the EVO 4G) at a T-Mobile store last week.  It's a beast of a phone and while visually brilliant, I fear it might be too big for a user who doesn't carry around a purse.  Check it out for yourselves and let me know what you think.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 08, 2010, 05:14:42 pm
Of course "people don't multi-task" really meant "we won't multi-task until we have the technology ready to do so" but this is what I found as a more funny "Jobsism":

Q: How do you close applications when multitasking?
A: (Scott Forstall) You don't have to. The user just uses things and doesn't ever have to worry about it.
A: (Steve Jobs) It's like we said on the iPad, if you see a stylus, they blew it. In multitasking, if you see a task manager... they blew it. Users shouldn't ever have to think about it.

WinMo 6.5 did away with the task manager and Android has never had it.  But do you want to know what type of apps people are most downloading for these phones?  Task Managers.  Here's the thing - no matter how much you think you know about how a user should use their phone, each user will be different, and many will want control over their own phone.  If it's in the SDK for the iPhone 4.0, people will download task managers like crazy because, Steve, people just like to have control over their resources.

As for the stylus, I tend to agree except in cases of folks who use a tablet for note taking (and drafting) and not an internet device.  I can't write nearly as quickly or as accurately on a touch device with my finger.  So if the stylus is used for writing, I support it.  For controlling basic functions, completely not necessary, and I think most device manufacturers and software makers get that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on April 08, 2010, 06:54:53 pm
In this video, at about 2:30, it might be showing how to close backgrounded apps.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 08, 2010, 07:28:23 pm
In this video, at about 2:30, it might be showing how to close backgrounded apps.

Agreed.  Not sure how that's any different from any other task manager I've seen...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on April 13, 2010, 05:55:53 pm
Opera for iphone now available.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on April 13, 2010, 10:45:43 pm
so far i'm liking opera on the iphone, it's loading the forum pages faster and the color scheme display better and since it's the site i visit most via my phone it's a good thing.  the rest of the mobile 930 website is rendered quite as well with opera...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 14, 2010, 01:37:55 pm
Don't think I'm taking bows or anything like that, but far be it for me to miss the opportunity to remind folks that I pointed out the fact that Opera blows Safari away in Febraury of 2009...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 14, 2010, 01:49:41 pm
i dont really like it. no multitouch
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 14, 2010, 02:08:22 pm
i dont really like it. no multitouch

Are you sure you can't pinch to zoom?  I'm pretty sure you can on full web sites, but not on web sites optimized for mobile browsers.

I'm a one handed phone guy so I use double-tap anyway, but I was pretty sure you could pinch to zoom with Opera for iPhone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 14, 2010, 02:49:29 pm
i'll mess around with it, but neither zooms actually. and you cant touch the top bar to jump back to the top. maybe i'm doing something wrong, but this is pretty basic stuff
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 14, 2010, 02:52:54 pm
looks like the issue is only when its in landscape. weird
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 14, 2010, 03:37:55 pm
and you cant touch the top bar to jump back to the top.

This is going to be Opera's downfall on the iPhone.  Instead of adopting Apple's UI suggestions, they decided to keep their browser as consitent as possible across platforms.  regular iPhone/Touch users are going to dislike anything that doesn't work the same as the iPhone's Safari browser.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 14, 2010, 04:04:41 pm
never mind that part, you can hit the red bar below it and do the same thing. just takes up more screen space
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 14, 2010, 04:15:27 pm
just takes up more screen space

Settings: Full Screen (On/Off)

And here's a little treat for the power users:

In the address bar type "config:" and hit go.  Lots of configurables there....

(Beta testing has it's advantages)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 14, 2010, 04:21:01 pm
just takes up more screen space

Settings: Full Screen (On/Off)

like i said i have to play with it, but that's way better. cant figure out the zooming issues though
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 14, 2010, 04:29:00 pm
cant figure out the zooming issues though

Fat fingers? ;-)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 14, 2010, 04:37:10 pm
hey! i just started my diet. 165 was entirely too heavy

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 14, 2010, 04:42:23 pm
cat investigates an ipad:

(walkies, you're gonna like this one)

just takes up more screen space

Settings: Full Screen (On/Off)

And here's a little treat for the power users:

In the address bar type "config:" and hit go.  Lots of configurables there....

(Beta testing has it's advantages)

wait - you have an iphone?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 14, 2010, 05:13:32 pm
wait - you have an iphone?

Please.  Android phone for now (HTC Hero), but I've been running the Opera Mobile betas for sometime and Opera made sure to keep them similar across platforms (thank you Opera)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on April 14, 2010, 05:27:08 pm
hey! i just started my diet. 165 was entirely too heavy
What? Julian's America posts now go in the iphone thread by default?

But seriously, I'll be your diet buddy. Race to 150!!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 14, 2010, 05:33:38 pm
But seriously, I'll be your diet buddy. Race to 150!!

I'm in, only I'll be trying to go up to 150....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on April 14, 2010, 05:53:42 pm
But seriously, I'll be your diet buddy. Race to 150!!

I'm in, only I'll be trying to go up to 150....
How tall are you, just out of curiosity.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 14, 2010, 06:42:19 pm
6 feet? 

and he is an annoyingly skinny mofo.  despite all the beer.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on April 14, 2010, 06:50:00 pm
6 feet? 
Really? Wow, mad props if so.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 14, 2010, 06:52:07 pm
Opera Mini now the number one free download in all 22 App Stores
Seems like users actually do want a choice, Steve.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 14, 2010, 06:54:53 pm
hey! i just started my diet. 165 was entirely too heavy
What? Julian's America posts now go in the iphone thread by default?

But seriously, I'll be your diet buddy. Race to 150!!
i'm in
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on April 14, 2010, 07:24:04 pm
hey! i just started my diet. 165 was entirely too heavy
What? Julian's America posts now go in the iphone thread by default?

But seriously, I'll be your diet buddy. Race to 150!!
i'm in
Tijuana rules or regular?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 14, 2010, 07:32:46 pm
i assume that "tijuana rules" allow for the use of gastro-intestinal parasites?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on April 14, 2010, 07:58:17 pm
It maybe number one, but the fanboy pissing and moaning was already in full force last night
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 15, 2010, 08:16:45 am
i guess regular? "tijuana rules" sounds like it has something to do with hookers
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Got Haggis? on April 15, 2010, 08:50:31 am
opera mini isn't good
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: James Ford on April 15, 2010, 09:03:12 am
I've lost 12 pounds, and my wife 23.

Neither of us own an iphone.

I think my wife would divorce me if I lost down to 150.

hey! i just started my diet. 165 was entirely too heavy
What? Julian's America posts now go in the iphone thread by default?

But seriously, I'll be your diet buddy. Race to 150!!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 15, 2010, 09:12:33 am
i'm shooting for 145 actually

but i'm only 5'8" and wear a men's small shirt even at 165
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on April 15, 2010, 10:29:02 am
I quit drinking beer about 9 months ago and went from 185 to about 165.  I'm 5"11 but a slim guy.  185 was way too heavy for me.  Now i'm hot and sexy again, but none of my pants fit.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 15, 2010, 03:49:14 pm
I quit drinking beer about 9 months ago...Now i'm hot and sexy again

But now your boring as hell and all your stories suck.  They all end with "and then I went home."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on April 15, 2010, 03:52:59 pm
I quit drinking beer about 9 months ago...Now i'm hot and sexy again

But now your boring as hell and all your stories suck.  They all end with "and then I went home."
Fuck for the most part you are right.  But honestly I never went out much anyway.  Friends, shows, social activities etc mostly just got in the way of drinking.  I think i've actually got tix to like 4 upcoming shows right now.  That's a modern era record!

I guess I'm one of the rare people that actually gets a lot less interesting when I drink.  For that matter, the rest of the world gets a lot less interesting to me when i drink.  Hence my current social reanaissance.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 15, 2010, 03:57:09 pm
Sorry, I'm on a bit of a Jim Jeffries kick lately and that's one of my favorite lines of his.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on April 15, 2010, 04:01:35 pm
...i'm going to go drink myself silly now.  See you lot in 2 or 3 years....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on April 15, 2010, 04:57:13 pm
Move yr weight loss whining over to this thread (http://www.930.com/forum/index.php?topic=20305). Thanks.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 15, 2010, 05:36:54 pm
opera mini isn't good

Seems like users actually do want a choice, Steve.

This is the point.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 17, 2010, 09:56:45 pm
Somebody just lost their job at Apple...

iPhone 4G/HD prototype found left at a bar in San Jose (http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/17/iphone-4g-is-this-it/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 19, 2010, 12:34:19 pm
It's nearly official - that's your new iPhone.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 19, 2010, 02:29:23 pm
further confirmation: http://gizmodo.com/5520164/this-is-apples-next-iphone
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on April 20, 2010, 09:54:09 am
Apparently gizmodo paid the finder $10,000? Was the leak intentional though or did some developer just leave it at a bar?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on April 20, 2010, 09:54:31 am
story sounds fishy  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on April 20, 2010, 11:23:43 am
It's a true story...whether or not it's the next iphone remains to be seen, but it's definately apples device.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on April 20, 2010, 11:37:58 am
Apparently gizmodo paid the finder $10,000?
How is that legal? I can't find something at a bar and decide to sell it. And the person buying it, especially if they know I found it at a bar and therefore have no ownership of it, is committing a crime too.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 20, 2010, 11:54:47 am
its pretty obvious the leak was intentional at this point
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2010, 12:05:21 pm
How is that legal?

It's absolutely not legal in California to sell found property without reasonable attempts to find the owner and turning it over to the police for a period of time (usually around 6 months, but 3 months in some jurisdictions).  The seller is liable for damages, and considering it's Apple, a suit will follow shortly for violation of trade secrets among many other things, I'm sure.

Where I disagree is with those that think it's intentional.  Apple doesn't need free marketing and Jobs runs one of the tightest shops around.  They also remotely deactivated it within minutes of it's appearance.  Somebody in Cupertino was in big trouble yesterday.

Other than that, I think Apple needs to buy HTC for their next phone in order to catch up.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 20, 2010, 01:08:10 pm
i didnt think it was intentional up until i saw it on the today show. where's the c&d?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2010, 01:42:40 pm
Or Gizmodo....

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 20, 2010, 01:52:25 pm
hmm still not sold on it being a "lost" phone, but i'm back to 50/50
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 20, 2010, 03:48:24 pm
what's fishy to me is that this isn't a forceful C&D, but a polite "hey, can we have that back please?  thanks".

seems way to calm.  knowing apple, i'd expect a lot more offense.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2010, 04:18:28 pm
what's fishy to me is that this isn't a forceful C&D, but a polite "hey, can we have that back please?  thanks".

seems way to calm.  knowing apple, i'd expect a lot more offense.

Doing so would alert the world that this is in fact the next iPhone.  Simply asking for the return of something that belongs to Apple leaves it up for speculation.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 20, 2010, 04:35:41 pm
if they wanted to go down that road, just deny its the new iphone
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2010, 04:42:39 pm
if they wanted to go down that road, just deny its the new iphone

But it is the new iPhone.  Speculation is everything and keeps you in the news cycle - kind of the only way to save face for a company that has been as stringent as Apple in the past.  Remember, they sued a 17 year old kid who ran a Mac Rumors web site that was correct a lot of the time.  Greg Powell may have a job today, but he will be quietly released at some point in the next few months.

Anyhow, enough about the games Apple is playing.  Let's talk about how the new phone is really not as cool as the HTC HD2 or the HTC EVO 4G...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 20, 2010, 04:50:55 pm
all i know is i saw matt lauer talk about it this morning and i tried to put on my smackie-apple-is-hitler hat. "its a plant" is where i ended up
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 20, 2010, 05:07:31 pm
i wonder if this means that they'll be ramping down 3G production sooner.  if i was in the market for an iphone, the new 4G model would make me hold out until it was released (what's the forecast on that, btw?).  this might have kept the iphone in the news cycle but i suspect it will depress demand for the current model.  inventory clearout, anyone?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2010, 05:16:01 pm
the new 4G model would make me hold out until it was released (what's the forecast on that, btw?). 

Apple's official word is "summer" for upgrading existing 3GS iPhones (which in the past has coincided with a new phone), and everything else seems to point to a June release for the iPhone 4G/HD or whatever they eventually call the new phone.  I vote for the "Greg Powell Memorial Phone."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2010, 05:23:16 pm
all i know is i saw matt lauer talk about it this morning and i tried to put on my smackie-apple-is-hitler hat. "its a plant" is where i ended up

I don't like that anaology (the Hitler thing is way too overused), but I'm sturggling to come up with a good comparison.  I'm thinking US Steel in the Andrew Carnegie/JP Morgan/Charles Schwab days.  I'll keep thinking about it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 20, 2010, 05:31:52 pm
the yinzer in me loves the robber baron analogy. microsoft can be frick
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2010, 06:48:08 pm
When questioned [by a customer] about Apple?s role as moral police in the App Store, Jobs responds that ?we do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone.? Better, is what he said next: ?Folks who want porn can buy and [sic] Android phone.? (http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/19/steve-jobs-android-porn/#ixzz0lgQJ0Npi)

Read more: http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/19/steve-jobs-android-porn/#ixzz0lgQJ0Npi

Thanks, Steve, I already did.  But in all seriousness, the guy asked a legit question about censoring and that was the response he got.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on April 20, 2010, 09:45:36 pm
How is that legal?

It's absolutely not legal in California to sell found property without reasonable attempts to find the owner and turning it over to the police for a period of time (usually around 6 months, but 3 months in some jurisdictions).  The seller is liable for damages, and considering it's Apple, a suit will follow shortly for violation of trade secrets among many other things, I'm sure.
The question was rhetorical; no one needs a law degree to know you can't sell something that doesn't belong to you/buy something you know to be possessed in bad faith.

There was an interesting paragraph in an article earlier saying Freedom of the Press could stop gizmodo from getting into an real trouble tho, because the press is generally allowed to possess stolen "documents" without repercussion. It would be a cool test case though.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on April 21, 2010, 02:19:05 pm
When questioned [by a customer] about Apple?s role as moral police in the App Store, Jobs responds that ?we do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone.? Better, is what he said next: ?Folks who want porn can buy and [sic] Android phone.? (http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/19/steve-jobs-android-porn/#ixzz0lgQJ0Npi)

Read more: http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/19/steve-jobs-android-porn/#ixzz0lgQJ0Npi

Thanks, Steve, I already did.  But in all seriousness, the guy asked a legit question about sensoring and that was the response he got.

too bad your edit didn't fix your spelling error. 

so what if jobs wants to get on a moral high-horse and pontificate. . .as you say, many times, if you don't like the product, don't buy it.  whether android ends up becoming a worthy competitor is what will drive apple's policies.   if they want to be like chick-fil-a and not be open on sunday, and can survive, good for them.  i understand you don't like their command and control mentality, and, you could probably guess, i don't either for probably similar reasons, but if they can do it, and people will still buy their products, that's how it works. 

when a company dictates to the customers what it can have and what it can't have, you're bound to meet resistance and, hopefully, when you have a large enough and vocal enough crowd, the company will listen.  whether or not jobs is so arrogant as to ignore the criticisms is another question.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 21, 2010, 05:22:23 pm
Israeli customs blocks entry of iPads (http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/04/15/israel.ipads/index.html)

article contains a classic apple response: "We know that many international customers waiting to buy an iPad will be disappointed by this news, but we hope they will be pleased to learn the reason -- the iPad is a runaway success in the U.S. thus far," the company said in a statement announcing the delay."  oh great.  how comforting.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 21, 2010, 06:44:18 pm

too bad your edit didn't fix your spelling error. 

so what if jobs wants to get on a moral high-horse and pontificate. . .as you say, many times, if you don't like the product, don't buy it.  whether android ends up becoming a worthy competitor is what will drive apple's policies.   if they want to be like chick-fil-a and not be open on sunday, and can survive, good for them.  i understand you don't like their command and control mentality, and, you could probably guess, i don't either for probably similar reasons, but if they can do it, and people will still buy their products, that's how it works. 

when a company dictates to the customers what it can have and what it can't have, you're bound to meet resistance and, hopefully, when you have a large enough and vocal enough crowd, the company will listen.  whether or not jobs is so arrogant as to ignore the criticisms is another question.

If he's so concerned about my moral well being, why doesn't he keep porn off the Mac using consumer filters ala parent filters?  Why does he use "we" when he realy means "I"?  Why not take the camera out of the iPhone to stop sexting?  Why not just be a little bit consistent?

And the biggest question of all - why when someone questions Big Steve about being the ultimate determinant for it?s consumers what content they should be able to receive, does he always result to porn?  This inquiry was about another failure in the app approval system.

I already voted with my dollars decades ago, but that doesn't mean I can't mock him when he makes statements like these.  Jobs can pontificate from his moral high horse all he wants about the devices in his home, but stay the fuck out of mine and everybody elses.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 21, 2010, 08:13:28 pm
And the biggest question of all - why when someone questions Big Steve about being the ultimate determinant for it?s consumers what content they should be able to receive, does he always result to porn? 

Because he has a one track mind. We all now know that he can't multi-task. He had to come up with some kind of way to keep his small mind off of porn so he had them put the brakes on his own devices.

Little Stevie 'Ceasar' Jobs has a small mind, a small cadre of come backs and maybe even something else that is very small.

Gotta say though that those hipstomatic camera photos are pretty damn good. Work brilliantly with online publishing which, of course, is mainly what they are used for. I now would like to have one solely for the quality of their pictures. Are they in the iPhones, as I assume, or what?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on April 22, 2010, 11:02:14 pm
Still prefer to use Opera over Safari for browsing the forum, however I found out today that one can't start a new topic using it. oh well...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 23, 2010, 12:51:01 pm
Guy who lost 4G iPhone offered trip to Germany
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on April 26, 2010, 05:44:29 pm
polize seize gear from Gizmodo iPhone blogger (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/04/26/financial/f131943D33.DTL&tsp=1)

A computer-crime task force made up of multiple law enforcement agencies searched Gizmodo editor and blogger Jason Chen's house and car in Fremont, Calif., on Friday, according to a statement and search warrant documents provided by Gizmodo.

The warrant, issued by a Superior Court judge in San Mateo County, said the computers and other devices may have been used to commit a felony. Steve Wagstaffe, spokesman for the San Mateo County District Attorney's office, confirmed the warrant's authenticity.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 26, 2010, 05:53:26 pm
Maybe Luftansa should have offered the Gizmodo editor a trip to Germany....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 27, 2010, 09:20:46 pm
Man... fuck with Apple and Steve Jobs' suede denim secret police will kick your door in....

Apparently Apple is one of the members of the advisory board of the secret police cyber crime task force that raided this poor dood's house.   I always thought Apple's entire approach was a bit fascistic -- the closed systems, the assumption that users are total idiots -- but I never thought they'd take that fascism beyond the software world.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 27, 2010, 09:26:37 pm
Apparently Apple is one of the members of the advisory board of the secret police cyber crime task force that raided this poor dood's house.  

where did you read/hear this?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 27, 2010, 09:33:27 pm
Apparently Apple is one of the members of the advisory board of the secret police cyber crime task force that raided this poor dood's house.  

where did you read/hear this?


Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 27, 2010, 10:48:10 pm
Man... fuck with Apple and Steve Jobs' suede denim secret police will kick your door in....

Apparently Apple is one of the members of the advisory board of the secret police cyber crime task force that raided this poor dood's house.   I always thought Apple's entire approach was a bit fascistic -- the closed systems, the assumption that users are total idiots -- but I never thought they'd take that fascism beyond the software world.

Not in the teeniest bit surprised! Would bet anything that Microsoft, Comcrap, the RIAA, Intel, Verizon  and all (or, at least, most) of the other biggies help to fill out the rest.

Several years ago, AT&T (or maybe it was Verizon) was outed for operating a back room going through everyone's communications and handing it over to the NSA. May have been 20/20 that did the feature. Not sure but one of those night time news features shows. It's also no secret that Clinton worked with MS and others to have all phones, computers, etc, contain clipper chips which allow them a backdoor into your electro-life. It's everywhere and these are only a few examples and all of our overlords are involved.

Fascism is when the corporations and the government become one and often use force (among other dirty tricks) to wield their power over the masses.

So, Doomie, you are correct.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on April 27, 2010, 10:51:24 pm
Not in the teeniest bit surprised! Would bet anything that Microsoft, Comcrap, the RIAA, Intel, Verizon  and all (or, at least, most) of the other biggies help to fill out the rest.
As they should. You cannot knowingly purchase stolen property, then profit from said transaction and expect things to be hunky-dory.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 28, 2010, 07:07:56 am
Ah, I knew someone would come along post-haste to defend Applefascism, and I'm not surprised it's our certified fuckface!

Anyway, a rather obvious point but I'll make it anyway --  if my car got stolen and you bought it knowingly and bragged about it on your blog, I'd want the cops to kick your door in -- but they wouldn't.    Because all things considered it's a relatively minor crime -- and I don't own a billion dollar company and sit on a police task force board.     Under the law, all people are supposed to be equal -- but clearly that's not the case.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 28, 2010, 04:42:25 pm
HP just bought Palm for $1.2 billion.

WebOS will live on.  The jury is out on hardware....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on April 29, 2010, 01:24:02 pm
why apple won't support flash (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/techchron/detail?entry_id=62441&tsp=1)

Steve Jobs slams Flash, says it's a proprietary, security and battery-challenged relic

So that's how Steve Jobs thinks about Adobe and Flash.

In a scathing letter, Apple CEO Jobs lays out six reasons why Apple won't support Flash technology on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch saying it hasn't kept pace with the modern low-battery touch world of mobile. Stepping back, Jobs details a larger rift between long-time partners Apple and Adobe, saying the two have "grown apart" and share few joint interests.

This is a systematic take-down of arguments that Adobe and many Flash supporters and developers have thrown out recently following Apple's decision to not support Flash on its mobile devices and more recently, not allow iPhone OS developers to use Flash-based cross platform development tools.

Mike Chambers, Adobe's principal product manager laid out his concerns in a blog post earlier this month explaining why Adobe won't be investing any more in its iPhone development tools. He said Apple's decision to ban Flash was an effort to lock in developers inside a walled garden and prevent them from writing titles that can easily appear on multiple platforms.

Jobs said the his beef with Flash comes down to six points:

-He said Flash is proprietary and while Apple has its own closed products, it supports open web standards such as HTML5, CSS and Javascript.

-Apple is encouraging many websites to encode in H.264, which can be seen on the iPhone and iPad's Safari browser. He said while Flash games won't work on the iPhone OS, he said there are 50,000 games in the App Store.

-Flash has security problems and is the number one cause for Mac crashes, Jobs said. He said Adobe still hasn't shown Flash can work well on a mobile device.

-Flash is a battery hog which doesn't work well with mobile devices, said Jobs. He said users can get twice the battery life watching H.264 videos than Flash video.

-Jobs said as mobile goes to touch, Flash isn't designed to support it. That would force many developers to re-write sites. So why not make the move to HTML5 then, he asks.

And finally, Jobs said most importantly, he's opposed to allowing developers to use Flash to create iPhone apps because it results in "sub-standard apps" and can slow the pace of app development to when Adobe updates its developer tools. He said Adobe's goal to enable cross-platform apps would lead to apps that don't take full advantage of the iPhone OS' strengths.

In closing, Jobs said Flash is a product of the PC era but has not evolved for mobile. "...the mobile era is about low power devices, touch interfaces and open web standards - all areas where Flash falls short," Jobs wrote. "New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too). Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind."

Waiting on an official response from Adobe.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on April 29, 2010, 01:38:05 pm
Man... fuck with Apple and Steve Jobs' suede denim secret police will kick your door in....

Apparently Apple is one of the members of the advisory board of the secret police cyber crime task force that raided this poor dood's house.   I always thought Apple's entire approach was a bit fascistic -- the closed systems, the assumption that users are total idiots -- but I never thought they'd take that fascism beyond the software world.

according to this article (http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/042910-apple-comes-down-hard-on.html?page=1), apple knew where the phone was and had tried to talk to the guy, but didn't, for one reason or another.  so, they called they called the san mateo county DA to launch an investigation- the DA then asked the REACT team what to do, of which Apple is a member, and, voila, cops break down the door of the gizmodo writer.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 29, 2010, 01:39:39 pm
exactly what carnegie would do

i think adobe should be mellon
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Got Haggis? on April 29, 2010, 01:54:21 pm
I've been in Barcelona this week. A few nights ago, someone pick pocketed my iphone out of my front jeans pocket :(
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 29, 2010, 02:58:58 pm
why apple won't support flash (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/techchron/detail?entry_id=62441&tsp=1)

(1) Haha Proprietary.  From Apple?  Haha.  That KILLED me.  I'm still laughing about it.

(2) "Use the ONLY video format I support in itunes instead."  But the Flash Player supports H.264, what are you going to do about Flash that has H.264 video?  See argument 1 to see the irony.

(3) First, I didn't realize Macs crash, at least I haven't heard that from any owners.  They even brag about it.  But here's a thought Steve - why not work with them to improve their product, rather than trying to destroy them over a fight that started decades ago?

(4) You know what else is a battery hog?  Watching a Blu-Ray disc or HD encoded movie on my laptop.  But I do it.  All the time.  And yes, it forces me to plug in a little more often, but it turns out I'm smart enough to think of that ahead of time.  Thanks for having faith in me, Steve.  My own ability to decide notwithstanding, I'd love to see that study proving twice as much battery life because the biggest hog on my phone is lighting the screen, and I'm pretty sure H.264 needs to light my screen to watch the movie. 

(5) Touch is going to force you to re write anyway, so choose my standard instead.  What the hell kind of argument is that?  Flash worked fine on my Diamond with WinMo 6.5.6, which was clearly a touch phone. 

(6) So set programming standards you ass hole.  Don't decide to not support something.  Say, any app must work at a minimum of this resolution, and enable the following apps to provide function.  And if Adobe (or any one else) can meet those standards they're free to make all the "sub-standard" fart apps they want. 

Just admit that you're an arrogant bastard that can't let an old fight go and you're still upset with Adobe which is why you won't support Flash.  The iPhone came out long before HTML5 was anywhere near ready for the public and you didn't support flash then, stop hiding behind HTML5 now.  Just say you're a prick, but the man who's in charge, and if you want my product it will never have flash on it BECAUSE IT'S SOLELY UP TO ME.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 29, 2010, 05:50:03 pm
Adobe's Initial Response (http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2010/04/29/live-blogging-the-journals-interview-with-adobe-ceo/)

He was a lot nicer than I was....

(1) "I find it amusing, honestly. Flash is an open specification,"   "for every one of these accusations made there is proprietary lock-in" that prevents Adobe from innovating. [Presumably from the OS]

(2,5,6)  "really a smokescreen" / "When you resort to licensing language" to restrict this sort of development, he says, it has "nothing to do with technology."

(3)  Crashes hvae something "to do with the Apple operating system."

(4) Patently False.

(5,6)  "It doesn't benefit Apple, and that's why you see this reaction,"

"We have different views of the world," Mr. Narayen says. "Our view of the world is multi-platform."  To conclude, Mr. Narayen says he's for "letting customers decide," but that the multi-platform world will "eventually prevail."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Got Haggis? on April 29, 2010, 06:39:51 pm
Flah is a closed platform controlled by one company.  Jobs is right.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 30, 2010, 01:09:44 am
Flah is a closed platform controlled by one company.  Jobs is right.

For argument's sake, I'll agree with you. 

But Flash still needs to be installed as an add-on by the user so where's the harm in making it available for those that disagree with you and Steve? 

So what you're really saying is it's OK to be a closed company as long as that company is Apple and not Adobe.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 30, 2010, 07:00:11 am
Iphone/Ipad is a closed platform controlled by one company. 

true dat, my man.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 30, 2010, 07:00:40 am
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on April 30, 2010, 11:26:50 am
Proof it requires three hands to use an iPad

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 30, 2010, 12:48:22 pm
HP just bought Palm for $1.2 billion.

WebOS will live on.  The jury is out on hardware....

Rumor mill: HP Slate Dead as we first saw it. (http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/30/hp-slate-killed-rumor-mill-says-yes)  To be replaced by WebOS tablet?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 30, 2010, 02:22:31 pm
A Short History of Apple's Agreesive Legal Tactics (http://news.cnet.com/8301-31021_3-20003807-260.html?tag=nl.e703)

This is a little bit unfair.  Apple vs. HTC, vs. Pystar, and vs. iMac knockoffs is simple patent/copyright protection that everybody should expect as a direct result of vs. Franklin  (although HTC is really a shot at Google, but Apple is too afraid to take on Google).

Vs. the Bloggers, vs. MS and HP, and vs. Intel/MS/SFCC are good examples of times when Apple was led astray through the court system. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on May 03, 2010, 04:06:13 pm
Anyway, a rather obvious point but I'll make it anyway --  if my car got stolen and you bought it knowingly and bragged about it on your blog, I'd want the cops to kick your door in -- but they wouldn't.   
Yes, actually, they would. What world do you live in? Thanks for making my point.

I'm no apple fanboy. I openly mock anyone who'd buy an ipad and have a record of agreeing with around 95% of all apple related complaints on here. But following legal means to recover your stolen property when someone knowingly flaunts the crime they knowingly committed in purchasing it is not some evil insidious act. The fact that apple is one of several members on a taskforce who gave an advisement is completely irrelevant.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 03, 2010, 06:08:06 pm
Yes, actually, they would. What world do you live in? Thanks for making my point.

You watch too much "Cops."  Or maybe that's how they do things in Richmond, but most cops are not likely to "kick a door in" for theft of property.  This was much less about getting the phone back and much more about finding out the identity of the original finder of the phone.  Warrants have to indicate the degree of agressiveness that can be used, and it usually deals with the destruction of the property and any danger to its possessors that indicate how much force can be used.  And they're most certainly not going to seize your computer and camera because you took photos of a stolen car. 

There's no indication force was used - I'm sure it was a regular warranted search and seizure and not much else.  I don't know the details, but I wouldn't doubt that Chen opened the door and let them in.  Totally normal in the eyes of the law. 

Involving REACT is abusrd though and that's what raises the questions here.  REACT deals with big time counterfitting rings, massive cyber theft and that kind of stuff.  This was a bit of a stretch to involve them, especially as the lead agency in the arrest.  Clearly Apple pulled strings here - the local cops would have been fine.

You were right the first time when you raised the interesting legal questions about the shield law protecting bloggers, do you waive the shield law when you pay for information and how much is the court to take into consideration a journalists intent to make money versus deliver a story.  The really interesting part here is that the original finder of the phone has been outed as a direct result of this seizure BEFORE we even get to decide all those fun questions.

We may never get another Deep Throat again.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: nkotb on May 03, 2010, 06:15:21 pm
that's the saddest post I've ever read on this board...

quote author=vansmack link=topic=4395.msg303476#msg303476 date=1272924486]
We may never get another Deep Throat again.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 03, 2010, 06:35:11 pm
that's the saddest post I've ever read on this board...

That was also the longest lead in I've ever written just to make a joke.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on May 03, 2010, 07:21:47 pm
that's the saddest post I've ever read on this board...

That was also the longest lead in I've ever written just to make a joke.

All that foreplay and no Deep Throat.

Sorry about that Smackie.   :-X
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: runwhiteyrun06 on May 03, 2010, 07:43:54 pm
Does anyone know when the new iphone is coming out? My plan is to wait until the new one comes out and the 3Gs comes down in price (I only had the regular 3g before). My 3g got stolen and in the meantime I have to use my sister's old pink razr phone.   >:(
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 03, 2010, 10:44:06 pm
Does anyone know when the new iphone is coming out? My plan is to wait until the new one comes out and the 3Gs comes down in price (I only had the regular 3g before). My 3g got stolen and in the meantime I have to use my sister's old pink razr phone.   >:(

Apple has an event scheduled in June in SF.  I can't guarantee you that its an iPhone event, but with 4.0 coming out in the "summer" and the event planned I'd say it's a pretty good bet that you'll at least hear more detailed info then.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on May 04, 2010, 01:09:36 pm
Anyone else catch Jon Stewart's Apple Rant yesterday?  Classic stuff including pointed jabs at smackies's favorite provider
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on May 04, 2010, 03:16:58 pm
Anyone else catch Jon Stewart's Apple Rant yesterday?  Classic stuff including pointed jabs at smackies's favorite provider

i watched all of yesterday's show (http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/mon-may-3-2010-jonathan-eig) and didn't see anything about Apple...

maybe you meant last week's episode? http://www.thedailyshow.com/collection/309080/the-daily-show-s-best-apple-moments/307953
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 04, 2010, 05:15:20 pm
Anyone else catch Jon Stewart's Apple Rant yesterday?  Classic stuff including pointed jabs at smackies's favorite provider

Negative. Negative! It didn't go in. It just impacted on the surface.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 04, 2010, 06:40:03 pm
Ellen makes a joke about Apple.
Apple doesn't have a sense of humor.
Ellen apologizes.

You can't watch that video on your iPhone or your iPad. 
I think that's funny. 
Apple doesn't apologize.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on May 05, 2010, 02:32:58 am
Sour Apples.

Screw 'em! I'll stick with oranges.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on May 05, 2010, 01:34:27 pm
Maybe i had missed this before, but this (http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-silicon-police-20100505,0,2048854.story) was new to me:

In the case of the missing iPhone, law enforcement officials say it required special attention because the device was no ordinary cellphone. The prototype included features that Apple has guarded zealously and which it probably believes give it a competitive advantage over its rivals. Chen's editor said Gizmodo paid $5,000 to a man who claimed to have found it at a beer garden in Redwood City, Calif.

But when officers raided Chen's house they were not actually looking for the wayward phone. Apple had already picked up the device from Chen's home four days earlier.

REACT was called in anyway. Chen was not home at the time, so the investigators broke down his door and hauled away several computers, hard drives and boxes of documents. Investigators said they were looking for evidence related to the theft of a phone.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 05, 2010, 01:46:41 pm
I redact my light defense of Apple.

While I was right about them REALLY going after who sold the phone to Gizmodo, I am shocked that ANYBODY thought this was worthy of breaking down a door and entering an apartment without the owner, arguably a journalist, being present and ebing served the warrant.

Some constitutional scholars are going to have a filed day with this.  I'm smelling 4th and 5th Amedment violations all over the place.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on May 10, 2010, 03:52:20 pm
A coworker of mine just got a new HTC Incredible and I was helping him get it set up on our exchange server here.  Hands down the best android device I've used by miles and miles.  Great form factor and build quality, and the thing is FAST FAST FAST.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 10, 2010, 04:52:03 pm
A coworker of mine just got a new HTC Incredible and I was helping him get it set up on our exchange server here.  Hands down the best android device I've used by miles and miles.  Great form factor and build quality, and the thing is FAST FAST FAST.

Couldn't agree more.  I used one for about an hour last week and I was left with envy over my Hero.  For lack of a better word, it really is an incredible phone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: nkotb on May 10, 2010, 04:56:45 pm
Just got mine over the weekend.  PERFECT timing with the renewal of my Verizon Wireless contract.  It's fantastic...I've been nerding out hardcore all day.

A coworker of mine just got a new HTC Incredible and I was helping him get it set up on our exchange server here.  Hands down the best android device I've used by miles and miles.  Great form factor and build quality, and the thing is FAST FAST FAST.

Couldn't agree more.  I used one for about an hour last week and I was left with envy over my Hero.  For lack of a better word, it really is an incredible phone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on May 10, 2010, 05:18:30 pm
woa - online reviews can't seem to gush enough about this handset:

"Let's just put this out there: the Droid Incredible is the best Android device that you can purchase in America right now. It's better than the Droid, better than the Nexus One, and certainly beats the pants off of any previous generation handsets like the Eris, myTouch, or Cliq. It's not just a very, very good Android phone (though it is); it's also an excellent smartphone no matter how you cut it. If you're on Verizon right now, you're finally getting really great options for phones, but the Incredible is currently sitting at the top of that heap with a good bit of distance to the next in line. Sure, there are still issues like a lack of quality titles in the Android Market, and if a hardware keyboard is a must, this won't do the job for you. Also, while Sense is truly great on this phone, there may be users who prefer a more streamlined, stripped down experience. Still, if you're looking for an ultra-fast, extremely capable smartphone that has the guts and gleam to go the distance, the Incredible just might be the Droid you're looking for. Yes, we made that joke." http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/19/droid-incredible-review/

sounds like a winner.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 10, 2010, 05:22:39 pm
I love the Sense UI on my Hero, but I'm still on Android 1.5 (don't get me started on this).  The 1ghz processor on the Incredible seemed faster than the 1 ghz processor on the Droid - even with the Sense UI Skin!

I was really looking forward to the EVO, but when I saw how big the HD2 was, I started thinking that it's just too big for a mans pocket.  I'm now thinking the form factor of the Incredible with all the same innards is the way to go.  Just a beautiful, fast phone. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 10, 2010, 06:05:38 pm
Oh, and for those of you on Verizon:

iPhone for Verizon slated for May 22, 2012 (http://www.engadget.com/2010/05/10/confirmed-apple-and-atandt-signed-five-year-iphone-exclusivity-de/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 12, 2010, 08:36:45 pm
HTC EVO 4G from Sprint:


Android 2.1 with HTC Sense and WiMax.  Available this summer.

By the way, built in HotSpot for connecting up to 8 laptops/tablets/devices to use WiMax.

June 4, 2010
$199 with 2-year contract
$10 extra for 4G data (though I'm trying to clarify this)
$30 a month for the 8 device teather capability (wifi hotspot)
Simulaneous voice and data when on 4G network

Given that Sprint has a $70 everything plan, add $10 for everythign 4G.  If you want the hotspot, it would look something like this:

Sprint 3g/4g unlimited, unlimited talk/etc/etc, mobile hotspot(5GB 3G, unlimited 4G): 109.98

For comparison:
Verizon 3g unlimited, unlimited talk/text/etc, mobile hotspot (5GB): 129.97
at&t doesn't allow teathering so I can't do the hotspot comparison: Priceless
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 12, 2010, 08:50:55 pm
And let me answer the next question for everybody:

It costs $375 break your AT&T contract prematurely.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: runwhiteyrun06 on May 12, 2010, 08:58:00 pm
So since my iphone got stolen I'm still using an old pink razr.  I really don't like supporting apple so I'm looking to get a different smartphone (att). Does anyone have any recommendations?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on May 13, 2010, 10:01:22 am
Unless you want blackberry or iphone, i don't think att has much to offer in the way of smartphones.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on May 13, 2010, 12:20:51 pm
HTC Evo 4 due June 4

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Venerable Bede on May 13, 2010, 06:48:56 pm

more here (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/techchron/detail?entry_id=63456&tsp=1)

from adobe (http://www.adobe.com/choice/openmarkets.html): "In the end, we believe the question is really this: Who controls the World Wide Web? And we believe the answer is: nobody ? and everybody, but certainly not a single company."

hmmm, i wonder what their views are of the FCC using Title II authority to regulate the internet since the Court shot down their other attempt.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on May 14, 2010, 08:34:06 am
cloud browse can play flash videos on the iphone. i just downloaded it yesterday, so i havent messed around with it too much
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on May 17, 2010, 11:19:26 pm
A coworker of mine just got a new HTC Incredible and I was helping him get it set up on our exchange server here.  Hands down the best android device I've used by miles and miles.  Great form factor and build quality, and the thing is FAST FAST FAST.

Couldn't agree more.  I used one for about an hour last week and I was left with envy over my Hero.  For lack of a better word, it really is an incredible phone.
Just got mine over the weekend.  PERFECT timing with the renewal of my Verizon Wireless contract.  It's fantastic...I've been nerding out hardcore all day.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on May 19, 2010, 10:19:29 pm
Apples rejects cash for iPad
A California woman says she was denied the chance to buy an iPad because Apple won't take cash. KGO reports.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: thirsty moore on May 19, 2010, 10:52:20 pm
Just wanted to chime in that I still like my iPhone. Also, you just posted about the iPad. Start another thread hoser.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on May 20, 2010, 02:34:05 am
Also, you just posted about the iPad. Start another thread hoser.

dude, this IS the ipad thread. 

try this: go to the top of this screen (i.e. in this thread), and search for "ipad".  d'oh.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on May 20, 2010, 08:31:07 am
Just wanted to chime in that I still like my iPhone. Also, you just posted about the iPad. Start another thread hoser.
i still like my iphone that smackie told me to buy too
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 20, 2010, 12:24:43 pm
I'm at the Google conference today.  Sometimes being in SF has it's distinct advantages, especially if you're a dork.

Froyo looks sweet.  Too bad my Hero will never have it.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on May 20, 2010, 06:14:00 pm
I'd like iTunes to start streaming the songs I own soon.

Just wanted to chime in that I still like my iPhone.

Google Adding iTunes Streaming to Android Handsets (http://www.engadget.com/2010/05/20/google-adding-over-the-air-app-installation-and-itunes-streaming/)

The remote music streaming is a little crazier: Google bought a company called Simplify Media, which makes a bit of desktop software that can stream all your music directly from iTunes to your phone. The demo was quite slick -- you just open the app and push "all," and all your music is instantly available. Whether or not this'll work over 3G or be limited to the local network is still up in the air, but we're dying to try it out.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Ardamus on June 01, 2010, 03:38:26 pm
finally going to get one of these bad boys. recommend me some apps. i know there's 4 track app i want.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 01, 2010, 03:41:31 pm
finally going to get one of these bad boys. recommend me some apps. i know there's 4 track app i want.

I hardly know you so I don't feel comfortable telling you what to do, but you'd be silly to get an iPhone ahead of Apple's conference next week.  I'd hold off for the pricing of the 4.0 phone or at a minimum a reduction in the 3GS phone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 01, 2010, 03:42:27 pm
What, an iphone?  If so, don't get one now wait a few weeks til the new ones come out.  If not an iphone, never mind.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 01, 2010, 03:43:16 pm
What, an iphone?  If so, don't get one now wait a few weeks til the new ones come out.  If not an iphone, never mind.

I beat you by a mere 56 seconds.

Anyhow, what Chaz said....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 01, 2010, 04:38:33 pm
If not an iphone, never mind.

I've had an EVO for a few days now and while I think it's the sickest, fastest phone I've ever had, I don't think it's very practical.  When I'm in my suit, it fits nicely in my jacket pocket, but for going out after work, it's just awful for jeans and a t-shirt.  It really is a big phone and the screen is marvelous, but I don't see me picking one up when my beta trial is over.  Smackette will have one because she carries a purse, but I think I prefer the Incredible's form factor over the EVO's form factor.  Sometimes, bigger isn't better.  The snapdragon processor however, really makes HTC's SenseUI stand out as the Android phone to own over the Nexus One.

You should be able to see for yourselves as the demo units rolled out at Best Buy this past weekend.  Definitely worth a look.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Ardamus on June 01, 2010, 06:51:18 pm
Damn, y'all killing me. I'm gonna need one to record with later on. Ever since I found about that 4-track app for the iPhone you can record with, I've been all about that. I just need something basic for the time being.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 07, 2010, 04:22:39 pm
June 24 for the new one at $200.

Old one is going down to $99.

Getting out of your contract for the EVO, priceless.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 07, 2010, 04:59:33 pm
June 24 for the new one at $200.

Old one is going down to $99.

Getting out of your contract for the EVO, priceless.

You're not jumping ship to the iphone are you?

edit:  never  mind read this again you're going to the evo i guess.  a coworker got one last week, it's pretty sweet, but a little big.  i prefer the form factor of the incredible.  no 4g though.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 07, 2010, 05:44:45 pm
You're not jumping ship to the iphone are you?

edit:  never  mind read this again you're going to the evo i guess.  a coworker got one last week, it's pretty sweet, but a little big.  i prefer the form factor of the incredible.  no 4g though.

Actually, I am taking an iPhone to Europe because at&t's Android phones are crap and the only GSM phones I have access to are at&t.

When I get back, Smackette will have the EVO as I too am waiting for a form factor similar to the Icredible to come out on Sprint (with the snapdragon processor).  I loved the phone and it defintely had the wow factor, but you're absolutely right that it's form factor is not right for everyday use, especially outside of work.  It just isn't a jeans and t-shirt phone.

I might also be in line for a WinMo7 Dev phone, so it could be worth the wait.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Ardamus on June 08, 2010, 04:01:41 pm
June 24 for the new one at $200.

Old one is going down to $99.

Getting out of your contract for the EVO, priceless.

saw that, too. damn i might just have to reserve mine then.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Cali on June 09, 2010, 08:44:48 pm
looks like att no longer offers unlimited data plans for new customers. i was thinking of upgrading once my contract is up but will have to rethink that if i cant have unlimited data. sprint is looking better and better

new data plans:
200mb - $15 mo
2gb - $25 mo
unlimited wi-fi
tethering - $20 mo
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on June 10, 2010, 12:06:17 am
looks like att no longer offers unlimited data plans for new customers. i was thinking of upgrading once my contract is up but will have to rethink that if i cant have unlimited data. sprint is looking better and better

new data plans:
200mb - $15 mo
2gb - $25 mo
unlimited wi-fi
tethering - $20 mo

Unless you're watching a ton of youtube, you might be surprised at how much data that really is. I thought I used a lot but it turns out I'm typically using just under 100MB per month. Granted there's wifi all over my campus, so I'm usually not on the cell network. I'm going to experiment by using internet radio during my commute for a few days just to see how much it really takes.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on June 10, 2010, 07:30:21 am
I've had an EVO for a few days now and while I think it's the sickest, fastest phone I've ever had, I don't think it's very practical.  When I'm in my suit, it fits nicely in my jacket pocket, but for going out after work, it's just awful for jeans and a t-shirt.  It really is a big phone and the screen is marvelous, but I don't see me picking one up when my beta trial is over.  Smackette will have one because she carries a purse, but I think I prefer the Incredible's form factor over the EVO's form factor.  Sometimes, bigger isn't better.  The snapdragon processor however, really makes HTC's SenseUI stand out as the Android phone to own over the Nexus One.

Have you considered a man purse?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on June 10, 2010, 09:16:59 am
"it's a carry-all." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgA4JQQhZD4)

(smackie: notice how it would match your belt...)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 10, 2010, 11:37:00 am
Well, I am leaving for Europe in 4 hours and they have come to expect fanny packs from Americans...

Smackette loves her EVO and while I have processor envy, I don't miss the size.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Cali on June 10, 2010, 04:07:37 pm
have any of you used or tested the smartphones from tmobile? do they have anything that compares to the iphone or evo

what do you think of the nokia n8
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 18, 2010, 05:58:18 pm
have any of you used or tested the smartphones from tmobile? do they have anything that compares to the iphone or evo

what do you think of the nokia n8

T-mobile's closest phone to the iPhone or the EVO is the HD2.  Same form factor as the EVO, BUT and this is a huge BUT, it runs winmo 6.5 and there are no guarantees it is upgradable to winmo7 in the fall.  I would hold off on upgrading any tmobile phone right now.

The Nokia N8, however, is a great phone - did I miss it's release in America?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Cali on June 19, 2010, 09:19:43 pm
you didn't miss it. comes out later this year.

i like the hd2 but sprint is cheaper so i'll be going there at some point. well, once i decide if i want android or winmo
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 20, 2010, 05:01:57 pm
If you like the HD2 and you are moving to Sprint you will LOVE the EVO. Otherwise wait until late October and see what WinMo7 has to offer.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 25, 2010, 05:31:22 am
I'm sure most of you have figured out by my uncanny balance of creativity and brilliance, that Smackie is in fact left handed. I guess this means no iPhone 4 for me as Jobs is singlehandley out to destroy the rabid fanboiness of the lefthanded world. If you're not like him, there is no room for you in his world.


And, after two weeks with this iPhone 3g in Europe, it has become very clear to me that most iPhone users have not used any other smartphone in the last 3 years, because there is so much this phone cannot do that other phones can.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on June 25, 2010, 08:35:11 am
like making calls in europe?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on June 25, 2010, 02:52:25 pm
I'm sure most of you have figured out by my uncanny balance of creativity and brilliance, that Smackie is in fact left handed. I guess this means no iPhone 4 for me as Jobs is singlehandley out to destroy the rabid fanboiness of the lefthanded world. If you're not like him, there is no room for you in his world.

Apparently you're neither creative nor brilliant enough to just hold the phone in your other hand.

And for some balance the same web site you're linking to is having better reception with the iPhone 4 than the 3g.
http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/25/the-jimmy-fallon-test-is-the-iphone-4-dropping-less-calls/ (http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/25/the-jimmy-fallon-test-is-the-iphone-4-dropping-less-calls/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on June 25, 2010, 03:26:12 pm
Maybe it's because I don't use the iPhone that I'm totally missing something about this but how are these phones right handed? Or maybe it's because I'm somewhat ambidextrous that it all seems so strange to me. Really, I don't get it. Why is this a problem?

However, I am fully with you regarding Steve Jobs' unipolar world.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 25, 2010, 03:30:20 pm
I'm sure most of you have figured out by my uncanny balance of creativity and brilliance, that Smackie is in fact left handed. I guess this means no iPhone 4 for me as Jobs is singlehandley out to destroy the rabid fanboiness of the lefthanded world. If you're not like him, there is no room for you in his world.

Apparently you're neither creative nor brilliant enough to just hold the phone in your other hand.

And for some balance the same web site you're linking to is having better reception with the iPhone 4 than the 3g.
http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/25/the-jimmy-fallon-test-is-the-iphone-4-dropping-less-calls/ (http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/25/the-jimmy-fallon-test-is-the-iphone-4-dropping-less-calls/)

I'd hardly call Jimmy Fallon's experience a scientific example.  That being said, I got a new iphone yesterday morning and have not dropped any calls.  As has been reported, when i put my finger on the seam in the metal band the bars do drop down, but it actually doesn't seem to matter, doesn't interrupt data/voice for me.  Other people's experience may vary.

So far I'm happy enough with it.  There's a Radio Shack in kind of slummy little strip mall near my house and I figured it's not a very "iphone" type of area.  I called them and they said all their phones would be first come-first serve, so I decided to stop by yesterday on my way to work.  Got there 10 min before they opened and there were 2 guys waiting out front.  The store had exactly 3 phones, one of which I snagged.  Radio Shack has deal where they will buy your old iphone from you...$99 for a 3G and $199 for a 3GS.  I was trading in my 2 year old 3G but the guy mistakenly gave me a credit for a 3GS...so my new phone didn't cost a penny.  Win-win.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 26, 2010, 11:45:15 am
The Caps are out, slappy, you may go now. Oh wait, hfstival...

Anyhow,  it doesn't take somebody brilliant to understand that in 2010 you can't make a ubiquitous device if you make a certain percentage hold it in their unnatural hand. It's an absurd notion that only someone as simple as you would defend.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 26, 2010, 11:57:48 am
like making calls in europe?

It's really absurd.  Could you imagine if everytime you went to a different state you paid roaming charges for calls and data on the same company?  America fixed that over a decade ago.

The data plans have gotten a lot better on the payasyougo plans though.  In every country I was in but portugal, I had unlimited data for as little as $20 on a top-up.  If only I had full google voice I would have no need for calling plan, really. 

unlocking the iPhone for international sims  was not the easiest wirh at&ts new radio software either.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on June 26, 2010, 12:01:08 pm

Apparently you're neither creative nor brilliant enough to just hold the phone in your other hand.

Typical Apple fan attitude to not only find fault with anyone who doesn't adapt to Apple ways, but insults them...

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on June 28, 2010, 12:02:33 pm
The Caps are out, slappy, you may go now. Oh wait, hfstival...

Anyhow,  it doesn't take somebody brilliant to understand that in 2010 you can't make a ubiquitous device if you make a certain percentage hold it in their unnatural hand. It's an absurd notion that only someone as simple as you would defend.

Really? That's your response?
Well, you're a poopy head!

1. You haven't even held the phone to know if it will happen when you use it. It's not like you can't hold it with your left hand. The same problem has been identified in many phones from the Android to the 3GS. I'm left handed and used one this weekend and couldn't replicate the problem. Even Consumer Reports is having problems replicating it. http://blogs.consumerreports.org/electronics/2010/06/apple-admits-iphone-4-antenna-problem.html (http://blogs.consumerreports.org/electronics/2010/06/apple-admits-iphone-4-antenna-problem.html)

2. The 'signal bars' on a phone don't really reflect the actual reception. http://www.switched.com/2008/01/15/what-do-cell-phone-signal-bars-really-really-mean/ (http://www.switched.com/2008/01/15/what-do-cell-phone-signal-bars-really-really-mean/) Any reports of the bars going down from switching hands don't really mean much.

3. Ubiquitous or not, no device is perfect. I prefer to shift through the hype of both sides before making a decision. I don't buy the first of any device. I wait until the kinks are out.

Slappy may be simple, but Slap's not a poopy head like you. And I heard you're going to see Lilith Fair.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 28, 2010, 01:55:22 pm

Clearly this is a well documented problem, and wtf Apple, you think your trillion dollar pr dept could have come up with a better public response to this.

That said I haven't been able to recreate the problem since the day I got the phone.  And even then, if didn't mess with actual performance, just the bars went down a few notches.

So far very happy with the upgrade, particularly the camera.  Only 5 mp, but anyone that knows diddly about photos can tell you that's more than enough res for snapshots and 5x7 printouts.  The inage quality is darn good and w/out flash it'll snap them off just as fast as I can take them.

Processor is very very snappy as well, and battery life much improved.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 28, 2010, 05:05:18 pm
I'm very happy with mine. Coming from a 3G so it feels like going from an Apple IIe to a Cray.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 29, 2010, 04:32:34 pm
More bs?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 29, 2010, 05:22:24 pm
More bs?


I'm sticking with the court documents, but that deosn't mean things have changed via negotiation or buyout clauses:

Oh, and for those of you on Verizon:

iPhone for Verizon slated for May 22, 2012 (http://www.engadget.com/2010/05/10/confirmed-apple-and-atandt-signed-five-year-iphone-exclusivity-de/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 02, 2010, 02:22:10 pm
We're not bad at engineering, we're just bad at math:


Software fix coming.  Not to fix the dropped calls, just to fix the idea in your head and on your screen that you shouldn't expect to be able to make or hold a call.

Thanks.  I think.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 12, 2010, 02:35:42 pm
Even Consumer Reports is having problems replicating it. http://blogs.consumerreports.org/electronics/2010/06/apple-admits-iphone-4-antenna-problem.html (http://blogs.consumerreports.org/electronics/2010/06/apple-admits-iphone-4-antenna-problem.html)

Not any more:

Lab tests: Why Consumer Reports can't recommend the iPhone 4 (http://blogs.consumerreports.org/electronics/2010/07/apple-iphone-4-antenna-issue-iphone4-problems-dropped-calls-lab-test-confirmed-problem-issues-signal-strength-att-network-gsm.html)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on July 15, 2010, 02:42:45 pm
I couldn't wait for WM7.  The Droid X is fantastic.  That is all.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 15, 2010, 02:59:16 pm
I couldn't wait for WM7.  The Droid X is fantastic.  That is all.

Not quite the EVO, but not that far behind either.  It's a GREAT phone.

I'm looking forward to the Galaxy S line from Samsung too.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on July 15, 2010, 03:00:18 pm
is there a app that will turn your screen into a mirror?  gay guys want to rejoice.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on July 15, 2010, 03:45:14 pm
is there a app that will turn your screen into a mirror?  gay guys want to rejoice.

Sure just use any phone with a front facing camera and vamp away.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 16, 2010, 11:13:23 am
So, free bumpers or recall?

I say apology and software fix, maybe free bumpers, but no recall. Maybe extended return period if software doesn't work.

New iPhones will have a coating over that revolutionary super-special antenna slit they touted at its release party.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on July 16, 2010, 01:54:12 pm
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 16, 2010, 02:18:07 pm
I love the PR spin.  Despite at&t upgrading their network, the iPhone4 only loses about "one more call than the 3GS did at it's release."

Seems really good right?

Not when you consider that at&t probably loses between and 1 and 5 calls per 100 at this point.

So let's say they lose 1 - that means the iPhone 4 loses twice as many calls per 100.

Let's assume 5.  1 more call dropped is a 20% increase.

The masters of the PR spin...except for the thinking people in the world.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on July 16, 2010, 02:40:46 pm
I love the PR spin.  Despite at&t upgrading their network, the iPhone4 only loses about "one more call than the 3GS did at it's release."

Seems really good right?

Not when you consider that at&t probably loses between and 1 and 5 calls per 100 at this point.

So let's say they lose 1 - that means the iPhone 4 loses twice as many calls per 100.

Let's assume 5.  1 more call dropped is a 20% increase.

The masters of the PR spin...except for the thinking people in the world.

And you're showing statistic spin as well. If a city has two murders one year and three the next, that's a (oh the horrror!) 50% increase in the murder rate. Time to vote the mayor out of office, right?

Differences in small numbers can be amplified positively or negatively by simple application of percentages. Thinking people see through that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 16, 2010, 03:15:44 pm
And you're showing statistic spin as well. If a city has two murders one year and three the next, that's a (oh the horrror!) 50% increase in the murder rate. Time to vote the mayor out of office, right?

Differences in small numbers can be amplified positively or negatively by simple application of percentages. Thinking people see through that.

The difference, of course, being that the Mayor would have to post the ACTUAL numbers.  He couldn't hide behind the police department not wanting those numbers to be made public - he doesn't have a choice.

Here, Apple said at&t won't release those numbers because they didn't want that information to fall to their competition.  Thus, I'm pointing out that what they've made to sound like a minor problem is very likely larger than they are making it out to be given they limited the  scope to 1 in 100 and even at the average rate of dropped calls for most US carriers, it could be fairly significant.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on July 17, 2010, 11:44:09 am
That press conference was classic Apple.   A small tactical retreat, but clouds of spin, and implicit blame on the customers, AT&T ... anybody but themselves.   That is the problem with PR hype -- eventually you start to believe it yourself.   The new Iphone 4 was described repeatedly by Jobs at the launch as "magic," and apparently that's what they were counting on.

And why can't Jobs find something else in his wardrobe besides a black turtleneck and jeans?

Come to think of it, why isn't anyone else at Apple capable of speaking for the company?

I'm satisfied enough with my old Iphone, but the blame-the-customer 'tude of Apple, combined with its cult-like fans, is enough to make me want to switch when it's time for a new phone.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on July 19, 2010, 05:15:59 pm
The difference, of course, being that the Mayor would have to post the ACTUAL numbers.  He couldn't hide behind the police department not wanting those numbers to be made public - he doesn't have a choice.
You've never lived in a major city if you really believe the above statement. Mayor McCheese may possess the ethics to be honest and post the ACTUAL numbers of hamburglaries, but real world politics are much different.

This thread should be renamed 'Apple screwed up a product. Let's beat it like a piñata.'

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on July 27, 2010, 02:33:49 pm
Jailbreaking iPhone apps is now legal
IPhone users can now legally hack their phones to download applications that aren't in Apple's App Store.

and smackie sez...

in other news: Most iPhone users love AT&T, http://money.cnn.com/2010/07/23/technology/iphone_4_att/index.htm
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on July 27, 2010, 05:56:05 pm
Jailbreaking iPhone apps is now legal
IPhone users can now legally hack their phones to download applications that aren't in Apple's App Store.

and smackie sez...

in other news: Most iPhone users love AT&T, http://money.cnn.com/2010/07/23/technology/iphone_4_att/index.htm

Be careful - legal does not mean that it does not violate the terms of your agreement with Apple or at&t, it simply means you can't be prosecuted for jailbreaking (and they're protecting the hackers mostly, not those of you that do it).  If you brick your phone while jailbreaking, it's your problem not the manufacturer or carrier.

And as far as the CNN story - fanboi's can simply not have a negative opinion of anything they use or own.  Give them an option and we'll see how much those results change...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 09, 2010, 12:47:57 pm
Jag, you bring up two good points.

The first is that the Xperia X1 (Sony Ericsson's top phone) makes me jizz in my pants a little.  It's a beautiful phone that American carriers have avoided like the plague.  It's all over Europe and Asia and causes me a tremendous amount of cell phone envy.

Jag - this phone is shockingly, FINALLY coming to America on at&t for $129 starting August 15th (ahem, Amazon for $49 a week later...).  Even more shockingly, it will run Android 1.6 which is at least 8 months old at this point.  Unbelievable.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on August 09, 2010, 01:02:14 pm
Jag - this phone is shockingly,

shockingly what?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 09, 2010, 01:16:05 pm
shockingly what?

(First adverb regarding manner) Shockingly COMMA (an added pause for dramatic effect, but perhaps you would prefer I not add the dramatic effect?) (insert second adverb regarding time frame, use all caps to magnify the dramatic effect) FINALLY (insert gerund phrase to complete the what of the sentence....)

Then again, who gives a fuck about an oxford came anymore...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on August 09, 2010, 02:03:17 pm
Jag, you bring up two good points.

The first is that the Xperia X1 (Sony Ericsson's top phone) makes me jizz in my pants a little.  It's a beautiful phone that American carriers have avoided like the plague.  It's all over Europe and Asia and causes me a tremendous amount of cell phone envy.

Jag - this phone is shockingly, FINALLY coming to America on at&t for $129 starting August 15th (ahem, Amazon for $49 a week later...).  Even more shockingly, it will run Android 1.6 which is at least 8 months old at this point.  Unbelievable.

Great news! Do you have a really good reason to suspect that T-Mobil might eventually be accessible with this phone?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 09, 2010, 03:19:31 pm
Great news! Do you have a really good reason to suspect that T-Mobil might eventually be accessible with this phone?

Tough to tell.

If the hardware features of the phone are what you are looking for, then check out the Samsung Vibrant from t-mobile which is very similar (if not a liitle stronger hardware wise and already has Android 2.1 soon to be 2.2) for $199 with a 2-year contract.  No unlocking necessary.

If it's the slick user interface you like on the Xperia, then either patience or unlocking are all you can do.  It's not clear if T-Mobile will pick this phone up or not to save you some benjamins, otherwise you can pick up the phone next week for full price (~$400) from at&t and then unlock it (when the code is cracked).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on August 09, 2010, 03:40:26 pm
I've been known to be quite patient so I think I'll wait.

All in all, it's good news for US phone users. Nice to know that we are catching up with the rest of the world. Then again, it only makes me wonder what all is being offered now overseas that we won't see on our shores for years down the road.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Got Haggis? on September 01, 2010, 07:19:42 pm
Live Nation powering iTunes 10 concert listings and ticket sales...ugh.......

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 01, 2010, 07:49:52 pm
Come on.  That can't be surprising at all?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 12, 2010, 07:29:06 pm
Moog Music Make Filtatron, an iPhone Filtering, Effects, and Sampling App
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 13, 2010, 02:25:31 pm
net-nanny'ism comes to the iphone:

Apple patents 'anti-sexting' technology
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: nkotb on October 13, 2010, 02:31:14 pm
Man, dick recognition software has really come a long way...

net-nanny'ism comes to the iphone:

Apple patents 'anti-sexting' technology
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 07, 2011, 07:14:36 pm
Wall Street Journal says the Verizon iPhone announcement is set for Tuesday (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704739504576068170230339348.html?mod=rss_whats_news_technology)

They're usually right.

By my scorecard, it will be the 4th best phone Verizon offers, right now, and if it's not LTE, it will fall out of the top 10 by June.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 08, 2011, 05:00:26 pm
My Iphone is now 3 years old and is slower than molaesses in January....  it is time to upgrade... the question is Iphone or Droid?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 08, 2011, 11:28:10 pm
My Iphone is now 3 years old and is slower than molaesses in January....  it is time to upgrade... the question is Iphone or Droid?

Droid.  The Captivate is awesome, but at&t announced 11 new Android smartphones for 2011, so you might want to hang on for just a little while longer to get an HSPA+ model to take advantage of 4G.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 09, 2011, 10:34:38 am
My Iphone is now 3 years old and is slower than molaesses in January....  it is time to upgrade... the question is Iphone or Droid?

Droid.  The Captivate is awesome, but at&t announced 11 new Android smartphones for 2011, so you might want to hang on for just a little while longer to get an HSPA+ model to take advantage of 4G.

I was looking at the Captivate but I understand AT&T blocks third party apps... how big a problem is that in real life?

the Nexus-S looks awesome but I don't want T-Mobile...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 09, 2011, 03:00:24 pm
I was looking at the Captivate but I understand AT&T blocks third party apps... how big a problem is that in real life?

Coming from somebody with an iPhone, I find this question highly ironic -  It can't be worse than Apple and at&t combined, I can assure you of that.

They block sideloading (ie, apps not found in the app store) but I've been instructing my coworker on his Captivate and every app I've suggested has been available in the market.  I've only sideloaded one app myself, and it was a game for beta testing.

If you want to send me some typical apps you use, I'll see if they're available in the market.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 09, 2011, 05:30:07 pm
I don't use any unusual apps, and I'm guessing the maybe 5-10 apps I have from the App Store on the Iphone are all available.    The most important is Nextbus, also a bike ride mapping app, Last.fm, Yelp, and Shazam.

Another Droid question -- is there a way to easily rent movies, as one can do on the Iphone thru Itunes?

the only remaining question would be how long before that next generation of phones you mentioned is available, and how much of a difference will it really make.   There's always something newer and better around the corner, but meanwhile I'm stuck with an increasingly slow and sucky Iphone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on January 09, 2011, 05:30:30 pm
i used one of those ghost radar apps today in a house that was notorious for having slaves during the civil war . . . words such as "kept" "free" "trade" "mean" appeared.  i thought that was cool.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 09, 2011, 05:56:07 pm
The most important is Nextbus, also a bike ride mapping app, Last.fm, Yelp, and Shazam.

Yes: Nextbus, yelp, Shazam

I'll check on last.fm tomorrow, but I'm 99.9% positive that at&t didn't block it (I have it on my Galaxy S).  The bike map app I'd need more info, but I'm sure there are equivalents.

Another Droid question -- is there a way to easily rent movies, as one can do on the Iphone thru Itunes?

My phone has an app called the Samsung Media Hub that allows you to rent movies, but you can only watch them on your phone.  That would be the type of thing at&t would block though, so I'll check tomorrow.

mspot will let you rent directly to your phone, and I'm pretty sure youtube will too (they have a movie rental section). Blockbuster, Netflix, RedBox and Amazon are all planning similar apps.

The phone is DLNA compliant as well, so you can share those movies with most other DLNA compliant devices.

the only remaining question would be how long before that next generation of phones you mentioned is available, and how much of a difference will it really make.   There's always something newer and better around the corner, but meanwhile I'm stuck with an increasingly slow and sucky Iphone.

I don't think the dual-core processors will make much of a difference over this phone.  It already has a separate processor and graphics chip.  I've watched many a 1080p movie on it and it's easily the most impressive feature of the phone that gets a lot of "wow"s.

The 4g network capability however, would make a HUGE difference, especially if you plan to have the phone for 2-3 years.  By the end of the year, every carrier will have a 4G network that will greatly increase download speeds.  If you buy the phone now, you may be missing out on new network capabilities for quite some time.

For example, I download movies and TV shows directly to my Galaxy S over Sprint's 4G network in a matter of minutes.  And that was just a test as I don't watch much on phone - it sounds like you might watch a lot more on your phone then I do. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 09, 2011, 06:53:18 pm
Actually the only time I watch movies on my phone is on a plane, but it's one of the reasons I got an Iphone in the first place.  Streaming a movie isn't important to me, just the ability to rent them and load them on the phone.

any idea when those 4G phones will be available on AT&T?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 10, 2011, 02:00:11 pm
Last.fm is available on at&t.
Media Hub is also available to download movies for watching on planes.
mSpot Movies is also available to download movies.
mSpot Music is branded as at&t music for another streaming source of music.

I don't have a release date for LTE/HSPA+ phones yet, but I put a call in.  I'll let you know.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 10, 2011, 06:10:54 pm
The HTC Inspire 4G and the Motorola Atrix 4G are both expected to hit shelves in the first half of 2011 and take advantage of at&t's upgraded HSPA+ network. They would not be any more specific than "first half" - sorry.

They did not have any information in the Samsung Infuse 4G.

They do not expect any LTE phones until the later half of 2011.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 10, 2011, 10:57:15 pm
The HTC Inspire 4G and the Motorola Atrix 4G are both expected to hit shelves in the first half of 2011 and take advantage of at&t's upgraded HSPA+ network. They would not be any more specific than "first half" - sorry.

They did not have any information in the Samsung Infuse 4G.

They do not expect any LTE phones until the later half of 2011.

I can't wait that long, and bleeding edge technology is always super expensive at first too.  The stuff that's out there looks cool enough for me for now.  I think I am ready to jump in.   Thanks for your advice!

I guess my only last question is, you seem to be OK with AT&T.   Given all the crap one hears about them I am wondering whether it's not a good time to switch carriers, too.   Or is it just not worth the bother.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 10, 2011, 11:13:05 pm
I'm beating a dead horse, but my iPhone works great now that there is a Verizon MiFi hotspot in my office that I can use.  At home Kosmette often gets texts several hours after there were sent, not to mention twice there have been tower outages, that only the local att store acknowledged existing.   Verizon iPhone here I come.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 11, 2011, 01:58:17 pm
I guess my only last question is, you seem to be OK with AT&T.   Given all the crap one hears about them I am wondering whether it's not a good time to switch carriers, too.   Or is it just not worth the bother.

Um, no - I hate at&t, and I did long before the iPhone exclusive deal.  But that doesn't mean everybody else should.

Here's the advice I give to everybody who asks:  go with the service provider that gives you the best coverage in the two places you use the phone most often: usually that's home and work. 

Every carrier has dead spots. How many times do you hear people say "Oh I hate [insert cell phone carrier].  Their coverage is the worst - I couldn't reception at my apt/when my parents came to visit they couldn't/it would drop a call every time I drove home at the same spot/etc."   The truth is they all have fairly good coverage considering how big the US is, but the only thing that should matter is do they have coverage where you use the phone most.  If you get solid coverage at home and work, then 99% of your cell usage will be great.  And that's the carrier for you.

If all things are equal, go with the cheapest one, but I doubt that will be the case.

And just for the record, I have been with Sprint for almost 15 years.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 11, 2011, 02:01:45 pm
And the fact that the Verizon iPhone is not LTE means everybody should stay away.  Why lock yourself in for 18 months on a 3G phone when Verizon is already rolling out it's 4G network.  Unbelievable.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 11, 2011, 02:03:23 pm
i dont plan on switching, but the fact that verizon is allowing the iphone to be a hotspot on their network is a big selling point
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 11, 2011, 02:20:35 pm
i dont plan on switching, but the fact that verizon is allowing the iphone to be a hotspot on their network is a big selling point

It will probably force at&t's hand, finally.  Amazing what a little competition can do....

But still: great, a 3G hotspot when the 4G network is ten times faster. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 11, 2011, 02:29:27 pm
right, i dont even want a new phone. all i want is to use my current phone as a wireless hotspot a few times per year
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 11, 2011, 02:37:06 pm
right, i dont even want a new phone. all i want is to use my current phone as a wireless hotspot a few times per year

If they were pay-as-you-go sure, but most Hot Spots I've seen are billed monthly.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 12, 2011, 12:10:25 am
I guess my only last question is, you seem to be OK with AT&T.   Given all the crap one hears about them I am wondering whether it's not a good time to switch carriers, too.   Or is it just not worth the bother.

Um, no - I hate at&t, and I did long before the iPhone exclusive deal.  But that doesn't mean everybody else should.

Here's the advice I give to everybody who asks:  go with the service provider that gives you the best coverage in the two places you use the phone most often: usually that's home and work. 

Every carrier has dead spots. How many times do you hear people say "Oh I hate [insert cell phone carrier].  Their coverage is the worst - I couldn't reception at my apt/when my parents came to visit they couldn't/it would drop a call every time I drove home at the same spot/etc."   The truth is they all have fairly good coverage considering how big the US is, but the only thing that should matter is do they have coverage where you use the phone most.  If you get solid coverage at home and work, then 99% of your cell usage will be great.  And that's the carrier for you.

If all things are equal, go with the cheapest one, but I doubt that will be the case.

And just for the record, I have been with Sprint for almost 15 years.

Well cool.   Thank you for your thorough and nuanced advice.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 12, 2011, 12:34:00 am
Should I Buy a Verizon iPhone?
Five reasons why you might want to hold off.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 13, 2011, 04:44:19 pm
Motorola Atrix 4G

Rumored to be a March 1 release if that helps.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on January 13, 2011, 09:53:30 pm
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on January 14, 2011, 10:36:22 am
Excellent good points/bad points article about Verizon iPhone (http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/backstage/comments/verizons-iphone-4-on-february-10-the-good-the-bad-news/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on January 14, 2011, 11:05:59 am

Had a feeling this was what it would be. Just didn't bother posting. Lots of talk about this stuff amongst privacy advocates. I know that I certainty wouldn't want any of that crap in my phone! As cool as it can be, there are just way too many entities out there abusing this sort of stuff. Not worth it!

It's also something that's been discussed for years amongst UFOlogists. Some claim that it's alien technology though I'm not all that sure about that. Old, old news for us. Just hasn't been on the market until now.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 14, 2011, 01:04:15 pm

Had a feeling this was what it would be. Just didn't bother posting. Lots of talk about this stuff amongst privacy advocates. I know that I certainty wouldn't want any of that crap in my phone! As cool as it can be, there are just way too many entities out there abusing this sort of stuff. Not worth it!

It's also something that's been discussed for years amongst UFOlogists. Some claim that it's alien technology though I'm not all that sure about that. Old, old news for us. Just hasn't been on the market until now.

i have a feeling this thing is all hype and hope.  it doesn't allow you to control your phone - it detects general brain activity and produces a graphic accordingly.  it's a biofeedback device with a fancy visualization front-end, a screensaver that reacts to electricity flow in in your brain instead of the beat of music in your media player.  low electricity = "meditation/relaxation", more electricity = "concentration".  this isn't new (or alien) technology.  the real advance here is that someone figured out how to manufacture this thing in china at a consumer-friendly price.

they play up the "control your iphone with you mind!" angle, but note that there is no talk of hands-free dialing, or playing games on screen using only your mind, or anything that shows that your brain is being read with any complexity.  if this device held any future potential to read your mind beyond more general activity vs. less general activity, you can be sure they'd be advertising the hell out of it.

this is entrepreneurship and marketing at its finest.  it's a borderline scam to separate iphone/ipad owners from their money. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on January 14, 2011, 03:11:31 pm
^ Have to agree with all of that.

Reminds me exactly of those things they've been selling for 20+ years with lights and sounds (can't remember for the life of me what they are called or I'd link one) that supposedly work along with your brain waves. New Age tech toys, more or less. Seems to me, all Apple did was find a way of adapting the very same technology into their products and are pretending that it's all so 'new'.

Now, there is technology that can pick up on brain waves and control stuff but it's very expensive and usually involves RFID chips and such. At this stage, usually reserved for those with severe physical disorders. Best people to research regarding that sort of technology are Drs. Michael Persinger and Jose Delgado; although, there are probably some very good new ones on the scene by now.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on January 14, 2011, 03:24:45 pm
Okay, here we go. This is what I was thinking of (http://www.videosurf.com/video/zen-frames-light-frequencies-binaural-beats-equals-relaxation-1230608087?vlt=ffext&vlt_position=rightrail) except that it goes in the other direction; inward towards the brain rather than actually reading the brain waves. Not really that big of a stretch though. Just super stripped down and extremely simplified EEG tech for the masses.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 14, 2011, 03:48:16 pm
Move it, you crazies:  http://www.930.com/forum/index.php?topic=4378.0
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on January 14, 2011, 08:12:04 pm
For Doomie and others weighing your phone options.

Shrewd business move or is Verizon setting themselves up for near future customer loss?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on January 14, 2011, 10:32:31 pm
i'm having headphone jack issues on my blackberry tour.  i'm reading on the net that it seems to be a "normal problem" on the things.  all of sudden the headphone jack stopped working, sometimes cutting in and out and then nothing, thereby only playing music through the phone speakers and not through to my connector jack to my car or on any headphones.  is there a way to fix this?  am i doomed.  please o god don't tell me i'm going to have to take it to my local sprint store full of bumbling idiots who seem to have the same answer for anything . . . "did you get insurance on that thing?"
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on January 14, 2011, 10:43:49 pm
^ Followed up by 'We have a deal on the new....'
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 15, 2011, 07:48:37 pm
I picked up a Samsung Captivate today.  It's a beautiful phone.  I will say that the Android OS is definitely more chaotic than the Iphone, and some of the apps seem a generation behind the Iphone's (Facebook is notably suckier for example).   There's redudancies which seem unnecessary -- for example, I've found at least three different ways to check my email.  Why is that needed? Unlike the Iphone, which you can basically start using not having ever seen one before, there's a bit more of a learning curve.   Nontheless a day into it I am enjoying it.   
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on January 19, 2011, 08:21:41 pm
SmartMoney: Hello iPhone, Goodbye Upgrades

You'd have to be living in a cave to have missed the big Tuesday news that the iPhone is finally coming to Verizon (NYSE: VZ - News). But what the company didn't announce yesterday may turn out to be more important to subscribers: A change in the company's upgrade policies that will make phones more expensive for current and future Verizon customers.

Verizon officials have confirmed what SmartMoney was told by Verizon sales reps at a number of stores around the country: The company is ending its popular "New Every Two" program, which offers Verizon subscribers a credit of $30 to $100 toward a new phone every two years. As of Jan. 16, the company will stop offering the credit to new customers and won't re-enroll current customers in the program after their next New Every Two upgrade. The cell carrier is also putting the brakes on its permissive early upgrade policy, store representatives confirmed.


That's true for every other cell carrier as well, because most offer their own discounts and early upgrades. And as they roll out their own 4G networks and accumulate more smartphone subscribers, they're also likely get more stingy with upgrades, says Neil Strother, an analyst for ABI Research. That perk-tightening comes on top of extra fees and higher early exit charges.

continued: http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/111835/smartmoney-hello-iphone-goodbye-upgrades
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Stillwater on January 19, 2011, 09:59:41 pm
May have missed it, but does anyone have a good link to the new iphone model that is getting released in July 2012 that the article is referencing?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 20, 2011, 09:36:45 am
May have missed it, but does anyone have a good link to the new iphone model that is getting released in July 2012 that the article is referencing?
As of now it is vaporware only.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 20, 2011, 02:19:50 pm
May have missed it, but does anyone have a good link to the new iphone model that is getting released in July 2012 that the article is referencing?

That would be the iPhone 6, and who knows what that will bring, but supposedly it will be the first with LTE (which is just shocking if true).

The iPhone 5 is expected in June/July of 2011, however, and will likely feature Apple's new A5 CPU (a Cortex A9-based, dual-core chip). It's also supposed to feature a Qualcomm chipset that does triple duty as the CDMA/GSM/UMTS baseband processor (ie, they make one phone for both Verizon and at&t - have fun unlocking that).  The rumor is it does NOT have LTE, but we'll see.  It's also described as a complete redesign, but it's Apple talking so I'll wait and see on that one.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 01, 2011, 01:27:42 pm
I know all the discussion about the Atrix is gone, but the multimedia dock is being sold by Motorola for $60 and online retailers have it for $50, as predicted.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on February 03, 2011, 02:56:09 pm
Motorola Atrix 4G

Rumored to be a March 1 release if that helps.

almost: http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/03/motorolas-atrix-4g-coming-to-atandt-on-march-6th-for-200-bundle/

phone + dock = $499 + 2 year contract, or phone only for $199 + 2 year contract... and pay $499 for the dock separately.

5 bills still seems like a lot for the convenience of phone and a netbook integration.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on February 03, 2011, 03:06:26 pm
It should be noted, however, that the bundle only applies if you also sign your name to a Data Pro plan and tethering add-on, so be sure you're down for that monthly hit before committing in haste.

looking less and less like a good deal. why not just get a regular netbook at that price
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on February 03, 2011, 03:18:19 pm
why not just get a regular netbook at that price

i was thinking the same thing, but for that price you're getting a netbook PLUS a top of the line android phone.  maybe another way of looking at it is that you'll be spending $200 on a high-end phone anyways, so the "netbook portion" is $300... slightly more reasonable.

also, you don't have to sync your phone to the netbook since the phone is the netbook.  apparently that's worth something to some people.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 03, 2011, 03:27:47 pm
If that dock doesn't work as a stand alone as rumored (ie, the phone is required) that is dead on arrival.  Poor move Motorola/at&t.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on February 03, 2011, 03:34:58 pm
why not just get a regular netbook at that price

i was thinking the same thing, but for that price you're getting a netbook PLUS a top of the line android phone.  maybe another way of looking at it is that you'll be spending $200 on a high-end phone anyways, so the "netbook portion" is $300... slightly more reasonable.

also, you don't have to sync your phone to the netbook since the phone is the netbook.  apparently that's worth something to some people.
yeah the $200 price for the phone is fine, but newegg has several netbooks around $300 that have operating systems. once youre paying more for teathering, it makes no sense to buy the bundle in my opinion
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 03, 2011, 03:43:14 pm
yeah the $200 price for the phone is fine, but newegg has several netbooks around $300 that have operating systems. once youre paying more for teathering, it makes no sense to buy the bundle in my opinion

I'm with shoeshine.

The current extra price of Data Pro + Tethering on at&t would get you a Wimax mobile hotspot on Sprint with an already developed 4G network (plus you could connect 7 more devices).  Why wouldn't you do that and get a full blown netbook for that price, you know, in case you want to edit word and excel documents or something?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on February 03, 2011, 03:46:08 pm
don't get me wrong, i'm not a fan of this setup for $500+.  i agree that at that price, consumers could do much better for themselves.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on February 08, 2011, 12:26:04 pm
My 80 year old stepdad has been waiting years for the iphone to appear on Verizon, and yesterday two new phones arrived at their house, one for him and one for my mom. 

I've had two phone conversations with my mom on her new verizon iphone.

Both calls dropped.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 08, 2011, 12:54:50 pm
I called Jobs.  He said they were holding it wrong.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on February 08, 2011, 01:18:09 pm
i remember when my friend got verizon after years of sprint. he called me all excited and told me "now i'll never have dropped" and then the call dropped
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 11, 2011, 02:02:56 pm
The last thing the mobile industry needs is consolidation of OS developers.  We've only got 4 (Apple, MS, Google and Palm - sorry symbian folks, but you've been relegated to the cheapie bin)....  

If you only need a hardware provider, MS would be much better served by contracting with HTC to provide a MS branded phone.  It would cost half as much, it's already used to your platform, and they're putting out the most innovative hardware on the market (sorry Apple folks, but the iPhone hasn't changed its appearance in 3 years now, to where HTC has a new phone every 2 months or so).

How on earth did I predict the death of Symbian and then argue that MS should partner with HTC?

Nokia was the obvious choice there and it only took MS 1.5 years to take my advice, albeit with a much better plan then I laid out.  I should have nailed this - Nokia's phone are sick, and this could be a KILLER partnership.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on February 11, 2011, 07:45:46 pm
This is a good, balanced look at the Verizon vs AT&T issue.    Bottom line seems that while Verizon's physical network is better for now, they suck in many other important ways.  Glad I followed the advice given here and stuck with AT&T when getting my new phone.


Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on February 14, 2011, 07:26:58 pm
don't get me wrong, i'm not a fan of this setup for $500+.  i agree that at that price, consumers could do much better for themselves.

Engadget likey the Atrix 4g, no likely the peripherals:

We wanted to love this dock, but at the price Motorola is asking and for the small amount of utility it actually provides, it seems clear to us that your money would be better spent on a tablet or decent netbook. (http://www.engadget.com/motorola/atrix-4g-review/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on March 15, 2011, 09:02:19 pm
adobe capitulates to apple, flash holes to be filled on i-devices soon

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on March 16, 2011, 12:11:10 pm
adobe capitulates to apple, flash holes to be filled on i-devices soon


I don't read it quite that way.  Flash was never going to beat out HTML5 as the next standard when Apple, Google and MS all adopted it in the desktop and mobile platforms, so Adobe is smart to give it's developers an easy conversion tool.  Their hope is that developers will still use Adobe tools to create content regardless of output format - that's how they made their money anyway.

Adobe was fine giving the finger to the iPhone as it loses market share (I heartily disagree with the authors contention that "Apple's iPhone holds the most interactivity- and video-hungry portion of the smartphone market" as all stats seem to indicate that Android has surpassed iOS in both market share and internet traffic), but Adobe can't be sitting on its hands while the iPad takes a huge early lead in the tablet market.

If you want to develop for the tablet, you'd be smart to adopt HTML5, and Apple isn't the only one saying that.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2011, 02:10:44 pm
I feel like I should have a contest for the boardie with the best map or craziest location:

iSpy Conspiracy: Your iPhone Is Secretly Tracking Everywhere You?ve Been, All The Time (http://gizmodo.com/#!5793925)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 20, 2011, 03:30:44 pm
holy crap that's scary.   

<dork alert> the article mentions that location is taken every second.  if one makes the estimate that timestamp + longitude + latitude = 24 bytes, that amounts to~720 MB of data per year.  where is that being stored?  might be lower if the device doesn't store repeated data while the device is at rest.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Frank Gallagher on April 20, 2011, 03:57:15 pm
iPhone is how you communicate with SATAN!!!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2011, 04:30:39 pm
<dork alert> the article mentions that location is taken every second.  if one makes the estimate that timestamp + longitude + latitude = 24 bytes, that amounts to~720 MB of data per year.  where is that being stored?  might be lower if the device doesn't store repeated data while the device is at rest.

I think you may have over read that statement.  It says the timestamp is accurate to the second, but that doesn't mean that they take it every second.

Shit's going to start getting serious if it's discovered that Apple gets that file via iTunes or OTA.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 20, 2011, 04:41:49 pm
iPhone is how you communicate with SATAN!!!
i use mine to communicate with smackie
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 20, 2011, 04:44:33 pm
iPhone is how you communicate with SATAN!!!
i use mine to communicate with smackie

Same difference?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 20, 2011, 04:47:15 pm
iPhone is how you communicate with SATAN!!!
i use mine to communicate with smackie

potayto, potahto.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 20, 2011, 11:33:58 pm
the cell-enabled ipad also keeps a log of its location data and is backup on the user's computer. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 21, 2011, 01:19:29 am
This is old news. Well, relatively speaking. As old as the ipad and almost as old as the iPhone. It's not just Apple products either doing way too much tracking and snooping. Generally, it's all 'smart' phones (http://cuduwudu.com/2011/03/richard-stallman-smartphones-are-the-dream-of-stalin-tools-of-big-brother/). This all came in during the Clinton administration when he signed some kind of paperwork to install the clipper chip into any and everything technological. It's Big Brother's backdoor into your private life (http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2006/1/17/141106.shtml).

In other intrusive, anti 4th amendment and unconstitutional news:
Mich. Cops Can Now Steal Your Cell Phone Data ? ?Without the Owner Knowing? (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/mich-cops-can-now-steal-your-cell-phone-data-without-the-owner-knowing/)

Also, Google keeps all of your searches for, I think, up to 6 months. Just heard something this week that Yahoo just changed their policy on searches. If I remember correctly, they had been saving them for 30 days but have since upped it to 90 days.

There's much, much more and it's all creepy as hell!

*Before any of you try tearing this apart because of the sites themselves, I know nothing about any of them other than Newsmax. I was just very familiar with the dirt and only did a quick search and linked up something quick and easy. You can do your own in-depth research if you choose. Oh, and every administration has been deep in shit involved in these things. It just took them all this time to get it where it is today. As I said, all old news but sadly, finally a reality.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 21, 2011, 06:57:41 pm
Look at it this way -- nothing in life is free.   Google wouldn't provide the amazing functionality of its search and gmail and all the rest without getting something in return, right?     And surely it hasn't come out of nowhere to be a bigger force than Microsoft just by selling lots of little ads?     One of the founders of Google is quoted as saying "we know how you think."    It's entirely in their interest to make billions off that ability, and ridiculous to assume they wouldn't.    And it's also in everyone's power to choose whether to avail themselves of Google's conveniences, or not.

And cell phones have been miniature tracking devices since they were invented in the 80s.   The only thing that's new about this is the precision is greatly enhanced (down to GPS coordinates instead of cell towers), and the fact that the file is stored on *your* phone.     But if a telco wanted to find you they've always been able to.

So, bloggers are going to vent indignantly and righteously about this.   But the basic fact is nothing new -- privacy for the most part is given up voluntarily, and if you really care about it, you've got to live off the grid.   
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 21, 2011, 07:26:22 pm
Yes and no.  Two things that are being overlooked here.

(1) Google is opt in for location services on their phones.  If you choose not to, I'm sure you install a dozen apps that probably do the same thing without you realizing it, but at least it's opt in.

(2) The tracking file on the iPhone/iPad is stored on the phone and locally on your computer when backing up to iTunes.  Why is this a big deal?  Because it's no longer anonymous.  When my service provider and google collect this information (and I've always assumed they did when I opted in to their services) they have my data and it's collected and probably tied back to some master file that's created about me.  Fine.  And I have a tremendous amount of faith, rightly or wrongly, in them protecting that file.

But what's happened now is this:  Apple, for no reason at all (according to them), has created this file that is now subpoenable by a court of law.  It's just a matter of time before  some divorce lawyer or some employer or some share holder etc. asks for that file.  And yes I'm going to say no, but it's going to cost me a bundle to defend against that subpoena request because it's a file creating a record that might be of interest to the court or the case against me. 

And that's the best case scenario. I'm sure the Tiger Woods phenomenon is about to start with some suspicious spouse locating that file on a hard drive on their own and putting together a juicy story to take to a divorce lawyer.  No subpoena needed now...

If you ask Google for that file, they are going to spend a boatload to defend against getting access to that file.  And they will probably win.

As strange as this may sound, I wish Apple had (1) asked for an opt in and (2) kept that file themselves with no local record.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 21, 2011, 07:28:17 pm
herr doktor,

although telcos have been collecting similar info, it took a court order to access it.  in other words, for the mere mortal, that information was unaccessible and purely theoretical.  now if someone steals your phone or gets access to your home computer, they can get all this data.  not so theoretical all of a sudden.

i think the main reason for all this indignation is that it was a surprise.  researchers accidentally discovered this, apple obviously didn't mean for this to be widely known.  people feel duped.  i have no idea how consumers would have reacted if this functionality was made known from the outset, i suspect they would have protested... pointing to the fact that maybe this isn't such a good idea.

conspiracy theorists have put forth the idea that apple did this at the request of The Government.  personally, i think apple did this because they could.  they're in the data business.  google has made a mint by "collecting information first, find use for it later".  speaking of google, they got in trouble a while back for exactly this: a stink was raised over the google maps vans that collected information about wireless networks as they mapped and photographed streets.   t'was the same thing: they were sucking in all the data they could collect, figuring that some day they'll figure out how to use it (read: monetize it).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 21, 2011, 07:47:42 pm
conspiracy theorists have put forth the idea that apple did this at the request of The Government.  personally, i think apple did this because they could. 

I'm not defending Apple at all, I think they suck.   I think my point is more along the lines of what you say above.   And I hadn't thought about the subpoena issue.     

I'm sure I'm offending a wide swath here, but in general I think you can't trust data geeks... whether it's Julian Assange, Steve Jobs or Sergeiy Brin, they think they are entitled to any information they come across.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 21, 2011, 08:32:35 pm
in general I think you can't trust data geeks... whether it's Julian Assange, Steve Jobs or Sergeiy Brin, they think they are entitled to any information they come across.

i think that's a very valid apprehension.  i have worked with the my firm's Data Forensics team, and i've been struck at the shockingly neutral & agnostic view they take of data: it's a stream of 1's and 0's that in the right hands can be turned into money.  data is neutral, and data wants to be free.  it's not people's lives, it doesn't have real-work repercussions (other than maybe financial).  quality of life?  sorry, can't be measured, and isn't implicitly captured in the data...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 22, 2011, 01:28:46 am
As Sweets said, the data itself is neutral. The real problem comes in with who has access to all that data and what they may decide to do with that data. While, yes, there is definitely a certain degree of a caveat emptor element to what the user throws out there, you can't just always blame the user for what can be done with all those details.

We too often have a real blind trust towards others who might have access to our data. In other cases, there's also a lot of data mining and snooping done that we know almost nothing about. Some less innocuous than others while some could be downright devastating in the wrong hands regardless of how innocent any given detail may be. It's really not that big of a deal if some company is only using very basic statistics about the demographics of the type of person who might buy their products. Using your personal information to sell to anyone who wants to buy your personal information for whatever they choose to do with that information is a whole other story. Would you like some Temporance nutcase knocking on your door like a Jehovah's Witness pusher just because you occasionally buy a bottle of wine at your local liquor store? Or maybe not get that coveted job interview because they choose to assume that you might just have a drinking problem regardless of what the truth might be? The potential is there to be totally exploited in any way another may choose from marketing to who gets what job or even used to gather information for some sort of character assassination. Just think for a moment about what the Nixon administration was up to regarding the Watergate break in. Oh, and don't forget the Stasi and how they collected all sorts of very detailed files on their citizens and for what purposes, all without the technology we have today.

It's very important to not always be so naive and trusting in the real world by thinking, 'well, if you aren't doing anything wrong, you shouldn't have anything to worry about'. Sure, we 'shouldn't' but the fact is, just like how numbers can be manipulated and distorted by any good publicity agent, lawyer, politician, sales person, etc., so can any given detail about your personal life by anyone who has an agenda that may not be in your best interest.

Seriously, in many cases, it's none of their damn business! Think about it for a moment; if you end up at a sobriety road stop, would you want Big Brother downloading every bit of data from your cell phone regardless of what they may or may not be doing with it? Today, it may be because you ran a stop sign (even though that is not sufficient cause to extract your data though we see it's been done in Michigan). Tomorrow it's anyone they randomly choose to walk up to on the street if we let them continue to tighten up on us like this. History has proven that this is how Totalitarian societies get, maintain and abuse control. Don't ever automatically assume that 'it can't happen here' because, yes, it can!

There's all sorts of other technologies they (be it corporate, government or otherwise) can use on us that hasn't even been hinted at here. Some have already been developed and are even in use while others are still in the R&D stages. Corporate spying is supposedly a big user of some of this stuff while 'the authorities' are another. Then you have the nosy and possibly even psychotic geek head who have their own purposes. So, yeah, caveat emptor but we too must be vigilant and not let so many others abuse the ability to grab our data just because they can. Of course, when it's brought to their attention they will always claim some high minded purpose like refining your personal browsing experiences to preventing terrorism but, the truth is, that's not always their true intentions. It is our jobs to be informed and take action to protect ourselves, be it regarding our personal use to actively getting involved with various privacy advocates who act to protect our rights. The choice is yours and should always be your choice, not that of anyone with the money and power to exploit for their own benefit however they see fit.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 22, 2011, 11:58:14 am
People have been saying a totalitarian society is near since the day this country was founded, and that notion seems more preposterous than ever.   If nothing else, it can be conclusively demonstrated that the "big brother" model of governance is bad for business, and what's good for business is what is setting the pace of our country's future.

the more likely scenario is companies and unethical individuals taking advantage of personal data in ways big and small, and in ways that haven't even been foreseen yet.   Software is getting so complex that companies like Apple can insert things like this tracking file that go for years without being detected, and they will continue to do so.   And even companies aren't monolithic, and don't have total control or knowledge of what their own divisions and individual employees choose to insert in software.   Who knows what else is out there.

So there's a lot to be concerned about ... but the Soviet style "big brother" scenario, though, is something that will stay in the 20th Century.   That's what the yahoos forming militias and filling their garages with ammo don't get.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 22, 2011, 12:38:42 pm
I'm sure that the people in Michigan would disagree.

Also, the majority of those across the planet who would disagree with you are not 'yahoos forming militias and filling their garages with ammo'. Most of them are just regular good and generally law abiding citizens who see what's going on around them and how its been changing over the years. Without naming any of them, I know of bands who don't like touring here because of how much of a police state we've turned into. One, in particular, refuse to come back because of that very reason regardless of the fact that they do have the fan base who would love for them to return. Another that I know of was totally freaked out a few years ago from what they witnessed and had to go through. Maybe your personal experiences have been easy on you but there are countless examples and practices that have gone through that demonstrates that we are slipping downwards. Yes, many have fought and will continue to fight for our rights with varying results. Thank God for those who know the difference between true freedom and are aware of how other factions continue to chip away at them; otherwise, we would be that much worse off. 

With all due respect, you would make a very easy frog to boil.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 22, 2011, 12:48:39 pm
by "here" do you mean dc or the united states?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on April 22, 2011, 01:21:31 pm
i like the fact that in the terminator movies, skynet became self aware on april 19, 2011.  and mister cameron remarked that we have indeed been controlled by mindless robots due to these horrid addictions to iphones and blackberries and androids.  i mean come on . . . they're called androids.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 22, 2011, 01:22:13 pm
by "here" do you mean dc or the united states?

You need to clarify yourself and tell us who you are asking.

If you are referring to this sentence of mine:

"Without naming any of them, I know of bands who don't like touring here because of how much of a police state we've turned into."

... 'here' means in the US, although the one band that I mentioned was particularly freaked out while in DC as opposed to any other location they played.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 22, 2011, 01:27:27 pm
sorry, that's what i was asking, yes

can i ask what country these bands are from? i'd assume the uk, but they have cctv on every street there
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 22, 2011, 01:32:23 pm
can i ask what country these bands are from? i'd assume the uk, but they have cctv on every street there

One is from the UK and the other is from Ireland. Btw, it wasn't only the cameras that freaked out the one band. It was stuff much more aggressive and intrusive than that but I really don't feel comfortable blabbing too much else on their personal experiences.

Yes, I know those countries, among others, have their own squeezing fists to deal with but none of that justifies it going on anywhere else, especially within our own country. Thing is, it's really a global effort coordinated to control us all. All these fists work hand in hand and it's not always for the reasons they claim.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 22, 2011, 01:48:58 pm

ireland i can totally see. they do what they want to do. place is crazier than i guessed. but in a good way
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 22, 2011, 07:07:06 pm
I don't know about Ireland, but bands coming to the US from the UK and bitching that we're a police state is pretty rich, given that in the UK people can get thrown in jail for far less cause than here.    Maybe they got treated rudely at immigration, but the customs folks at Heathrow are no less ugly to people who aren't citizens.

Anyway, there are also a ton of working class people who've been successfully convinced that taxing the rich is bad for them... so Jaguar, with all respect, the opinions of a bunch of people and bands offer no reflection on what's real or not.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 22, 2011, 07:26:45 pm
Back to the topic of note....

Gizmodo has done a decent job of explaining the difference between iOS/Android/WP7 with a chart:

Linky.... (http://gizmodo.com/#!5794891)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 22, 2011, 07:45:29 pm
Doom, history proves otherwise, especially since the Patriot Act.

Anyway, to lighten up the mood with a piece somewhat related in this article (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110421/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_amazon_outages), I found a comment that cracked me up. It's about a site called Foursquare that is a location-sharing social network.

"Because Foursquare was down, millions had no clue where they were."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 23, 2011, 04:13:49 pm
Back to the topic of note....

Gizmodo has done a decent job of explaining the difference between iOS/Android/WP7 with a chart:

Linky.... (http://gizmodo.com/#!5794891)

that's great... and as an added bonus takes us back from "vast global conspiracy" to "panic, but just a tiny bit."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on April 26, 2011, 10:38:54 am
And that's the best case scenario. I'm sure the Tiger Woods phenomenon is about to start with some suspicious spouse locating that file on a hard drive on their own and putting together a juicy story to take to a divorce lawyer.  No subpoena needed now...

speaking of no subpoena needed: http://apple.slashdot.org/story/11/04/19/2231240/Michigan-Police-Could-Search-Cell-Phones-During-Traffic-Stops
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 26, 2011, 12:07:53 pm
^ That's what I was posting above and it was conveniently ignored.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 26, 2011, 01:48:54 pm
Jag, I ignored that post because if you're dumb enough to willingly hand your phone over to a cop, then you deserve to have all of your data taken and used against you.   

This applies to you giving your phone to more than just a cop too - there is so much data on a phone that it boggles my mind how open folks are with their phone.  You wouldn't hand your wallet over, why would you hand your phone over?

It's a little different if it's not clearly a willing act or if it's part of an arrest.  The 4th/5th/6th amendment right(s) to reasonable searches and seizures has been so decimated in the past 20 years anyway, that this is just the next test for the courts.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 26, 2011, 02:27:48 pm
 ^ Geesh,... the point is not whether or not one is dumb enough to hand their phone over. It's that the cops are doing this regardless of it's legality.

The fact that our rights are being destroyed does not in the least make it anymore acceptable. In fact, it's even more cause to nip it in the bud! It's all this closing one's mind to what is happening that allows our rights to continue to decline. Of course, unless you prefer to be a dumbed down zombified sheep. In that case, anyone who prefers to join the ever tightening pasture 'deserves' to be taken advantage of like this by your phone logic.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on April 26, 2011, 02:31:53 pm
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 26, 2011, 02:33:33 pm
if a cop ever asks me to hand over my phone, i'm just going to pull up this thread
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 26, 2011, 03:03:50 pm
if a cop ever asks me to hand over my phone, i'm just going to pull up this thread

Or just say, "Do you have a warrant for that?", expect a little attitude, and move on.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 26, 2011, 03:05:14 pm
^ Geesh,... the point is not whether or not one is dumb enough to hand their phone over. It's that the cops are doing this regardless of it's legality.

I believe firmly in the process of Natural Selection.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 26, 2011, 03:09:48 pm
The average person will be intimidated enough to hand anything over to a cop, especially one that might act like a bully. Not everyone is as well informed and trained in the law as you and they know it. The cops know it too and so do their bosses and will sometimes use that against you.

Pretty sad when one prefers a police department that condones such tactics rather than expecting them to operate on the up and up.

An excellent organization to keep up with what's going on regarding tech rights and has our best interests at heart.

Electronic Frontier Foundation (http://www.eff.org/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: James Ford on April 26, 2011, 03:13:02 pm
So are you guys saying my refusal to ever own a cell phone could in essence be a good thing?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 26, 2011, 03:15:49 pm
if a cop ever asks me to hand over my phone, i'm just going to pull up this thread

Or just say, "Do you have a warrant for that?", expect a little attitude, and move on.
youre right. no app for that yet
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on April 26, 2011, 03:17:40 pm
So are you guys saying my refusal to ever own a cell phone could in essence be a good thing?

no, it means you are an old coot and not with the times yet  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 26, 2011, 03:22:14 pm
if a cop ever asks me to hand over my phone, i'm just going to pull up this thread

Or just say, "Do you have a warrant for that?", expect a little attitude, and move on.
youre right. no app for that yet

While technically both of you guys are correct, I'd love to be in the background watching which of you have the balls to do this, say it again when demanded, and then get away with it. You 'should' be able to do so but it may not be a nice departing if you get to 'move along, son'. May all depend on how law abiding that cop is vs one with a power-freak ego. Add the pressure from their higher ups and their agendas.

With that said, that is an excellent idea for an app. Maybe one that automatically pops up whenever things are extracted or someone other than the owner accesses the phone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: walkonby on April 26, 2011, 03:36:22 pm
cops are hot


he can have anything he wants.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 26, 2011, 03:41:56 pm
All yours, Walkie! Not my type. (And, no, not because he's a cop. Too damned hairy!)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 26, 2011, 04:19:15 pm
I'd love to be in the background watching which of you have the balls to do this, say it again when demanded, and then get away with it.

I do and I have.  I've even done it for friends I've been with.

It's not that big of a deal.  As long as you maintain a cool demeanor and don't get hot headed about it, you'll come out on top.  Just be prepared to take a little attitude...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 26, 2011, 04:32:25 pm
I'd love to be in the background watching which of you have the balls to do this, say it again when demanded, and then get away with it.

I do and I have.  I've even done it for friends I've been with.

You know, I absolutely believe this. You're very good with that sort of stuff. The thing is, the rest of us shouldn't have to be that well informed and have to be put on the spot like that. You know, we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Sadly, that mindset is changing and that is NOT a good way to run society.

It's not that big of a deal.  As long as you maintain a cool demeanor and don't get hot headed about it, you'll come out on top.  Just be prepared to take a little attitude...

For the most part, that is true. But, again, we should not have to be put in such a situation.

Personally, all of my dealings with the cops have been very fair, on the up and up and they've all been very respectful towards me as I was to them. It's just that I know there are cases that haven't been so proper for others... and I'm not talking about fools who showed their ass side to the cops and may have deserved a bit of ass slapping. I know you know exactly where I'm coming from.

Oh, except that one cop who pulled me over assuming he'd get himself a DUI. HA!!! Made me walk the line and everything. I even said something to him about this not being an easy thing to do in spike heels. (One of those standing on one leg things or something while testing my balance.) Of course, I passed with flying colors considering that I wasn't drinking. I could tell he was pissed off too but realized that there was nothing he could do about it.

In the meantime, I think he may have picked me because I was the car right in front of him and slowed down just a bit because, 1) I saw a cop behind me and 2) most importantly, all of these other drunks were speeding and swerving all over the place around me! They scared the shit out of me! What a dumbass! Lets the real drunks go and harasses a careful driving, non-alcohol or drug induced citizen. In the end, it was his attitude that bugged me more than anything! Wouldn't apologize or show any kind of real concern whatsoever. He was just pissed off because he wasn't writing up a DUI.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on April 26, 2011, 05:54:34 pm
ive talked friends out of arrest several times. calmness and brevity is my wheelhouse
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Frank Gallagher on April 26, 2011, 06:35:27 pm
So are you guys saying my refusal to ever own a cell phone could in essence be a good thing?

no, it means you are an old coot and not with the times yet  ;D

So when I hand over my phone, do I have to hand over my battery pack too?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on April 26, 2011, 07:06:40 pm
So are you guys saying my refusal to ever own a cell phone could in essence be a good thing?

no, it means you are an old coot and not with the times yet  ;D

So when I hand over my phone, do I have to hand over my battery pack too?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 26, 2011, 07:12:35 pm


IS that photo worth me hacking your hotmail account for me to see?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 26, 2011, 07:16:04 pm


IS that photo worth me hacking your hotmail account for me to see?

You decide. (http://shittytattoos.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/old-person-tattoo.gif)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on April 26, 2011, 07:21:43 pm
oh, do you guys not see the photo??
ok fixed now you should be able to see the photo  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 26, 2011, 07:26:23 pm
oh, do you guys not see the photo??

EDIT:  Much better.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on April 28, 2011, 03:03:14 pm
Engadget loves that Galaxy S2, basically crowning it the best smartphone ever.


I didn't like touchwiz a whole lot when I had the epic, but they seem to have improved it a bunch.  I use launcher pro anyway now.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 28, 2011, 03:53:35 pm
The GS2 is why I'm passing on the Nexus S when it comes to Sprint next month.  I really want a dual-core phone on a 4G network as my next phone.

I haven't seen any improvements in TW3.0 that justify me using it over Launcher Pro Plus, so you've made the right choice.  I really want a straight Google phone as I'm tired of waiting for carrier/manufacturer updates, but since the non-straight Google phones are far surpassing the straight Google phones at this point in terms of hardware, with places like XDA and the general openness of the software, I'm learning to cope.

It also helps that Google gave me a Dev phone to play with so I'm not always missing the latest and greatest OS treats... 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on April 28, 2011, 05:04:54 pm
Up to now I have not rooted my phone...Been using launcher pro over top of sense.  I'm starting to consider it though, but am scared off by a few things.  My main reason for putting on a new ROM would be to improve performance, esp battery life, and to get off the bloatware.  And I'm just not convinced yet that going to vanilla gingerbread would do that.  Secondly, since Ive never done it before I'm somewhat worried about bricking my phone.  I'm very tech saavy, but I know it happens.  And I really don't feel like having to lay down the $$ for a new phone if I turn mine into a paperweight.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 28, 2011, 07:51:00 pm
And no, I had no hand in last night's South Park.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 28, 2011, 08:58:48 pm
The average person will be intimidated enough to hand anything over to a cop, especially one that might act like a bully.
Electronic Frontier Foundation (http://www.eff.org/)

Every country and every society in the world is a police state to the easily-cowed.  Always has been, always will be.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 28, 2011, 09:01:51 pm
So back to the topic at hand...

Steve Jobs has claimed that Apple's little file was a cache to make it quicker for the iphone to determine its location.  Having had an Iphone and then an Android, I think there might actually be something to that -- my Android takes noticeably, annoyingly longer to get a location fix than the Iphone did.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 28, 2011, 10:09:37 pm
So back to the topic at hand...

Steve Jobs has claimed that Apple's little file was a cache to make it quicker for the iphone to determine its location.  Having had an Iphone and then an Android, I think there might actually be something to that -- my Android takes noticeably, annoyingly longer to get a location fix than the Iphone did.

You have a Samsung phone right?  Samsung did a poor job with the hardware implementation of its GPS hardware on the Galaxy Series - that's why it takes so long to lock a location.  I've seen better performance since my Froyo update, but it's far from perfect.  One other fix is to clear the GPS cache, which is supposed to help as well.

However, what Jobs is talking about is not GPS, but location based services, which Google turns off by default.  I think you'll find by turning on Location Based Services and Use Wifi Hotspots on your Google phone, it will lock much faster. 

Apple's explanation Still doesn't explain why the file was not encrypted, data was kept forever (including transferring to new phones), location based services working fine on the phone before the update and why the file was kept even when location based services is turned off.  But OK.  Steve has spoken so it must be over....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 29, 2011, 12:58:18 pm
I'm telling you, they follow this thread:

Samsung Fixes GPS Lock with Galaxy II (http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/29/samsung-galaxy-s-ii-gps-it-works-it-really-works-video/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 29, 2011, 06:30:54 pm
So back to the topic at hand...

Steve Jobs has claimed that Apple's little file was a cache to make it quicker for the iphone to determine its location.  Having had an Iphone and then an Android, I think there might actually be something to that -- my Android takes noticeably, annoyingly longer to get a location fix than the Iphone did.

You have a Samsung phone right?  Samsung did a poor job with the hardware implementation of its GPS hardware on the Galaxy Series - that's why it takes so long to lock a location.  I've seen better performance since my Froyo update, but it's far from perfect.  One other fix is to clear the GPS cache, which is supposed to help as well.

However, what Jobs is talking about is not GPS, but location based services, which Google turns off by default.  I think you'll find by turning on Location Based Services and Use Wifi Hotspots on your Google phone, it will lock much faster. 

Apple's explanation Still doesn't explain why the file was not encrypted, data was kept forever (including transferring to new phones), location based services working fine on the phone before the update and why the file was kept even when location based services is turned off.  But OK.  Steve has spoken so it must be over....

Yeah, I have the Captivate.    I've turned on Location Based Services, but for whatever reason certain key apps (like the built in camera app) don't use it.   
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 29, 2011, 06:33:20 pm
I'm telling you, they follow this thread:

Samsung Fixes GPS Lock with Galaxy II (http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/29/samsung-galaxy-s-ii-gps-it-works-it-really-works-video/)

aw crap, I should've waited a few extra months to buy my phone.  :(
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on April 29, 2011, 07:05:20 pm
aw crap, I should've waited a few extra months to buy my phone.  :(

I don't expect the GSII to be stateside until the end of the summer (I'm thinking August), though I would love to be wrong.

And you can't say I didn't warn you...

Droid.  The Captivate is awesome, but at&t announced 11 new Android smartphones for 2011, so you might want to hang on for just a little while longer to get an HSPA+ model to take advantage of 4G.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on April 30, 2011, 08:28:10 am
aw crap, I should've waited a few extra months to buy my phone.  :(

I don't expect the GSII to be stateside until the end of the summer (I'm thinking August), though I would love to be wrong.

And you can't say I didn't warn you...

Droid.  The Captivate is awesome, but at&t announced 11 new Android smartphones for 2011, so you might want to hang on for just a little while longer to get an HSPA+ model to take advantage of 4G.

tru dat!   Of course there is always something better around the corner.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on April 30, 2011, 07:17:46 pm
 Apple's Chinese workers treated 'inhumanely, like machines': Investigation finds evidence of draconian rules and excessive overtime to meet western demand for iPhones and iPads (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/apr/30/apple-chinese-workers-treated-inhumanely)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on May 01, 2011, 11:04:38 am
Apple's Chinese workers treated 'inhumanely, like machines': Investigation finds evidence of draconian rules and excessive overtime to meet western demand for iPhones and iPads (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/apr/30/apple-chinese-workers-treated-inhumanely)

and therein lies the source of the "magic" Steve Jobs likes to refer to.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on May 01, 2011, 03:32:36 pm
Apple's Chinese workers treated 'inhumanely, like machines': Investigation finds evidence of draconian rules and excessive overtime to meet western demand for iPhones and iPads (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/apr/30/apple-chinese-workers-treated-inhumanely)

and therein lies the source of the "magic" Steve Jobs likes to refer to.

i have no doubt that like in many other chinese factories, there are worker abuses going on here.  but for an alternate take, read "1 Million Workers. 90 Million iPhones. 17 Suicides. Who?s to Blame?" (http://www.wired.com/magazine/2011/02/ff_joelinchina/).  it was written by a guilt-ridden Wired reporter who was asking himself "did my love of iphone lead to these 17 suicides?".  i got the impression that he wanted to find himself guilty, but among the conclusions: the workers were treated better by foxconn than by most other similar chinese employers, and the suicide rate was below the national average. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 06, 2011, 01:54:03 pm
Wow.  That new swipe down from the top notification bar/window is absolutely revolutionary.  I know iOS 5 isn't out yet, but let me show you what it looks like from a picture I took of my Android last year:


The new Twitter feature and integrated contacts are also just like Android's "Share" and integrated contacts feature. 

Reading List = Read It Later.

Tabbed browsing has been on Android since 2.0.

Camera button on the lockscreen and volume up to take picture to make up for the lack of dedicated camera button.

Over the air updates for your apps and OS.  What a concept....

iMessage = Google Voice (although it does add MMS support which is sorely lacking from GV)

I'm really feeling the balance tipping a bit here.

I do like RTF support in the mail app and photo editing built in (though there are apps for the latter).
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 06, 2011, 02:21:17 pm
Congratulations iPhone users, you almost have an android phone.

Can we talk iCloud now?  Boy they can drag this stuff out...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 06, 2011, 03:01:11 pm
that itunes match thing is pretty slick, if it actually works as advertised. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 06, 2011, 03:02:04 pm
that itunes match thing is pretty slick, if it actually works as advertised. 

Strangely enough, he didn't say anything about it working on the iphone or iPad.  It just said that it works with iTunes.  That can't be true, right?

Maybe "same benefits as music purchased from iTunes" was supposed to mean that you can transfer songs wirelessly from device to device, but I don't see where it's streaming and what happens with playlists.

I guess we'll wait and see.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 06, 2011, 03:07:16 pm
I think in iTunes for the scanning your library part. Then all the same benefits of iTunes purchased music.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 06, 2011, 03:08:34 pm
Then all the same benefits of iTunes purchased music.

Right.  But the only benefit he showed was that you could move it from the cloud to multiple devices, right?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 06, 2011, 03:12:33 pm
I've had an Ipod for so damn long.  And have a LOT of stuff ripped in Apple Lossless.  Which makes the google service a less than stellar option for me.  I have ZERO interest in re ripping stuff into flac to use with the google cloud offering.

Don't get me wrong.  I've also got lot's of flac files that obviously won't work in itunes which i stream over the network at home.  But my library is much more icloud ready than it is google ready.

I like android.  A lot.  I like the spirit of it, the openness and the flexibility of it.  But, i'm thinking hard about a move back to the iphone when they have some 4g offerings.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 06, 2011, 03:15:53 pm
And have a LOT of stuff ripped in Apple Lossless.

Once you went down this road you pretty much made your bed.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 06, 2011, 03:17:26 pm
But, i'm thinking hard about a move back to the iphone when they have some 4g offerings.

And you better hope that happens on Sprint soon because iCloud will require unlimited data and Sprint is the only one that still offers truly unlimited data.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 06, 2011, 03:18:33 pm
Then all the same benefits of iTunes purchased music.

Right.  But the only benefit he showed was that you could move it from the cloud to multiple devices, right?

Yeah, I still haven't been shown why I should buy the new DCFC for $10.99 from iTunes rather than $5.00 from amazon.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 06, 2011, 03:19:34 pm
And have a LOT of stuff ripped in Apple Lossless.

Once you went down this road you pretty much made your bed.

If i could go back i'd do things differently...but this was a good long while ago and Apple was pretty much the only game in town for mobile digital music.  If there was a better way to go at the time it was a mystery to me.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on June 06, 2011, 03:23:17 pm

I couldn't care less about this, but it could be huge, if BB Messenger is any indicator.  People that use it freaking love that thing.  With such a big user base out of the gate it'll be a big hit.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on June 06, 2011, 03:48:27 pm
iTunes match limited to 25,000 songs. Oh well. I'm at 61,000 so doesn't really help.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 06, 2011, 03:56:35 pm
but it could be huge

It's Apple.  Of course it will be huge...

All I hope is that it prompts Google to add MMS support to Google Voice.  Sending/reading texts from work computer has been a huge benefit.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 06, 2011, 03:57:34 pm
iTunes match limited to 25,000 songs. Oh well. I'm at 61,000 so doesn't really help.

This has been my biggest complaint with Google Music too.  Cutting my collection in half has been almost too time consuming to make it worth it.

I'm willing to pay to double my space too.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on June 06, 2011, 09:00:26 pm
wait, people like bbm?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on August 16, 2011, 11:46:45 am
so when is iphone 5 coming out? October?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on August 16, 2011, 11:54:02 am
wait, people like bbm?

it's what many of the hooligans in london used to coordinate the recent riots.

so when is iphone 5 coming out? October?

"Q3 2011" is all i've heard.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 16, 2011, 12:54:20 pm
so when is iphone 5 coming out? October?


You mean the iPhone 4S?

Sept announcement, Oct Release.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on August 16, 2011, 01:41:49 pm
the new iphone version, whatever they wish to call it
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 17, 2011, 07:09:54 pm
Sept announcement, Oct Release.

Oct 7, with preorders starting on Sept 30. (http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20093442-37/iphone-5-now-rumored-to-launch-october-7/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20&tag=nl.e703)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on August 17, 2011, 08:25:56 pm
cool, hope tmobile will carry the iphone...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 17, 2011, 10:39:30 pm
cool, hope tmobile will carry the iphone...

As i understand it, that won't happen until the merger is approved. 

Sprint is supposed to have on by the holiday though, but that's pure speculation. I have no inside knowledge.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 23, 2011, 04:37:31 pm
Sprint is supposed to have on by the holiday though, but that's pure speculation. I have no inside knowledge.

what about iPhone on sprint when when?  ;D

I tend to believe the WSJ when it comes to Apple.  They have a great track record:

Sprint to get the iphone 5 in mid October. (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903327904576526690675657466.html)

This could signal that the next iphone may not have LTE however.  I just don't see them making a WiMax and LTE version...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on August 23, 2011, 08:09:03 pm
Sprint is supposed to have on by the holiday though, but that's pure speculation. I have no inside knowledge.

what about iPhone on sprint when when?  ;D

I tend to believe the WSJ when it comes to Apple.  They have a great track record:

Sprint to get the iphone 5 in mid October. (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903327904576526690675657466.html)

This could signal that the next iphone may not have LTE however.  I just don't see them making a WiMax and LTE version...

Yeah looks like it's coming to Sprint.  I'm still on my Sero plan of 30 bucks unlimited everything.  They also have a Sero Premium which is 50 bucks that includes all the Android phones.  I think iPhone will fall under that category as well.  Not sure if I will make the leap as you can't beat that 30 bucks for everything  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 24, 2011, 02:44:57 pm
Yeah looks like it's coming to Sprint.  I'm still on my Sero plan of 30 bucks unlimited everything.  They also have a Sero Premium which is 50 bucks that includes all the Android phones.  I think iPhone will fall under that category as well.  Not sure if I will make the leap as you can't beat that 30 bucks for everything  ;D

Sprint sees it as worth it to keep customers like you, but most of this I agree with:

Sprint iPhone Brings it's share of problems (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-20096567-94/sprint-iphone-brings-its-share-of-problems/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20&tag=nl.e703)

Of note:

"Sprint will have to deal with higher subsidy costs for the iPhone, a potential new strain on its 3G network, and may even be forced to end its unlimited data plan."

"J.P. Morgan analyst Philip Cusick estimates that AT&T currently pays Apple $400 to $425 for the iPhone 4 and $375 for the iPhone 3GS--all so the customer can buy the phone for $200. In comparison, Sprint pays an estimated $150 subsidy for the new HTC Evo smartphone."

"The iPhone brought a ton of traffic onto AT&T and Verizon Wireless' network, and it's expected to do the same for Sprint. While Sprint has plenty of experience with bandwidth-hogging Android phones, many of its higher-end devices have the luxury of running on the 4G WiMax network, run by partner Clearwire.

Sprint's iPhone isn't expected to run on Clearwire's network. The device is widely expected to a world phone able to run on multiple carriers and will likely include only the major wireless network technologies, HSPA for AT&T and other global carriers, and EV-DO for Verizon and Sprint."

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on August 24, 2011, 03:43:15 pm
I thought I was due for an upgraden this month but I went and checked and they said October. SO I'm on the fence. I have a Blackberry Curve and I love it to bits, but my friend was telling me that the Research & Development or whoever makes Blackberry COULD be going under soon SO now I'm contemplaying the iPhone 4 in October but my friend said that the iPhone 5 is coming out in October. I don't like any of the Droid phones, all my friends have them and I'm not a big fan. My main concern is price... If I went in and upgraded today, I would pay $200 for the iPhone 4.... So how much will the iPhone 5 cost? And then will they even HAVE any at any AT&T store? Can I somehow reserve one?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 24, 2011, 04:06:30 pm
I thought I was due for an upgraden this month but I went and checked and they said October. SO I'm on the fence. I have a Blackberry Curve and I love it to bits, but my friend was telling me that the Research & Development or whoever makes Blackberry COULD be going under soon SO now I'm contemplaying the iPhone 4 in October but my friend said that the iPhone 5 is coming out in October. I don't like any of the Droid phones, all my friends have them and I'm not a big fan. My main concern is price... If I went in and upgraded today, I would pay $200 for the iPhone 4.... So how much will the iPhone 5 cost? And then will they even HAVE any at any AT&T store? Can I somehow reserve one?

RIM (research in motion) definitely has an uncertain future, though any purchaser would be foolish to dismantle their security and system to rebrand into their own.  While they have fallen out of favor with the consumer, they are still HUGE in business.  Anyhow...

I think anybody who purchases an iPhone 4 in the next 6 week would be making a rather silly move unless they got it for $50 and didn't burn their upgrade.  Devices these days seem to have an 18 month life cycle or so, but while it's new to you, it's already 12 months into its life cycle and you've just tied yourself to it for the next 24 months.  I just don't see the iPhone4 having much if any value in Sept of 2013 when your contract is up.

Just be patient for 6 more weeks, then decide if the iPhone 5/4gs is worth $200+ 2 years or if a closeout iPhone 4 is the way to go.  Apple generally hasn't had a problem supplying the newest phones, it was just the first and the iPads that had problems.  You should be fine if order one online or the day they come out.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on August 24, 2011, 04:10:16 pm
You can sign up for the iphone online on the Apple website...

I thought I was due for an upgraden this month but I went and checked and they said October. SO I'm on the fence. I have a Blackberry Curve and I love it to bits, but my friend was telling me that the Research & Development or whoever makes Blackberry COULD be going under soon SO now I'm contemplaying the iPhone 4 in October but my friend said that the iPhone 5 is coming out in October. I don't like any of the Droid phones, all my friends have them and I'm not a big fan. My main concern is price... If I went in and upgraded today, I would pay $200 for the iPhone 4.... So how much will the iPhone 5 cost? And then will they even HAVE any at any AT&T store? Can I somehow reserve one?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on August 24, 2011, 06:50:26 pm
Buy your iPhone at an Apple store. If you have a problem with it, you're more likely to get good service. I dropped mine. It cracked. They replaced it. Try that with AT&T or Best Buy.

Oh, and Steve Jobs just quit. (http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/08/24/jobs-resigns-as-apple-ceo-to-stay-as-chairman/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 24, 2011, 06:53:50 pm
Oh, and Steve Jobs just quit. (http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/08/24/jobs-resigns-as-apple-ceo-to-stay-as-chairman/)

Beat you by two minutes in my vanity thread, but I will share my theory here:

After Jobs was forced out of Apple, he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for being the head of the richest company in the world.  Last week, he attained his goal and now the devil has come collecting.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on August 24, 2011, 09:43:14 pm
Oh, and Steve Jobs just quit. (http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/08/24/jobs-resigns-as-apple-ceo-to-stay-as-chairman/)

Beat you by two minutes in my vanity thread, but I will share my theory here:

After Jobs was forced out of Apple, he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for being the head of the richest company in the world.  Last week, he attained his goal and now the devil has come collecting.

explain further, in detail.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on August 24, 2011, 10:09:23 pm
Buy your iPhone at an Apple store. If you have a problem with it, you're more likely to get good service. I dropped mine. It cracked. They replaced it. Try that with AT&T or Best Buy.

Oh, and Steve Jobs just quit. (http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/08/24/jobs-resigns-as-apple-ceo-to-stay-as-chairman/)

It doesn't matter where you buy it.  I bought my Iphone from AT&T and the Apple store replaced it, twice.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 25, 2011, 01:39:04 am

explain further, in detail.

No problem.


I'm happy to let you borrow the book. Do you have a kindle?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on August 25, 2011, 07:20:04 am

explain further, in detail.

No problem.


I'm happy to let you borrow the book. Do you have a kindle?

I mean, explain what you are claiming  happened to Jobs, in a non-obtuse manner. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on August 25, 2011, 02:21:41 pm
I mean, explain what you are claiming  happened to Jobs, in a non-obtuse manner. 

No one's talking.  I even went by the Apple stop today (the big IT companies bus their employees from SF to Silicon Valley and back) and asked a few of my friends and they all suspect he's gotten sicker but no one knows for sure.  They keep his stuff pretty tight lipped in Cupertino.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: bellenseb on August 25, 2011, 02:44:17 pm
New Apple CEO Tim Cook: 'I'm Thinking Printers'
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on September 04, 2011, 11:03:24 pm
Police assisted Apple in search of man's home

we can't seem to separate church and state - no wonder business and police don't have a problem intermingling...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 05, 2011, 11:56:38 am
Police assisted Apple in search of man's home

we can't seem to separate church and state - no wonder business and police don't have a problem intermingling...

No, I don't live in Bernal Heights, but yes, I was at the bar.....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on September 05, 2011, 12:30:42 pm
Best Buy expects iPhone5 for sprint in first week of October
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on September 14, 2011, 11:50:08 am
ive been holding out for the iphone5, but im thinking of switching if the new iphone does not have mobile hotspot capabilities. any thoughts on the htc inspire
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 14, 2011, 01:14:13 pm
ive been holding out for the iphone5, but im thinking of switching if the new iphone does not have mobile hotspot capabilities. any thoughts on the htc inspire

Generally, that's a carrier issue, not a phone manufacturer issue.  It's entirely possible that Apple puts the ability in the phone and at&t chooses not to offer the service.

That being said, I would not buy a new phone in the next 6 weeks.  There is too much new stuff on the horizon.  An at&t customer (or any customer for that matter) should take a long, hard look at any dual-core phone on the LTE (4G) network because of the two year contract and shelf life of phones these days (about 18 months).  We know one of those is the Samsung Galaxy S II.  We don't know about the new iPhone yet.

The HTC Inspire is not a dual-core phone and the next Android OS will be be built to fully utilize the dual core.   I would not buy a single core phone today, but I wouldn't fret if I bought one, say 3 months ago.  A single core phone will be alright, but not great with Ice Cream Sandwich, but by the time the next Android OS (Jello?) comes out next year, you'll wish you had a dual core phone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 14, 2011, 01:57:46 pm
Best Buy expects iPhone5 for sprint in first week of October

Apparently you can get an iPad2 soon too:

Sprint Gets it's own iPad2 (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-20106099-94/sprint-to-get-its-own-ipad-2-report-says/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20&tag=nl.e703)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on September 14, 2011, 04:53:26 pm
the folks in cupertino don't like to be criticized by the apps they sell:

Apple bans app that shows ugly side of electronics
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 14, 2011, 05:05:51 pm
the folks in cupertino don't like to be criticized by the apps they sell:

Apple bans app that shows ugly side of electronics

"The game is still available (https://market.android.com/details?id=air.org.molleindustria.phonestory2) for $1 in the Android Market."

Not sure for how much longer though...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Chip Chanko on September 14, 2011, 11:41:42 pm
ive been holding out for the iphone5, but im thinking of switching if the new iphone does not have mobile hotspot capabilities. any thoughts on the htc inspire

Why wouldn't it? The current iPhone 4 has mobile hotspot.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 15, 2011, 02:19:11 pm
Best Buy expects iPhone5 for sprint in first week of October

In case you missed it, Sprint is revising it's policies ahead of iPhone Day:

14 day trial period instead of 30 days (I'm fine with this for two reasons - (1) if you can't figure out if a phone is right for you in 14 days, then maybe you shouldn't have a smart phone, and (2) In CA it's statutorily set for 30 days and Sprint can't get out of it...ah CA, we've never had a thought we didn't codify)

But more importantly.....

The end of the Premier Program.  For those not on Sprint, they used to reward long term customers (10 years+ or have high bills) with an upgrade every year for one line, and those with Silver (just paid smartphone bills, basically) got upgrades for ALL lines every 22 months.

This has been terminated.  Basically, it works like this:  Sprint subsidies for HTC, Motorola and Samsung phones were between $150-$200.  The subsidy for the iPhone is about $400-$450. 

Thus the end of one year upgrades, and I fear this is just the beginning of changes thanks to the iPhone joining the service.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on September 16, 2011, 05:29:18 pm
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the iPhone 5 will certainly not be WiMAX and probably not LTE, but will support HSPA+ and EvDO Rev B.

The reason that I say that is there is a hot rumor (http://gizmofusion.com/2011/09/sprint-upgrading-existing-3g-coverage-area-to-evdo-rev-b-october-7th/) that Sprint will announce the switch to LTE from WiMAX on Oct 7, but also that they will move away from EvDO Rev A and onto the EvDO Rev B.  Rev B will give them approximately 9Mbps down and 2Mbps up over their 3G network, and give them a leg up on the 3G competition while trying to balance out the iPhone competition.

There's no reason to go to Rev B if the iPhone were to be LTE or WiMAX.

Of course if the iPhone is LTE then Sprint is wasting it's time beefing up it's 3G network since it will be left in the dust as existing carriers at&t and Verizon have LTE networks in place.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on September 17, 2011, 09:01:19 am
Police assisted Apple in search of man's home

we can't seem to separate church and state - no wonder business and police don't have a problem intermingling...

This unique melding of hippies and fascism reminds me how much there is to dislike about Apple.   What other company would think they have the right to search someone's house, and actually get the police to go along with it?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 12:39:54 pm
Just thought I'd move this up here.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 02:18:25 pm
Thus far, the iPhone 4S. 

A5 dual-core processor (same as iPad), 8 mega-pixel camera with 1080p video, Siri voice activated search/phone tasks and "wireless mirroring" or as I like to call it "Not-LTE" 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 02:42:05 pm
Holy crap that's it.  Sprint is finished with this timing.  They have to sell 30 million iPhones and they're starting with the iPhone 4S?  Today marks the end of Sprint....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on October 04, 2011, 02:43:53 pm
will the A5 processor be on the ipod touch too?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 02:49:44 pm
will the A5 processor be on the ipod touch too?

No.  Same hardware, more storage and a new color.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 02:59:08 pm
so when is iphone 5 coming out? October?

You mean the iPhone 4S?

Sept announcement, Oct Release.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the iPhone 5 will certainly not be WiMAX and probably not LTE, but will support HSPA+ and EvDO Rev B.

Got these right.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Frank Gallagher on October 04, 2011, 03:02:29 pm
iPhone 5 will be released just as soon as they have iPhone 6 R&D'd

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 04, 2011, 03:14:01 pm
So, my upgrade through AT&T is due. I have a Blackberry but I keep hearing about RID going under soon [possibly] so instead of a new Blackberry I guess I'm gonna grab this iPhone. Is it 199 even for upgrades?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 03:16:56 pm
So, my upgrade through AT&T is due. I have a Blackberry but I keep hearing about RID going under soon [possibly] so instead of a new Blackberry I guess I'm gonna grab this iPhone. Is it 199 even for upgrades?

Yes, it's $199 for any eligible 2 year contract extension.

But seriously, hold the iPhone4S up to the Samsung Galaxy SII before you make your purchase.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 03:17:59 pm
Police assisted Apple in search of man's home

"Haha, is this what they lost at the bar? No wonder they couldn't find it."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 04, 2011, 03:40:26 pm
So, my upgrade through AT&T is due. I have a Blackberry but I keep hearing about RID going under soon [possibly] so instead of a new Blackberry I guess I'm gonna grab this iPhone. Is it 199 even for upgrades?

Yes, it's $199 for any eligible 2 year contract extension.

But seriously, hold the iPhone4S up to the Samsung Galaxy SII before you make your purchase.
I honestly don't really care, as long as it can call and text everything on top of that is just a bonus. If it wasn't for the Twitter app on my Blackberry I wouldn't use it for much outside of texting and calling people. I'm not a huge smart phone buff, if I can watch Netflix really quick on my phone that'd be cool. Plus my current Blackberry is poopy. I just want a new phone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on October 04, 2011, 04:27:19 pm
what about porn?  which phone has big balls bouncing towards my face in three d for my phone?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 04, 2011, 05:00:18 pm
I honestly don't really care, as long as it can call and text everything on top of that is just a bonus. If it wasn't for the Twitter app on my Blackberry I wouldn't use it for much outside of texting and calling people.

i'd suggest that you not waste your money on an new iphone or an android, if all that you want is calling and texting.  you can get a cheap, or even free, phone that will allow you to do that. 

you can even get a free iphone 3 when you re-up.  doesn't sound like you need version 4, so why pay $200 or more for it?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 05:18:47 pm
what about porn?  which phone has big balls bouncing towards my face in three d for my phone?

HTC Evo 3D or LG Optimus, but really, 3D porn is not for the weak. Be wary of the money shot...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on October 04, 2011, 05:38:01 pm
So, my upgrade through AT&T is due. I have a Blackberry but I keep hearing about RID going under soon [possibly] so instead of a new Blackberry I guess I'm gonna grab this iPhone. Is it 199 even for upgrades?

Yes, it's $199 for any eligible 2 year contract extension.

But seriously, hold the iPhone4S up to the Samsung Galaxy SII before you make your purchase.
I saw this last night at the att store.  maybe the best phone i've ever seen.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: RustyOrgan on October 04, 2011, 05:43:31 pm
...still getting the iPhone 4S

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 06:04:57 pm
...still getting the iPhone 4S


I'm not at all surprised that you of all people would still be getting the iPhone....

But, that's a review of the European version, which has been updated since April.  So in America:

At&t: http://www.engadget.com/2011/09/30/atandt-samsung-galaxy-s-ii-review/

Sprint: http://www.engadget.com/2011/09/15/samsung-epic-4g-touch-review/

Spec comparison of iPhone 4s and current GSII:
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 04, 2011, 06:09:12 pm
I saw this last night at the att store.  maybe the best phone i've ever seen.

I'm reserving judgement until next weeks Google event and the probable announcement of the next Nexus phone, but I agree, that is one gorgeous phone. I even prefer the smaller at&t model to the larger Sprint model.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on October 04, 2011, 08:22:13 pm
i might get one at some point, but there's nothing that's making me run out and replace my 3gs
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 05, 2011, 09:55:39 am
I honestly don't really care, as long as it can call and text everything on top of that is just a bonus. If it wasn't for the Twitter app on my Blackberry I wouldn't use it for much outside of texting and calling people.

i'd suggest that you not waste your money on an new iphone or an android, if all that you want is calling and texting.  you can get a cheap, or even free, phone that will allow you to do that. 

you can even get a free iphone 3 when you re-up.  doesn't sound like you need version 4, so why pay $200 or more for it?
Just to have the latest phone I can get, I'd feel more safe with have a 4S for 2 years than some other phone that will likely go out of production in a couple months. I'll probably find more uses for it, the GPS seems pretty handy. But thanks for all the info!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on October 05, 2011, 10:03:17 am
u pay extra for the GPS with the iphone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 05, 2011, 02:08:58 pm
u pay extra for the GPS with the iphone.
Seriously? That's lame. It's free on Blackberry with the Google app :\
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on October 05, 2011, 02:09:59 pm
yeah, unless there's a new app that i don't know about that's not charging anything...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on October 05, 2011, 03:45:52 pm
on the galaxy . . . there are a dumpload of gps thingys just sitting there to start, plus the countless free ones, and even more countless three dollars or less ones, not to the mention the countless ten dollar and less ones.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 05, 2011, 07:01:22 pm
Hitler gets angry about iPhone 4S:
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Brian_Wallace on October 06, 2011, 08:34:04 am

It's over, people.  Pack up and go home.  I don't care what you do but you can't do it here.

Where will you GO?!??!?!   What will you DO!?!?!?!?!?  When your leader suddenly dies like this I guess it's like being thrown out into the universe.  My deepest sympathies.  Maybe his "dent" will catch you.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: xneverwherex on October 06, 2011, 06:38:34 pm
Hah! Because it makes such sense for Google to just give away the app for free to iphone users.
I mean there are some pluses to owning an Android; of course, I think Google has taken over my life even moreso than Apple.

u pay extra for the GPS with the iphone.
Seriously? That's lame. It's free on Blackberry with the Google app :\
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: RustyOrgan on October 06, 2011, 08:40:53 pm
Anyone else pre-ordering their iPhone 4S tonight at 3AM?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on October 06, 2011, 09:10:45 pm
These nut fucks are at it again

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on October 07, 2011, 12:36:12 pm
I don't understand this claim that you have to pay for GPS on Iphone.   I used to have one and that wasn't true.  Has something changed or is that misinformation?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: xneverwherex on October 07, 2011, 05:29:18 pm
Here -  this is what I was referring to:
Google Maps Nav's Extras

While driving directions via Google Maps has been available on many mobile devices for years, including Apple's iPhone and iPod devices, Google Maps Navigation raises the ante by adding spoken turn-by-turn direction, something available only with extra-cost additions to the iPhone. Google Maps Navigation makes good use of the almost bottomless text and image resources of Google's search database and takes advantage of user input to make changes to its maps as necessary.

Turn-by-turn navigation solutions for the iPhone include products live CoPilot Live for iPhone from ALK Technologies ($35) and TomTom International BV's TomTom app for the iPhone ($100). Both products include maps of the U.S. and Canada that are stored on the phone. Maps of other countries and regions are available, but at extra cost


I don't understand this claim that you have to pay for GPS on Iphone.   I used to have one and that wasn't true.  Has something changed or is that misinformation?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Darth Ed on October 09, 2011, 05:18:57 am
That article is 2 years old.... Just to clarify, the iPhone's built-in Maps application gives you free turn-by-turn driving/walking/bus-subway directions and full GPS functionality. It just doesn't speak the directions aloud while you're driving/walking/riding. For that, you can download the free MapQuest 4 Mobile app which has spoken turn-by-turn directions and live traffic updates. It's completely free, and it's one of the better reviewed iOS apps for driving directions. Also, the TomTom app is $50-60 these days, not $100.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on October 15, 2011, 02:14:32 pm
Ok, so which of you nut bags got the new iPhone??  How is it and what network you guys on?  I'm still debating if I'm going to plunge in and get it.  I found out with my plan I can get it for unlimited everything for $50 a month with Sprint.  I'll have to see some more reviews before I do anything  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on October 15, 2011, 03:16:29 pm
I went with the LG optimus V with virgin mobile...great phone....and $35 a month for unlimited texting/data/web....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: RustyOrgan on October 15, 2011, 11:29:01 pm
I picked up the 4S on Friday and it is awesome!!  This is my first iPhone, however, so I'm sure I'm more enthusiastic than someone upgrading from the 4. But yeah.  Fantastic.  I love apple. Fuck Android.  Long live Steve Jobs!!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: stevewizzle on October 16, 2011, 06:12:50 pm
pre-ordered 10/7 at 10am at an AT&T store - still w/o the 4s phone.  AT&T preorders couldn't even cancel theirs, even when there were iphone's still available at the store.  pretty weak sauce.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Frank Gallagher on October 17, 2011, 10:21:17 am
I picked up the 4S on Friday and it is awesome!!  This is my first iPhone, however, so I'm sure I'm more enthusiastic than someone upgrading from the 4. But yeah.  Fantastic.  I love apple. Fuck Android.  Long live Steve Jobs!!

Too late...he's dead.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 17, 2011, 01:03:47 pm
stepped into a sprint store yesterday and checked out the Epic 4G Touch (AKA Galaxy S II).  gawdaym that's a nice piece of hardware.  the screen is amazing, and its big size will help with the work apps i need to run on it.  only downside is the size of the thing: big screen means big phone.  not sure how well it will fit in a pocket.  when the missus saw the thing, she joked that it was the half-way point between an iphone and a tablet ;D

unless anything else magically appears in the coming weeks, this will likely be my next phone.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 17, 2011, 01:39:58 pm
unless anything else magically appears in the coming weeks, this will likely be my next phone.

Hold off until tomorrow night as Google has rescheduled their event for tomorrow night (well, technically Wednesday in Hong Kong).  We will learn a lot more about the new OS (Ice Cream Sandwich), the new Nexus phone (Galaxy Nexus or Nexus Prime) and most importantly, release dates for each of these!  I probably won't sleep until then...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: hutch on October 17, 2011, 01:58:20 pm
$50 a month for iphone unlimited everything? where?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 17, 2011, 02:47:19 pm
any ideas on what new features will the nexus and nexus prime will be bringing over the S-II?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on October 17, 2011, 02:48:19 pm
$50 a month for iphone unlimited everything? where?

It's with Sprint called the Sero Premium plan.  You have to have it awhile ago.   Right now they don't offer it anymore so if you were in there before you are golden  ;D  Still not sure if I'm going to get the iPhone yet as I'm hearing all these horror stories with the slow data.  Right now I'm still on the 30 dollar Sero but if I move up to iPhone it's 50 dollars  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: hutch on October 17, 2011, 03:31:56 pm
$50 a month for iphone unlimited everything? where?

It's with Sprint called the Sero Premium plan.  You have to have it awhile ago.   Right now they don't offer it anymore so if you were in there before you are golden  ;D  Still not sure if I'm going to get the iPhone yet as I'm hearing all these horror stories with the slow data.  Right now I'm still on the 30 dollar Sero but if I move up to iPhone it's 50 dollars  ;D

i'm on sprint but never heard of this sero
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 17, 2011, 03:39:32 pm
i'm on sprint but never heard of this sero

It's closed now so don't worry about it.  It was the Sprint Employee Referral Offer and offered huge plan discounts if you were willing to wait a little while for new phones.  Many people are still grandfathered in (like wml7) and continue to enjoy the benefits.

It's been replaced by this:

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: hutch on October 17, 2011, 03:43:52 pm
i'm on sprint but never heard of this sero

It's closed now so don't worry about it.  It was the Sprint Employee Referral Offer and offered huge plan discounts if you were willing to wait a little while for new phones.  Many people are still grandfathered in (like wml7) and continue to enjoy the benefits.

It's been replaced by this:



guess its not good enough to be a paying customer since 2002..

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on October 17, 2011, 03:47:57 pm
Yeah, those fuckers!!  ;D
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on October 17, 2011, 03:51:24 pm

so the iphone, ipod and ipad are all made in China?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: ggw on October 17, 2011, 05:51:51 pm

so the iphone, ipod and ipad are all made in China?

Yes, but they are "Designed by Apple in California" so everything's OK.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 17, 2011, 06:43:07 pm

guess its not good enough to be a paying customer since 2002..

This has been dead for years.  It was a Holiday 2006 perk and lasted for about 6 months for new customers and those that added a 2nd line.  Honestly, you had to try hard NOT to hear about it if you paid attention to at all.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 17, 2011, 07:56:34 pm
any ideas on what new features will the nexus and nexus prime will be bringing over the S-II?

Sorry - I missed this when I originally viewed the thread.

The biggest difference is going to be a more effective use of screen real estate.  What I mean by that is that the next Nexus phone is not going to have any physical buttons on the face of the phone.  It will be screen only with 3 buttons across the bottom of the screen that act in place of what you see with today's physical buttons.  When you want to watch something in full screen or want to use an app in full screen mode, the touch buttons disappear. 

In effect, you'll be getting a 4.5-4.6 inch screen with the phone physically being what you'd expect with a 4.0-4.3 inch sized phone.

And of course a pure version of Ice Cream Sandwich, or version 4.0 of Google's Android OS.  The GSII runs Gingerbread (or version 2.3.7) with a Samsung skin called "TouchWiz".  ICS will have dual core optimization for a snappy feel.  The GSII will be getting ICS, but probably not for about 6 months, based on Samsung's history.

The big question now is when will the new Nexus reach each individual carrier...   
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: hutch on October 18, 2011, 09:14:10 am

guess its not good enough to be a paying customer since 2002..

This has been dead for years.  It was a Holiday 2006 perk and lasted for about 6 months for new customers and those that added a 2nd line.  Honestly, you had to try hard NOT to hear about it if you paid attention to at all.

Paid attention? To cell phone ads? Dude, I didn't even have a TV til last year. I don't sit around comparing cell phone plans!

Anyways if you hear of something good clue me in.. thanks.. we have two cells with sprint ..$30 a month...shitty old phones..wouldn't mind having an iphone but we're limited in how much we want to spend. Thanks.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 18, 2011, 12:45:54 pm
Snide, sassy Siri has plenty to say

(CNN) -- By now, early adopters of the iPhone 4S, which has sold more than 4 million units since debuting on Friday, have no doubt taken Siri for a spin.

The voice-activated "personal assistant" is a talkative tool that helps schedule appointments, send and receive messages and perform any number of other routine tasks.

But for iPhone owners presented with the sci-fi dream of a computer that talks back in a robotic female voice, the temptation to test the app's more random -- and existential -- sides has been pretty overwhelming, too.

The Internet, always up for a chuckle, has noticed. Blog posts, tweets and even whole websites are popping up to share what happens when users start testing the boundaries of the app by peppering Siri with off-the-wall questions.

The findings? Siri can be a sometimes sassy, sometimes snide companion. And she's at least as fond of an inside joke as she is of reading you your e-mails.

continued: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/18/tech/mobile/siri-answers-iphone-4s/index.html

motherlode: http://shitthatsirisays.tumblr.com/page/2
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: azaghal1981 on October 25, 2011, 11:12:02 pm
I pre-ordered mine on the 7th and just got it on Friday. First Iphone, still getting the hang of it but I like so far.

Hey Joe, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg-wYknQtFw
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on October 27, 2011, 03:04:11 pm
my coworker just bought the samsung galaxy SII....umm, too big of a phone IMO...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 27, 2011, 03:06:08 pm
my coworker just bought the samsung galaxy SII....umm, too big of a phone IMO...

Small hands, eh?

(couldn't resist)

I think Sprint's variety of the GSII at 4.5 inches is too big for me as well, but isn't it nice that you have many options to choose  from?  And personally, I think 3.7 inches is too small for a phone.  4-4.2 inches si the sweet spot for screen size.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on October 27, 2011, 03:57:50 pm
i never knew someone could say, "i don't like them big."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 27, 2011, 04:22:07 pm
the size of the GSII's screen is a plus for me.  i end up using my phone quite a bit for work while on the road, and i can't stand the limited amount that you can display on most phones (blackberries are the worst).  i'll take all the pixels i can get.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on October 28, 2011, 12:15:04 pm
how big will the nexus prime be?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Vas Deferens on October 28, 2011, 12:20:46 pm
it's nice to have a big screen for Angry Birds.

samsung can never compete with Apple products though cause the screens look cheap
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 28, 2011, 12:39:50 pm
samsung can never compete with Apple products though cause the screens look cheap

Super AMOLED+ is the best screen on the market.  I don't know where you're getting this stuff...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on October 28, 2011, 12:41:56 pm
how big will the nexus prime be?

Screen size is 4.65 inches, however, without physical buttons on the phone, the entire phone size will be closer to a 4.3 inch screen:

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on October 28, 2011, 12:51:51 pm
samsung can never compete with Apple products though cause the screens look cheap

Super AMOLED+ is the best screen on the market.  I don't know where you're getting this stuff...

i assume he's basing this off older samsungs, 'cause the amoled looks amazing.  best screen i've seen so far.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on October 28, 2011, 12:53:20 pm
Small hands, eh?

smells like cabbage (http://youtu.be/GlSKaDzbQN0)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on October 30, 2011, 07:19:21 pm
I think he might mean it *feels* cheap -- the screen is plastic unlike the Iphone's glass, right?   
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on November 01, 2011, 01:56:50 pm

Apple/Music Industry blocking competing cloud based players in iOS. (http://evolver.fm/2011/10/31/amazon-cloud-music-player-deleted-from-itunes-due-to-legal-issues/)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on November 01, 2011, 03:09:18 pm
if anyone is considering the GSII, you can get it for $99 on amazon (vs. $199 from a Sprint store) with a new contract. try this link (http://wireless.amazon.com/Samsung-Epic-Touch-Android-Sprint/dp/B005LHN47S/ref=sh_br_ph_1?ie=UTF8&transaction=INDIVIDUAL_NEW&sr=1-1-entd&qid=1320174312232), or go to wireless.amazon.com and search for "Samsung Epic Touch 4G Android Phone (Sprint)".  other carriers might be offering similar deals on Amazon Wireless, i haven't checked.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on November 09, 2011, 01:06:22 pm
Adobe's Initial Response (http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2010/04/29/live-blogging-the-journals-interview-with-adobe-ceo/)

He was a lot nicer than I was....

(1) "I find it amusing, honestly. Flash is an open specification,"   "for every one of these accusations made there is proprietary lock-in" that prevents Adobe from innovating. [Presumably from the OS]

(2,5,6)  "really a smokescreen" / "When you resort to licensing language" to restrict this sort of development, he says, it has "nothing to do with technology."

(3)  Crashes hvae something "to do with the Apple operating system."

(4) Patently False.

(5,6)  "It doesn't benefit Apple, and that's why you see this reaction,"

"We have different views of the world," Mr. Narayen says. "Our view of the world is multi-platform."  To conclude, Mr. Narayen says he's for "letting customers decide," but that the multi-platform world will "eventually prevail."

Adobe's Thought About It For A Few Months Response (http://www.engadget.com/2011/11/09/adobe-confirms-flash-player-is-dead-for-mobile-devices/)
Adobe confirms Flash Player is dead for mobile devices
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on November 09, 2011, 01:53:54 pm
Adobe's Thought About It For A Few Months Response (http://www.engadget.com/2011/11/09/adobe-confirms-flash-player-is-dead-for-mobile-devices/)
Adobe confirms Flash Player is dead for mobile devices

No surprise here.  HTML5 was always going to be the future - even back when Google invested heavy in it in 2009 and built Chrome around it.

But Flash will be around for a few more years because it's so intertwined in today's web.  And Android users will get to enjoy both Flash video and HTML5, as they have for the past 2 years, for the next few years going forward.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on November 15, 2011, 07:48:09 pm
after weeks of battling my company's telecomm support, I AM VICTORIOUS: a Galaxy S II is being shipped to me, should be here in a few days.  best of all it was free!  i had the choice between an iPhone 4S 16gb and the Galaxy, i went android.  only downside: i was herded into the AT&T corral - it's the one price i did have to pay, looks like they're trying to move all staff to them.  i'll have 30 days to try it out, if it's unbearable it'll be back to the drawing board...
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on November 15, 2011, 09:26:28 pm
i wish i could battle my telecomm support department and end up anything but a blackberry
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on November 15, 2011, 09:57:35 pm
any chance you work for a publicly listed company?  or gov't?  from an efficiency standpoint, it certainly makes a lot more sense to stick to one platform.  if they're all set up for BB, it's expensive to change.

my company is a privatey-held partnership, so when the partners - the folks who own the company - decide that they want something, IT is on the hook to make it happen.  a year ago the partners decided that they wanted ipads, iphones and androids.  6 months later, IT rolled 'em out.  the advantages of not having stockholders to report to.  yeehaw.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on November 15, 2011, 11:05:38 pm
yeah publicly held for the time being. but that doesn't make my blackberry not-awful. or prevent me from being the crazy person with two cell phones
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: azaghal1981 on December 11, 2011, 04:53:27 pm

It's true.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on December 12, 2011, 12:39:33 pm

It's true.

(http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/200/417/690.jpg?1321407967) (http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/200417-first-world-problems)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on December 12, 2011, 03:44:17 pm
any guesses from the assembled technorati on an iphone 5 release date?  getting my wife an iphone eventually, but I try to buy gadgets on the early side of product life cycles, and the 4S seems like lipstick on an old pig at this point.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on December 12, 2011, 06:23:33 pm
any guesses from the assembled technorati on an iphone 5 release date?  getting my wife an iphone eventually, but I try to buy gadgets on the early side of product life cycles, and the 4S seems like lipstick on an old pig at this point.

Summer 2012.

March will likely bring the world a new iPad.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on December 12, 2011, 09:10:15 pm
pretty sure no one is ever going to put out a new phone
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: azaghal1981 on January 22, 2012, 10:26:44 am
Got the 4S jailbreak. Running quickly and smoothly so far.
Lots of digging and playing around to do.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 22, 2012, 01:12:54 pm
so how many hiptards out there are all fired up about the "Occupy" movement, but wouldn't think of paying the extra $65 for their Iphone that it would take to support American jobs and fight slave-like labor conditions in China?


Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on January 22, 2012, 09:39:04 pm
so how many hiptards out there are all fired up about the "Occupy" movement, but wouldn't think of paying the extra $65 for their Iphone that it would take to support American jobs and fight slave-like labor conditions in China?


If you really care about American jobs and slave-like labor conditions it would probably be wise to look above and beyond the 'hiptards' and Apple. As the article you linked above says..

"Foxconn Technology has dozens of facilities in Asia and Eastern Europe, and in Mexico and Brazil, and it assembles an estimated 40 percent of the world?s consumer electronics for customers like Amazon, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, Nintendo, Nokia, Samsung and Sony."

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Justin Tonation on January 22, 2012, 10:18:41 pm
so how many hiptards out there are all fired up about the "Occupy" movement, but wouldn't think of paying the extra $65 for their Iphone that it would take to support American jobs and fight slave-like labor conditions in China?


If you really care about American jobs and slave-like labor conditions it would probably be wise to look above and beyond the 'hiptards' and Apple. As the article you linked above says..

"Foxconn Technology has dozens of facilities in Asia and Eastern Europe, and in Mexico and Brazil, and it assembles an estimated 40 percent of the world?s consumer electronics for customers like Amazon, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, Nintendo, Nokia, Samsung and Sony."

Save your breath, slappy. Our near-depression is caused by the iPhone-owning hiptards in the Occupy camps. If we just take them out, all will be better. It's just that simple....

Why use a brush when you can throw the whole bucket.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 23, 2012, 01:11:53 pm
so how many hiptards out there are all fired up about the "Occupy" movement, but wouldn't think of paying the extra $65 for their Iphone that it would take to support American jobs and fight slave-like labor conditions in China?


I am laughing very hard right now.

Thank you.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: wml7 on January 25, 2012, 11:25:34 pm
This is for all you lazy asses  ;D

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: azaghal1981 on January 25, 2012, 11:40:10 pm
This is fucking awesome.

The Siri possibilities are endless.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on January 26, 2012, 02:45:30 pm

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on January 26, 2012, 02:52:31 pm


Already discussed at top of page.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 26, 2012, 02:56:55 pm


Already discussed at top of page.

yeah . . . because you should discuss human suffering for technology . . . only once.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on January 26, 2012, 03:09:19 pm


Already discussed at top of page.

yeah . . . because you should discuss human suffering for technology . . . only once.

no ... but you could actually read what is above and contribute to the discussion beyond wasting space by simply throwing up already supplied links.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 26, 2012, 03:11:06 pm


Already discussed at top of page.

yeah . . . because you should discuss human suffering for technology . . . only once.

Nobody dismissed these topics, what was retarded was doom's assertion that somehow apple cult member hipster idiots are largely responsible for the horrible labor practices in foreign countries.

FACT.  Companies as big as apple get that way by doing things in the most cost effective manner possible.  ALL they care about is the bottom line.  Don't ever act surprised that a campany like apple employs labor practices at the cost of human decency.  Corporations by their very nature are greedy soulless beasts.

I can't believe this could come as a surprise to anybody.  How can the facts in these articles be a revelation to anyone. 

I'm not waving a flag here, just stating the obvious.  Don't bother appealing to the common decency of these pigs.  They will do anything within the law (and sometimes those areas get very grey) to make a buck. 

The only way to change labor practices like these is to change the laws/rules govering the corporations that employ them.  Just reading this last sentence I've written I'm having another "duh" moment.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: stevewizzle on January 26, 2012, 03:17:26 pm
there was a planet money podcast a few weeks back about manufacturing in 'merica.  very similar story.. simple technology (auto parts), moving from america to oversees just to stay afloat.  they could either change where they manufacture, or let their business fail.  when faced by politicians with the question "what can we do to keep your product made in america?", the answer was pretty clear - even with subsidies or breaks, it's inevitable the product will be made somewhere else.

my question is...  what happens when machines replace the cheap labor china depends on? 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 26, 2012, 03:18:50 pm
That's yesterdays news.  Today's big buzz is the amount of off shore cash they have.


And unless you know the source of that cash, it's hard to fault them for the off shore part.  Hoarding that much cash on the other hand....
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on January 26, 2012, 03:24:10 pm
there was a planet money podcast a few weeks back about manufacturing in 'merica.  very similar story.. simple technology (auto parts), moving from america to oversees just to stay afloat.  they could either change where they manufacture, or let their business fail.  when faced by politicians with the question "what can we do to keep your product made in america?", the answer was pretty clear - even with subsidies or breaks, it's inevitable the product will be made somewhere else.

my question is...  what happens when machines replace the cheap labor china depends on? 

This American Life had also had a good podcast on the whole situation.
http://www.thisamericanlife.org/blog/2012/01/a-response-to-the-news-from-apple (http://www.thisamericanlife.org/blog/2012/01/a-response-to-the-news-from-apple)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 26, 2012, 03:27:51 pm
see . . . i got people talking about it again.  wasn't trying to be mean.  but it did sound mean didn't it?  i gotta learn to reword around thought out emotions.  vansmack (oops sorry slappy) is just used to me being mean to people, which turns those people mean in responce, and that is not nice.   

i think this is a interesting topic all around, because it is filled with so many "but what about this product" and "yes i use that product too, so what if any can be my real opinion?"
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 26, 2012, 03:39:40 pm
and the jobs . . . i also love the fact that people in this country are so obsessed with jobs and work.  just like china.  i don't live in china and have not studied the microchasms of individual life versus corporate control enough to say, hey i know one hundred percent about anything regarding the factory structure, how the migration of the country's rural farmers into city dwellers at the dream of money and how the future of china (as if it isn't already almost there in the street food of any chinese city) will be a total food control system manipulated and run by computers/robots/monsanto where the farmer isn't even needed anymore so they must move on up to this new "farming" which is mass produced technology.  the human who once controlled the cattle . . . is now the cattle.  we are almost blade runner.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on January 26, 2012, 03:45:33 pm
see . . . i got people talking about it again.  wasn't trying to be mean.  but it did sound mean didn't it?  i gotta learn to reword around thought out emotions.  vansmack is just used to me being mean to people, which turns those people mean in responce, and that is not nice.   

i think this is a interesting topic all around, because it is filled with so many "but what about this product" and "yes i use that product too, so what if any can be my real opinion?"

The ends do justify the means in this case.

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 26, 2012, 03:50:02 pm
and the jobs . . . i also love the fact that people in this country are so obsessed with jobs and work.  just like china.  i don't live in china and have not studied the microchasms of individual life versus corporate control enough to say, hey i know one hundred percent about anything regarding the factory structure, how the migration of the country's rural farmers into city dwellers at the dream of money and how the future of china (as if it isn't already almost there in the street food of any chinese city) will be a total food control system manipulated and run by computers/robots/monsanto where the farmer isn't even needed anymore so they must move on up to this new "farming" which is mass produced technology.  the human who once controlled the cattle . . . is now the cattle.  we are almost blade runner.

ps . . . i believe this same logic is already at hand in our country.  just come out to my neck of woods, or drive up/down the i-eighty one corridor in virginia to see how the shenandoah valley which is very much so based on agriculture and farming . . . is becoming the "silicon valley of factories."
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on January 26, 2012, 07:43:00 pm


Already discussed at top of page.

yeah . . . because you should discuss human suffering for technology . . . only once.

Nobody dismissed these topics, what was retarded was doom's assertion that somehow apple cult member hipster idiots are largely responsible for the horrible labor practices in foreign countries.

FACT.  Companies as big as apple get that way by doing things in the most cost effective manner possible.  ALL they care about is the bottom line.  Don't ever act surprised that a campany like apple employs labor practices at the cost of human decency.  Corporations by their very nature are greedy soulless beasts.

I can't believe this could come as a surprise to anybody.  How can the facts in these articles be a revelation to anyone. 

I'm not waving a flag here, just stating the obvious.  Don't bother appealing to the common decency of these pigs.  They will do anything within the law (and sometimes those areas get very grey) to make a buck. 

The only way to change labor practices like these is to change the laws/rules govering the corporations that employ them.  Just reading this last sentence I've written I'm having another "duh" moment.

This sounds like the voice of an Apple cult hipster defending the company's practices as "FACT," and completely absolving the company of any responsibility, which completely validates my point that Apple's fanbase are partly to blame for the company's practices.   If their customers had real issues with Apple's practices, they'd change it in a hurry, laws or no laws.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 26, 2012, 09:47:53 pm


Already discussed at top of page.

yeah . . . because you should discuss human suffering for technology . . . only once.

Nobody dismissed these topics, what was retarded was doom's assertion that somehow apple cult member hipster idiots are largely responsible for the horrible labor practices in foreign countries.

FACT.  Companies as big as apple get that way by doing things in the most cost effective manner possible.  ALL they care about is the bottom line.  Don't ever act surprised that a campany like apple employs labor practices at the cost of human decency.  Corporations by their very nature are greedy soulless beasts.

I can't believe this could come as a surprise to anybody.  How can the facts in these articles be a revelation to anyone. 

I'm not waving a flag here, just stating the obvious.  Don't bother appealing to the common decency of these pigs.  They will do anything within the law (and sometimes those areas get very grey) to make a buck. 

The only way to change labor practices like these is to change the laws/rules govering the corporations that employ them.  Just reading this last sentence I've written I'm having another "duh" moment.

This sounds like the voice of an Apple cult hipster defending the company's practices as "FACT," and completely absolving the company of any responsibility, which completely validates my point that Apple's fanbase are partly to blame for the company's practices.   If their customers had real issues with Apple's practices, they'd change it in a hurry, laws or no laws.

If you think calling apple and their ilk "greedy souless beasts" equates defending their business practices then you have a serious reading comprehension problem.  But that's not surprising given what you gleaned from the article that started this tangent.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: godsshoeshine on January 26, 2012, 09:55:31 pm
that's what apple wants you to believe
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on January 27, 2012, 04:27:31 pm
good talk.

so i'm looking to buy a used verizon iphone 4 on craigslist or ebay, and then turn around and sell the used iphone when I buy a new iphone 5 with my verizon upgrade.


(1)  has anyone here bought a used iphone?  recommendations beyond what I've found by googling (make sure to get a clean ESN/MEID, etc.)?
(2)  rather than get the 4, do you think the 4S would have a lower all-in "rental" cost (the delta between my current purchase cost / future sale proceeds when the 5 comes out)?

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2012, 05:05:25 pm
I've never purchased an iPhone.  Sorry, can't help. ;)

Your only worry with all CDMA phones is the ESN/MEID - doesn't matter which type of phone.  You may want to meet the person selling the phone at a Verizon store to make sure it's clean and can be moved to your account.

The 4S v 4 question, I really don't know about.  I tend not to sell my old phones but use them as wifi only devices in other parts of my place.  My bathroom, for example has Samsung Galaxy S with Google Music on it that streams my collection over my wifi when I shower.  Why not? Worth $100 to me, which is about what I would have gotten for resale on the phone. 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 27, 2012, 05:36:39 pm
you have to have music playing while you shower?

good lord . . . now we know why the chinese are killing themselves.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: stevewizzle on January 27, 2012, 06:18:15 pm
(1)  has anyone here bought a used iphone?  recommendations beyond what I've found by googling (make sure to get a clean ESN/MEID, etc.)?
(2)  rather than get the 4, do you think the 4S would have a lower all-in "rental" cost (the delta between my current purchase cost / future sale proceeds when the 5 comes out)?


did something similar. the key is to sell it maybe 3 weeks before the new phone is released.  use a shitty flip phone or whatever you have as a spare in the meantime until you get your new shiny iphone.  it depends on the current prices you are seeing, but i imagine the 4 will still have a great resale value when the 5 comes out.  i had the 3gs, and sold it in "just okay" condition when i got my 4s.  would have gotten >$200 if i sold it 3 weeks prior (as i mentioned), ended up selling it for $140.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 27, 2012, 06:35:14 pm
you have to have music playing while you shower?

I believe you may be misread what I wrote.  No where does it say I have to, but I freely admit to enjoying music while I shower.  It drowns out the noises my guest is making.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 27, 2012, 09:28:29 pm
oh . . . i just thought it sounded extreme.  as long as it blocks out people, then it's fine.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: bearman🐻 on June 20, 2012, 05:47:15 pm
Quick question. Does anyone know if iMessaging exists when you travel outside the country, for example, when you're using wifi in Canada? Or does any text you send cost $.25? Just wondering if any of you gurus have any experience with it. Many thanks.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 20, 2012, 07:00:06 pm
Quick question. Does anyone know if iMessaging exists when you travel outside the country, for example, when you're using wifi in Canada? Or does any text you send cost $.25? Just wondering if any of you gurus have any experience with it. Many thanks.

I haven't set it up it in a while (February, I think), but when I did I went to settings and turned OFF the option that asks "Send iMessage as text if iMessage not available" or something like that.  That will save you the $.25 charge, but do note that this solution will only work to other iPhones/iPads that use iMessage.

Unlike Google Voice, you won't be able send SMS texts to non Apple phones in America over wifi from overseas.  Just iMessages to other iPhones/iPads.

If you have a Google Voice number, you can use Google Voice for SMS (but not MMS) overseas on wifi and text any phone in the US.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: bearman🐻 on June 21, 2012, 06:32:46 am
That confirms what I was thinking. You're the best. Thank you!
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: slappy on June 21, 2012, 11:53:03 am
Quick question. Does anyone know if iMessaging exists when you travel outside the country, for example, when you're using wifi in Canada? Or does any text you send cost $.25? Just wondering if any of you gurus have any experience with it. Many thanks.

I've used the Viber app (free) for texting from Mexico with no problems. Never used it for actual voice calls but some reviews say that were charged international rates. I also had it on 'Airplane Mode' to avoid roaming charges.

http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/viber-free-phone-calls-text/id382617920?mt=8 (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/viber-free-phone-calls-text/id382617920?mt=8)

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: lily1 on June 21, 2012, 12:15:32 pm
are there any drunk texting apps that actually work? the two i've tried require you to text thru the app which is obviously bs because no one is going to do that. plus it ok'd one of my messages when the content was clearly not something that should have gotten sent.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: stevewizzle on June 21, 2012, 12:45:19 pm
Quick question. Does anyone know if iMessaging exists when you travel outside the country, for example, when you're using wifi in Canada? Or does any text you send cost $.25? Just wondering if any of you gurus have any experience with it. Many thanks.

I haven't set it up it in a while (February, I think), but when I did I went to settings and turned OFF the option that asks "Send iMessage as text if iMessage not available" or something like that.  That will save you the $.25 charge, but do note that this solution will only work to other iPhones/iPads that use iMessage.

Unlike Google Voice, you won't be able send SMS texts to non Apple phones in America over wifi from overseas.  Just iMessages to other iPhones/iPads.

If you have a Google Voice number, you can use Google Voice for SMS (but not MMS) overseas on wifi and text any phone in the US.

when i was in central america, my messages would send as iMessages when i was connected to wifi.

when i was roaming (i.e. not on wifi), i would send messages and they would go out as regular text messages.

i shut international data roaming off, which is why they went as texts instead of iMessages. 

i spent ~$10 for an international texting plan for 50 text messages. 

i also made some calls while roaming for about $2 per minute.  that was a really, really stupid idea.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 21, 2012, 12:59:43 pm
are there any drunk texting apps that actually work? the two i've tried require you to text thru the app which is obviously bs because no one is going to do that. plus it ok'd one of my messages when the content was clearly not something that should have gotten sent.

Yes.  The power button.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: Jaguar on June 21, 2012, 01:09:51 pm
are there any drunk texting apps that actually work? the two i've tried require you to text thru the app which is obviously bs because no one is going to do that. plus it ok'd one of my messages when the content was clearly not something that should have gotten sent.

Plan on going out on a bender?  ;D ;)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: lily1 on June 21, 2012, 01:12:24 pm
i did, actually, a couple times, and it got me into trouble.  ;)

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: sweetcell on December 13, 2012, 12:25:38 pm
Google Maps returns to iOS as an app after Apple's removal
After months-long absence due to Apple's embarrassing removal of the feature from its mobile platform, Google's maps returns as a standalone app.

can someone (say, smackie) explain to me how apple was able to ban g-maps from the app store that entire time?  isn't that anti-competitive behavior?  the missus has an iphone and like millions of others she HATED apple maps.  she said that g-maps wasn't available in the app store, thus she was stranded with apple's disastrous app.  was google maps somehow not in the app store before and it came pre-loaded on the iphone? 
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on December 13, 2012, 01:54:58 pm
can someone (say, smackie) explain to me how apple was able to ban g-maps from the app store that entire time?  isn't that anti-competitive behavior?  the missus has an iphone and like millions of others she HATED apple maps.  she said that g-maps wasn't available in the app store, thus she was stranded with apple's disastrous app.  was google maps somehow not in the app store before and it came pre-loaded on the iphone? 

It's a little convoluted, but here you go....

So, G-Maps was originally contractually part of iOS through iOS 5 - it was not a stand alone App.  When iOS 6 came out, the contract had ended and neither party really wanted to renew the arrangement under the existing language, though Google probably would have. 

Here's why - Apple wanted more features in the iOS version that were comparable to Android's version.  Google said, nope, we're contractually obligated to supply this, this and this, but if you want more, we want more access to location based features in iOS itself.  Not surprisingly Apple declined, realized that Google was collecting heaps of data on iOS users that Apple wanted and thus Apple Maps was born.  Prematurely.

Google then rushed to do a complete redesign of the Application and ready it as part of a stand alone app, with a ton of new bells and whistles, that Apple wanted all along.  The difference of course is that Google no longer has access to the Maps required portions of iOS, but can now collect data from those that use Google Maps.

The big shock yesterday was not that it was approved - Apple would have brought the heat of fans and the FTC/FCC/[Insert Government agency here] had it done so.  The HUGE shock was that Google also released the G-Maps SDK (Software Developers Kit) for iOS the same day so ANYBODY who makes an app for iOS can use Google Maps instead of Apple Maps if they so choose.  I can't imagine an app maker choosing to use Apple's built in maps over Google Maps for the next couple of years.

Sure, Google doesn't have access to iOS built-in features that require mapping services, but they have opened access to anybody that want to add a mapping feature to a stand alone app to use Google Maps.  That's a big deal.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 03, 2013, 06:04:34 pm
This could be in the when reality reflects the onion thread...

Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on January 03, 2013, 06:26:16 pm
This could be in the when reality reflects the onion thread...


Hilarious (I love the first comment).  Did you ever get your Nexus 4?
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on January 03, 2013, 06:33:57 pm
This could be in the when reality reflects the onion thread...


Hilarious (I love the first comment).  Did you ever get your Nexus 4?
Got it and since ditched it.  Battery was killing me.  Just couldn't hang with it.  Other than that it was sweet.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: vansmack on June 08, 2013, 09:34:12 pm
Apple has deal with Sony, expect iRadio announcement next week:


Apple's Service is Expected to be free and iAd supported (http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/06/07/apples-pandora-killer-is-ready-for-prime-time.aspx)
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: chaz on December 15, 2014, 08:22:49 am
After many years of android, I've come back to iOS, just for kicks I think?

There's a lot that Android can do that this does not.

But golly I like it a lot for some reason.
Title: Re: iphone
Post by: hAtchsIde lııllı|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl on July 11, 2016, 03:37:44 pm
After many years of android, I've come back to iOS, just for kicks I think?

There's a lot that Android can do that this does not.

But golly I like it a lot for some reason.